Page 1: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Page 2: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

I ~fc. FJ.oyd Marihugh 1 Overseas

PYt. Floyd Marihugh

Ron or Students at Harbor High


Camp ·W1heeler, Ga. March 19-43

Dear Friends: , d I received· the present today an-

thanks a lot. It sure is nice. . Hope everyb o ~y up that wa~ Is

getting along fme. I am makmg out allright.

We are plenty bu . .sy now but we still !have a go•od time. .

I never . wats a letter ~tor ~ I'll -sign off. Tell them Hello · So •long and thanks .a lot.

F. Manhugih

Page 3: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

First For Harbor in Ten Years.-


Harbor Springs, a third place Class C team so far as season play goes, finally h:t its stride and dis­played a brand of ball that should take them far into the state tournament.

Left to right are: Ray McBride, who rang up 19 point.. in the final to establish the high scoring



mark f~r a single game in the 1941 regional tourna­ment ·here; Charles Squiijr (with back to camera) ; Captain Murray Hanna receiving trophy; Walt Cosens; Kenny Davert (just peeking over Cosen's shoulder) ; and Gordon Tabraham of Cadillac, pre­senting the trophy.-Review Photo-Engraving.


basketball letters; two letters; two baseball

Three basketball letteris; two football letters· two baseball le·t­ters· all confe~ence football, '39 and ''40; aU confer,ence basketball, '40 and '41; captain football '40.

Page 4: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Back Row:

, Ooach S. J, Nelson

Goro(}n Hanna

Irenneth Backus

Lee Brower

Na.than Linderman

Rei bert Newman

Jerry Herrick, Mgr.


Fr,ont Row:

Jack Herrick

Ernest Shepherd

Gerald de Ia Vergne

W M·cDonald

l'Villiam Moser




Page 5: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Two basketball letters; honor­able mention all-conference bas· ketball, '41.




Two football lette""'.

basketball letters; two letters; two baseball


Senior I· Three basketball letter s;. three ' football letters; o~e baseball le·t · ter; all conference football, '40; all conference second team bas­ketball '40 and '41; captain bas­ketball '40 and '41 ; Remington's all-state third team football '40.

Coach KENNETH OTIS, Alma Second year in Harbor Springs

. ,I

I' t VERN HERRICK Sophomore

. : . letter, two · - t1 la •~,.i;:one baseball letter-


Two basketball letters; one football letter; two baseball let· ters; aH confe11ence basketball, '41; high point man basketball two years.

Page 6: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Middle East I -· l January 9, 1943 JACK CUNNINGHAM CA:MP McCOY IS

. REALLY 0. K. Dear Inez and family: · . HAS PET LIZARD ·1


Just a line to tell you I receiv- I ed aU y.our Christmas cards and Dea·r :BAM'·: ·CaiD!p McCoy, Wis. how happy I was to receive them. , Jt has been quite. some time April 5, 1943



March 23, HJ43 Y~u'll never kn~w how much it r s-ince I have had the chance to Dear· Sta-nley: Dear Dolly: .mea!ns ;to lhear from the _ folks drop yoru a ~ine to. thank you for . -I'd like to take this o,pportun- I can't find the paper right now b,a,ck home. · the papers -and arl:So to let you 1ty · to thank .the Bu·ck A Month but I'm sure I saw your name

This is some country, although 1know that I am still kicking and dub fo_r the gift, H was very much listed as an officer in tJhe Buck A

I've· seen many interesting thing·S ,that I stDI enjoy a go·od ration for ajpprecJated, Mornth ·Club in ·my travels. One was the Pyra- :every meal. I had a swell time while I was 1 • • mi.ds. They cert!linlf' are a me.m- I You ,have heal'd stories of h~me and if I 'failed to· say · hell~ i First I wan~ to thank the pe ;· ­onal to the anc1ent s constructive 'strange pets, but I believe my pet to everyone I hope they will arc- ' sons ~esp·onsib.le ~or. the club s ability. The peo1ple here are . is also stra·nge, perhaps not in a •c.~~ ·my _ap.ologies. You do;n't f.our:datw:n. I -~hmk 1t rs the _c<>wel~-~

. r~bly dorwn--_trodden and I thmk !sto.ry f.orm" This pet is a lizard·, realize there .are SO· ml,).ny people est }de~~; unagmaible. ~t makes 1t


the most f1lthy class of ;peo.ple •who has many names but is com- left in Harbor Springs until y.ou 5eem hke I am g ettmg a lot o.f it has ibeen my eXiperi.ence :to see. ·moru1y known as ''it". .I first fry t·o greet them all. mail every time _t he Graphic Tthey do •grow beautiful fl·O·~ers 1 f•ound this little fel1ow· in the I see by the pa!Per that Dewey comes. Als.o it makes a convenien~

1 and haye the most beautiful m.o_rning, :f.oUowing a tearing cloud Gos.ens· doesn't think very well of way to wn~e one le t te_r to a lot ol:

f hou~es I ve ':ver s.een. . . i burst al1P nJght !•ong, Needless to OamiP MetCoy. Several people also pegple w1tho.ut usmg car1bon 1 .. I ve ~een .m yan·o. It ~s qu.1te \say my blanket roll and myself, told ·me at .home that dmferent paper. ·mtere.stmg, 1f you. can . Jmagme as one, were emerged in a beau- fellows they had heard from did1 Also I want to a"'ain thank the t~e streets ~amnmg With na- tiful puddle of water. W1hen I not 1ik~ the iJlace, S·O I will have Emmet Gounty 'G;'aphic for the tJves ? m long robes (they 1woke I found exact!•y one dry to put m my two cents worth for paper. I pian on having some ~o.ok hke mghtg.ow~s), J:?~my sold- spot and there, apparent1y dozing t4e ca~. . - pictures made in the near future 1ers of many natwrraht1es, two in pea•ceful ·content wa.s "it" CaiD!p Mic.Coy . IS a new camp so I can get my picture in the Wiheeled d-o·l!key ~rts, W1hen I moved he wok~ up and wa~ opened ~P m November of last paper to sho•w my grandch·ildren ·d~awn .carnages, n~termmgled undec-ided whether to run out in- yeatr. It 15 surpposed to be one of if I ever can talk myself into tak­WJth ·modern automobile~,. then to the rain. -·Or stay in his· dry ~he I~ test and best planned camps , ing the time. Y·O~ have a pretty .g.ood Id~a ~f spot. He stayed. He sometimes m this country. The barracks are I had planned on ·seeing Harbor Gan;o, ex.cept the smell, w.hich JB g.oes away :f.or days at a time, but very . comfortable. and are heate.d Springs on the 7th of A·pril as I ternble. . . when it rains, y·ou can always by furnaces havmg thermost_ahc was scheduled for' a 10 day fur-

. The c1ty I :eally fell m I.ove wake up and find that affection- •controls. Though some m1giht 1 h Th h · ,~with w~ Duvbm, Sout~ . Afnca. 't.e fellow s'haring 'the dry spot think it is very cold here; we ·had oug> . at .as heen cancelled fo Maybe tt was .my reactton ·to .so Jth you. He does credit to the a TI,Iilder winter than was had in bh~ present d~e to .the compan

-'--..--~ ..... ...,.=-= -....;,...-.... __ -.;;~Marine Gorp, the way. he tackles HM!b-or .Spring$, acc-ording to all 7em.g q~aran.tmed with the mea~­gras.c; hoppers. One of the other the re'Jl:orts I received while home .es. I :Will still have the furlou~·n

1 many days at sea, but wihe·n I saw ..,. h ,I... omi:mt two ·months 1·n Missis: though abo:ut weeks after \ out •. Jts . as a parrot who can onlry ~.- the uar t I ft d that white i!ity nestled in among s-ay "heDo Mac". (You can imag- s~pi this winter and as f!lr as I'm q · ~n me IS

1. ~· · , .

those rolling green hil1s, i t won ine the Jo.ok on the Colo·nel'.s face con·cerned they can · give it back Srpeakmg of. trammg, I ll . g_Jve my heant completely. It is very w'h to the Indi!).ns. All I saw there you a small Idea of a trammg modern and the .pe""le were en ihe walked into the tent and was level land s tr etching as far camp we went· through two weeks

~.- was greeted with "hello Mac". grand. I'd like to go back there 0 . 1 h k as . the eye .10ould see with nouhing ago. . s,o metime when this is all over. nee agam · t an you Keep but mud and swamps. I'll talie the . We marched .o_ut on SundJJ.Y

,No matter what any .o.f these up the g.o.od work. . J'f·orth with its snow' and cold any- w1th fu.ll combat packs, 19 .mil~s, c·o:untries have to offer, I'll still Sincerely, Ja:ck trme. At least there is some var- and got our area rea·dy to hve m.

' tak e the good old U. • S. A. If I iety in the · 01cenery here. Then . fo·l' five days it was up at wasn't a patri·ot, I sure- ARCHIE M'cFAR•LAND The camp is situated in a val- 5:45, chow at 6:00, police up area ly am now. TRANSFERREO to GALESBURG ley surro.unded by a large range arid be rea,d'y to !hit the o·b.stacle I'd better close for now of hills . about !ike those out by course at daybreak. Next came a and get a little shut-eye as we . GaJesblurg, IJ~. Plea:santview. Although the trees .four mile march with packs-ga.> have ins pection tommrow. Bye 1 Nov. 30, 1943 are only Pine an(! Scrub masks and canteens, which had t o for this time and all o·f you write Dear Stan: Oak, at least there are trees and be made in 50 minutes, and then


''in so·on. Be!1eve it is about time for me plenty oC~hem. a strength test. The stren.gth test As ever, !to cO.ntri·bute _a · few lines to the . · ·I'll B::qnut. tf!at ;ve !have a c?rusistcd of 33 pushups, 11 bur-

Andy "·Serviceman's page as it has been ter set-UIP· · there m the statwn p1es (to be done. in 20 sec·onds), ,a .• - P. s. Got ~y rating a~hou•t a Complement .than ~h_ose fello·ws 70 yard co•urse o·f run ten, creep rl:nonth and a haLf ago and the ex- ------~.----~ w~o. get the~.r · tr{l.mmg at the ten, run ten, crawl ten, etc., to be ~+a money sure ooJlles in good as quite some time since I have doiJe LI.mJted ServJ•ce scho.ol, but we made in 30 seconds, a 300 yard '? ve-ry·thing is s,ky hi'g:h. Cigarettes .s.o; to express ·appreciation fo~· a ·r, still adhere to the same sch7d- dash over uneven ground to be $6.00 a carton. ,the gifts theB,AM Club has sent ule. We have to stand Rev~1lle made in, 45 seconds, and finally a

me. Also appreciate the Graphic . . and have ~hree-guartetr~ of an 7'5 yar<i run in 20 se~o nds, with a I was tcansfered from Ft. Brad I hour .of dnll or mstructlon every man· O·f your own we1ght on your

THANKS FOR to F•t. Sher:dan the 1st of N·oven,~ mfi'coernamtg8~0eOf.ore we Ego to the o!- sho·ulders. Tha t brings us up to GIFT AND GRAPHIC b I . . - · . 11-.- m. very once m h t ' ·

East Point Nahant, er. remamed at S!Jendan for a while they call u.s out in the c ·OW Jmc agam. AprH 5, 1943 i alb·out 18 day.s then was moved on evening, as they did. last '1\hurs- The. aft~rnoon usually, started

Dear Editor: fhere to the new Genera•! Hospital day, fo-r a six or seven mile hike. out :V1th a two ho;ur on some I arrived ·back at Camp, Ma'I'ICh at Ga_les.burg. " '1\hat isn't: m)lch ·of a hike f·or men special wea~on . Tm~n came the ob-

31 from a 14 day furlO'Ugh, of 1-.-. A nt o~ .fellows from Harbor in .combat trainin·g, but for us stacle cour~es agam to warm ~s . ·which I spent most of my time in ".ho !have• J•omed the army si nce I ofrfJce· workers {Ty.pewriter Com- up f.or an ~our and a half calls­Harbor Springs an.d Good Hart. d1d .. have been overseas quite a mandos) it is quite a jaunt. t~emes. Thll.S usually wo~md up

When I g11t ,back iher·e my pack- .whJ. e now, .but. I haven't gott en Everyone here likes the camp, w1th a:bout 15 separate e.Ight-man . age from the Buck A Month Cl?'b very far away as yet Expect to and most of them have been in battle ~oya_(.s. I had the m1~forlune and two Emmet County ·Gl'ap:hlC•S stay h e~re q•uirte a while as far a s several others, but they are not ·~f ge,t~mg Ip. pn twQ ·of these. and

·-------- anybody knows. . fond of .the .surr·ounding towns. bot~ t1~es I found a ' good place · , ~ Galesburg is. a nice town, abou:t Whenever we get a pass for more to he dow,n b~for~ I was done.

·t· f e 1 ~""~ very J' 3·9 000 populatiOn and the nat1·ve:./ than twenty-four .hours we CN\ to Chow time agam and are we were wa1 mg c•r m · ... ~ ' ' " M' 1' M'l ' .,~ · h ? S d dl I lad to receive them. I think .the . !lppea.r to .be glad to have us sold- m~eRG>O ts, 1 waukee, . or Cht- · un&'ry · o we ev·our a goo . Y I ~og tag cord makes a v-ery nice 1\Jem among them. A little differ- . . ' TP'~rtiol:l hotf fo-od start da~afm.

·t i ent tha't way, than .at the & .o _·_,_ - ·E<e ~1-g. s were e1 er use .. o_r

I presen · . '.l1h' h 't , ' '] · 1 • • compass marches or tank huntmg.

I surely e_ n_joy reading the Gra- lot fs 0:JH a.• WI.; a~comodate 1 cago wh.lCh are all less than SIX . , . ,. -=======~ . hie for it seems to bring me near- ,a . 0 • . pa ·Jen~ once !t gets to lhou,rs away by train.

I ~r home ·an. d .~am IS'UTe it does the ~~~~tw. mng.

1 Will reqUJr_e. nearly f· I m !lo~ going on record ~s say- Then, if YO·U can believe it, we

·, same fo·r the o·ther .boys in the . per~ne to ·Operate ~!· mg th1s 1s the best <:all:liP m the were :fipally turne.d loo~e to do ' service that get the paper. It ,Will c ,.ose. :nbw and WI~! take oountry, but I'll take 1t rn prefer- whatever we wanted to · from

L ·t th k y k 'nd-ly his opportumty to s·~·y. "hello'' to ence to a great many I have a•bout 11 :30 p.m. until 5:45 a .m.

e me an you ver 1 an my f·olks and fnen-ds in the heard of. • Tthat schedule was held w all week fo•r .the do:g ta.g c-ord an·d papers. Harbor and vicinity. · . Well I must dose the office except one aftern.oon we had a I w1ll be lookmg forwarrd W the, 'ti:l v-ictory, for t~e night,, so will put an end taste of battle conditions, (no nex.t copy. Pvt. Archie McFar·~nd to ,: thiS ramblmg. casualties however).

1 Since·rely yours A ' · M N s ever, Well, I've g ot to g'et to t he P.O. 1 Cpl. •Maurice c. ·amara Bill B'aker to see if the pony · expreSis rider I East P·oint, Nahant, Mass. · finally got through withl a lette·r j P . .S . I !hope the snow isn't as dee'P or not, Don't fo rget the U.S.O.

rus it was when I was home. Yours truly, Charles Baker


Page 7: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Cecil E. C~ancy, G(}Od _Hart, Mich. was -commissioned an En- · sign .in the U.S. Maritime Service and received his license as a 3rd Mate at graduation exercises heid last Jan. 11 at the U.S. Maritime Service Oficers .School, F'ort Trum­bufl, New Lond·on, Conn.

The school,, largest of its kind in the country, with two thousand Officer Candidates in ·attendance. is one of two in the country which trains m.etchant seamen as Of­ficers for new merchant ships.


At Sea Dear Frien-ds:

·I just received the shaving-kit and two copies of the home town paper. .Thoa.nks a lot. T·h~ shav­ing~kit will be very useful and I su·rely app;reciate it. I really en­Joy reading the news of the old home to·wn and even if the papers are a coupl·e of months old by the time I get them they suredy are · welcome.

I hope it won't be !'On!r before I oan . visit Harbor Springs again, and bring my w.ife with me to meet all you peo.ple. I have seen quite a ·bit of the world but there is no place llke good old Harbor.

We listen to Radio Tokio about every n1ght. The yellow (censor­ed) must be getting scared be­cause they are reoaUy~ th<rowing o1;1t the propaganda. We get a b1g ·laugh every time we hear them.

Thanks again and I hope to be seeing yo·u all soon.


W. V. Williams .San Fran-cisco. Calif.


March 10, 1943 Dear Chick: ht

Your let ter finally caug lu~ ·with me the other ctay .. Sure g a t·o hear y ou are still m Harbor.

h h You would be a Seems as t oug 't but necessity to the c·ommum y the Army sometimes gets other

ideas. · b · train A,fter I finished my ~SIC -ino<>· a t McCoy, they shliJlfedw:rk do;,n here and put me o St in the -m ain pharmacy of theof ~: t ion H-o·sJ?ital. .There. areth~ Staif w.orking •nere mcludmg h Serreant in charg e. Th~y . av€ a

' . set-up and It IS run r at.her mce der of a prescrirp-

t muc.h ~~~. the or . =-..-s;-;s .,ur~,--e::-~-::;~ - .... n everything is on a larger scale. We whip up five gal­lons 00: cough syru'P nearly ev€ry day and ointments and othel' preparations on the same scale.

'I'he doctors (captains, majors and colonels) are required to write all RX in the metric system. Makes it sim'J)ler after you are ac­customed to it. This will probably turn them from i ·he apothicary system after they return to ·civil­ian life.

So the WOl'k is rathe:r interest­ing and not so bad. However, a Staff Sergeant is about as far as a pharmacist can· go and s till ibave anything to do with pha!'IIIl­acy.

We don't get so much in the line of exencise. · Only drill an hour at a timoe, three da ys a week. I lQok quite ha nds·o me in a gas mask. Think I will save it to scare the little children in the home town.

Best wishes to you and th e family,

Phil Miller.


Hawaii, Qct. 12.

[)earest Mother: • : ~ b an-ln JUSt a tew day•s you .J haJ.~d to

other year .older. lt\ l> t I'll t hink of what to .w~l e u tell you what a Ca•ptam told us to d Last }!;aster we were . on a

·O. . 1 · asn't w1th us ship. •Our chap ~m w h' Capt-for Ea,ster Service :Ze ts~~d "o·ur ain ta~ked to .us. · ·· tter

o thers would a·ppreclate a .,e t .l·l 11. 'her we were s l from ·us te mg · · Him as

serving God and keepmg re our guide wher~ve~ we .g·o" ;mMo­than she would a niCe gl~~ t and ther I can can tell you a • d I kn~ow that is. w:ha·t y•ou w~nb!d's \]: ca n a~so• say lt IS yours andd me Nfe and ,prayerHs .that y:: eh&IVe want :tx> serve lm .. M'•anted to do somethl?·g to help ~e

. ·OU don't realize h?w ·you h~;e ~e'l,ped. I'll tell you JUSt one

lace but there :.v&e many • · k I , to'•d to go a )one after da·r

wa& • ·d f y platoon to co.ntact a squa o m · J •thlllt we thought w&e PS:~t~d {a

•a·chine gun nest. l w ' t ef but something tolod me 1

r use · . h .__ I remem-·ould be a~l r1g t ""; ~?·

bered your letters te~hn.g n;d you were praying so I told him I try. Before I we,llt, \~o·p~edaf~~ ~h~t ed God to go Wl m , A J I d. dn't even fee'~ scared. ap did 1 see me and fi·red 10 s'h?ts at me at a range c~'Ose en?ugh lt wa~ almost impossible to miss. but ~h-

' th me I got aWa'Y Wl was w.L a.t,:h That parlicularr out a scr~ " . . d h place I'm surfe !f n~r h':a~~t b::~ gotten out o l

protecting me. ' . · h So you see you are helpmg wh_lt

· · re than anyt mg ylour praldyer;n.:U~t tfuink I feel that e se cou · 'h h't the I'm not just as apt to t'e l as f 't

t ne I know if G(}d sees 1 , nex o · · kl s anyone I ''1~ be taken as qmc Y a else but I d·O feel I am ready r ~do whe'n he does and I am not a ral .

I hope all the k ids can be there f your biirlhdaY I know they ;i~l try to ,ma:ke .it .a hap·plee~f;g Please don t spotl tt by . I bad'l•Y because I .can'tGbe thrl~ h::e

etting along fme. ues.s • to close.

Ha.ppy birthday! Your son Cecn.

E:njoys ihe Review, Soldier Addresses and Pictures

Dear Al: Specialized Training Unit, August 22, 1943.

~ I want you to know how I ap­preciated the two issues of the Review. It makes a fellow feel more like a human being just to read ilt. You've got a newsy newspaper there. Those soldiers' addresses are mi·ghty welcome too.

You probably don't know me, but anyway I left for the Army in the College E.R.C. We were at Kearns Field, Utah, in the Air Corps for three months, then

· went to the University of Illi­no is for three weeks in the Star Unit of ASTP. From lbhere to Kalamazoo College. By the way, I it's pretty nice here.

We are studying engineering in an accelerated course; the only difficult part is the mathemati-cs. We have twenty-four hours a week of classes, drilL and physi­cal training plus twenty-five hours of compulsory study. All in all, it's a little tough, but we like it. 'Kalamazoo is a fine town fo.r soldiers. We are treated fine.

Here rut the college we are cadets under a rigid cadet sys­

. tern of discip'le. Demerits are ' given out for impropriet ies and are then worked off by walking "tours." That is the cadet walks for a half hour between - two buildings. They say it's exactly seventeen steps all 1told, with a couple thousand when you finish.

Well, I guess that's all. Thanks again for the Review issues.

Sincerely, Bruce Morrow.

Pvt. Bruce Morrow 3673 S.U. AST Unit • Room 209, Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo 49, Michigan

* * *

S/ Sgt. Keith Ernst Meets Pals in Tunis Al Benge

Northern Auto Parts Co. Hello Al,

I have had a few days off and some time to write a few letters so I thought I had better get one off to you.

There isn't very much I can write about that's very interest­ing. I can say that I've seen some action, but I don't care for it too much.

By a good streak oif luck I met Ken Fritz in Tunis about three weeks ago. We didn't have very long to talk we were both in a hurry. He is a First Lieu­:tenant in the Ordnance. He gave me his adc!ress but I pulled out the next day. About two weeks before that I met Ernie Wurst in Tunis. It sure is good to meet some one from home.

The way mother talks in her letters, P e toskey and Charlevoix are very dead. I suppose a lot of people have gone to Detroit and other cities. I hope business is good with yrou. How are Leo and Ray doing? Give them my re­gards.

Well the Japs and Jerries are getting hell kicked out of them n,ow. We're just getting · a good start. I have been keeping my hopes up of getting home pretty soon. ·

I'll sign ·off fur now, drop me a few lines when you can.

S /Sgt. Keith Ernst

(Ed. Note - Both Ernst and Fritz are former Northern Auto Parts Co. employees.)


S~Sg.t. R-obert J ·ohn Tippet and ' oak leaf clus.ters. At &1Sgt. M:~ion Tippett, ·SOins of 1 sent time ·he is on Mrs. -,Saz:ah Tippett, Route 1, Har- 'Seo:'bland.' .Sgt. Mari·on , bor .Sprmgs,. met somewhere in I went overseas in October Engo:a.nld recently and enjoyed two I in ·a dispensary in the ·M days together. J .ohn, w:b.o left Corps. The third Tippett for O·verseas duty in May, has ther in the •a.rmed .fo·rces been on sixteen missi-ons :and ha•s / HoDace E. Tippett h stati~ned received and air medal and two Los Angeles at present.

Cpl. Page TJ;ansferred to Am1y Air Force Station

Corporal Willa rd C. Pa·ge, son of 'Mr. and Mrs . .Chester A. Page, of P ells ton, recently completed ad­vanced ground erew training at the Army Air F orces Technical Tra ining Command school at Vega Aircraft Corpora tion, BuJJbank, Calif.

H e has ibe€n transferred to an Army Air Forces sta tion for ac­tive service.


Pvt. Merlin E. Hartung Pit. 1.215 RDMGB San Diego, Calif.

'Tuesday nite, 7 :20 p, m. Dear Stan:

You'll no be surprised to hear from me but I told you I'd write some day.

I couldn't wait 6 months to get in the Air Corps so I didn't turn in my paper and enlisted in the Marine·s instead.

It took us four days and nights to come out here on the train. We got here a week ago Monday and st ill have about six weeks o.f 1the toug}lest training in the world. No candy, cokes or weeken leaves. We can't even leave our tent area unle·ss .our Corporal is with us.

It gets kind of warm here d~ ing . the day but 'at night about freeze to deat h. We only have two blankets.

Please write the news from ar.ound there. I haven't even seen a newspaper since I've been here.

Every·one here i·s really looking forward to Christmas packagesj from home with cakes artd cahdYl in them. So far most o.f us have­n't even had so much as a letter. It takes about f.our days fo<r a letter to g.o one way.

We work from 5 :30 a. m. until albout 7 p. m. every day. This is the damndest climate I have ever seen. About 100 percent of the .boys in camo have colds. The old f ellows say we never will get over them as Jong as we stay here.

Must close now and clean m:v~ rifle. Hope to hear from you soon. A very merry Christmas and hap­PY New Year to you all.

Very sincerely, Merlin.

s~s•t William Emmona % Pm. San Franciaco,· Calif.

Page 8: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Dear Editor : March 30, 1943

f I am receiving the Gr&P'hic 1 regularly and enjoy reading it, 1 thanks to you and the Buck A M·onth >Clulb. I also rec·eived the gif.t sent by the BAM and I want to take this time to thank every­one who is •making it possible f<Jr the sending of .gifts to the serv­icemen of Harbor Springs. I know everyone ·of us appreciate it very much.

Yesterday afternoon I had the lplea.sur.e of meeting Mrs. Frank-

1m p. fio·osevelt at the Service­-mens Center <Jn Mj.chigan St. As you •PI'?bably know, she has a very mce personality; and she talk~d to us <boys for quite aw.hile. The Editor of the Ohi- · •cag·o Sun, <Jr rather one of them took sev~ral pictures of her with the serv1~emen standing ar<Jund E_veryone of us tried to get ou; !Picture taken with her· but with ~0 ma~y. ~here, it was almost an lmposs'!bihty.

It !s alanost time for me to go to·. drill and I will have to bring this letter to a cJ.ose.

I .want you to know that we serV!'cemen appreciate the thinos you •Peoq>le are doing for us a;d I assure you we won't let , you ??wn, and we will be home when It s over, over t·here

Sin>eer~ly, Harvey L. Bro·wer.

P. S. In your issue of March 25 you made a. mistake about my mother conun.g to Chkago Sh ca!lle to Grand Ra~pids to meet me~ TWhill you please eorrect this.

ank you. and Mrs. Bohn ave lo­at 513 Bay-st. Harold Johnson will con­

the office.

1st:. Lt. Now The promotion of Richard J.

Case, of Petoskey, from the rank of Second to First Lieuten­ant was announced recently by Col. William A. Hatcher Jr., of Detroit, commanding officer at this Flying Fortress station. , Lt. Case, 22 years old, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Case, of 623 Michigan street. Before entering the service on April 13, 1942, he worked for the Sly Auto Company.

As pilot of a Flying Fortress Lt. Case has participated in six bomber combat missions over enemy Europe and has · been decorated with . the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement" during these missions. ·He is with the Eighth Army Air Force Bomber Station somewhere in


Nov. 26, 1942. Dear Editor:

Though I would let you know I have been transferred from Los Angeles to F·ort Ord., Calif. This is about 100 miles from San Fran­cisco. lt is the big.gest eamp in Callf.ornia. Can't tell how many troops are here but they go in the thousands.

On our way out here by train we were delayed two or three hours. As we were coming thru a "tunnel one }¥lit ·of it caved in. One "'f the soldfers was hurt slight­ly, -and .one ~orkman who was w<>rking on t!>P of the tunnel was hurt.. The end cars <>f the train were damaged some. One was the diner where I was eating. The troops responded swell to this em­ergency. One <>four Majors who had charge ·of us complimented us

l;n- the way we respond~d. .

This isn't quite as mce as m Los Angeles and near Hollywood, and the other towns we 'Yere near­b as you have to go qmte. a ways tr get to a town. The thmg that makes it swell is that we hav~ a nice bunch of officers and enlist-ed men. - d th On our way out we passe e Lockheed plants, where we saw some huge bombers. We also went through the beautiful town of Santa Barbara. Yesterday, on a hike down by the ocean we saw some large sharks. . ,

Best of luck to the b!lll team. ·I ·certainly apprec1ate the

Gra hie.

February 25, 1942 Dear Father and J\Iother,

I can't tell you where I am but I am smewhere in North Africa. I ea t good and have a :barrack to sleep in so I guess I am prettY~

lueky. I went to town last night ·but

everything was closed up in the French part of town. You should see one .of these towns if you want to have a good laugh. 'l'here _aw good paved streets 'but almost no cars. The .Frenehman ride bieycle and the Ara·bs walk or Tide a skin­ny little donkey. If we want a taxi we get a cart with a horse to vull it and an Ara!b driver tha cannot understand a word English.

I can count the money all right and would get along all right i I could talk French or Ambic. The money is printed in two languages, French on one side and Ara·bfc on

1 the other. I saw a lot of camels on .the way:

down here lbut most of the Arabs around here have donkeys. 1

You should see the funny old trains they have around here.

There is a couple of Englisli soldiers in my 'barrack. One of them said he would like to get into the American Army, so he could get better pay. The English soldiers only get $12.00 a month.

'l'he Ara,bs here are very dirty, 'but the 1French people are clean and live in a part of town by them­selves.

When we Americans go down town the peddlers are so thick. They don't boU1er the French but they think every American is a rich man and they sure pester ,us. I guess we are rich compared to them. When we buy anything we pay a lot more than the people that live here do. We sure see some funny things around here. Every­body walks in the street and the cars look out for the people walk­ing. Yesterday an Arab came driv­ing a 1bunch of sheep thr~ the Army post.

I got back last night from a few days out on the desert where some planes were down. The Ara!bs out there were as nice to us as they knew how to be. They brought the chiefs tent f<>r us to sleep in. It was real !l'ancy, red and blue trim­med in white. We had food of our own to eat but the A·raibs cooked for us and were mad if we didn't eat it. They gave us rice and goats milk for breakfast and chicken the

Page 9: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Dear Stan: Jan. 7, 1944

To-day, I take my pen in hand, to j~t down my note of thanks to the Buck A M-onth clu,b, an-d to al: that made it grow. That makes practically ali of the Haxborite·s Ito thank, d~esn't it? Quite a fbig order, in a way, but n~t so big, when one realizes the war column is read •by thousands, civilians and servicemen ali·ke. (That includes the women in service, als-o.) To all of you, responsible for the suc­cess ()f the B.kM' in the past. -"Thanks"! • ·


.Sav just wher d<>es .Sgt, Reyner hang out? It seems as thougn .we should !have bumped into each a.!tr~e •aidy. Congfratula~t,i:ons,, Mar­vin !-for the swell letter in the •Graphic. and also f~r .the top art­kle i nthe Island newspaper, "The Sentinel". 'Dhe ·points <>f interest y<>u mentioned, in .the Graphic, are

S.;Sg,t. : R-obert J:ohn Tippet_ and · oa~ ieaf clus.ters. At the pre- spots I have also visi-ted, · SJSgt. M."rio_n ' Tippett, ~Ins <>f ! sent time, he is -on furlough in 'Congrats als-o to Sylvester Pet­Mrs. 1Sarah Tippett, Route 1, Har- S,eo~:land. Sgt. Marion T~1-~dt:t oskey. - y~ur ar.ticles are most in­bor ·Springs, met somewhere in went <>verseas in O.cto.ber. and is teresting, and so well worded. Eng-l,!ulJd recently and enj·oyed two in a _dispensory in the M€ldical Your letters are a compliment to days together. J -ohn, who left Corps. The third Tippett b!'lo- y~u'rse.Jf. ' for ~verseas duty in M'ay, has ther in the .'armed foTces, Pfc. T•he year of -1944 now !des ahead been ~n sixteen missions :and hl!)s Horace E. Tippett. i·s -stati-oned in of us - what ·it will ·bring, is hard received and air medal and tw~ Los Angeles at present. to guess, but I know we'll be a J.l: ------------------------------- in -there -pitching to win. We can

CPL. D. COSENS • all the cards you se·nt me and "SINGING IN THE RAIN" I want to ·say that y·ou f-olks back

home atre sure "tops". Thanks Gobbler'·s Knob cfor everything -and if I .ever get

1-6-44 -oversea;8 I'll try my :best t9 justify I Dear Sir:

Just finished reading the front page ~f my latest Graphic and was glad to rea-d that Darrel Smith is g-oing to be stati<>ned in Berkley

y~ur pride in me and all my bud­dies.

Since·rely, "-Gosens"

for a while. Would you p!•ease LEON BURGESS IN 11end me his address? Berkley is BOMBER SCHOOL only fifteen mHes from here by ferry and t>hum!b so maybe we cim KEEJSLER F'LEIJD, BDoxi, Miss. ~et together. I sure ·hope -so as Nov. 25.:.:_With his intensive Army it's been -a long time since I was 'Air F·ol'ces basic training already 'home and maYJbe ·Darrel can tell behind him, Pvt. Leon Albert Bur­me what's <On · in the old gess, ·&O•n of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn hotne-town. Burgess, Rt. 3, Harbor Springs,

Dick ·Greenwell was here at the Mich. has begun airplane mechan­IField about two months ago but ic-a;} training at Keesler Field's I think he'.s m-oved now. I had huge B-24 Liberator bomber a •good time talking to !him even school. though we ~nly had about half- Pvt Burgess was selected for an hour together. He says he ·the c~urse bn the basis · of his ex­thinks rthe Army is okay .but that cellent marks received on the he wou!rd much rather be pounding Army mechanical aptitude tests.

/ the -drums ·at the Wig-wam. , T-he course a;t tJhis unit of the

make it a year of complete victory <>r we _ -can prol~ng this confli-ct. Let's make it a year of victory!

In clos ing, let me pen this dit­ty. I entitled it "Thanks to the 1B.A.M." Thanks to the ' f-olks, that fr~m

Ha!l'bor Responded Loyally'-to the call, AI\d made this small community, The taJl'k, and the .great pride of

all " Thanks to the· .folks, ~utside Har­

,bor, · Who quickly J~ined the B.A.M. Don't tell me that's -not loyalty, -That they don't .give a D.A.M. We, in the service, are ,behind you

a11, We appreciate y·our gifts received, ·O-ur slogam is as Y•OUirs is, "T{) d<>

all l We can. 'til victory is achieved. Wre, in the service, saw the c~lumn

grow, We remember whe·n it wa-s a cu.b, --Then Hke a 'bear, we. saw it grow

and G1:ow, .:_Hats off, men - To the Buck A

Month ,club.

~t. M~rion •Burns of . Harbor ISprmgs . 1s one ·of the nurs e-s on ,duty ·at -the 1•2th Station Hospit­al m Australia which has won c-ommendation for excellence <>f work perform~d. The f.o!•lowing letter was wntten ·on December 13 by P. J. Carroll, Brigadier

, General, U. S. Army, •Chie-f Sur-

rgeon, to The 'Commanding ,O;fficer 12~h .Station Hospita·~:

I "As Ohief .Surge-on I wish to

officially COJl!mend the pensonne~ ~ ~f the 12th Station Hospital for the excellence -of the work per­f~rmed by that unit.

"The 12th · Station Hospital reaened Australia 10 M-arch 1942 a nd on 18 March 1942 'vas -

· ed to permanent station in lwas ·at that time, a .potenti-a:l om-

The. weather out here righ now Army Air -Forces Train ing Gom­i_S! terrilbne. It's raining nearly mand wHl extend over approxi­all the time and we pra-ctically mately 17 weeks •and wm inc:•ude live in o·ur rainc~ats . The shack training in a~l phases of "first I s'hare·h six other fellows has i €che1om.'' mamten·aJ1Ce f'"r B-24

AJ.oha ljjo all, and to Best in 1944!

fbat axea. Lack -o-f proper equip­ment and supplies in no way de­terred the organization from estaJ:>lishing 3:n efficient, we!•l-run StatiOn Hospital. Occupied be<is b.eds, ,were, at all times, far · in ex­~ess <>f norma•l' bed capa-city. Med­Ical personnel. although often less t~an that authorized by T-0 car­

all, the I ried -on their duties with espirit de c<>rps not -ofen witnessed in a

·until so tremend-ously -over work­~d ond under staffed .. Other dut­Ies required the initiative and per­s~verance characteristic <>f the ori-

a le·aky roof and we are putting "I Liberato-rs. . -o.u,r st.eel helmets to good use. .'The last ,Ph~se of the course I

Xmas wasn't so ba.d ·out here I ~Ilr} pl·a·ce h1m m the. ~pen under if you can <>verlook the rain we SJmul~ted• bat~le ~ond-ItJons where! had on Xmas Eve. ·Our ,chow is ~e Will get h}s firs t tas•te of th~ getting much bette-r n-ow and I'm ~o·b befor~ h1m. Up-on gr-~du~t~

· beginning t<> gain a little weight. ~!lg , he Will ?e r.e~dy for ~ct1v~ Before I sign -off I would Hke .me d~!tY . mamtammg th~ stmg o~

to thank a:•l you folks b a-ck home ~he L1berato~.s. by keel;lmg them, for helping ·to make my Xmas 1n g-o-o-d co-ndition, ~r w1H be sen~

. more enjoyable. I really enjoyed to a facto-ry or gunnery school. I


Pvt. Wilbert Carl Krahn, fo r­mer ly <>f Gl'loss Village, Mi ch•., is now stationed at Tinker Field, Okla. He is atta-ched to a qua.r­termruS!ter company at this new­es t esta.b-lishme!:lt of the A ir Ser­vice Command for t•he maint en' ance and repair -of airrraft and the training ·Oif air deip ·J1 ' g-roups.

P-riva·te Kraihn atte :-~ de d hig-h schoo1~ in H a1'bo-r Sprin gs, Mich j He was a building contractor be fore ·he enter.ed the A·rm y. His parenrts, Mr. and Mrs. Arnel l :KraJhn, re.side in Cros.s Village.

Your,s and Victory,

Jack M. Cassidy

gi~;tl ~members of that un-it. The -dev-otion to duty and tire­

less efforts <>f the personnel -of the 12th 'St2tion H ospital are worthy

•Of ·comme·ndation." V . Burn.o is the d ~ ugnter of Mr

.and Mrs. W. J . Burns of Harbo~ [ ff~r~ngs, She . a !t ended f!a~rbor ·High and obtaino!d her nurses t~" ining at the o•!d P-et·oskey hos­pital.

Page 10: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Pvt C. E. Armstrong

I basic training of{)r the Air •Corp.s~ I have tQ complete 28 days . ibasic

I •here. After that, if I pass my classification tests·, •I wiJ,; be sent to a c·ol1ege for training as ·.pir.ot, navigator, Qr hombadier.

' I will be glad to !hear from a.ny­·bne in Ha.rbor and w.m try to answer all I geL

Yours very truly, Pvt. Ivan Greg<Jry ----~-


Camp Wolters

Jan. 8, 1944

couldn't wait to t ell you tnat it is sn.ow~ng down here in ·Camp Wolters. It has been snowing and Mowing all night. ~ll night I thfght {)f Jame,s ArthU!r Rule,

_ :wh was scheduled to go {)Ut to B:a ed Hollow •Jtast night.

I ' am not. affectsd much by the weather an-d I'm in go{)d healt-h.

. Many have severe c{)lds and many

!, Fort Sill, Okk , Corp.oral Robert are in i·solation w:ards. C. ·Cetas, Harbor ~prings , 11!fich., 1 I am always lo·oking forward has. entered t~e Field ArtJller.y to a !furlough in the near futur e. Officer Candidate SGhoo•l at this I'm anxi<>us to go skating. post. , I I am running shor.t {)n time SQ

Corporal Cetas, the son of Mr. I'll cl{)se, hoping everyone is well. ~nd .Mrs. Oharl~s .L. Cetas, iRoute . Thanks f{):r the Gr:a.phic. .r read 1, attended Mic.higan -State Col-~it. f..rom the front page to the back .lege. . . . pa~e. '

Up.on completiOn .of the 17-week F' t 't M , . · t · ' C{)Urse he will be c·ommissioned a . Irs· I w!is usso;m~. n~x It s

RAY ELLIOTT ON K,P: . .. I · T~e ~?l:ln~ai.~s <Jf.Ken~cky and II Dear Friends : · · Tennessee were a d1sap.pomtment.

Th!l Gl'laphic has been arriving They were just extra 1.arge hEls . . stea.dily and I want · to tha·nk It reminded. me a lo•t of Michigan eve:ry<Jne responsible. It sure i! but the soil. was c1ay <Jn a lime­goo·d ·to ·hear so•me news about the stone subsoil. gang. ·· We s:)Jent . considerab1ie time

W)ould you do me a fa;;v.or? I've d'I'illing and two· hours of pretty lost track of Murray Gle·as on an d s•renui().U.S physical traiming hut ·· I believe I owe· him a 1etter. ·I'd so far my feet are not blis'teired l'ike his addres1s if you have ·it. thou·gh they are a bit sore. ' Thanks. . . · We are only 1 1;2 miles from the

I'm Qn K.P. and haven't for Gulf of Mexic·o." anything longer. so I'll close this n{)te.

Sincerely, Ray Elliott

Great Lakes, I~l.


Dear Sirs :

Just a f ew lines to let you know I rece·ived my ·copy of the Harh or Springs paper. ·

It's ·a couple mont hs ·o"'d by the time i·t gets 'over he.r e, but neve·r­theless it is ver y interesting t o me.

I've been over here ·about 18 , months and I've been ·on two I s­lands I c·an t ell about. Viti Leon, Fij i Island and Espirt o Sant{), New H ebrides Lsl·a·nd. Must c.lose a s space is short.

As Ever, Pvt. Albert J. Bester


Dear •Sir: Dec. 20, 1943 .

second lieutenant of feild artil- · go< .be Hitler an? HJr.ohit{). !<ery in the Army Qf the United , - ·S~ncerely,. A deluge of ·Graphi·cs arrive• States. Pvt. J<>seph E. KishegQ l•ast 'Ilite - s~ in. all, so . it loo

The Field Ar-tiller y Officer Can- •l'ike I'll leave the dime novels alo11 didate School, directed by Colone,Jo A BERT HEYNIG for a few ni.tes, ·and conceritrai John J. T·urn·e-r, is a part <Jf the · SENDS THANKS · on the hQme town ·news. , F.ield Artillery School, ·of which s.,Srt William Em.mpns , 1 MajQr General Orlando Ward is Dec. 23. 1943 · I know I 'should start 1bi:aggi-m commanda.nt. __ .South Central Pacifie % Pm . .San Francisco, Calif. · about our basket ball team,-1

Founded in 1.911 , the Field tArtil- .Dear F.riends: -------------- would, but--. After a swell start lery !Scho.ol has trained thousands . . LEE GR•EGORY IN we ended up with a few disastrou ·Of .officers in fiel•d artillery tech- ThiS Is: to let you kn.ow tha~ I AIR CORPS losses. .No a!ilbis, it 11eems tha . miques and tactics. The Officer have received the very mce Chns•t- we were ·OU·t-played . . :'Candidate ;S.cho·ol wa.s {)rga:nized mas pr~sent, .. also t~e mo~ey and The foil{)Wing .a:re excerpts fT<Om in Ju•ly, 1941. Qthtlr mce gifts which you h~_~-ve 11 l~tter that Lee ·has written his My wor.k here. is Mt what yQU

sent to ·me. I have .been gettmg parents. · may think it is, 'but I wm say it PVT. IVAN GREGORY tlie •Gral>hic quite regularly i;{) .I Dec. 1•8, '43 !s very interesting, and I do like

TRAI<'NI-NG FOR AIR CORP get most of the news. J: am al- "There was frosif; on the · roof~ 1t . . Tihat's all I can say, and all wars glad to get them, even though of the barracks when We ao:rived I woli•l'd say, even if it were pos-

·Gulf,por#~ FieJ.d, :r.n•ss. a httle late. . ,but It was soon gone and We we:re eible to tell ·all. Dear Sirs-; Thanks a lot f·or the p.r$sents. 'sweating. We came down through The best <>f wishes fer 1944 t{)

Please send me my Graphiic I will sign ·off, hoping to see aJ.1 Illinois, · Kentucky, Tennessee, all in Harbor. (subsc-ripti·on in . name Qf Lee >f you soo·n. I Alabama ·and M!i.!isissippi. We May God Bless yQu aD!

·GregMy) to the ahove address. Yours sincerely were {)n the train two nights and "Yours and Victory" ii am stationed here taking my A!<bert Heynig a day. · · , . · Jack


Page 11: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Dear BAM Members: I •a-m sor11y I <haven't written be-

fore, but have just been trans­ferred to Gulfp()rrt, Miss.

I at last received the dollar y·ou sent me in August o0f last year and a,'so rece.ntly received t he very

jhandy kit f or ·Christma.s. I want to th:a·nk y.ou very much f.o r the gifts. It makes one fee-l so good when vo·u know the · folks at home are •of you.

I am rea•l1ly enjoying the Gra-1 phic too. It is s•urprising how <you

[see names of peop:·e you know at home with, some of tJhem. str-ange . addresses.

I have been in a stra'Ilge place f·or 15 month~ and believe me, it is darned nice to be back in tht! g·oo>d old U.S.A. Wish everyo'Ile were hack •here too.

My best wishes o.f good luck go · out to every ·One ·Of them. · here and abroad. Thanks agai.n for the gifts.

,sincerely, Kenneth -Burdette


Hello F-olks:



Aviation Cadet Kenneth E. Da: I am just f ine but very warm vert son of Mr. tE. J. Davert De­

for it is · about •a< hundred in the troit, Mich. graduated fro0m the jsha1de here all ·day. : 1'6th A11my Air ,Forces •Flying

I I received the Xmas present and Training Detachment, W\icken­

thought is was •s'Well. I w1as over burg, Ariz·, Jan. 7, 1944, and to see Marion Burns. Bory, what w.ilil h e· semt to '3: Ba·sic Flying

I a s•urpri se. I was in the 'hospitJa•l BdJO•O·l to continue his training. where s·he w cxks f or tw) weeks tCadet D.a·v·e·rt entere-d d'lying and nev·eil' ran 1!1to her. She is on- training Nov. 3, 1943. ly about two miles fr·om where I ·am stationed.

You'll have to ba'lld it to Aus­tra1ia. E verything here is over­~~ized . they have big spiders a1nd ·lizards that are four feet •'ong, they run through ·camp but are harmless. Austra:•i•a is only fifty years behind the U.S.A., ot·her­wise it is .not too bald.

Thanks for the p·a'Per, I apprec­iate it very much. , .



!Dec. 28, 1943 Dear Folks and a!•l:

Just a line to let you know I a:m still O.K. and feeling anri hope this finds you the same.

Received a letter from you to­day and iWas glad :to get :i·t. · Our maiH service hasn't been so go•od lately. I guess it is because of Ohr:ilstmas, .the-re have been so many otJher things to· do. But I think it wi~ be gertlting •be.tJtelr no;w, I hope.

LAWRENCE PETOSKEY Well I 1h>a<Ve a litt~e more to 1N HA W.AIIAN . ISLANDS write about this time, about Xmas

and •other ·things. We sure had Dec. 12, 19·43 Dear Editor: a swell Xmas dinner this ryear.

Dear Editor: We had turkey and everything I wis·h to expre'"'s my since-re . Having .been lounging ar ound that goes witfu H and it was good.

tha'Ilks to the BA·M C~ub for t he to·day, and reading the Graphic, We ·had ·OUr din'Iler at 6:30 · and fine gift kit which I have received. I decided that congmtulations are !then at 8:00 we haid a play that I know it wHI be very useful and in order for the very fine j.ob the s~ . of the hoYI!· wr·ote..and har.tdy for me. You know, the Buck A Month Club js doing for ta1nl'y Wa>s go·od. Had our mess smallecr- we can ·pack, the easie·r PRIVATE WM. PERRY the men in the service. I sin·cere- hall all fixed up rwith a tree and it is to carry .our things.


~ UNV~ILS · PLAQUES lv think it a gesture of warm a'!!! the ·trimmings. It was a 'better I've bee~ getting the · Gra~hif •Pvt. Wi.Jliam Perry, Jr., the s·on friendship which is a .prominent I t~an 1last year but I still>l hope

~rettv regu..arly, but t~e _date IS a ,o•f Mr. a,nd Mrs. Wi!Ji:am Perry of feature o.f the Norther.n country.

1I don. t .to !have 'a·ri·other oOnt! up

httle late. However, It ~s all the fl1aJ;bor iSp;rings par•ticipated in Altho·ugh .it has been quite some ih·ere m these .Is!•ands. ~am~tto .me. I really en~oy read- th unveiling of two· service time IS'ince I have visited Harbor Well !here is the best of all. I 1n0' 1 ,, Springs, :J think most every·one sa·w two women l.ast week, they

"'A ··. r · 'h :t th k th Cl b PHiaques in Lancaster, Pennsy-g am WIS' o an e u· can stidol r.emember the lad they were the first I've· seen in 19 .C th ' ' ft It . · t' t h 't ~ -h ~vania, on 'Sund,ay January 213 . .1'01' e g1 1s 1me o 1 · e · · used to caH ''Steamer". A!oao mry months.. They were with a U.S.O. h · ~,.., th' · .,,, b 1·, f t · "ht '1Jwo· service· .plaques honori'Ilg ·ay ""' 1s WIU · e a ,, ·or unLg . ff t • brother Rhinm·d who was known sho~. Their 'Ilames were Martfu,a Best {)f luck to you all. l ,tly me~ m the armed forces for his artistic touc<h with the O'>Drisc-oll and Ruth •Connol. The

Sincerely were dedicated. One plaque hon- paint brush. men -....with the .show Erroll Law.rence P t k ' o0rs 37 men from the 600 b<Iock o.f I have •only-. •been in the Coast F.lynn, Jimmy Dodds an1d Harry ______ e_o_s_ev_ St.:· Joseph >Street, Lancaster, and Guard two .months so haven't ac- Mendoz'a•. It sure see•med go·o·d to

was dedkated at 634 .St. Josep'h quir<>~d that "salty" to·uch as yet. see s•ome one besides soldiers and

1st Eng. Henry T. Wiseman

. U. S. Tra;nspott

rour-!YJore Leave For Armed Forces

. Willi~m · A: Crago, George C. Thomas, . Alvin ,J. Wakeford and Charles J. Bleha from Emmet coun~Y: left last week for Fort Shendan and duties in the u

-~· Attn~· , . They p;;1ssed physical exam­

inations in Detroit some weeks · ago and were .inducted at that l time.

Street at 2 P.M. Mr. H=y Hes- r 'l f h siser, state " Vice ,commander of I expect to very so·on though. sal· ors ·or ·once. 'I sure ope ;it the o .rder ·Of 'the >Purple Heart,· AJ3 .you ;probably know, I have isn't another 19 months bef:ore

been ·pretty much ·ove :the coun- I can see another woman, and I gave :the ·dedication address, and try having l•alst worked at the e- don't tihink it wiH be. the plaques were un:veiled bry Pvt. u N I ., d · · 1 ii th' k Wi~liam Pe.TTY and Miail'ga;ret Mil- lectrical bu,s•iness at the .IS. avy ·am stl~: ·1 1 nvmg true c, m· ler of the u. S. Army. . Yard just out ·Of Seattle, Qr rath- .I tsent you O?e ·bf :the pictures· I

Pvt. Perry is stationed at the ' er on the edge •o.f the .city <>f had taken w1th my truck. I am Bremerton. Bremerton .is located working the day •shift now. We

Ab!'!rdeen Proving Grountd. Md. about 18 miles fl'Om F-ort Lewis. ch>a·nge every two weeks so that ~ believe some of the H.S . . iboys isn't so bad.


are stationed at Ft. !Lewis. . We SIUre had •a real snQW storm RULE WRITES

FROM T+XA.S J: undersba'Ild T·om Gm>ham is to·day, but J didn't mind it muc·h

stationed prettry close heil'e in because todav wam my day off.

[Maryland ·'but don.'t _just exa~tly Tell _Da:~ that t'he be~-r·oll is _O.K. know where. · ·I woudd appreciate but 1t 1s to·o wa·rm 1d' yo•u sleep

BAM: his· address very much. indo·ors. I use mine o0nly when we Have a half hour ·or so before I have jus•t gotten word that I move 'and have . to sleep on the

g·oing to "Hells Bottom", SO· will hav been recommend.ed for and gr·ound. Our huts are nice and

Jan. 17, 1•944

quaiified for 'a'Ppointment to warm to live in, sometimes they write to thank you all .f9r se'Ilding IDlectricians Mate !School or pos- get to-o warm. Wie have goo d the Graphic dow.n. •I usually sibly Ra·dio. Technician. .J: haven't springs and mattresses and pil­itt ·on Monday, so I 'am alwwys at been ,i•nformed as to which .it will lows now, almost everything we the head oOf the moaB 'line. ' be, although it makes very little need. ,I.n ca•se you're wondering, He.Jls difference. Am having a hard time with t'his B·ottom is the area in whi·ch we I wou1d appredate a letter from Jetter. I sta·rted it this afternoon spend tihe ~ast four days •of our :a· who would .care to write a,n)c! didn't get finished and now two· week fie.J.d training. It winds and promise a prompt •answer t'() . the· bo'Ys tha t work the gtra:r:e-up ·OUr tactics a111d. for the most any, mail . yar d ·~ f ,i,:f!t aTe ·up and makmg part, ·our b·asic training. W·e have · two rrtore weeks ·Of basic. Here are my best wishes to p•lenty of noise. J:•u•st got mto a

Lee >B:ro·wer arid anyo0ne t!lse who sqt)ahhl e with on e of them. Now I see Joe An d Paul doW'Il here has been discharged from the he is i•ving on his bed •'aughing >at

quite often. Sure helps to see Service, indudino- Ike Tro·up. me. we .have an awful time but soO me fellows from home and to "' have a "bull" se.ssion with them Sincerely, we have plenty •of fun. .

Staruley W. Stutsman Am sending a couple more pic-1\ on ,s~~nbya iliheilep.aper that m•os.t of Curtis Hwy, 2~6, Md. tures in this letter. O'I!e of m~-

self and Carl Cabbage. Ca-rl IS the fellows in my da.s.s, '4·3 nave thP. guy I just had a scuffle with. been home on furloughs ''":ready. I guess r have all o.f m y Xmas Don't know yet whether or not ·p·a·ckages now. I g·ot the one with I'll be lucky em<mgh to get one, the gloves in Ja,st so I guess that but sWl have my fin gers ·Cr ossed. is aJ.l ·of t'hem.

Please ex·cuse this delaryed ans- Guess that is about a1} for this wer to the Grap•hi c. It ta•kes twice time. Goodbye .and write s·o·on. as long to 's•tart one as it does to · Your son, finish it. Thanks a~ain. Ear~ Bargy

Yours truly,

Jim Rule

Page 12: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

·-------------- -----------------· ---~=-·---~~-------,


J an. 25 De ar BAM:

J•ust finished reading the hom paper and enjoyed the other boy' letters a J.ot. I can hardly than Y·ou and the sta·ff for the g·ood work, and news you send to w e ·boys in service. Just how would we kn·ow what was going on hun­dreds o.f miles aw1y at hom e if it wasn't for t he Grap·h ic?

I have rej.oined my companr w ith about 60 other f elJ.ows who :vere a t the temp·orary P.W. cam J.n H elena, and am back in Mon­ti r eHo. It is g uard duty eve·ry ·other .24 hours now, with a nice

\ dd 1l _schedule in between. The grub IS swell here and the weather I has turne.d warm again. We did ? a'Ve snow like J .oe Kishigo saw m Texas. We ha.t! three snow st·nms s.o far, a.t least that is what these Pe·Ople call them d own here. Th e temperatur e got d·own to about 4 above zero and 2 inche.s of snow fe ll. That was while we Dear Stan: were sti].] in Kelena. ' ·This letter isn't go ing to take was standing ar,ound much ro·om in the paper but it chattering their teeth and look- will let the folks at home know ing cold. that is except the boys ·that I am aU right and w ish I c·o'uld dear o'l d Michigan. We just be there. I 1 haven 't recei.ved a laughed at ' them an1d ran ar·ound' paper for · •over 4 months and I (to. keep warm). Anyway it has don't •receive n1uch new,s, only


really warmed uP enough now so t h:r.ough the few letters I receive. ~a person sweats once in a while,: I suppose it is C·old and t here At night it gets damp and cool,

1 is lots of snow in KS. but tpe

but not s·o ba-d that you get real-· ·onlty snow I 've seen is on top of

lly c·o:•d . I'll trade for Michigan' a mo]lntain and then I was a long a.n'y day, blizzard , m· 'nOt. I h ea:C: ways it. ·

/the snow hasn't been very much I hope you all had a Merry

1 at home and hope when I c·ome Chr istmas and a Happy New Year. [home in Feobruarv there will be Mine was pretty go·od for being some to see. so far fr·om home.

; Well, we\]! tRa'Y was on K.lP We ar~ hearing t he Hit .Parade, fThat was tO·O •bBJd. But wh at els but it has a n·ew name where I lis the Navy good for? Not try- am bu-t can',t put it -do•wn here. ing to warm up that old !Army!. How's schootl going this year? Nvvy f eud Y·OU understand. ·How is the -basketba~l team lbhis

· I read your lett ers Dizz J .oe year? l heard that when we Jack, iLee and Ray. The rest of were to play Pellston, orie of their you guys I don'C know very welll ,players dield, but that is all I but enjoy.ed •yours too. heard. .

I've g.ot a big laundry to tio; Well, this is about all fo·r this imagirie me. S·O I'll close for now.Jtime and am to 'hear from Best -of luck to ali, and so long y.ou so·on. for n·ow. As ever, I So· 1ong, ·


ISLANDS , Jan. 21, 1944

Dear B-A:M Club: . ·I wf~h' to thank you · for maki·ng It p·ossi·ble for all of us to receive the h ome town news. I r eceived the paper while i.n "hoot'' train­ing at Farragut' and enj.oyed it very mueh, but have been on the rn·ove eve-r S·ince anid am now with the GB's in the H~!,waiian Isl•ands.

·I like this branch of .t he ser­vice quite we!':l and the climate is wonderful, but I ca n a:ssure ~·OU anything you h ear .a•bout Beauti­fu~• Hula g irls is "Scuttlebutt". Hollywo·od has all of them.

Yours very truly, ' Wm. Thompso.n


J an . 25, 1944 Dear BAM Club: •

I have , been in the army since the 16th of Novem;or, 194'2 and was suPe gll:ld rto get a paper with s·ome news of what is going on around home. but most of a];l 'to r ea d the letters of the other fel­Jows wlfo are in the service from ar ound home. S.ome of them from the f eUo ws who came in the same time that I did.

The main reaso.n that I am writ­ing this letter is to give yo.u my ·new .address so my paper can be sent direct to m e instead of to the place that it us ed t-o be sent.

l have not received any c-opies .of the Graphic since the first of J anuary. They may be in the mail somewhere .and may come as so·on as the mail gets straightened o·ut again, as it takes about a week after I move .before it catches up with me.

The~;e is another paper -that I. i•ike to read and that is the "Yank" which is a weekly like the Graphic.

Wlill c.]•ose for now, hoping to this letter in the Graphic in

the near future. I remain,

Pvt. Robert Thelen Ft . .Preble, Maine

Marine Sgt. .Plummer Lang<ford Overseas '

Granruon , of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peterson


Jan. 23 . 1944 Dear Editor: · ,

It is about 'tim'e f~r me to say " Thanks a M.ih:ion", for the grand­est· li ttle paper in the world. ND one c•an appreciate it as much as one !·n th e service ,- especially the Servicemen's c-olumln, ·where w e fina -out the location of all our frien.ds . Every·o·ne ·of us is lo·ok­ing f.orwar·d to that grand an)d . glorious day, the Graphic and every newspap'er in the country can .put the big headlines "Peace DeclaTed" in their papers, so we can get ba·clc to .our families and fri ends, a_nd settle d·owri . to normal] ife again. .' ·

Aga in, I want vo· say thanks anld ten y·oil I look forward to the Gni-phic e ach ·week. ·

Sincerely yours, •Leo Friend

Camp ·Callen, Calif. Bob : Bill Davis w~·· ~·---·---,m-·------·----·-_-_-_-_-_-... -... -_-_-:.-:_-:_ ___________ _



S-SGT ANOY BOYNTON Beth>l•e.hem in background


.Sgt. Olarence Sco-tt. arrived

.Custe·r, Mich.


last Saturdav to spend a ten-d,ay furl-ou g.h with his wife before re­turning to his !S'tatio.n at Hal'V'all'd,i Nebraska. •


Page 13: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Dear BAM: · W·eil:t it certainly- has been a

llon.g while since I last wr.ote y{)u, but n-o-w you know why the · delay. Yes, -I am in North Africa, where I c-anno<Jt reveal. Wis-h I c-ould te ybu what I am doing and what a part I am playing in the North · African campaign, but that's {)Ut · as {)f now. You realize it's ~he ce.ns-or but I can tell y-ou after it is over, I mean ·the war. It will be something -to .talk about.

I Last week I had th e p.: easure

of re-ceiving the North Afr ican campaign ribbon and also the {)C-ea~ion o<Jf visiting ____ __ , The customs of the French pe-ople are l!ure strange but true. As f ar .as the enter tainment -goes , we have the l:atest moyies, ball games, card playmg ana such {)ther sports.

By a str ange c-oinci dence last week l happened to meet a hoy

, fr-om Petoskey. First time I eve1 metsomeone from up that way ,since my induction. As usual w e bald a nice long chat aboQut Emmet County ana its surr-oundings. Thf whistle just blew so I must bl-ow so until the n ext writ ing break, I

!must bid you fareweD, and unu : then. keep writing.

Yours and victory, Bing Cas si.dy


Dear BAM: Thanks for Murray's alddress

It was further d elayed due to m; being shipped ab out t he time Y•Ol­sent it.

J d<>n't have very much time f.o1 letter writi'ng here. We are kept

, quite busy with -our c<>ncentrated studies. I'm now in .Pre...Radio scho-ol in Chicag-o. ,

This is really an ideal pllace. We get the best chow the navy has t o {)ffer, weekel).ds anid Wednesday nights {)ff, and are free to walk ar-ound the campus after classes

, are dismissed. Being in •Chicago, I thought I

might run acr-oss Smitty but ac­cording to news from home, he is far away from here.

Christmas was as good as c·ould : be expected. I had liberty from Friday through Sund-ay. I was in­vited -out to a private home through the U.S.O. in MDwaukee

, and so Christmas seemed a little : more like it would at . h<>me.

New Years Eve \Vas really i s":omething. I spent the time in my bunk getting valuable sleep . We had to start classes the next day so were confined to quarters.

Well, l gotta get s ome math and stuff done f-or today:'s Class­es, besildes, I'm not g-oing to miss that delicious chow we have. So long_ and best -of luck.


AKL.t. =:» K~ I .rll Ln. .H. I. ·.a. .... , -~- ..


Island -of Kau-ai, Terr. of Ha-waii ____ January 2·6, '44

iss Louise Schwertfeger E;ditor BAM Servicemen.! s Page Emmet Gounby Graphic, Harbor Springs, Mic-higan

ear Louise :

'· Dear Editor: ·About a week ago I TeceiiVed

' two() c·o·p'i es -of the Gr-a.phic. They were August issues but the~ sure lo-oked g o-od -to me.

I notlc E}d that you are printing a lot of pictures of the hays and oam -encl<>sing •one •of myse-lf taken som ewher e in Italy. It is as large as they are aDowed to make over here.

Italy ,js beautiful a.nd I have en­Joyed .s eeing it but will sure be gla n t-o see Michig-an again. Good old Michigan.

I wLsh •to thank y<>u again for the papers. '

Best reg ards to you and all my friends.

,sgt. Kenneth Pifer.


, Dear Friends: Jan. 18, 1944

I wish to send my sineere tha.nks to you friends of the men and • women in the service for the giHs and the home town newspa­peT which we aD appl'edate so much.

It 'is hard to tell you just how much the paper means to me, but if you c-ould see us at m ail caJ.;i time {)n the day we ex•pect the paper aP~d :see the pleased look we have when the paper is han:ded to us yo<Ju would then kn{)W Wihat a grand gif·t y-ou are giving us.

:After h~ving been statioQne-d in several camps in -other states, I now am ·back in the home state otf Michigan and less than one hundred miles from 'home. Need­less to say that I am very pleased.

We have been sent .up here to ilo guard duty in this area. Ac­oording to the sc-hedule set p for us, it seems we are to be very busy, nut nothing exciting and nothing -that is new to ,see as so many -of y.ou o.thers in serviee are experiencing.

Wiould like to send my best wish­es to y{)u aJl, and am looking for­ward to the ,great day when we can all be reuni-ted with {)Ur 1oved ones at home.

Your frienid, Elmer Linehan

1 Happy to ·sav that ·an amended censorship now aEow.s some talk a·b-out this island paradise in mid­Pac ific where I'm · s!tationed at pr esent.

'l'he isl-a.nd of Kauai is circui•ar, in shape; -only 555 square miles and an approx·imate diameter o()f 23 miles. It's highest mountain is 5,170 feet in height and is nam-e•d ·w a i<tle·ale (,'pronounced Wy­aliy-aley). Incidental-ly Kauai is prono-unced "c-ow-eye" and its principal ciby, the county seat. is Lihue (Lee·hoey) . Givilian pop­u~ation js now estimated at 33,-479. Racial des-cents pred·omin aote Japanese, part Hawaiian. F-.ilipi-n·o, ·Caucasian ("mainlanders", most­ly) .

Sunday a truckil:oad ·of us ·went sig htseeing -on the northwestern­most portion ·of o<Jur isle. We visit­ed two wet caves with crystal­clear water flowing through unex­•plore•d caverns and one dry cave which has .never been comp.Jetely expUore:d. We wallked 3;1!)out a

_half a mile into the dry cave with f:·ashlights. We saw the island's

:largest cattle ranch and a magn­ificen-tly picturesque and fertil e l<>nd known as Hanalei Valley, so­'cal/etd: bec:ws.e -o•f its bear(ifu l lbeaCih, waterfBi lls and mountain range. The Hanalei beach is con­sid'ered the finest and a tourist attraction in peacetime.

Kauai has nine s•ugar cane mills. 1 T-he :•argest mill and plantation is

I the 'Lihue Plantation Go. Ltd . which has a maximum production of 185 t dns per hour. 'l'his is "96.' ' .sugar which -is partia.lly re­fined. Lihue Plantation's 194,3 sugar ·production was just P'ub­lished arJ:l amounted to 56,598 tons. The L.•P . Go., Ltd. is one -of five plantations ~ using rai·l­r{)&ds to tra.nSlJ'Ort the raw cane from f ields to the mill. I've en­i·oyeg m~self a number of times by· riding the locomotives of their narrow gauge railroad since .drik­ing a friendship with S{)me Port­ugese shop-men and trainmen. Was amused iSuntday ,seeing two s3ilors -wearing- their dr-ess whites -riding n onchal-anti'y atop a swaying car ro f -cane about thirty cars ba-ck of the. engine. And I've reason t{l be:•ieve they .didn't go to the movie ) r to a dance with their blackened whites after they reached the mill eight miles fr-om where we pass­ed them!

T-his wUl intere-st thos-e who have fishEjd Little Traverse Hay. Last Friday there was a hukilau (group o<Jf fisherm en with large sea .net) at the _mouth o()f the Wailua river, our largest island stream. It was the' first larg e catch of the year and war time m&de the c-ommuniby affair even more c-olorful than peacetime. The hug e nets' were torn. ·by barb­ed wire and yet 300 b_ilsokets . a­mtounting: 1to W,OOO· poumds 10f akule were caught. Actua~ trans­lation of "akule" mea.ns "old m-an or woman" s·o I can't ex­plain fucrther except these fish are a b-out the size of bNok trout.

'Bob de ·la Vergn 'looked me up a few ldays ag-o. Jack Cassidy is .sutDP·Osedly no:w here 10n 'Kauai island but I've not seen him. Frank Kaniarz of ·Pellston works au Dist.ric-t rr,.te!Hg ence. ,There are boys from Al penR , ·City, East J ·ol'dan under the same oom­manding gen eral . Unders tand J .ames Campbel:< and Wlillie Wil­liams are navy men in P acific wa­ters. I'd like t hem to write. Who knows ·they might tic up here, some day, "

•Appreciatel,d the service greet­ings fr-om Governor Kei:w, pub­lished on the 1Christma,; issue ser­vice .page. And I also -extend m:v thanks in apnreciat i•'m ·of the BAM Club actirvi ties. '

·Aioha ·from the Islands. -'Charles l'vl. Reyner


January 1-4, 1914 "'!'he BAM Club-:b<mmet Goumy , Graphic Harbor bpnngs, 1\'licnigan Dear Edi•tor:

G-uess it has been quite awhile sinCJe 1 have written a letter to -the Graphic. . ·I started <>n one 3 o()r 4• times but never did fims-h. Just received a c·ouple of lira­hies, 2 or 3 days apart. Sure was glaJd ,to get them. One time in a­:bout -a week and ha~f I received twelve altogether and it sure kept me busy reading them. . Sure is swe1r reading the letters of the :rest ·Of the .service men. As yet ,J; have;n',t :foUind any!body flrom Har.bor :::iprings who- is i:n India lt looks to me as though I am the only one, · It s-ure has been inter­esting seeing the co,untry I have but will be more than gla d to hit the old shores -of the U.S.A.

Am getting along swell here and the days seem to really be f:•y­ing. One thing I am really glad of. It's comica<t to watch the dif­ferent custums o.f the natives. The -bazaars here don't lo>Ok anything like any of the plac:_es back in the :states. They are usually filled with soldier's and the like though. The GI's sure make a rush for the PX when t he g o·O·d old _American rations ' >Or supplies ~ com'e in. Thought I would come 1-:lown to the -oHice tonight and d-o a little let~ ter writing. Like my work weJ,, and we sure have a bunch Qf swell Officers and enlisted men to work with.

Well this year was the first C)lristmas and New Years I have SlJ'ent -overseas. Sure hope -to be :home next year at this time. I wish to- take this time to tha.nk all •the pe-ople in Harbor Springs who() have helped to "lnake the Buck-A­Month cluJ>-a success, and I must say we · a)l appreciate it. A~so am thanking you for the Graph1c, and may this New Year bri~,g ~ou a lasting memory ·o-f the fme Wo<Jrk you acc-omplishe!d in "~3" . ~est of luck to all the b{)ys m serv1ce. I also wish to say "Hello", to in Hawaii and my other brother 'who is als'o in the gervice, but as yet I d{)n't know where he has been sent. Guess you kn<>w I mean "Bing". Will ·clotSe for rtow, 'with Greeting from the Far East.

Until victo.ry, Sincerelw,

Paul F. CassMy


Jan. 23, 1944 Dear Friends :

Thought 1 had better send YO'U

my address. I am now in Miss'is­sippi. It is nice and warm here. We · have a. white f r ost nearly every night, but the days are ,real warrm and the · sun shines every pay. . .

Sur e wiD b e g la d when this ·war l s a~l -over so I can come back ·t here. It has been n early three yea11s since I was there. I was in Ft. Lewis, Wash., two years.

I want to thank all o f the BAM members for the presents and the good woirk they are d<Jing.

Sinc-ereloy, -,

Fred S. Bartlett.

l •Cadet Leona.rd K<>sequat; ho is stationed at Hope College, ol­Jand, Mich., spent a few daysj in Harbor Springs with friends and spent six daws 10f 'his furi<>ugh visiting -his mother at Grand Rap­ids and friends .RJt D~hNlit.

Page 14: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook



- Nov. 12, ~942 Dear Mother: I

' R ece<ived your most welcbme letter today and sure was swell to hear from you. Your let ter f dund me fe eling fine , a nd am gla ' to hear you' re all f ine a t home, too.

I guess I haven't been g etlting all your letter s. I get a letter fu-o m you about twice a month, but I got a letter fr om Theresa a tfew days ag o, and I've been answer­ing all letters t oo. It ·surelv is

I' swell that you heard from Dick . . At ·leas t you kn·ow where he /s. I


would like to be with him. I g uess the reason why he hasn't f an-swered my letter, is becaus E1 I

1 must have put the wrong APt on / them.

Just forget about that old us­ic box. It ·would probably ge · all smashed bef·ore it got here ~my-way. l

I probably won't g et that k qdak for quite some t ime yet. Thi nks f·or sending it.

Well I must 1b e closing for ., ow, and I hope my letter finds yo U. all in the best of health. · 1

Will be looking f<>r an answer. , Your son, '!

Louis. Pvt. L. S. W emigwase 3 61 71 Z 5

1 Med Let 2nd Bn 58th Inf


' '


Dec. 20, 1942 Time 14:00

Emmet C<Junt y Graphic Harbor Springs, Mich: Dea~ Sirs :

Received the Graphic today and W!IIS sure surprised. Thanks very much. It sure seemed good t o read oome news of t he north .

! Have been her e for f ive weeks

now a·n d cain ' t say f or · ·certain In England h~w much longer our bo·ot camp

Sept. 14, ! 42 Will last. H ope it's not too -long

1 .A!PO No 948 ·C-o postmaster I Seattle, Washingt on.

Dear Mother: as I'm sure getting t ired of t his ~ell I finally am getting a detenti?n. Of c·ourse we have plen-

merry. I have b een wr\' ters for two .hours now that I .JUay r eceive so~ da soo n. , ~f I have sk ippe; I hotpe t hey'll f orgive n: at

I will be here a t Mc CCl , days basic training · and in

I kno,ws wher e I'll go afte da hope it's Texas. ;

· Well it 's "lights ·out" r j e minutes so· I guess I' d bet by sayin•g t hat I' ll b e a vi' py sold ier upon r e·c·e1vn Graphi·c. I kn ow f rom p penence ~hat n othing r ea

Iter than the •home town pa; Sincerely, ' Pvt. Dewev Gos• Co. 42 , Bks 2·5<

. LSS Camp McCoy, ·vf:..


I t ime· f or fi re dr ill, wa tch duty of f our hours ·or anything e1se that the , gold braid may think we sh{)uld do to ma:ke us rough and Decemlber r ugged. To the Editor o·f t he

This is a real boom town. Right Emmet <?ounty GrafPhic : :s n ow there are somewher e ar ound I r ecelV:ed the Graph1c wh\­(six figures ) , bluejack ets station- · was a t Camp MoCoy and it su.\s ed here. We· have some g·ood bas- seemed good t o r ead the n 'i ketball games, , happy hours- from home. . . ._ where som e ibig name band- My n ew _a·?dr:ss w1ll be ~~ c·omes and entert ains

1 m oving nic- Recrmtmg and In ductJo,

tures etc Center, 166 West Van Bur·en St . I w' · h · Ohica•go , Illinois. '

e are ' avm~ p~enty of g ood I wish t o e ress m tha k t ~~~eN~~~~rLas~ 1~f~~~nit ~~~~=d the people in ltarbor s"pri!lg~ ~h~ !llbout 8 inche a d ' t' . t 'll . - ~ave been s_o thoughtful m send-. s n I s s I com mg me Chl'lstmas cards mg down t oday Th · · · · ere a r e lot s of thmO's you

Guess I'll call this enough f or can do her e that are r e:tricted n·ow and shove off. in the camp . . . 'Thanking you agam and wish- Thanks f or the Gratphic. It will mg all a Very Merry Christmas be a lot of com pany. and Happy New Year, I remain, Sin•cer ely,

H arvey L. Br ower. Resp ectfully, pomt to answer your letter tht' t I \ ty of time to ~tlrselve s so it isn't

g·ot las t week I was glad to €ar so bad. We hit the deck a t 05:00 from you. I am f eeling fine ; and each day and prepare ourselves PROMOTED ·cHRISTMAS doing all r}ght f·or now. I alsoj got for :. ch~w at 07:4~, then we· have Lawrence D. McNamara S 1-C the two .p1etures you sent . 1me. ~ 1;> mmute smokmg per iod which UISNTS Co. 1724 Alfred J. Shaw, son of Mr. and

an s or t e stamps. IS o owe y r i mg, lectur es, . v n ·rs . en !l!W, ·as e·en prom ot-Th k f h l f II d b d 11

. •Great Lakes, Illin~is. ~ ·r L Sh h b

You can buy me some cigar- · s~udy, p·hys ical exercise etc. , un- ' -' , ed , to Petty O~fi,cer , . Y eo man e~tes, abo~t two cartons anti a t1l 12 : ~0 wh en we hit the n oon NOT. HING READS BETTER T~1r~ Class. He 1s · statJ.oned at Cigarette hghter. And that's a~out ch~w .lme f or 'beans and coffee. T HAN HOME TOW N PAPER Wllham sburg, Va. all I need for now. Th1s IS followed by a 15 minute

I went to Lond·on about ~wo smo~ing •period then it's · general weeks ago and I had a nice t ime routme again until 17:40 (5 :40 ) while . I was there. It :is . very hiee when we have our evening chow. city, as much as I .saw of it: ; After chow we wa·sh our clothes ,

. _7

- .J steel woo1 a nd wax decks, write

I .

letters and prepar e f or the next d;lly's inspection. This goes on un­til 20 :4'5 ( 8 :45) when we prepare f or a wond.erfu-1 night of rest whi·ch ·commences at 21:30 (9 :30) and may be interrupted at any

\ '

Dear E.di t or : I un der stand that you sen d the I T O MY SON IN THE NAVY

Grap.hic t o ea•ch ,boy in the ser v- It's nearl a r · ice If so then would you ·please Y yea now, smce you · . went away send .me t he Graph1•c a lso. , . Of · '

It is New Year's E ve a·nd I 'SUP- . cou,rse, you have b een :home . . ~or JUst one short stay.

POse els·e I S _ makm~ J Yo.u have no id·ea .of the courage


I it takes i To k eep- smiling. W.hat a differ-, ence it mak es : When I go into· room 'n o l smile can disguise ' 1 How lonesome it ·makes me I !br ings t ears to my eyes. ' I don' t 01pen the blin ds-no sun-

. l i.g·ht I n ee-d · ,

1 To shorw me h ow V'il!Cant your

1 ro Qm is inde·ed. i I l.o ok a t the maps you p ut on the i rwall,

'The bedsp rea d uncrumpled no wr inkles a t all. '

, Your desk is unli ttered, not even a trlllce

Of unf inish ed work there-not a book .o.ut of place.

I go to your closet and OIJ en the door, · -

See a ll your clothes hanging­! fe el worse than bef ore

f But I wouldn't call you back,· my son , if I could

Y·ou a r e doing your duty, as all of ·Us should.

You are .one more grand boy who is doing his b est

And I, j.ust one more mo·ther , t he same a s the r est


Wor d has heen r eceived tha t ! Lyle H einz is in a h osrpital . in .H !l!waii.

Page 15: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

WAAC A. BALGOOYE~ Editors Note - The fol ·

lowing was received from WAAC Abagail Balgooyen in response to our letter to her asking for information on her branch of service,

anything we experience. After basic training, the girl

is placed in some special sc~l such as those m entioned above unless her education or job ex ­

)perience in civ ilian l ife" h as fit­ted . her to go at · once into the field to r eplace a ;man. ·

I am now in r adio school. I was not consulted about being sent here, but r eceived orders because ther e is at pre sent . great need for r adio oprators. I am very glad for the opportunity, although there is nothing glam­orous about the process of get­t ing to be an operator. The work is tedious, fatiguing, very dif­ficult.

As to some of the details of our life, most W AAC'S still live in hotels on an average of four to a room, s leeping on double-decker cots. · Gentlem en : -

I scarcely know where to be- During basic training, lights are out at nine o' clock and .the gin. You already have informa-

tion rela t ing to the various fields soldier rises at a quarter of six. · Beds are to be made and the open to the girls who join the

WAACS. The four main fields room cleaned daily and left im- , ' d · · t t' k d m aculat e before the first class.

are a mi:qls r a I~n, . coo s an When the girl goes out into the bakers, commumcatwns, m otor f ' ld 1. h t · · · t 'l t t d r d ·0 Havi·n~' Ie , Ig s m ay remain on . un 1 r anspor an now a I . R d h · k · t worked in the classification de- ten . e c e c IS at a quar er

. · of eleven, except on Saturday partm en t, I can say w1th certam- . ht B · t · · · t · d t mg . · as1c rammg IS s renu-ty that every effort IS rna e o b t th · 1 11 g ·ns · h h ·n b ous u e g1r usua y a i place the girl w ere s e WI e . ht d f 1 b tt th he

· the happiest and th e m ost ·use- weig an ee s e ~r an ~ I f 1 Sh · 1 d r sult o·f has ever felt before m her hfe. , u . e IS p ace as a e . tests and interviews. H owever ,, There ar e some types of girls 'it would be well for the girl to who should not join the a~I?Y· remember that when she enters They include the over -sensitive th e service she promises that she type; - the girl who is ~ot fo~d

1 w ill do anything, th at we a.x:e of . peoJ?le ; t~e one. who 1s easily l fighting desper ately and tha t her' upset by -mmor dlScomf~r~s a~d ! own personal desires and happi- a.nnoyan~es such ~s wai_tmg m ' ness ar e n ot really important. lme, nmse,, disagree-Ser ving her country sh ould be' a? le task;s~ dlSClplme; and the h appiness enough. After all, the g1r~ who likes tQ, get drunk ?c­

.J m en go through a lot m ore than ! caswnally. In spite of anythmg

J ACK CUNNINGHAM SENDS I back home. who were in the cam-GIFT TO BAM CLUB paign.

I 'l'his pa t ch wi!l l 1be worn by each , Dec. 2, 194 3 ',succeeding individual who in the

HeL•o .H arbor: I future years will -do duty with t he ·My .lett er s to the .dub I know 'F. M.D. Once the indi vidua] has

are f ew and far b_e·hyeen, but you been t ransferr ed from t he F .M.D can rrest a•>sured It IS be~ause of f he wi:•J not .be a llow ed to wear the t he need and not the hab1t _ pa t ch. (unless he is on fudoug'h

You in H arbor ha_ve d·one so i and !llctually was in t he camp'aign ) much f.or me, even more than the /They •say it is not t;Je value but "Buck A .Month Clulb ' ' which ha:s the thought behind a gift, but I d or:e more t hen words can ex- I b ellieve t hat the value, or better press, but then again the "iBuck ' still, the prke, f.or this patch has A M!o-nth" is Harbor Springs. In been paid it was too high, -but we trying to show. t o you, my gratit - ,are tha.nikfui it was. no hig her, an-d ude I am send ing the Club a the thoug}\t, well, this patch -comes Christmas gift. To us this s!houl}d- to y;o•u .mingled w i t h many er patch is a symbol, one that we ' t houghts. too many, and perhaps are pil'OUd ·of. To us it symboQ- to jumMed .to be wri t ten or told izes the 'Marine Gorp, and even now, tr at any future dat e. more pers·onal!: y it symbolizes the I send ·all my f rien-ds in Harbor buddies that earned the right to and thos e wh<J have lef t my s~n­wear it but will never wear it . W,e cerest wishes fotr a "Merr.y Christ­ar e pr-oud of it, fierce~y proud <Of mas" and a "successful New Year'' it, perhaps even to the point <Of and next year I hope to see the being ove·rbear ing, but without big t r ee in M1ain street. t'hait f ier ce prid e, you wouldn't Although bor n in N ew York I have the Mar.ine >Corp. can't seem to caCl any place but . The p atch, was presented to the /Harh•or Spring~, home, s-o d o ~'t First Marine Division by the Aust- change those h1lls, the f<J r es.t, t ne ra•lian Government. · The fig ure Hal:'bor, or those ",bJitz" blizzal'ds <J ne stands f·or the division and 1 in the winter because I want them t he stars are the So•uthern Cross . /to look just ~ike I left them. Also This p·atch is woxn on the left don't change the people sleeve •shoulder hiooh. It is worn I See you after the game - were ·only by present ~embers of the lea·ding - can' t let them t ie up. F .M.D., and those on f ur lough I Gorp. J ohn W Cunningham

you may have heard, drunkeness and immor tality are not toler­ated and girls guilty of such misconduct are eliminated as soon a-s possible. A girl should know what she is getting into bef(,).re she joins the Ar my.

However, after nearly · f ive months in the service, I seem to enjoy it more each d ay. I have m et hundreds of very f ine wo­men and there is a c<Jmradship ~ot often experienced among wo­men. I can promise tha t sh e -w ill find the officers superior .wom en, Well fitted for their r esponsibili­ties. . Civilian life will be very t am e · af ter this. A riy girl who . is h ealthy, optimistic, not afraid 1, of work and w ho w ants to serve her country w ill like. the W AACS. It is no place for the sensitiv~, the lazy, tlie selfish, the intolerant. !

Yours · very sincerely, I Abigail · Balgooyen l


.Hi BAM's :

Just a 'li ttle Br eeze up your way Missed the Graphic f.o r ~ne week and being s·o use to get tmg it eve·ry week, I felt sort of empty not knowing what ' every·on e was d 01ing. Rea)ly missed it. Read ab<lut the "•Sea Going Bell Ho;p" Mu!f : aty ·Gleason today. tGoulJ:d, y-ou send me the "Doctor Jykell' and "iMr. Hyde's" address. His two unif-orms r emin d me ·of that story . . It's ok Mu•rl':i.'y, oM C ha·p we don't mind y-our "b:oasting" . Save a few J aps f or m'e, e•h ! I like my brother J-oe, joined the army to get away from "studying" but here I'm -car-rying the same t of ·bookis. he did I guess.

Wlel'J f olks, ·I guess yo u• just · can' t realize how .much ·a home town p•aper means t o f eDows a­way. f rom home. -Le~ters we re­ceive a>re news·y all ·nght but the Grap;hic co.vers ev·erything so that if anyone of us fe'Jl.ows ·away f rom home shouLd. by - any chance· be ab)e to c-ome b<ack we c-ould keep up the conversation about the loc-a'l ha,ppening:s with anyone up the·l'e '!'hat alone makes us feel c:Ooser to home.

.So in c'l osing I wish to sen d a hearty a,pp•recia tion for the peo­ple who maike it p-ossible f.or us t o get the good •old "Home Town P·aper".




Walnut Ri~ge, Ark. Dec. 23, 1942

E mmet G:O UJ)•tv Graph ic

D,ear Editor : _I was very much pleased .to re­

ceiVE) a copy -of the Emmet Coun­ty Graphic yesterday , and I wish jio than_k yo u ·s incerely f·or it. It surely lS a pleasure to sit down fo r a few minutes t o r ea d about t he t hin'gs tha t a r e go-ing on back home.

I think that your Buck A Mont h cl~b is .a swell idea and I was sur­pn se.d ~o see s uch a long list -of names m the paper of boys who

;ar~ in the servi:ce. There realLy ar e Q,mte a f e_w f r om Hauber Springs t nat a re m the service, when a pers-on takes t ime to think who is in.

\ Here's hoping that the war doesn' t last t o but in spite of th:~ fac~ t hat r:m a long ways fro m ho.p1e, I~ ~a:'m_g a swell 'time a nd

like the army ver v much. In closing I wish t o thank

again for t he Graphic.



PFC Is-aac Trou, Med Det AAF'BF S Walnut Ridge, Ark.

'The f·ollowi,ng selectees leave f or ·Camp on Decemb er 30, 194 2 :

Bernard .Shawan·iJbin, Benj amin V. Phelps, Lee W·aUa ce Ferguson, P ellston ; Roland A. Warr en. Rob­ert Ea·r l Ba rnes, A. William Ho dg-­kiss,_ J r ., Dale Chauncey Hankins, .F1ri:eal H e,nry Reyner , Pe•toskey; Kepton P. ·Clark , Carp Lake,

Those wishing to see t he selec: tees off, should be at the· Penn­sylvania Railroad S·tat i-on nt 9:30. a.m.

De-wey E dgar Cosem , J r... of Har'boir Spr ings, did n•ot r e-turn .fr,om t he Indud i0n S tati-on and entered F·ort ·Cust er De.cember 213; 1<9-42 .


Just received two V letters from you today and they were dated July 9th, not had.

Well here it is t he last of July already. Boy, how time flies. Last July ab out this time I was leaving the States, but it really doesn 't seem so long until one starts to think about it.

Today severa l of us received commendations to b e put in our records for the fine work we did in the Sicilian Campa1gn. The captain told us w e demonstra ted a h igh degree of proficiency un­der cond1tions · of stress. Of course it is an honor to gert; this and ·besides it will go down in our service record, so it makes me feel pretty good. Maylbe soon I can send it home for you to see.

Well so far I am still 0. K~ and feel . fine. Hope Dad .ke~ps my rifle oiled up and our flShm gear ready b ecause when I com up we will be doing both.

Well I'll dose now and bes~ of luck to you 'and please write I

G. R. (Dick) Krusell SM-3jc Fleet PO 232 cjo PM New York Citv. N. Y.

Page 16: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

iii tor


I November 18, 194,3 ,Dea·r Sir:

I I must :take a f ew moments off from my duties to. expr ess my

1 thank,s t o you f ox sending me s uch

1 ~ nice Chnistm,as -g i! ·t .. and a use- \

1ful on e t oo. 'I he kit IS very han­

,dy a>h d will fit iruto a field pack n icer t ha•n anything I have as yet seen. The litt:Oe metal m.irroT that is wit1h it is a gift in itsseH'. Those s•ort of things ar - except­ionally hard to get over h e·re and s·hav<ing without a mir ror is a very ha.rd t a:sk that .is; a har d job to fin ish without losing an ear or par t of y·o.uT c·hin. I consider my­self very f ocrtunate :to have C·ome

I f·rom a comm unity where the townspeople t hink S·o· much of the

' fe:.lows in the service and away

I f r om home. Speaking fo r m~se'lf, I think that we f ellows f·rom 'Ha.r­bor have a helluva lot to fight fo:r b esides for o·ur free-dom, namely, Hfl rhor Spr i·ngs.

I h:we found Gordon Terpen­nings A•PO number and I wrote hi:m,, b ut as yet I h ave had no ans­w er f ro m him. It is possib!te tha·t he has move·d. Other· than him, I kn ow of no one that is over h e1re in the United King dom I under­stand th a t my buddy, Joe Brad'ley is in Bm ziJ. ( s·o my f o1ks t ol·d me) . I doubt if h e w:ill like that bee·r down there. I sure wou!•d like to hear f r om him.



Dear Friends:

This is somet~i!'lg I must do ~ s~re now. even If on Gove'l'nml1 time. I ·am very ashamed o-f m self for n·ot writing sooner 'S

than'k . you ·all f·or the ·Cigare1 I received some time ago. A e ple ·Of my friends got the enj.~ · ment out of them. k

The Ch~riatmas p:a~kage ear day before yesterday and lis eve.r swe'J!t. '11he size of aU t. articles .and case make it ve fascmatmg! and ~Ve·rything u ful to the fellows m the s ervice

_Everything is .111bout the sar

I :VIth me except things are qui1 mg d·own he'l'e for us. . We have plent¥ 'of work

Sides ~ur regu!•ar time on dut :-Our U1f.ue :Squa.dJr()ln Det. 'ha~ . builot a pretty good area and . are . kept lmsy . busy adding mor O'l' Improvmg It. .Sometimes w wo.nder if we're i,n a constructi·on ~quadron inste,ad of Communica­tions.

! I have found time to make my-

ls.elf a fairly comfortable bunk to s~eep on.. There are a numbe-r in the makmg now. The frame's ar~ of two. by four's with stnps of rubber stretched and in­ter woven between the frames It sleeps 'lots better than Canva~ c-ots. -

Also Tells of Life in Hawaii Somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands, August 24, 1943

Dear AI: J

Reflecting on the view s and news from one of the Hawaiian Islands . . . A free · movie was shown tonight in the messhall, used as a recreational building in addition to an .ea·tery. "Road to Zanzibar" and "Bulldog Drum-


lifted to the extent that windows facing the sea must be dimmed a.t 8 p. m., ·total blarckout at 10 p. m. Civilian automobiles are equipped with h eadlight black­out shields for night driving -Signal company enjoyed an hon­est-to-goodness Hawaiian hula dance show a week ag o·. Not just one but four lovely maidens presented several v ersions of the hula, b efore the a·we-struc'k signaliers. Wonder why gyrating hips and native m elodies fas­cinate these lonesome he-men -Domestic electricity on this is­land sells for Be for the first 25 kwh, 5c for the next 75 kwh, all over 100 kwh at 3c p er kwh. Corr~tion: (censored). One U1;( remams open after seven in tl evening. The USO is largely · · sponsible for rounding up girls for occ asional dances . ter an evening show it's possi 1e to g-et a cup of coffee and dough­nuts at the Salvation Army un­til cur:few at 10 o'clock. Island stores are closed at 5 o'clock and by 8 p. m. all sweet shops are closed - We are awaiting a part of a shipment of 60,000 phonograph r ecords recive d by the Hawaiian Department Speci­al Services Office for distrib u­tion - The army h as b een good enough to furnish each organiza­tion with one or two late model radios, tropical type, capaible of, picking U1p Mainland program on long wave broadcast - Wis

I h ave one ·g r ipe -- I haveni.t seen a· Graphic sin·ce the· fi;zost of October; and t h,at ·one was the f.o•urth -of July issue. It .is possible to send me once in a while? (Geo Jne is ma iled t o y()u every week). I think since thelast time I wrote

;he BAM. I have - been moved. [ used to be in England, but I am aow situated in South Wa-l es, 'not

By keeping my eyes open when on duty .and hurrying I was abl~ to- Pl'Ck up some · good rubber ~u/bmg ;that wa:sn'-t any g o-od for Its . use a,ny;more. Had en·ough strips for a cou.ple other beds so mond" made up the double-•bill some feHo,._s we·re !rucky. The entertainment - No big-league ~mly t_hing to worry about now ball game box scores in the .!S havmg the rubber snap and island newspapers because of wake us up. · cable costs - Two identical

Two week a-go I ran int'() Abe twins were awarded the coveted Cohn, East J:ol'dans f.oi'mers ,coach. Soldier's Medal for swimming Have a booy m -our Squadl'lon fr{)m

to thank the Blue Star Mothe; and the Review for a yeaJ subscrirption to your paper.

Yours for Victory, o- Pvt. Charles M. Reyr

' OPEN LETTER TO FOLKS ta·r f r om Cardiff whic~1, I under­tand, is one of the :•argest sea orts in the U. K. My wganiz­

ation has just opened up a new h().spital, complete with everything except patients Everyone is busy get tin g ready f or them. I don't like to see- t oo many casualties but t hat is what a hos·pi·tai is for so i t will seem different to be very busy a ltl the t ime. Not to get away f rom the subj ect -- -our camp

East J .ordon who had f()und Abe two hundred yards off shore in Cohn. I came out of my tent and shark-infested wa·ters fully cloth­nearly r.a·n .int\> the two of them. ed •to rescue a ·buddy seized by It. certamly was a pleasant SUT- cramps while taking a swim -pnse. - Blackout restrictions have been


Hattiesburg, Miss. 'December 22, 1942

Graphic Publishing Go. Harhor .Springs, Mich. To all the f-olks at home: W e!•!, I believe t~is will have to '----­

Thankmg you all again for the swel>l Christmas gift.

Sincerely, Bob is at the ba,se of Loaf

Mountains, one of the largest ' mountains in Wal~&. and boy is I j t cold do.':"n ·here .in -~e. val'~~ .L Doyle. ~::ower is home on fur-· wa:ke up lil t he mo·rnmg (by re- lough VlSitmg frie.nds and relat­quest) an d see ;th e peaks of these ives. mountHins ·c·ov'e'l"ed wdth snow. It -~ _ is especially nice ar ound five in

-- -----:;::- -.-~~-- -"'-:- West Point Instructor . . , In the ·f irst World War General

th ~ morm ng. when the mo on 13 ' Burt serve-d in this country. He sti!-1 shin ing on th em. If I were was an ins tructor at the United I closer t o the sea it wo•:d remind States Military A·cademy at' West me more of t he harb 'l r a t ·hom e. Point and at Fort Leavenworth1 It seems odd to look towa'l'd the Kan. He was graduated from the mo·untain.s in the ·d.ay fthne and see War College in Washington . five t'()wns builf o'n t he side of · them. years ago , and since then has 'been It mu_st be nke in peac E) tim ;) t o_ attached to the' office of the see these a t night, but n ow we Judge Advo>eate General's' t see a• thing because of the ment, Washington. , black-ou ts. ·· In fa ct -it is s~ da-rk He was as•signed to duty in the here ·at ni?ht, the .lightning b1,1gs South Pacific a year ago. . carry fl Hsh :•ights. , \ His wife is Mrs. Lela M. Bj.Irt

I see I · am nea i''y at the bottom of Michigan. The Burts have f dur of the page , and th e f 'rst · i ~ children. Ernest M., Jr ... the ~ld­glaa·inl'· at m e . t.o get bus y, so I est, is a graduate of the u.: S. must clo£e. I w i.;:h you a il a good Coast Guard Academy, New L;on­wintr r , (with lost Qf c oa~) and I don, .J!p.d n oiW ensign in the coast hope I may see a~) of you by next guard on duty in the . Paci1'ic. Christmas. Happy New "Ye1r ~o Three .younger children, -Marjorie you a ll. ·Edward L. and Betty are atten d-

. ~eorge_ l!~ ing private schools in New York



Karl SchweTdtf eger, son of Mr. and Mrs. c. H . .SCJh<werdtfeger , has been promoted t o Petty 0~­

' fic er Yeoman First Class. He IS , stati~ned at Will iamsbui'g, Va.

WAYNE ALLERDING I want to take this '()P,portunity E•NJOYING ARMY LIFE to thank all of you for the many

Chri~tmas Greetings I have · re-Dear Sir: ceived. I wish that it were pos-

1 would like to have my ad- sible for m_e to write to all of ·yo:q dress in t he pap er, as I would like personally, but ' ·at the present I to hear f rom the home foLks, am a little t~o busy for that.

I am enj oying Army life h ere, I find that the Christmas sea-but d·o miss local n ews. I son away from hoine isn't what it

Sincer ely, is up to be. It s_ure. w9ul.d •P vt. Wayne K. Aller ding be a mighty lblue Chr,1stmas (It Co D 87th Inf Ing Bn (sure won't be white) if it weren't

·Camp Robert, Calif. fc·r the kinds thoughts and remem-- , ... Tances of you at home. Even

' ]' '!lOW eyery time I hear someone . <Lars. J ac-obson, · who has en- f inging or playing "White Christ-h~ted m the Na.vy, left Monday rna~" I get to thinking of 'the mgJ?t. fo r Detr oit t o report for ~\ .~Ite Christmases I have spent t ram mg. . . m Harb~r ,Springs and wonder

Stanley. H~tf1eld, . huSiband Q.:f how long it w1ll be before I spend J .anette Kmdig Hatfi eld, has been anoth'er one there. l p·r OJ?!·Ot ed • t o 'T echni•cal Serg~ ant,, • Although my Graphic rea-l:hes stat10ned at Camp McCoy, W1s. me a lrttle late d·own here it is

Le:Roy Sterly, w·h o is stationed still greatly a~preciated .S~me­i~ Yirgin~a . is her e on furl ough' t ·mes the other fello·WS ·in my visrtmg h1s parents, Mr. and Mrs. r.oom wonder how I can find so H enry Sterly. much to read in it. They pic~ it

Pvt. Robert De La Ver.gne, son ·.1p ;.nd are thrcugh with it in ~ive of Mr . and Mr s. 13. W. J?e ~a minutes OtT less. \ It doesn't ~ake V ergne, is .hom e .for a w eeks fur- ll".UC11 sense 0 ·.-o th~m, but I read !ough. H~ IS sta t ioned at Ft. LeiW- everythil'}g in it .intcluding the

11s, W ashmg.ton. , weighty . de;cisi'()ns of the City , Dads.

Perhaps when I get back to Wisconsm in January, I wil be

1 able· to get off long enougH to get h()me for a w.hile but -dntil

I then I will be reading ~bout thost of you in the Graphic. Keep uJ>! the good wOTk. 1

Sincerely yours.~ Bill Baker,

Page 17: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Will Take Up Gunnery Course

Dear . Momie,

Room 412, Wednesday.

I got a card the other day say­ing I have been given a year's subscription to the Review by the Blue Star Mothers. It sure is good to r ead about one's home town, especially when one has been away for so long. I have

· received everything you have sent me since I last h eard from you.

If you want to buy m e a pres­ent, I would like an identifica­tion bracelet-just a tag to wear

on my wrist to take the place of the chain I have to wear around my neck.

Well, I've been here almost <three weeks and I'm not tired of

Dear Al, Received you August 5th

paper and while reading it, it made me feel like I was at home.

This .college training js quite a · program in training fu~ure Pilots, Bombadiers and Nav1ga­~ors.

Yours for Victory

Pfc. Tony Slifka 334th C.T.D. (aircrew) Davis & Elkins College Elkins, West Virginia

it yet. I went swimming yester- A warded Oak Leaf day in the Atlantic ocean. It's Cl t p th I r eal easy to swim in salt water. US er OS UmOUS Y I'm a pretty good swimmer by · Mrs. Leonard Swafford, of East now. I passed all the tests that Jordan, r ecently r eceived the air the Navy has to offer. The las t meda l w i-th oak leaf cluster and hardest was swimming a awarded to h er son First Lt. mile without stopping. K eith 0 . Bartlett, p osthumously.

I h eard from Mart. All he He was · killed in England on .talks about is the good food he March 31 when •the bomber in gets. I guess h e's having a good which h e was taking of.f collided time. with an incoming plane, crashed

Two weeks ago I flew down to Cuba and back. I was head navigator all the way to Cuba and we hit 1!he spot we wanted to right "on the nose." Last week I flew up .to Jacksonville and back. We flew above the clouds most of the time and had to tell where we were by the sun and th·e moon which was up. There are also a lot of ways of navigating by radio but you can't always be near radio sta­tions to navigate by them, so we have to learn celestial navi­gation whioh uses the sun, moon and stars. We've had this al­ready but I don't think they have room for us right now in the fleet so ,they are giving us training while we wait. The more training I get the better

and burned. ~t. BartlE!'tt was awarded the

air medal for · five bomber com bat raids over parts of enemy occupied continental Europe. The oak leaves· were awarded for the destruction of om enemy a ir­plane. Mrs. Swafford also r eceiv­ed the Order of The · Purple Heart.

* * * FDR~:

Payroll savings is our greatest single factor in protecting ourselves against in­flation.

I like it. I am going to try to get some

records to make records on so I can send you one.

I had a date with a real nice WAVE who is stationed in Mi­ami. She is from ·Baltimore, and has the funniest accent when she talks. They have some pretty good dance bands down here.

Miami Bea•ch is just packed with soldiers. In fact they have practically taken over the place. They have parts of the road blocked off so they can march. They have taken over hotels and restaurants by the dozen.

navigation and star-t on four weeks of gunnery. There I learn to use an aircraft flex~ble ma­chine gun, which is what you see in movies, being shot out of the 'blistters in the sides of planes. :Still nobody knows where I will go from here be­cause the first class hasn't fin­ished the entire course, but they will this week and I will know.

In a week and a half I finish


. Camp CaDan, Calif. Dec. 8. 1943

Buck-A-Mont4, Club Harbor ~prings, Mich Dear Friends: ·

·Rave wanted to write you be­fo:re this, but they keep us very husy he_re at Camp Callan. They ·a:re trymg to_· cram all our basic training into ·seven weeks and what I mean they cram it There is not one i-dlle moment from the t!me :yve get up at 5:45 A.M. un­til after chow at 6 P.M. you have to have · your ~ bunks made up an·d your lights out at 9 P.M., which leaves you very little time f{Jr yo-ur personal aff-ail'!S

I certain!•y want tO thank you for t'he wonderful and useful gifts you gave me just before I left, and the party also. · I can unaer­stand now, what the other ,boys in the service meant when they wrote for the colu-mn "Harbo-r S(tlrings goes to- War.''

Well, I better dose now. So long,

Ens. Rob't W. Reber U.S.N.R.-Room 412 U.S.N. Air Navigation HollY'wood, Fla.

Bob. AV(N)


November 6, 1943 Jewell Island, Maine

Review Printing Company Petoskey, Michigan Dear Albert,

I have m oved to another is­land, and ·it i s rather hard to get along without the Northern Michigan Rev'iew, so I would . like ·to- have you send it to my new address.

My new home is a solid rock whic'h is about one mile long and a half mile wide, sitting out in the cold North A~tlantic Ocean. And I am SU['e that I will never kick about that cold Petoskey winter weather after a wint€r up here. Albert -there isn't any­thing that I can write about up !here, but I ~can say again that I do appreci-ate your paper and v1iH expect it at my n ew address.

Yours truly, Cpl. Louis M. Domlbroski


Cpl. Everett Marihugh isnome 1

on a furlough f·rom Camp Howse, [ Texas, vis~ting his family. _

· · .Sincerely yours, Leo C. Friend ·

P fc. William W. Miles Naval Radio Station Bainbridge Island Port Blakely, Wash ..

* * * Cpl. Ralph D. Compton 340th M.P.&G. Co., RP.W.C. Roswell,- New Mexico

* * * Opl. Alvie R Compton Battery K, 212th C.A. (AA) Seattle, Washington

* * * Sgt. Charles W. Eckardt 36194926-702 Ord. Co. M.'M. A:PO 183-c/ o P.M. Los Angeles, Calif.

* * * Pfc. James L. Paul 36192363 1st Bn., APO 4333-A cJo PM Seat-tle, Washington

* * * -"Review" ads get

Page 18: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


TO DETROIT 16 From Harbor Springs

Are · Among Those Reporting

The f ollowing list of names are men from Emmet County who .. !•eft f.or Detro·it W e·d. to take their Pre­Induction Examination. Those w'h<> p·ass make up a pool <>·f eligi­b.~·e men for theArmy and Navy anld will be ordered for _Induction accoTding to Order , Number and marital, s!;a,tus. . •. , ' 1

Hari:ior Spnngs - James H. Clark ·Gerald De la Vergne, Frank E. Francis, Harve·y H. Gra­bow, Lyle D. Griffin, Douglas J. Hill. Roy W. Johnston, Frank J. K:us'hak, E'rnest Lauer, J esse A. Levett, Glenn C. P,arks. Maur ice E. Phillips, Maurice D. •Radle, Charles W. Shagonaby, Howard R. Ta;Yi<>r. . and L<>uis E. Holiday.

Peto.~key___.:Leo.nard W. Andrus, Gdenn A. Athearn, .Oliver A. Ay­res, Martin W., Beer. Ge·orge. H. Betteridge, John J . Beyer, Rlc?-


ard E. BDlings, Clifford C. Chapm Dale ·Chew, Gerald L. Cooper, Richar·d W. Crick, Trevor A. Croff .Mike Dainoviec, Paul A. Danie'Is, Richard E . Dickes, Homer H. Duncan , Floyd E . En·gler. Jac~ Fettig, Steward J,i'. Gates, J_o~n E . Gibes, Vern L. Grams. Ph1lhp L. H annan, Fred D. Hoesli, Leo Hoff-man A1to.n D. Howden, Arnold R. Jepsen, Ge·orge C. Keel, Stan.~·ey


He Is Somewhere in Sicily

first thing that I look for ' is the service men's column! I have been able to find out -where quite a few of my friends are and What they are doing.

I got quite a kick out of the letter that my brother sent in where he says that the only way tha't h e knew he was back in the sta·te's (Ft. Knox, Kentucky) , was because they cut off his foreign servke pay. We have a fellO'W h ere that is from Ken­tucky and he is quite a brag­gart and I only had to show him tha•t to put him into a semi­maniac. We all got quite a laugh out of it.


. Nov.7: Ihadave . mg last night f ry mce even­writing any l~tt <>·rgot a!•l abo.ut even-ing in my f ~rs d and spent the Ended up 'th nen s tent ta'lking


August 11, 1943. Dear Al:

Just a few lines to the people back home and to let them know that I have a new address. After having spent the last few months in No11th Africa 1 I have now moved to a location some­Where in Sicily.

Our mail was held up on us for quite some time before I left


!\.frica, but it was all waiting for us over here. 'IIhere were two Reviews dating ba•ck in May in the batch of mail that I go<t. ~~Y most certainly were wel­~e news from home. The


There is a lot I'd like to tell a'bout this country bu t I'm afraid that it wouldn'•t pass the 'censors, so will just hold off. I can say that the people over here are not bitter toward the American soldier. They all say t!hat tthey hated Mussolini but bad to be­lieve in him or they didn't eat. (It looks to me like they didn't get an awful lot 'to eat, anyway).

I would appreciate it if would send my paper to ·new address. J

In closing I want to off~r n congratulations to the Revi6 on their ten years of service th ' they have given to all of us.

Sincerely, Cpl. Wm. Woodruff.

Gpl. Wm. Woodruff 36151489 330th Ord. Mt Co. (Det)

· W1 som · h ·Coa and Vanilla e zyce ot ~o~ tasted pretty good wa ers Which

_Took a nap rigl{t . ft . r ~his noon as I wo:rked ·~1 ehr chorw Jng. W'hen I .0 a t e mor~-

, ~mall washing ~ ke up I did •ly ls'hed m!ne I · ' a.s .soon as I fi -

· for the three .:;h~;e~ Jre w~shin tent· as they were 1' e· ows m o to use the machin a ·' ~!, wante and I had it The w .I e we e·ou machine wo.rkin ey .JUst got t .ing Yes its g agam mor ine.' Mo~. a rea•! wa.s·hing mac

Nov. 8 : Had S!!·rpr.ise .right afte;ery pleasa mght. ·Game walk' chow la tent and darned i£ng out of wasn't wa.Jking th ' Abe Coh It surpTised th hiOkgh our Aref ·of us and we e reecc <>.ut of 'bo <>ther right ff ogmzed ea prise wore ·o~f -;-soon as the su

'H d nyway. we ~enat g~o·d chat wdth him a Wia;s prettyo s~~d a U:S.O. sho He1ler san g ' . Little Jacl fo·r us I"•' hg a number ·of son

· · ·" ave to 1 k Al u~ again as he's •onlo be Coh U:Iles from us and If a coup'le smce June. as been he

Nov 10· M'd · h • • • 1 mg t ana :r -J got up fl'?m a· nice sleep and ·n h!lv·e to sit up for the rest otf t m~ht. Went to sleep about ni th~rty Had been <>ver to · fnends' tent again, in fact t four ·out of our tent and ·a cou of ·other fellows neaT by came We made turn overs with j am j ly, and ·Cheese in them. · B

WI·L·LAR.o · McNAMARA They ":ere good. Then · we h ·~ B_A:CK IN STATES some mce ·rich cocoa too just

APO 758, c/ o P . M. NAw Vnrlc N V

fore I wen.t to bed. ' No'V. 29. 1943 Spent nearly aD the day wo

M·arch 30, 1943 He!tlo· BAM Clu•b: . l~g around our p'lace of b usine Buck A Month Club L. I., N. Y. Fn~ed some equipment with Harbor SIPrings, Mich. Wellli.SI'm back m · ti:le Sta!!e~ C1hlef op. This a~t~rnoon a ~ P. Kellogg_ Arthur W .. ~n·ow~es,

Wilbert J. Liegl, W1lham E . Mei·ndl Herman C. Meyer Jr., Arlie 'n, M·orford, John OliSen, Eldon D. P·eck, Thorrias G. Roil­auld, Andrew W. Snyder .. 'Bryce Steiner, · Donald H. · Sterz1k, ~d­ward A. Sti11, Adelbert R. T~y~or, Morrell Temple, James A. W1cker, Robert P. W·oodruff and Har<ry H. Wren, and Do.nal-d D. Wells.

•ust a few lines to thank y·ou ddi 'J o I;s p ·ace so we won't get 1 for the nice gift. I r.eceived it new a :ress so as to get the paper. again; s·pent part of th t '

Dejr Folks: again I guess I'd better tea you: ni"'\ pt· etho.f uls were ,flxmg n ew Sl

0. K. and ~ro>reciate it very ~s .I was i,njured. dRring, the in- fooking up things to wor'k !ith.1

much. We have to wear our d.og vaswn of Sa~erno, Italy~ _I m ba.c'k Yesterday I received four tag~ 11;ll the time, night and day, here fo·r a few months w)hch seen;s ·le·tters from you includin o- ·ag so It IS a pleasure to wear them good, although N Af·nca wasl?- t hy·d•rated letter (thats .;'ha on· something comfortable and to·o· ~ad. . Nevertheless, I n~1ss call the V-Mail down here). t last!ng s•uch as these spun-glass a:rgumg( wa,th th~ Arab,s, ~}uch sure <are up in the f ive hund chams are. was half ·our pastime. ' bra·cket now 0 h 1 f

Ala.ntson - .Alr·nold L. Allen, and Robert C. Ulrich.

P€·]1ston - Wi11Ls Amder~on, Donald Gro:fi, Robert R. K.abelman Atrthur H. Laughbaum, Conn L. No•w,':anld, F!I'ank P. Skiba, John

I have been very busy the past · · · ne ec c o a J two weeks .preparing to go en

2nd I thank you ~or the Graphic, and of letters. Sure hope I'm h

Army maneuvers in Tennessee. the otJher gifts. befo<re yo.u get to t he tho usa They are going to start so.on and Yours respe.ctfu•:· y. Just about it. Two years

J. Skiba John J. S1ifka. Fred W.alsh . J'ohn Wojan and Raymond A. Zuikiewski.

Bll'utus- Horace W . Bosma . . Levering-Archie H. Mallor.y,

and Edwin J. Strojny. ·



Mr and Mrs. tCharies R. Baker

f E·as· t Third Street who have t~


o ht · the arm.,.. sons and a. daug ~r m t of the forces are welco.mmg mO<s. k familY ·h.·ome for a visit thls wJee .

Thei.r daughtet, ~nq Lt. E. ol!e­phine ' B;aker, ;who l.s m the A~~ Nurse ,Cotp ·sta~1o~ed at o Bliss, Texas. a.rrived Saturday for a week's v~i.t. T . B 'ker their . ·Cpl Wilham · a · ' M' h son stationed at Fort Custer, ~~e: igan, arrived TuesdaY. on : J y

w_ill last from 10 to 12 ,weeks. . WiDa•rd McNamara qct. ~nd, tw? years more so S I b 1 h - --· ,____.,.. _ _ time m 45 1s what we figur

m•ce . e ong .to ': p· otogr.aphic fore.. Jt'•s sure pretty "'OOd to down here. ' Co. I thmk I w1ll fmd them quite ., intez:esting, altho·ugh they are !J;:Un H~to ~orne one yo.u know after Nov. 11: I"ll see if I can't w cons1dered a pretty tough grind. all ~his, time. . . some to you folks r ight now w I work in the laboratory or dark- D!dn t ~et mu~h sleep yes.ter- there .isn't too much going room so either make or handle all d~y mo·r~ung, First ~me of the Yesterday I ra~ into another pictures that . C·ome through. Also fello·ws ~Iled the floor m our tent. low [rom •East Jordon in f exopect to get some assignments· T:hen I' was just getting to sleep Abe Cohen brought hi:U aro on which I will get a cihanee to go . when a fellow came ·after me for The boy remembered me alri ·outan ta ce some:- wo~rk det~I. Didn't have to- go and we played basketball aga .

I .as I had J;USt come from working each otheF in '•37. T·hey were see you have thad a · ,pr.etty half the mght, took me a whi!•e to l'OUnd early in the aftern

tough winter ·in Harbor and get to 1 aft th t G I Wh I hope sprin~ h~s caught up with I . s ee·p er a . , .uess I . en was away with the ma y_o·u by' tln.s tnne and Wl.ll con s ept three hours t?l'ough. inance Pian, but they were aN

Nov. 13: Wovkmg only one r---- .... · ~-..,.;;>-----tmue . into a nice summer man on the night shifts again. So

~ill close 1by thanking y.ou we sit up he·re at night a1one. agam for the gift and if you pub- Yestei'da.y was a rugged .d,ay !ish tthis I'd like to say hello and fm; some- of. the boy·• .. · · There w~s best of lu ck· to all ·oof the other ·t I t f "'f Harbor f ellows in the servi'ce qUI e a o o cement poured Was

~he same old .gang that did most Untll we · have Hitler back of the work. In the morning I

hanging wa!ltpaper, I remain WQrked with "Go'ldie" in making a

ga·in. near chow t ime. I took them to chow and then we went to . a show. "Five G·raves to Cairo" The four of us aren't anymore than fiv e mDes apart. The fourth is, a boy in ·our outfit from East J<>rdon but I never knew him be-

d pass and is leavmg o a . a~heir .~ther son, Gharl~s Ba~er,

Jr. is unable to leave. hls s~tb<>~ at :·cam!P ·crowder. Mlssoun, u his wife with their infant 4aughtk is expected to arr~ved thll! wee -

lend from G-ould c~ty.

Sincerely yours, ' II smaU taoble. PuDed my shift in Hank 'Keller. the afternoon and went o.ut after

' evening chow to· ·help the boys fin­ish the. job. There were a few pretty t1red boys when they :findsh­ed and I was a little tne same way myself. · I gave <>ne O<f the boys a fair rub down. l)on't know whe­ther it help€d muC!h or not but :Charles Baker recently . was \

promoted to Gorpol"'ll. jihe liked it anyway. ' \


Page 19: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook



De-ar BiAM Cbb: Dear Sir: It has been some time since August 8, '43. Two yea,rs ago today I was down

I have wrirtten to t hank you for I Hello, All at Roy J ohn tso n's, when I received [ s~nding me the Graphic and the ' I've enjoyed reading some of la telephone call. rt 'was from the !gifts. I sure enjoy r eading the the letters from servicemen late Mayor Gene Pifer He tol,d, • paper and I always r ea d the let-

lters from the rest of the f ellows which you print in the N. M. Re- ;ne to turn on the r~dio. I turned ih the service. It sort of keeps view, so guess I'll put in my two It on , and the . shockmg came. one in touch with them all, even cents worth. that the peaceful Hawanans had though you don't know their a d- First I t i th k th Bl been attacked r,uth1e·ssly by the dresses. [ - ' wan. 0 a!l e ue Japan ese. ,

I had a three day epass the 19th. ,Sta~ Mothers very smcerely for The lives of millions of people During that time I was able t o pavmg your pape~ sent to ;ne changed that day -both men and get home and see the town and and many others m ·the serviCe. women. Some e.nlisted readi:: y to so ine of my friends as well as t he )Altho I've been away from Pe- the cause while :others waited for foi•ks. Would ha¥e been home f<ilr toskey for quite awhile, I still their turn to be called. Those holidays hut l}ncle Sam said t hat enjoy reading of the that were not fit f or the rigors and he needed our gu'Oup of f e],Jows ers and I'm sure it's a very worth h~rd•ships ·of militR;rY. trainin'g down here at Fort :Sill by Christ- while air of the Blue Siar Moth- d1d their p_art by enhs tmg on the mas day. . ers to keep the boys in touch home front .. These latter peopioe

We had a very enJoyable tr.i·p with ho folks and events were and :will not be prese~t at down here from · Lansing. The , . me · . the front· m .person - they w11! !>(e transportation {)ffker at Michi- I m m ·the 688th F.A. Battahon in ·spirit in th g·ui·e of shells 'gait State College was able t o get ~ere, working ~ith th~ _field ar- bombs. planes, e tanks: and ofli ~; , a couple PullJl!an caTs f otr u :S. all hllery. school m trammg and implements -of war - things that the way d<>wn.· We spent 4 hours teaching offi·cers. It's very in- they made, or were bought with in Grand Ra-pids, 18 hours in Chi- teresting work with field prob- bonds; war stamp-s, and ·contribut­CI,lgo, and '11 hours in Kansas Cit Y. !ems under n ear battle condi- ions. Mo .. so during .our waits for train tions and in all kinds of weather It seems on Dec. 7 that rich connections we explored the towns and terrain. Lately the weather man, p·oor man, b_eggar" man, t,hief and had a .grand time. n ld d t 1 f<>und that Servicemen can has merely been all kinds of hot. were a we e m P ~?e ._ c~ass. have a wonderfu:: time in Chicago Natives he_re claim this to be the ;'~~Io~\~:J,nay . we ·call Amerlcll<!) and Kan-sas ·City. In fact, if the ~otte~t, dnest summer ever, a.nd Today, I am somewhere in Hie :~~eople in all towns in the country I m m no mood to a~gue w1th Ha.waiians. the same group of is­gi'Ve the ho&pitaJ.ity that we. found them. My leave, wh1ch I re- lands where Tojo directed' his in the towns ·that we went through cently spent in Petoskey, sure bombers. I never dreamed of be-l know that a serviceman will a!- · ways have a good t ime. We all ap- made me appreciate Michigan's ing here- I am 'the' most su.rprised preciate· it m<>re than we will ever climate. of -all. It proves how ironic li~e be ruble to express in wor ds or a·C(;- .Speaking of .that leave, AI, in is. ' ions. the N.M. Review of July 29, you I wish you were all here to see

The weather here in Oklahoma mentic;med that Sgt. Merrill T. how tru:Jy patriotic and American is veey odd. Her.e it will get ver y Stark was home with my sister, these nati'Ves are. I wish Y:Ou a~! cold at night, warm up during the Catherine. Not having been of- were here to see how truly pe·ace-

n 'd ful these group of islands are; de-day. "DY m1 -afternoon it is warm ficially reduced in rank as yet, spite the ins tallation of milita.iy e·noQugh- to · go ·~aruurt:d - Without· [ still claim that it was Lt. M. L . defenses and building s, then y"ou'd wea.ring an overcoat. We are n-ow St k I . ar . When was there last understand the treachery an-d in ·our ramv and muddy part of .,

I the year. At the pre:sent we have winter you put me in the Cav- brutality of these loy;tl sons of

lno snow but expect some in a f ew airy and now you bust me to Nippon, a.s they are c·a~led. •I can weeks. Sincer ely, sergeant. Anyway, Al, I'm still a think of a much better nllome f.qr

. · :. Robert Cetas lieutenant and am in the Field them right off the bat. It's ter­Artillery and proud of it. In case rib.le to think that such a group of anyone. inquires, by the way, peace i•oving people had to be the U.S. Ar,tillery is the best in •the guinea pigs for tl)is war. . .~· E RNEST H. BURT ADVANCED


Col. Ernest H. Bur t , a New Havener, wh<>· as a student in the Yale Law School, Cla•ss of 19.17, went int o the Unite d Stat es Ar my fr om the class of Col. Ro•bert ·M. Danf·or d, U. S. Army instructor in military s,cience and tactics at Yale, has just been pr·omoted to the rank of briga dier-general, U. S. A .. up·o n nomination by the P res ident, for dis:tingui•shed serv­ice in combat, s·omewhere in the S,outh P a·cific.

He is one of 75 high army of­fi.cers who have ea rned promo­tions, some by swc·cessful invasion ·of enemy o-ccupied areas in the South P acific and others in North Africa.

Native Of City A nat ive of New Haven, grad­

uate of D.wight Gr amar School, H illhouse High , Michigan State University and Yale Law Scho ol,

I General B_ur t 's career in the army ha•s been marke d by r a,pid promo­tions. .. He is the son of Mrs. Susan H . F . Burt of 476 Yale Avenue, and br·other of Lester A. Bur t, of the engineering department of the Souther!'\ New. England Teleph<>ne Company. His fa ther, the late Ed-

1ward S. B-urt, was a contractor whose h ome many years ago was at 2-'3 1 Pa rk St r eet.

To talk -of the natives, on their world. reaction to that day of infamy, is

But now I'm bragging, so may- interesting. Their views, I g·uess be I should sign off. would be the saine; as if Harbot

Thanks again to the Blue Star Springs or any other town, in the Mothers and I hope the boys can ·United States 'had 'been attacked·. continue to read the N.M. Re- Some couldn't believe - tq~ news, view until we win the war. other's ran fO"r · cov-er. #hiie · 11~

Sincerely, stalwart responded 1with their 1 help to their hom.e lantl. I can pic-

Merrill L. Stark, · tur~ their faces, fiVlell with anx-2d Lt. F.A., 688 F.A. Bn. liety, dread, and fear. . Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Today the sons -of Harbor are

all scattered over the globe. ·To

, Herrick, Shellrer Meet in Africa

- those that come back, there wi~l be much happi·ness, fcir they will have suc·ceeded. Tho·se, that fail t o r eturn . will •P·ot be forgotten,

Sgt. Jesse Herrick Jr., in a for their cause was up·held, as they recent letter ito his parents, tells were taught 'They, too, wil~ have of meeting another home town succeeded. boy, T !Sgt. Robert . Shearer, son •On this dat e, to the B.A.M. •and of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shearer, its many f~lloweiS:; and atrmed while overseas. The fact fs they members, goes ·my _ deepest re- .

S A gair.ds . May G·od Bless you all, and are !both in the same U . · r~y keep y<>u 11afe. We'll return, but Air Force outfit somewhere m when we do, we'll come bac}\: _yic~ Africa. t orious.

Sgt. Herrick, son of Mr. and "Remember Pearl Harlfor", an-d Mrs. Jesse Herrick, Sr., recently keep your chins. up! . . commended among 233 other men Yours and ViCtary for service in transporting para- Jack troopers for the invasion of Sicily p s Thaliks for the GTaphics I while serving with the U. ~ S. rec e~ved today - THkNKS · A Army Air Force Troop earners · MI•LL~ON! Command, says that in the en- ----:---:--"'----tire year he has spent overseas, T !Sgt. Shearer is the first boy from this state he has met.

* * *

November 27, '43 Dea~r Friends:

I wish to thank you for .the nice new one doUar bill. I j.U'lt received Really it is grand to have home f.o1ks remember Y'ou.

I kn.ow you are all b.usy getting ;ready for the ho'J,idays, It is ha·rd to become in:te·re.sted over •here as we lack the weather to remind· us it is winter. We are now c·om{ng

1 into our summer and l'ainy sea­sons.

Our unit wi.Jl hold "open-h<>use" for a,J1 of -our friends. who a·re in this Base Section. We had a very nice time last yea,r.

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. We didn't fa•re

:bad:J y. We had chicken, gravy, pota:t·oos, cr~nbenvy jelly rolls ice cream. Some of our' messe~ had pumpkin pie. So you see we did a:·l right. We fixed littl ~ baskets and put candy in them for our patients. In the e-vening we ha·d moJVie, ~

The Special Service and Red Cross wor k together and p•wvide some sort of enterbiinment each evening fo.r our ambulatory pat­ients. We had a movie three nights a week, a band concert one night, a bingo party with American can­dy bars and ci-gars for p•rizes. Sunday evenings they have a song f'ea1~t. M-ost e'VIJirything takes place in the street. Our patients are p·retty we]'] entertained.

Ed Mulde'!' is in our M .. P. within .a few miles ·Of me. He has been -over twice to see me a·nd each time I have been out. I am hoping soon to get to see him.

T am on night duty at present. We draw a two- week turn about eve.ry four months. I am ha'Ving a sn·ap this time. I drew three wards and three very fine ·corp men. It certaini'Y means a lot to have men who are capable a•nd trustwol"t'hy, Y·OU :should see my corp men put on "hot 'Pa·cks". I wou'ld. like to- see the nurse who can do a neater job and be a,ny more conscientious over them He h a jewel. ·

We ha·ve some of the finest boy·s in the worJ.d among our en­Listed men. There just isn't any­thing t~at they_ won1._ do_fgr us,_:

Tom W-oodruff, from ·co , · "$1, . pas.sed t hrough tne otner day but

1 wa-s on duty and didn't get so see him.

W e:•J friends, I have rambled on 1ong enougn ao-out ouil' umt, so w~·, ] c1·ose tor tomght. ThanKs agam .Lor the dollar. ·

Wishing you aD a very ;pleas­ant Christmas with Victory in the


1'/ew Year. 1Sincere'ly,

Lt. Ma~Tian E. Burns

Page 20: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


He~J.o FoQ1k•s : / Received the do'llar yo·U folks ,

sent me. It sure ·c-ame in handy and you don't know how much I appre_ciate it. It shows that you folks back home a-re trying in eve-ryway to h elp us boys out. ·

I have been ·overseas over a yea;r, was in Afrdca, S.icily and n·ow I'm somewhere in Ita:•y. lt' has 'been a tough go a'l.l the way but we',re d·riving the enemy c'J.oser to "Ber-lin" ' everyday. • ·

tS.•o thanking you f olks for the doQDar 'you sent m e, and I'm wish­ing yoQ.u all a Mle:vry Ohristmas_and a Happy New Year,




Dear BAM: J have read and re-read the

Graphic week after week, and yet I have failed toQ write and tel.1

gang together. I have to get to work

quit this bunk fatig'ue. the next time, I'D just and say so -~•on"' .

ngw and & until sign ofl


Pfc. Frank D. Spaulding, for-

As .ever, Bob E!•liott

merly of 804 Maple street, Pe-

l toskey, has been .graduated from the Aircraft Mechanics' School in the- Army Air Forces Train­ing Command at Seymour John-son Field, North Carolina. As a member of the AAFTC at the North Carolina base, he has spent four months learning and prac­ticing all types of aircraft main­tenance and repair.

Private Spaulding attended Central school and was employ­ed as a locker room attendant at .the Bay View Country Club, Pe­toskey, prior to entering 'the Ann.Y_Oct. _~7. 19_~

Dear Editor: I received the last issue of -the

Graphic from rny folks and sure was glad to r eceiv·e it.

You say you want the address o.f all the men in the armed seTv­i•ces. M.y .address is Etzel Har­tung, Co. 16, Platoon 2, Coast Guard Training Station, Manhat­t an Beach, New York.

I wish ev·erybody in Harbor a H aq>py New Y e.,ar. All letters will be ap.pTedated.

Sincerely, Etzel Hartung.

Page 21: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

P v t. P e ter ·Wiklanski ASN 36852715, 306th TG AAFBTC No. 3, Bks. 229 Sheppard F ield, Texas

Tony Sobieski 36460513 Unit A Special Tra•ining Co. Q'MRTC, Ft. F. E. Warren, Wyo.

..........:... ~*-*-*

Pf.c. -Jay L . Harring·ton 36465687, 627 TSS, Brks Truax Field, Madison, Wi~

LEON McDONALD STATIONED 1We sure gave good old Harbor ONLY 6 DEGREES OFF Springs .the going over. He is in

EQUATOR the Marine Paratroopers.

I I think I have covered a·b{)ut all


nilii: II I I can t ell about this p:•ace. I want to thank you many times for t he presents and papers. You all are doing a sweL:. job, ke ep it up and we wi'll give them heck over her e. P lease excusP. the writ ing. I am

Dec. 18, Dear BAiM Club:

I.hruve a few minutes .. so I guess I had better drop you all a Jine.

Last n ight I received the 'Gra­phic, the first in soone time, It was a little -old but .it sure brought my morale up quite a bit. ·

.r canT'-say to{) . much about where I am, •but y·ou can get a rough idea. We are in the middle of the jungle. surr-ounded by thi{!k vines and brush. At night the birds and monkey's nearly dri<ve a fellow mad.

Our living quarters aren't the b.est. We sleep in hammocks and fox holes. A fox ho~e isn'lt the 'nicest place on a rainy night and we have .plenty of rain .

. It .is spring here and the rainy season is on. You see; we ·are on­ly six degrees · o.ff the equatolf. I suppose a lot of my friends have wondered where I have been. I

uess I am allowed 1to tell n:.ow. irst I .. w,as at New Galedhnia and

from there ,J went to the Can-al, from there I can't say.

We had quite a little excitement on our way here.. T~e yellow dev­ils attacke-d u·s a,t mght, but we were too -much:. for them. It sure).)' was a pleasant sight to see them land in the water on fire. ,

Now a mtle albout my W{):rk. I am a machine gunner, a•ttached to the_big g.uns. ___ w .e- w.ork. ii1 the. day time · Q'etting dug in for tb,e raids and at night we blast the yel­low devils out of the sky.

On my wav over here I ran a.ero·ss one -of our home boys, Kim­ball. .Sure was . ·gla-d to s,ee him.

Pfc Ted E. Lugibihl Southwest Pacific

I :;.~~~~:;, :;~~;~;[,;;:t,:\~:~·~J the . service. · ·Sincerely, ·

Leon McDona ld _ . . ---

J-ames Miles of Gam£ h-~r\.1!'..., , Texas, accompanied by his wtfe arrived M{)nday to spent his fur­lough with his parents Mr. and · Mrs. Freii Miles.

: American : Private

B<>b Devenport is home {)n fur-: P.hilippine Mili ta ry

·Camp No. 2. . ,_·~-t..


Imperial Japanese Army

I am interned at P.hilippine Military Camp No. 2. ~Y health is-exceJ:.ent; ~o{)d;

f.aJr; poor.

I am-injured; s ick in hospit­al; un·der treatment; .not under


. I ·am-improving· not improv­ing; better; well. '

Pl~se see~ is taken care of. (Re : Family); Please write to above address.

Please give my best ret ards to e.


AIC Charles M. Ballard, for­mer .Petoskey Sea Scout and President of the Petoskey High School class of '43, made his first solo flight from the Lodwick

I SGT. SCOTT IS MOVED Sch~ol of Aeronautics, Lakeland. ' TO NEBRASKA ~londa, on August 16th,. accord-

mg to a telegram received by Dec. 29, 1943his mother; Mrs. Leslie Viland,

Dear I<\riends: of 621 Grove St . .Su.ce · I have moved I g uess I 1 · t · h

had better send you f.oiks mv new ArmA C AB~llaCrd, en~IS ehd m ·~ e address. This is a littl e d if fe,..- . · y -Ir orps In t e sprmg ent place and we are v ery b~.s ; before the graduating exercises I haven't receive-d the paper f or ·,3 were held. His address is:

I weeks. . · AIC Charles M. Ballard ~hankmg you very much, I r e- Flight G, Class 44B

ma.m . <:! 60th FTD , Sgt. Clarence ... cott L d . k S h f A · . o ·Wic· c ool o eronautiCs

Lakeland, Florida

Page 22: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

T /Sgt . . Oliver M. J odway ASN 16011892 Co. C, 926th Signal Bn., ASC AIOO 638, cJo P.M, New York, N. Y.

P vt. ~obert E. Grets·ch • 3B453121, B & C School

Fort Sam Houston San Antonio, Texas, USA

Pvt. Stanley H. Johnson 36407550, Co. E, 661th Inf. APO 360, 71st Inf. Div. Camp Carson, Colo.

Page 23: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Cpl. Clifford D. Holiday Med. Dei. 3r d Bn. 252 C.A. APO 688, c/ o P .M. New York City, N.Y.

* * * Pvt. Don H. Herrington 1608 S. 0 . Congress 606 500 So. Paulina Chicago 12, Ill.

* * *

S /Sgt. William L . Emmons 36159779 Anti-Tank Co. 108th Inf. APO 40 c/o Postmaster San Francisco, California

* * * Carl Allen Barbcock HA-2 /c Quarters Brooklyn Naval Hospital Bfooklyn, New York

* * * Pvt. Robert E. Williams 35 Sqd.-528 Tng. Flt. B.T.C. No. 5-509 Tng. Gp. U.S. Army Air F orce Kearns, Utah

* * *

Cpl. Roger Weinrich 36410739 Co. C., 52nd Sig. Bn. APO 923 c Jo PM, San Fr,ancisco, Calif.


Page 24: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

P:fic. Charles Gail Wixson cJo Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.

- ---------'-------! iCl

Three Tippett Brothers

Sgt. Wesley H. Neiswander Co. C., 46th Engr. (GS) USA APO 929 c Jo PM San Francisco, Calif.

whose picture you see above located at Camp Hood, Texas

Pvt. John Rinock Jr. 3rd Hq. & Hq. Det. Sp. Trs. II Armored Co11ps Camp Beale, California

"'"'" -'- -'-

Gokee Brothers Brothers, Theodore E. Gokee

and Cpl. Harry Gokee, sons of Collie Gokee, of Route 2, Petos­key.

Opl. Harry Gokee U. S. Army, Co. C 66 Med. Regt. Camp Barkeley, Texas

L ew's addres Arm ed lnf. Reg't., Benning, Geo·r gia.

Page 25: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


~rs. Floyd · Honeysel:t:e, Alanson · With th e induction of Albert, Ellis and , James

Honeysette, Mr. and Mrs. ·Floyd Honeysette 0£ Alans(:in became six star parents · · sons serving Uncle Sam.

Robert E. Stanley A.S. Co. 856 10 Bat!t. USNTS C amp P erry, Great Lakes,

* * * Pvt. Walter Dow 16103714 · New 7th Star Co., 3887 Unit ASFRTC, 3rd Batt. Cam p Maxey, Texas

* * *

P vt. Delbert E. Grubaugh Co. A, 106th Med. Tng. B.N. Cam1) Joseph T. Rob inson Arkansas

. Alb'ert:, Ellis ar:-d James The above three brothers, having a ' total o•f nine

children, have· b een accepted for active service and will leave nex:t Monday for basic training. Albert, 3 1, a Penn­sylvania railroad employe, has three children, a boy_: and two girls; EHis, 36, a locai barber residing in_ Alanson, has· two boys, while James, 34, a truck driver for -Pres­ton Feather & Sons, has two boys and two girls.

The trio is to report at Ft. Sheridan, IlL, next Tues-day.

The other three sons of

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roney­

sette now in the service are

Cpl. Dana Honeysette, 19,

Shrevesport, La.; Staff Sgt.

Lloyd Honeysette, 24, Camp

Cook, California; and Tech.

Sgt. Hobart Honeysette, 22,

in England.



Page 26: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

~ * * Wm. ~· .C_hin~a S-2 /c 2nd DIVISIOn, USS Lexington cjo Fleet Post Master San Francisco, Calif.

* * * Leo S. Kowalski, S-2 /c Brks. 607-UP-156 Ser. Sch. Great Lakes, Illinois

* * * Pvt. Floyd Giggey 36859941 Co. C, 371 Engrs. Camp Ellis, Illinois

NEW ADDRESSES Pvt. Wayne. Reber · 23 T:G,. Squad B J el'ferson Baracks Missouri

* * * Pvt. Edward Sobleskey U.S. Army 4th Plat. Co. C, 52nd Med. Trng. Bn. Camp Barkeley, Texas

~ ~ ~ Orlie G. Baird S 2/ c Co. A, Sect. I, N.T.S. Pre Radio No. 1 34oo Austin Ave. Wilber · Wright Jr. College ·Chicago, Il'l.

* * * Sgt/T. Orval E. Coors A.S.N. 36162538 18lst General Hospital APO 883 c/o P. M. New York, N.Y.

* * * PVit. Leonard Darrow ASN 36867994 FARTC A-2-1 Fort Brag,g, North Carolina

* * * Pvt. Wallace Darrow 364531H Btry. D, 554 Sep. CA, Br. AA Camp Hulen, Texas

_ _..c..;*:._* * MORE NAMES AND CHANGES


W. V. Williams, Y3·C C<>mmunication Office Federal Building San Frandsc<>, Calif.

Pvt. Lawrence J. P~toskey Hq Btry 80th F A Bn . .A!PO No 6 Desert Maneuvers ·c-o Postmaster Los Angeles, Calif. . - -- ~ ~ "*..----

Pvt. Edward Meyers 3645549' QM UNA SGD APO LS-833 New Orleans, La.

* * * Sgt. Charles • E. Neiswander 130th Ord. Co. Camp McCain, Miss.

- ~~ ~

Cpl. Geo. H. Shier 36421016 1st Rept. Co., 1 Rept. Bn. 501st Signal A.W. Bn. Drew Field, Tampa, Fla.

---- *-* * Pfc. Gerald E. Schlosser ASN 36462489 67th Mus. Sqd. Lowery Field Denver, Colorado

* * * Cpl. T. Edgar D. Coors ASN 36161950 . 8t_h C.A.M.P; Btry. L1ttle Creek Mine Base Fort Story, Va.

* * * Pvt. William G. Welsh H.&~. Co., 5th Inf. U.S. Army-APO 360 Camp Carson, Colorado

* * * Sgt. Hugh Behan 36182560

I Pvt. Helmuth W. Schulz j 36872673, 582 MP EG Go. 3rd Regt. UTC Fort Custer, Miclh. ,-

J Ser. Btry. 311 FA Bn. APO 79 r ln PM T .n'" /.1,.....rr ..... l nco r"~ ,., ,

* * * T /5 Kirwan Mulligan 3655140~ 860tb. Chemical Co. BTC 8 Fresno, Calif.

* * * P£c. Bruce A. Craig . 97th Repair Sq. OCAD

Tinker Field Oklcclloma CHy, O}da.

* * * 2nd Lt. Donald R. Cooper 0-1822965 RCN Co. 703 TD Bn. APO 4745 c[o PM, New York, N. Y.

* * * r: Pfc. Edward F. Shomin 36158603, 888th Ord. HV 'Auto Maint. Co., APO 4823 c Jo PM, New York, N. Y.

,.. ~ 1"1

Calvin R. Peters S 1/ c U.S.S. Louisville, F .biv. c/ o Fleet P.M. San Francisco, Calif.

* * * Pvt. James A. Wenz 36864282 S.G. 3, FHght M. 406 T. G. Gulfport Field, Miss.


Pvt. Lee Palmer Co. C, 20 Bn. Fort McClellan, Alabama Pvt. Palmer is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Palmer, 41 Liberty-st. , P etoskey.

* * *

Pvt. Bert B. Pierce 36410753 Hq. Det. USA FISP A APO 502, c/o PM San Francisco, California

* * * .

Ens. C. W. Russell USNR · Instructors School USNAATIC Rood Field Col'pUS Christi, Texas His mother is Mrs. Edith Rus­

sell,' Russet Inn, Bay View. .}'.-..-~--~ ··- ·· ····· ··· ·- -··-



* * * ' whose likeness you see above is stationed at Walnut · Ridge, Ark.

Donald Taylor S-1 /c Arm'd. Guard Gen. USNS c jo Shoe Shop New Orleans, La.

* * * Cpl. L. R. Doxtator APO 4738 cJo PM, San Francisco, Gal.

............. * * * Sgt. Donald A. Geyer 3618237

15th RCD Daniel Field 4th Trng. Sqd. Augusta, Ga.

* * * S j.Sgt. Carl Buettner 36182584 Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 314th Inf. APO 79,. c jo PM, Los Angeles, Calif.

* * * Roy N. Tillotson, AS. Co. 1183, U.S.N.T.S. Great Lakes, Ill.

* * * C:gl. James C. Shier Cpl. A. Martinchek 3617 43rd Airdrome Sqd. , A.A. Base 697 Sig. A. W. Co. Co. APO Pyote, Texas c jo PM, San Francisco, Calif.!

Pvt. Derbert E. Grubaugh 59th Station Hospital Camp Ohaffee, Arkansas

Page 27: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

'•-------------------~---,.,-------------------------·~--------~-------------.-----MORE INFORMATION j APPRECIATES GIFT

Pvt. Chas. F. Foster APO 702, clo PM Seattle, Wash.

* * * Cpl. Edgar D. Coors 36161950 8th CAMP Btry Little Creek Mine Base Fort Story, Va.

* * * Pvt. Leon Burgess 36867904 412 TSS Box 149 Keesle!r Field, Miss.

* * * Cpl. Harvey Oanell 36401808 Co. A, 87th Engr. Bn. Camp Swift, Texas

* * * Cpl. Louis M. Dombroski Hq. Btry., 2 Bn., 240 CA Jewell, Island, Maine

* * *

A. C. Erickson. USNR 4061 Bancroft Hotel U. S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Md.

Pfc. George J. Petoskey Platoon Go. 567th Fighting Com School Orlando, Florida

Pvt. Merlin E. Hartung Plt. 1215 RDMGB San Diego, Calif.

Lt. W. W. Ma·cDonald 0 1288582 Hq Go 3rd Bn 169th Inf ,A.P.O 43 c-o Postmaster .

.San Francisco, Calif.


•Pvt. Guy Allen 16088856 Hq Co Supply Bn 20th Arm'd Div A.PO 258 Ft. Knox, Ky.

Pfc. Richard A. W emigwase Hq Btry 33rd F. A. Bn. APO 1 c-o Postmaster New York, New York

Pvt. L. S. W emig'Wase Med. Det. 58th Inf. 2nd Bn A·PO 948 c-o P·ostmaster Seattle, Washington.

C 1 V L C 16109410 1 Robert E. Stanley, S2C

Mpd. Dant•ce

788·M.. oLa:yK B . TTSA ,UIS .Naval Air Stn

e . e · vu n. Banana RJVer APO 444, Camp Campbell, Ky. Co.coa Florida

* * * ' Pfc. George Ford 36453099 Edward A . .Stanley S2C AP0:4136, clo P.M TT.SA U.S Naval Air Stn Miami, Florida · Norfolk, Va.

Marine Recruiting Station to Detroit

According to an announcement by S !Sgt. Edward ~· Wojcik, the United States Manne Corrps In­duction and Recruiting Sub-Sta­tion at Traverse City, was closed August 20th. . ,

Information concernmg enlist­ment in the U. S. Marin~ .corps may be obtained by wntmg to

. the Officer in Charge, U. S; Marine Corps, 257 N~w . Federa1 Bldg., Detroit 31, M1chi.gan.

* * * Pfc. Basil Waugh 36160155 Bat. B, 252nd CA, APO 868 cio PM, New York, N. Y.

* * * pfJC. Wm. W. Miles Naval Radio Sta:tion Bainbridge Island P ort Blakely, Wash.


I . .S. Sgt. Floyd Hoffman 3022 Kling St. Na;como Heights Ro·ckford, Illinois

Pvt. W. J .oseph Kosequat 4·549 580 T.SS (Sp) F·LT-V ALA!FT·'l'C Miami Beach, Florida

Pvt. Gelnn C. Babcock Co. 3.5 , Bks 2530 LSIP.S Oamp McCoy, Wis .

Pvt. Diamond D . .Spaulding Go·. F. Acad Regt LSSC F ort Benning, Ga.

Pfc. Walter Serva Btry I 94th CA (AA) .AJPO 922 c-o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. J·ohn Serva Go C 62nd Bn 1·3th Regt. Camp J. T. Robins on, Ark.

Ronald Benjamin 6~Go Officers Candida-te School Regiment

,---=----------~Tank Destr·oyer Scho·ol Leo L. Ecker Co. 1183 USNTS Great Lakes, Ill.

* * * Pvt. Harvey Martin 3o193184 SCU. 1909 Co. I Fort Lewis, Wash.

* * * Pvt. Wallace R. Zaiger

Camp Hood, Texas are miore ho.p.eles.sly . en­s]ave·d than those who fa•lse1y be-iieve they are Jree. -

NEW ADDRESSES Gordon W. Lake AS USNR, Co. 1183, USNTS Great Lakes, Ill.

* * *


Denr Friends: ·Stanley Wager, president of the I wish to thank Y•O u fo·r the

. Buck A Moruth clo\l'b has received gift that was sent · to me. It came a l~tter from Earl B . . B.arkley,Jas a very useful gift to m~. It MaJor Infantry, Rec~ptiOn· . Cen- :-va. s rsomething that eve. ry sold­ter,. F·ort Cusrter, askmg f.or full 1er and sailor can use. particulars of the Buck A M,onth I also want to t;hank all of y<>u club. -: , £or making it po,ssjble _,that th~

I _ 9raphic be sent to aH o'f us boys

IN COAST ARTILLERY m t~e •. A·rmed Forces. I enjo~ · ·. .· . Tea<im'g 1t very much. Pfc. Marvm Jack Herr.rck is in I am getting a1<>ng fine 1so fa1·

Battery I, 9th Coast Artillery, · at and like tJ,e service very mucili: Fort. Ruck,man, Massachusettts. Ttb.anking you again, I remain !Je Is makn~g an effort to get Yours truly, mto the Flymg Cadets. Sgt. Robert Tip~pett

~ Atlantic City, N. J. ROBERT FLESHMAN AT .


_ Pvt. Robert C. Fleshman Divi- V-MAIL FROM sion Service, lOth Co., A;mored , .BOB NEWMAN · Div., A. P. 0. 260, F.ort Benning, ' ear ~ditor: Ga., United States Army, is a 1\ .T·!ns last week I have .been re­new address. R!obert is the son <>f i cehy1hg I my/ back Grll>phics, for Mrs Lola Fleshman, <>f Pine st. w I'C • Wa.!i very thankfrul. The

_ news Is always great from the old JAM.£5BRADLEY ' !w~e town, no matter how late I

RECEIVE.S PROMOTION , It 1s. . James L. Brad·ley, ·of the After reading. the letters from e ·Cor.p3, W:ho has been attending t~e other boys m . the service, I fficer Candidate School haa fmd that I wm o.n vhe same island raduated as Lieutenant. H~ ia as ~elso.n Allerdin.o-. Wo.uld ap-

ti-oned at Quantic·o,. Virginia. P~ecia. te It very much if you could ! . ' · grve me t!he address and com-

JVIK::; • .tsKAULJ::Y SUGGESTS pany assigned to S. Sgt. Ne-lson A ROLL OF HONOR Allerd'ing and als·o Lt. Wo·odr·ow

~CD(mald. Would surely be swell If Nelson and I e<>illd get together soon, anq. as Nelson said, this is a very mce place here . .

"Why can't Harbor Springs have a billboard with the names .o:f our boys on an Honor Roll, as they d·o here in Charlevoix," ·writes Mrs. Francis K. Bradley.

' ISeems to me we owe it to hem. We have an impressive list .or ·OUr small community. Before eaving Harbor Springs I propos­d having their pj,ctures diSiplayed n some one's window. You could

I am glad to read of t;ihe sue- ' ?e~s of the Buck A Month club as 1t Is a very g'Ood idea. Nearly sun­d·own so have to stop.

Sincerely, Bo,b Newman.

ave a list of their names in your indow and paper. My son John 1

's in the Coast Guards, Oxnard, 1 - Mai'Cih 25, 1943 Calif.ornia." · ' The Emmet Co. Graphic

'1 RECEIVES SWELL P RESENT .'IHar:bor ~pring.s, Michigan · Dear . Editor: Buck A Month Clu•b: J,ust a few lines to let you

I - received yorur swell present knciw that I re!ceived tihe gift the dog tag cord. Fr.Dm n·ow on I'li /1from the Buck A Month Club and always use it as we always have want to th~nk ,all of you v~ry to wear t hem. Thanks a mi-llio·n. much. It IS. a very u~eful gift

Pvt. Diamond Spaul•ding t? a!~ .mf us m the servi-ce and I 1-;c=======--:::-~---=:.__- ·-~; hke It very mu•c•h.

I:!OME ' ON LEAVE J want to thank you for the ra,phic that I have been receiv-

1Sgt. Robert Newman, son ·Of ,g for quite , some time. I enj.oy Mr. and Jyirs. Sidney Newman of ading what the other hoys in

, Harbor Springs, is .home on ·a 10 e armed forces have to say; day furlough from the 3rd Gom- . d of c.ourse what is on munications, Air Corps, T·oipeka, ck home. Kansas. Tlhanks again,

- GUEST OF PAREN~ P£c. Horace E. Ti·pJPett, Fort Sam Houston, Tevas.

Pvt. Henry Keller, 'who is sta- P. S.-Good luck with · the ~ion.e<; F·~rt Lewis, Washington, uck A M?nth Club. IS VJSihng h1s mother, Mrs. Sophie 1 ·· ·-..,., --'--Keller o:f' Traverse street. Miss H b Off• D.orothy Hall of Greenville is a ar or Jeer guest this week at the Keller 'home. I t Levi Sterly, wiho is stationed at , Wounded Jl Camp Howze, Texas ha.s r.eceived . S

the rating of SeTgeanil;. ~

SENDS THANKS Fred J. MacDonald of Harbor I Dear Sirs· Springs that his ~on, 2nd Lt.

35 Sqd.-567 Tng. F lt. B.T.C. No. 5-509 Tng. Gp. U.S. Army Air Force K earns. Utah

Pvt. Geo. J. Rotter 36459616 Cook & Baker School

I ~ JACK- CASSIDY -~word has been ·received' by

I 'l'hoanks ·a million for the swell Woodrow. W: . Ma~Don~l~, was

I gift yo.u sent me. It is very much 1 onded m action m Sici1y. a-ppreciated and very tlhoug.htful l-

always remember Harbor Springs MARRIED IN COLORADO Camp Blanding, Fla.

f I

*** Pfc.' Norman Miller 36169582 Med. Det. 36th Arm. Inf. Regt. APO 253 c/ o P.M.

1 of .aH who. made it possible. I shal.Il[· PFC GORDON TERRIAN

. when I look at it. 1 Mr. and Mrs Alfred Terrian an-Eugene E. Ecker . Tacoma, Wa~h. . nounce the mnriage of their son, Navy Radio Sta., Navy 135 . Cpl. .[_oph ~- Crus.sidy .- Pf.c. Gordon T'errian The wed-

New York, N.Y.

* * * Pfc. Jos. D. Chingwa 36157245 Hq. & Hq. Co. 36th Armd Inf. Regt., APO 253 c/ o P.M.-New York, N.Y.

·C/o FPO-San Francisco, Oal. ~vt~t>ert~·~esfiman arnv_e ding took p:•ace on Thanksgiving F;Iday to spend :his fu.rlough with day in Colorado. The bride wore hrs mother., Mrs. Lo1a Fleshman. a bea.utiful white satin gown and H_e left We<;ln_esday for ~ort ~en- carried a bouquet of r·oses, and lll_ng, Ge.orgia wh~ ~Is st_atwn- the bridesmaid wearing a loveJy

* * * 2d Lt . Donald Cooper 0-1822965 RCN Co., 703 T.D. Bn., APO 4745-c/ o P.M. New York, N.Y.

Andrew B?ynton, .so.n of ~ b:lue g·own, carried a white bou-and Mrs. George Boynto·n, iha11 quet. been promoted to •Staff ,Sergeant. !---------_:_ ____ _ Andy <i-s stationed somewhe•re in Africa.

( ,

Page 28: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook



'The most recent arrival at the Dear Editor·.· · March 12, 1943


Ap·ril 3, 1943 u s Dear Ed ii<>r : . · . Naval Training Station at . I ha. ve been re-cei·.vJ'n·g the J t · h Great Lakes, Ill. , from Harb-or G h . us received .t ·e last two co.p-

Siprings, is La·uren.ce Dale McNam- · rap ~c z:egularly and I really en- Ies of the Grap:h1c and the p-resent ara, 30, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J•PY. gettl!ll•g it. 'Dhel'e ]s no.thing and wa.:; very glad to get them. I McNamara. He reporte-d to begi'n I hke .better than to relax with want to thank you ~JJ for the pre­recruit training last week. tJhe good old home town pwper in sent. It is somethmg we aH can

my hands. d 11 Now <Classified as a "boot,'' this j uts~ an we a a ppreciate any-ne'w recruit is being trained and Well I have almost completed , thmg from the folks at home. .instructed in various fundamental my ·C·o-urse. I graduate April 3. 1 • I am now ·stationed at Scott phases o.f naval routine, hardened 1 I an;t now a -private. first cla_ss. I Field, Illinois . I have ,been he·re ~hrough the Navy's vig-orous phys- receive :f.our_ dollars more and about three weeks now. I •am go-ing 1cal toughening program, and will f.our dollars m the army means an to school and consider myself soon graduate from recruit train- 'i aw;ful lot o·r I should say helps an very luc_ky being able to attend a ing a full-fl edged Bluejacket. At i awful lot. school hke this. It is one of the t~at time, he will be granted a j We are havjng wonderful best scho ols in the e ountry. mne-day leave at which time he ·weather out here in Colo-rado. We I haven' t been ·able to find any may come home. ~ave. bad a ve·ry mild winter. I .boys from here, but have run into

Recruits in the Navy have a sel- hke It he·re but as yet I have n.ot some from Alpena and the south­acti-on of 49 different trades to ~o-und a p1ace I hke better than ern part ·of the state. But I am learn in the various Navy Train- Good Old Harbor." always on the lookout for .someone ing Scho-ols kf thelf qualify when Bef•ore I -bring this letter to a from home. . takinlf thei_r _aptitude t ests during close I wan~ ~o give you my sin- ~ell the·re IS vez:y little to

I recruit trammg. Graduation fr om cere appreciatiOn for sending the :Wl'lte about and my bme for writ-a Navy Service S·chool makes a pruper to me. mg has ended ·so I will close ,but man eligible for a petty officer's Yours tt'uly, I want to thank you again fo~ the rating. pra;:ent.

Pfc. Gordon Terrian.


Dear EditoT· . I d•o• not· ~Il!Otw who is r.e.stp-o~- i

I Sible for sendmg the Grap•hics but really do thank t!ie thoug·htful O·ne.

This is a very interesting place you c:an really gain valuable wa;. e:x;p~r-1-eruce ~n account o-f they are t~stmg all kmds of guns, ammuni­t~on,. tanks, . instruments, etc., a ll tJn_e time. It Is surprising how some Will' stand u.p and O·tlhers won't. . tMy wife was down from ' Lan­

smg to see me over the weekend I really appreciate-d the visit be~

' ca·use I haven't seen her since 0 -c­(to·ber. I I have not l'un a-cvoss any Har­/ bor ;boys yet, .bu:t I imagine it I won t be l~ng before I find an-

I other, locatwn, and hope that So;Ple ·Otf the fe-llows from 'hom e wtii· be ther'e.

. T·o· Pete Stewart and J ack Cun­mng hl!lm: "What kind <Jf girls have they got out there at the USO's." Y·ours truly,

RS. Bu-ckley Fjeld is 100 per Pfc. Gordon Bums Truly yours, APPRECIATES GIFT OF ent for War Bonds, I hope Har- . . Bo-b Lancto.

DOG TAG CORD bo'r Springs is too. Let's drown ~ - ) GORDON TERPENING 'Tuesday th:~~~is in War Bonds and ETZEL HARTUNG NOW IN CALIFORNIA

Dear Stan: . ~ ·- - ---- RECEIVES GIFT Dear E ditor · It seems funn y but I JUSt got ~ H f' j

new dog-tags and had to get a JACK F~RJi~T 'Dear Editor· Mavch 23, 1943 J. B.a~~t h~~~yt been shi~p e_d fr~m c•hain fo r them, when I got th,~ RECEIVE j I r eceived m . True to trad T o sunny . C_ahforma. one from tihe Buck A Mont:n nle . . Graphic and al; Issue .of the during a rai/ Jon we wrnved here Clu-b, so Y?U c·an see it really De;h~;: tro~ble now, they tell -me Cord. I want to oth;~k ~~g B~~~ a very nice da~~~·~t s::~~s l to ~e wau appreciated. I m too old to follow mY young ) A Month club very much comparison to J B Th Y a~ m

de;f~fwlid;~~t a·~du a~v~l;d ';~~t co~ndtrr~e~~ ~~~:~.b:~nms~iif -~~~~ sa~eh~yzee ~~H~;b;;o!d ~~ty thle f~~; ff~I~ · ~~~ t!e ~~st d~·ifl~~d~~I;~ you,_·. are. gettmg such' fme ~oop- fu~o J!ps or Germans the same as~- so have a clwb that ~ends hi~ th; that hono~·. e ave to uphold era cJOr:t from the people at orne rah 'ts and deer. home t own paper. His pw er come Am at an airfiel , . . and t r•a pe0l:!le w;ho s if\med do I made my application to go a out e':ery Thursday jusf like th! combat area so ~~ b,~t we are In there. ,Also thm·k Mrs. I a n· . t reter with tthe- Coast Guar Graphic. He is from Missouri else. n say much Hall's idea is a very go·od o;Ie be- m erp e land in FraHce, but How you folks th~r Wish t o tJhank · cause most of us feH.ows know \when w no results yet. It is be -are still having winter? D~'t 0 e the man fl'ien Y•our paper and the fellows who have tsumme•red have .haf? that I t ell '··o u don't 1~ know it's s;pring? We 'seem t Y'bU ossible lor th ·ds ~or making it

t h cause o • ' d k gettin-"' ll f · o e . e serv1ce men t a ,ome. R . . nybody tell you you are ol ' ee h !'> a o •our .A,pril showers Ce!Ve t he Gmph;c It 1J o re-I see that Tommy . os-s Is. m a t ' lenty of carro·ts an e::e m Rlfode Island, as it has t a lot to us w· . rea Y means

tihe Navy., Also h·e IS marned. en ea mg o; will be able to ru ramed about every ot'her day f-or I 'm ow Ken~ ·ould Y~u let me Still haven't met any fellows ' ;!l~y:b~ IY'tr everything but the the pa~t two or three weeks. J .:'lease? y Davert s address fr-om ~orne but all?- ~upposed to ra"t,el. iev~ me. Why am I not ~ I. Will , close now and thanks I really like . get shipped out Withm a month don t bel . ? They .an tell me !lgam for the paper and gift It the sun . t Jt he_re. Just now a'rt d wi::'l prCi'h8.bly meet iS•ome year5 ~OU!_lg~:,~·e but I still tlhink IS really appredated. . . .ihg out IS ou &o thmgs are dry-then do mY part · · Etzel Hartun1g ·

. Best of luek to all, can do much better. . d t Nemport R'h-od ' IsLand. God bless you Bob Lancto I received your mce og .. . ' . e ~Gord on Tel' ,

- . -~--- T:hank you very much for remem- WOULD APPRECI n ~ . C--'-----"---= :.bering m~. ~y :oe:ts;:~a;~ds to ~~h\ii:\~~M: C HEARING FROM . HA:J5R

14 L ft Y t . day·· . everyo•ne 1~ S~~cerdy, . San Frencisco FOLK~ . . e es ef Jacques Foret April 2, 1943 Dear Sir: pnl 5, 1943

Batt!~ Creek J.~ar Edito r: h~ wou~d enj<>y reading the Gre- ·

F Ar . y 'Se' r' VI. c·e \..-. r receive-d the .gift a few days p ·Ie so' please start ·se-ndi'n· Or m ago and I want to thank all the It to my n dd g _ Mrs. Sarah Schiedel . ew -~ B 178 members -o·f the Buck A Month I w1B .be g-omg to qu,a.rtennast-

Anot her Emmet County con- ox Club · ""ho sent it to me. It 1s ' a e'!' school here for LG week 0 tingent left Wednesday to re- Petoskey, Mich. useful gift •and I app•reciate it I~Irst month will be spent-in.siea~:

port for active duty~ . · Dear Aunt and Uncle: 'very much.


mg ~emaph<lre, Morse eode ·and Those reporting for duty With Re.ceind your welcome letter Mrs. J ac,kso~, who is Mrs. Ar- the mternational flags . . Tih ·last

the a·rm· Y 'are: Michael B_ eer, An- l . . l ased to hear from you . thur Wards sister, and form erly three months will .be s net . All anc very P e, . a resident of Harhol' Sp-rin m~, in- ·Jearn' · pe m

drew Foley' Floyd Gig.gey, en f tl , _ 1 ·. mg navigation an" . R

Yes, I received a copy o Je vited one of my •shipmates and .my- ship Th rt u seaman-LeiS. m er , Raymond Riddle. , o- 1 t h h '1 t s d f · e qua er.master school IS.

f Re'.1·.e,v. Sure !!lad to get it as I se· i o· :_ er • ·orne as un ay. -or.a one of the ·be t d bert Williams, Wallace Zaiger o ~ M J 1 · · s an most intere<s~t-

B t ft th' k a:bout the people in weH dmner. rs. ackson ' IVes m mg ~-OU'l'ses offered by the Navy Petoskey; Jack Ward o_yn on, 0 en 111 • • 0-aklan'd, ac'l'01:1.5 the hay from San W 1J h Robert Elliot, · Joseph Kishego, Emmet county. News here m this rancisco. clea-d up a~he ~~r~~oke Th k~nci. Leonard Kosequat, Robert Ward far od'f country is a~ways welcome. I was promote-d to Ye-oman 2nd you in adyanee I . c s. an mg of Harbor ..Sp;rings; Irving D. I presume you know at this lass, tbe first of A·p·ril. Thanks I s'inc!~ly

1 Holiday of Pel:lston and Fenton gain foil'_ ~e .gift and for sending L~rs Jac~"-·n ti·1·1'1e the Nazis are driven out of h Granh1c very week p S W 1 v·U<:N Bathke of Alanson. 0

.... e . · · · · ou d appreciate h · Gerald Fryczynski, of .Petos- this country. In other words the W. V~l·~~~f~s fro~ the f ·o·lks in Harboo.-. earme

key will report for duty wi~h war is over right here and the Y•Z·C, USN the navy. .foolish G€rmans should kn01w by

GEORGE KRAMER thi:s time that it doesn't pay to BAKER ATTENDING PROMOTED TO I monkey with the good old U.S.A. ARMY CLERKS SCHOOL

CORPORAL TECHNICIAN It was a job well done. Pfc. William Baker, who is reg-Brig. Gen. J•ohn M. Wil.liiS., I hope this letter finds you ularly st~tioned at CaJ'!l'P McGoy,

camp -cc:mmander, tto.dafy Pavtnnofu_nct people in the best of health and Wis.; is . taking an eJ.ght Mw:ee~s ed the appointmen o . 1rs cour· se for· Army Clerks at · . lSSJS-

J K RF:n 1 tell · everybody hello. H d c1ass Geo•rge . ramer, UJ • sippi Southern College. ~ ~ " Harbor Spr ings, Michigan to Cor- '1'. R. Stuelbing dress is Co. A, Student Trammg poral 'Technician in the Medical North West Africa Ba.ttalion, Enl. Br. No. 2,. ~ !--·d: Department of 'the United States •.rr.aining Command - ministrative Schools, MI~S!SSIPP1

Army. Corporal Technician Kra_m- APO 525, New York, N. Y. Southern College, Hatt1esburg, er is connec.ted with the Sernce Mississippi Co., 1608th S.U. at Camp Grant.


~ Dear Editor: I wish to thank the Buck A

Month club !or the g ift t hey sen;t me. It really makes a: fellow feel g-ood to . thi¥ that the people .baJck home a:z:e behind him.

I ·have been very busy driving my jeep lately. I wish that all t~e

· folks hack home could see me m my jee,p. I drive all over the c-oun­try here and I have seen quite a lot o.f Calitf.ornia. I drove across

Page 29: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Woodruff{ in States, R-eview a "Life Saver"

A.pril 27, 1943




Dear At .March 13, 1943 Well it is time to change my 1· Gra;phic Pub Go. ,Chi-cago, Ill.

ad-dress again. Tllis time is the Harbor Springs, Mich. .March 2~, 1943 us ~ Gentlemen: Emmet Co. Gratphic-

March 28, ~943

u· ... At least I guess Ky. is the J ·ust a line to let you know that Harbor, Miclh. I recei-:ed YJOu~· very thoug,ht-. R They cut out our !foreign I I receive the Gra;phic every M·on- Am wrJtmg ·to thank you very ul and timely gJft for which I

service pay. It seems pretty good to day. I always look forward for much for .sendi~ the home town thank Y?U and the people of Har­be back in the states, although all the <home4own news and what paper >yh~ch g1ves me a lot 00 OT Sprmgs very muclh. Panama is a lot better place to is going on around there. ·pleasure and satisfaction. The Buck A Month Club soldier. I hope to go back some I guess the Army isn't too bad Also I wish to thank the Buck hould nave un.parall e!~ :ed suc-cess clay. In the 18 months I was down ~f'ter all-we ·could always have A .Month club .ior the nice gift nd bac·king ):>ecause in this way there, I never ran across anyone Jt much woll'se t'han we do at pres- which was received last week It e felloWIS m the service feel from 'Petoskey lbut I tbelieve there ent. , !came at a rather tl·:PPOrtune time hat tlhe peo.ple in our h ome town were two or t"ree there. The N-or·th- I've seen seve·ral of the fellows Ito do ~ little chee_ring up because re standing 100 per C·Qnt behind

., from home so t;ihat helps out quite was _ln the hospital at the time. .s. ern Michigan Review was a life a bit. :r'hey released me yesterday morn- Eve.ryone in the service fl'om saver although it took 4 or 5 weeks

1 Trusting tJhat all is well in Har- 111g after a two- week stay and J .at'bo·r receives free, each week,

to get there. Well it is time for 1 bor, can. say I'm feelin.g very well copy o·f The Gra!I}hie and also lights out, I will close. Please send Yo1,1rs truly, aga1l1. a-oh montih a gift from the Buck my pa;per to: \ Robert Fleshman. 'l'lhe hour~ of drill and sohool Month Cluib. Sopeaking for my-

·Cpl. George P. Woodruff 16039280 e::e ~re <pnte strenuous but I'm el!, and I'm sure t he rest of the J enJoymg i!t. There will be five e] from up there wiH agree Btry 0, 87th Arm'd. F. A . Bn. OE KOSEQUAT weeks otf school f-or me yet then at "I'm very p-roud to be Fort Knox, Ky. SENDS THAN~S the re~ is an unknown quantity. o call my home town Harbor

Apm'l 3, 194·3 It has been really nice here prings, Mich." LE Dear Buck A M<>nth Glub: the food is f!ne, the quarters ar~ ':Dhanking you and the people

WI~~~ ~!&lr:ITES Guess it's .about time I wrote ~~cel~p~ .be111g the Steven's Ho- .f Ha;rbor Springs again for all Somewhere in the AtlantJ'c and thanked you foil' the dog tag e w /~h lfs. rate~ the largest and hat tn•ey are -doing :floil.· us in the

chain you sent my . Th k I one O· e 111 est m the w;o.rld. -The ervice, I ,remain, March 23 million. IVs swe·ll.w~ke·" an os a next, sto.p ;nay be a sad contrast,

Dear Mother and Dad: care of the th.ings had ~a ft~d so I d~ en.JOY111g the present sur- Y~ours truly, I g-ot an-other letter yesterday tr.ouble ke-e-ping track o·f · ... ~ e 1 ro·uTnh tnkg~ to the fullt;st extent. '

so I am- ·answering it today. I'm before uaem 1- an 111g you . aga111 for tihe W:O. Ke.nneth AHe.rding glad you and Dad are fine als·O l' · b d . . . ~ IP~er apd wishing my many W1l!l Rogers F'lield, Okla. grandmo•ther. I hope Anne ' an-d · · .v~ · een omg a little travel- l frr1ends there the · best or! luck " · t-:=::-------'-===:=:=~=--,;;-< 4

i the chHdren are O.K. ~~g- s;mce I left. my :adio at Tru- I I remain, ·

I' I'm ~llright but would .sure ·like daysWas ddown ~~ M!SISOUT.i a few I Pf:c. Ralph Ii. Baboeck.


IN AFRICA . to get m the States again. u . h' an 'T~as en hustled :back

I Yes, Mom, I get the p·aper. I . t.P e-r~. ls more school I'm get­

got 4 copies yesterday, two Dec. I t~:~J';~k~=s m: ii!-OW to. think I PETERS GRADUATES tand two J~Rnuary so far so you see ' thin h · g tt~ng out 0~ ~>~me- Calvin Hdbert Peters, 21, son of Editor I th~y are not so very new but I Statg 1 ~ e~ 1~ guit at . Michigan Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Sinaway, Dear Sir:


i enJOY reading them just the same run ~ ta . a . Scliool IS all I've 918 Petoskey street, was included I am enclosing a letter that I.

March 2.3, 194t

even the want ads. ' . n• 0 Bl_ nee, ·and there's mo'l'e · d · J f

Gee M I

't .._,_. c-om mg. in a class of 405 Bluejackets gradu- receJve m anuary rom my c.ou-' om, can uumk of Th' k I'l . sin Andrew Boynton w'h·O· is with

anything more to say so wiH : m U 1 qmt and )oin all over a ted from the Service Schools at the African Fig.htin.g Forces. I'm have to quit for this time taglal111.h ncle Sam mJgnt acciden- the U. S. Naval '-Training .Station sorry I didn't think to send it be-

I'l e soon , ecause 1t sure lS Tha ks . ., wJU.s 1me. a rea a -es, on ay. gra u- f,ore, as I'm s·ure anyone, whether w

't b · · . a Y and me ·a oun .._,_, t' t G t ·L k M d A d good to get y.our letters. Tell

1 - n aga~f' ate of the school for Fire Control- they know Andy .or riot, will find

everyone hello. I mcerely, men, he awaits asssigument to j it an interesting letter. It is inter- ' Lewi·s W-ard ,_ Joe Ko.sequat duty with the tfleet or at a shore esting to note that it was dated

RECEIVES PROMOTION ff' - .A;PO the 1.2tth. J.t took longer for New Yoll'k, N .Y. ' Boa ·.sTANLEY station. He will •be eligible for a J·anuary 9 and poiSt marked from

?etty o ~cer ra ting _upon obtain- it to rea~h Flint <fr-om New Yo'l.'k •romote Wiley Vought March 23, 1943 mg expenence on active duty and than it did to ;reach New Yor·k

The promotion of Pvt. Wiley R . \ Dear Editor: passing a qualifying examination. \· from Africa. ><ought of Petoskey, Mich., to the . I have received the Grap;hoic Sincerely, 'ank of te'chnician fifth grade has s ince the firs t of the y ear, but * * * Inez W.oodruf.f Williams. been announced by his commanding have neglecte.d to thank you. It RECEIVED TAG CORD

AT JUST RIGHT TIME officer, lst . Lt. Gerald Allard. su rely is nice to get · the news i rom back h ome. I think t h-e Buck

o(;Jor oral, Voug,ht, wh~ has been I ationed at Camp •San Luis, • 1bispo, Calif., with a special -ser-


. ce unit. since J\1n. 9, 1943, was in­uet~d into the 4-·~my Nov. 23, 1942, { Kalama:wo, 'Mich. He attended

the Boyne City, · !Jch., schools and i a member , ot, the Fraternal Or-

er of Eagle , 1583, · Boyne City. · civilian h 11 , he was employed

s ·a hardware lerk. His fatb,er, W. P. Vought-, is associated with the Corporation and .Securities

~/ Commission in Lansing, iMich. ,Mrs. Vought, who is employed

as a !beau ty .shop operator in 'Pe-

l t9skey, is residing at ~16 Baxter street.


!Dear Dad·:

I received your lettei' and was g-lad to h;ear f11om you. I am glad

1 ~ou _receiVed .the clock O.K. and hke 1t. I thought it would be nice ~s it is something tJha-t wouid !:as-t and you can not buy them outside. ·

We are starting ·o n ma~euvers now and will be busy all sum­mer. 1'he boy1s ar·e sure sho.wing wh•<tt they a·re made of a-e-ros.:; and I ho·pe I get that chance

I soon. Love, Ivan

A . Month Club is tops. Received their gif t and wiJ;:;h to thank them very much. ·

I made second class Petty Of­f icer this month. I finished Ah: Bcmbers school in September and have b een instructi llg since then/ My day is taken up with two to thTee hour b ombing hops a day. We drop our bombs -on tJhe first .l-.•op an·d c-ome back d-own and load up again for the next hop.

I haven't much to say, or rather can say. For all the Servicemen I wish t o t hank tJhe people of ·Har ­bor Springs f.or t heir "All out for Victory".

S incerely R obert Stanley AOM 2C . -'Hil'l la" CASSIDY


' April 1, 1943 Dear Sir:

W•ou·ld you 'be so kind and send tJhe Graphic to- my new ad­dress? T·he weather here in Vir­g inia is somew'hat like Michigan.

Oh yes, another thing I neve·r yet had time t o write y.ou and thank you for sending me the paper. 'I'm not the f ir,st one to write home tlh~mking y·ou. So you s•ee how mu ch the paper means to ail o.f us. T·hat Buck A Month Club is certain,Jy a grand organ­ization.

I 1'h~.nks to all Yonil' F riend,

. He~·nard Cas.sicfy, Camp Lee, VJrg-mia.



!South Pacific April 3, 1943 Feb. 18, 1943 Buck A Month Club:

Emmet County Graphic I want to thank you for the Harbor Springs, Mich. dog tag co·rd which you •sen·t to me Dear Sirs. . , several .days ago. It came at just . Received the Gr.apihi1c to day, and the ri~ht time, .as _my -o ~d one ~1; was a peasant suroprise. Altho b.l'loke the f oUowmg .mormng. Of 1t to·ok over a month to get here course, we are re-qu1red to wear ~ was more tJhan glad to receiv~ o·ul1s •at all times. It. Everything in the Graphic is I was transferred to the Artil­real news to me over here and I lery . Hand ·,on Janua~y 7. I am wan~ to ~hank yo.u very for pla.ymg: a b3;ss .h<l'm w1th the hand. s endmg 1t. I've been in the army I like 1t qmte well, except that I ~ince the first day olf tihe draft have to get out of bed every mor-111 Los Angeles, Nov. 18, 1940 ning at 6:15, except Suriday, to and hav~ lost of m ost of th~ pliay reveille fo-r f o.ur fi.eld a·rtil. peo.ple 111 Harhor Springs. It's lery battaHons. How true is the

ood to read atbout them and all sentiment expressed in these !that they ar~ doing, especially of words o.f the so-ng, "O.h, it's niee ltihe fellows 111 the servi-ces. The to .get up in -the mornin-g , but .it's B~ck A JY.J;on~h Club is a fine idea. nicer to s tay in be.d !"

There JSI~ 1t muC'h I -can write I cerlainly appr.eciate receJvmg about, s.o w1 l} close now. ·the Emme·t County G·raphic. I

Sm cerely , think-the Buck A Month Club is a Lt. W. MacDonald swell idea. San Francisco, Calff.


Sincell'ely, Earl C. J ·olls

March 18, 1943 Plvt. ·Di!.Smo1nd Sip·a:u-ldin:g 1h;as A Month Club returned to F.ort Bennig, Ga. Springs, Mich. after spen-d-ing a ten-d.ay . fm·-Ge•n:tlemen · with his m o•tJher, Mrs. Lucy.

I wa!lt to thank the members·, who is a patien~ a t ~or t he1r tho~ughtfuln ess in send- • Un.iversity Htospita:1, Ann Arlbor. ~ng :ne the gift. I know I will en- He also visited in Lansing, ' Al-J'0Y 1t during my period of .service pen:a, and Ha,r•bor Spr ing.s.

Sincerely, · Art Chattaway,

Sea. 1.<;t-r.


Page 30: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook



November 20, 194 · T01peka, RJa•nsa

March 25, 1943' BAM 1Club: Dear Editor: Am sending my thanks to all

Just a line to let you know I am the members of the Club and to l'eceiving tJhe Graphic and I enJoy th<>se that are resp·onsibl'e f.or . t~e it •very much. I also received the · .presents and the Graph_Jc gift and thanks a lot f<>r every- ~ach week. I kno-w all the f-olks m thing. . : the service. as well13•3 myself, e.n~

the sixth o·f January and then I JO~ a~~till in the same pl-ace


You haven't heard from me !be­fore lbut I get your Review every week, that - is when I'm there to get it. Oh yes, on my address you, have Mo. M. M. 3 jc, and it ought to be 2jc, because a 3 class motor mech. is the same as a fire-man first class, and I'm not a fireman first, but a motor mach. 2nd class

I was in the S1gnal Corps until · th ~

' was transferTed into the Air There isn't much to say about my Corp.;. Tlhe Air Go.rps is O.K. :but sel:f. I -am in charge <>f a bak I liked the Signal Corps a lot bet- sh01p at •present. I haJv_e ~2 bak~ ter. ers besides ffiiYSelf at th1s time · · d We had a nice trip across, by 1

I have been in Florida f<>r a The weather is very ni-ce h~re He Was. OmiH:e 1

the way this is my first trip and year now . and this last sum~er now. This camp is a Processmg The name and rptcture of the I haven't been sick yet, and it ~vas

and I get ri'bibed about it.

was very 'hot, it has been qu1te d Q t f ombat crews of I 1 1 k b t "t '11 Hea uar ers or c- · · · late Sgt . . Weldon · I. · Spears, son ' more like a pleasure trip, except -co· d the ast w. ee u 1 WI s·oon Th here when they fm- .s s of

ey come : · M · and Mrs. Cfaude rpear for a ll the drills and chow lines.

I wai'm up agam.. F b d ish training ·and ,get new p~aneds, Bl r. Creek was unintootion-ally

I was home m e ruary • an B 24,s <l!!nd B 19 s, all eqmrppe· , e~r ' he list of Eimmet Well must close for this V-•Mail found the weather very nice tihere. then ta·ke off f·or Berlin and T<>k~ om1tted from ~ · . th Review is pretty small stuff to write on. I spent most of my time in Detroit county casualtiE>S m e Tell the folks hello and a lso to but I did get up to Har1bor S·prings 'Y<>The boys a:re surely anxious to :\Iemorial Day edition. write. for one day and the snow sure get it over with and come home Thi-s makes a total of nine from looked good. I sometimes wish it again. W<>uld you ple•ase send ~e th J's county who have died or. 'be.en Carl Riley would snow· here. dd A h ct

Well, I must sign off and I Ean~ :Barg~y's aJ ' res~ as ·rc le, reported missing follcnying a lOll want t o thank y-ou again fo:r the ·that 1'3 my brother In th~ S. ~ ' ' · the service of this cou,ntry . * * * . p.a.per and gift. I think the Buck Pacific, would like to .wnte hm ":a Sgt - Spears died late last Sep-

1 A M·onth Club is a very good and he asked me f<>r :hls addres~. t · tb · at Fort · Bragg N. C;, fol­thing. All we get in the servic.e i.s Archie is in the· hospital at thlb , em_ er inJ'ur-ies received in an auto-


time !owwg . d . , maH and chOIW, and the Graphic J:S

1 Thamki~g Y<>·U all , fotr mO'bile accident. _ .He ~nhste ~

just ' like a letter fr<>m all <>ur 1

everything, I remain as ever, SeptemJber, 1940, a:pd was ~ n:em Gulfport Field, Miss. _ PF.c

JJohn H. Sterly, form t!"rly of Rt 1 Harbor Siprings, has been gradu­ated this big . Army · Air

friends. Thanking you again I re- Sgt. ·Clarence N Scott. er ·of Battery c, 34th A.rtlllery. main ; Sincerely,

P.fc Merle D Thompson Orlando, Fla. .· WORDS CAN'T ·


· ~ April _5, 1943 April 22, 1943 [Emmet C~u.ruty Gr~p~a,

Dea r Friend Bill, j!Iarbor ,Spnngs , l\:hch1gan. Feeling fine and I am somewhere D;ar ' Editor: ·

in .Eno-land. Enjoyed the trip o>er I received the gif.t an-d w~t to very n~uch . .Some of the boys didn' t thank ·YOU 1:\nd aJI of the fnends

· · '" d t ·b · who :have made the BAM Glu,b enJOY 1t so muc:.. ue .o emg sea 'bl J d . f th letters . _ , 1 . , , I' ttl tl . "" p OlS<S l e. u gmg rom e sJcJ,. We 1 how I S e>ery 1 e 1m, . ;t d · th pan.e-r

1 you know

. B'll? I prm e m e J.-' 111 the ~ld town an ;yJway, 1 _ · how much we fellows in the ser-ha ve wntten to Perry and Black vice appreciate the :home town but so far have received no alls•wer. Japer. I just rece•ived the Marcih 1How wa.s the Beaver supper a t th e 2.5 edition. It has chase·d me from fireman's party. I ·certainly enjoy- JeffeTson Barracks t o. and ·all eel the one we had the year be- ar·ound Hammer Field_. . fore. I heard our good fr iend Jac I After having .been m thl'e_e .d1f­vYenz passed away this winter. fere~t squadro.J'113 I am. now m t~e \Vel! Bill I am getting along swell Engmeers . !lttached to , the a•lr-nd in the .best of health. I like :liorces_. T~1 s 1s to be my permanent

a . orgam za twn. my work very much. I am m th Contra·ry to tradition, or s h culd same outfit that I started out I say contrary to the natives of with. There isn't much we are al- Ca·lif~·rnia, j.t is now raining. lowed . to write, but I am let ting When it rains her.e it really ·rains. you ·know, I haven't forgotten you. Prior to this ra•in we have had Write sometime. some be·au tiful weathe1·., but all

Your Friend, .Everett "REld"

·Pd'c. Everett Vanclerark



Door Edito-r.: April 5, 1943

I 'am sorry I haven't written my letter of appreciation ,before for r·eceiving ilhe Graphic. I enj<>y reading what the pe·op•le <>f Ha·r­b-o•r Springs are doing, and where the other boyiS in the 'Service are.

Our base is located twenty five mHes north of Calumf:t, wJrich is the farthest point no·rth in Mich­ig-an. Isle Royal is 35 ~'mHes north-east of the .base. ·

CalJJ.met, Hanc<>ck and Hough­ton are b-o·om towns no-w that copper i•s vit~l to the war effort. Hancock has one of the longest ve'l'ltical shafts in the wo1:ld at Quincy Mine.

We have had 231 inc:hes <>f sno•wfall here this winter.

I Thank you ·again fo:r sending

. me the Graphic. . . Sincerely, · Arthur Chattawal/j

~hing:~ must come to an erud . 1 vV n d s can't express how much r appreciate the paper so I'll just c1ose by saying God Be with You '·till we meet again.

Since·rely, , · Pvt. Go·rdon Terpening

J;'.S. Oh yes, pleruse no•tice t'he change · in address. Recerutly I've ve:all.y been moving around but all i•n one place.


A,p'l'il 9, 1943 Dear Editor :

I have been going to write and thank y.o·u for sending me the Grap·hic ·ever,ce you started s·ending it t0 me. (I .belie;ve that was way ·back in December.)

Als<> I wish to thank the Huck A Month C2ub for the two gifts they have sent me. B o,th are tSJOme­thing se·rvke .men need and ap­pr·edate.

I look forwar.d, eaoh week, to getting my copy ·Of the Graphic as it is almost like gettirug a .bo<>k­long letter from home. The ser­vicemen''S page is of eourse espec­ia<lly inter.esting, btrl ·all the loca·l -ne'Wls is very welcome.

. ·Thanks a lot for everyt'hing. I As eve·r,

----~--~ ----------------------..D,.,_t , ,Mc]i'a,clan_

I F·or·ces T81cihnical T_raining Com-EDITORIA!L . . I mll;nd Seiho_ol for airplane mech-

amcs and IS ready to take his This is the first appearance of ~lace on ~he lfarflung service

this dep·artment in The Graphic .. I hnes ?f tJus glo'bll:l war wherever It is the plan of the managemen~ the b1gtgest Amencan planes are to .publish it e:kh week. Informa- , based, at hol!l1e or abroad. tion ahout and letters from, Har- I He has 'received a course of in­bor S1prings servic_e•J?en and serv- 1 ~ensi~e training ~o fit. him for his ice-women are sohc1ted. \ 1mJ!·O~tant task m th1s war. His

T;he Graphic is being sent free f trai~ung has al~o f~tted him f<>r to all · members ·of the armed an. 1J?POrtant JOb m peacetime forces ·by the publisher ofd T~lel ; avriatJOn: l"f Graphic as a gesture of goo Wl · n ~nvate 1 e !"RC Sterly was and gratitude. . far~ hand at B1rchwood Farm.

·T,he. BUCK-A~MONTiH Giub IS .He Is a son of · Mr. and Mrs. Hen­·cooperating in this community ef- ry Sterly of !larb_or Springs. fort to keep contact between Har Gul:tjport Field 1s _producing an bor Springs and the men and . ;vo- en~less strea.m of au:plane mech­men from ·here in the servl'Ce. ames to se.rv1ce the b.omb­Cd,ntributions given to the Club ers and cal'go and transport do not come to The Graphic, but .planes of the Army,, Students at-/ are used by the club to send gifts tend classes in shifts around the I to the men and women on duty, every :hour and every with <>ur armed forees. square foot ocf srpace being given

A card file containing up-t1 the most thorough utilization. date addresses of the serviceme \ - JACKH___ -----and servicewomen is kept at Tihe LIKES ERRICK Graphic and everyone is request- GIFT ed to keep us infoz:ned of changes March

2 of address of the1r sons, daugh- -Dear F riends: '3, 1943 ters and frie~ds. . ) . Ple:l.'se a·c·cept my thanks f , th

'The Grarp~1c w1ll be sent to all giJft ,received fr-oin the Bu~k A names su,pphed us of men and Montlh dub. The dog taO' d .

f H 'b S · g d t · 1 · " cor 1s w:o~~n ~om . _ar or pr~n s a~ ·C ~r am Y: a practical g-ift f or ev-v1c1mty m m1htary serv1ce. P1c- ery serviCeman. I had min . tures are solicited for publication !ess t han · 10 minu tes afte e ·on .1n · h" d _;( t 111 "t t .1 r rece1v-m t 1s epanmen . . · ·g ; a ma1 ·call.

· ~The P:ubhsher. Rrg.h t no;y I am enjoying the -- - - Te~as sunshme. I am stationed at


h1;e of the be.!!'t training fields in

HE.YNIG J '8 s tate and consider m·"self J.•O·rtunate. j

Feb. 24, 19r!3 · Lf all. g?es well I will be mov-In the Field. ~~·te~gam 111 a:ho,ut 4 weeks to an -

Dear Editor· . Th part of Texas.

_ I rece.1ved ilhe Graphic yeste also gettin.o· the G ·h. "'1 ; am . · ~ auks ag·ain for th e o· 'ft I day and I want to take this pri ularly aft·e"'r cha n~~P· I·C n ow r eg­ilege .to tell you that I apprecia several times ,mg addresses getting it very much. I sure · 1 S.incerel get a lot of enjoyment out A-C J Y your~, reading all the news from Ha:r- ack Hernck, ho•r Springs.

I also would like to thank the ,Buck A Month dub and I know :that it will be. a great su·ccess. It 1 really is a pleasure for a Marine overseas to sit down and read the home town news.

' L w,ant t o thank you a•gain for the paper and lots ·of success to the Buck A Month clwb.

Sin>cerely, . 1 Pvt. George A. Heymg.

.San Fran , Calif.

·Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Terrian o.f Pine street, have received word from their son Gordon, arld his a·d·dres sis Pvt. Gordon Terrian, 598 Technical School Squadron, T . .S. No. 13•54, AAFTTC, Re­placement Training Center, Miami Beac·h, Florida.


·Sgt. Norman E. Gitbson 36199588 12th Hospital •Center Camp Gmber, Okla.

Page 31: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Topeka, Kansas March 20, 1943.

Buck A Mon th Club Dear fri ends : , Received the present and want to let you f o.Jks all kn~w h ?'; much I atp<precia Le i t . I thmk Its very kind. of you :folks at-home to make up a dub like you have f or the

' service boys. I know we all ap-1 precia te any kindness, or _remem~ brances from ho~e . Mall b~g t ime, it the ·one thmg all tJhe boys a re on time f or.

'There are lots o;f. ' nteresting tJhings I'-d like t o wnte and tell y-ou f olks 3/bout, . but t)lat's o~r f irst big order, not to wnte or dr_s­cuss a nything that goes on h m camp. We hllid a s~w storm ere this weeke·nd, it ma<:le me fe el at home. The pe-o•ple out here sure do hate sn.ow.

Horpe you're all well as .mv wife and I are, and send you all .our best re·gards.

'Thanking you ag ain, yours sincere-ly,

Sgt. Clarence N. Scott.


j Pvt. J .oseph W. ~radley.

I ·Pvt . Charles Hoffman ·Ptvt. Edgar Hoffman



1sev·enrteeri youn.g me_n from E t County of W\hich t}iree ar~mf~om Har·bor S.prings, leav:e Saturday .mo:r:ning f.o~ the~r

\camp. Tlhe time of depa,rture _18 _8 l 30 a.m. a;t the Penn.syltVama depot p .etcekey · -

ISte:'wart Wesley Bennett, Lev-ering. W'l Laverne Robert Dax·tator, ~ -!iam Edward Eaton, Jr., George Owen Fochtman, rGeor~-~ Pe·rry Knowles, :Stanley W.illiam. Ma.le~c, Hermes J ose·p:h Otto, M?rn~ Ch~s. Palmer, Ri.char.d Shomm, Thomas Thomsen, George Emmet

I Woolsey Petoskey.

I iH~be~t Hayes, Carp Lake._ ·Bber William Hurd, Alfred

Charles Reber, Edwin Weher, Jr., Ha11bor Springs. .

Ro:bert M. Lewis, Conw.ay. Earl Ernest Page, Pellsto·n. Elwood V·ern Stark ente~ed

the United S·t.ates Arm¥, .leatVmg fr·om Jacks on early this month. He is from Pellston.

Three Enter Navy


i Dear Editor: · l April 4, 1943 Received The Graphic today and Servicemen's Column:

wan~ t9 ~hank you for ~t. I enjoy 1 Gr<eetings fr-om the southwest! r eadmg ·It because I Will. be _a_blel ~y unit was transferred froJ? to know more ·Of what .Is gomgi.F'ort Lewis, wa_ shington, to th1JS on around Harbor. 'dese-rt training area. This is an

I read the article of the "Buck-I expePiment for it is t he first time A-Month Club" and it impressed \ an ·Inf·antry unit has been ·On de­me ~ery much .. It makes me feel , o;e·rt maneuvers. In the past year as if Harbor, as well as the serv- onlv armo-red and mechanized icemen, were d~ing ~II they could have heen subjected to de-do to help ·out m this war. sert maneuver training. ·

The sailors here 'are ,kept very . Ou·r travel from the northwest bus;y with ·drilling and spedal ~·equired six days. Due enti::ely to duties such as gu11rd duty, Batt. 'excessive demands on the ·railr-o·ads M. A's., and K. P. duty. I have ln Galifo.rnia·. at t his time, we were been on .guard duty the past eig:ht re-routed on the way. We left ho·urs whi·ch is a very tiresome Washin•g t<>n in a rainstorm and ar­jo,b. You may be interested in the 11ived in ·the Gal ifornia desert area duties of a guard so will try in the excessive heat he·re. tell y~u what I. kno~ i!_bout 1 • !. It cooled us off to r ea.d -of the Our first rule IS to guard our :big snowsto:rm and blocked r oad·5 .p ost and pr?te<;t all governiD:ent Jn northern Michigan the last -of pr·ope_rty, which 1~ caught sleepm,g·, ';March, · those ·papers just received smokmg or readmg on pos t Will yes-terday. Our ·roads heTe .become be c~urt-marshaied and may Jose blocked by blowing fine s-and. . the. n;ne-day furl0\1g'lh after "b~t" We sleep in six-man pyramidal trammg. •tents. I am a tent commander and

The . next rule is n:ot. to let ''!n- there is a soldier from N·o.rthville authoriZed per~ons With!~ t~e bar- f Michigan ·and one from Battle unless with an officers per- ' ·Creek in my tent. So we ihave con­miSSJ.On. Als? we are not allowed ·f,ide•rable in common.

Two Harbor Men Reported Missing

A recent communiquQ received by l\frs . Be·r tha M. Davert, R-1, Harbor Springs, reads in rpart:

"The records of the Wa·r De­artment show y our son, PTivarte odney 0. Hill, 36,1'50,372, Ord­

lance Depart ment, missing in ac­. on in the Philippine I slands since fay 7, 1942.

"AU available information con­erning your s.on has been care! ully considered and under the rovisions of Prublic L!! w 490, 77th ongress, · ·as" am-e:rded,·, ~~r offjcial etermination bas been made. con­·nuing him on the War Depart­ent in a missing status .••

to. l~t t~e sailors get unruly and I Los An•geles is t he ultimate goal no f1ghtmg whatsoever. .pf sewicemen on a pass from this

'The Companies are rece1vmg fllr.ea. We see the fast trains and their nine-day furloughs now and ~treamliners o.f the Sante Fe rail­there are less sailors to do these road everyday . . W e- have an ·acre ·O·f duties and that is why we are re- shower piping erected by coloted nes.

, ceiving w mu¢h of it. engine.e-rs prior to occupying this "Yours very tru1y, 'Once more I want w thank you region. In·dividual 'i'Jhowers for J. A. ~IO, Major General

"I fully apprecia te your concern nd deep. interest. You will, with­ut further request on your part, eceive immediate 'noti<fi.cation of ny change in your son's s tatus. I egret that the far.iflung operations f the present war, the ~b and Low of combat over grerut distan­es in isolated areas, .and the haracteristios of our enemies im­ upon 'lOme of u.s this heavy mden of uncertainty with res­ect to the_. safety of our loved

very much for The Graphic. · It [1 ~80 are provided; Wa.ter 1s at a The Adjutant General snows that the people of Harbor p·remium :h e-re, Co-ca Go·la is double Wa'r Department try to brighten ·ap the boys in the oriced, and sand is everywhere. Washiugton, D. C." service. . We eat ·sand d\1St . in ouu food, . . s . d ' I receive my furlough Dec. 5 shake it from our b edding and A . s rmrlar [etter wa recerve and will be glad to see Harbor pouT it from our shoes every moT- elaJtlve to Alton . E_. Hm;fm~n, also ag1ain. ning before dressing. rom H aTrbor Sprmgs. Hrll and

In appreciation, Lastly but impo.rtant, I Iof.fman e,vere school chums, both Walter Cosens, A. S. .express ~y thanks to the G·r:aphic ent to the Army and both were Batt. 33-Go. 1541 a-nd the Buck A Month Club for erving ·n the Philippines. U. S. N. T. S. the gif.t sent to men of the .com- · -Great Lakes, Ill. munity in se·rvice. The spun-gJ.a·ssl , THANKS FROM

· dientificati-on disc "necklace" is: LAWRENCE McNAMA~r\e TELEGRAM RECEIVED tops wth. eveTy so diei: (Tlie army!

c • BY '·JOHN PETOSKEY n-ow hates t he refeTence of "dog Ap·ril tags" amusingly enough.} Buck A Month Club Ke~p those home · fires burnung Springs,

and your patr:iotism ·at new 1ev- M·ichigan e•ls. Through the service columns! lienrt,emen: of the .newspaper the tired soldie) Sometime ·ago your _most Y"' -can contact aH ·of ihis f·riends come and appreciated gi f.t arnvl thanks to the Graphic. and I must say that l thank yo~

Sincerely, very muc:h . Sgt. Charles M. Reyner l 'm s ure I should have sent you THANKS FROM a letter sooner but l'm so busy

GEORGE HOVEY studying I can hardly find time to . do anytU1ing else.

, Door ~Irs: 'The G~aiP'hic just came today

. 'The fo.Jl.orwi.irug regis tran•ts en- .

I tered the United States Navy re­cently: ArtJhur T. Phelips, Pellsto~, . J:ohn PhiliiP F1oster a?-d Orhe Baird of Petoskey.

; I - wrslh to thank you for the a nd I ·couldn't help but notice ! ~~~;~~~~[Jli swell dog tag cord I received from· h:tzel Hartung's leeler in regard


U. S. Army Camp Cr·O~vd er, M·o. March 22, 1943

Buck A Month Clu~ Hanb-or S,prin-gs, M1Cih. Gentlemen:

, ·This is to acknowled-ge the do;g : tag cord. I received it t oday. I~ IS I a splendid, simple and u seful gift ..

I I appreciate it very much. The home ·citizenry s}'l-o~ld be

h igrhly commended f.or thmkmg up a brilliant idea, the Buck A Mo_nth dub. Its ~·O:&i tive· psycholo_gi_cal effect ·of building and retammg morale of servicemen t}'le home town is immensely and In­

estimably valuable- to our cause.

I Very sincerely yours, Co!\p. J ames R. Cooper.

"Corrected rep·ort received states your son Private Joseph B. Petoskey was ho·spitaJiz.e d six May ·and not missing in action as reported in my telegram -of one June AM. P1eased to inf orm yo u r eport further states re­leased fl'om hospital twenty May. Address him s ix two two pri.soner of War Administration Cormpa.ny, A·PO 76r3, care of Post:ma:s•ter, New York." . (signed) Ulio Theajt, General

the Buck A Month dub. It sure to the nice s•pring weathe;r we are

~akes one fee l good t o ~no·yv that having her e. If he calls this spring

1 omeon.e at home IS thmkmg o•f weather rd sure hate to be here : ou .. I know all the fellows in tihe in real winter wather. The saying \ ervhc~ feel the s:ame as I do and .goes if you aren't satisfied with: 1 e wrl! all 'be v:ery glad to get New Eno-l<and weather wait a min-

atck to. Harbor . Sip rings. ute and'"it sure is true. It can , I enJoy gettmg the Gra.phi<c snow, b low, rain and be sunshin-1, ve~y week too, ~ven thoru•gm I ing .. all within ·the course of . an ~on t f'lave much time to- read, I ho.ur here and it usually does JUSt md time to read that. that. · I'll take Northern Michigan \~is 0 . C. S. school is a ~'rug- . wea ther any day to this. .

~ d place. We never know rf we I must .stay are some· mce Jll ·b~ here- -the next day. It is scenic views here but they aren't

he am1 ·of ever:y ID:an. here to as good as Michigan. _raduate a·s a Comrnuss10ned Olf- . I've seen some very nice naval rcer, but we. don't :£eel. sure of · I sightS since I've been here and urselves until graduatiOn day. I only wish I could tell you of nlr 35 more day.s to go·, and I them. A French warshi·P was in

·on t mean may:be when I say J'ecently so we saw many Fren·ch ey are verw t ough. Everv day I sailors.

·e ~ave to wade ·up .i(Q our should- well it' s nearly time for me t<> . s m s';an-w wat~r and they onl_y 1,¥0 and do: son~e more ~ema;phor­Ive us ab out 3 mm~tes to change . mg and s1gnalmg so Will dose

r _clothes. and shme our shoes · wibh best wishes to the clu1b, r m~rpect10n. · Sincerely, W el1, I mus t close and get to Lawrence D. 'McNamara,

. · ~rk on my ~clwo l work. Newport R. I. Thanks agam f or the gift . '

Sincerely y-ours, Geo. N. Hovey.

Page 32: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Mil'. Glinton Ra1ymond Editor The Emmet County ' Graphic, Harbor Springs, Michiga·n

,November 19, 1943

Dear Mr. Raymond:

Please extend to. t·he men and women from Harbor Springs whc are n·ow serving in the a.rmed for_

.·ces ·of o-ur ·country my .p eT·s·o naJ I greetings. . I am de.eply conscious- tha tlt 1s om· c-onti-nuing task here at .'home to safeguard the princi<ples ~mr •s·ons and daughters are fig'ht­mg fo-r all ·over the world, to in_

J sure that ·UI)Jon their return they shall not find lost to them at home those ideals they fought to estab !ish abroad. · -


Har.ry F. Kel'IY Governor


Received your letter with a buck in it. I su:re was g1lad to hear from the folks home.

I enJoyed the cigaretts you se•nt me. I can use them over here.

I was glad to :get the paper fr·om back home. Thank you for every_ thing.

.I wii! close f.or now, hoping to hear from y·ou back there.

Pvt. Archie .Scott San Francisco, Calif.

' rr'r >3F ,;, ifR'R- fff O?m E?o--~~



Peter G. Lites, husband of Mrs. Phyllis Lites, 911 E. Mitchell St., Petoskey, Michigan, was recent­ly promoted to the rank of S·:·r­geant at Camp J oseph T. Robin­wn, Ark.

As a member of the permanent C'adre at Camp Robinson, it is Sergeant Lites' job to in~truct and train men in field and clflss­room work \\-hich, at the l' nd of the eight week training period will. allow them to graduate a~ med1cal soldiers, qualified for hospital, evacuation or field medical units, or medical detach-

. ments which accompany combat j troops.

Jacksonville, Fla. Dea:r Earners:

Excuse the long delay. I have lbeen very ibusy of late, what with the tri·p here, ward duty and very busy liberties. T·he gift I received wa.s really swell and· I certainly appreciated it. I never saw an_ other like it.

My ward contains the contag­i·ous· diseases such as tubercolo_ sis, spinal meningites, and scar'·et fever. We ·have to be 0a·reful. The work is interesting and gives a certain amo·unt of satifactio·n Nurses a.nd staff are fine all a~

andye have _fun doing o,ur

This station ~SJ something to rave about. The hospital com_ pound has the most beautiful spot of all. The lake, the trees, and the color scheme can be appre-c­iated only .by those who have visited Flo-rida. The ·days are quite like those in Harbor SI)Jrings in the summer, being cold during the' nights and quite warm and •sunnv after s un_u,p. The tb·wn itself is like everyone's home l town in s-ome way ·or other. · Will . you send me Joe Kishego's a·ddress? His broad compliments directed to me in the Gra.phic de_ serve an answer ·of some kin-d I would like to know the where_ ·abouts of Bing Cassidy .

Keep up the good woTk. BameTtS d keep s·ending the Grapihic.

YoMs Sin:cerely, Murray

-------Josephine Baker Joins Nurse Corps

Appointment of Josepbine E. Baker of Harbor SpringS- to the A'rrrly' Nurse Corps, U. S. Army, with the. rank of second lieu­tenant, was announced by Major General H . S. Aurand, command­ing the Sixth Service Command, with headquarters in Chicago.

Miss Josephine E. Baker of


March 21, 1943 De-ar Friends:

I received y.our gift pa-ckage yest erday and wish to comi)Jlimcmt YIOUr selelction. which can be used by any service man. and will be a constant r~tminder olf those bruck home who a1·e trying so hard to heLp win. this war in any way they ca n. Back home tlhe Grrup;hic did not mean so muc,h to me !;Jut since being in service it is the bther way. T,he mail servke at times has been very poor and my copy ·Of the Graphic has been de­layed several days but now I wait patiently at mail call f.or that same ptapeT. Upon re-ceiving my 0opy I read the Servicemen's page, then from cover to cover, and what I mean, I cover the area.

Writing letters back home was the least -of my worries but since comin1g in seTv~ce I have f.ound it is my greatest wony. Due to the faJct we have been instructed to


write nothing reg.ardin.g any Miss Ada Hill, former aircraft phase {)tf our training or our loca- warning serv::ic'e volunteer at tion, it leaves very little to write· Miami, Florida enlisted and was home abo·ut. a~ce,pted in the W·omen's Army

Of c·ours;e, the weather sib,1a- A'uxiliary Col1JltS. -Qualified to- act tion is alw.ays included in most as a student instructor, •Miss Hill letters, but a few WOrds take Jl'O•SSeSSeS a resrtricte.d phone and care of that--rein, mud, rain and aeronautic ·Code endorsement more rain. Perhai)Js a day -of sun- since s~1e completed _several mo.n-shine to show us it oon shine ths' experimenting- with radio at do,wn here . . · the Tecihnidan High School in

I wish t o eall your attention Miatmi. She is now · s tationed at to the fac t Pvt. Earl K. Bennick- Fort Oglethor.p, Georgia. sen is J.o,cate here in the same · .Miss Hill .graduated fr·om Har­company as I. We have b een to- hor Springs ·high school in 1933 ge:ther all the way -so faT. I give 1 but :has .been wintering in Florida h1m ne~t chan·ce at the paper a1-~ since 1939. ter I have all but re,ad the print- tOn 01f her brothers, Pvt. Rod-inlg oiof. Doesn't ·he rate his name ney ·C. Hill, has been o·n your honor roll? As yet I missing in action in the havan't seen it. j !pines since May 19412, . Also I wish to express my ap- . b,r.o.ther KennetJh E. Davert preciati.on to the Graphi·c and aU I tmining as an army aviation ca members of the Buck A ·Month 1 at t·he University if Flori Club f·oT your eff.orts in bringing Gainsville. · a ll o•f the men in service from '"' that area in closer contact with · our friends back home and each other. Thanks again f.or every­thing. We are here to do a job w,hich we eXI)Je:ct to do as it should be done before we return to our f·ormer walks o·f Hfe.

Sincerely, Pvt. Glenn· C. Baibcack 'Camp M1cCain, Miss.



Nov. 3, 194,3 Dear :Sirs:

It has been some year,s· since I lef.t Ha'l1bor Sprin.g.s, but i·t . is rul­ways in my thoughts.

A ,f.ew da:ys >ago· I received a very thoughtful gift fr·om the Buck A Month ·Club and wish to express my thanks to the Qnes re­sponsible for this nice gift.

I receive •your paper ea-c·h week a•nd the letteTS from the boys s·tat_ ioned in all sections o·f the .g.].obe, are most interesting.

· .I here from St. Louis, M-o., where I have made my home, with mY wife, for the ·past eleven ye•ars. Am at prese111t attending Ar,mored Fol'c·e '8cho·otl in T.adio­operation. !l only look forwaro to rthe day when this con.flict ends

. and· I can 0oine back to Ha11bo1I' sp.rings once more.

. Regards to all my .friends and reiatives.

,Sincerely, Pvt. Clifford ArmtStr·ong

F ,ort Knox, Kentuckw


Dear Folks: Ma·rc.h 10,

Hope thi.s reaches you O.K. you wiH know how I am. I say W:here I am except that I still in Afric·a. Y.ou will no that the APIO number is If you have al•ready will get it so.metime ·soon, I h

I It is hard to write ·as I can

sa.y very much about w.hat take pkl.ce. It will at ·least let y ou kno

lbhat I am well and thinking y.ou. Hope that you have fa!! the things I sent home. I

t not had my·e:s {)ff sin·ce left ·the ·State, on February 8.

It is relUl:y cold here. Water is a big problem .he-re, so wa·shing and keeJ}ing clean is hard to do. The•re a·l'e ·sure some beautiful J}lac61S in Africa, .but I'll take the good ·O·ld U.S.A. f.or mine.

I will try to get around and write to everyone as soon a:s I can, but just now time is hard to find. I want to write to you fo•lks a.s often as I can. Say hello to everyone for me. We do not get any news so we can't tell how things are coming. I think ·O·f you folks often and miss all the good eats. Food is a lot ·d· :here.

1 wiU close for n ow .and will write again so·on. Write as ·O·ften as you C!ln as I miss not he·aring from you.

Love, your son, Jimmie


215 Third s·treet, Harbor Springs, was graduated . from Marian Louise Wilhey School of Nurs­ing, Grand Rapids, and has prac­ticed nursing at Grand Rapids. H er family lives at Harbor .Mr. and Mrs. Cl:eyton Ballou re

(Corp. James H . Roe)

to Camp McCoy;, .Spal'lta, Wis- ine P.ri¥ate RoHand ~s1 {.Jon ·his wa~ 3 1943 home on a furlough :from San Die_

Springs. She has been assigned cei¥ed wor.d that their son Mar- I --------~--~--u--------===~==~~~~~~~·------c~o_n_s_i_n_· ~e-ff_e_c_t-iv_e __ A_u_g_u_s_t __ 2_. _____ · __ g_o __ . ----------~~------~~----~--------------~-------

Page 33: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

....-....----------- -----rG"O"'RiiD"O"'N"'H7AA'NM"Nf\Ji:A"("(IS;----~---~~ ~ ji Dear :\lorn,

e ' ., n

~ · ,, 0


f ' (

~ !1

a .l l


'l'his le.tter is coming from Cami,. THANKS FOR GIFT


· To the Buck A Month Club:


1943 rea lly in bad sha'P~ clown here now. Fort Benning,. Ga. November 2•6, 1.94,2.


March 20, -'l'he Arkansas R.i 1·er flooded for a

I sent you a card · the other ! night, thanking you for the gilft you sent me. I wish to Uu!.nk you again and for the copy of the Emmet County Grap.hi.c, which eame to me, via mail, tonight.

Dear Folks : Today was Thanksgiving. I was Hello again,

North Africa ·· second tiqle and it's worse than

promoted to a Co11poral today. w .e had a big feed at the Company '!.'.his letter is coming to you but had to work all day. We had from -- - - one, a·bout urn-teen

the firs t. :\'o one. cnn get out of Cnmp and no · one ca n get in. vVe lutYe t.w.elve men stranded who

turkey and ham, sweet potatoes, miles from nowhere. I would ba;ve can't get back. corn, peas, asparagus and a couple written sooner, 'but we have a j ob Fort Gilbson, a little town of of other vegetables, fresh lettuce to do over here, and as we're play- 1 500 ·people nea r here, has been and tomato salad, pie, ice cream, ing for keeps, I figured this eould · e~·acuatecl and all the people are three kinds of c ake, oyster dress-

Because of troop movement s, a new location, and down to very serious ;business, soon, in the very near future, I wish to tell the cor­respondents of mine, that my let­ters will ·he few and far .between. I hope to hear from all, ibut can­not guarantee each on~ an answer right away, and poss1bly an an­swer ·at all. Tlhough your let­ters may not be answered, I'll. be thinking o.f you all. Plel\!Se do

ing . for turkey, pineapple on the wait. living in empty barracks here on ham, olives, stuffed celery, sweet I would like to. tell you where the post. All civilian employes on pickles, hot r·olls, tea, COF!F'EIE, I am, where I've been, what I've the post were stranded here and and a pack of cigarettes rupie.ce. seen, bow we have to Jive, and they a-re also ' living in 'ba.rracks.

·The W AACS will arrive about how we operate etc., but the cen- It ·sure seems funny to see so mallly Christmas, a-ccording to the Gen- s orship is very strict .here, aucl you cil'1lians aroun,cl, especially so eral. All the active service men. .11 b t b t • t t'l I t many women. · are Shl.verl·ng l·n their boots, be- Wl ave o e pa len un 1 ge

'b k h H I ' Jl b Qour eleCtricity has been shut cause for every W AAC who comes ac . ome. owever, Wl ave the same for me. l f t · t th t' t' off and because of that no water in one oQr two men will goQ over- a ot o s ones a a 1me.

Was looking through my diary last year (a year old Apl'il 14th) and checked on letters an.d cards I've wribten. My letters total 1,­<J;20 · since m'Y ind·udion, :and c;ards total 595. I have sent let­ters to rprectically every state in the Union ex;cep.tilng Oklahoma, New Jersey, Maine and Vermont. Some have gone to Alaska, Guad­acanal, A:friea, England and Ha-

can be pumped ion. All the water seas. I have 'been getting and enjoying .". ,e have is fo; drinking and O'NrE

Auburn a nd Georgia - <played the Review since las t November. _ here last Saturday, and Auburn I got the first one shortly . after won, the biggest upset. landing here, and since then I have

There are only 26 girls and 104 men in this ot:ffice. looked forward to them with much

I have a shirt on that hangs enthusiasm. They have a tendency down to my fin gernails and flaps to make me feel doser to my home ·

waii. . 'The insignias th81t my brothers

·and I wear . . are in evidence here at Ft. Lewis (The four leaf ' c~o'v­er) Paul; (the Wings), Bmg; and the (Golden Cross) me.

Sgt. Reyner's descrLption and

!letter of the divisional parade was very -concise and beautifully

J worded. I'm glad to know that I took part in H. Also, in. it, were Haribor youths, Robert De · la

· Vergne and Gordon Morris_. I haven't seen t.he secret weap-

·on ~e spoke of but have hea:rd of its destructive uses. The officers say it's a iPiiP!

around my middle like an old bag. and friends. Keep them coming. I have to tie the necktie real tight Speaking of friends. Tell Enoch to keep my shoulders from slip- Giles if he don't have a half dozen ping through the collar. And my pants look like they were going of those delicious home made pies to jump at something any minute. waiting for me, I'll l1aunt him the They are shaggy enough to be rest of my life. I'll bet Bob Tripp alive. bas been slapping his knee ever

Every morning for breakfast we since I left Petoskey. That jovial have fried e.ggs and Hominy >Democrat told me some stories·· (Ge·orgia Ice Cream) and strong about the army, but he didn 't tell coffee. I'll be just as glad when they start rationing coffee so it me nearly enough. wiil be a little weaker. I want to take this opportunity

We do .have .sweet potatoes tho, to thank my many friends, who twice a day and 14 times a week. sent me gifts and greetings at 'l1hey begin to grow on one, in Christmas time. I a ppreciate their fact ou.r dreams are on~ endless thoughtfulness. from the bottom process10n ot:f eggs, h om;ny and of my heart. I have tried to thank .aw:ee,Lpotat.oes, al~ste-ammg .. al<Hlg- . . . a' river of dried beef, creamed. \ eaeh one md1v1dually, b.ut I un-

___,Gordon. clerstand "Davy Jones" 1s censor­ing a few letters and once he gets

To let you in .on a military se­cre.t, America's greatest sec.tet weapon is the "·Golde!l Cross Di­vision." As Mark Hellmger wo·uld them they don' t go much farther. say "Don't s·ay I didn't tell , y.ou." GRAPHIC IS

Well, the. Service club hostess MORALE BUILDER Well AI, "chow" is about ready, is giving me a wicked eye, and so I guess I' ll go over and see what is winding the cloek, so guess·,l'd •Camp Howze, Tex., the "Belly-Robbers" have conglom-

.rbetter V81moose. I guess she wo.n't Mal'ch 16, 1943. erated for us tonight. I know al-·mind if I bid y<Ou 81nother "thank Dear Editor: ready, but maybe they got hold


you" for the gilft and papers,. so I r e•ceived the (paper again yes- of a stray horse today. he:.:e goes, t1hanks a million. again! terday a nd if the people back . . and best :regards to the l!ar.b.or- home knew how enjoyable it In closm.g, a ll ! can say lS to

1 ites; - · · . , really is I 'm sure there would be keep the f1ght gomg on the home ' · · Sincerely, more ol them join the Buck A front and we'll continue to give

- Jacik Cassidy. M·onth Club. - them Hell over here. My !birthday

I THANKS FROM WALT COSENS! There were so many friends ip is tomorrow, but there won't be

· Harbor wanted me to write to ·much of a celebration. I guess Bcogue Field, N. C. / them but I c·an' t write t o each maybe I'll dig myself a new home,

Nov 9, 1943 individually so I hope t hey will all or better yet, I'll just dig my old BAM Club: a(lcerpt iJhis.

I believe it is about time I wrote I was promoted to .Sergeant one a little deeper. !My job . ·reminds to thank you for the fine gift I Technician the first day of March. me of cluck bunting back home. received quite some time ago. I We now work a day on and a You just sit and wait for them to s'hould have written sooner but day off. Also we have some fel- come over and then ·f·or a short ju·st don't take time to do soQ. I Io'\'VS here from Michigan , altho time you have a lot of fi:tn. It was asked while I was home last the cl·osesrt; one I've found to home isn't as easy as· a ll that, lbut it

:o~~ 'b:ft~e~i~f~t ~itet~! ~A~ ~~e~;J· i~o~/boa~r:~k~t, s~~~· a~~ sounds good. The Army's alright, club. Well, I guess the answe.r is I have gotten to be quite good but the guy that said, "War is that in N. <C, he·re there isn't as friends. Hell," sure knew what he was many things to catc.h the eye as Wihe<ri I was home S tanley talking about. in California. - Wa~er sai·d he was havi?Jg trouble j <Goodlbye for now, and I am hop-

I recei·ve·d the much we!.c·ome gettmg meats. I .sure w1sh he was . I Gr.a<phic the .other dalY and wa-s here to at l eas~ lo·ok at soone of mg to see you sooner than I ex-

K our steaks and roasts. . pect. reading Bob imball'·s I have a £.or the f olks back As ever, letter. W·as wondering if it was home that I think would be inter-possible to ge~ his. address and e.sting. That is to have each boy Jerry Lesher als·o Wrayne A.lerdmgs from !JOU. in the servi•c·e to send home an in- · ·--·- J.-

Was gLad to hea r the Scho·ol -signia from their o.utfit and put P fc Jack Kinert fo·otball tea.~ , came out 80 well. it up on a large bulletin board_ If • ·

1 Basketball. wbl start soo? and I uhey will decide to do that I' ll Awarded Purple Heart

I want to w1sh the t e,.am a httle bet_ send mine ~,er _.l.u ck than they had in fo·otbal~. Must cl~se as it is nearly time Word has been received by Ed

G1ve ·her heck -bo~s bec~uo~ 1t t o go to work. · Kinert that his son, Pfc. Jack

I only hap~en.s one~ m a hfetJme 1 c As ever, , . Kinert, was awarded the Purple and .than l ~ 1.s t{)o ,;:ate to make up Tech. Sgt. Sterly. Heart for injuries received in for the mistakes and the best of P. S. Oh yes, for· Roy Johnston: the battle in New Guinea. luck." k 11 I'm getting' just as goo~d at throw- Pfc. Kinert is now in Aus-

Than s •again for the swe in"' hash as he is gift. "' · tralia and was hospitalized there

I remain, from November 22 to March 25.1 Walt Cose'lls -


QUA<RT a clay for keeping clean. We can't f·lnsh the toilets but have to use one pail of water to do it with. I haven't shaved since yesterday morning and I haven't many dean clothes and won't get any for a while.

Our mail is brought in by air­plane. They just flew over and dropped it the first clay but now they land out here. We sure hope. this ends pretty soon because I'm :beginning to feel awful dirty. There is one consolation,' though:_ I'm not the only one that's· dirty.

It looks like it might rain again today but I hope it doesn't. It never will stop flooding. The latest re­port is that the river is going do;wn~

'.l'he people in ·Muskogee have /been told to fill all containers with water ' 'because they are apt to rbe short of it, too.

·We don't get [my papers and can't run radios so we don't get much news.

'Ve have a fellow who can make most everything and he fixed ·up · some batteries and a light so that we now have a little light in the barracks at night .:... very, little . though, with just one light buliJ.J. , l-Ie fixed some 'batteries so that he could plug a radio this morning . .

V\'ell , guess that's about all the .' new.s.




Page 34: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Miss Avis Blumke, of Alanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blumke, and Robert B~bcock, of th U. S .. Navy •. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Babcock, o.f Mackmaw C1ty, were united in marriage on Saturday August 28. '

The ceremony was read by the Rev. George A. Weaver, of Petoskey, at the home of the bride's p·arents at Alanson. ' . Irma Moore, of Mackinaw City, and Keith Ha.U of Alanson, uncle of the bride, were the attendants. '


Dear Members and Friends: After reading the Graphic dat­

ed Ma•rch 11, I felt ratlher asham­ed of mys·elf fo r not writing s·oo·n­er and thanking y<>u for the ·many happy moments it affords me. ,

I suppo·&e you'de all like to kn·O;W how I like it on the desert.-

! like the Englishman said when he looked at Nja.g•ra Fa lls, "just water". WeB this is just "sand" and more sand to me. We wash <>·ur mess kits with it, drill in it , , an d our eyes use grains of it f.or ball bearings most o.f the time. T hat should g ive you a good idea -of what I think of· it. 's one thing I can thank this climate f{)l;

er, my sinus has completely disappeared.


I enjoy reading about all my f riends in a·nd out of the servke

' in the Graphic, and so I, o,f course think tihat the Buck A Month Cl'UJb is ·dpin·g a really swell j-o.b.

To get back to telling you a>bo:ut Hello iFriends: the Airmy-I vis.ited El Centro This letter may be quite unus­las t weekend and so I'm not eHg- al for me, but I fe·el tha·t we ser. ible for a pass this weeken.d. Of vice m~n and women should ex. course, I spent my weekly two bits !press •OUT thoughts. It might do for the next month anyway, so I some good. Trul.y, war is heH! .guess it doesn't make much The .g.r eat question a1ways com~s en ce. El Centro is a nice town (as , up, Why doesn't G{)·d stop th1s towns go around :here ) but I was war? W·Jw ·does He allow ~·uch

·surprised to see how the _ civ.i}ians things? The an·swer was g1ve_n rob tlhe soldiers. and if I remember correctly It

the news of the home front. "Goal workers are striking again. T·he gover.nment may t ::ke. ove~ the ·ope•ratiOn of the c·oal mmes. That rea•:1y got under my skin. ·Chuck y<>·u are absolutely 1ighl

. when y·ou say that the rest -of the 1 boys feel the same as . the one ·who wrote the :poem J ·Perhaps we should get the ~eople h 3·Ck home acqua•inted iwith the fact that we are at w:tr and that faet ~lgn.e means plen_ ty .of self-sa:oc!f1cmg. Oversea:s and in all parts of the wo.rld the service men a!ren't worrying ahout pay ___ we live on what we are paid, and it is small compar­ed with the sa.Jary of de-fence workers. Wie are away from ·our

\families, home. friends, and the ,]:and we love. Dur lives are in danger, we work long and hard, but we do it g ladly because ' we •a·re doing {)Ur ~art toward the ending of this war. When we go on strike we ·are •put in the !>rig, and 1:ihat ·doesn't mean that we exempt from work •• oh no!

What about work in defence? It is tiresome, mon<eton·ous, an•d the hours are l{)ng, but -one c•?•n go home at night and , slee•p with

!the feeling ·of securiny. H e is n ·::> t apt to be awakened m the night by the sound .of an air :raid siren , bombs buil'sting, guns rumbling, and such things as the war bring,s to those in the war zone•3. He doe.s no t have to tramp ab·out all nig•ht in kne e.deep mud, ra:in , and un·?er a constant threat f rom screammg bullets. In hi,s spare time he doe·s not have w cle:m equipment, wash clothes, and be alwa•ys on the alert for enemy troops. True, !he ean donat e ·his sopare time t o the numerous j·obs just fo r the sake ·of doing hh all for the war effort. But why strike f·or more money? Why strike ·~·t all ?

"The Navy j-oined the chorus and gob was heard to s·ay:

"We might just a s weL:· knock off now, we've earned .our

monthly pafY "I'll teii yo·u ho,ys, let's g·o

home if that's the way they fe el.

S in ce this f ight is j ust f.or mon­ey, my life'·s worth more

than that 180 l]:et's go Where the jobs .a.r e,

and lea ve thh damned war flat.''

When this war .is ·Over and some· asks me what I did for my c·ountry, I will be proud to sa'Y that I was in .a.n Engineer ou'tfit . working in a 0oal mj·ne.'' No, I wouldn't be proud of that answer Some answers will be "I was n-ot unless these strikes are s·oon brought to an end. Why cauos:e such disturbances tha.t the gover. nment shoUJl:d have to take over

•·CO·ntrol ·of things? It has enough on it's hands now.

Thanks be to God that we are in a land ·Of fre·e speech, and a l·amd {)·f freedom, but when that "right ·of freedom" is imperiled we should be "all out" to protect it.

I see it is about t ime for chow was this. that if -God had wanted so I'll close by te1ling you that I'm to ipre·vent war . He would never hoping to see acti<>n T•eal soon with have ma·de man free.

I've moaned' in this letter, but J feel better f.or it. I am a little m{)re f·ortunate than Chuck I wocrk in the •Chapla in'•s office so have .plenty -of T.S. slips very handy. Any of y{)U war wockers ne·ed one?

I want to thank all of the folks for the swell work you ar·e doing, an·d I don't thin:k any of you are shirking Y·OUr j·ob. The BAM is a great job, keep it up.

this .same outfit. Just as I fin ished reading !Sincerely, ·Chuck .Squires' letter an-d rea•d Chuck Squire . the •poem "T!he Last Big Strike,"

P .. S. A while baek one of my tent- in the Graphic, .our AmeTican mates' girls wrote and asked him F•or.ce•:> radio ·announcer br.oadcast if the Army never .fed him any-thing but ",Chow".

May G-od be with you. Gordon Terpening


Ma·rclt 27, 1943 !)ear S.tan1ey: · From what I gather you'·re the President of the Buck A Month ·Cluh. I also know you'-d - rather ·have a lette·r from Howard than f·rom me but if the·r:e's any t o. be written I guess I'J.J :have to do it. H o·ward doesn't ha ve much spare time. We live 31 miles from the Base so he spends some time going and coming. They keep everybody bUJsy du·ring the day an·d every {)ther night they are •o•n duty and hl7ve watches .to stand· •SO he only comes h ome every othe·r nilfht. Has plenty of studying to .do, as ;he is 'working towards Avia ti o.n Machinist's Mate 2C. (Is 3C n·ow.)

This is a small town of 1tbout 4000 in western Okla., only 20 miles fT:om the Texas border. Very much different from Michiga n. We miss the trees and wate·r. The·re are more· wide open spaces than anything e·lse. Plenty ·cf red clay dirt which .blows when it's d:ry ' and is mud when it rains. It rar ely ·snows an4 d{)esn't stay w:hen it does. While we've been heT-e the· temperature has between 20 and 90 degrees. thermometer can jump up and down the fastest. 80 degre­es at 6 o'c1ock and 35 or 40 de­grees at 9:30 at nig:ht. There isn't any water to speak {)f. Lakes are scarce. and ·I'ivers are practically 'd·ry r i.ght now. P cs tively no tr{)ut fishing.. This made Howar•d very imhappy when '~e first came but n·ow he knows he wouJ.d.n't have t ime anyway.

The people here made up for some of the disadvantages .though f<>r th~y surely have been gra.nd to us and the 35 o.ther Navy fam­il ies that live ·here. (Quite a few live in Elk City and Glinton and Cordell.) Some men asked Howard to play golf tomorrow (Sunday) if he doesn't have to W O·!'k. You should see the golf course. Sa~d gre·ens and plenty {)f natu!'al haz­a·rds but certainly no wo.ods to slice or ·ho ok into.

There are only a f ew brands of foods that we recognize. They have Armours, Kraft, Del Mo·nte, Heinz, Maxwell House coffee. S{) fa·r we :haven't .l>een .sho·rt of any­thing but c·offee. But .about the only meats they have are ;beef and pork and you should see what th-ey eall V·eaL Looks ~ike .beef to me. T.hey never ·have lamb) fish or chicken in the markets even· when it isn't rationing.

We can't buy any Michigan ,newspapers. Not even a Det:roH one on Sunday. The only Chicago paper is the Times . .So the only

·Michigan paper we see is the .Gia-p!hic and it sure looks goo·d to us.

Howard ·received the dog tag co·rd and thinks it's grand and wants to thank you so much for it.

UnderstaJid you've real:Jy ·had a winter this year. We we wel'e g~:a·d to• get away from the sn<>w but afte!' one o.f their fam­ous dust stol1lllS here we -decided we'd just as soon ·have the sn<>w. It would be ' mucfh cleaner.

Thi.nk youT club is <loing a fine joh keeping in touch with all the Ha!'iborites and we are very glad to stiU be in eluded as <>ne of othem.

Best of luck to you, Sinee:rely,

Verna Arn1stoong


Ensign Carlton R. Cummings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Cum­·mings, is stationed at S. C. USNR, Hamilton Hall , B. 33, Soldier's Field Stat ion, Boston, Mass.

Page 35: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

St. Ignace, 'Mich. May 1, 1943

T.he Review, I am enclosing a picture of my

son, also a letter from him. He is ·stationed overseas. I think the letter will be quite interesting to his many friends in and around Petoskey. Our home is out on Pickerel Lake Pike, Petoskey, Mich., HFD-2. My huSband is employed temporary at the ,Michigan Maple Block ICo., St. Ignace, •Mich.

At the time my son entered the armed services .he ·was also em-

1 ployed at the •Michigan >Maple :Block Co. {3 years in Petoskey ' and 2 years in 1St. Ignace). He was one of their saw filers. He had lbeen employed nearly five 1

years iby the company. •MY son is an Army Air Corps

aviation mechanic, propeller ialist.\

He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. :\fanly Omtiss, formerly of Pick­erel Lake Pike, Petoskey, R-2, but now of St. Ignace.

Yours truly, Mrs. Manly Curtiss

•St. Ignace, Box 148

PVT. JOHN M. CASSIDY Co. H., 123rd Infantry

WeLl I received your shaving y.<>u sent me and it's very nice

and thank.s ever so much. 1 Lt's 'been a long time since I ·wrote a letter to the Gra'Phic and .Lots of things have happened since then I From North Afri-ca I went to Si i izy and had quite a time tbere ,the Hun's. But we .come out itop lake we alwa-ys do. Sicily ·.ndt a had country, but I did '•like it becouse I couLd not 'stand the .pe·ople when they talk. There are some that speak English and most .of them were in the states some time ag<>. T•hey that wou~d like to· go back

l l " ~lll::c·~.-...,.;:)ome of them make grape Jack is ' the son of Mr. and Mrs. wine and it is-pretty good stuff.

J·ohn ..Cassidy of Ha~h<9,r Springs. • We1~ I wm do my .best and hel'P He writes as follows: this war over with ' and come

A. P. 0. 33, Tacoma, Was ...

to Harbor !Springs. Hello everyone! This letter is This is ·a.oout all I've got to say

meant for everyone in Har- f s d 1 b S

· I 1 · · th ld or now. ; o goo · bye unti next or prmgs. sure y miss e o time

city and as yet have not seen any · !-----..:... ____ _ city, to"!Vn or village to equ,al it. As far as that goes, I doubt but I what there is a better place than the city that I am proud to ca.ll my native stamping grounds.

The grind of the Infantry has been pretty tough on some fel­lows. So far I have been lucky. as I have not suffered from really bad feet. A five mile wali{ would seem like child's play to me now, as we average now between 20 and 25 miles on a hike.

I have answered all correspond­ence sent me, and I get plenty of it. If anyone doubts this ask the first sergeant .or mail-man here. I love to hear fr·om home and to answer back.

The only thing that will get me The promotion of 2nd Lt. Mer- down, if I go across, is the idea

ton M. Carter to the rank of of reeeiving <>nly a limited supply of mail.

first lieutenant was announced I am writing this iby candle-

Miide ·1st: Lieut:enant:

this week by Colonel H~rry E. light, and · as the flam~ is · """~~~" ... ;; 1 Storms, .sommanding off1cer of ow; I must. elose. Hoping the Wesfern Signal Corps Train- from more of my friends from ing Center, Camp Kohler, Calif. ~· back home, I remain

15 Glenn Hubbard 36539320 . . · . Det. 3rd Gen. Hosp.

·pPO 3922 cio Post M t

I - f f p t Just Lt .. Carhter, a nfa JMrve o d eMross- Pvt. Jack M. Cassidy.

key IS t e son o . an . Ch~rles M. Carter of this city, who live' at 303 West Lake St. ARRIVES HOME TODAY

·Cpl. Paul Whitaker e y as er S•a!Jl D' C l'f w ork, New York


He is a former student of West­ern Michigan College, at · Kala-

Corp. James R{)e, Co. A, 713th · Stanley Wa1ger recent ly receiv-Engineers, stationed at Camp ed the f<ollowing encoura-ging let-

mazoo. William C. Reid, at Cl<>vis, New t er from Mrs. Charles Hollerith A newspaperman by profes- Mexico, le.ft early Tuesday morn- of J ,acks·o!Jl , Michigan: '

sion, Carter specialized in pho- ing for Harbor Springs. His par- "•Mr. Holler.ith and I were so · tography and operated an en- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Roe, ex- 1 'P leased and imipressed with the graying plant for two years. pect him to arrive today to spend ' Bu~k. A Monbh Club that we want After entering the Army he was~~ to spend as much as possible of a }0 J om so I am enclosing a c· sent to officers candidate school 12 day furlough in Harbor drrbour d~es to the Buck A Month

Springs. u · . Bill ;me now or whenever - -----:.._:__-=----------:==::::::you .wish, Ill send you a check

anytime you say."

Page 36: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


•Scott 'Field, Ill.

r~Bud ~radfield , who is in the I Coast Guard at Charleston, S. C. left Mlonday after spending a f ew days with re.Jatives and friends .


·Cpl. Archie Air · Oorps Camp Luna, N. l\Iex. Both Sgt. Errol and Cpl.

of Edward Gosens

--'---~---- --

·Corp. William Baker-;f Camp I McCoy, Wise. Ieft We,dnesday · · n;·o.rnin~ f_or Gvan·d Rapids to IPvt w~alter Hu.rd VISit h1s s1ster, J osepliline Blliker. · Overseas

; C?rP: Baker has been the guest - --=-=-=---=--=---:-=--=---:::--::::-- =-=--


or£ h1s par en,ts, Mr. and Mrs. ALFRED SHAW RECEIVES Oharles Bake;r, of Third St., fo.r PROMOTION the p~st four days.

Alfred Shaw, son of Mr. and , Mrs. Len Shaw, has been promot-\ ed to Yeoman 2nd d ass. He is' sta­i tioned at Williamsburg, Va. I



ARE NOT FORGOTTEN He ' lo F clks :

Thank you very mucih for the dog tag string. I think that it was swell of the Buck A Momth .Clu-b to d<> that fQr us. It lets us know that the people are thinkirug of us and that we are not f or&'otten.

Sincerely, Pvt. Ed Mulder, J!l'.

Page 37: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

T-5 Clarence l\11. Foltz U. S. Army, 36154124 5tlf Signal Co., APO 5 New York City Technician Foltz

and Mrs. Fred

Charles Sherk p,- t. Bernard Cassidy Lake Lind, Fla.

Paul L. · Kreitner, ID:\i-3 /c Co. D, Plat. 3, Bat. 62 cJo Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.

( y

Page 38: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

'ii,l-v. J:YJIIard , A. Shorter 61st Biimli1l'l~il!ent Sqd. D[!vis,Monthan "1rn!;1., Tuscan, Arizona _ ~ ~Pvt: Jack Peters ·3M'

Co. D. Brks. T ' 138 J.633 ,s. V. R.R.C. Camp_. Grant, in.

* * *


Pvt. William Klock

** * Gpl. Ada G. Hill , . 1244 Service Unit Group 6W URTI · 90..J.OO Washington St. Newark, . New Jersey

,Cpl. William Baker

·Camp McCoy, Wis ·

* -* *

J'vt. Floyd 1Meyers !Co. C, 26th •IDT (IS'J)eC.) . Bn. U . • s. ' · .Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. ['vt." 1\f.eyers was r ecently award­

ed rifle meda l as an expert. ·Co. E , 136th Inf., A'BO 33 clo PM·, Los Angeles, Cali!f.

Page 39: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

f'fc. ALbert HeyJ~ig, S6160152 Btry. B, 93rd OA (.A!A) :AJBO 955; cia P. M. San Francisco, Calif. ·

Pfc. Cy Ketchum 36421035 Co. E, 417th Inf. APO 76 Camp McCoy, Wis.

P vt. La wrence H. Burkle 36564844 EJ t H l\" d , as all, Room 73

"-e . D ep t . . P ercy Jon es, Gen. Hasp Ba ttle Creek, Mich. . Pvt. Burkle is n . . .

))alice. H e is th aw -a. m1htary i\1' e son of Mr d hrs. Jack Cam""b ll .. ~n ,

!' e Of thiS City. 1

* * *· * * * · T l5 Glenn A. Hub:bard .. 3fi[);:llJ3!W Med. Det. , 3 ·Gen. Hasp. cio :P.!l\1."; N~w'•Yor.Jf; " N.

* * * 1P vt. Bertie ·Murphy 36421042 •Co. K. , 16th R egt. Fort Fra nci-s E. Warren, · Wyo.

' * * *

George Cra mer

* jr * P vt. R oy R. F erguson 482nd Air Base •Sqd.

Pfc. Vernon F aus t, Btry. C, 630th .Sep. En., .APO 3929, cia P. M .. New York City

_[ * "'If*-

Cpl. l\Iilton Kahgee

Pvt.. H erman Luce, 36401788 Co:· C, iOSth Eng. 'J3n. (C ) APO 33; c j.o Postmaster LOs Angeles, Ca lifornia-

._,_ "

Pvt. Robert M. Curtiss 36456541 APO 15018, c /o PM New YOTk, N. Y.

* *


Page 40: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Lt. Marion BuT'1lis Overs-eas

Philip R. Lanz, ~C-3 /c U.S .N. R ec . .S!hip Pier 92, West 52nd St. New York City

Pvt. Sam Pon tius

Ensign Carleton R. Cummings of the Navy Sup!PlY Corps Reserve who resides at 779 Pririeeton Blyd., Wilkinsb-urg, Pe-nna. is one -o.f 300 young offkers who gradu­ated on April 2, 194.3, from t he Narvy Surp,ply Covps S.chool at Har­vard University. As result of his suc;cesSiful completio.n of the rigid f.o-ur mo-nth's c-o.hrse, Ensign Cum­mings is no longer a "Pl'othati-on­ary'' of.fker. He has re•ceived ,his "•General Servi•ce'' commission, and will be assigned to duty at an imJpOrtant shore a;ctivity.

Pvt. William Klock

* * *

Cpl. Rolla r t 1-Ioneysette 1-I&S Co., 3·60th Engr. Rgt. Camp Clairborne, La.

['vt. Aram Gulserlan ·Med. Det. '51st FA Bn. 6th Mtz. Dlv. ~PO 6 c/ o P.M, Camp San cr:-uis Olbispo ·San Luis Obisp.o, Calif.

* * * Cp(. Geo. McConnell 16033402 Co. , A, 7th Engrs. U. S. Army APO 5, c/o P. M., New York \ '

* * * .James Lee Wilson H. A. 1/c Navy 604, c /o Fleet Post Office

. San Francisco, Ca lif. Pvt. Robert F . • stevens •Co. A., 28th Bn. 4th Plat. Fort. LPonarcl ·wood. ·Mo.

Page 41: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

* * * NEW ADDRESSES: 1st Sgt. Donald W. Balla rd Co. B, 141st TDTB, 5th Regt. 'DDRr:DC, N . Camp Hood, Texas

*** Pvt: Rolland Wtheaton 3<6421027 Hq. Btry. 941 F. A. Bn. Camp .Shellby, Miss.

* * * Pvt. Floyd W. Meyers Oo. C, 26th ET (Special) Bn. 3rd Plat. , •Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.

* * * 'Pvt. Robert J . MuMaster 742 MP Bn. (ZI) Co. D. Penn Valley Park Kansas City, Mo.

* * * Pvt. Roy C. Hass Co. E, Inf. Bn. T. C. Camp Elliott, Calif.

* * * T-4 Cecil Stanley 3<6150370 2013 Ord. M. Maint. Co. AIPO 635, cjo PM, N. Y., N. Y.

* * * 1Clare Wagar, IDM-3 /c U. S. Naval Hospital P9 Newport Rhode I sland

* * * Cpl. George Woodruff 16039280 Btry rC, 87th Arm'd. F. A. Bn. Fort Knox, Ky.

* * * NEW . ADDRESSES:. Opl. Robert F. ·Sutherland

' 310 Fighter ·sqd. Green Field Air Base Provideuce, Rhode Island

* * * Pfc. T. R. Stuebing Hqs. Det. ,N. W. Afrkan Trng. Command 'AIPO 525, New York City, N. Y.

* * * Pvt. Stanley rKritcher 36421017 ;1.254 !l\fP Co. (Avn.) NOAAB New Orleans, La.

* * * ·Pvt. Alfred Reber, US:A 2nd Platoon, Co. B 80th Inf. 'Tng. Bn. Camp Rdberts, California

* * * Pvt. 1Echvai·d Meyers 36455492 Co. L, QMR'DC, 1s t Reg. Ft. Francis E. Warren, Wyo.

*** Pvt. Otto Moore 36169566 Hq. 2nd Bn. 40th Arm'd. Reg. AOI 257 cJo BM 'Los Angeles, Calif.

p,·t. William A. Anna'ble 708th TSS,' Brks~ T 1603 .Seymour Johnson Field, N. C.

* * * P\'t. Ral ph Chapman 36455508 Hq. Bat. 399 C. A. B. B. Bn. 1Sa nlt Ste. )'farie, Mi-ch.

* * *


NEW ADDRESSES: Pvt. Jim. J . Mallory 36188397 Co. L, 138th Inf. APO 948 cJo Bl\1, .Seattle, Wash.


* * * Lt. Dean Scroggie 365 :IDS Municipal Airport AAB Baltimore, Md. 1

* * * Pvt. J ohn Gregory 36188413 lBtry. A, 630th Sep. Bn. GAAA N.Y., N.Y.

* * * 1S-2Jc Wesley E. Woodruff S.S.rSec. F 4-4, Bks. 503 U . P. Great Lakes, Ill1nois

* * * SJ·S Keith Ernst, 16043855 47 Bomb Gp. 2, 97 Bomb Sqd. ABO 762, New York City

* * * Wm. Dunlop Jr. Co. 249, Camp Porter -Great Lakes, Ill.

* * * Sgt. Frank Zulkiewski Hq. Co., 1st Bn. 643 E.A.R. Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla.

* * * Pvt. Alfred Phillips 807 T.F.F. Bks. 809 AAFTF Sioux Falls, South Dakota

* * * Donald Taylor, USN 1/c S, Armed Guard Center New Orleans, La.

*** Pvt. Bennie Troop C, 253 Remount .Sqdn. Fort Reno, Oklahoma

* * * Pvt. Robert M. Lewis 36458677 ISqdn 142, 56 Trng. G. P. Keesler Field, Mississippi

*** Cpl. Willard 0. Page 16114238 Lockheed Vegac Ser. School National rGuard Hanger Burbank, Calif. Class \ ' -23-!3

* * * Pvt. Earl E. Page 414th Training Group Flight K.B.T.C.4 -Miami Beach, Fla.

* * * Cpl. Hugh Barnes 39531458 T.S·S 372 Boca Raton Field, Florida


* * * Pvt. Willard Sherwood 36453110 Co . . E, 5th Reg. QMTR Wyo. Bldg 223 Fort ·warren, Wyo.

* * * Pvt. Oeo. Heynig US·M.OR Ser. Sqd. 13 l\i.A.C. 13 c[o Fleet PO San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. Geo. B. Bowman 36465651 59th TG Class 61, Sqd. 594 Area T4, Hut 9 Keesler Field, . Miss.

* * * . Pvt. Floyd Meyers Co. A, 17th Bat. SP!m Bks. 23-25 Greenville, Penn.

* * * Pfc. Freal H. Reyner 20th TSS Lowry Field, Colorado

* * * Cornelius Smith S-2Jc Bks. 504-G-6-11 Service School Great Lakes, Ill.

* * * ' Cpl. Adolph Knimri Bery C, 423 (A) FA Bn. APO 260, cfo PM Nashville, Tenn.

* * * P vt. Lester Carr ASN 36465654 B, 12 AFRTC ~ort Knox, Ky.

* * * Pfc. Reginald Greenway 409th TSS, Brks. 228 Amarillo, AAB Amarillo, Texas

* * * John P. Foster ·F-3 [c U. S. Navy Yard, Yardcraft Washington, D. C.

* * * Pvt. Floyd French 33432737 P ost Chemical Office Camp Pinedale Fresno, Calif.

* * * P vt. Robert E. Gretsch Co. A, 554th Engs. Hv. Pon. Bn. Camp Swift, Texas

*** .Pvt. Francis J. Cooper S.C.U. 1919-95-A Vancouver Brks. Vancouver:, Washington

*** Sgt. Wm. H. Shatto 3165 Ord. (B) A&FC Co. 615 Ord. B. Maint. Co. Camp Santa Anita, Arcadia, Calif.

* * *

P vt. Earl E. Page 36458684 7th TSS, Brks. 378 Chanute Field, Ill.

D.ear Friends,

June 15, 1943 Vancouver, Wash.

This afternoon I will write a few lines to pass the time. I often 1think of you folks and wish I were back there.

I am now in Washington and it sure is nice out today. The sun ·is shining. ' It rained last night and yesterday, but it must be quite warm out today as it is warm here in bed.

I got some Japs on Attu Island, I was careful but they got too

Pvl:. Harvey Martin close for. comfort and now I will have to spend some time in the hospital. I don't know how long as I am not hurt very bad.

I have 7 shrapnel wounds. Two hand-grenades went off · about three feet behind me. I could have laid down, I guess, and I rr..ight not have been . hit. I was standing in a ditch shooting over the top. Some got right up to the• ditch, as one 'fell in beside me ·when he was ·shot, so you can see there was not time to lay down on the job.

The:re were 12 of us in the ditch then, and the way it look­ed there might have been around .20 of them. It was about 3:30 in the morning and quite dark so it was hard to see how many of them the:re were.. We kept shooting uBtil we could see n o moving where they were. I didn't get to the aid station until about noon, as the Japs had me pinned down twice on the way back to the first aid station. An­other Company came through there and helped me out or the Japs might have gotten me on the way back. They broke through our line in the night and were all over the valley.

The battle was over two days after I was hurt. They are bring­ing , all the wounded back to the u.s.

I sure feel lucky to come back, as there are quite a few that will not be coming back.

After I start to get letters again I will know more how things are back there, as I haven't had a letter since April 14th.

I suppose you are cutting hay tl~ere now, if I were there I w0uld try and help. With a soft pillow I mjght be abl.oi! to ride the mower and rake.

I had better sign off now and will try to write more before long.

As ever a fri.end, Harvey

Pvt. Harvey Martin, 36193184 Banes Gen. Hosp. Vancouver, Washington

-··- -------- ..---- -=---""

Page 42: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

-------------------------;,·'one when this t'hing is over -a rd the b-oys are hunting four legged a·nimal!.> again. ·HARBOR SPRINGS

has gone to war! · This GRAPHIC feature section is devoted exclusively to men ·and woinen of thia com­mun ity in the armed forces of the U. S.

Thia department cooperates with the BUCK-A-MONTH Club of Harbor Spring·s in providing l(l community contact with our rep­resentatives in the Service of our Country. The GRAPHIC is aent

· free by the publisher.


i I t hink I ' ll use t'his column t o ; serve f i.nal n{) t ice :an Bob ·vv .rJght ja :.·d T·om A.'len . I w-ant a let ter. lAnd · .to Dale G:'ca:5on hold . y.o•ur ho.r.s es and I'll work up be

!necessary energy to g et -one off -to ·y.a,u·. I don't th:nk I owe a r~·: ­one else but if I do let me know . an-d I 'l' sec what ( can do about it. Tha t is anot h er n ice t hin!! ab-out j ob I get qui t e a l·ot of tfme to keep up - en my l•,Uer writing. I know .t'hat a lot of the fellows have to hust .·e to fi nd t im e but I have to s tay awake for Twenty-f·o'Ur ho·urs at a stretch and· during the long houn; of early morning there io-n 't much to do that wit• keep me awake. That is the time when I get letters writ­.ten.



CHARLEY SAKE.R CAl.L- I su.p:p•ose there is plenty of lNG WOOD WISDOM snow up there by th's time. I

S ir, have al.l ~he caddies ~one

The gray haired golfer asked the , P r o

F or every one I see here now u se>d to be a score •or so. r;l t ell Y·OU wnere they ad 'have

gone Th e sa·d profession a•l replied They are in their Countries Ser­

vice and Already some have fo·ug1l1 t and


I h aven't time to te:•J to you What each and every one has

done. Th-o.o.e boys are very dear to me Each ·one to me is ]ike a son.

The black haired boy that we caE- i ed Butch

Left long bef·ore we went to war

Th E t C Dece-mG•berh3, 1943 And it to{)k at •least a dozen Japs

e mme . ounty . rap IC : . . H_arbor S-prings, · Michigan j T·o him at corregid·9_r .

SI~ngratulations .to your 'edit- I We ha•? a boy called ~ag:·e Eye ion of N{)'Vember 25th. The Ser- ' Now With that eye he ·sights a g~m viceman's Christmas Edition is an And when ·old Eag.J·e Eye takes aim excellent method of conve'Yahce !Its goo.d by -~Jako -wop ·or hun. of yui•etide greetings from the City ' In the >battle of the Coral Sea of Ha_nbor Springs to it's. ;repre- 1 A lad that we an knew as Slim sen.tat1ves now engaged m con- .He maned his gun on a sinking · folict with a common ene_my f-or a 1 ship . common cause, jHis f{)lks are very pr.oud -of. hlm

Unquestionably the most touch-ing g-reeting came from the -pen Remember sir the Tomkins kid

Ca:l:np •Gordon, Georgia, November 29, 194J3

Buck A M-onth Cl'Ub Dear Btam and Gang:

In the .]:ast paper I had the page was rather "short on ~etters, and I only know of one wa•y to help that matter, .So here goes

I am still at the same old Job on th e switchbotard and will be for

, at .least another tw·o weeks. I :•ike it though ,b-ecause ~t gives me . a chan·ce to .sleep every other morn­ing and :s•ome -of you kn-ow how .I feel -alb-out "sleeping in" in the m•o.rn~ng, As· f:ar as I'm conce·rn­ed that is the only real time to sleep.

of Doctor Gra·ham. Can you Gen- He used to caddy for your wife tlemen print his greeting again, He I.ied his age r:;md went to war print is so- conspicuously that no And ·On •Bataan he gave his life. ().ne can miss its true message. . . Tthe ·niliny JSe-a5' ::m is sba.rtirig

"!Doc" we're ·lones-ome too The The httle ~uy kn-own as the Pro . here now and I 'h-ad a good taste {)f day that you mentioned is 'truly Who never couJ.d his stance ex•p1ain that last year so I know what to going to be great. In Africa you'-ll find him now ~o-ok i •orward to. The so ca.Jled

· · tSineerel'Y A wol'lking ·On an Air·oplane. soil of G~orgia iB either sand or S-Sgt Sylvester Petoskey . . . day. Where there is sand it

~ · ____ ..........__ _ ,In the great fight that ends th1s I washes away with each ra-in. I W~·r . . Where there is clay---we!) ~here

NEW ADDRESSES: You ,J:J fmd some of our caddies is just cl-a'Y. · It ca·n't be ex'Plained J iohn R. Lee T1here to one wiho ,has not seen it and

4 Plwt. A!S'l1P, U 't 3857 And whe-n the score is wdded up · d-oesn't .need explaining to those Go. A, . . lll Y-ou'll find they did more than who have .Sort of )ike a leaky Baylor Umversity, :Waco, Texas. their share ro-o.f: Y·o·u cant fix it while it is

* * * Cpl. Varnce .L. Cory :20th AR Med. Det. :20th Arm'd Div. .AIPO Camp Oam,pbell, Ky.

* * * Lt. Lou ~Iarshall


:2084 QM Truck Oo. SJ3A.A.F ISan Bernardino, Ca·Uf.

raining and it doesn't need it The o!td man _said I'm much to oJ.d w'hen it i:sn't [' (No com­T-o go and fig~t across t~e pon_d -ments from the able . author of But any how I 1·1 do my b1t W.o-od Wisdom please.)

iFor each 'hoy gone- I'll buy a bon.d I had the opportunity to fire . 'BY Herbert Swenor I the carbine f·or reco.r.d a few days

:H. s. Hig,h Scho·ol ~aduate a~o •and can ·only say that it is · the best gun I ever put to my

1 Somewhere in~fri-ca shoulder I .real.!'y hope to own

Pfc. Donald -Greenwell 36455502 1st. Plat., co. B, 32 Med. Trg. Bn. Camp Grant, Illinois

*** Pfc. George A. Daniels H.Q. Co. Ga.rage, USS SOF A:PO 501, c/ o P.:M., U. S. Army San l!'rancisco, Calif.

inten-d to see some it this year. I do·n't know just whe•n it wi:l be but proba!bl'Y abo-ut the first of FebT'uary

Well it's neari·v time for chnw so I gue.~·> · I'll t·ake off to hit the head of the line. In civil!an -:ife pe-ople say "go-od ·appetite" but in the army it's "ch ow hound".

My best wishes t.o a;•l . , Cha;rley Baker,


· Nov. 29, 1943 Buck A Month G·~b Harbor S prings, Michigan Dear Friends:

I want to thank · you for the swell gift that I received some time ago and also ·for the home town paper. It used to reaoh me every M-on-day ·but 'have missed it o;.ince being transferred from Manhattan oo wi,J:l enclose my new address·.

Before to my new station, I spent a few days in New port, Rho-de Island and enjoyed a few liberties with Etze:• and .EveJyn Hartung. ,

I am now located at a summer


, resort just so·uth O•f Host·on. Quite a few Celeberties have homes here but they would certainly move if they shou!:d visit .beautiful Harbo.r ~ Springs,

Hope to have a ;eave the finst of the year s·o will be seeing you all then. So long for now. ' ·

as ev-er. ·Gleim Heynig

Pv t. Wal ter Grump 36407567 APO 8844 cj o P.l\I, New York City

* * * Pvt. Pa trick J . Campbell 36455496 ·Co. I , 16th Regt. Ft. Wa rren, ·w yo.

* * * Pfc. Carlyle Kra use Co. H., 136th Inf., · AiPO 33 c/o P. l\I., Los Angeles, Calif.

* * * ]f rancis -G. Dunlop A. S. Co. 335, 27th Reg. 49 Ba t t. US-~'I1S , Great I~akes, Ill.

* * * Pfc. Robert ·C. Bursian 36401803 4th T. S. •Sqdn. Barra cks T -1()7 Chanu te Field, Illinois

Page 43: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

(Lef t ) (Right) Cpl. Cecil Brl)man Go. C, 87th Rcn. Bu. Los Angeles, Ca lif.

S /Sgt. Raymond H . Dauscher Co: C, 87th Rcn: Bn. Los , Angeles, Calif.


Ma y 22, 1943 •George Field, Ill.

Dea r Mother , Dad and All : · I was looking for a letter from

you up to a couple days ago when the mail was cut orf on a·ecount ?f the f lood d own here. O·ur mail ~oes out by plane and is dropped f rom the a ir ibut we haven't a ~hance to r eceive a ny ma il. · j Our . camp is surrounded ·by wa­f er and the only way we can get fo town is .by· using th_e li ttle. boa t

peeps (amphibians j and w e'v·e only · ight of them. · j Most of us have been working

1day and n ight building the levee Ja r-ound the camp to keep the water kmt. T oclay is the first I've been ' ~•ble to s leep since Tuesda y and .,I mean to · say 1 s leep ha·rd. It's ~nearly seven o'clock now and I've !got to· go back throwing sandbags Jat eight. The wa y I f eel now I Jdoubt if I ca n lift anpther · bag. ,, The w ater is rubout seven f eet !deep out here now and they ex· jpect it to r a four <Jr five feet .: more tonight.


Dear Friends: J -ust a few Jines to le t you ali

know that I a m fin e· an·d will b e giad when the •p a•per catche-s u p to me.

Friends, not ver y long ago asked ·help f rom yo u t o f ind 2.

friend h s·ck in H owze. I founc 'him, so I am going to ask you t o se~d ·me Jack Cas•3idy's a ddress. W'lll you ? I am over he,re in th -3 Ha.waiin Islands to o. I wl-:1 b e glad whe-n we ca:n. -com e b a ck t o Ha11boN a~a·in.

W·ell, that is a !] f or now Wish ing you all good healtJh and h op= ing I get the .pa<p er once again .

.A,lways a fri end, ·Mickey Clocklin


tCaom;p Blanding, F ,:,a.. November, 17 , 19 43

Dear BAM Club: S ome t ime ago you sent m e a

very nice toilet kit, but I !have neglected to write a bout it. Thank you a milli·on f-oil' it. It is som e thing w-hich is always w elcome and is real handy

I .am in 1Cainp B.Janding , Florida n.ow. The b-an·d I am with t rans ­ferred as a unit from Owmp Pic~ kett. W,e came d-own her e in OcL ober. But I wish I was in MichL gan. It cert;a•inliy is cold. But I understan d that Michig-an, -at least the Northern part, h as quite a

We've got a•bout 300 planes sit­ting ready to take off if the bank 'breaks and each pla ne ca rries five men i ncluding the pilot so I guess that will t ake albout half the men off the field. The rest of us will Ita~ye to . JISe o.ur .. Uf:esaYers .and make the 'best ·1\Ve ca n of it. The gua r ci squadron w~ll be the last to lea ve t he plfrce so I'll proba:bly be swimming before it's d one with. , Pvt. E rnest C.· Sta nley


bit of snow. · I just finished a big job this

mo.rning. I polish ed and Wla•shed my bass 'horn And what a job it' is! There is -a lot of work to it .

1007 Gua rd Sqds. George l!'ield, Il_l.

I must stop and get g oing. Will y·ou p1ease send the Grwphic t o my new addres s.

Sincerely, Cpl. Earl J -olls


November 18, 1943 Hell·o BAJM Club: ·

W eH how's eve11ything in g oo-d old Harb-or Springs now d ays? It sure has been nice here since we arrived in Idaho.

L • . T his camp is swe]] with every~ I for a]] ;O~IT kind though [ obmg_ very comforb~·ble and con~ fellows overseas. It ver:ie'n t. A,t n ig-ht we can look -out time is quite well taken of - the barr acks wind ows a nd see c•a•nnot write as o-ften as . t he snow up on the m ountains. S o like to do . I know that a, f ar we have don e a lot -of d r ill ing fo lks are wit h us from what a nd a t n ight w e a re pret ty tir ed. , are do.i!lg f·or u~ fello·ws

•Our Com:pamy C-omm ander is I enJOY tl'eadmg a l:l: the let sure one o f tJhe nic est me11 we have t~at you p~t in the paper . et seen s o far. He seem s t o be just [.time. I see 111 the pap~r that t h , like -aa t he rest of us. Of course , ,a::-e >S:ome of the boys 111 North . t here are times when he rubs it IJ:'lCa n_ow. It h a-s been some . in hut we don' t mind . . now s mce ~ was there. I hope to

Our f ood is t ops in eve,ry way. meet up w~th s·ome of them soon P ie almost alwa-ys three times a 1 but :they ml] 1have t~ come to It­week an·d cake every day that we l.a ly . lf they w~nt _to _fmd m~. don 't get pie. In an -outf1t hke I am 111. one

We h 1ve been on schedu~-e n ow s ure does see a lot of places. Just f•Or a week and t oday we t ook ;OUr


as SO·On as OUr WOrk is finish ed in classif ac tion t est for our study- !one place, we move ·o·n to the ;ng after boo-t training ~-and ther e seems to be a .

, . · pha1ces for us just at this .S o far we :have·n t seen any snow '·Whenever you he-ar of a "'"''"""'"1 '

~ere ·but we can 't s::ty t oo m uch l,being ·put -out ·of action, just :~ bo u ~ -the weather because we of ·us ,as we are here to pu t i

· ~avn t ? ccn her e lo ng_ en·oug-h , If .b_a-ck into seii'vice as s·oon as pos~ overy thmg goes we]] 111 the next I·Slble and w e are suTe bre-aking all fe w d ays, we a:ll hope t o b e home ; rcords up t o doa.te. One would nev~ >o on . We three boy•s f ro m H arbor er think that a railroad outfit S_pr ings are sure having a gr eat could be s·o important unt il h e can r.1me b?t as so·on as we are ou t of •see wthat they d·o. A lot depends det entwn we p r-obably w ill h atve on us a nd we a r e ·l·iving · utp t o it more fun . Right now we are in in all ways. · :-ough training but not f.or •long. I thank you again fo r

Well , f olks it is tillie t hing I h arve received from for lights o ut and I a-m .. h o•ping to f-olks hack home bear fro m you f·olks .

Sin-cerely y oul!'s, Barracks Mates,

Robe-rt DBventport, Or lan do Clarence " Midge" Le·hner c. P S. W e wou~ d ta.]] like this put in our home town .p aper.



Opl. EJrnest Matz co. B. 87th EJngr. Bn. camp Cla~borne , La.

Your friend,

Cpl. James R9e

PVt. J ·ohn Cassid'Y Oversea£

Sgt. Lloyd Thompson ".C" Btry. 2·5:Lst F. A. 1Qamp Maxey, Texas

* * * IPvt. Lawrence Longc(}re Oo. A, 774th TD Bn. .A>PO 260, Ft.· Benning, Ga.

Page 44: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


' ' • • •

. Lt:.-.Dean Scroggie . . Funeral services . for Second ·Lieutenant . Dean S.

Scroggie, · ~ 3, ~ere held T tiesday afternoon from Peter~ Funeral Home. · · · . · · ,

Lt. Scroggie was kill~d· ea:rly lMt Thursday, ~ning when his army fighter plarie ,,crfishec:l · ~nto . tli~ '\~~$( riy~r · outside Galesville, Md. H is plane sank in five feet of water -· and was completely wrecked. There w~~ no · evidence that .

. he had. attempt_ed to b ail oul: before his ship hit the water~ reports said:- The accident occurred . at 7:58 a. m. ~ while Lt. Scroggie ·was on a routipe training mi.ssion: A board ~ of inquiry has b een n~myd t.o investigate _the 'ca use of .the

. crash. ' · · ; . He is the son of Mr. and Mr~. Thomas Scroggie of

·4~0 Emmet-st. He received his commission at Eagle P ass, T exa,s, on Feb. 1 6th arid had ' recently been senf to Balti~ more to :complete his high :altitude training~· . ·

. . He was born in H ayes township, ·charlevoix c~mnty~

... J~n. 2. 7, 192,0,_, and ~:~~-t~9 s~er:ice as an -c~de(:wilh his . ·¥ . Jn e-,lld, <'\-rt; St~yep"· ~~~1 Ut~.en~·-


went through several· schools and Were ··co mlmissi<'>n1ed to­gethe~. Lt. Scroggie wa~ populiuly kno~n in this re~ion

: and participated in ma!'ly)~olden gloves-contests at Boyne City. Besides his parents he is survied by a· sister, Ger-trud~. at home, and his grandmoth'er; Mrs:- Elizabeth Howe 9f. Charlevoix. · ·

H oward ·M:. Bester, S•2/-c •P ier 92 W. 52nd St. UISNRIS, New York , N. Y.

Dear Friend Ar,-It is Ma rch the l Oth and if I

• do say so, it i s a grand day. I a m' sitting here in my pup tent, pitch­ed Qn the hills somewhere in North Africa. ~'his country cer tainly has foo led every one as to bow it is. I r eceive the Review and i t sure seems nice to read ahout the news bacJ>: home. I t ry and pass i t a round so as all of the Emmet County boys can g-et a chance to read rubout t heir loca lities. Have read where qui te a few Petoskey boys ar e here !but as to da te ha ven' t !'een Qne. 1\llet Nick, the young boy who worked at Petes a t Tra•verse City. ·w ell, Al, hope this finds everyone a ll 0. K .. Say hello for me to the f ellows left.

As ever, Pvt. Mil ton ar


February 2, 1943 353 R oyal H awa•iian Ave. Dear Sirs : H onolula, H awaii

I r e.ceived the Graphic a few January 30, 1943 days agci ·a nd enjoyed reading it Dear Aun t Dorothy and very mu ch. Thank you very much the rest ·-of the family: f or s·ending it. W ell it ha s b een a l ong tim e

I left my ship in December and s ince I've wr itten so w ill start I am work ing in the F'ederal 1 from last Fe,br uary. I w e-n t so u th b uilding in Sa n Francisco at pres~ ) fr-om- here to som e islands, , cam e en t. I like it here but am anx- ba;ck in May, was h ere four days,

· ious t o get •back to sea. th en down to Midway an d ! I r eceiv·ed a · let ter from Lt. tha:t' s th e f ir st t ime I have run ; W-o-o drow MacDonald and his into much of this war , other t han I frie nds in H arbor S,prings will be inc•onvenience. I staye d ou t ther e

I gla d to know that he is well and un til July , ca m e back her e, a-nd getting a long OK in the army, H e.. 1Jhen south again . is stationed a t pr esent o n an I s- When I came this tim e,

I land in the S outhern P a cific . I J ,ack Coop er h a d the letter_s f r om 'd-o not kno-w the exa ct location you, so I ·ca,b led _you I was 0 . K. and would not be allowed to s a y T·he spots I have ·bee n in it is a l­

, if ' I did k now. H e said h e woulg .!ll'OSt impossible to write , so re-not mind being stationed out in li1jmber n o news is go od news. I

I a lonely island if it wer en ' t for am .still wor·king f or the same {JUt­the m osqu itoes which seem ~ :flit ,and waiting to g o out to· some !!>other h im more t ha n t he J~~. island aga in. I don ' t know •which He tells a s tory-in his letter which one and couldn't t ell y ou if I did, is somewha t exaggerated b ut this but will try and write from there. is h ow it goes. Quote·: " I was ly- Anything that 'con1es to 353 Royal ing in my bunk -one night when HaiW.aiian Avenue I will a lway s I f elt som ething t ap me Qn the get. T'hat's the place I st ayed last shou lder. I turned my h ead a round January. . . _ .an d ther e · was a real large m os- Be sur e to wr ite Dad and Jim­quito. H e said turn over brother mie, Qr send t his Jetter on. H so I -can see y.our d og tag. T·his everything goes all rig·ht, I am m osqu itoe was very particular ' c-omin·g hom e n ex t summ er . I jus t and only liked a certain t ype <>f received a hig bunch of H ar b or blood and he wan ted to find out papers. Tell t hem there if there what tYVe m ine was before t aking is anyone -over h ere fr om home, a ,bite. " ' hav t hem look me up :

I have w sign -off n ow. Thanks Love,

I again fo r the paper and 1 also W elling ton. want t o t hank my friends in H ar - · (Ed Note : T'he .albove lett er

I bor S prings fo r t he nice Christ- was· wri tten t o Mrs . J ohn H oliday, - mas car ds I receive d. t '·of W ellingto•n F r ancis. · Al-

Sin cerely, ~ugh W ellington is not in the W. V. W illiams, ~'rm'y or Navy, he is doing such

Aux. 1~rary J . SchaHer 6067-52 11th CQ. \}th R eg. . . . 2~d · -\,v AAiC T raining Center Daytona Beach , F lorida .

* * *

J_,oufs Surimer . · c io' Standa.rd Oil of N. J .


' East 22rid-st. . . · Bayonne, ' N.' J . · · Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert

I Sumner, 815 State-st., joined the f )<1erchan t Marine on October 1,

1 last.

* * * Cpl. WHbert Reber 304 Bomib Sqd. 84th Bom'b Grp. Drel\v Field, Tampa, F la.

I rssential work to help the, servi.ce, that we thougilit his lette'r should

I come undl!'( the· " Ji arlbor' Springs has gone t.o ~rt• polumn. )

Pfc. W. Joseph Kosequat en­listed at Michigan S-tate College A u gust 3lo 1942 a nd p a ssed f or A viation Cadet tra ining J anua r y 20, 19 4 3. '

Page 45: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook



Fort Lewis, Wash. ,Miarc-h 6, 1943.

Editor, Service ·Column Emmet ·County Gr.ap•hic, Harbor Springs, Mi-ch.

. I Yesterday morning was the big~

g est moment for t his Divisio.n. has gone to war t l

This GRAPHIC feature seCtiO!Il is devoted exclusively to men and women of this com­munity in the' armed forces of the U. S.

I The "Gol~en Cross" tro~ps ·pass­. ed in review before Ma}or Gen­eral Millikin, commanding officer, and · ranking sta·ff officers and. high offic~rs of 1X Co-rps. T.he Division marmed two years of m­duction fr<>m Illinois National Guard status into Federal serv­~ce March 5. invitatioJ;I wa~ given wiv·e.s of enlisted men and officers to witness tJie .!;!pec­tacle. -Bleachers were ere·cted be­side the reviewing stand and sev­eDal hundred spe·ctators were preselllt. Artillery units pres·ente:lf the best a,ppearance in the review.

This department cooperates with the BUCK-A-MONTH Club of Harbor Springs in providing a community contact with our rep­resentatives in the , Service of our Country. The GRAPHIC is sent free by the publisher.


March 10, 1943 Editor Emmet County Grwphic H arb-or S'prings, Michigan Dear Sir:

I am very s•orry not to have written be~ore t o thank The Grap•hic f,or the · copies I hav~ ~e- · ·ceiv·ed an'd f or its sup~port of tne Buck A M•o nth Club.

The "SeaBees" t o whom I am atta:ched at present, are a com­parat ively new br·anch -of. the Navy. It r esembles the .E~gmeer­ Collps <>f the Army m Its pu:­p os-e. Ga.rnp Peary .is . the m~.m t raining center and It Is growmg beyond all ima·gi-nation.

We are 'just outside historic Williamsburg and very cl<>se to hundreds of battlefields of the Re-volutionary and Civil Wars. .

Atfred Shaw is here at thi.s ca-mp and a !Part <>f th-e Personnel Offic·e. 'The arri·val of the Graph­ic is an <>ccasion for 'reminiscing .about Harbor Springs,


D~. Preston. Bradley, min· ister· at the Central Church, Chicago, who ·broadcasts over WGN, recently wrote a m e m­ber of the Buck A Month club complimenting the club, the Graphic: and the town on their activities in behalf of the servicemen from Harbor Springs. Dr. Bradley got his information on this activity from a copy of the Graphic, mailed to him .by a club mem­ber.

During ·the past two weeks, the ·Graphic has received sev­eral letters from publishers of weekly papers ~n ·other towns, asking information as to how the Club got its start and also how the servicemen's pnge is conducted.



Dear Irene : I d·o wish to t hank the Graphic J ·ust T·e ceived your lett er. Since

again , also th'-ose who are show- I have no t wri tten a lette-r in three their interest to the boys_ weeks, I t.hou.g:ht that it would be throu·gh -contributi·ons to the club. only a sho·r t time bef ore my mail

'There· are a number -of men should have compietely ceased. here from Detr<>it and other Mich- Our life now is rela,tively unevent­ cities and all take a great ful s·o wr it in.g le t ter s is no t ·so dea l of interest in the paper. ea1sy a.s i•t was. T·he Russ•ian Don

I would like !PUblicly t~ apolo- &;ossock choir came t o Daytona gize to the many pe<JiPle m Har- one Sunday •and I hear d ~t. Gladys bor Springs who have written <>r Swa·rthout was here too , a . sho.rt sent Christ mas cards. I have not .time a:g>o .bu t I was working so written all ·of them but fully in-~ couldn'·t g o. tend to ·catch up at ~he first' o;p-portunity. · I I ihave told you al-

Sincerely, r eady wh:a,t I am doir,g-correct-Karl R. Schwerdtfeger, CY ing test,s and reco.:t:•ding grades.

•Camp Peary, 'They seem to p.ass most of t he Williamsburg, Va. teac'hei!'•9 int.o either in·t e-rviewing

or testi~g. During our busy wee]\s


·Cedar S!priiilgs, Mich. MaDch 9, 1943.

Editor Graphic Hal'bor S[)rings, Mich. De·a r Si r: _

1My youngest son, Charles Hoff­man who was Western Union mes~enger at the p<>st office at W eque·tonsin,g during th~ summ~r f.or a number -of years, 1s now m .service, located at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. He is just re­•C·ovei·ing from a slight attack <>f pneumonia but is much improved.

.Edgar, my oldest son is still at Tre·a sure Island, Calif., and has r ecent ly been advanced to radio technician, second class. He ex­p ec•ts to complete the course late ion May.

Am 1:ooking forward to some re­lief from t he memories <>f this wint er up there this summer.

:Sincerely yours, Walter P. H<>ffman, Agt. W eqlie Station,

<>ur hours are very lo-ng. I ge•t to the office a t 7:15 a.m. get barely time to. out for mess f,l:t no•on and ni·g-ht , then wo·rk usually un t il 7:30 o.r 8 p.m. We even work ed last Sunday moi!'n·ing. ·Eve·ry obhe1· week h·o·weve1·, we have n ot been testing . Then we do li ttle more ·than k.ill time. From now on h ow­ever we s•hould ibe test ing every week, our fewer nm.pbrs. My lieu­tenant assured me a few days ago that I shouLd •soon be a corp.oT•al week, oux fewer numbe-r:s. My lieu­tenant /broke ihe·r ankle so n ow I don't know how Long we sb,all ,have to wait for stripes.

·There is no drill any Ou·r comp·any drills usua lly every S.wt­urday hut I am 'u sually workmg then---'helping clean our flo·ors, per.hap.s. I have done more h ouse­worrk o.r j anitor wo.rk here t<.han a lmo·st any-thinog els e. I still get t.he Gr-aphi-c every week and enj·OY r eading i·t.

As Ever Abbie


AFRICA General .Millikin made a most in­

N<>rthern Africa teresting Sipe-ech c-oncerning the lFe.bruary .24, 1943 future <>f this Division but his

Mr Elmer J. Hanna, word:s wer·e restricted fr·om the E~m'et County Graphic public. Harbor S,pring.s,. Michigan Handle.d the Army's new "se-Dear Elmer: -cret we•apon" and learned how it

R e·ceived the December 31 . is- operates. Inf<>rmation c•oncerning sue -of the Graphic this mo:nmg this weapon is r estricted b.ut I and was very glad to get It. I feel :proud in having seen it. The believe that I read ever;r word wea,pon has be·en ref wred to in and .saw mamy things of mterest dispatches ·Tunisia as the aho·ut Northern Michigan. I have- "Bazo<>ka gun." Reputedly it bol­n't any idea who sent me the pap- sters the fi>ghting morale of in­er but at any rate am very grate- fantrymen in combating tank·s ful to the resp-onsible !Party. Hope and armored cars of German gen­that it won't be too long before eral Rommel's Afrika Kol'lps .in the next issue comes along, n{)rthern Africa.

I •c.ould w.rite a great de-al ab<>.Ut •Economilcal note: Higher cos · my travels. and experiences i-n my of living have raised the army. ra, year of foreign service but the tion from 43 to 57 cents per diW, censor doesn't consider it g-o·od with smaller •cuts of ·meat pe;r · "etiquette" to mention military man and use of -ole-omargarine f·or matters. H{)wever, _I -have seen a butte-r Coffeeless and meatless lot and so far hav.e enj-oyed it all. days ~re not uncoQmmoQn now in SpEnt several months in " g ood o le Army messhalls within the con­Er in" and also got a cha<nce to tinental USA .... New equiJp­visit England and Sc-otland. Am ment made !PUblic: Amphibillln enjoy~ng the .war!ll weath~r here midget v·ehicles (•a peep in a boa't in Afr ica wh!Ch IS someth~ng we shell); carbine rifles ... Note of didn' t have in Ireland. Dun~g m_Y civilian k~ndness: Arrangememt1s six mo nths · in Ireland I thmk It c-ompleted for additional housing m ined five months and twenty- of 300 .servicemen every Satur­n~ne days, . d·ay night fre·e in Olym~pia, state

H ad a nice tr~p down here ~nd c31pitol 14 ~iles from . th~ :f\ort. have d<>ne C·on:sJderabl e. t r avehng Olympia busme•ssm e.n r.aised $2000 since our arrival in Afr~ca . I take I f oT bla.nkets, bedding . . . Worry advanta:ge of every .available ·p~ss item : ·How to get dress oxfm·ds and have visited ' several . cities which every third soldier wear!' an d t owns. The Red Cross IS cer-~ into town now that Ration Stamp t aihly doing a great job ·her e. No. 17 is necessary to make ~ They are doing a great deal for purchase -of new shoes. Ev-en the service me.n and they dese::ve


army post ex·chang e.s require the .a lot o·f -cTedit. Tl}ey are opemr:g nec·essary N<>. 17 7s:.;t~a.;.;m.;o'P~·-:-:-::----:-;;-­new cen1_ers ev_ery da:y and m 'The miS~ns-;~d I visiting the spi-te o( aU the1~ han.dic.aps, _su~h ,. Was~hington state ca[litol at Olyn1-as gettmg SUPJ!hes a-n~ .t?e hm~t- pia sig.ned the g uest register jus~ ed trans,portati?n faci!Jti e.s they after two .soldier couples from are r eally gettmg thmgs done. Fif-e Lake .and Kalkaska, Mich., W:hen the folks back ~orne c<> n- who had bee·n there. Later we tn bute ·to , the Am~nc~'n Red met them in the capitol r eceptiofl Cross they .are ~ontnhutmg to a room, learned they had frie nds in cause that IS dom g more for the Ha·rbor Spri-ngs and Pe•toskey­n:t en over~e,a s than o-ne can pos- Which .proves the world is small . s1bly_ real~ze . . to a se·rvic·eman!

. Will brm g tl:n s t o a close and 1Sincerely yours, will try and wnte more at . a later Sgt. Charles M. Rey.ner', date W-ould be very gla d to hear I · fro~ y·ou. Thanks again for the · Gt.avhi.c.

Sincerely yours , Pl<'C Har-old W •. ·c-o Postmaster New York City.

Cpl. Glenn A. Hul:fuard 36539320 3rd Gen. Hospital, AIPO 3922 cjo P. M., New York, N. Y.

*** •Cpl. Willard ;C. Page Blk-F-25-20 1School Sq. Class 43-25 LV.AAF

Vegas, Nevada

No. 25

_ Cpl. Grant Lambertson AAFTD Bk. 137 Ypsilanti, 'Mich.

* * * Pfc. William C. Smith 42-th Air Base ,Squadron D:t. Med. Dept. Base Dispensary Chatham Field, ·.savannah, Ga.

* * * Pvt. Elmer D. !Brudy, Tr. Gr. 604, .Sqd. 514 Princess Martha :Hotel ,st. Petersburg, Fla.

. ,,

Page 46: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

BJI!I!iiJIMD ••BING" we ·oan get back. ho.m.e. . ~SIDY WOULD I H is a much d1fferent life than

-:-=-:~==~~==-===~~~PJrotflxtra! Pearl Harbor Bombid'.' GRAPHIC MAKES BOYS . .Suc·h was ouT luck.

FEEL CLOSER TO HO ___ to the Nation's colors, i ,.PPRECIA TE LETTERS most o•f us are used to, ibut ]o:u

· .can, take it fro m me the Arr :F'e'brua ' 16 1943 .d.r:oves, came,

D St I . ry ' A m1lhon b<>ys, each ~me, to play

Corp" is t ops in any man's lan­g uage.

The "Buck A Mo.nth" club is .r·eall,y a grea t service t o· the boys in the1 Armed F orce•2.. I d<>n'·t

1 believe a ny of you r ealize just

I' how much it means to us to be a•ble t o r ead a)bout the other fel­Jc>w.s f r om H r a nd also .. h<>w

1 the boy•s are ge tt ing along in I bask etJball. It is r eally a g"l"eat t.hir:.g , just keep it up. You will never r.egret it.

We'll keep them flying. So lon.g f or now, Go·r·don S. Burns.

P.S. I <<>u ld stand le tter<s f>i-om any of -you that have time to write.

·ear .' an ey. . . I the game. Received my f1rst ISsue of the : Then in <>ur home it t<> ok its

.Gr aphic yestel'day, and it surely .., toll of war ' seemed good to hav.e it. Rea,ding And Paul was' <!ailed-to help the home t o·wn paper mrukes a r even the score. f ell<>iW f eel closer to home, al- II still remember when he went though he is many miles ~away. away,

I hope you peo·ple up there' are I'll remember it to my dying day. having warmer weather than .we ·."F,'.;:mi"-;-li)\:£! all g_rowing Amer-a re. It has .been really cold here I<;al! boys, ~ · t l}e las·t few days. ·The temper- Loved life itself, its downfalls ature h a;s .been down to twenty- and, j<>:ys. s ix belQ.w zero. and is no.w about t Yet, with smiles <>n his· face .of zer o. The :harbo<r here fr<>ze over Vicwry, last night and i>s the first time it e~ left, .~breakin?, the tri-pad <>f !has fro·zen since 1915. . "' "We Three. '

Well, Stan, I want to thank I had the chance, <>ne month !at­the Graphic and the Buck A . . er, to see, M:onth .clUib f or sending the \.His 1on.lsome · fa,ce, through his p.aper ~nd rem~mbering us. It · He !~ l~;~so~e~ for home, but

PVT. , CLARENCE GASCO I ~_?rely IS an enJoyment to read all he'd say, WRITES HIS MOTHER 'I h. . s· 1 "•Chins up, Jack, we'll be togeth-

m<:er.e y, er some day." Dlecernlbe.r 26, )942 · .E tzel Hartung One month later, right to the day,

Deares t Mothe<r :· , , I too ·

BERNAR·.o ·CASS'IDY a few lines to let you j KENNY DAVERT Was called to. fight for the "Red,

. know .tha t ~'.m f ine and hope WRITES 'FROM FLORIDA Whit~ and Blue."

Dear f riends : 1 these lmes fmd you ·the .same. S-o. true, 1t was, I was lonesome,

1 h ·e 1 I .h:avem' t hea!t'd fl'Om y.o•u FCJbruary 25 at firs t,

Most :of .Yhou ~0 ks up h om I .since I received your package Miami· Belllch, Fla. And .at t he Axis three, I often prc:ba.b!Y. w ts to m.ow 'W• ere a lo o.ut t wo· .w.e·eks ago, but M:om cur~ed, am st~twned. Well. f olks_, ~ -~-~m r .don't blame this on you. As Dealt' E-ditoQ' : F·or taking men away from work do~n m Keesler ~1eid, M1ss1 ~ oJP- I 've told J'iOU .before , the mai:l and h omes, pi ~~ the A-r my An· Corps. I ::-m ,,_ stem isn't 5 0 g o·od. !lfav·e 1re·ceive.d t_wo cop.ies of Learning them to kill, and for -~taltwmed ,alh0'1:)lt one-h~lif nnil·e Y Say, by the way, I surely need 1.he, and w&s delighted ever w r·oam, 1from the Gulf~ of Mex1co. The s·ome towels and hair toni c, but t o see the paper, although one . Yet I. could see Paul's .smile <>f weat her he•r e . 1s swell but at no ci ·aTettes Y ou see I •"an o·et •co.p,y had s ome very ba.d new.s. It victory. times we have damp spells, and them grouch ~h. eaper than -you~ I was quit.e a .blow t·o· hear aibout 1 I ·braced up-one was left, where •;;o a lot .o·f <! olds are <!aught. aiso ·could us e some g ood maga- iKer: ny Ba~ku 'ot. He was ·one od' 'Y'as "We Three."

-There . are t wo· boy.s from the .my best fnen dG·, we u·~ed to· hav e Alnd If I never get the chance to city of P etoskey in my barracks, zint\laven't any more new.s ex- a lot o.f fun together · a t s•chool. tes t in fact the ori.Jy ·two in the cept tha t we have ·some mail I didn' t write when I first re- My training-remember I did my whole ·cam p. They a·re Jack 1 h I reived the paper becwuse I was ibest. Cross and Stanley Kritcher. coming in n ow. I 'S.U·r e Y ope on sh ium ent. It is o•red that If I met Hitler, he would laugh

can hea.r from y ou. - · h 1 Right · now I am in basic we are gett ing ,shipp.ed out b~- Wit g ee, . , . . training T his .certainly · is a Y<>ur loving son, f oa·.e If we d·o ' I wtll Yet--.s<> w~a.t? There s m1lhon swell fi~ld . Wish Y'OU could see Cla r ence wri te . f r om wherever I am s·o I <>thers s~des me. it but vi•sitors or dvilians aTe can get the papelt'. Y.ou guessed :t, Bernard was next n·~t allowed. :S·ome of the t1me I think I'm , ·On the h st, . .

f 11 , t MRS. FLORA BRISTOL . CLUB going . t o ·di e in this place beca Ca lled t o a rms, and 1n th1s war

If any of Y·OU o <s care. o JOINS B.A.M. . . 1 .b . , . t to assist rite I'·d · t\)ppre,date heaJ·mg 1t 1s sro hot. ,May, e It 1S JUS "'B' , h 11 d

IW1 ' . · Dear Friend: cause I'm used to <!•O•O•l mg, as e was ca e ' never f lfom home. · I am en closing $1.00 t o help :n t he win t er t ime Most harmed a soul,

They .had Judy- Canova m per- the Buck A Month c1Uib take b·o .- beT€ ha pr·~tty . . ' Yet, n<> w he was to play a dif-son at a c;amp :slhorw d<>wn here. .Yb ve .h . f erent role. She certainly got the applaus e. <:are of om· boys . - ca~he.d '?Y

1t1'hei he .angt.~ m f r Bing, it seemed to me, was to.o

I suppose . the weather is p-retty We are very war com.cious J. , Is IS a. •ave tme o you ng to leave, c old up there now. The bugler here i~ B>a tt!e Creek. Y.e.soterday t~anks .agam ·~ or the paper (It's funny , h<>w height and down here reminds me of Harry a special t ran: brought m many wi.ll wrtte aga m. str eng th will deceive.) J•ames , does he ever . swing it wounded soldteT.s. T he go·v.e·r;n~.. P.Yt Kenneth Da e was no ·One t o punch a round, <J ut. I ment has t aken over the Samt- · -~.,._ ask me

Well, I · •haven't muoh to say 'i<>r ium f or h ospital ·service. " •'WE · THREE" ' t hat B ~rnard \ gone, gone <>n account .of mili tar y se·CJr·ebs. . I suppose you . plenty (Introduction) · were "We . Three." . Wishing to hear from some of snow and c~J.d wm~, , we have ~wn into History, many pray . God da1ly, that Bmg and you I quote , Smcerel> '. member - Paul,

' "Keep 'em Buying Mrs. Flo·ra Br1s•tol (Nineteen f<>rty-one, seventh Across the Seas'' will not get and __ --=---··---- - -.. ·-~ · December), the call, , .

· • We'll keep 'em ·On Pe!J.rl Harbor, the Japs Yet I know th~y 11 not shirk, as ever, OE KOSEQUAT RECEJVE sneakily abused when th~t times comes,

_...:Rin<> PRO~OTION 'Peace, and ·throughout Proudly they 11 mar ch t o the

* * * Opl. John F. Hess 36421032 U.S.A. Co. K, 800 Sig. Tng.

Crowder, Mo.

* * *

land, fighting spirit fused. bu~le and drums. so on this date of fate, com But b ~ It snow, or st ormy weath-

' f·orth my story- er, J.f s not <>ne .of fame, nor vYe'.ll a ll r eturn, "We three," to-

<>f gl<>ry; gether, ltj relates a tale ·Of life Perhaps, i~ one year, ·or in two,

ou:t this land ·Or more, in everyone's home, That time will come, when we a •brand. settle the score.

some, there's one, And, "We three," are n<>w .· three, united,

Som·e, perhaps more n one .great cause-"Fre·ed om Uberty. · decide•d"!

urging ahead, tory

-~·~--.·---- · ·

.Pvt:' Wayne Allerding lllecl. Det. Station Hosp ..... Shenango Per. RepJ _... GTeenville, Pa. "' ..;:/ ; ,

Page 47: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


St . Albans, N. Y. F eb. 7, 1943

Dear Editor: Well here I am in New Y ork!.

I T,his is a n ew base a nd is very nice. S·o nice it does n' t seem like we are still in the Navy.

M-aster Ser geant All erding , the Harbor .Springs boy who has been awarded the Good ·Conduct Med­a l a t K-elly F ield, Texas, f.or -out­standing lea der ship and go-od c-on­duct during three years' servi-ce in the army. H is a r-e Mr.

·and .Mrs . Arthur . All erding.

W all, w e l eft Frday evening at 11:30 f rom Great Lakes . W1= had a tr-o·op t rain wh ich had f ive s lee.pers a nd -on e diner. ·whe n we r eached New Y ork we could no t see a nything because t here was a dimou t an d they have i t like that all the time. W e ar e allo we d t o hav.e on our lights but we have to have t he shade·s down all the time. (Good place~ f or sail-ors at n ight.)

This is" a ver y n ew place as I s a id bef ore an d y-ou might say. it is so · ne w that they st ill have the blue"print·s st ill on th e floor. They t ell us ther e are six hundre d pat - \ ients waiting f or us so if yo u r ead a bou t .600 m im dying in New York you will kn ow the re asoll :

I wish you w ould st a!'lt s endmg t he paper to m e ag,ain. · I would appr e-ciate it very much.

Ho pi ng to r eceive t'he patper SO·On.

As ever, Wa lt er Cose:ns HA2C

. S. N. H ospital t Albans , L. I. .Jf11 York

,Sinc e this ·award was made, Kennet h has been · pro moted to Warrant Officer (Junior Garde), and '·has r~centJy r eported to- t he I Ai!' Depot T r ::ining .Station at 2ND LT. MAR ION BURNS Will Rogers F ield, Oldahoma. . . WRITES FAMILy

MERLIN HARTUNG WRITES 1! My D~ar Mother, Da d MISS CLARK I and Gu~ls:

Mom's letter c a me two days ag-o Jan. 30, 1943 along with the lovely box. I en-

Miss Edith Clarke j oyed the colog ne so much. Thanks Harb-or Springs, Mich. for everything. Mom's cake and Dear Miss Clarke : candy haven't arrived as yet but

I rec-eived y-our most welcome will I am sure. Vern's cake came· letter an d the Gosp el today and I ! and it was wonderful. w ant to thank yo u v-er y mu ch f or It was so n ice -of Mrs. Cum­it. lot is ve.ry comfort ing t o read min.g·s and Mns. Ketchman to send thr ough it after having diff er en t me the .r-osaries . ~velyn Nicholas ways of . kill ing drilled in t o y-o u is also s ending S()Dl , f or sever al we-eks. "

We h a ve a serious job to do an d they are •t eaching us the qui-cke-st -and best m ethods to do it. S-ome of us npy n ever s ee a.c­t ion but if w e do we' 'will be well prepared f-or it .

1 The weather here in San Diego

I is a lot different than any I ever saw .b ef or e. W e all had bad colds the firs t c-ouple of week s we were her e. S ·o fa r I haven' t b een ou t -side the •base s·o I don't kn ow anything ab ou t the -town. N ext week we will be out o f boot Cl/.mP and will -get a shor t leave.

I don~t thin~ a.ny..o:lle-· can g et I n ear tl\e ba·se' with a cam era now. 1 They are prett y btrict about t hose t hings now.

I have some mor e wr iting to do t onigh t s-o I'll have to close.

Thanks again f or th e GoSJpel. Very sincer e-rly yours , Pvt. Merlin Ha r t ung ,_


W ord lias b een r eceived_ h er e th at Harold Cole is n ow in n-orth Africa~ H e says it is pl~nty warm there in more ways than one.

- --- - -----RECE IVE-D P ROMOTION

• Gordon Hanna , son of Mr. and

Mrs E J . Ha nna, has been pr o­mot~ d t o Ser geant. ~e is with, t?e A·rmy at F ort Bennmg, Geoi gJa .

- -------- · P ROMOTED TO STAFF

SER\GE ANT Dale Gleason, son of Mr. and

MJ:s. Charles Gleaso n, has been prqmoted to Staff Ser g7ant. H e has been tr ansferred fr-om Hon­. (\j ~ San Marcos, Tex&s.

•t a\\er c -se:;:;;-a:rrived Mo

J ames Campbell, s-on of MI ) Oej ia Campbell, has been p r m-oted t o Pharmacist Mate t hi d ass. J im writ es that he is .re.cei iing the Graphic an d enJoys v ery mu ch. He ext ends h is than to th e Graphic and the Buck N

._ s pend a f ew d.ays l·elll? &IN'IfM called home by thEr il 'tlt!I!S ocr .h-i!s gr.a nM a th ~r r ·C,osens. w .altE',o . is. s tationed Gcr--eat La<ke·s, Illmo.Js.

c lub for what t hey a r e do­the b oys in service.


J anuary, 1943 Dear Edi<tor:

I am enclosing a request ;p-oem, with this short note, h-oping that it may be printed in the, "Hal'bor Sp rings has .gon e to War c-olumn.


· ·A while ago, before Bernard lef t for t he army, he aske~ me to write a short poem, ent itled, "We Three." -~~ ... -·

Now that 'he has j oined f ighting for-ces, I wish to cate the poem to h im, P aul to t he -o-ther men f rom who so nobly resp.onded to Unci Sam's call. . .

There is hardly a family m Harbor who-hasn't a vacant space,

· hardly a mother -or fa ther , who hasn't felt the twinge -o-f lone­someness, s ince their :b-oy left f.or the service. · Right now, the only thing we

can promise our love.d -ones back h o,me , is this phrase, ' 1Chins up, folks, w e'll all be together some­day."

1Speaking town s·ervic-e m en, let "We'll kee,p that J>romise.''

We appreciate deeply the vice men ' s column" in the Graph­ic but will se•e to it that it's -only a ' .t emporary feature .

May its succeeding feature _c ol­umn be titled "Har.bor Sprmgs Returns f_r oin W~." .

t ruly, :fack.

'T·od.ay l r.....,... magaz;ines from Dewey Ru~, a New Test­am~n:t frmu t he Ba·ptist church, it

· is lovely in ·a blue ziiJtper cover. Y E'sterda;li I received the in­

struments .llrom Little Tra ve•r se Hospita l, and they are to be a big help here.

Thanks for the clippings. The b-oys · are all doing alright. I

I will write Sister Superi-o· • wh en I r eceive the m edals.

I .sure hop e the h ose arrive som as I . am wearing my las•t tw pair.

Ls Gordo n in the army yet . If so whe-re is his . It is sur e­ly hot here. I am tired of t his wea•ther .and miss the snow so much. Did I write you that I met S t-an Reid -of Levering. H e is an officer. We had a grand visit.

J an. 21. I did n ot get my letter mailed

so will a dd a few m ore lines. Y·our V -letter -of Dec. 29 came today and the -box finally a-rrived it was swe-ll. ·Thanks so much. We, a ll' enjoyed it,, the rosa-des •and medals are certainly appreciated over here.

,I have a gain volun:teered for f-o reign service. I hope I may go SO•On. W-e JJave been here a long time. I hope you have s-ome more hose -on the wa y; we can't get any kind her·e. vVe were all mor e or less .low over the holidays. W e did have a nic.e Christmas th-o , and a -chance to attend Mass both on Christmas and New Year's.

Love to you all, Marian E . Burns,

2nd L t. A. N. C.


Mrs. Sarah Tippett just receiv­ed 'w ord that her son, Pvt. R-ob­ert J. T ippett, has graduated f r om Airial . Gunners school a-t Fort Myers, Florida, anti is now a Sergeant ana baa receiTed his Silver Wings.

s Moin es, lo·wa~Auxil Mae ·l:> haw -o.f Harbo

· .• is one :o.f the firs:t I :n; .g1rls to · join t he Women'

Army Auxiliary ·C-orps . The adopt­ed daughter of M. P-aul Ka-gec!h­iwan of Detr-oit , she is in Basic Training a t F ir st W A<AC Tra in­ing ·Center, Fo-rt Des Moines, Ia.

Aux iliar y Sha:w, a sten ogr apher bef-ore she enrolled in the wo­men 's a rmy, is a m emb er -of the O ttawa tribe . . She speaks the Ot-

t ong ue, thoug h hl!-lt ingly. She . atten ded H oly Ch ildho-od Grade Scho-ol, a n India n s-c>hool in H arbo-r .Sp-r ings, and Ha.rbor Springs H igh Scho-ol. Later, she to·ok a commer cial course at Dav­enpo.rt-McLachlan Business Insti­tute in Gra nd Ra pids, Mich.

" The W AAC r epresents an ex­cellent .c.r1os s-section of Ame-rican womanhood," she declares, "and

, I'd like to see Ind-ian girls i in unifor m. I know tha't t hey're ~ as anxious to help in the war ef-j fort as -other American w-omen, , and ther-e's n o place better than l the WA.tAC t o serve the United Sta-tes."

J In civilia n life, she was secre-

l' tary to the Rev. T. R. Da rk, pas­.1 t or -of •the Guar dian Ang el church . in Ma nis tee, Mich., f-or three and

I a half years . Immediat ely before j-oining the wQ~Qen'a Army she did

1 p-ha rmaceu.ticlal . ~rk at M ercy 1 Hos pital in ~ n, Mi,.l-

' ' ROLL

H ONOR uet, A. Shenon aq A.

pv-t, steve ThOl1lPson, .A. p f c. )'Ae<rl e Tnonws·on,N ,Sgt. Lldoy-tj,.r:rn•;t r ongl ' . A. 11-owar C Clocl{ m, pvt. FaY · Blll powers e .G.

, , F oret, """ S Jac..... . "BU•·.. f Lt },{a·non -- mb er o

· -nardt , n•e, · i.n the . Cnet E v-er at GetmaFt s ~t the

tne or -c:'nestr: n o:W pl•:>Ymi~ sp end-s~·rn.mer . ~~·se , De~-olt, al"bo•r Spr­c :nop J:l o daYS lll 113 .00 to tbe a J:""contri.ibult~: !-nne [le w 'iJJS i.n~s . . )'Aontb c Ul B·u ck A. [\ere. ~ M. 3 c, ar-


. wer ph. ~i.r \.eave Doyl e t6-.t k_ ::ipe;;i .' ~Lott)~"

r ived s~t ~er, .... ,.s . r~l:ll11 htS . ;s.r()Wet'.

( ,

Page 48: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


F e1br uary 18, 1942 Dear E ditDr: · · Horw's everything and everybody in go·od old Har,bor Springs, Sur e do miss i t. I rCJceived a bunch o·f Graphks f r-om my s is ter who is in Lansing. •Surely was gl-ad to ge't them and get all t he n ews ·of t he fello·ws at dif f er en t posts, 'oo<bh ther e and albroad, also of the ferw who ar e still a t home.

AHhough I did not get draft ed from Harb-or, I would like to be p l>aced on that Harbor Honor Roll because n o matter how fa r I may voam, that will always be h ome.

How's Gor do·n making o ut . I see he is in sunny Ge·orgia~ Boy this Mar yla nd is one damp plU~ce , somet hing like a swamp in the springtime.

I to:ok my s ix weeks' basic here in August and S ep tember and since ·then iha ve gone bhrough t wo small-arms sch o·ols and am now in my third. .

Give my regards to all and good luek.

Hob Lancto.



Karl Schwer dt f eger, son of Mr . and Mrs. Carl H. Sc-hwerdt f eger, was pr omoted to r ank of Chie f P etty Of•ficer on Februar y 15. Karl was indu·ct ed into t he N aval

F ebruary 1942. a t W'"'""'"u

Dear Editor : I have b een receiving

Graphic now f or the la•at we·eks and ee•r tainly appreci t he news it brings from home.

-I have ·been in t'he hospital and have not fe lt mu ch like writing, but n-o•w I am 1b ack on t he '1he·am", f·eeling . mo!l'e like get­t ing the pond t han g-oing to scho ol. ·

am in a swell ooutfit . M·os t CI!U) f.l ig;ht are ibOY"IS fr,om gQ o: K khi<gan, and we all will 1be

n this mes:s is deaned up

- --- ' cati-on is by wire_:_t elephone

HARBOR SPRINGS I e.g raph and t elegraph prin ter so und-radio, walki e-talkie·; sig·ht-air -g r o·und pan els , h signals ; by carrier- mo tor or foot messenger , pigeon. Howeve r , the

has gone to war! a r t illery units make use o£ signal flags .

. My own section in Division Sig­nal Comrpany is Telephone and Tele,gra>ph and specifica lly our se,ctio-n ·oper ates field ~el e g<raph and the t~ legraph printer. In the Wor ld War I most messages were t ransmitted by tel ephon e betw een diVlisions and t o h igher uni ts. I n World War II t he t eleprinter or tele,gr ap'h !Printer rec eives the greatest u se fro m division to co:r:ps to army. Both the t elephone and -tele•gr aph p.rinter require

T his GRAP HI·C feature section is d evoted exclus ively to men a'nd women ·of this 'com­mu nity in the armed forces of the U. "5.

This depart ment cooperates with the BUCK-A-MONTH Club of Harbor Springs in providing a .community contact with our r ep­resentatives in the Service of our Countr y. The GRAPHIC is sent free by the publisher.


Ft. Myers, F la.--The gr a duation and .pr omotion to sergeant of l~o b ­ert J . Tippett, s·on of Mrs. Sa rah Ti:prpett, Route No. 1 Har bor Sp rings-, has been announced at A,AR Flexil{le Gunnery •School, Ft. Myer s, Fla., by Col. Delmar T. Spivey, Commanding Officer of the southwest Flo,rida aerial gun­nery sc<ho-o l.

.Sergeant Tippett has j ust com­,pleted an intensive five w eeks' c-ourse of · instruction in t he O!p­era:tion of the large guns that arm Ame6can plaqes aga inst enemy a ttack.

The c-ours e of instrwct ion co.n­sist ed, in par t, of training iiJl. air­craft identificatio n and re·c·ogni­tion, a close study of the m ech­anism of t h e .3 0 and .50 caliber machine guns, instructi9n i.n meth­ods of estimating the speed and distance of a plan e, r if le .and ma­c'hin ,~ gun pra,ctke on grou nd ranges, train ing in th e DperwUon of modern and coi11!Plex power tur­ret oper ated .guns, and f ina lly, practice firing from a plane at a target t owed beh ind another plane. ·

S gt . Gordon H anna , who is s ta­tioned at Fort B ennang, Geor.gia, SI']Jent several days with his par­en:ts, Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Hanna, in E ast This is ·the


Wlires f or cir cuits but the lat ter !provides a printed, permanent re·c­ord· and- ·can mak e as many as dhree copies simultan e·ously.

Dear Sir: H arb or S,prings folk will r e-R e.ceived the Emmet County memb er H enry Keller f ormer ly

Graphic paper the other day, a nd I was a member of th is compa ny. don 't .. know wh o the thoughtful W hile here , H enry was a mot«r one was who sent it or what f or, messenger f or Division message lbu t please tell them , or he -or she, cente.r and chauffeu r ed a p eep. w:hoever it was, "thank you · f or At present he is ) o·ca ted at Camp being s o .thoughtful to one who Crowder, Missou r i in a signal appr edates ithe thought very photographic company. much ." Andrew Boyn t on Df H arbor

If' you want something to argue Spr is w1ith the Or dnan ce in ·over, is something that n ews- E'gypt and located ,in the vicin iW papers ,c·ould play up ·over . the ·of Cair o and the Nile. H e has seen w:hole country, and that is t he the f amed p y.r amids of Ge?,ha farmer. They're drafted and leave and sphinx n earby. This infor-m•a­to g·o to wo.rk in the plants while tion h as passe d in ternatiO-nal cen­their f ar ms go to po t , or sell sor slhip. And y is in charge of com­them. Their work is. j us t as im- pany supply and r ecently promot­p·ortant as the plant work. ,F-ood. ed to ser geant. I r ead an arUcle in t·he January Some enlist ed men left on f ur­Readers Dig est, and to my way of lou g'h.s yester day fr om Divi s.ion t hinking, and to a l ot of us way Signal Company. Three ar e Mic,h­out here, f ood is important. An d i.gan men and wen t to Flint , Cad­that man knerw what he was talk- illa•c and Muskegon . Lucky fe l-ing ahout . lD·WS!

W·as gla·d, very glad to r eceive -Don ' t f or get t h e USO am o.n the H anbor paper to see h ow the b en evolen t organizations things are there, and t o r ead t'he asEiist. Un ited Service Organ haprpenin~s, but seems I don't t ions provide many eomforts kr.•c.w so many there now. Long entertainment f or all men in t ime no see. forms o·f the armed fol'Ces .

Wishing y-ou the . best of luck. y our man in the seryke and As ev member t he USO !

S taff-Sgt. Good lu clk t o the Grap'hic 1'"- " ~' "" - he A Mo-n !Jh club.

! Sincer ely, 1Sgt. Char les For t

·Grea t Lakes,

Ed itor : I have been r eceiving the . Dear E.ditor :

G,rajphic regularly since I have 1

I guess I had bett er g ive been here g-oing to the hos pi tal my address so I may co nt inue school but I am go ing to have to ceiving t he Graphic. I .ha ve a sk yo u if you a ll would ho ld it joyed r eading the home t own , up until I r each my new base, er and through it l was a ble whkh means tha t I leav.e n ext contact Bab.cock at McCoy. Fr iday, F eb. 5. I · ·

The Gr aphic has kep t me post- a~ 111 q~aran t1_n e a~ some ed on what's going on up in Har- cret an· base m . Cahform~ . I bor bu t I must admit the f ir st even kno-w th e name of 1t thing I look at is how H arbor I I've aske d eve~y non-com I came out in bask etball. They have I m~t. I am ass1gl!-ed to an been doing very g ood. Gongr atu- ~lrcraft battery m the. C · lations boys ! Only k eep it up and , tlpery. We entere·d t h1s next t ime double t he scores. I n,ght and we sha ll leave a t

Tl'ie Graphic I r e.ceived t oday . W e had a swe ll t r ip and ha d all the boys f rom H ar bor that m the best ·Of P ullman ca rs . are in t he s·ervices and ·I began ~ o ntrast between my t o wonder who there is left in m cat t lecars dur·ing the H a.rhor lbesi.des f ishermen. an d his son riding in a

I have .been going t o the h os- during this one. We saw pita! .school for the past f ive swe ll scener y on t he way . w•eeks and have learned a lot •bu t , saw jack-rabbits as big as I f eel sor ry for the _first patie!lt ' Well ·it's time f or lights I get ahold of . The JOb a h - ·. I'd better close.

•co;rpman h ru;; is a very ! ~ f ·Thanking you ,.---.,,..,,.... .Jo·b 1because of the h I am,

lie in our hands. . ma tes are ge.tting r ea 1


· t" for chow n ow s-o I ha close, I hope you · will hold

my pape-r up unt il I wri te y ou where I am statione.d because I ha t e to dro1p a -copy.

Sincer-ely, Walter Cosens.

Page 49: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

More for Uncle Sam The above fourteen Emmet county young men left February 9 for Fort Custer. Fr~nt row, left to right: Archie Lawrence Boda, Lawrence Ler~y Gardner and

Paul M1ller, Pellston; Donald Edward Stowe, Joseph John Y obst, . William Henry Smith and Edward Stanley Petrowski, Petoskey.

TC?P row, left to right: Paul Francis Cassidy, Harbor Springs; Ward Charles Stark,: Pellston; Jack Bernard Clark, Carp Lake; Clarence Raymond Baughman and Louis Sylvester Wemingwase, Harbor Springs; Patrick John Beqan and Arthur 'Ma,rtincheck, Petoskey.

THANK~ . t~ao.,, cLARENCE . •tQTT ·

. T opeka, Kansas J an. 29, 1 ~43

Graphic: . I want to take this o.pportumty

to ' thank you for the Graph ~c .We &L'L must ·curb om' vain de- which I am receiving·. Every b1t

sire s of reading is n ews , when it comes

They say we cannot win this war Unless we ALL come thru, .. With earnest work and sacnf1ce Like patriots go.od and true.

1 For trinkets, furs artd silk, . from home. I hope the f.olks 1 So· we .can buy •the too~s to f1ght there took time F eb. 5, ~nday Herr Hitler and his "Ilk." night, to listen over the radiO, on

' a National h ookup, t o a program We must f-orget the lipstick red, being br.oadcasted f rom The To-And see the crimson blood eka Army Air Base. Shed by our boys in far"off lands Yours truly , 1

Mi'd pestilence and mud. Sgt. Claren ce N. Sco t t,

W•E must think less of s~lly 'crax' And stories without pomt, And make more bandag~s to ease Each painful injured jomt.

W c must restrain our a.ppetites F-or whiskey. wine and beer, Then we .shall •be more worthy O·f The things we hold so dear.

. ' Yes, we must ALL give sweat I 1 and blood, 1 And tears to win this fight, · : And with God's added grace

I , tJOw'r, .. ~.wu, ..

, We'll strik-;~~~~~ .. I . :; PRO~OTED

Doyle Brower, ·son ·Of Mrs. Lot­tie Brower, has been promoted to P>harmac,ist Mate,- third class.

Topeka, Kan.

l\ J an. 26, 1943 1

To my many friends in Harbor '1

Springs, Al o:ha from Hawai·i: J I have jus t receive.d my first copy of the Graphic and want to

I send my ap;preci.ation to the Edi­tor and the Buck A Month club

I and .thank them for what they are doing for- us boys.

I'm stationed on the island of Ohau. ~t is very lovely here, scen­ery, chmate and the island hos­pitality. wm have a lot to tell you folks when I get back to H. S .

T?e sandy beaches of Waikiki r emm.ds me of the sandy shores

1 ?f Little Tl·averse Bay, believe

1 1t or not. ' I'm well and like it swell· here but do miss my friends. '

I also want t o thank my friends o·f H. S. for the many Christmas greetings.

Goody1bye for now. Sincerely yours,

1 Nelso n Allerding. . P. S .---;-l'll be wa.jting anx­I?usly for the h?me town paper. I m very much mterested t o see what the other Harbor Springs hoy.s are doing in service.


Great Lakes, Ill., Feb. 5-Wal­ter Lee Cosens, 18, son of Dewey ~· Cosens, Harbor Springs, Mich­J.gan, was graduate.d today from the Hospital Corps Scho.ol at the U. S. Naval Hospital here.

Cose·ns, one of a class of 484 tnen, is now rated as a hospital apprentice, second class. .

Graduation terminates a ·six­week course ·of preliminary train­ing at the Ho51pital Corps School.


Included in the course is the stud. y of _ anatomy and physiology, hy­gie·ne and sanitation materia­me.dica and '. weights 'and meas­ureiS~ first aid al)d bandaging, n.ursmg, transportation of casual­ties, and dietetics.

The graduates will ·Continue train~g at NJ.val hospitals be­f ore .beil\jf ...,.. to duty at sea or to ot~ ._ ate.tions. .

'tl ' •. SGT. IlL ~I!:YNER WRITES


Fort Lewis, Wash. F elbruar'y 19, 1943

Service Column County Grrupihic

Harlbor Spri-ngs, Mich. It has been .one year I've been

in an Army signal ·company. In that time I've of.ten wondered. how many civilians think of a. sJ.g•nal unit as .I did before entermg the service. " .1.t As everyone knows bne m1 l ary signal insignia has two· crossed · hand signal semaphore ~lags of r ed 31nd white squares. T'hlS leaves the impressio·n on many th~t we use these flags and hand s~gnals


for communicating withir: ~r.gan­izations of tlhe Army. Th;s. Js not all true and reverts~o· C1v1l War pr31ct~ces whe•n contact was gross­ly flag signals.

The Navy us es the well-known red and white signal flags who1ly :because wireless transmis-

Rothert Wright, Qm. ~hird class, left Wednesday mornmg after spending; his furlough with his parents, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Carl

\Wr ight. __ .....;~----

P.-t. \Yalla·ce Darrow - ~ Btry D, 554th Sep. C. A. Br. (aa) 'Camp Hulen, Texas

·Pvt. Louis W·emigwase, v.:-ho is with the Army in Alas•ka, IS the son of Mr. and Mn. Michael Wem­

sion must be curta:led in combat

1areas Wlhen at sea. Si•gnal flags and bLinkers are almost exclus­ively the Navy's m eans ·of co~­municatin.g while at sea, that Js I during wartime. · In t'he Army there are no sei!l~-


phore flags in an infantry DIV:­sion Signal Company. Commum-


Page 50: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

HARBOR SPRINGS has onf ~~ _ J

This GRAPHlC feat.ure secticm is devoted exclusively to men and women of thia. com­munity in the armed forces of the U. S.

This department cooperates with the BUCK-A-.MONTH Club of Harbor Springs in providing a · community contact with our rep­resentatives in the Service of our Country. The GRAPHIC ia sent free by the publisher.


Jan. 30, 1943 Hello Friends of H. S.:

I've been very busy at the training station here at Gr~at Lakes. I'm very glad .to recewe the Graphic because I hke to ~ead all the news of Harbor Sprmgs and all of the people there. The Buck A Mon'th clu;b is a very good ~dea and I want t? thank. evert on~ in ·Harbor Sprmgs f or i t. · a YMJ ~ful paper beea

l!!fies; a--peNon 1n ·~-· ·-·-to get ·hJI' , ala addresll

lel~·~~e~!r:e~~t ,~\()~~ I"P"!~ . . ..... _ ,

them so.on. • . W'ILLIAMS BROTHERS IN ~RMED SERVICE where I WQrk. ~

I' is stationed but a few ploc:ks from 'To t ell you wha.t I a m and what

I'~ . doing .. I came in the Navy Wit~ · a ratmg as ~hi_rd class petty officer as an aviatiOn ma chinest mate. With my flying experience and me.chanical experience which I to·ok up at Putnam Flying Field ' near, Kalamazo·o, Mich. At ·the t ime I'·n: still in bo~t tr.ammg and hoqnng I get out ·Oi' here in .. two weeks for my ~ days' leave. .


Willie Williams and Ivan Williams, sons of Earl Williams of Pine st., are among the Harbor Sprinats boys in the armed service of o:ur !COUntry., ~ ~ I ·

Willie, a graduate of the Ha·rbor Springs High school, class of '38, enlisted at Alhambra, California shortly before Christmas in . 1941-His address is ·w. V. Williams, Sea 1-c, U.SS ,Roadrunner, Naval Sec­tion Base, San Pedro, Calif.

Ivan, who was recen.tly ~ome o'n a furlough, is with ·the Marine corps. He enlisted in January '41 Ashville, North ·Carolina. His ad­dress is PFC Ivan Williams, Marine Bararcks, Indian Head, rMaryla~d.

The first snow fell here last · nite, but melted. as soon as it hit

I the ground. Other than this the weather ·here has been much the

I same as any October weruther at home.

I If an outsider was to come to

Norfolk he wo:uld be greatly sur-prised to see the number Qf saU­ors that are around to/Wn because

'I. as soon "as liberty is declared, the pla~ce is o!Ver-run by sailors. In fact one would wonder if were any · civilians llere.

At the present time I am ing at a sick-bay at the naval erating base. We have two fine do crtors to woi!'k with. Most of my t ime is spent in dressing 'ro·om of the sick-bay ta•king care of in­juries. It is one of the most in­teresting things I have ever done. It is also very educative.

Yours tru!y, Harold D. Knapp, H A 1-C Unit A Prime Disp Receiv·ing Station · NOB Norfo1k, Va.

I would like to come' up there b~t I've got to see my folks and fr·Ien.ds here . ..Also it is .quite a ways and WQUld take up a' lot ()·f time. '"-- · ··~--

I'm t~e thi~d. of four boys in our family to JOm the service. My two brothers are both in Panama 111bout eight miles apart, One of them ·i:S in the air corps and the other m the army. I would like to. be sent near them so we could be together. .

I must close now wishing the H. •S. follu;; lots of luck,

Vc..~ ... .,.... .L...!.\.J._ -~ J'"" ...... ...... ~ . ..... - -

• :Socialism IS famjHa r with ublic power ad- in · c omple te a .I o.f dh~ "plan- democra cy w cig~.ter the no-ose irre parable' l o

MRS. MARIE SCOTT WRITES 'lround the na .t- hope tha t ;[he t FROM "OUT IN KANSAS"

Reports promotion of her hus-ave become an HuH H6US'·C n band who iis now entitled Ser· itics. The atten- And there Y 3 geant Clarence Scott; tells o·f ties are directed I the a n cien t id b_lizzard, food and .clothing . ra- 1dus.trie·s m e ta l h a s the r.i <rht t~ bona ' 0

• Dec. 5, 1942. oal, timber a nd The . tru~te~ . Topeka, Kansas als which keep TJ1~ref· 1t I 'l ~


Graphic . . :mterprise 'turn- a lu r e d h a nd, ~ time I -did the same Harl.bor Sp~mgs, Mich. . .l>ackbone of the in p olitics, she

J .ust a !me to let our friends d A d 'f th t I have . spent quite · a period kncrw we are ·ooth well an_d ha~p-~m. come un er .n' I e pe k

Explains value of Buck A Month club idea to men in service and tells how he discovered friend nearby after reading of his where­abiO·uts in Gnaphilc Servicemen's column.

Dec. 9, 194.2 Norfo1k, Va.

Dear Ed-itor : ,!Seeing that most of the rest of

the f e11ows have given an account f themselves, I think it is abo :t

here in Norfolk, in fact I have py. And also to tell you of the~Iahsm and the Hull House ll1S ~0 spent the greater part o•f my NlJ.VY nice Ghristmas ~resent •. my hus- 'orm · of govern- agement, .~hey e career he·re. · .Since I have been band's commandmg off~eer gave · So I in1aa.i~ here I have be·en Up · for further 'him. He is now Sergeant Clarence . ' ' Aod transfer, :but as yet I have not S,c,ott, Topeka Army Air Base. mtahve govern- trust ees. n left the plarce. It is a blizzard out here the other. In-- p~obably feel n.

Be.fore I g o any farther, I today, about six inches snow f ell owned by priv- giVe a dog a bo would like to thank you for the last n.ight. Most everyt~ing o;ut, can we r e tain at you . last issue of the paper. I think here Is pretty well rationed , m- f h · your Buck A Month dub is a very eluding food, gas and futl. Some 0 m . or t e m- Curd led Bene g.o()d idea. Through that I got in .... are rationed in the 1tore,•f pr,Ivalte enter- Tha t alas t'euch wibh Lt. 0. E. Parker,, ,Uo jueC.; ior army off1cer.s. ~ ivileged few. It h •t ,b' I . A' ·

( < - sr· h . th b 1 c an a e. · IC IS e • U - · h

Mld I am for t he Buck A Mo t cymes ave P club until we have every last so much as O'll


E He.nry Neil Boynton, son -of

. ,January 29, 1943 r. al!-·d Mr~. George Hoy~ton , ~s Dear Stanley. . ip·E\'ndmg' his furlough wrth h1s

I am enclosmg my check for arents $·2.00 for the Buck A Month club. · '

I hope y.our club is succeeding nkely,

We received a card from Etzel He has been transferred.

·Etzel says he ·has not received

Harold Pontius, of Gr.ancl RaPt ids , is spending his furlQu~h with his •f.a!bhe:r, Charles J1o·Il!tn'4s ·((~ Harhor Springs. 1

' a ·Copy ·of ·the Graphic so far. I wonder if you would .see that it is -

Pflc. Milla rd Taylor 36455499 Sqd. 803, Bks. 1438

sent to him. Merlin writes that he is receiv­

ing the Graphic regularly and en-. it very much.

est wishes to you and y~ y.

Army Tech. School AAF'I".DC Sioux Falls, S. Dakota

* * *

man in kraut barrels, hang all th been _':'ell serv- Those p e op1 Italians with their own .s·paghettir!vate md~s. t~y. Greeks Negro and we turn Japan upside down greater S•Igrnf- h t ' t •!ld start a w,hite r ace on the top- terms of polirt- '; a ,?-? - a auie. .


rdcy. They Yours truly, · 1ze the t_ruth of have it preaclj

· Ira J·ohnsQp. . .h~t so<;aal p::o- s·elf-aove•rnmel --~ - · - ~ 'tmkenng With And"'t-hat is e~

DAVE.RT CALL'ED :and M,rs. Bou Kenny Daver t, son of Mr. and selves of the h ,

¥.rs. ~d. Davert of Hqrbor .Springs¥ house as a aid '\YhO },omed the A11my A1r Corp d 0 I • ovember was call ed to the Folk anoes,

~ce in J~nuary. He is Mwt tences will not .right. Progr~ stationed in Miami, Florida. :quitable distri- uplifting . Bq

~., __ fa.r..t . is whP-n the Am, ':~r boys at rthe frQnt t o get

ig job done and done right,


Page 51: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

Sgt. J.o·hn J essiek, Jr.', son of Mr :H: d i\lrs. J o:Jm J essick, Sr., V1Hage, has been "killed in action' a•ccording to a wire received by .frs. J essi'ck, Jr., in Detroit.

•Sgt . J esskk was repor ted to ha 1heeu fata lly wounded iu action in New Guinea on January 4, 1943.

He was a sergeant in the COO Oa m,p_ for . five years th€n went to Detrort, g'oing as a selectee from there in 1941. He was home on furlough for Christmas in · 1941 and was married J anua ry 2, 1942.

' He ser ved in C::tmps in Louisiana, ~oston , \Vasbington and San Fran­Clsco bef-ore going to Austra lia.

•Suniving besides his wife and p_a ren.ts a re . fi v.e ' '!JI<others a nd :four s;sters : PYt. Edward in Texas !<' rank, Louis a nd ·william, a t h~m e, Stanley in Ohicago, the :vh sses Pat ty and Stella in Jehtt1e in Harbor .__ .. v,

Hal)' a t home.

Wishing all our friends a Very Merry Christmas,

1 .

' · Mrs., Marie ~c-ott. I Topeka, Kansas. I I CORPORAL D. W. GLEASON


I AAF Navigation School, Hon­do, Texas, December 4, 1942- Pvt. Earl .c. J{)lls Dale W. Gleason, son of Mr. and Battery A 149 F A Bn Mrs. Charles Gleason, Harbor APO 31 Springs, Mich., has been pro.p1ot- Camp Shelby Miss ed from Corporal tb Sergeant at . '· · the Army Air Forces Navigatio'n jPfl L F St 1 School Hondo Texas , c. eroy · er Y

Sergeant Gieason, · assigrled to Co. I, 86·th Arm'd Inf Regt. the 843rd School Squadron here APO 2fJ>~ at the world's largest Navigation !Camp Pickett, Va. Scho-ol, is an air mechanic.

Pvt. J .ohri H. Sterly • C. M. REYNER OUT ·· 590th TSS C

IN WASHINGTON TRAINING Bks. 10~23-1 ___ Army Air F-orce

Says, "Would appreciate a let- Gulfport Field, lvhss.

Willard McNamara, E!M 8-C . Greetings from the Evergreen Amphibious For.ce

I state. How's everything at the U:SS LCT (L) 19 GraJphic? W-ould ap!Jre·ciate a let- , c-o Postmaster ter. New Yor.k,, New Y.ol1k

'. -Marvin. \


When the air is cold and snaJppy And the sno-w is on the ground That's the time when I feel pappy No better tonic, have I found

I used to get up in the morning And dress by the ·old heating, stove Outside it would be storming T·hey were swaying,, in the gr·ove;

. The snow piled high, on the fence

Gorp. Maurice D. McNamara Battery G 9th C A East ~oint, Nahant, Mass.

Bud Bradfield Mo. M M 2·C Charleston Base, Charleston, S. C.


Sgt. C. M. Reyner 33 Signal Gorp APO 3-3 Ft. Lewis, Washin.gton

posts And dr.ifted, by .the gate L. C. Bester, A S The trees look like great swaying U.SS Cincinnati

ghosts . > New Y.oDk, N. Y. The morning's Sun is late.

, Pvt. ;Kenneth Backus The m~r-n is grey' and cloudy out . Co. B 3.Slst Inf. There's soft flakes falling sl·ow AJ>O 88 I feel like saying with a shout Camp Gruber, Okla. Hooray, I love you, snow ·

I imagine sj'! eing Rabbit tra~ks And a hound dog whining loo.V O.h, for a shot gun on my back Then a hunting, I would g 0;' ·

I can only dream {)f this you see F-or I'm in the ArnJ.y ·to·o

Pvt. Gordon L. Terpening Flig\ht D. 356 TSS (Sp) Jefferson Barra•cks, Mo.

Sgt. Paul G'riffin 8th -Scho ol Sqdn Bldg 819 Chanute Field

antoul, Illinois And no one knows how l{)ng t'will

b · vt. Raymond E. Griffin Befo~: this war is through . • dq. Co. 951th Division

· ort Sam Houston I g.uess tshe j.ob that we're O•ll now I ' n Antonio, Texas

T·o· whip those Japs, we're learn- ~c Euge_ne. E. J.ohrrson 16057182 Is the most important thing j ·

ing how . AFS Fhght A-4 . I ·hope we're d-one in the spring • · oswell, New Mex1c•o•

. Not wish, •but work, will 'do the! vt. Robert DeLaVergne 36180591 trick _ ~Co L 123 Infantry

That is what we do you know APO 33. .

I We're <Cleaning lliP this me~, an Ft. Lewrs, Washmgton

quiek ' ;. . Right now we C'an't enj-oy the·snow Pvt. Wayne K. Allerdmg

~ D · 87th Inf Eng Bn

· Just wait until this j.ob is d-one atoon 1 . Then I think y{)u'll understand m. P Roberts, Calif.

. . 't Who thougblt that wmter wasn t N 1 N All d' fun . e son . er mg ·wm think the snow is grand. 0-5 Ord Co APO 951

Pf PF\C Isaruc Troup o Postma_ster •Med Det. .A!AFB~S an Franc1sco, Calif. Walnut Ridge, Al1kansas.


. --- _ IRA JOHNSON'S VIEW t alnut Ridge, Arakansas

(Note: _Committ~e asr ~h:t ditor: Pvt. Lewis T. Slocum 3·6407609 these soldrers w~o. ards br a;r;:; ' I am n.ot a newspaper map bpt Co E Arm'd Inf Regt from home a~d ~ren e k ( I would like to+'ma~e JV!lU AfPO 260 stantly kept fn mmd i: a tf e and that i•s that you prin~ the Ft Benning Ga · of commdesh1p t osh - ~ ~J names and address of all the boys · ' ' who are fortunalte enoug 0 and girls who have from

1 in -our own h{)mes. In other word Harbor up to the present time see that every k·nown loeal so~ such as the ·clipping I am sending

' ier:, is lis~ed on the roster 80 ,ll you from the Plainwell Enterprise can recerve the ~ome to:wn P~. and reprint when their address er free and get gifts and re~n, changes.

Ca;r: didaJte W. W. M&cDonald 2nd Co. 0. C. Class No. 39 5t~ Bn 2nd Stu Ing Regt Harmony Church Area Ftl Benning, Georgia

P~t. Arthur Mayle 23rd Chemical Go~ Ca mp Rrtocker, Alabama


Pvt. Archie McFarland 1604 Station Hospital F t. Br.ady, Michigan

Lawrence D. McNamara USNTS , Great Lakes, Illinois

PFC J dhn H. Melching 180th Q M (HM). kPO 942 c~ o P osltmaster, Seattle, Wash •

PFC GoTdon M<>rris r: o D 136t.h Inf APO 33 Ft. Lewis , Washington

P~t Lewis A. M<>rris Co ·D 8 ~d Armored Div . lOth Armored Div. Ft. Benning, Georgia

Corp·. J ames Roe Co A 713 Eng Bn Camp Wm. Reid Clovis, .New Mexico

J{iarl S'Clmverdtfeger Y 2-C P er.o.onnel Offi-ce Camp Peary Williamsburg, Virginia

Alfred Sh·aw, A. S. p!er sonnel Office Camp Peary Williamsburg, Virginia

P,vt. Diamond D. Spaulding Co D Acad Regt ISSC F.ort Benning, Georgia

Pvt. G<>rdon Terrian 598 Tech Sch Squd T S No. 1354 AAFTTC Replrucement Trai~ing Center Miami Beach, Flonda

Lo nis Ward, S 2-C 2-nd Division USS Memphis c-o P ostmaster

\ New York, New Y~rk

PtFC Ivan Willjams Ma rine Barracks Indian He'ld, Maryland

'This is quite an impressive list ·of boys in the service from _this city. If there ·should be any changes in ratings or addresses, o'r any boy from Harbor Springs who is not on this list, please con­twct the ·Graphic.

H~re is a list of others who a1 servmg the g-overnment in arme for.ces: :

1 Pvt Fred A. Craig · Med. Sec. 1605 s u S.tation Hospital Fort Custer, Mich.

. PJi1C George N. Hovey S U 160·5 Med~cal Seetion Fort Custer, Mich.

r t

W. V. Williams, S 1~C USS Ro.adrun-ner Naval Section Base San Pedro•, California

Arthur J. Black Mo. M. M. 2 C U S C G Charleston Base Charleston, S. C.

I Pvt. Ralph Gleason Flight 186 C. M. 588 T·S•S AAFTTC Clearwater, Florida

Laurence D. McNamara, s 1_c USNTS---.Co. 1724 ' Grea.t Lakes, Ill.

branees.) 11 Yours truly, I Ira J,ohnso•n. · L---------------------------~-----­


Page 52: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

..;;;;.;... _________ --__ ..;.._~~-------;!a :few -lines. This surely has been

H' A B R 0 R' s p· R.I N G s · a ·long trip, abo_UJt thirty-seven days today. I · haven't really been seasick but we had some prett~ ba·d storms on the WJ.y over and

h . 1 / t1) /f "' "Z. ba~~~ybe ·I had better tell you as gone 0 war. where I have been, but I SU!j)pose you kn·ow by the papers. I have been .to· Afnca, Casab1anca and Fidila. I surely did' have some ex­periences, so many in bet that I won't take time to explain all o

This GRAPH IC feature s.ect;iom is devot.;d exclusiveiy to men' and women of this com­munity in the arm.;d for~e .. of the u . . s;

· tnem. I saw most every kind of This department cooperates with a•ction there is ·to see. the BUCK-A-MONTH Club ' of . I su~ely had a j-o·b on this trip. Harbor . S-prings in providing a · My job · ha-s •been to feed the pa­community contact with our rep- tients. That is a job when the resentatives in the Service of our . boat is ro•cking and rolling, and Country. The GRAPHIC is sent especially when you don't feel

lllllll-f•r•e·e-b.;.y_'t_h_e...;,p_u_b_I_is•h•e•r ... _____ ~ ' good yoursel'C'The smell of fo.o d d·oesn't helip it any. .

CHARLES BAKER LOCATED day m<>rning. '!1hose wishing to s~e tioned at Ft. Bemis, Washington, .I would have liked to have got-IN GEORGIA ARMY CAMP the men depart may .do .so by be- has been ;promoted to private first ten some·s in Africa but we

·Charles Baker, son of Mr.' ~nd M~s. Charles Ba:ker, Sr., of Thi~d st., entered the service at Fort }Custer, Novemb~r 16, and has bee•n t:ransferre:d to Fort\ Ben­ning,_ Ge·or.gia. His address is: ·

Pvt. Charles R. Baker, Jr. 36407.540 . 150th Ar my . Sig Gorp_i lOth Al'mored Div. Army Post Office 260 F·ort Benning, Georgia.


ing .present ·rut the Saturday morn- class. boys were surely wo-vking to get ing time. The f oll01wing men are the boat unloaded, and they didn't included in the roster ·of those let any of us go to town. I :was who are leaving; · CHARLIE BAKER IN on the dock and saw some French-

Glenn vnar.Ies Babcock, Earl ON SATURDAY NITE men and Arabs. You never saw Kenneth Bennickson and- Everett Foiit Benning~, Ga. so many .rags as you see them Ralph Marihugh, Harb<>r Springs; Saturday night; wearing. They were wea.ring bur-Leo J~·blinski, Milton Bernard Pa- November 28, 1942. lap sacks all patched and patched. gel, John Stephen Rinock, Jr., And dinty, you never saw the like. Paul Rol:ando and Robert J ·ohn To 'the f<>lks back home: ' I have been feeling go·od the .Truesdall, Petoskey ; Louis C. Me- · ' last c-ouple <>f days. lt has been · shonskus and Ly!e M. Overholt, I know the first thing everyone a little more smooth. ·we have L~vering;,_ William ·.Gilbert, Cross who sees th,is is _goi_ng to say is had two Thanksgiving dinners. V1llage; rter.bert Snerman Haley, just what I m thmki!Jg. W~at. is One on the way over, and one Pellston- Oliver Lowery, Alanson; Charley ~;;tker domg SJ!Jtmg coming, so the eats are .all Leonard' 'Vern on Mania, Cross a_roun~ W~Jtmg le~ters on Sat';lr- r ight -on this boat. We have some Village . and Leonard Ovid Tern- · day mght. That IS really qmte good ·cooks. . pie; Oden. ;• · eas:y . to . answer. We are in' quar- . I · h . · ll h h

Fifteen more Emmet :county - . ' · · antme, that is re·stricteq to our .su[)pose t ey are a t rou&' men are scheduled 1o· leave for o·wn area, for two weeks. Mainly I play!Jlg foo•tb;;tll by norw and Will service in the armed forces of the GORDON MORRIS because they might want us most soon be -star_tmg basketball. Was nation D.e;c. 12. The men will as- ' ·. ·' any time, and it would be quite surely surpnsed to. hear Harb-or semble at the Pennsylvania rail- Word has !been _re-ceived here easy for a person to ·get a bit won from Cha~levo~x, they had a :voad station at 9 :30 a . . m. Satur- that Gord-on Morris who is sta- lost here. It is -a very,-large camp good team a~am thl_s year.

1 Sgt Dale Gleason Pvrt. Harvey Lee Brower ·and also very beautifuL T'he You ment wned m ev~ry -one

843.rd S·c·h Sqdn Arm. y Air F<>rces Co. 16 s u Ltd Serv School night we arrived her·e it was clear -o.f your letters about gomg to N cool, and a moon shone ' dow~ . church a~d I want yo tel~ y<>u we

Navigati 'on School Br o· 2517 . , oright en<>ugh lf:o get arQIUnd verY had a mce Chapla_m go1_ng <Jver H ondo, Tex-as. Camp Mc.Coy, Wlsconsm well without lights. and _baick. I certamly d1-d jlome

Pvtt. Lewis Gleason Pvt. R<J1bert Burton I have liked everything wbout I praym;g. Am glad we have a gM_d Med Det AAFAFS . AAFTS Sq. 654 Bks. 1109 the an:ny ~o far, except that in 1 Oapt!'m. H_e knows what he IS

· Fl "d Sioux F alls, South Dakota. my est!matJO·n, Ge<>rgia is too fa r d<>m., all nght. . . \ Mananna, on a from Harihor Springs. I got all the chp:pmgs of all of ~vt. Artimus Cosgrove J-ames A. Campbell HA 1-C Lam, as my address sh<>ws, in the games a!Jd everything so now.

13rd Air CQr·p Co. C. . USS St. Lo·uis, Fleet p 0 an armored company of the Sig- I am caught up on the news. SMfridge Field, Michigan San Francisco,. California nal Corps. That do.esn't mean I 'Tlllike ·care of y-o.urself and don't

will stay there, but I am going to worry about me. Hope to see you try hard, as it is a swell -outfit. _ soon.


Corp. ·Gordon Hann'a Co. B. Acad. A·gt. ISSC Fort Benning, Ge-orgia

Pvt. Howard R. Hartung SIAA:C-AF1GC Sqd 108 Flight B l San_Antonio, Texas

I PFC Marvin Jack Herrick Battery I, 9th C A Ft. Ruckman, Massachusetts

l ! Pvt. M. J. Herrick I Hdq. Det. 316 Med. Bn Camp White, Oregon

Pvt. Albert Heynig Battery C., 26 CATB . Camp Wallace, Texas

Pvt. Henry Keller 3·3rd Signal Gorp. APO 33 Ft. Lewis, Washington

' I

,.~- Ha:rold Knapp HA ·1-C USN Receiving Stn NOB Norfolk, Virginia

Pv-t. Wm. J ·oseph Kosequat 161\1 Service Unit, RRIC Area D Barracks 42·3 _Highland Park, Illinoif!.

I·Pvt'· Donnell W. Kniesley Engineer UtiHties Det. H-2 West C;am[l Clai'borne, La.

. Pvt. Louis J. Kosirnik Co· D 87th Inf Trg Bn Camp Ro-berts, ·California

Ro;Bert E. Knapp HA 2-C -o Gen Del Treasure Island

Pvt. John M. Cassidy Co. H. l23rd Inf. APO 33 Tacoma, Washington.

Pvt. Paul F. Cassidy Go A 29th Med Bn 2nd Platoon Ft. Ord., . Calif<>rnia.

Gorp. Donald Cook 447rth B:ombardment Sqd. 3.21st -B<>mb Group Anderson Field Walterboro, South Ca-rolina.

Pvt. J•~mes Cooper 2,3:2nd Sig Opn Co., Camp Cr-owder, Mil?souri

Walter Cosens, A S Bat. 3,3 Co. 1541 USNTS Great Lakes, Illinois.

ns. Carlton R. Cummings CU:SNR Hamilton Hall

33, Soldiers Field Stn. oston, Massachusetts

PF1C J.ohn W Cunningham Marine Col1Ps Unrt 330 c-o P-ostmaster S•an Fran'Cisco, California

Pvt. Wm .. Emmons Anti Tank Go. 4th Bn. 10,8th Inf. APO 27 Fort Ord, California.

Pvt. Robert Fleshman Div Serv lOth Co Armored Div. AP.O 260

t. Benning, Georgia

'Thi lOth armored division is Your son .in the U. S. N. ~·eally armored and r eally ;no tor- -D<Jyle.

, J:<~ed. They are known' known as '

I the - "Fighlting 'rigers" · and al~o ~'ve don e more writing than fi~t-


mg so far, when this mvision gets The following list c<>ntains the · start13d, "Adolph and.· H iro' .-Hito latest addresses of Servi-ce Men ~etter Io.o:k, ~ut beo0ause we're g-o-l <>f Harbor Spri_ngs. mg to be 'ng1h/t on the beam." Kenneth Allerdmg

I would -like very mu•ch to hear 12th Ai~ Base Sqd:. from any ·of the folks back home I Kelly F1eld, Texas. and will try honestly to answer all letters. However, as they say Pvt. Ralph Babcock . . on the radio, "In case any of you 1003 'DSS (Sp) AAFT1S Umt 1 have to wait a while for your R~. 1·618 ~te.vens Hotel amtographed letter we are receiv- Ch1cago Illmo1s ing more <>rders than we ever ex­pe·cted." I might add that ·we don't have as spare time here as we did working a night s•hift either. '

Sincerely yours, Charles R. Baker, Jr.

Pvt. C. R. Baker, Jr., 36,407,,540 150th Armored Signal Company 1 Oith Armored Division Fort Benning, Georgia A. P. 0. 260.

'The following are exenpts from · t~o- interesting letters written by Doyle Brorwer, HA 1-C to his m-o:ther, Mrs. Lotltie Brower.

Pvt. Chas. R. Baker, Jr . • 1·50rth Army Sig. Corps. lOth Armored Divison, APO 260 Ft Benning, Georgia.

Pvt. Wm~ T. Baker Co. -A Stu. Trg Bnd Enl Br No 2 A Adm School, Miss So. College Hattiesburg, Mississippi

'An,d-rerw Boynton Co. B 1st Bn (Det) 303rd Ord Reg A·PO 1224, c-o postmaster New York, New York.

John Bradley Coast Guards

· Oxnard, California. November 30, 1942

Dearest Mother: · Doyle F. B1·o.wer HA 1-:C We l!xpect · to get in tonight or 1 US.S An con, N Y, P.ostoffice

tomorr·ow sometime, so will write 1 New York, Ne•w York.

· is-c:O. GalifMnia, ___ -J ________ ~----~----~---------...;...--'------------

Page 53: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

"BOMBARDIER Graphic. I am honored to be the f irst one that had his pi-cture in the "Haribor Springs Has Gone to War'' section.

Washington has been very rainy lately and though we come in nights drill, soaking wet and tired, our spirits are real!.y not dampened. we know the boys in Guadalcanal, and -other foreif.h places, are having a much worse time than we are having. Are they kickin? H-- No! They're pushing those Axis foes ba,ck, ev­ery day, refusing to give ground, in any SElctj.on of the globe.

I think Mr. Hitler, Hir-o•hito, and Mr. Mussolini wiil soon find out that us lovers o.f demo•cracy, luxuries and good will, can f·ight, and strike hard and .furious, when we are stru-ck at.-

May another Christmas find this world at peace, and all of the service men returning home to celebrate this holiday at home.

Eugene Johnson's as follows:

. May 'Toki·o's Christmas preseljlt be an utter and wholesale bomb·ing

. · by the Americ.ans and its allies. Dad wntes Thanks again for the Gra1phic.

1 • 18186 No. 'T erritorial ·Chelsea, Michigan December 10, 1942

It is the closest thing to home, Rd. to us b o.ys in the service.

Eimee•t County Graphi<c · Hanbor Springs, Micli. Editor· '

Encl:osed please find a snap of my boy who is with the Army Air Corps. He is stationed at the present time at Roswell, N. Mex. He is flying the Douglas A-20 at­tack bomber and with no hard luck will get his o:tficers commis­sion Feb. 1st. I know Eugene would be g lad to hear from some of his many .friends and school­mates in Ha;ybor and to know where they are and what they are doing to win this awful war. It ·pleases me very much to see that you have added a new page to your paper, "The Buck A Month Club," and I want to be added t o the club and I hope it brings as mu•ch pleasure to all its readers as it does me.

Yours truly, "Eugene's Pop"

Ira E. Johnson. Eugen's address

A-C E. E. Johnson 16057182

1 RAFS Flight A-4 Roswell, New Mexico


Dear Editor: Received y·our Graphic tonight,

that ·you sent me, also the enclos­ed print. As the French would say "Merci Beaucamp" (Thank you

'vefy much.)

In ending, I want to thank all who have written me, and to you on the writing .front I give my regards from the fighting front. 1 Yours sin-cerely,

' Jack. PFC John M. Cassidy Co. H 123rd Inf. APO 33 Tacoma, Washing·ton.


Flight D, 356 TSS (Sp) Jefferson, Barracks, Mo. 12-13-42

Hi folks· I wouid stilf like to take y<>u

up on your offer to send me the Graphic. I':m in the Air · Am taking my basic training here . and then wi!I go to "-Map Repro­ducer" scho.ol I hope. I like it fine here and got just w.hat I wanted. Hope Y·OU folks are keep­ing Harbor on the map. I d<Jn't hear · V·ery much about it. Good luek.

Pvt. Gordon L. Terpenning.


.512 S . Magnolia Lansing, Mich. <December 14, 1942.

Buck A · Month ·Club Harbor Springs, Mich. Gentlemen:

I surely am mighty pleased to :read . aibout your organization, ·and hope it will receiv·e the sup­port of everyone in the commun-ity. .

·Enclosed you will find one dol­lar. If y.ou like, you can credit

tCamp Howze, Tex. it to my mother, Mrs. William Dec. 14, 1942 ·Hoover, R. 1, Harbor Springs.

It may be that my in·other has already been in to see you. If not,

want to make a correction in y brother's, Albert Heynig, ad­

dress. He is now overs€as, some­:Where in the Hawiaan Islands. 1

J appreciate your printing of my letter and picture in the


Dear Editor: I just received the Graphic

from my aunt, Mrs. R. J. Be•ck­on, Cross Village, apd saw your column for service men so· here I am. _

Since leaving g?od old Michi- MORE NAMES FOR LIST ga,n I have been m 26 states. I OF BOYS IN THE SERVICE hope I get to see a lot more.

I am cooking and have been I The folloJWing are additional since leaving Virginia in Sep- names and addresses for the list tember .. Now being that I am an of boys from Harbor Springs and Ace.dre man we have to· fall out vicinity who are serving in the and work Company duty. armed forces.

I .had the misfo:t:tune today of Pvt. Virden L. }Vheaton cuttmg my foo.t w1th an axe, so 671 Signal Company

. here I .am readmg my letters and Fort Brady Michigan the Graphic over and over. '

Must close, :Cpl. L. L. Sterly 1Co. C 311 Eng Bn APO 86 tGam;p H9wze, Tex.

Sgt. L. C. Stewart U S Marine Corps, Unit c-o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.


He is in the Coast Artillery, Anti­aircraft.

MY: brother, George Heynig, is now m Boot Camp at the Marine Corps Base at San Diego, Calif.

My cousin, Homer Moore, of Alanson is now in service over­seas, somewhere in the Pacific.­He is a Marine. ;He, too, trained at San Diego, and left the states last January. He is the son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Archie Moore of Alan­son.

I wondered if you had the ad­dress of Virden Wheaton. He is with the Signal Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheaton.

Kenn-eth Backus left fr om the Lansing quota, but he is the son of Mr. and .r Mrs. Dan Backus. Maybe you already have his ad­dress.

With ·best wiShes for the suc­cess o.f the club, I am

Very sincerely, Mrs( · Melvin Howse. (Louise Heynig)

P. S .. As I understand it, the boys will get thb Gtraph i~: . I'd like to be especially ' .sure that my brothers are getting it. Louise

The following letter was re­ceived by the Buck A Month Club from Mrs. Ray Baughman giving address of her son, Clarence.

Detroit, Michigan Dec. 31, 194:2.

Mr. Stanle.y Wager Dear Sir: · · Enclosed you will find a dollar. I would like to belong to your Buck A Month club. My son's ad-dress is: · Pvt. Clarence R. Baughma.n Med Det 87th MTN Inf Regt Hunter Liggett MIL Reservation. Jolon, California. . Pro·baibly will have a ne,w ad­dress by the first of year so no h~rry 'with Graphic if you send h1m one. I think the girls are sending him one now.

Mrs. Ray Baughman, 7238 W. Fort · St.,

Detroit, Mich.


Hotel Alms, Cincinnati December 14, 1942

Dear Stanley: · H ow are you and everyone in

Harbor Springs? Stanley; I read in the Graphic

about your Buck A Month club. May I join it? I think it is a won­derful thing and I do ' know all the Harbor boys will appreciate it. I am enclosing my dollar and hope I may become a member. Merlin ·I eft last Thursday f or Cal­ifornia with the Marines We re­ceived a card today maiied .from Kansas City while enroute. Etzel is still in Cincinnati ·but is in the Coast Guard.

I will mail M-erlin's address to you as soon I we hear from him.l

Best wishes, Harry H . Hartung. . -


PrL\rate Finst 1Clas's Gol'd·on M.orri:s, stationed at Ft. Lewis; Washmgton, is home on furlough visiting his parents here.

Bo.b Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Wright was graduated by the Umted States Naval Train­ing school, New Pol't, Rhode · Is­lan.d, ·on December 5. His rank is now quartermaster 3-~C.

His address is: James Robert Wright, Qm 3~C USS Texas, Box 29 c-o Postmaster New York City.

Pvt. Walter Hurd 36188398 APO 8441 c-o Postmaster San Francis·co, Calif.

Pfc. Wilbert' W erderi. 711 T. E. 'Tng S·quad George Field Lawrenceville, Illinois

Vernon G. Cassidy Maritime Trng. Stn .. Sec. 10-D Sheep.slread Bay,' N Y

Cpl. L. L. Sterly Co C 311 Eng Bn AP.O 86 CaJllp Howze, Texas

W. F. Morris, A. S. Cd; K-7 Plt 4 Bks 128 USCG T·ng Stn Curtis Bay, Md. ·

Pfc. F. G. Marihugh De-t Med Dept Sta Hsp Bldg 100 Camp She~by, Miss.

Sgt. Robert S. Newman 1920 Det. 3r.d Airways ·Comm Army Air Base T·o;peka, Kansa-s

Pvt Glenn G- Moore 35566324 631 TSS AAFTS . Bsk 2;5 Bk 10 Flight D Gulfport Field, Miss.

Pvt. Henry Neil Boynton Batt A 358 F A Bn . APO 95 .. Camp .Swift, Texas

Pvt. Clarence R. Baughman Med Det 87tli .MTU Inf Rgt Hunter Liggett Military Reserv. Jolon, California

Pfc. Elmer Linehan Go C 7·39 M P Mt. Vernon, Illinois

Lt. James A. Mitchell Ft. Bellvore, Va.

Pvt. Thomas F. O',Gonnor Co. C 64th In.f Batt 3rd PI Cam.p W·olters, Texas

Pvt. Edward Mulder Btry F 3.2nd Bn 8th F A Tng Regt.-F A Repl Tng Cen t Ft. Sill, Oklahoma

Pvt. George Heynig Platoon 1009 · RDMOB San Diego, Calif.

Pvt. ·James L. Bradle\Y Platoon 10·47 8th Recruit Battalion Marine Barracks Parris Island, S. C.

James R. Wright, QM 3-C U.StS Texas, Box 29 c-o Postmaster N eJW Y·ork, New York

Pfc Harold W. Cole 361-56393 ' Batt E 209th C. A. (A A) APO 81-3 New York, New York '

PROMOTED Willie Williams, seaman first

class has .been promoted to yeo­man 3rd class at his base, San Pedro, California. Willie's pi·cture was 'published in the Graphic last week in the Buck · A Month col­umn.


Walter Cosens, A. S., left last Sunday for his base at Great Lakes, Illin·ois. He has been home on furlough at the home of .lli& parents, ~r. and Mr,s. Dewey Cos­ens who hve on Pine street here.

Page 54: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

- J anuary 5, 1_94 3 D·ears tSirs : ·

Received a welcome tC{)·PY -of the Gratphi'C tonite, an}l I wish to e~­;press my deepes t than'ks f or It. Like some of t he servic<m1en have written it is gr eat to be able t o find o~t ·where ouu;rs are locat ­ed. Continued success to the "Buck A M-o nth" plan in . 1943. At this time, I W{) n 't wish suc­eess f or it in 194 4, because I do0n ' t think we' ll be in the serv­i-ce in 1944. At the rate- the boys are s: cin g now I think Ad-olf, Hiroliito and musse d up Musso­lini will be euchered within the yea~ . .

At the present, our outfit IS g·o ing t-hr-ou gh toughening ercises, similar to . tra ining. Obstacle ri\lces, runnmg and diving at t he ground at top E)peed, ·plus w r··~stEng, -tends to m one th ink he has been thru a war a lr eady. It s ure · makes one f eel in gr eat shatpe, 'though.

Oruce in a while we have box­ing between var ious members of t he -c-ompany and I get to referee or watch. It's mUlch safe<r. (AHen Lockman middleweight champion fr{)m Boyn e City, .please not i·ce).

T om orrow we a re going on a mil!chine gun pro,blem, and are going to fire - rounds of am­muni tioOn . In absence of our C{)r­poral, who is on furl orig.h, I a;m in 'Com mand of our squad. I Will be o-la d when he gets back, as I like" the m a chine gun, especially when live ammunition is fired.

W e have a n ew Captain in com­mand -of {)Ur company, a midde­aged, but well built ma n. He's swell, a nd everyone in {)Ur com­pany thinks hiJm 100 percent per­f ed. To ugh and brawny he is, and with a cud of to'bruc-co forever in his m olars, he's quite _ a sight to see.

-----P\;t. Carleton T. Carter Co. C, :Med. Training Bn. Camp Barkeley, Texas

*** Pvt. Robert G. Friend OOE Inf., BN Training Center Camp Elliott, •S-an Diego, Calif.

* * * ale Jack Herrick AAF1NiS ·Group 2 (43-12·6) Hondo, Texas

* * * a le Donald K. Bare 16060196 43-J, ·Squadron A Santa Maria, Oalifornja

* * * Pfc. Bruce Craig 31-43-A Bks. 1., P. 0. Box 419 Kansas City, Missouri


has gone to ·war! This GRAPHIC feature sectiorn is devo-ted exclusively to men and women of this com­

the armed forces of the -U. S.

This department cooperates with the BUCK-A-MONTH Club of Harbor Springs in providing a community·. contact with our rep­resentatives in the Service of our Country. The GRAPHIC is sent free by the publisher.

I Saturday morning some of the field artillery batta:lion passed in

I r eview before several g enerals. They were led T)y the band.

I l ike army life qu ite well. We get goo d fo-od and good cl{)thes and sleeping quarters. We have

I a go-od .staff of o0fficers and non­c O•ms.

Again I want t{) thank you for

I sending the paper to me. . Sincerely,

. PFC Earl C. J oils, Camp Shelby, Miss.


Dear Editor: January 12·, 1943

Am re-ceiving the Graphic and afirpredate it very much. Y-ou s urely do enJoy reading the news from home after peing at Sea for . tw.o or three weeks. I was sur­prised to read ab{)ut the Buck A Month club. I t)1ink it is a great idea and it helps a man a lo t to know that the tpe01ple from his

If we g.o into combat I hope t O<wn are behind him. he's in c.harge. I kn ow, f or men I would like to thank aU the like him, we':ll fight our fool pe.ople in Harl){)r for the wonder-heads off. I ful Christmas cards. On board

.Must clos e f or now or I'll get ship mail call is the big moment my fool head knocked ·off, if _the I of the day. I wou'ld :of like to hav!'! m!llchine gun isn' t cleaned, oiled come home for Chnstmas 1b<ut was and r eady f or tomorrow. I too b_nsy at the time. I would like_

Any,way, I thought I IWO.·uld t o w1s:h all the people in Harbor take these few minutes to writ e a HUippy New Year. you, thanking you for the paper. Sincerely, Best of luck and success to all. Doyle Br-ower

Ja-ck. • ·



Emmet County Graphic: Dear Sir: . -- I want to take this opportun­ity to thank y.ou. I was very much pleased to get a .copy ·Of Emmet County Graphic, which I receicv­ed yesterday. I wish to thank all of y{)'li very sincerely, It is real­ly a pleasure to sit doiWn and read dur ing our r est hours of what's g oing on ba-ck up home. There are certainly quite a few boys from around Harbor Springs in the service.

I must cl{)se now f or its almost time for chow ag-ain. I thank you again for the -co~y of Emmet County Gratphic.

Sin1cerely, Pvt. Lawren·ce J. Petoskey.

- .Sgt. J. R. Spalding 677th Bomb ·Sq. Grou:p Davis 'Monthan Field Tucson, Arizona

* * * Pvt. <Geo. Bednarik


Med. Sub. Sect. Station Hosp. Camp Swift, Texas I


, Dear Editor: l r ecerved the Graphic a coutple

days ago, and it surely seemed good to rea·d ~bout all the hap­penings a;t home.

We .have something here tha·t you have utP there, but it d.oesn't make ,any -of us very mad. That is the -curfew. Of C·ourse it does­n't work qui-te the same but we still have to be in bed by 9 tp. m.

·There are a · lot of fellows from Harhor scattered around the coun­try. NOIW that I am getting the Grap:Mc, I can start writing to some -of my old paJs again.

We get a lot of good hard training here, ·but it is go.od for us, they say! 'The Marines are a swell ·outfit though and I like it .here very much.

Well, it is almost time to eat again, so I'd better c:Lose. Thanks agai·:n f{)r. the paper.

Sincerely, Merlin Hartung.'

Pvt. Earl Piper, USMC Radio 'School ISig. Bn. _T . C. Camp LeJeune New. River, North Carolina

* * * .Sgt. Robert J. Truesdell ~co. E. 409th. Inf. A!PO 470 tCamp Claiborne, La. ~ 118

Christian Johansen F·1Jc UiSNC'DC Plat 1·527, Bar. Area tC-5 Oamp Peary WilliamSburg, Virginia


-Lt. Wm. -S. ·McCune · To Virg.i_nia Hospital

'Lt. William S. MtcCune has been appointed head neuro-sur­geon of t'he new Woodrow W:i'l­son . General Hospital at Staun­ton, Va.

. · Lt: Mc.Cune recen-tly comple;t-~d. a ffV~-months -training course 111 neuro-surgery at the · W13.Iter Ree.d Hospital · in Washington \ tind the columbia Medical cen-r ter in New -YorK. Mrs. McCune and ·their three d~lUghters ·plan to · join !lim· soon. · ·- . ;


January 10, 1943 Camp Shelby, Miss.

Emmet Co. Graphic -Dear Sir:

Thank yo•u very much for send­ing the paper to me every week. I really enj{)y reading it an d seei ng what is happening in my home

I tO<Wn. I was quite surtprised to see h ow ma ny boys who•m I knew have gone to the army. They are certainly .scattered around the eountry, _

I used to be in the 149 th P ield Artillery battalion, but las t Thursday I was transferred to the

131st Divis ion Artillery Band. I a:m playing a t uba.

* * * · \ TJ5th Gr. L. Gardner 37171261 Det Med. Dept. 57 S.ta. Hosp. .NPO 668, cJo PM, N. Y., N. Y.


1 • 'The following is a letter from , a USO in Bl'ooklyn, New York. Gentlemen:

It was ·our pleasure to have Vern-on Cassidy, Harbo0r Springs, ·One o.f your home town .boys, vis­it our dub.

c He looked well and was in the best of .51pirits. He parti.cipated in a. great many of ·our activities and we feel he really enj-oyed hilmself. w .e hoOpe to make his stay in our area as comfortable and hatppy as (possihle.

If there is any servi•ce whi-ch y'()u f ee1 we can render to him or to his famUy, please do not hes­itate to ·call up.on us.

.Sincerely y-ours, .Seymour Fishman, ·Dire·ctoOr.

I WODEK ADVANCEs . I Taking a further step in the \ Army Air Forces sp~cializ~(l q.·ain­: ing program, second L1eutenant l Anthony 0. :Wodek, son of Mrs. . Sophia vVodek of •East Mitchell

<St., Petoskey, Michigan, has re­ported to the navigation school at the Garls'bad Army Air Field, Carlsbad, New -Mexico.

Awarded his lbom:bardier wings at the A1buquerque, New Mexico Advanced Flying ;School, Lieuten­ant Wodek begins the second part of his intensive training to become a "double-threat" man - a highly skilled air crew officer a.ble to direct a plane to its objective and also drop the bombs in the right place at ' the right time.


Page 55: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook


Dear E.ditor :

I appreciate the Graphic very mlwh, and I will write an article f.or t he Graphi•c sometime S·oon.

Yours truly, Pvt. Ro1b er t Burton.

HARBOR SPRINGS h ~ ' ' }0,/' t.(

asvgone to war! This GRAPHIC feature secti001 is devoted exclusively to men and women of this com­

the armed forces of the U. S.

This department cooperates with the BUCK-A-MONTH Club of Harbor Springs in providing a com·munity contact with our rep­resentatives ·in the Se,.vice of our Country. The GRAPHIC is sent free by the publisher.

We have-thr ee large s C]ubs and they get g·irls i~ et1;;f~~ ~a:eJ.k s o the men t ha t want to

I l.lancehan d g et acquainted. 1 ce t e Army


Dec. 31, Dear Edi t or:

tea,ch an Off' ·, very much. I E . Jeer s Course in

qmpment and am 1 t · bu sy. cep pretty

Righ t n ow I am on m h moon, having •been m ~ doney­t erda . arne yes-

I r e•ceived my .corpy of Gm phi.c which I enj 6yed very much. It isn' t the valu e of a gift· tha t the soldier enjoys , i t's the . ~!p irit it's g iven with, t hen · he kn 01ws he's not forg otten by his


·Pfc. George N. H ovey ,Med. Sec. S. V. 1605 1Stat ion Hospital

] Y mornmg a t our Post Ch !, ~ ~~; ~~j~yf~~- days leave wh~h

JSay hello to a ll th

.fr iends ba·ck home. Thanking you for the paper, I


Fort Cust er, Michigan.

m e an d let me kn . e gang for your BA M CJ b . ·ow 1!£ I can help

' .U m any way. Smcerely,

PFIC Wilbert Werden , 711 T C Flying Tng Sqdn George F ield Lawr-enceville, Ill inois.

. Dear E ditor: i

It is nke t o receive the paper I and •f ind · out ho;w the '/home­town" f olks ar e keeping up their mora le , an d to find ·out wheu our ex-s·cho olimat es are located.

I have been her e at the Station H ospital fo r eight months, an d th E> only other Harbor fellow I h~ve seen is F red Cra ig , I don't get a ·chance to see him very .of­ten ·but when ;we do Harbor Springs }s aLways our m ain t opk and -whe·n we end up it is the ",Efhangri-La" c0f the worLd.

·My work here is mu ch the same as t he work I did in my father's store. Som e people • think this is an eas.y Hfe , but with a t housand o_r m ore patients to fill prescrip­tiOns f or, w e don't have much time to fo ol ar ound.

Writing doesn't g et my work d·one I'll have to close and get busy.

'Thanks again for sending me the Graphic. - ·

Yours for Quick Vi·ctory, Geo. N. Hovey.


Dear S·tan:

I re-ceived a co!py of the Graph­k on Thurs day and Tead of your work on this A Month club, and I am sure all the boys will like it. Anything I can do to as­sist y·ou, I w.ould be vei y glad to do. In f act, I would count i t a fav·or if I could 1be o-f help.

All in all the average soldier is better equip1ped, f ed, housed, and entertained than ever befo~e in history. What with Service Olu'bs in a ll the t o;wns. ·on the Pos ts , and arr,anged parties and . dances and sp.or ts , he doesn't have. much to ask for . There isn ' t nearly as much drinking among the yo unger boys as there was in civilian life , or among the older m en.

On our p ost I coach two bas­k etball t eams and n either team has lost a gam e. I have hopes tha t ·One o•f them will r eally make the grade. Th e men back their teams with all tha t t hey have, many even f ight for them. So fa r we have not ha d to r uin any re~erees . 1

Lt. J ames Mitchell.


J ef.ferson Barracks, Mo. Dear Editor: January 9, 1·94·3 I Today is the start ing of a New

Gra~phk Pu?lishing. Co. , Year, a year d'illed •with g reat Haribor ·~iprmgs , MJCh. 1 prosp ects for victory by the allied Dear Ed~tor : . 1 forces, yet who knows ? When

I r ece1ved _the Graph1c the oth- 1 January 1, 1944 rolls ar<>und, our e! day and w1.;;h to tha~k Y?U very 1 outlooks may be entirely differ~ smcerely. ~nJ OY readmg lt very ent, but time will tell. much to fmd all the. home .t own r Any;way let me take this t ime news. Have ?een tryn~g to k~ep to wish y ou and all the citizens U!p ?n all the happenn~gs g.omg of Harbor Springs , the happiest on 11_1 the ·old tow~ whJle .away, N~w Year, .possible. and 1t has been qmt e a whlle al- I wish to thank also, everyon~ ready.. · ~ who treated me so cordially on . I thmk the Buck A. Month Club my short furlou gh home. After· 1s one of the good 1~eas o.f the doing all this saluting, it really people o~ ~ar:h.or , ":hJoch. Wlll lbe I feels great to greet o~ .be p;reeted much apprecMted m t1m~ ~0 by a good old fash1on ed han d­come by t):le boys. B,v the h sts m I shake. I did not get to see every. the Gra;ph1c H arb?r 1s well re.pre- one that I would like to have sented m the s~rv1c~s . . s een, but hoiJle they' ll underst and

Durmg my tun~ m the servJce that my tLme was limited. and al1 the .trave;mg I .have met I guess .my Christmas furl ough two boys from H .,<•oor after leav- will be my last as we may move ing Sh~;pp erd Field. .JY!et Gordon out soon-realiy don't car e, or ~er1penmg here ·on th1s P{)st out- where we go , as long as we see s1de a P·ost <zheatre very unex- .some action. However, if I do p_ectedly. Have g·otten together have the luck of ge.tting another smce to talk ·over the Home T_own. one , I'll let peoip le kno;w in ad-

1 The other boy; a f ormer resld_ent vance. When I ca,me 1back fr om of Harbor, I. met at the last fleld my surprise Christmas furlo ugh, I I was at, ·which was Topeka, Kan- s ixty-eight Chris tmas cards and

I s~s and the boy, Lt Harvey Har- thirty letltEl!'s were waiting for rmgto_n. . me. Included also, were several

I .I f1r:d the ;vork that I al?1 . m Christmas gif ts. True t o my- word

very . mterestmg and .. exocltmg I promise every card, lett er, and somebmes. Have b een shlpped to gift will be answered and thank­J ef•_fe.rson Barra,cks for furth~r ed for. trammg. Do n ot expect to remam ·T·o appropriately pass out the · here mu.c~ longe~.

1 . old year, a webcom·ed letter was

I:r: closmg I Wish ~o than.,c you received fr om ",Sergeant P ete ~gam for the . GraphiC. s .t ewart,'' who is ver.y much

Sgt. Robert S. Newman alive and well, and still in there, 27th Tech. School Sq (Sp) fighting with the marines for the Flight C, Hks. 512 good old USA. , ~ J efferson Barracks, Mo. I hope, everyone, who has

P et e's address, will write to him ENSIGN CURTIS ERICKSON and show him Harbor Springs is ~OME FOR FURLOUGH I behind him 100 percent, jus t as

Ensign Curtis A. Erickson ar- they were, when I came home. rived last Thursday to spend a Thanks again to everyone and I fifteen day furl ough with his kno;w all ·of us servicennen fr·om mother Mrs. A. C. Erickson on Harbor will ·Come .through with Blwff 'drive. Ensign Ericks·on flying .colors in 194•3 for our na-


graduated from Anna~polis Mili- ~ion , our home ,to;wn and for J.ast­tary Academy ·on January 5, mg pea•ce.

1 where he has received officers Gratefully yours, training. "Jack."

I 1 at I

A JS F. W. Potts, Jr. 3·6421643 C-4, Flight A, 48th .Col. Tng. Det. W. Va. University ::.\lorgantow·n, ,V, Va .


H offman, son of W . P . SUl111111 er . ag ent ·Of the

vania railroad at Weque­having completed hi s at Stillwater , Oklahoma

College, has been pr omo t-Radio Technician Thir d

with a rating ·of Pet ty Of ­and has been transferr ed t o

asure Island, San Francisco, f.o', for furt her trainin g

radio material.

December 7, 1942 H enry Barker

r S•prings, Mich. Henry:

suppose you wonder where letter came fr om and why.

I can't tell y{)u where it from; y·our guess h; a s g ood

. Why is to let you know think .of you peo~ple down corner. Tell J im R oe, Sr.,

't need to .hear his bass now have heard some tha t are dee,per bass, but would r a th-

his bass than t he ones I r n ow.

·can't tell you f ellows any­but thwt I am OK so far,

with the help of the go od and prayers, I will be seeing

fellows again. 1 there many of the old gang

e yet? Or were they called There was a fellow with me is from Harbor although I

t kno;w him. A y.oung kid by am9 o.f Cunningham. Did y ou

him? \ · me what the gossip and

is from up that .way. have to close, hoping to

from you soon. As ever,

Staff·Sgt. L. C. Stewart.

· . Maurice D. McNamara , has been spending a ·few days

his parents, Mr. and Mrs . of Good Hart, left

for East Point, Na nant, · usetts.

has been r e'Cevied that Guard Edward Bradtfield,

dson of Mr. and Mr.s. Edward eld, that he has been

talized, having re.ceived in­es to his right hand, ;.crush­two fingers. He is· stationed

Charleston. S. C.

Page 56: Harbor Springs World War II Clippings Scrapbook

lin The Service This column is to be reserved

for week to week news received from those serving under the Selective Service Act or any­one in any branch of U. S. de-

. fense service. ~fail your items, with pic·

tures if you have them, <lirect to The Review .. Petoskey, Mich.

:{. ;£. :1£,

J>FO Ernest .StanLey A.A.F.A.F.S. l\Ied .. Det.

I George Field, Ill. PFIC Stanley is the son of Mr.

atid Mrs. Perry ·~tanley, R-3, Pe­l toskey; He lef.t lll the Sept. 10 i group. I

I * * * I •


Durwood Maxfield, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Maxfield, 1028 J efferson-ave., has enlisted in the Air Corps.

He leaves No. 28 for San Diego, Calif.


•Pvt. 0 . .Asa)J.el TUli tson Btry. C, 26 Bn. B}l:s, 1 Fort Sill, Okla.

______ .. - - ---

Pvt. Carlton Campbell 16113785 2 TS (Arm.) Lowry Field 2 Denver, Cplo.

* * * Pvt. Robert E. Williams ASTU 3704 Kansas Univ. Lawrence, Kansas

Tech. Sgt. Dorval .J. Bussoneau Co. B. 85th Rcn. Bu. Camp Cook, Calif. 'DS Bussoneau, former local tele­

graph delivery hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bussoneau of 909 Em­met-st., retu'rned Nov. 21 enroute to his base in •California after 8 days here.

He enlisted from Muskegon on Jan. 15, 1942.


PFIC · Merle T.hompson Hq. Go. 502 .Sig. Regt. (SP) AWlS Army Air Force ·Sch. of Ap. Tac. Orlando, Florida.

* * * Capt. Charles' I : Miller R-2 Alpine, Calif.

* * * av [c J oseph F . Beer AAFCC ·Sq. 102 Flt. J . Av. Cadet Center San Antonio, Texas

* * * Pvt. •Lee W. Ferguson 222 MP Co. Bks. H-2 Hq. Com'd. OPE Charleston, South Carolina

I i

a:>vt. Lawrence J. Y.obst 36406694 APO 8843 c[o PM New Yo1:k, N. Y.

*** l'tfc. Robert De ·La Vergne Go. L, 123rd Inf., .APO 33 c[o P'M, Los Angeles, Calif.

*** Pfc. Robert F . . stevens Or.d. Auto School Ft. Crook,_Beb .

Dear Fr. Austin: -

I It is about time that I was writ­ing you. After leaving the school

I (at ·Harvard), I ·got -a leave of a

I few days and came here Sunday, Nove!IIlber 8, I flew from Chicago to Memphis. What a town! Now I tan see what chances in li.fe you had. It took me longer to come this far from Memphis than to :'11emphis from Chicago. The camp here is just albout 100 miles from your home town. The .South is real­ly a quaint place. We live 7 miles from a little jerk-town called Gren­:lda. It normally has 6000 people. Today it has 25000, ·mostly workers on the 'building of this camp and an air-field.

This is a brand new camp, and we surely feel this truth. 'Dhere a re just buildings as harracks ... This afternoon I built the table I am writing on . . . My chapel is just albout finished. Expect to be in there !befoTe Sunday. I am as­signed to the Field Artillery of the Division along with one other chrup.:

' lain who is a Protestant ... We I are preparing for the enormous

amount of young men who will come to us from the 18-19 year old draf,t . . . The men here already are highly trained and are ready to l'HSh t)1ese young loads coming t)J.rough and a way we go for the erw·:u y to get in to t he fight . . . '· So long . now anq give my best regards to all thl!re. God bless you a nci please pray for

Your assistant, Malachy.

Chaploain M. J. Cashman 87th Inf. Div. Field Art. Hq. Camp McCain. Miss.

Aux. •Mary J . Schaller 6067-52 24th Oo. 5th Reg. 2nd W!.A!.AC '!.'ra ining Center Daytona Beach, Florida

* * * Pvt. Walter Dow 306 Trng. -Grp., Bks 220 AAFB'.DC, No. 3 Shepard Field, . T exas

Amos B. A1•mock, F 3/c USS Titania, c[o 'P.M, . Morgan Annex, New York •City

* * * Pvt. Hugh M. Barnes T.S'8619 Sp. Bks. 1406 Truax Army Air Field Madison, Wis. .

* * * T . .Sgt. Cecil L. Stanley 36150370 3rd Div. Ord. •co. Amm. APO, 635 cJo PM, New York, N. Y.

* * * Pvt. Wilbert C. •Stanley 36157246 Co. B. 36 Arm. Inf. Reg. APO 253 Camp 'Pickett, Va.

* * * Lester R. •Stanley, S 2[c U.S.N. USS Brooklyn, Div. 8, c[o PM New York, N. ·y,

* * * PFC R. J. ~Sherman 16039163 Hq. Btry. Brigade Hdqs. APO 827 c[o PM, New Orleans La.

I * * * Sgt. Walter L. Paul J · 320 Fighters Sqd., Westover Field

Chicopee Fall, Mass. .\

A /C James Craddock 16044708 TS AAF TTC Sqdn. D. Yale U., New Haven, Conn.

* * * T[Sgt. Glenn Kilborn 16039024 730 Ord. Co. (LM) APO 30 Camp Atterbury, Ind.

*** Ralph W. Graham F-l[c c/o FPM, .san Francisco, Calif.

:Ernest Roy •Everts Co. 1289, 39th Bn. 23rd Reg. Camp Green Bay, Wisconsin Everts returned Nov. 14 to the

' Great Lakes Naval Training Sta­tion for further orders. He enlisted October 7. He is the son of Mrs. Gladys Everts of Clarion.

Pvt. Edwin Schwarfzofisher Co. 108, 1650 SU, 6th SGTC A•SN, Bks. 2510, Camp McCoy, Wis.

* * *

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