
Handa's surprise

Student's worksheets

English IIUV – Facultat de Magisteri

Prof.: Ángela Gómez López14'-15'

Calvo Valiente, JuanjoFranco Berriel, Magel

Izquierdo Valencia, CarolinaLópez Jover, Mª IsabelReal Puigdollers, Sònia

Silvestre Marco, Vicente& other fruits...


STUDENT:___________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

1.-Put the pictures of the story in order:

Put them in order:

2.-Answer these questions about the story in pairs:

• What fruits does Handa put in her basket?



• What kind of animals can we see? We can see a/an…



• What is Akeyo’s favourite fruit? It is...


• Have you ever eaten guavas? Have you ever tasted bananas?



• Do you like the story?


5 1 2 3 4




STUDENT:___________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

1.-Now you have to tell Handa’s story in groups (11 people). Each one of the group has to choose

an animal or a person, then memorize a small phrase and act it out. This is the text:


Handa puts seven delicious fruits in her basket for her friend Akeyo. A banana, a guava, an orange, a

mango, a pineapple, an avocado and a passion fruit.


She will be surprised! I wonder which fruit she'll like the best!


While she is walking with her basket on her head to Akeyo's village…


Oh, look! A sweet banana. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A big guava. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A juicy orange. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A red mango. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A pineapple. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A delicious avocado. I'm hungry!


Oh, look! A small passion fruit. I'm hungry!


I'm bored, I want to run! Let me go!


A lot of tangerines fall into Handa's basket.

Finally she arrives to the village and sees her friend Akeyo.




“Hello Akeyo”. “I've brought you a surprise.”


Handa gives the basket to Akeyo.


“Tangerines”. “My favourite fruit.”


“Tangerines?”, “That is a surprise!”

























STUDENT:___________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

Put the following chapters in order, so that we are able to understand the

meaning of the story.

Put them in order:

At the beginning, when she is thinking about the yellow banana, a monkey swoops down and takes the banana. Then when she is thinking about the sweet smelling guava, an ostrich creeps through the long grass and takes the guava. Again, when she is thinking about the round juicy orange, a zebra creeps through the long grass and takes the orange.

Finally, the moment she is thinking which fruit Akeyo will like best, a goat breaks free from a nearby post and rams into the trunk of a tangerine tree so the tangerines tumble from the tree and fills up Handa’s empty basket.

As she continues walking, she remains thinking but this time about the ripe red mango, when an elephant creeps through the long grass and takes the mango. Once more, when she is thinking about the spiky leafed pineapple, a giraffe creeps through the long grass and takes the pineapple. After that, when she is thinking about the creamy green avocado, an antelope creeps through the long grass and takes the avocado but that’s not all because when she is thinking about the tangy purple passion fruit, a parrot creeps through the long grass and takes the passion fruit

Handa puts seven delicious fruits in her basket for her friend Akeyo. As soon as she sets off with her basket on her head for Akeyo’s village, she is thinking how surprised Akeyo will be and which fruit she’ll like best.

Gladly, Handa arrives to the village and waves to her friend Akeyo. When Akeyo observes the basket she is so happy to see tangerines inside because they are her favorite fruit, on the contrary Handa is very surprised to see that kind of fruit.







STUDENT:___________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

1.-Summarize the story. You can use this model to guide you.


Handa puts seven______________________________________________________________. But as

she walks, carrying the basket on her head

______________________________________________________________. When she shares her

basket with ________________________.


Animals in order

• A monkey lives in water.• An elephant has a big mane.• An hippo climbs trees.• A rhino has a long neck.• A zebra lives in the desert.• A giraffe has horns.• A male lion has big ears.• A camel likes to run in the savanna.

Animals and their habitat

Student: Group:

Student: Group:


STUDENT:_______________________________________________ GROUP: __________

1- We are going to rewrite the story of Handa’s Surprise. Imagine that you are Handa and you are walking to Akeyo’s House. You find all the animals of the story and you talk with them.

How it would be your conversations?

Please, invent one dialogue between each animal and Handa in order to complete the story :

New title: ______________________________

Handa puts seven delicious fruits in her basket for her friend Akeyo. As soon as she sets off with her basket on her head for Akeyo’s village, she is thinking how surprised Akeyo will be and which fruit she’ll like best.

Handa- _______________________________________________________________

At the beginning, when she is thinking about the yellow banana… Something happens:

Monkey: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However… the monkey swoops down and takes the banana.

Then when she is thinking about the sweet smelling guava… Something happens:

Ostrich: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the ostrich creeps through the long grass and takes the guava.

Again, when she is thinking about the round juicy orange Something happens:

Zebra: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the zebra creeps through the long grass and takes the orange.

As she continues walking, she remains thinking but this time about the ripe red mango, suddenly, Something happens:

Elephant: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the elephant creeps through the long grass and takes the mango.

Once more, when she is thinking about the spiky leafed pineapple, Something happens:

Giraffe: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the giraffe creeps through the long grass and takes the pineapple.

After that, when she is thinking about the creamy green avocado orange Something happens:

Antelope: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the antelope creeps through the long grass and takes the avocado but that’s not all because when she is thinking about the tangy purple passion fruit … Something happens:

Parrot: __________________________________________________________________

But Handa answered:


And Handa continued walking. However the parrot creeps through the long grass and takes the passion fruit.

Finally, the moment she is thinking which fruit Akeyo will like best, a goat breaks free from a nearby post and rams into the trunk of a tangerine tree so the tangerines tumble from the tree and fills up Handa’s empty basket. Gladly, Handa arrives to the village and waves to her friend Akeyo. When Akeyo observes the basket she is so happy to see tangerines inside because they are her favorite fruit, on the contrary Handa is very surprised to see that kind of fruit.

2-As we already have a complete story with all the conversations among all the characters of it, please design, draw and paint one puppet per character in order to represent the play that we have created. You can inspirit in these of the picture below.


STUDENT:___________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

3. Imagine that you have a friend who lives few kilometres away from your home. It is his/her birthday and you want to bring him/her a present. Please, write a story using the following elements, taking in account the same structures used in Handa’s story.

A) Elements that appear in your story:

• Where your friend lives • What is the present prepared for her/him • How many people you have met walking • Which is your surprise

B) Events that happen in your story:

• An old woman > She needs help to carry out the shopping bag • Cat > It wants to play with a thread of your bag • A mouse > It crosses in front of you and it comes inside the old woman house • Your father > He comes back from his work and hugs you • A Japanese tourist > He asks you to take some photos for him • A cockroach > You hate it

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