Page 1: Hastings Community Education Advisory Council February 12, 2008 Fulfilling Minnesota’s Promise Sarah Dixon, Minnesota Alliance With Youth Kelly Amoth,

Hastings Community Education Advisory Council

February 12, 2008

Fulfilling Minnesota’s Promise

Sarah Dixon, Minnesota Alliance With YouthKelly Amoth, AmeriCorps Promise Fellow

Contact MN Alliance at: 612.616.1305 Visit our Website:

Page 2: Hastings Community Education Advisory Council February 12, 2008 Fulfilling Minnesota’s Promise Sarah Dixon, Minnesota Alliance With Youth Kelly Amoth,

President’s Summit

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Our VisionOur VisionAll young people in Minnesota are connected to their communities, have hope for the future, and are

able to realize their dreams.

Page 4: Hastings Community Education Advisory Council February 12, 2008 Fulfilling Minnesota’s Promise Sarah Dixon, Minnesota Alliance With Youth Kelly Amoth,

Mission of the Alliance

To ensure that all young people in Minnesota have access to the resources they need to be successful: caring adults; safe places; a healthy start; effective education; and opportunities to help others (the Five Promises)

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The Five Promises Work Research shows that the more of the Five

Promises that children receive, the more successful they are likely to be.

Children who receive the Five Promises are 5 to 10 times more likely to succeed as students, citizens, parents, and employees.

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Caring Adults

Caring adults who are actively involved in their lives – ongoing relationships with parents, mentors, tutors, coaches.

• 87% of young people say it is very important to have caring adults in their lives.• 45% of young people expressed a need for more adults they could turn to when they need help. • 15 million at-risk young people need a mentor.

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Safe Places

Safe places in which to learn and grow – with structured activities during non-school hours.

• 31% of young people do not feel safe walking around alone in their communities. •Between 7 and 15 million children are alone at home after school; the most juvenile crime takes place between 3-6pm.•We spend over $14 billion each year on juvenile justice.

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A Healthy Start

A healthy start towards adulthood – healthy bodies, minds, habits, & choices for a healthy start & healthy future.

• 92% of young people think it is important to pay attention to their health, yet 60% of teens admit that there are a lot of things they do that are not healthy. • Millions of young people lack health insurance and at least one child goes hungry in up to 50,000 American households on an average day.

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Effective Education

An effective education that builds marketable skills – development, motivation & skills for successful work and lifelong learning.

• 33% don’t think they are learning the skills they need to be successful in life. • American students rank in the bottom third of test scores in the world. • More than half a million young people leave school each year without a diploma, resulting in associated costs of $260 billion.

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Opportunities to Help Others

Opportunities to give back through community service – the chance to learn and make a difference through volunteering, leadership and service. • 94% of young people want to help their communities and make the world a better place.• Only 51% of all young people who want to help have been asked to do so. • 46% think community service and volunteering is boring.

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1. Ongoing relationships

with caring adults

1. Family support: Family life provides high levels of love and support. 3. Other adult relationships: Young person receives support from three or

more non-parent adults. 4. Caring neighborhood: Young person experiences caring neighbors. 7. Community values youth: Young person perceives that adults in

community value youth. 2. Safe places and

structured activities

10. Safety: Young person feels safe at home, school, and in the neighborhood.

17. Creative activities: Young person spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts.

18. Youth programs: Young person spends three hours or more per week in sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in community organizations.

19. Religious community: Young person spends one or more hours per week in activities in a religious institution.

3. A healthy start for a

healthy future

31. Restraint: Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or use alcohol or other drugs.

36. Peaceful conflict resolution: Young person seeks to resolve conflict non-violently.

38. Self-esteem: Young person reports having high self-esteem. 39. Sense of purpose: Young person reports “my life has a sense of

purpose.” 40. Positive view of the future: Young person is optimistic about her or his

personal future. 4. An effective education

resulting in marketable skills

21. Achievement motivation: Young person is motivated to do well in school. 22. School engagement: Young person is actively engaged in learning. 23. Homework: Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework

every school day. 24. Bonding to school: Young person cares about his or her school. 29. Honesty: Young person tells the truth even when it is not easy. 30. Responsibility: Young person has accepts and takes personal

responsibility. 32. Planning and decision-making: Young person knows how to plan ahead

and make choices. 33. Interpersonal competence: Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and

friendship skills. 34. Cultural competence: Young person has knowledge of and comfort with

young people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds. 5. Opportunities to serve

8. Youth given useful roles: Young people are given useful roles in the community.

9. Service to others: Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week.

26. Caring: Young person places high value on helping other people.

5 Promises & 40 Assets

Research conducted by the Search Institute identifies the 40 Developmental Assets as critical to ensuring positive youth development.

The Five Promises framework is consistent with the 40 Assets framework.

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American Dream GapAmerican Dream Gap

Young people say they value and want more guidance from adults,

more challenges and higher expectations from their schools,

and more opportunities to contribute to their communities.

(Voices Study, America’s Promise & Child Trends, Inc.)

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American Dream Gap

The Promise of America is the American Dream – the idea that anyone can be anybody or do anything that they want. (Voices Study, America’s Promise & Child Trends, Inc.)

95% of young people believe that “kids can grow up to be anything they want in America” and had set goals for their future.

However, 42% of youth doubted if they would achieve their goals.

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Too Many Young People Lack Resources for Success

Only 31% of our young people today are receiving enough of the fundamental resources, the Five Promises, necessary for success.(National Promises Study, America’s Promise & Search Institute)

1000s of youth in MN have lost services over the past few years due to declining in funding, with 25% of nonprofits saying they are serving fewer youth because of these funding reductions. (MN Council of Nonprofits)

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Social Return on Investment

An effective comprehensive program costing around $9,000 per participant can return benefits of from $4 to $9 for every dollar of cost. (Wilder Research)

There is a 16% long-term return on each dollar invested in children – compared to a 7% return on the stock market. For example, a 1% increase in high school graduation rates would yield $1.8 billion in social benefits and reduce the number of crimes nationwide by 94,000.(Art Rolnick, Mpls. Federal Reserve Bank)

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Social Return on Investment

When disadvantaged children go to a quality preschool the graduation rate from high school is 65%. When support continues through childhood and adolescents the graduation rate increases to 91%. (University of Chicago)

It costs taxpayers almost $2 million dollars in criminal justice costs, victim costs, drug abuse related costs, lost wages and taxes for each young person that drops out of school and embraces a life of crime and drug use.(Vanderbilt University)

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Key Strategies of the Alliance

Connect & Mobilize Partner OrganizationsConnect & Mobilize Partner Organizations to build capacity around the resources young people need to be successful

Create, connect, and strengthen School- Create, connect, and strengthen School- Community PartnershipsCommunity Partnerships to build capacity around the Five Promises

Increase opportunities for youth voice, youth Increase opportunities for youth voice, youth engagement, and academic successengagement, and academic success

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Connecting & Mobilizing Partner Organizations

• Identifying programs and resources from statewide and national partners to share with schools & communities.

• Providing opportunities for networking and collaboration for statewide organizations.

• Sharing needs assessments, best practices & great ideas from schools & communities.

• Building capacity to deliver the Five Promises through a Statewide Partner Promise Fellow Corps

• Modeling and providing a source of youth voice & youth action with a statewide Youth Advisory Council

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Strengthening School-Community Partnerships

• Providing opportunities for networking and collaboration.

• Sharing programs and resources from state and national partners.

• Collecting and sharing best practices & great ideas from schools & communities.

• Recognizing and celebrating school & community success.

• Supporting schools & communities in engaging and supporting young people.

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Increasing Youth Voice Youth Engagement & Academic Success

Increasing youth civic engagement through:• Youth Leadership Opportunities & Development• Youth Service & Service Learning• Authentic Youth-Adult PartnershipsSupporting youth civic engagement through:• Sharing Civic Engagement Best Practices, Great

Ideas, Programs and Resources for Youth Engagement

• Providing opportunities for youth voice & youth action

• Recognizing and Celebrating Young People

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Youth Voice & Youth Action

Statewide Youth Advisory Council Lieutenant Governor’s Red Wagon Awards Delta Dental Serve a Smile Program for

National & Global Youth Service Day Promise Fellow Service-Learning & Civic

Engagement Programs Resources: My Voice, Connecting is Key,

Power of 5, 5 Promises Ambassadors Network

Online Youth Program Directory

Page 22: Hastings Community Education Advisory Council February 12, 2008 Fulfilling Minnesota’s Promise Sarah Dixon, Minnesota Alliance With Youth Kelly Amoth,

AmeriCorps Promise Fellows in Minnesota

The Alliance hosts the AmeriCorps Promise Fellows, who work with partners, schools and communities across the state, building capacity around our key strategies to fulfill the Five Promises for every young person in Minnesota.

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The work of the Fellows Coordinate volunteers to serve as

mentors, tutors, and on service projects with youth

Develop key partnerships between schools, communities, and parents

Engage young people in service, service-learning, and leadership activities

Involve youth in developing collaborations within their communities

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AmeriCorps Promise Fellows

Over the last three years, Fellows have:

Directly served over 129,000 young people Recruited 17,000 youth volunteers serving

over 112,000 hours in their communities. Recruited over 10,900 adult volunteers

serving over 146,000 hours working with youth.

Supported mentoring, tutoring, and service learning programs that led to improved academic performance in 69% of participants. 

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How does it work in communities?

Example of Multi-Sector Collaborations:

Northfield Healthy Community Initiative, Northfield, MN

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Northfield Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) Formed in 1992 Original partners – City of Northfield,

Northfield Public Schools, and Northfield Hospital; expanded over the years

Strength-based approach to youth development – 40 assets and 5 Promises

Over the past 5 years, HCI has Over the past 5 years, HCI has helped bring in nearly helped bring in nearly $2 million$2 million from outside the community to from outside the community to benefit youth effortsbenefit youth efforts

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HCI Overview Not about running programs – they convene,

connect, & mobilize

Identify gaps and opportunities around youth issues in the community – help fill these gaps and take advantage of opportunities

Bring partners together to expand mentoring opportunities, after school options, graduation initiatives, and school/community connectedness

They are an umbrella for other things to happen…

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HCI Initiatives – YOUTH

Northfield Mentoring Coalition Mayor’s Youth Council Familias en Accion/TORCH Middle School Youth Center Youth Sports Collaborative YouthPlus

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HCI Initiatives – PARENTS

Parent Education and Resource Liaisons (PEARLs)

Parent Communication Network Parenting Events Parent Resource Carts

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HCI Initiatives – Community & Capacity Building

Rice County Chemical Health Coalition Fundraising for youth organizations Mini-grants to projects that build youth

assets Recognition/celebration community

events Continuing education events

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HCI Impact in Northfield

Mentoring matches have increased by 65% in past 4 years

Youth substance use has decreased More after school opportunities for

youth Latino graduation rates increasing More opportunities for youth to have

voice in community dialogues

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Northfield Mayor’s Youth Council

Formed in spring 2006 13 high school students - diverse group! Mayor appoints and City Council approves City-level commission (like other city boards) Charge: To provide youth input into civic affairs

and to work on initiatives that positively impact Northfield youth

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Key Outcomes for the Alliance

Promoting a common vision for Minnesota community-wide youth development. o Increased number of volunteers (Youth &

Adults) serving their communities.o Increased number of opportunities for

leadership, service, and civic engagement. o Increased number of communities working

collaboratively WITH Youth.

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“The Little Red Wagon – a symbol of childhood. It could be filled with a child’s hopes and dreams or weighed down with their burdens. Millions of American children need our help to pull that wagon along. Let’s all pull together.”

“We have no choice but to keep moving in this direction, to keep giving of our resources, our time, our talent, and our energy – because the need is still there. The need is still great. There are still youngsters who are looking to use for a promise.”

–Colin Powell, Founding Chairman, America’s Promise

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