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Technical communication capstoneCreated and presented by Erika Hartley for TWC 490

Welcome to my Technical Communication Capstone project for TWC 490. My name is Erika Hartley. I created this portfolio as proof of my knowledge and use of the Technical Communication Program Outcomes as defined by the program at Arizona State University. This portfolio will examine my proficiency and my diversity as a technical writer.1

OutcomesRhetorical KnowledgeCritical Thinking, Reading and WritingProcessesKnowledge of Conventions

These outcomes include:Rhetorical Knowledge,Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing,Processes, andKnowledge of Conventions.I will prove my understanding of the program outcomes by sharing artifacts created during my tenure at Arizona State University and explaining how I used the knowledge I have gained to create or improve the documents.


Rhetorical Knowledge

Rhetorical Knowledge:In this section, I will use the following artifacts as proof of my understanding and ability to achieve the Rhetorical Knowledge program outcomes:an evaluation report, a brochure, anda grant proposal.3

Evaluation report: TWC 484 InternshipIdentify, articulate, and focus on a defined purposeRespond to the need of the appropriate audienceUse conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situationAdopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality Write in multiple genres Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it

I created this evaluation report as part of my Technical Communication Internship with Mending Kids International. On the cover page, I identify the focus of the report: Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International. On page two, I articulate the defined purpose of the report in the opening paragraph, easily identified by the heading of the paragraph.

The Executive Director of Mending Kids International requested a report that would evaluate potential grant opportunities for their organization. I responded to the needs of Mending Kids by narrowing the list of potential funders to those who would support international medical missions. I listed the top ten opportunities in alphabetical order by foundation name, providing contact information, the foundations mission statement, their funding guidelines and information regarding the application process and deadlines.

I was able to respond appropriately to different rhetorical situations within the same report by dividing it into these three distinct sections: Grant Opportunities, Appendix A, a table of other potential funders that might be appropriate depending on the location of the mission or the scope of future projects, and Appendix B, a list of Spanish-language websites that could be reviewed by Spanish-speaking staff members of the organization for further potential funding.I used conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation by using consistent format within each section of the report, but making sure each section was easily identifiable as a distinct part of the report. The evaluation report has an appropriately formal tone and level of formality and represents one of the many genres represented throughout this presentation. This evaluation report was created to inform the audience, in this case the Executive Director, the Board of Directors and the Development Team, about potential funders. I persuade the readers to use the information that I provide to make a decision on where they would like to submit grant proposals.


Valley Metro Brochure TWC 411Write in multiple genres Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing, and communicating information Use appropriate technologies to organize, present, and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres

This brochure was created to encourage busy working adults to use the Valley Metro System as an alternate form of transportation. With this purpose in mind, I stated the problem on the cover along with a matching visual. On the following page the solution is revealed in the heading, with bullet points detailing the convenience of Valley Metro. I obtained the information related to Valley Metro from their website along with some of the images. I also obtained some stock images, which were used to create the effect on the cover of a man standing in rush hour traffic by using Photoshop and InDesign software.


Grant proposal TWC 443Write in multiple genres Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose Respond appropriately to different rhetorical situations Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it

The grant proposal is designed to convince a potential funder to support a specific project or organization. In this example, the title of the project is listed on the cover, along with the amount of money requested, and the purpose of the request. As a writer, it is my job to make a cohesive, convincing argument for how the purpose of the project aligns with the mission of the funder. By outlining the problem, solution and specific goals and objectives, I was able to create a successful grant proposal.6

Rhetorical KnowledgeUnderstand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing, and communicating informationUse appropriate technologies to organize, present, and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres

These artifacts also show that I understand the role of a variety of technologies and media in accessing, retrieving, managing and communicating information. Both the evaluation report and the grant proposal are examples of documents created with Microsoft Word. The evaluation report also incorporates spanning tables created in Excel and then merged into the Word document. Also, I highlight my ability to obtain information through internet research, explained in the footnotes of my grant proposal and in my explanation of my research in the evaluation report. The Valley Metro brochure was created with both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. I was able to locate appropriate stock images, as well as images provided by the Valley Metro website.By making these choices in use of software, I believe I have shown my ability to choose appropriate technologies to organize, present and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes and genres.


Critical Thinking, Reading and writing

Critical Thinking, Reading and WritingIn this section, I will use the following artifacts as proof of my understanding and ability to achieve the Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing program outcomes:Usability Report,Grant Proposal, andFeasibility Report


Usability Report TWC 301Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating

The purpose of the usability report was to describe the website, discuss any issues and offer suggestions. I created this short paper by reading the content on the website, learning about its purpose and how its interactive components worked. Using the information gathered from that experience, I thought about what did not work and how it could be improved. I then communicated that information in the report.


Grant proposal TWC 401Understand that research and writing is a series of tasks, including accessing, retrieving, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate data and information from sources that vary in content, format, structure, and scope

The purpose of the grant proposal was to obtain funding to help improve the special education department for the Maricopa Unified School district. When creating this Grant Proposal, I accessed the Arizona Department of Education website and retrieved a variety of statistics about the Maricopa Unified School District and other Unified School Districts in the surrounding area. I evaluated and analyzed the data, explaining the information in paragraphs and in tables. The data was obtained from reports created by district officials in the special education department, as well as school district budgets. I then used the data to offer solutions to the issues facing the special education department at MUSD.


Feasibility report TWC 401Understand the relationships among language, knowledge, and power including social, cultural, historical, and economic issues related to information, writing, and technology Recognize, understand, and analyze the context within which language, information, and knowledge are produced, managed, organized, and disseminatedIntegrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others

After the voters rejected a budget override, the citizens of the City of Maricopa still bemoaned the state of the school district. With pressure to cut spending while maintaining and improving the quality of the schools coming from the community, I created this feasibility report to discuss the costs and benefits of hiring a grant writer for the Maricopa Unified School district. By researching a variety of websites and analyzing the data available, I was able to summarize that information, giving the district the power to make an informed decision based on the most current data. I recognized the need for additional funding, understood and analyzed the budget constraints of the district, and was able to produce a report appropriate to that context. I was able to incorporate my belief that the district needed a full-time grant writer with my research and concluded that solution might not be feasible, or even necessary, given the budget restraints.



ProcessesIn this section, I will use the following artifacts as proof of my understanding and ability to achieve the Processes program outcomes:

Mending Kids Marketing Packet and Final Project for TWC 421


project early iterations TWC 421

Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text

I created a series of four posters and a brochure with a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign to help promote the brand of Mending Kids International and draw prospective donors to the website or to contact the organization. I created anywhere from 3-5 iterations of each poster and 5 iterations of the brochure.


Project early iterations TWC 421Develop research and writing strategies appropriate to the context and situationDevelop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading

Because the photographs of the children used in the poster create an emotional impact, I felt that by allowing statistics to speak for themselves would keep the documents from seeming manipulative. Throughout the semester, both the look and content of the posters changed, due to feedback from classmates, friends and co-workers.


final iterations TWC 421Develop research and writing strategies appropriate to the context and situation Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes Learn to critique their own and others' worksLearn to balance the advantages of relying on others with the responsibility of doing their part

The research I did to find the statistics allowed me to rethink my initial strategy and lead me to the final document. Throughout the semester, we gave feedback to classmates on their projects and received feedback on ours. By critiquing the projects of my classmates, I found it easier to critique my own project. By presenting my peer reviewers with specific questions about wording, color choices and emotional impact, I was able to get a sense of how my project might be perceived, but ultimately made my own decisions on the final outcome.


Final presentation twc 421Use appropriate technologies to manage data and information collected or generated for future use Understand research and writing as an open process that permits writers to use later invention and re-thinking to revise their work

The final project was a PowerPoint presentation in which I reviewed my work from the semester, the changes I made and discussed in what ways I was successful and what I would do differently. I was able to use the numerous drafts I saved to create the final project and to display the changes that were made in the packet along the way.16

Knowledge of conventions

Knowledge of Conventions

In this section, I will use the following artifacts as proof of my understanding and ability to achieve the Knowledge of Conventions program outcomes:

a technical report and a poster.


Technical report TWC 431Learn common formats for different genres Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics Learn standard tools for accessing and retrieving information Apply appropriate means of documenting their work Control such surface features as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling

In the technical report, I used common format conventions, such as a cover page, heads, secondary heads, a running header, page numbers, white space above the heads, standard paragraphs, and a works cited page.

The report has a logical structure, including an introduction, a section defining technical editing, comparing technical editing to copyediting, defining grant proposals, explaining how technical editing can strengthen a grant proposal, a conclusion, and a works cited page. The tone is formal and informational.

While researching this document, I accessed and retrieved information from the internet using boolean and standard searches of peer-reviewed articles, news stories and websites. I then documented the information I collected on the works cited page. Much time was spent proofreading and editing the document.


Valley Metro poster TWC 411Learn common formats for different genres Learn and apply appropriate standards, laws, policies, and accepted practices for the use of a variety of technologies Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics

While creating this poster for Valley Metro, I used a one page layout created in Adobe InDesign.

I learned and apply appropriate standards, laws, policies, and accepted practices for the use of a variety of technologies, including downloading and using stock photos when images from the Valley Metro website did not provide the type of image I needed when creating their poster.

While creating the poster, I chose colors and images that set the tone of action and nightlife. The tone of the poster is much more casual than that of a technical report. 19

Thank you.

Thank you for watching my capstone portfolio. I hope I was able to show my knowledge of the program outcomes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professors and my classmates for helping me grow as a writer during my time at ASU. Finally, I would like to thank my family. Without their sacrifices, I would not have been able to complete this journey.20

Mending Kids International

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International Evaluation Report

Erika Hartley 4/14/2010

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Introduction and purpose of report The purpose of this report is to summarize my research of possible funding opportunities for Mending Kids International. I reviewed over 200 corporations and private foundations to find the ten opportunities whose programs and funding guidelines best align with the mission of Mending Kids International. I researched the following websites to find the best available matches: ,, Wikipedia (Charitable Foundations), and In this report, I will summarize the mission statement and background, funding guidelines and the application process and deadlines for each of the ten funders. The information collected was based on the funders websites and their 990 tax forms. At the end of this report, I have included two appendices I hope will helpful in the future. Appendix A includes a list of 15 other funding possibilities that may be appropriate down the road, depending on the geographical location of the missions, or perhaps to support training or capital improvements. Appendix B is a list of Spanish-language funding sites that might also be helpful in securing funding for missions in Latin America.

Grant Opportunities

Build-a-Bear Foundation 1954 Innerbelt Business Center Drive St. Louis, MO 63114 314-423-8000 [email protected] Mission Statement The Build-a-Bear Foundation supports programs and organizations that provide direct support for children and families in the areas of health and wellness. Funding guidelines The Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation supports organizations based in the United States and Canada, with organizations located near Build-a-Bear Workshop stores receiving top priority. United States organizations requesting funding, must be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, and must not be a private foundation or supporting organization defined within Code Sections 509(a)(1)-(a)(3). Applications and deadlines Online grant requests are currently being accepted and are reviewed throughout the year. It takes approximately 90 days for a grant to be reviewed and processed, with all grant applicants receiving notification of the boards decision via e-mail. Grants will be a one-time contribution and range from $1,000 USD to $10,000. The average grant is $1,500. Grant requests should be in line with an organizations overall budget.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Del E. Webb Foundation P.O. Box 2427 Prescott, AZ 86302-2427 928-445-9699 Background and mission The mission of the Foundation is to support organizations that are primarily involved in providing formal medical services, medical research, or medical education and are located in the states of Arizona, California or Nevada. Funding guidelines The Foundation makes grants only to non-profit organizations operating educational, medical services and medical research facilities in the states of Arizona, Nevada and California. When the Foundation considers a grant to an organization, 100% of the grant money must be used for the purpose stated in the application. No fees for overhead, asset management, fundraising costs or percentages to development personnel may be taken out of the grant money. If it is the formal position of an organization that some percentage of grant monies is always deducted for some purpose other than what is stated in the application, the grant will be denied. Application procedures and deadlines The initial contact with the Foundation should be made through a brief 1-page letter of intent, stating who the Organization is, how much is needed and what it is needed for. A copy of the IRS Determination letter should be attached. A Demographic Information Form needs to be downloaded from the website and attached, as well. Within 1 week you will receive a written response stating either that the Foundation cannot give your request further consideration or you will be invited to submit a formal proposal which the Foundation must receive within 90 days from the invitation. The LOI and attachments should be mailed to the office at the address above. A formal grant application will include the following items:

A completed Application Form.

A statement of your MISSION, history, and current activities.

A statement of the NEED for your project.

A list of all officers and directors/trustees.

A statement from your CEO authorizing submission of this grant request.

A detailed description of the project, including: o The TOTAL cost of the project o How much of the project will be funded by this grant o The sources and amounts of all other funds committed to or solicited for this project o A time schedule for project completion o If the grant is primarily for equipment, a list of the equipment including description, supplier, and cost

Finally, a copy of the most recently completed audited financial statements, not older than 15 months, including a signed copy of the Independent Auditor's Report cover letter showing the name and address of the company who completed the audit, together with all the accompanying notes. Financial statements prepared by other than independent auditors must be signed by two officers of the Board of Directors or Trustees. All accompanying notes to the statements must be included. If you do not have audited statements, include current internal financial statements.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Dorothea Ross Haus Foundation 1036 Monroe Avenue Rochester, NY 14620 ATTN: Wayne S. Cook, Ph.D. Foundation Executive 585-473-6006 [email protected] Mission Statement The Ross Foundation provides direct aid and assistance to vulnerable children, including those who are ill, orphaned, disabled, injured, disfigured, abused and malnourished or have limited access to education. Funding guidelines The Ross Foundation provides financial assistance to organizations that are qualified under the laws of the United States as a charitable organization for projects that directly benefit vulnerable children. We typically do not fund day-to-day operations, individuals, conferences, day care, or public education. The Ross Foundation is most interested in projects which it can fully fund or nearly fund with the grant amount. The Ross Foundation is less interested in larger projects or capital campaigns that are better left to larger foundations and organizations. Application procedures and deadlines Submit LOI: You may email a one-page summary (English only) outlining who you are, location of grant, project description, and amount of your request to [email protected]. Please note, this is the only application step that may be done online. The grant application must include the following:

1. Five copies of the application including a project budget and an organization budget 2. One copy of the Financial Report for the last two years 3. One copy of the IRS Letter approving Section 501(c)(3) status which must be in full force and effect 4. One copy of the Annual Report 5. One copy of other sources and amounts of financial support (past, present and anticipated future support) 6. One copy of the List of individuals or entities who are Directors or Trustees, and their affiliations. 7. One copy of Key personnel with qualifications

Board of Trustees meetings: February, May, August, November

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Integra Foundation 311 Enterprise Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536 609-936-2494 [email protected] Background and Mission Statement The Integra Foundation is dedicated to advancing innovative medical and healthcare research and education, primarily in the areas of neurosurgery, reconstructive and general surgery, that lead to improved outcome and quality of life for patients and their communities. The mission of the Integra Foundation is clearly defined by our commitment to the members of the clinical, scientific and lay communities who dedicate their lives to the prevention and treatment of injuries, diseases and conditions that require the medical intervention of physicians practicing in the fields of: neurosurgery, reconstructive surgery and general surgery. The results of the programs supported by the Integra Foundation reiterate our commitment to those who need medical care, and further our goals of improving healthcare and building healthier communities. Funding guidelines The foundation funds tax-exempt public and private charities and professional organizations that satisfy the requirements of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, national health-care organizations and community organizations where our employees live and work. Application procedures and deadlines Applicants must submit a Grant Application Form, a copy of the organization's letter from the Internal Revenue Service in which 501(1) (3) status is granted, and attachments as specified in the application form. There is no deadline for grant requests. Proposals are reviewed on a continuous basis. Final approval for grants of $10,000 or higher is made by the foundation's board of directors, which meets in February, May, August and November. Supporting Documentation Requested

IRS tax-exempt 501(c) (3) letter

Budget for Organization and the Project/Program

Latest Annual Report, if available

Financial statement from most recently completed fiscal year, whether audited or unaudited

List of officers and directors of the organization and their bios/affiliations

List of donors/supporters for Organization

List of donors/supporters for Project

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Stavros Niarchos Foundation

SNF USA, Inc. 645 Madison Avenue Suite 2200 New York, NY 10022 Background The Stavros Niarchos Foundation, an international philanthropic organization, makes grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and medicine, and social welfare. While prominent in its support of Greek-related initiatives, the Foundations activities are worldwide in scope. The Foundation funds institutions and projects that exhibit strong leadership and sound management and that have the potential to achieve a broad and lasting impact. We encourage grantees to collaborate, and we work closely with them to monitor their progress. In addition, the Foundation actively seeks to support projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as effective means for serving public welfare. Funding guidelines As indicated in the Mission Statement, within its four program areas arts and culture, education, health and medicine, and social welfare the Stavros Niarchos Foundation makes grants for operating and program support as well as for select capital projects and endowments. No grants are made to individuals. Application procedures and deadlines The Directors suggest prospective applicants initially submit a brief letter of inquiry describing the organization seeking funds, the proposed program or project and the funding requested. Inquiries may be submitted at any time and all written inquiries will receive a response. Full proposals will be requested at the discretion of the Directors, at which time applicants will be asked to provide all relevant required information.

Tesco Charity Trust Michelina Filocco Secretary Tesco House Delamare Road Cheshunt Herts EN8 9SL Background The Tesco Charity Trust considers requests for funding from charities working with: Childrens welfare and education Elderly peoples welfare Adults and children with disabilities The Trust gives one-off donations ranging between 4,000 and 25,000. Our focus is to fund practical equipment and resources which leave a lasting legacy in the local communities where we operate locally, nationally and internationally. Funding guidelines We do not provide funds for salaries or travel overseas. A certain amount of budget is available at each Tesco Charity Trust meeting. However the number of donation requests we receive always exceeds the funds available. Therefore some good applications, while meeting our criteria, may have to be refused.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Application procedures and deadlines To apply for a Trust meeting grant and for information on deadlines for applying, please email [email protected] with details of your project. If your project fits within our criteria we will send you an application form. If you would like to write - please address your letter to Michelina Filocco at the address above with giving details of your project and clearly stating that you wish to apply for a Trust meeting grant.

The Ambrose Monell Foundation George Rowe, Jr., President c/o Fulton, Rowe & Hart One Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 301 New York, NY 10020-2002 212-586-0700 [email protected] Background and mission Voluntarily aiding and contributing to religious, charitable, scientific, literary, and educational uses and purposes, in New York, elsewhere in the United States and throughout the world. Funding guidelines The Ambrose Monell Foundation funds only those organizations that are qualified to receive charitable grants under the United States Internal Revenue Code and applicable regulations. Application procedures and deadlines The initial contact with the Foundation should be made through a Letter of Inquiry. They are accepted year-round, should not be more than three pages long and should include the following:

The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number for the organization, and for the primary contact person for the request;

The mission and a brief background statement about the organization;

The use to which the funds will be put;

The amount to be requested. The Foundation does not provide updates or status reports for LOIs. The review process for LOIs takes approximately 4-6 weeks. Applicants will be contacted by the Foundation only if the LOI receives a favorable response. At that time, the Foundation will request a detailed proposal and, if helpful, schedule a meeting with the prospective grantee. Proposals are to be submitted only upon invitation unsolicited proposals will not be reviewed. We do not require proposals to be in a specific format. The proposal should include:

The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number for the organization, and for the primary contact person for the request;

A fuller description of the organization, including a brief history and its mission;

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


The use to which the funds will be put. If not seeking funding for general operating purposes, include a summary of the project or program for which you are seeking funding;

The amount requested;

The time when the funds will be needed;

Current financial statements. Proposals are reviewed by the Board of Directors twice a year, once in June and once in December. In order to be reviewed in June, proposals should be received by April 30th and to be reviewed in December, by October 31st.

The Lawrence Foundation 530 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 207 Santa Monica, CA 90401 1-310-451-1567 [email protected] Background and mission The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, education, human services and other causes. The Lawrence Foundation was established by Jeff Lawrence and Diane Troth (husband and wife) in 2000 with some of the proceeds received from the acquisition of Trillium Digital Systems (a company Jeff co-founded) by Intel Corporation in 2000. Funding guidelines The foundation is focused on making grants to support environmental, education, human services and other causes although our interests are fairly diverse and may lead us into other areas on an occasional basis. We make both program and operating grants and do not have any geographic restrictions on our grants. Nonprofit organizations that qualify for public charity status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or public schools and libraries are eligible for contributions or grants. Application procedures and deadlines Grants are awarded twice a year. Grant applications may be made by any organization that wishes to be considered for a grant and meets our grant guidelines. Grant applications are due either April 30 or October 31. The grant application process is fairly simple and is initiated by submitting a grant application using the Common Grant Application. If the application is received by April 30, funding will be received by June 30.

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Toys R Us Childrens Fund [email protected] Background and mission The core philanthropic mission of Toys"R"Us, Inc. is to keep children safe and help them in times of need. The Toys"R"Us Childrens Fund is a public charity affiliated with Toys"R"Us, Inc. Since it was founded in 1992, the Toys"R"Us Childrens Fund has contributed millions of dollars annually to qualified organizations that keep children safe and help them in times of need, including those providing disaster relief to children and families who are victims of large-scale crises. The Fund also provides grants to leading organizations that support children with special needs. Funding guidelines The Fund does not offer grants or product donations to individuals or to families directly. They support tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations as defined by IRS Code 501(c) (3). They do not support programs that do not focus their efforts on children's issues. Application procedures and deadlines If your organization falls within the parameters set forth above, your request for a grant is welcome. All donations must be made in writing 90 days prior to the date in which the donation is needed. Please email [email protected] with the following information:

TAX ID: Your tax ID number and the state where you are formally registered as a not-for-profit/tax exempt organization as defined by IRS Code 501(c) (3).

SUMMARY: A 200-word targeted summary about your organization, including what you do, who you help, and where you receive your primary funding.

REQUEST: Your specific request (product or grant, the specific amount needed) and why the request is needed at this time.

WHO WILL BENEFIT: Who your request will help, including the age range of children who will benefit. WEBSITE: Link to your organizations website. Please do NOT send attachments of any kind.

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Verizon Foundation 800-360-7955 [email protected] (This is a cyber-foundation. They request no paper mail correspondence.) Background and Mission Statement Verizons Safety and Health goal is to increase safety, advance healthcare and improve quality of life for individuals and families in every community. The Foundations focus is on programs that prevent domestic violence, help underserved populations access information on critical health issues, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers, improve the lives of people with disabilities and teach children and adults how to use the Internet safely. Funding guidelines 501(c) (3) non-profits and elementary and secondary schools are eligible for grants from the Foundation. Organizations cannot duplicate or overlap with the work of public agencies; they cannot discriminate, must keep books available for independent outside audit, comply with laws regarding registration and reporting and observe the highest standards of business conduct in its relationship with the public. Application procedures and deadlines Applications are accepted online between January 1 and October 31. There are instructions for what to expect from the online application on Aspects of the proposal include the organizations mission and goals, leadership, vision and strategy, financials, budget versus amount requested and how the dollars are invested with the communities that are served.

Conclusion Over the next month, I will be submitting to you five Letters of Inquiry, completed grant applications and/or completed grant proposals, based on the requirements of the following foundations listed above: Del E. Webb Foundation, Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation, Integra Foundation, The Ambrose Monell Foundation and The ToysR Us Childrens Fund. With each submission, I will submit a memo summarizing any additional documentation or information that will be needed to complete the proposal. If you have any questions in reference to this report, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to our continued collaboration. Erika Hartley Arizona State University

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Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International



Company Name/ Contact

InformationMission Funding Priorities Guidelines Types of Support

3M Foundation Our goal is to positively impact 3M K-12 Education Only organizations located in a 3M Cash, Product Donations

Plant Manager communities. We look for initiatives w ith Higher Education community are eligible. (Philippines,

9/F Three World Square defined and measurable results that Health & Human Services Ecuador)

#22 Upper McKinley Road target underserved populations. Arts & Culture

McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio

Taguig City

1634 Philippines

Phone: +63 2 878-3674

Abbott Fund Improving Access to Health Care: Global AIDS Care 501 (c)(3) public charity Not Specif ied

100 Abbott Park Road Working in partnership w ith not-for-profit Improving Access to Health Care Grant requests not to exceed $100,000

D379/AP6D organizations, w e seek to provide Science and Medical Innovation Organizations must demonstrate

Abbott Park, IL 60064 innovative solutions to the health care Community Vitality solid f inancial and program management challenges confronted by disadvantaged and be w illing to share f inancial and

populations w orldw ide, giving special program audit reports upon request

consideration to programs addressing Minimum Grant size required $20,000

unmet healthcare needs.

Alcoa Foundation Community Health & Safety: Sustainable Environment Projects designed to produce measur- Direct Service: Alcoa Foundation

Aerospace Products Alcoa Foundation is focused on ensuring Building Tomorrow s Workforce and able, long-term results, that can be invests in organizations that are focused

Simi Valley children and their families have the know ledge, Leaders effectively implemented and ultimately on improving the lives of those they

3990 A Heritage Oak Court tools and services to remain healthy and safe Community Health & Safety continued w ithout our funding, can be serve and the communities in w hich they

Simi Valley, CA 93063 at home, in the community and in the w orkplace. Community Capacity & Resilience replicated and shared w ith other orgs live and w ork. Ex. Projects that increase

http://w w w To contribute to healthy communities w orldw ide looking to produce similar results, access to healthcare (prevention and

w e focus on investments that broaden access demonstrate commitment to inclusion treatment)

to healthcare and social services, improve the of diverse an/or under-represented

quality and effectiveness of those services, populations. Capacity Building

prevent injuries, and promote w ellness at every Disaster Relief

stage of life.

ArcelorMittal To promote ArcelorMittal's commitment to the Health and Safety Health & Safety: Not Specif ied

19, avenue de la Liberte' local communities w here the Group operates Education programs that support mentoring and

2930 Luxembourg and to contribute to their development in a Social Promotion safe environments for disadvantaged

Telephone + 352 4792 2175 sustainable manner. Emergency Aid youth; learning environments free of

w w w mental health and drug abuse and focus

[email protected] on healthy lifestyles are given priority;

programs that provide access to health-

care to disadvantaged populations may

also be considered

Atkinson Foundation Helping individuals and families achieve Non-profits in San Mateo County that

1720 So. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 100 independent and rew arding lives. provide direct services to the

San Mateo, CA 94402-2710 underserved residents.

650-357-1101 Schools in San Mateo County.

http://w w w United Methodist Church.

[email protected] US nonprofits providing assistance,

support and training in Mexico and

Central America.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Deadlines Initial Method of Contact What to include in Grant RequestAdditional Documentation


Not Specif ied Letter of Intent Not Specif ied Not Specif ied

January-October Online eligibility quiz Demonstrate measurable results or Not Specif ied Preference given to programs that:

Decision notif ication 6-8 w eeks Online grant application health outcomes Seek to apply scientif ic expertise to

Create potential for program replication improve health care in the developing

by other funders w orld or that involve rare diseases;

Utilize innovative and sustainable Contain a signif icant training component;

approaches Focus on minimizing health disparities

Not Specif ied Send concept paper to grant contact What w ill be the result from this proposed Not Specif ied Results w e seek in this priority focus area:

through e-mail. grant and how w ill w e know it has been Increases in the number of individuals that

achieved? How likely is it that the results engage in improved health behavior/

can be achieved? Is this the best practices as a result of health aw areness

possible use of Alcoa Foundation funds efforts; improvements in organizational

given other opportunities before us? effectiveness and eff iciency leading to

enhanced delivery of community health

Minimum request: $15,000 services; increases in the availability and

use of social services to stabilize the lives

of at-risk individuals and families.

For grants exceeding $3,500 or for 1-2 page LOI submitted via w ebsite Not Specif ied Locations in US are East Coast and

those that support more than one Midw est, so it might be better to send LOI to

community, review s are conducted International location at e-mail. They do

quarterly. Declinations w ill be commu- have a location in Ecuador.

nicated by postcard w ithin tw o w eeks of

review ; approvals w ill be communicated

via e-mail w ith tw o w eeks of review and

grant distributions follow w ithin a three

w eek period.

Grant Request Cover Sheet Program/Project Budget Requests are view ed more favorably if

February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1 It is suggested that orgs contact the Orgs name, address, phone number List of funding sources they are for specif ic purposes. Additional

Foundation by phone prior to submission Name of president, executive director Copy of IRS letter show ing tax-exempt positive factors include: demonstration

of grant request to ascertain w hether or and/or person to be contacted in status of cooperation w ith other donors/service

not the request is w ithin current guide- connection w ith the proposal. Any supplementary info providers, indication of community support

lines, and to determine status of Name and primary aff iliations of off icers and potential for replication.

applicable funding cycle. and directors of orgs and indication

that the proposal has approval of the Grants are betw een $5,000-$15,000

governing body.

Brief history/statement of current goals Documents should be single-sided

and activities of organization Four copies of any supplemental

Program description: Demonstration materials

of need, population to be served,

objectives and outcomes, description

of staff qualif ications, method of eval

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International



Company Name/ Contact

InformationMission Funding Priorities Guidelines Types of Support

Bank of America Foundation We are committed to creating meaningful Community Development Supports most tax-exempt, nonprofit Not specif ied

1-800-218-9946 change in the communities w e serve through Education/Youth Development orgs that serve communities located

http://w w w our philanthropic efforts, associate Health and Human Services across our franchise, and align w ith

volunteerism, community development Arts & Culture Community Funding Priorities

activities and investing, support of arts and

culture programming and environmental


Kresge Foundation Creating opportunity Health 501 (c )(3) non profits Facilities capital, grow th capital,

3215 West Big Beaver Road Community impact The environment operating support, program support,

Troy, Michigan 48084 Institutional transformation Community development loans and seed money.

248-643-9630 Risk Arts & Culture

http://w w w Environmental conservation Education

Innovation Human Services


Underserved geography


Lilly Foundation The Lilly Foundation provides grants to Health Care Programs Aligned w ith Grant Applications w ill be accepted The discretionary grants program

organizations aligned w ith Lilly's therapeutic Lilly's Therapeutic Areas of Interest from qualif ied US-based, tax-exempt supports philanthropic initiatives:

areas of interest that w ork to improve patient (mental illness, oncology, cardiovascular public charities that have a w ell-defined Health care programs aligned w ith

outcomes on a national or international level, disease, endocrinology) sense of purpose, a demonstrated Lilly's therapeutic areas of interest

w ith special emphasis on programs that address commitment to maximizing available Public policy research

health disparities among minority patient resources and a reputation for meeting Academic relations

populations. objectives and delivering quality

programs and services. Priority is given to specif ic projects or

programs, but also w ill aw ard grants for

operating support

Michael and Susan Dell Foundation Transforming the lives of children living in Urban Education The Foundation does not provide grants Direct service programs

PO Box 163867 urban poverty through better health and Childhood Health to support individuals, medical research

Austin, TX 78716 education. Family Economic Stability projects, event fundraisers or sponsor-

[email protected] ships, lobbying or endow ments.

http://w w w

The Foundation w ill generally not fund

more than 25% of a project's budget.

Milken Family Foundation In Medical Research, the Foundation is Education Grants are made to publicly-supported Preventive programs w ith long-range

1250 Fourth Street committed to advancing and supporting basic Medical Research orgs that are tax-exempt 501 (c )(3). goals receive the closest consideration

Santa Monica, CA 90401-1353 and applied medical research--especially

310-570-4800 in the areas of prostate cancer and epilepsy--

http://w w w and recognizing and rew arding outstanding

[email protected] scientists in these areas; also supporting

Attn: Richard Sandler, Exec VP basic health care programs to assure the w ell-

being of community members of all ages.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International


Deadlines Initial Method of Contact What to include in Grant RequestAdditional Documentation


N/A Online screening Not Specif ied

Varies based on program Online letter of inquiry (No more than 5 Varies based on program Grant Application cover sheet

pages) A cover letter addressed to the Kresge

health team signed by the CEO of the


A detailed budget w ith all expenditures

related to the grant request

A list of three to four reference agencies

along w ith contact information of a

representative of the agency w ho can

offer insights into the services you

provide to clients in the community

N/A Online application N/A N/A

N/A Online application Organization operating expenses

Organization total revenue

Funding requested

Overall project budget

Number of children served

Problem Statement

Project Description

Request Summary

Success Measures

Year-round 3 page brief w ritten statement: If any other info is needed, Foundation Supporting printed material (optional) Grant recipients must have the f inancial

Description of project, goals, procedure, w ill notify you. potential to sustain the program for w hich

and personnel; Brief background of funding is sought

org., including number of years in

operation, other areas of activity,

applicant's qualif ications for support

annual operating budget, and previous

and current sources of funding.

Letter of exemption from IRS.

Grant Opportunities for Mending Kids International



Company Name/ Contact

InformationMission Funding Priorities Guidelines Types of Support

MoneyGram International MoneyGram is proud to support organizations Community Development that addresses Non-profit 501(c )(3) Not specif ied

Global Giving Program that strengthen the global communities w e basic needs and affordable housing; Organization must demonstrate sound

1550 Utica Avenue South serve. Education; Global Healthcare and management and f inancial capability;

Suite 100, MS 8065 Disaster Relief Low overhead: (Must be

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