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@)&!xfd|f kfO{nfx?

kf;f w's", hM, ;M

d]/f] syf White Bird sf]


T FEW TIPS . . . . . . Pradip Shrestha 4

T lv/ dbg s[i0f g]jf 5

T IN SEARch FOR TRuTh Niresh Man Shrestha 6

T AoSt ug{ g;s]sf] zAb === /laGb| >]i7 8

T BROkEN FROm INSIdE Urja Newa 10

T dREAmS cAmE TRuE Sabita Shrestha 11

T my NEW dOll BAllERINA Eena Shrestha 12

T PARTING SOulS Nikesh Shrestha 13

T k|fylds pkrf/ tflnd ejfgL g]jf 14

T ‘v8]afaf ’ ;'/]z dfg >]i7 16

T BuNch OF ROSES TO PASA jA: SA: ANd dhuku Rojee Joshi 18

T ;lSbg la;{g d O{l/gf >]i7 21

T xfd|f kfO{nfx? dfnf nfv] 22

T kmf]6f] cfkm} af]N5 kÍff >]i7 23

T d]/f] b]z O{R5f >]i7 24

T laBf dflg;sf] t]>f] cf+vf lagf zfSo 26

T A GlImPSES OF PdjS Ruchee Shrestha 27

T kf;f w's" hM ;M nfO{ lr7\7L dbg s[i0f g]jf 28

T Stop Over Thinking and Let Things Go… Manashree Newa 30

T xfd|f] hLjg O{Gb|d'gL zfSo 31

T cfdf ls/0f >]i7 32

T WhEN ThE chIldREN cRy Ayush Shakya 33

T d]/f] syf White Bird sf] czf]s g/l;+x >]i7 34

T The Four “S” technique for effective communication Deepak Shrestha 36

T d}n] sf]/]sf] >]of >]i7 37

T k|]dsf k|lts :df/sx? pb\onfn >]i7 38

T IdENTITy Shayesha Shrestha 40

T TOddlERS ARE A GREAT SOuRcE OF FuN Ayush & Sahana Shrestha 42

T dySTOPIAN WRITING Urja Shrestha 44

T chIldREN & PARENTS Aron Narasinha Shrestha 46

T GREETINGS Rajendra Kumar Lakhe 48

o; c+ssf laz]iftfx?

Is it a particular gene or heredity but a child is born a shy or active by birth. Of course, it is the environment the child grew that forces, molds, motivates and encourag-es to become an introvert or extrovert in life after-wards.

An introvert has to go through different lev-els to actually transform oneself into a different person. Believe me it is not that easy. One will al-ways become the self-old from within. I assume it is the same case with an extrovert. They may be kept within rules, regula-tion but they wriggle their

own way out. You may try to compel a vio-lent river to go in a particular direction by making dam. Nevertheless, it forces its way when it gets chance, flooding its way.

Let us focus on introvert. Introvert is a

person who is shy and cannot express oneself especially in a mass.

Let me tell you the exact feeling. Introverts feel themselves inside a huge bubble from where they could see everyone but no one could see nor hear them. So when anyone talks to them (who is a stranger or someone who is not so close), it takes a moment of surprise. The result is usually blushing badly. When they try to talk no one will hear as they assume that their voice can be easily heard-which is just an assump-tion. It feels as if the lips sealed, tongue glued and whole body paralyzed. Even if they make them-selves to talk, their own voice sounds distant like if they are listening some-body else speaking.

Introverts Have Feelings. It is not true that they do not feel for others but they just cannot take stand in crowd for their loved ones and showing feel-ing is just unimaginable. Hence, it is rather easy to be with a talkative person as introverts are good lis-

Rumee [email protected]



But I am one of them. I was such a person that many of my junior schoolmates would not remember me at all. The immense feeling to change myself came . . . .


tener and try to not to talk at all. Huge change is possible as nothing is impossible. However, the main person, that could help such change, is in-troverts themselves. They have to burst the bubble and come out in open. The bubble is not a sanc-tuary but an invisible jail. It is the biggest hurdle for success in life.

Sadly to admit, but I am one of them. I was such a person that many of my junior schoolmates would not remember me at all. The immense feeling to change myself came late. This realization helped me take some steps for myself. What I did was to force myself to talk in mass. I wrote my name in every competition that is conducted in stage in front of mass. Then I freak out due to nervousness in poem competition, speech delivery, captain selection, even debate.

In stage, I was usually blushed red; speeches full of stammering and head to toe shaking. My voice was just audible due to mike. The worst part was I used to get more fright-ened by hearing my voice from speakers. Without podium, audience can literally see me shaking. I was the least scorer ob-viously due to my poor performance but that was just my baby steps.

I took another big step. I got myself involved in marketing (fund rais-ing from offices) of col-lege exhibition. I actually dealt with personnel: to convince them for funds which needs good speak-ing and convincing skills. Working in a group in college, I gave my name for leaders of group in presentation every time. I was a bad presenter: full of stammering with low confidence. I used to leave my hair to hide at

least half of my blushed face. Teachers praised my hard work but comment-ed on overshadowing bad presentation. I was learn-ing to turn myself from introvert. Another huge step was getting mem-bership of Rotaract Club where public speaking is mandatory.

A day came when I was declared the best pre-senter of class with high confidence. I can never forget the overwhelming happiness. My effort was paid after years and years of practice. I burn my-self many times; I would either turn into ashes of gold. I usually turn into ashes. Now they declared me gold. The shock was so I could not even smile. There are more mile-stones to achieve in life. I am turning slowly and steadily. Yet I have long way to go.


Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed. Guard your senses. Temper your sharpness. Simplify your problems.

Mask your brightness. Be at one with the dust of the Earth. This is primal union.

He who has achieved this state Is unconcerned with friends and enemies,

With good and harm, with honor and disgrace. This therefore is the highest state of man

.~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Never thought of this part-ing. Never thought of this size of PDJS in-country.

There is a saying like – “No one knows what the future will produce”. Same thing happened. But we should always see the positive as-pect of the happenings.

Yes, with almost four families out of ten stationing outside the country and few SAA members are out of the coun-try for studies, PDJS has now become PDJS international. In other words, our group has crossed national bound-ary. This is a very positive as-pect of our group and every one of us should be proud of this. Having said so, there is also a danger of our group being passive with lack of programmes and initiative

with passage of time due to the scattered members’ loca-tion. But the way of getting out of this danger is to be intact all the times through effective and continuous in-teraction/communication. Though load shedding plays negative impact in the communication, we should not chase our endeavor to make our contact alive.

Take from above paragraph is that PDJS has become PDJS International and communication is must to make this group alive all the times. All of our members will agree upon the take as highlighted.

I have few suggestions in re-gard to making PDJS lively, effective ad vibrant viz

All the members have 1. to be into some form of communication with each other all the timesCommunicate/share cur-2. rent happenings to/with all the members Prepare agendas incor-3. porating the sentiment of all the members and share final agendas to all

Pradip [email protected]

+1 703 608 7913

PDJS has now become PDJS international. In other words, our group has crossed national boundary. This is a very positive aspect of our group and every one of us should be proud . . . . .

FEW TIPS . . . . . .


so that every member will be on the same page all the times Extend help require-4. ment to each member to its great extent

x/]s lbg dflg;x? cfkm\gf] :jf:ysf] nflu egf} jf af+Rgsf] nflu laxfg a]n'sf / cGo ;dox?df klg vfg]s'/f vfg] ub{5g\ . vfg]s'/f tof/ kfbf{ w]/} s'/fx? larf/ ug{' kb{5 cGoyf :jf:ydf xfgL x'g'sf] ;fy} cfly{s ef/ ;d]t kb{5g\ . cfh oxf+ ;a}nfO{ dg kg]{ cToGt :jflbnf] lv/ agfpg] tl/sf af/] hfgsf/L u/fp+b5f}+ .

cfj:os ;fdu|L s_ rfdn - @)) u|fd

-eP ;Dd 6fO{lrgL rfdndf ksfPdf :jfbdf lgvf/ cfp+5_

v_ b'w - !@)) u|fd cyjf ! ln6/

u_ sfh' ls;ld; - !) u|fd 3_ gl/jn - !) u|fd ª_ Wo' cyjf j6/ - !)) u|fd r_ lrgL - !) rdr 5_ ;'sd]n - % bfgf h_ cn}lr - % bfgf em_ sfh' - %) u|fd

~f_ ls;ld; - @) u|fd

agfpg] tl/sfqmd ! sfh' ls;ld; 5'/fpg],

gl/jn kf6nf] ;fgf] cfsf/df 6's|f kfg]{, cn+}lr / ;'sd]n w'nf] kf/]/ Ps srf}/fdf /fVg] .

qmd @ rfdn !% - @) ldg]6 lehfO{ /fVg]

qmd # b'w nfO{ dWod cfuf]df lrgL ld;fP/ ttfO{ /fVg].

qmd $ tft]sf] b'w %) - !)) k6s lkmh cfpg] u/L rnfpg]

qmd % rnfO{ ;s]sf] b'wdf lehfPsf] rfdn /fv]/ eftsf] bfgf g/d gx'Gh]n ;Dd ;fgf] cfuf]df k6s k6s kGo"n] rnfO{ /fVg] .

qmd ^ kfs]sf] b'w eftdf 5'/fPsf] d;nf /fvL rnfO{ cfuf]sf] ;fgf] cf+rdf rfdn k'/f gkfs] ;Dd ksfpg]



dbg s[i0f g]jf

We can add some additional points. However, above can be considered as main points.

In the nutshell, our PDJS has widened horizon cross-

ing the national boundary and accordingly we have to behave to make this group more effective. The ways of this could be as highlighted above. Hope everyone agrees to the points.

qmd & cGtdf a6/ of Wo " /fv]/ lr:ofpg]

qmd * lrl;Psf] lv/ ;e{ ug]{ srf}/fdf /fvL

qmd ( kfs]sf] lv/ srf}/f jf Kn]6df /fv]/ % b]lv & hgf ;DdnfO{ kl:sg ;Sg' x'G5 .

lv/ ksfp +bf ;ts{tf ckgfpg' kg] { s'/fx?!_ b'w ttfp+bf ;'?df g}

lrgL xfNg' kb{5 . o;f] ubf{ ksfPsf] b'w kmf6\g] ;Defjgf sd x'G5 / :jfb ;d]t a9fp+5 .

@_ b'wnfO{ sd;]sd !)) k6s em\jf/ em\jf/ lkm6\g' kb{5 .

#_ dGb cfuf]df ksjfg ug'{ kb{5 .

$_ sfh', ls;ld;, gl/jn cfbL e'6]/ lv/ kfs] k5L ld>0f ug]{ .

lv/df x'g] Kff}li6s tTjx? k|f]l6g, sfaf]{xfO8|]6, SoflN;od, DofUg]l;od, km:km/f];, ;f]l8odlv/df x'g] le6fldgx? P, aL @, aL %, aL !@

Does God exist? Did he have any choice in creating the universe? If he did then who created him? If not then how did the universe begin? Was the universe always there? Or was it cre-ated during some point of time? If so then, what was there before the universe? What is the nature of time? These are the questions that get every scientist and the leading minds of this planet scratching their head.

Recent breakthroughs in physics suggest answers to some of these longstanding questions. Someday these answers may seem as obvi-ous to us as the earth being round and it orbiting the sun. Only time (whatever that may be) will tell.

One of the greatest minds of the 21st century, Dr. Ste-phen Hawking, has explored the fascinating mysteries of the universe and brings us much closer to the ultimate secrets at the very heart of creation.We humans are curious in nature. The thirst for knowledge and enlight-enment runs in our blood. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to us that the be-ginning of the universe had been discussed long before the 21st century.

Around the 16th and 17th century there were hot de-bates regarding whether or not the universe had a be-ginning in time. These were later examined by the phi-losopher Immaunel Kant in this work “Critique of Pure Reasons” published in 1781. His thesis was that the universe had a beginning and the antithesis that the universe did not have a be-ginning.

The argument to support the thesis was that if the universe did not have a beginning, there would be an infinite period of time before any event, which he considered absurd. The ar-gument for the antithesis


He said that time was a property of the universe that God created, and that time didn’t exist before the beginning of the universe.

Niresh Man [email protected]



was that if the universe had a beginning, there would be an infinite period of time before it, so why should the universe begin at any one particular time?

In fact, his cases for both the thesis and the antithesis are really the same argument. They are both based on his unspoken assumption that time continues back forev-er, whether or not the uni-verse had existed forever. As we shall see, the concept of time has no meaning be-fore the beginning of uni-verse. This was first pointed out by St. Augustine. When asked: What did God do before he created the uni-verse? Augustine didn’t re-ply: He was preparing Hell for people who asked such questions. Instead, he said that time was a property of the universe that God cre-ated, and that time didn’t exist before the beginning

of the universe.

In 1929 Edwin Hubble made the landmark observation that wherever you look, distant galaxies are moving rapidly away from us. In other words, the universe is expanding. Hubble’s ob-servations suggested that there was a time called the big bang, when the uni-verse was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under these conditions all the laws of science would break down and within the second of the big bang, the universe would have been created. One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang but in an unchang-ing universe a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some be-ing outside the universe. Now, if the universe is re-ally expanding and Edwin Hubble’s theory is correct, there may be some physical

reasons why there had to be a beginning. One could still imagine that God cre-ated the universe after the big bang, but it would be meaningless to suppose it was created before the big bang. An expanding uni-verse does not preclude a creator, but it does place limits on when he might have carried out his job!

Maybe someday the ques-tions that have been lurk-ing on every human’s mind might be answered, but that day is long to come. But when it does, we all shall be able to take part in the discussion of the ques-tion of why is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason........for then we would know the mind of God.


kf; x'g / v'zL kfpg eg]/ k9\g' eof] eg] v'zL slxNo} cfpb}g

t/v'zLsf ;fy k9g' /

sfd ug'{ eof] eg] lglZrt ?kdf v'zL /

;kmntf b'j} k|fKt x'g]5 .

/laGb|nfn >]i7

w]/} aif{ klxn] cyf{t @)$^ ;fnsf] s'/f xf] . 3/df d]/f] / efO{sf] laafxsf] s'/f rNb} lyof] . Tof] ;'g]/ xfdL b'a} hgf v'zLn] ub\ub\ eO{/x]sf lyof}+ . t/ laafxsf] s'/f rNbf rNb} cgfof; d]/f] 3/df Pp6f 7'nf] ah|kft eof] . Tof] xf] d]/f] a'af la/fdL x'g' eof] . a'afnfO{ s] ePsf] yfxf ePg ;f; km]g{ uf¥xf] x'+b} uof] . pkrf/sf] nflu xfldn] a'afnfO{ l6lr∙ xl:k6ndf nUof} . t/ 8f= c?0f ;fodLn] /f]usf] Diagnosis g} gul/sg T.B. sf] gfdfs/0f ul/lbof] / kmf]S;f]df kfgL hd]sf] elg zl//sf] k5f8L s/∙sf] aLraf6 nfdf] l;of] 3f]r]/ a/fa/ kfgL lemSg] / s]lx cf}ifwL lbof] . c7f/ lbg hlt c:ktfndf /fv]]/ l8:rf{h u/]/ 3/df Nofof}+ . t/ xfdL ;a} 9'Ss eP/ a:g] cj:yf ePg . ;f]r] h:t} cf7 b; lbg kl5 km]l/ /f]un] RofKg yfNof] .

ca s] ug]{ t eGg ;s]g 3/df d h]7f] 5f]/f ePsf]n] d}n] lg0f{o

ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf cfof] . To;}n] km]/L ToxL l6lr∙ xl:k6nd} nu]+ . km]/L kfgL lgsfNg yfn] . Tof] kfgL lgsfln/x]sf] d}n] x]g}{ g;Sg] eO{;s]sf] lyof] .

PskN6 a'afsf] x-ray x]b{} kfgL lgsfNb} lyof], d]/f] cf+vf Tof] x-ray df k¥of]{ . d}n] Tof] x-ray /fd|/L x]bf{ t Tof] a'afsf] h:t} nfu]g . lsgeg] Tof] x-ray df ePsf] body sf] ;fOh a'afsf] eGbf ;fgf] lyof] . d}n] xt\kt\ x-ray lng] 7fp+df uP/ a'em\g hf+bF t Tof] cs}{ 1ffgdfof dxh{g eGg] cfOdfO{sf] x-ray lyof]. d l56f] l56f] dfly cfP/ eGg cfp+bf kfgL lgsfNg EofO ;s]sf] lyof] .

d}n] ca s] ug]{ s] gug]{ bf]wf/df k/]+. w]/}hgf 8fS6/x? ;+u kl5sf] pkrf/sf] ljifodf ;/ ;Nnfx lng vf]h+] . 8f= gf/fo0f uf]ljGb cdfTon] aDa] nUg' 8f= l83{l;∙ adn] klg aDa] nUg' eGof] . t/ 8f= /fd5fofdfg cdfTon] lbNnLdf AIIMS nUg' eGg' eof] d k/]+ slxNo} lab]z guPsf] JolQm . ca d}n] s] ug]{ t< ;f]Rbf ;f]Rb} kf+r 5 lbg laTof]. a'afsf] /f]u lgsf] ePg .

cGtdf d]/f] efph'sf] bfO{ lbNnLdf ePsf] ofb cfof] . To;}n] lbNnLd} nfg] lg0f{o u/]+ . t/ ca hfg] s;/L t< km]/L csf{] ;d:of cfof] . la/fdL a'afnfO{ s;/L a; / 6]||\|gaf6 lbNnL nfg] t < kl5

AoSt ug{ g;s]sf] zAb ===cltg} udL{ dlxgf ePsf]n] xl:k6n hfg cfpg klg lgs} d'lZns lyof] . To;/L hrfp+bf hrfp+b} k'/} Ps dlxgf lalt;Sof] . clGtddf Diagnosis sf] l/kf]{6 cfof] l/kf]{6df hDdf 5 j6f cIf/ n]lvPsf] == == = = =

/laGb| >][email protected]



d]/f] 7'nf] bfO{ df]xgs[i0f / km'km'sf] 5f]/f gj/fhbfO{ klg ;u}+ nfg] lg0f{o u/]/ rf/} hgfnfO{ RNAC sf] 2way l6s6 lnP/ ;a} rf+hf]kf+hf] ldnfP/ l6lr∙ xl:k6ndf cf7 lbg a;]/ Toxf+af6 l;w} lbNnL uof}+ . t/ Toqf] 7'nf] zx/df xfdL rf/hgf sxf+ a:g] sxf+ vfg] eof] . kl5 rf/} hgf Pp6f cf>ddf a;]+.

Ps kN6 c:ktfndf hrfpgsf] nfuL l6s6 lng hf+bf t nfOg emGb} Ps lsnf] ld6/ hlt nfdf] lyof] . ca k/]g t km;fb. xfdLn] s]xL eGg ;s]g ToxL ;dodf Ps hgf ckl/lrt JolQm cfP/ xfdL;+u kl/ro ug'{ eof] . Tof] JolQm la/f6gu/sf] af;LGbf /x]5 pxf+ ;+u Pp6f l6s6 al9 ePsf]n] xfdLnfO{ lbof] . t/ lbNnLdf xfd|f] b]zsf] 8fS6/ h:tf] 5}g Toxf+ b'O{ ltg lbg la/fP/ hrfpg' kg]{ eof] .

bfO{x?sf] clkm;df labf w]/} lng gldNg] ePkl5 pxf+x? b; lbgd} g]kfn kmls{g' eof]. ca /Xof] d / d]/f] la/fdL a'af . Pslbg /flt ePsf]n] cf>daf6 aflx/ k7fPg Tof] lbg d / d]/f] a'afn] la:s'6 / kfgL dfq vfP/ ;'Tg vf]h] t/ dnfO{ lgb|f nfu]g Tof] /ft d ;'s;'s u/]/ w]/} /f]P+. b; lbg hlt cf>ddf a;]kl5 xfd|f] b'vM b]v]/ d / a'afnfO{ efph'sf] bfO{sf] Sjf6/df nu]/ /fVg' eof]. pxfx?n] xfdLnfO{ vfg] / c:ktfndf hrfpg nfgsf] nflu w]/} d2t ug'{ eof] . km]/L cltg} udL{ dlxgf ePsf]n] xl:k6n hfg cfpg klg lgs} d'lZns lyof] . To;/L hrfp+bf hrfp+b} k'/} Ps dlxgf lalt;Sof] . clGtddf Diag-nosis sf] l/kf]{6 cfof] l/kf]{6df hDdf 5 j6f cIf/ n]lvPsf] lyof] .

a'afn] ;f]Wg' eof] s] ePsf] /x]5. Tolta]nf d]n} s]xL af]Ng} ;s]g / d]/f] 3f+6L ca?4 eof] . d]/f] cfvf+df cf+;' dfq cfO/Xof] . Tof] b]v]/ a'afn] larf/ ug'{ eof] ls jxf+nfO{ 7'n} /f]u nfu]5 eg]/ . To;kl5 a'afn] t'?Gt} g]kfn kms{g lhl2 ug'{ eof] / Ps dlxgfsf] nfuL cf}ifwL lbNnLaf6} vl/b u/]/ xfdL ef]nL kN6} g]kfn kmSof}+ . oxf+ kms{]/ 5 dlxgf ;Dd lbNnLsf] 8fS6/sf] ;Nnfx cg';f/ pkrf/ ub}{ /Xof}+ . 5 dlxgf kl5 km]l/ d / d]/f] a'af lbNnL bf];|f] k6ssf]] r]scksf] nfuL uof}+ .

lbNnLsf] 8fS6/n] cGtdf 5 dlxgf eGbf al9 ga:g] h:tf] ;Nnfx lbg' eof]] . Toxf+ b; lbgdfq a;]/ xfld 3/ kmls{xfNof}+ . of] s'/f d}n] 3/df s;}nfO{ eGg ;s]g . s]lx dlxgf kl5 km]/L /f]un] RofKb} Nofof] / xfdLn] km]/L sf7df08f} gl;{∙ xf]d lqk'/]Zj/df b; lbg hlt /fVof}.

To; a]nf g]kfndf @)$^ ;fnsf] cfGbf]ng eO/fv]sf] lyof] . hfg cfpg w]/} d'lZsn kYof{]{. sk{m\o" eO/fv]sf] lyof] . To;k5L 3/df km]l/ d]/f] / efO{sf] laafxsf] s'/f ;'? eof] . a'afsf] /f]u d / d]/f] ;fgf] lbbLnfO{ dfq yfxf lyof] . ca s] ug]{ t < d}n] ;f]r]+ klxnf efO{sf] laafx ug'{ knf{ kl5 b]vf hfouf eGg] ;f]r]]/ klxnf efO{sf] a}zfvsf] cIfo t[tLofsf] ;fOt ldnfP/ nugv]nsf] dxfnIdL :yfgdf uO{ efO{sf] laafx ul/ lbof}+ . csf{] 5 dlxgf kl5 d]/f] laafxsf] s'/f rNbf rNb} km]l/ a'afnfO{ /f]un] RofKg yfNof]. a'afnfO{ km]l/ ;f]x| lbg nugv]n xl:k6ndf /fv]/ Nofof}+ . kl5 3/}df /fv]/ cf}ifwL ub}{ /Xof}+ . la:tf/} a'afsf] xf]; 36\b} uof] . cat ePg d]/f] laafx ug}{ kg]{ eof]

eg]/ cfdfn] eGg yfNg' eof] / d]/f] laafxsf] ;fO6 / lbg x]g{ yfNg' eof] .

a'afsf] gfbL emgemg sd x'+b} uof] . d]/f] :joDa/sf] cf7 lbg kl5 dfq hGt hfg] ;fOt ldNof] . ToxL cf7 lbg klg a'afsf] la/fdLn] ubf{ kv{g uf¥xf] uf¥xf] ePsf] lyof] . t}klg lagf v'lzofnL d'6' b¥xf] kf/]/ laafxsf] sfd ;DkGg u/]+ . wGo laafx klg ;Sof] / ef]h et]/ klg ;s]sf] bf];|f] lbg d]/f] cfdfn] xf];} gePsf] a'afnfO{ a'xf/LnfO{ -kb\df_ b]vfP/ eGg'eof] x]g'{; t xfd|f] 5f]/f]sf] a'xf/L . ToxL ;dodf xf];} gePsf] a'afn] PSsf;L cf+vf vf]n]/ a'xf/LnfO{ x]/]/ xf+:g' eof] / t'?Gt} cfkm\gf] xftn] cfkm\gf] 5ftL bn]/ cf+vf lrDn+b} k'if dlxgfsf] ltg ut] lr;f] lbgdf o; ;+;f/af6 labf lng' eof] .

To;kl5 d}n] ;a}nfO{ eg] a'afnfO{ CANCER ePsf] lyof] .


Year 2013 has gone past. With the start of year 2014 long awaited MBBS course of our daughters has come to an end. They are coming to Nepal af-ter completion of their course. If I were in Nepal, I would have been much happy being together with daughters. I am not feeling good as my daughters are not with me. They will stay with their uncle & aunty in Nepal. It will be a new ex-perience for them. If they get permission for intern-ship in Nepal, they will stay in Nepal. Otherwise they will be back to China for another one year.

Internship in Nepal is good for all the students. They will get more chance to practice. Practice makes man perfect. I always feel joy for they becoming Doc-tor. My dream day is near-ing day by day. It is away by internship period only. In fact my dream has come true as the daughters have completed MBBS course & internship only remains.

Materialization of a dream is not a small thing. It is a big victory of our life.

Sabita [email protected]

+1 703 401 5179

I always feel joy for they becoming Doctor. My dream day is nearing day by day.



Pain that will not healConfusion in my heart,Heart is as cold as steelThat is breaking me apart. Pain is everywhereIn every part of my body and soulNo one can understand me nor hear,What my heart is pleading for. Misunderstood and confusedAlone, broken and weak,But still nobody knows the answerAs I refuse to speak.


Urja [email protected]

98130 22600

Everything is oh so wrong,It’s not the way it should be.I’m trying to be strong,So, they won’t be able to see. The pain that fills me from insideAnd surrounds me like darkness,I don’t try to run or hide,I will find me nevertheless. Sorrow, ache and grieve,Have always been by my side,And as long as I live,Will be filling me from inside.

Pain that is because of confusion and misunderstanding takes place deep in the heart, No one can understand nor hear pleading from heart takes place sorrow, ache and grieve.

Year 2013 has gone past. With the start of year 2014 long awaited MBBS course of our daughters has come to an end. They are coming to Nepal af-ter completion of their course. If I were in Nepal, I would have been much happy being together with daughters. I am not feeling good as my daughters are not with me. They will stay with their uncle & aunty in Nepal. It will be a new ex-perience for them. If they get permission for intern-ship in Nepal, they will stay in Nepal. Otherwise they will be back to China for another one year.

Internship in Nepal is good for all the students. They will get more chance to practice. Practice makes man perfect. I always feel joy for they becoming Doc-tor. My dream day is near-ing day by day. It is away by internship period only. In fact my dream has come true as the daughters have completed MBBS course & internship only remains.

Materialization of a dream is not a small thing. It is a big victory of our life.

Sabita [email protected]

+1 703 401 5179

I always feel joy for they becoming Doctor. My dream day is nearing day by day.




Eena [email protected]

061 414 844 345

My name is Eena Shrestha. I have many dolls with me. I have Barbie dolls, Teddy Bear, Mickey Mouse, Doggy. I received all of them as gifts but my special dolly is my new Ballerina doll Emma.

Emma and Waxi the teddy boy plays together. Emma is five years old, Waxi also five years old. Then they played castle together till it was bed time. While they were playing the game Teddy became a King and Ballerina became a queen. Two Barbies became prince and princess. Doggy were guarding them. Princess have a tiny doll also to play with.

A princes asked to her mum “Can we play with the guard Doggy?”

Queen said, “Of course, dear.”

Then princess and queen played with the Doggy. They played and played and ..... For long time. Then they went back to their castle.

It is lunch time. They all sat around the dining table. Doggy the guard is outside the gate and waiting for his lunch. King and queen sat in front of each other. Prince and Princess sat right and left of King and queen. They had very nice lunch. The lunch was their favorite spaghetti with swiss cheese.

Then princesses went for shopping in the mall, doggy the guard still guarding the castle.

I love my new Ballerina doll Emma, who became Queen.

Thank you.


They played castle together till it was bed time. While they were playing the game Teddy became a King and Ballerina became a queen.

Nikesh [email protected]



Remembering the good times in the past

We shred in tears in tears as they never last

It ain’t easy knowing we have to part

Cause the memories are carved in our heart.

The fond memories that we share

Your kind heart, the love and careLife will give you

the things you wishYour friendship we do cherish.


Days are getting f illed with sorrowFeels like there is no tomorrow.

Now, that you’re gone we feel so hollow

We wish, we could just follow

Days are getting filled with sorrowFeels like there is

no tomorrow.

You will be far but you will have your phone

So, just remember us when you’re all alone

Without you we are just doomed

So leave now, but come back soon.

Maybe it’s fate we have to part

With no one to lead, we are left in the dark

Can’t explain this rising feelingYou will be back

but my soul still bleeding


d Ps ;fwf/0f kl/jf/df x's{]sL dlxnf hf] clxn] ;Dd ;fwf/0f hLjgdf ;Gt'i6 5'. sIff !) sIff ;Dd ;/sf/L ljBfnodf ;fwf/0f lzIfflbIff kfP+. ;dosf] ultdf Tof] d}n] kfPsf] ;fwf/0f z}lIfs tflnd kof{Kt lyPg . To;}n] a]nf avt 3/df cfdf / bfO{ efph'nfO{ s]xL yk z}lIfs Joj;flos tflnd lng / l;Sg s]xL cfly{s ;xof]usf] dfu uy]{+ t/ d]/f] cg'/f]w Joy{ hfGYof] . pN6} slxn] sf+xL ckzJb klg vfg' kYof]{ . d d]/f] cfsf+IffnfO{ bafP/ ;'Ty+] lbg latfp+y] . To; ;do kl/l:ytLdf 5f]/La]6Ln] 5f]/f dfG5]n] h:tf] ;lhn} slx+ cfgf hfgf ug]{ cg'dtL kfp+b}gYof] .

d]/f] lax] kl5 d]/f] lhGbuLdf Pp6f 7'nf] kl/jt{g cfof] . lax] u/]]/ cfPsf] 3/ dfO{lt 3/ h:tf] ;+s'lrt lyPg . l;Sg] / l;sfpg] s'/fdf lgs} :jtGq

kfPsf] 5' . h;sf] kmn:j?k d]/f] lax] kl5 d}n] y'k|} s'/fx? l;Sg kfP+ . ljleGg 7fp+df w'Dg] cj;/ kfP+, dgdf nfu]sf s'/f cfk;df af9\g kfP+ . Ps u[x0fL 3/df al; ;dfh ;]jfdf klg cfj4 eO{ y'k|} s'/fx? l;Sg ;lsg] /x]5 . o:tf] l;Sg] k|]/0ff lbg'x'g] d]/f] >Ldfg, b'O{ 5f]/Lx? / kf;f w's" h:sf ;Dk"0f{ kl/jf/nfO{ x[bo b]lv wGojfb lbg rfxG5'.

ut @)&) ;fn kf}if dlxgfdf d}n] lnPsf] g]kfn /]8s|; 4f/f ;Grflnt Ps xKt] k|fylds pkrf/ tflndjf6 kfPsf] s]xL cg'ej tkfO{x? ;fd' af9\g rfxG5' . xfd|f] g]kfnsf] e"kl/:yLtL cg';f/ cem egf} sf7df08f} pkTosfsf] e'sDksf] hf]lvd / b}aL k|sf]k kl5 ug{' kg]{ p4f/sf sfd lqmof ;DaGwL tflndsf] klxnf] lbg d]/f] z}lIfs of]Uotfsf] sdLn] s]xL cK7]/f] knf{sL eg]/ 8/ nfu]sf] lyof] . tflnd rNb} hf+bf Tof] 8/ x6\b} uof] lsgsL To; lsl;dsf] tflnd hf];'s}n] lng' kg]{ /x]5 eGg] s'/f ;a}n] dxz"; uof]{ .

d Ps ;fwf/0f u[x0fLn] o:tf] /fd|f] tflnd l;Sg kfpg' cToGt} efUodfgL ;Demg' kb{5. tflnd cjlwdf ljleGg k|sf]kaf6 s;/L aRg], k|sf]k k5L k|fylds pkrf/ s;/L ug]{, s:tf s:tf ;d:ofx? cfp+5g / ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg ug]{ eGg] s'/f k|of]ufTds t/Lsfn] /fd|f]

ejfgL g][email protected]


k|fylds pkrf/ tflndd]/f] lax] kl5 d]/f] lhGbuLdf Pp6f 7'nf] kl/jt{g eof] . lax] u/]]/ cfPsf] 3/ dfO{lt 3/ h:tf] ;+s'lrt lyPg . l;Sg] / l;sfpg] s'/fdf lgs} :jtGq kfPsf] 5' . h;sf] kmn:j?k d]/f] lax] kl5 d}n] y'k|} = = = =



;+u l;Sg] df}sf kfP+ . e}k/L cfpg] hLp Hofgsf] ;d]t p4f/ ug{' kg]{ l:ytLdf d }n ] l;s ]sf k | fylds pkrf/ k |of ]udf Nofpg ]5 ' . cfkm'n] ;s];Dd rf+8f] wfO{t]nfO{ ;'/lIft tl/sfn] arfP/ c:ktfn ;Dd NofP/ dflg;sf] Hofg arfpg] st{Jo d k'/f ug]{5' .

ljleGg k|sf]kdf dfgj p4f/ tflnd k5L s]xL lgDg lnvLt dxTj k"0f{ s'/fx? ;a}n] hfGg' a'em\g' kb{5 .

s_ k|sf]ksf ;dodf cToGt k|of]udf cfpg] ;fdu|Lx? 3/df ;a}n] b]Vg] 7fp+df /fVg' kb{5 h'g o; k|sf/ 5 .

!_ k|fylds prf/sf nflu rflxg] cf}ifwLsf] afs; tof/L cj:yfdf /fVg]

@_ x]Nd]6, a'6, l;7\7L, sDan cfk\mgf] sf]7fdf /fVg]

#_ sDtLdf # lbgsf] nflu

lrp/f, bfndf]7, la:s'6, lrgL, lrof s'sLh, rsn]6 cfbL xfjf gl5g]{ u/L sfuhdf kf]sf] kf/]/ /fVg] .

v_ 3/ kl/jf/ leq ug{' kg]{ s'/fx?

!_ cfO{kg]{ cfs:dLs b'w{6gf / b}aL k|sf]k af/] kl/jf/ ;b:o lar aRg] arfpg] h:tf ;fGble{s s'/fx? ;do ;dodf 5nkmn ug{' kb{5 .

@_ l6 eL, /]l8of]df s'g} tflnd ;DaGwL 1ffgu'0fsf s'/f x]g{'a'em\g' / l;Sg ;a}nfO{ k|]/0ff lbg] .

#_ k|fylds pkrf/ ug]{ tl/sf l;Sg] / l;sfpg] s'/fdf k5L gkg]{

$_ laktLsf] a]nf s;/L ;+odtf ckgfpg] eGg] s'/f a]nf avt ;Nnfx ug]{ .

%_ b'w{6gf x'+bf s] ug{' kb{5 / s] ug{' x'+b}g eGg] s'/f ;s] hlt l;sL /fVg] .

tkfO{ xfd|f] ;dofg's'n kf;f w's" hM ;M sf] dfl;s a}7sdf jf c? s'g} ;dodf d}n] l;s]sf s'/fx? l;sfp+b} hfg]5' . tkfO{x? lgz+sf]r cfkm\gf] lh1ffzf /fVg ;Sg' x'g]5 .


@)&) bz}+sf] l6sf yfKb} O{gf >]i7


of] zAb cfhef]ln x/]ssf] d'vaf6 ;'lg+b} cfO{/x]sf], 5fkfdf klg 5fO{/x]sf] / ax'rlr{t k[ys zAb ePsf] x'gfn] dnfO{nfO{ klg o;sf] cy{ a'em\g dg nfUof].

afaf zAb t w]/} ;'lg+b} cfPsf], af]lnrflndf k|of]u x'+b} cfPsf] zAb xf] . 5f]/f 5f]/Lx?n] cfkm\gf] a'afnfO{ af]nfpg k|of]u x'g] zAbxf] ‘afaf’ .

1ffgL, tkZjL, ;fw', ;Gt tyf hf]lux?nfO{ af]nfp+bf klg afaf eGg] u/]sf] dnfO{ yfxf 5 . h:t} c3f]/Lafaf, hf]luafaf, afaf /fdb]j cfbL . t/ ‘v8]afaf’ s'g lsl;dsf] ‘afaf’ xf] yDofpg ;fx|} ufx|f] eof] .

clg Psl5g ;f]r]+ ;w}+ ple/x]g] a'afnfO{ lh:SofP/ af]nfp+g k|of]u ubf{ elgg] zAb x'g\sL < cyjf w]/} v8f eP/ -pleP/_ tk:of ug{] ;fw' ;GtnfO{ lbg] pkgfd xf] sL a'em\g} ;lsg . o;sf] cy{ a'em\\g zAbsf]z kN6fP+ t/klg o;sf] cy{ kfpg ;lsg. o:t} ;f]Rbf ;f]Rb} crfgs cfkm\gf] cuf8L /x]sf] klqsfdf cfkm\gf] cf+vf kg{ uof] . To;df n]lvPsf] ;dfrf/sf ] lzi f {s lyof ] ‘d]l8sn]hdf v8]afaf’. cfkm'nfO{ t 9'uf+ vf]Hbf b]p6f e]6\6fP h:t} eof] . pSt ;dfrf/ pT;'stfsf ;fy k9\b} uP+ kl5 kf] yfxf kfP+ v8]afafsf] cy{ . klx]n] cfkm'n] ;f]r] h:t} o;sf] cy{ g t a'af /x]5 g t ;fw' ;Gt g}, o;sf] cy{ t gSsnL 8fS6/ kf] /x]5 .

g]kfndf ;+rfng eO{/x]sf k|fO{e]6 d]l8sn sn]hsf] u'0f:t/, dfkb08 k'/f eP gePsf], laBfly{x?sf] l;6 ;+Vof lgwf{/0f tyf ;dGjo lbg] (letter of intent) cfbL OTofbLsf] l;nl;nfdf laZj laBfnosf] g]kfn d]l8sn sfplG;n (NMC) n] ;do ;dodf k|fO{e]6 d]l8sn sn]hx?sf] lgl/If0f ug{} ul/G5 . o;} qmddf k|fO{e]6 d]l8sn sn]hx?n] ef/taf6 gSsnL 8fS6/x?NofO{ cfkm\gf] sn]hsf]

;'/]z dfg >][email protected]


v8]afafpSt ;dfrf/ pT;'stfsf ;fy k9\b} uP+ kl5 kf] yfxf kfP+ v8]afafsf] cy{ . klx]n] cfkm'n] ;f]r] h:t} o;sf] cy{ g t a'af /x]5 g t ;fw' ;Gt g}, o;sf] cy{ t gSsnL 8fS6/ kf] /x]5 .


km\ofsN6L d]Da/ -cWofks_ egL lgl/If0f 6f]nL ;dIf dfkb08 k'/f ePsf] egL b]vfpg pEofO{g] 8fS6/nfO{ kf] v8]afaf eGbf] /x] . aNn kf] yfxf eof] . o;/L v8f ul/Psf] v8]afaf lgl/If0f ;s]kl5 cfkm\g} uGtAodf kmsf{O{g] /x]5.

laZjdf gof+ gof+ zAbx? lgl:s/x]sf] x'G5 / ;g\ @)!# df klg c+u|]hL zAb ;]NkmL (selfie) cfkm}n] cfkm\gf] kmf]6f] lvr]/ ;f]l;on d]l8ofdf cknf]8 ug{] rng eGg] zAbnfO{ a8{ ckm b Oo/ gfd lbP h:t} v8]afaf zAbn] la=;+= @)&) sf] g]kfnL efiffsf] aif{sf] zAbsf] pkfwL gkfpnf eGg s] a]/ .

pkm s:tf] la8Dagf xfd|f] /fi6\|sf] xfdLx?sf] xfd|f eljZosf] ⁄ nfvf}+ k};f lt/]/ k lg dfkb08 gk 'u ]s f ] d]l8sn sn]hdf k9\g' kg{], k9fpg' kg{], To:tf sn]haf6 lg:s]sf 8fS6/x?sf] u'0f:t/ ltgLx?n] ul/g] :jf:Yo kl/If0f tyf pkrf/ / v8]afafsf] k|s/0f xfdLn] slxn] ;Dd em]Ng' kg{] xf], yfxf 5}g .

t} klg cGtdf eGg} kg{] s'/f,

v8]afaf gNofpg' . gcfpg' .


labfO{ sfo{qmdf lut ufp+b} hM kl/jf/

afli{fs ;fwf/0f ;efdf sfo{qmdf k|:t't ub{} P/f]g / lg/]z


Roses have been in existence for around 32 million years, and have been used for many reasons since the ancient civilizations including the Greeks, Romans, and Persians. Roses have been bred to be colorful, fragrant, and hearty for thousands of years.

Rose flower is not anything new to any one. This is a common flower. There are over 100 species and vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white through yellows and reds.

The flowers are presented in various occasions like Birthday, new baby borne, sympathy, get well etc. Red roses are given to those who you want to show love and passion, people

who you have great respect for, and those who have shown great courage.

The quantity can also have a special meaning. A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty-five shows congratulations and fifty show unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolizes an engagement.

The shade of the red has a meaning as well. Bright red means love, burgundy means unconscious love, dark crimson is used to show mourning. A withered red rose is used to show that the love is over. A red rosebud symbolizes youthful love and beauty.

Did you know ?

Red (Dark) Roses :

Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations,

Coral Roses : A coral rose symbolizes desire, passion

BuNch OF ROSES TO PASA jA: SA: ANd dhuku

A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty f ive shows congratulations and f ifty shows unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolizes an engagement.

Rojee [email protected]

061 414 844 345


Double Delight Tea Roses :

Double delight tea rose, a tea roses mean ‘I’ll always remember you. Green Roses :

Green is the color of har-mony, of opulence, of fertility. It is also a color indicative of peace and tranquillity.

Blue Roses :

The Blue roses cannot be achieved naturally so they represent the unattainable or the mysterious.

Black Roses :

Black roses convey the death of a feeling or idea. Sending black roses to someone indicates the death of the relationship.

Orange Roses :

Enthusiasm, Desire, Fasci-nation Pink Roses :

Appreciation, “Thank you”, Grace, Perfect Happiness, Admiration,

Light Pink Roses :

Admiration, Sympathy, Gentleness, Grace, Glad-ness, Joy, Sweetness. Dark Pink Roses :

Appreciation, Gratitude, “Thank You” Purple Roses :

A purple rose may mean enchantment or enthrall-ment to convey love at first sight. It can also mean opulence, glory and maj-esty.

Peach Roses :

Appreciation, Closing the deal, Let’s get together, Sincerity, Gratitude Yellow Roses :

Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, Welcome Back, Remember Me, Yellow with Red Tip Roses :

Friendship, Falling in Love

Red and Yellow Roses :

20Jovial and Happy Feelings

White Roses :

White is the color of purity, chastity and innocence. White flowers are generally associated with new begin-nings.

White (Bridal) Roses :

Happy love Deep Burgundy Roses :

Unconscious Beauty Mixed Roses:

“I don’t know what my feelings are yet but I sure do like you enough to send you roses.” Red and White Roses :

Given together, these sig-nify unity

Yellow and Orange Roses :

yellow and orange roses given together symbolize passionate ideas

Rainbow Roses :

The Rainbow rose are sometimes called happy roses . They don’t have a specific meaning like other color roses, but combines all the symbolism of each color. There are also meanings hidden in the number of roses exchanged be-tween people. Some of these meanings have been derived from visual sig-nificance, while some have caught on from popular stories and myths. Our comprehensive guide to the numbers and meanings of roses is your resource for rose interpretation.

Roses by the Numbers : Single Rose : The single

rose, whatever its color, depicts utmost devotion to a single person.

Two Roses : Two roses that are entwined, regardless

of color, mean Mutual feelings, especially if they are red in color speak of two people who are deeply in love and together form their own happy little world.

Three Roses : Stand for the three words in “I Love You”, and seek to convey this very simple yet powerful message.

Five Roses : I love you very much.

Six Roses : I love you, I miss you. Speak of the need to be loved and cherished.

Seven Roses : I’m infatu-ated with you

Nine Roses : Together as long as we live

Ten Roses : You are prettyEleven Roses :You’re my

treasured one. To as-sure someone that he or she is truly and deeply loved.

Twelve Roses : Be my steady.

Thirteen Roses : Forever friends. Also indicate that there is a secret admirer waiting to be discovered, indicate a secret admirer

Fifteen Roses : I’m really sorry.

Twenty Roses: I’m sincere towards you.

Twenty One Roses: I’m committed to you

Twenty Four Roses : You’re always on my mind. Stand for the twenty-four hours of the day, and say that the loved one is thought of during every hour of the day.

Thirty Six Roses : I’ll re-

member our romantic moments. Speak of a romantic attachment

Forty Roses : My love is genuine.

Forty Four Roses : Pledge a constant and an unchanging love.

Fifty Roses : Signify a love that has ripened well, and has never been regretted.

Ninety Nine Roses : I’ll love you till the day I die.

Hundred Roses : I’m totally devoted to you. Signify a happy union of two loving souls till death or till a hundred years.

Hundred & One Roses : You’re my one and only.

Hundred & Eight Roses : Will you marry me?

Three Hundred & Sixty Five Roses: I love you every single day. Speak of a love that has remained constant and true throughout the year.

Nine Hundred and Nine-ty Nine Roses: My love will last till the end of time.

One Thousand & One Roses :Speak of a faithful love that will live on forever.

With Luv,

;SbLg ca la;{g d

ca 6f9f 6f9f eP/

d'6' g} r'8fO{ nu] klg

ltdLnfO{ 5'6fpg ;Sb}g ca

lbof] hln /x]sf]5

d'6'sf] sf] s'gfdf

ofb To;} cfO{ lbG5

cf+vfsf] k/]nLdf

;SbLg ca la;{g d

ca 6f9f 6f9f eP/

d'6' g} r'+8fO{ nu] klg

ltdLnfO{ 5'6fpg ;Sb}g ca

;lSbg la;{g d

O{l/gf >][email protected]




o; jif{sf] xfd|f kfO{nfx? kR5\ofp+bf lgs} nlDsPsf] kfO{nfx? Kffof}+ . xfd|f kf;f w's" hM / ;M ;fyLx? Ps cfk;df tfnd]n ldnfp+b} Ps}gf;n] k|ult kydf nlDs/x]sf 5g\ . of] jif{ @)&) ;fndf xfd|f kfO{nfx?n] bx|f] kfO{nf 6]s]sf 5\g .

xfd|f ;fyLx? lbks kl/jf/, ;'/]z kl/jf/ / xfdL -/fh' kl/jf/_ gof+ 3/sf] ;'?jft ;+u} gof+ k|ult / pQ/f]Q/ pGgltsf] nflu w]/} w]/} z'e sfdgf .

o:t} u/L xd|f ;fyLx? k|lbk kl/jf/ / czf]s kl/jf/n] o' = P;= P, ci6| \ ]lnofsf] hLjg z}nL;+u /Dg] df}sf kfpg' ePsf] 5 . of] gof+ ;'?jftsf] nflu xfd|f ;fyLx?af6 pxf+x?sf] tLa| ultdf pGglt / rfxgf k'uf]; eGg] z'esfdgf .

o:t} k|ultsf] s|ddf xfd|f ;fyLx? pbo kl/jf/ / O{Gb| kl/jf/ nufot /fh' kl/jf/ / Pg= s]= kl/jf/ ljb]z w'Dg] df}sf kfPsf 5g\ . o;/L xfd|f kfO{nfx? :jb]z nufot lab]z lt/ klg nlDs+b} 5g . of] jif{sf] qmlds e]6wf6sf] qmddf xfdLn] ;fyLx?af6 pxf+x?sf] a+}]ss, cd]l/sf, ci6]|\lnof / clk|msfsf] cg'ejx? cfbfg

dfnf nfv][email protected]

9841 241426

xfd|f kfO{nfx?dbg bfO{ / kl/jf/af6 ;bf e}m of] aif{ klg xfdLn] gof+ s'/fx? l;Sg] df}sf kfof}+ . dg>L / pmhf{ of] w's"sf] w'sw"sL x'g\ . ejfgL efph' / dbg bfO{sf] cfTdLotf of] kf;f w's" hM / ;M n] plQs} kfO/x]sf] 5 .

k|bfg ug]{ df}sf kfof}+ .

dbg bfO{ / kl/jf/af6 ;bf e}m of] aif { klg xfdLn] gof+ s'/fx? l;Sg] df}sf kfof}+. dg>L / pmhf{ of] w's"sf] w'sw"sL x'g\ . ejfgL efph' / dbg bfO{sf] cfTdLotf of] kf;f w's" hM / ;M n] plQs} kfO/x]sf] 5 .

/lj bfO{ / kl/jf/ k|lt klg xfdL w's" hM / ;M k|lt cfef/L 5 . pxf+x?sfn] cfk\mgf] tMem\of u'7Lsf] cxd lhDd]jf/L x'+bf x'+b} klg xfd|f] qmlds e]6wf6df s]xL sdL x'g lbg' ePg . pxf+x?nfO{ klg ;kmntfsf ;fy cfk\mgf] bfloTj k"0f{ ?kdf lgefpg' ePsf]df awfO{ 5 .

d olt eGb} o; aif{sf] pknJwLx?sf ;fy} cfpg] aif{x?df klg of] kf;f w's" hM / ;M x?nfO{ cfk\mgf] kfO{nfx? tLa| ultdf k|ult kydf nlDs /xf]; eGg] z'esfdgf lbG5' .

ho kf;f w's" ho hM ho ;M .


kÍff >][email protected]


tl:a/ cfkm} af]N5

d]/f] b]z g]kfn xf]. of] b]z Pl;of dxfb]zdf kb{5 . of] b'O{ lazfn b]zx? ef/t / rLgsf] lardf /x]sf] 5 . of] b]z o'uf}+ b]lv :jtGq b]z xf] . d]/f] b]z g]kfn k|s[lt, ;+:s[lt, O{ltxf;, snf, ;flxTo cflbn] wgL 5 . d]/f] b]z d]/f] hGde"ld / d]/f] sd{e"ld xf] . d]/f] nflu d]/f] b]z d]/f] d'6' ;dfg xf] .

g]kfn k||s[lts ;f]Gbo{n] el/Psf] b]z xf] . of] b]zsf] agf}6 lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{ ldn]/ ag]sf] 5 . lxdfn g]kfnsf] uf}/j xf] . lxdfnsf] km]bdf 8f+km], nflnu'/f+;, lxdlrt'jf cflb kfp+5 . oxf+ ;+;f/sf] ;af{]Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf klg 5 . ;u/dfyf ;fy} Nxf]T;], df5fk'R5|] , s+rgh+3f cflb h:tf cUnf cUnf lxdfnx?

klg 5g\ . oxL lxdfnsf] lxp+ kUn]/ sf]zL, u08sL, lqz'nL h:tf gbL gfnfx? ;nnn au]sf 5g\ . lxdfnx? x]g{ b]z lab]zsf nfvf}+ dflg;x? oxf+ cfp+5g\ . o;/L g]kfnsf] ko{6g Joj;fo klg /fd|/L rnfpg ;lsG5. kxf8df h+un hl8a'l6, v]ltkftL, kz'k+lIfx? kfO{G5. k'j{df lrof aufg klg 5 . of] lrofaf/L g]kfnsf] k|lz4 lrofaf/L xf]. t/fO{ g]kfnsf] nflu cGgsf] e08f/ xf] . t/fO{df k'/} g]kfnsf] nflu cGg kmN5. g]kfndf P]ltxfl;s tyf ;f+:s[lts If]qx? klg 5g\ . h:t} hgsk'/, dgsfddgf, uf]/vf b/jf/ cflb .

g]kfn k|flrg ;do b]lvg} tke"ld, hGde"ld cflbsf] ?kdf lrlg+b} cfPsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] O{ltxf; uf}/jdo 5. g]kfndf uf}td a'4, /fhf hgs, ;Ltf, e[s'tL, c/lgsf] / k[YaLgf/fo0f h:tf dxfg\ AolStx?sf] hGd ePsf lyP . g]kfn jL/x?sf] b]z xf] . clxnsf] ;do kl/jt{gzLn ePsfn] ca g]kfnLx?n] sndjL/ eP/ laZjdf lrlgg' kb{5. g]kfndf w]/} hghflt / efiffefifLsf dflg;x? a:b5g\ . g]kfn wd{ ;+:s[lt snf ;flxTo cflbn] klg wgL 5 .


d]/f] b]zg]kfndf uf}td a'4, /fhf hgs, ;Ltf, e[s'lt, c/lgsf] / k[lYa gf/fo0f h:tf dxfg\ AolQmx?sf] hGd ePsf lyP . g]kfn jL/x?sf] b]z xf] . oxf+ ;+;f/sf] ;af{]Rr lzv/ ;u/dfyf klg 5 . ;u/dfyf ;fy} Nxf]T;] = = =

O{R5f >][email protected]


g]kfnsf] O{ltxf;df g]kfnn] /f0ff zff;g, k+rfot tGq h:tf v/fa zf;gx?af6 kf/ u/]sf 5g\ . clxn] g]kfndf u0ftlGqo zf;gdf k|j]z u/]sf] 5. g]kfndf w]/} ;fwg >f]t eP/ klg laZjs} ul/a b]zdf kb{5. of] b]z ul/a x'g'df zf;sx?sf] lagf ;f]r df]h ug{] aflgg} xf] .

g]kfnsf] lasf; ug{ lzIffsf] lasf; ug{' kb{5 . s[lif / ko{6g Aoa;fonfO{ lasf; u/]/ b]z wgL agfpg ;lsG5. g]kfn cf}Bf]lus ?kdf / k|fls[lts ?kdf ;'Gb/ 5 . o;sf] lasf; ug{ g]kfnLn] kf}/vdf hf+u/, dl:t:sdf ;dIfbf/L, x[b\odf Odfgbf/L / sf+wdf lhDd]jf/L af]s]/ sfd ug{' k5{. d]/f] b]z d]/f] hGde"ld / d]/f] sd{e"ld ePsfn] o;sf] pGgltdf d /dfpg rfxG5' . d]/f] b]z d]/f] ;a{Zj xf] .

ho g]kfn


labfO{ sfo{qmdf pkxf/ u|x0f ub{} czf]s / kl/jf/

;'l6∙ ub{} O{R5f / O{gf

dg'io hLjg O{Zj/sf] j/bfg xf]. dg'io hGd+b} cfk\mgf] cfk\mgf] efUo / sd{ lnP/ cfPsf x'G5g . ;a} dflg; ;+u 1ffg lng] kf+r 1ffg]lGb|o / sd{ ug]{ kf+r sd]{lGb|ox? x'G5g . oL b; O{lGb|ox?nfO{ ;xL af6f]df nufpg] sfd / cfdf, a'jf / u'?af6 l;s]sf 1ffgaf6 ;Dej x'G5 . o;/L cfdf, a'jf / u'?af6 l;s]sf 1ffgnfO{ g} xfdL laBf eG5f} . laBf efUo / sd{nfO{ pHofnf] kfg]{ Ps ;fwg xf] .

dflg;n] laBf ;'?df cfdf / a'jfaf6 g} kfPsf x'G5g . cfdf / a'jfn] cfk\mgf ;GtfgnfO{ ;xL dfu{ b]vfp+b} cfk\mgf ;Gtfgsf] nfng, kfngdf tNnLg eP/ laleGg sfo{x? ub{5g\ . cfdf a'jfsf] dfof, ddtfsf] 5f+ofdf x's]{sf ;Gtfgn] ;'vsf] cg'e"lt ub{5g\ . pgLx?n] ;'Gb/ elaio lgdf{0f ub}{ hfG5g . o;/L :g]x l;Sg ddtf kfP/ ;Gtfgn] la:tf/} la:tf/} laBf l;Sb} hfG5g . elaiodf cfk\mgf] d]xgt / kl/>daf6 ;Gtfg cfk}mn] laBf cWoogaf6 t]>f] cf+vf vf]Nb} hfg' k5{ . laBfn] dflg;nfO{ ;'v / ;Gtf]if k|bfg

u5{ .

laBf cWoogaf6 cfGtl/s / afx\o zlSt k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5. laBfn] cfk'mnfO{ dfq xf]Og ;+;f/nfO{ g} cf]lst kf/]sf 5 . d"v{sf] hLjg kz';/x x'G5 eGg] la4fg dflg;sf] hLjg ;+;f/el/ ;DdfggLo / k'Ho x'g] u5{.

laBf cfh{g u/]sf] dflg;n] af:tljs ;'vsf] cg'ej u5{ . la4fg dflg;sf] uxgf g} p;sf] la4tf x'g] u5{ . dfG5] ;j{u'0f ;DkGg eP/ dfq 7"nf] dfG5] aGb}g . ;+;f/df wgnfO{ eGbf laBfnfO{ ;a{>]i7 wg / huts} uxgf dflgPsf] 5 . laBfn] ;xL dfu{ b]vfp+5 . clg ;'Gb/ elaio lgdf{0f ug{ ;xof]u u5{. eljiodf cfpg] ;Gtltx?nfO{ klg ;xL dfu{ b]vfpg ;xof]u k'¥ofp+5 . laBf o:tf] zlSt xf] h'g cfk'mdf ePsf 1ffg, a'l4x? c?df af9\b} hf+bf emg emg laBf zlQm a9b} hfg] x'G5 . t;y{ cfk'm klg l;sf} / c?nfO{ klg l;sfpm+ / ;xL dfu{df hfcf}+ .

o;/L xfdL cleefjsn] klg laBfsf] dxTj a'e]m/ cfk\mgf ;GtfgnfO{ laBf cfh{g ug]{ af6f]df nufpg' k5{ . laBf cfdf, a'jf / u'?ju{ h:tf dxfg JolQmsf] ;+ut / b}lgs cEof;af6 laBfsf] e08f/ dha't x'+b} hfG5. laBfn] dflg;nfO{ ;lx klxrfg u/fp+5 . dflg; 3gsf] cf9df eGbf laBfsf] cf9df cfk'mnfO{ kl/ro u/fp+bf lz/ g} pRr x'G5.

lagf [email protected]

laBf dflg;sf] t]>f] cf+vflaBf cfh{g u/]sf] dflg;n] af:tljs ;'vsf] cg'ej u5{ . la4fg dflg;sf] uxgf g} p;sf] la4tf x'g] u5{ . laBfn] ;xL dfu{ b]vfp+5 . clg ;'Gb/ elaio lgdf{0f ug{ ;xof]u u5{ .



Ruchee [email protected]



cfb/l0fo lkl8=h]=P;,zfb/ clegGbg,

ltd|f] cf+ugdf xfdL afn aflnsfx?n] cf>o kfPsf]]] lgs} lbg eof], lbgx? u'lh|of] /ft u'lh|of] jiff}{{ laTof] . Ps cfk;sf] dfof ddtfn] ;do sxf+ s;/L lalt/fv]sf] 5 s;}nfO{ kQf] g} ePg .

z'?jftsf lbgx?df ldqx? lar b'v ;'vsf s'/fx? af+9\g cK7\of/f] dfGg], Ps cfk;df ;xof]u ug{ cK7\of/f] dxz'; ug{] ldqx? cfh ltd|f] sfvdf a;]/ rnlkm/ ug{ kfp+bf ck\m7\of/f]kg ;a} x6b} uPsf] 5 . of] Gofgf] cf>onfO{ xfdL slxNo} la;{g ;Sb}gf} . cfkmGtn] p7fpg g;Sg] af]emx? klg ltd|f lkmlhPsf xTs]nfn] ;lhn} p7fO{ lbof] . d]/f ldqx?n] klg cfk\mgf] b'Mv j]bgfx? cfk}mdf dfq u'D:ofP/ g/fvL dnfO{ klg af+9L b]p egLlbg'; x} . dnfO{ ljZjf; 5, ltd|f] cfu|x s;}n] gsfg{ ;Sb}g .

dnfO{ dfkm ug{' . d]/f] lr7\7Lsf oL x/kmx?df d':sfgn] dfq eg{ ;lsPg . s]xL tLtf s]xL ld7f efjx? Klg oxf+ ld;LPsf 5g\ . elgG5 dgsf] ax dg}df dfq /fVbf 5tf5'Nn eP/ kf]lvg ;S5. o;y{ d]/f] dgsf s]xL af]em ltd|f] ;fd' la;fpg k'u]sf] 5' . ltd|f]] dfu{ bz{g ;xL cy{df kfngf ug]{ u/]sf] 5' t/ grfx+bf grfx+b} ;dtn af6f]df klg n8\g k'U5' . To;df afns ;DemL dfkm u/Llbg' x} .

x/]s jif{ ltd|f] cf+ugdf a;]]/ xfdL ljrf/x? cfbfg k|bfg ub{5f} . dfl;s a}7s clg aflif{s sfo{qmd klg u5f}{ . To; a]nf s] a'9f s] a'9L ;a} hgf Ps cfk;df /dfP/ sfo{qmd ub{5f} / tL lbg ;bfsf] nflu clj:d/l0fo g} x'G5 .

ut jif{sf] ;'of]{bodf s]xL lanf}gf u/]sf lyof} ca To:tf] x+'b}g. cfufdL gof+ aif{ @)&! ;fnsf]] k'j{ ;+Wofjf6} ;Dk"0f{ w's" h M ; M kl/jf/nfO{

dbg s[i0f g][email protected]


kf;f w's" hM ;M nfO{ lr7\7Lcfdfdf ePsf bof dfof, ;xgzLnt, Ifdf, l;h{gf cfbL w]/} u'0fx? x'g] x'gfn] afn aflnsfn] cfdfnfO{ O{Zj/ ;dfg cfb/ ug{'k5{ / kl/cfPsf] avt pxf+sf] ;xof]u ug{' k5{ .

d+undo z'esfdgf . ;bf kmnf];, k'mnf]; .

ltd|f]] sfvdf n8La'8L u/]/ v]n]sf, x's]{sf gfbfg afn aflnsfx? /x/n] ljb]lzPsf 5}gg\ . sf]xL k9\g lx+8] t sf]xL sfd ug{ . dfofsf] kf]sf] 5f]8]/ uPsf pgLx? k]m/L xfd|} cf+ugdf v]Ng] jrg lbP/ uPsf 5g\. o;y{ lrQ gb'vfpg' x} . ltdLnfO{ d jrg lbG5' ls lhGbuLsf] uf]/]6f]df clNemPsf sf+8fx? af6}df kmfNg]5' . b'Mv ;'v xfdL cfk;df af+9\g]5f+} . ltd|f] cf+ug ;bf kljq kf/]/ /fVg]5f}+ .

ltd|f sfvdf x's]{sf dfp afp, 5f]/f 5f]/L, O{i6 ldq ;a}sf] syf Joyf lgofNg] xf] eg] d}n} s'g} dxfg syfsf/x?sf] sfNkgLs syf k9\g' kb}{g . jf:tljs hLjgdf 36]sf 36gfx? g} y'k|} 5g\. t/ ltd|f] :ofxf/ ;';f/n] b'vfGt syfnfO{ /f]df~rs syfdf kl/jt{g u/fO{ lbG5 . nf]Ug]n] :jf:gLsf], :jf:gLn] nf]Ug]sf] syf ltdLnfO{ ;'gfP/ dg xn'sf] dfq kfg]{ xf]O{g, ;d:ofsf ;dfwfg klg ltdLaf6 g} x'G5 . o;}n] t dfl;s a}7s xf]; jf c? s'g} cf}krfl/s sfo{qmd, ;a}nfO{ Ps 7fp+df e]nf x'g cft'/ x'G5 .

a]nf avt Ps cfk;df ljrf/ lad;{ x'G5g\, tfls{s :j/n] ljjfb klg ub{5g\ . t/ xfdL larsf] cufw dfofn] ubf{ lemgf dl;gf cj/f]wx? af6}df lanfp+5g\ . ltd|f] 5f+ofdf s;}sf] lgotL k]ml/Psf 5}gg\ g t s'g} cefj sf] >[hgf g} ePsf] 5 . ;fbf hLjg pRr ljrf/ lnPsf xfdLn] x/If0f :juL{o cfgGb kfPsf 5f}+ .

d}n] ljb]z uPsf ldqx?nfO{ w]/} lbg eof] s'/f ug{ kfPsf] 5}g . ltdLn] s]xL va/ kfPdf jf s'/fsfgL ePdf pxf+x?nfO{ xfd|f] lrGtf glng' egL lbg' . ljb]zdf a:bf cfk\mgf] :jf:ysf] Vofn ug{' elglbg' . pxf+x?n] h'g sfd u/] klg dg nufP/ ug{ ;s'g eGg] xfd|f] sfdgf xf] .

ltd|f] cf+ugdf x's]{sf xfd|f gfgLx? lgs} 1ffgLsf] bhf{df k5{g\ . ltd|} ;+:sf/sf k|ltkmn n] xfdL afnsx?n] ;a} 7fp+df gfd sdfPsf 5g\ . w's" hM ;M ;a} ;fyLx? a]nf avt dgsf b'Mvx? Klg ;+lutsf] dfWodn] k|:t't u/]/ dg xn'sf] kfg{ ;kmn eO{;s]sf 5g\ .

c:tL ev{/}sf] sfo{qmdsf] :d/0f ug{ dg nfUof] . lgs]zn] ahfPsf] af+;'/Lsf w'g ltdLn] klg ;'Gof]} xf]nf . dnfO{ Tof] If0f cem} emn emn ofb cfp+5 . cem} oL d'6'sf s'gf s'gf ;Dd af+;'/Lsf] w'Gb cem} b'?:t u'lGh/x]sf] 5 . d]/f] tk{maf6 lgs]z afj'nfO{ Sofjft . Sofjft .. Sofjft ...

cfh ltd|f] cf+ugdf kl/jf/ ;+Vof sd eof] eg]/ lg/fz gx'g' . x/]z gvfO{sg w's" hM ;M sf kfqx? cfk\mgf cfk\mgf st{Jo lgefO{/x]sf 5g\ . lk/ dfg]/ pbfl;g gx'g', pxf+x?sf cf]7df :jR5Gb d':sfg NofP/ kms{g]5g\ . sxfnL nfUbf] /ft ;w} /xGg, ef]nL lztn piff cjio cfpg]5. cjio cfpg]5 .

cfh d]/f] sndn] oxL+ lj>fd vf]h]sf] 5, lj>fd lbG5' . k]m/L klg ltdLnfO{ o;/L g} dfof ddtfn] cf]tkf]t kq n]Vg] hdsf]{ ug]{5' . cfhnfO{ labf rfxG5' .

wGojfb .

ltd|} cleGg ldq dbg s[i0f g]jf


cfb/l0fo lkl8=h]=P;,zfb/ clegGbg,

ltd|f] cf+ugdf xfdL afn aflnsfx?n] cf>o kfPsf]]] lgs} lbg eof], lbgx? u'lh|of] /ft u'lh|of] jiff}{{ laTof] . Ps cfk;sf] dfof ddtfn] ;do sxf+ s;/L lalt/fv]sf] 5 s;}nfO{ kQf] g} ePg .

z'?jftsf lbgx?df ldqx? lar b'v ;'vsf s'/fx? af+9\g cK7\of/f] dfGg], Ps cfk;df ;xof]u ug{ cK7\of/f] dxz'; ug{] ldqx? cfh ltd|f] sfvdf a;]/ rnlkm/ ug{ kfp+bf ck\m7\of/f]kg ;a} x6b} uPsf] 5 . of] Gofgf] cf>onfO{ xfdL slxNo} la;{g ;Sb}gf} . cfkmGtn] p7fpg g;Sg] af]emx? klg ltd|f lkmlhPsf xTs]nfn] ;lhn} p7fO{ lbof] . d]/f ldqx?n] klg cfk\mgf] b'Mv j]bgfx? cfk}mdf dfq u'D:ofP/ g/fvL dnfO{ klg af+9L b]p egLlbg'; x} . dnfO{ ljZjf; 5, ltd|f] cfu|x s;}n] gsfg{ ;Sb}g .

dnfO{ dfkm ug{' . d]/f] lr7\7Lsf oL x/kmx?df d':sfgn] dfq eg{ ;lsPg . s]xL tLtf s]xL ld7f efjx? Klg oxf+ ld;LPsf 5g\ . elgG5 dgsf] ax dg}df dfq /fVbf 5tf5'Nn eP/ kf]lvg ;S5. o;y{ d]/f] dgsf s]xL af]em ltd|f] ;fd' la;fpg k'u]sf] 5' . ltd|f]] dfu{ bz{g ;xL cy{df kfngf ug]{ u/]sf] 5' t/ grfx+bf grfx+b} ;dtn af6f]df klg n8\g k'U5' . To;df afns ;DemL dfkm u/Llbg' x} .

x/]s jif{ ltd|f] cf+ugdf a;]]/ xfdL ljrf/x? cfbfg k|bfg ub{5f} . dfl;s a}7s clg aflif{s sfo{qmd klg u5f}{ . To; a]nf s] a'9f s] a'9L ;a} hgf Ps cfk;df /dfP/ sfo{qmd ub{5f} / tL lbg ;bfsf] nflu clj:d/l0fo g} x'G5 .

ut jif{sf] ;'of]{bodf s]xL lanf}gf u/]sf lyof} ca To:tf] x+'b}g. cfufdL gof+ aif{ @)&! ;fnsf]] k'j{ ;+Wofjf6} ;Dk"0f{ w's" h M ; M kl/jf/nfO{

dbg s[i0f g][email protected]


kf;f w's" hM ;M nfO{ lr7\7Lcfdfdf ePsf bof dfof, ;xgzLnt, Ifdf, l;h{gf cfbL w]/} u'0fx? x'g] x'gfn] afn aflnsfn] cfdfnfO{ O{Zj/ ;dfg cfb/ ug{'k5{ / kl/cfPsf] avt pxf+sf] ;xof]u ug{' k5{ .

d+undo z'esfdgf . ;bf kmnf];, k'mnf]; .

ltd|f]] sfvdf n8La'8L u/]/ v]n]sf, x's]{sf gfbfg afn aflnsfx? /x/n] ljb]lzPsf 5}gg\ . sf]xL k9\g lx+8] t sf]xL sfd ug{ . dfofsf] kf]sf] 5f]8]/ uPsf pgLx? k]m/L xfd|} cf+ugdf v]Ng] jrg lbP/ uPsf 5g\. o;y{ lrQ gb'vfpg' x} . ltdLnfO{ d jrg lbG5' ls lhGbuLsf] uf]/]6f]df clNemPsf sf+8fx? af6}df kmfNg]5' . b'Mv ;'v xfdL cfk;df af+9\g]5f+} . ltd|f] cf+ug ;bf kljq kf/]/ /fVg]5f}+ .

ltd|f sfvdf x's]{sf dfp afp, 5f]/f 5f]/L, O{i6 ldq ;a}sf] syf Joyf lgofNg] xf] eg] d}n} s'g} dxfg syfsf/x?sf] sfNkgLs syf k9\g' kb}{g . jf:tljs hLjgdf 36]sf 36gfx? g} y'k|} 5g\. t/ ltd|f] :ofxf/ ;';f/n] b'vfGt syfnfO{ /f]df~rs syfdf kl/jt{g u/fO{ lbG5 . nf]Ug]n] :jf:gLsf], :jf:gLn] nf]Ug]sf] syf ltdLnfO{ ;'gfP/ dg xn'sf] dfq kfg]{ xf]O{g, ;d:ofsf ;dfwfg klg ltdLaf6 g} x'G5 . o;}n] t dfl;s a}7s xf]; jf c? s'g} cf}krfl/s sfo{qmd, ;a}nfO{ Ps 7fp+df e]nf x'g cft'/ x'G5 .

a]nf avt Ps cfk;df ljrf/ lad;{ x'G5g\, tfls{s :j/n] ljjfb klg ub{5g\ . t/ xfdL larsf] cufw dfofn] ubf{ lemgf dl;gf cj/f]wx? af6}df lanfp+5g\ . ltd|f] 5f+ofdf s;}sf] lgotL k]ml/Psf 5}gg\ g t s'g} cefj sf] >[hgf g} ePsf] 5 . ;fbf hLjg pRr ljrf/ lnPsf xfdLn] x/If0f :juL{o cfgGb kfPsf 5f}+ .

d}n] ljb]z uPsf ldqx?nfO{ w]/} lbg eof] s'/f ug{ kfPsf] 5}g . ltdLn] s]xL va/ kfPdf jf s'/fsfgL ePdf pxf+x?nfO{ xfd|f] lrGtf glng' egL lbg' . ljb]zdf a:bf cfk\mgf] :jf:ysf] Vofn ug{' elglbg' . pxf+x?n] h'g sfd u/] klg dg nufP/ ug{ ;s'g eGg] xfd|f] sfdgf xf] .

ltd|f] cf+ugdf x's]{sf xfd|f gfgLx? lgs} 1ffgLsf] bhf{df k5{g\ . ltd|} ;+:sf/sf k|ltkmn n] xfdL afnsx?n] ;a} 7fp+df gfd sdfPsf 5g\ . w's" hM ;M ;a} ;fyLx? a]nf avt dgsf b'Mvx? Klg ;+lutsf] dfWodn] k|:t't u/]/ dg xn'sf] kfg{ ;kmn eO{;s]sf 5g\ .

c:tL ev{/}sf] sfo{qmdsf] :d/0f ug{ dg nfUof] . lgs]zn] ahfPsf] af+;'/Lsf w'g ltdLn] klg ;'Gof]} xf]nf . dnfO{ Tof] If0f cem} emn emn ofb cfp+5 . cem} oL d'6'sf s'gf s'gf ;Dd af+;'/Lsf] w'Gb cem} b'?:t u'lGh/x]sf] 5 . d]/f] tk{maf6 lgs]z afj'nfO{ Sofjft . Sofjft .. Sofjft ...

cfh ltd|f] cf+ugdf kl/jf/ ;+Vof sd eof] eg]/ lg/fz gx'g' . x/]z gvfO{sg w's" hM ;M sf kfqx? cfk\mgf cfk\mgf st{Jo lgefO{/x]sf 5g\ . lk/ dfg]/ pbfl;g gx'g', pxf+x?sf cf]7df :jR5Gb d':sfg NofP/ kms{g]5g\ . sxfnL nfUbf] /ft ;w} /xGg, ef]nL lztn piff cjio cfpg]5. cjio cfpg]5 .

cfh d]/f] sndn] oxL+ lj>fd vf]h]sf] 5, lj>fd lbG5' . k]m/L klg ltdLnfO{ o;/L g} dfof ddtfn] cf]tkf]t kq n]Vg] hdsf]{ ug]{5' . cfhnfO{ labf rfxG5' .

wGojfb .

ltd|} cleGg ldq dbg s[i0f g]jf



A Psychologist walked around a room while teaching Stress Manage-ment to an audience. As she raised a glass of wa-ter, everyone expected they’d be asked the “Half empty or Half full” ques-tion. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. But none of them were right.

She replied, “The abso-lute weight doesn’t mat-ter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel

numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. She continued, “The Stresses and Worries in Life”, are like that Glass of Water. Think about them for a while and nothing hap-pens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed, incapable of doing any-thing.”

Remember to put the Glass Down.

This experiment works well in everyone’s life. We people over think on petty little matters and make the scenario a big one. We think too much some-times.

“Why did I do that? What people might think of me? Why am I like this? What did I do that people are acting so weird with me? It is all due my fault…..”

These are some thoughts that rule our mind and many times, it stays there


Manashree [email protected]


The Stresses and Worries in Life”, are like that Glass of Water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And ........


for a long period creat-ing big problems that could otherwise be prevented.

Over thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. Over thinking creates prob-lem that wasn’t there in the first place. So it is important to stop over thinking. We should learn to let things go. “Go with flow” ;) In-stead of thinking about the consequences, we should rather find solu-tion. Instead of panting over bad results in the exams, we should study properly before head. Instead of carrying guilt of bad behavior towards someone, we should go and talk with him/her and prevent future problems.

So, in any situations in life, let us all stop the habit of over thinking. Let’s keep a habit of be-ing concerned only to a limit that is required. This does not mean we let things go uncon-cerned every time. But lets us not forget, too much sugar makes the tea bitter.

O{Gb|d'gL [email protected]


b'af]sf] 3f+; h:tf] xf]O{g xfd|f] hLjg

hlxn] klg xl/of] eO{ /xg]

k'mn h:tf] kmls|g] hLjg klg

s]xL lbg kl5 ;'s]/ hfg]

gkmsf{p cuf8L a9fO{Psf kfO{nf

k|ultsf] nflu a9fO{ ;s]sf 5g\ lt

kNk;f h:tf] afRg l;s

hLjgsf] ;f/ olx g} xf] ls

s]g';fO{ dfof hfndf clNemP/

hLjg l;Wofpg] sf]l;; gu/

alnbfg u/ csf{sf] nfuL

s]xL 5}g xfd|f] hLjg cflv/

xfd|f] hLjg


hGd lbg] dflg;nfO{ cfdf elgG5 . cfdf ;[li6sL hggL x'g\ . cfdfn] gf} dlxgf ;Dd lzz'nfO{ ue{df /fv]/ 7"nf] si6sf ;fy hGd lbG5Lg\ . hGd]sf] x'sf{p+bf ef]s lgb|f ysfO, dgf]/Ghg, cfk\mgf] k9fO{, Joj;fo, hLjgsf] nIo ;a} e'n]sL x'lG5g . pgsf] Psdfq nIo cfk\mgf] ;Gtfg x'sf{pg] /x]sf] x'G5 . ;Gtfgsf] x]/rfx / kfngkf]if0fdf cfdfsf] e"ldsf ;a}eGbf klxnf] x'G5 .

cfdfsf] Gofgf] dfof / jfT;No k|]ddf x'ls{g kfpg] lzz' ;+;f/s} efUodfgL lzz' xf] . p;n] cfdfaf6 vfg, n'uf nufpg, ;/;kmfO{ ug{ kl/jfsf ;b:o l5d]sLx? / jftfj/0f lrGg kfPsf] x'G5 . cfdfn] af]Ng] efiff afnssf] klxnf] efiff xf] . o;nfO{ dft[efiff elgG5 . cfdfaf6 lzz'n] Jojxf/ jftfj/0f / efjgf l;S5 . o;}n] t c?sf] nfv cfdfsf] sfv elgg] klg ul/G5 .

cfdfsf nflu cfk\mgf] ;Gtfg hlt g} s'?k eP klg ;+;f/sf ;a} eGbf lk|o / ;'Gb/ x'G5 .

cfdfn] ;GtfgnfO{ k9fO{ n]vfO{df klg w]/} ;xof]u k'¥ofp+l5g h'g cfdfn] k9]sL 5g\ ltgsf ;Gtfg gk9]sf cfdfsf ;Gtfg eGbf k9fO n]vfO{df cuf8L x'G5g\ . gk9]sf cfdfnfO{ ;Gtfgn] 7Ug klg ;S5g . pgn] klg ;GtfgnfO{ /fd|f] agfpg emg w]/} d4t u/]sL x'G5Lg . afn afnLsfsf] nflu klxnf] kf7zfnfg} 3/ xf] . cfdf dfgj hLjsL k|yd lzlIfsf x'g\ .

kl/jf/df afnaflnsfsf] kfngkf]if0f / ;+:sf/ lbg] sfd ;dfhsf ;a} ;b:ox?jf6 x'G5 t/ klxnf] >o cfdfnfO{ g} hfG5 . hlt /fd|f] ;+:sf/ / g}lts s'/f cfdf af6 l;sfpg ;lsG5 Tolt c?jf6 l;sfpg ;ls+b}g . hGd lbg] cfdf / sd{ lbg] cfdf 5'6[f 5'6[} ePtf klg cfdf cfdf g} x'g . hGd lbg] cfdf ;+u dft[Tj a9L x'G5 eg] sd{ lbg] cfdfdf dft[Tj s]lx sld eg] x'g ;S5 .

cfdfdf ePsf bof dfof, ;xgzLnt, Ifdf, l;h{gf cfbL w]/} u'0fx? x'g] x'gfn] afn aflnsfn] cfdfnfO{ O{Zj/ ;dfg cfb/ ug{'k5{ / kl/ cfPsf] avt pxf+sf] ;xof]u ug{' k5{ . hGd lbg] cfdf / hGde"ld eGg] s'/f hf] s;}nfO{ klg Kof/f] nfU5 . o:tL 5f]/f 5f]/Lsf] ;Dk"0f { lhDd]jf/L af]Sg] cfdfnfO{ xfdL s;}n] klg slxNo} la;{g' x'+b}g . pxf+sf] k'sf/ ug{' k5{ . ;]jf ug{' k5{ . cGoyf 5f]/f 5f]/L eg]/ hGdLg'df s'g} uj{ ug{' h?/L 5}g / lhGbuLsf] ;fy{s klg x'+b}g .

ls/0f >][email protected]


cfdfcfdfdf ePsf bof dfof, ;xgzLntf, Ifdf, l;h{gf cfbL w]/} u'0fx? x'g] x'gfn] afn aflnsfn] cfdfnfO{ O{Zj/ ;dfg cfb/ ug{'k5{ / kl/ cfPsf] avt pxf+sf] ;xof]u ug{' k5{ .


Little childDry your crying eyes

How can I explainThe fear you feel inside‘Cause you were born

Into this evil worldWhere man is killing man

And no one knows just why

What have we becomeJust look what we have done

All that we destroyedYou must build again

When the children cryLet them know we tried

‘Cause when the children singThen the new world begins

Little childYou must show the way

To a better dayFor all the young

‘Cause you were bornFor the world to seeThat we all can liveWith love and peace

No more presidentsAnd all the wars will end

One united world under God

When the children cryLet them know we tried

‘Cause when the children singThen the new world begins

What have we becomeJust look what we have done

All that we destroyedYou must build again

No more presidentsAnd all the wars will end

One united world under God

When the children cryLet them know we tried

‘Cause when the children singThe new world begins

What have we becomeJust look what we have done

All that we destroyedYou must build again

No more presidentsAnd all the wars will end

One united world under God

When the children cryLet them know we tried

‘Cause when the children fightLet them know it ain’t right

When the children prayLet them know the way

‘Cause when the children singThen the new world begins

WhEN ThE chIldREN cRy

Ayush [email protected]


d]/f] syf White Bird sf] d}n] 5f]/LnfO{ ;'gfpg] u/]sf] syf . afns 5+bf syf ;'Gg' /dfO{nf] x'G5 . tkfO{x?n] klg ;'g]s} xf]nf . Tof] lbg cfdfn] ;'gfpg] u/]sf] ‘Bf]+ rf]n]rf’ sf] syf, ‘k'Gs'’ d}+rfsf] syf zfob tkfO{x?nfO{ klg ofb xf]nf . Tom Sawyer jf Huck-lerberry Finn cyjf Cindrella jf Snow White . ;fgf]df oL syfx? ;'Gg' ePsf] xf]nf / ;'gfpg' klg ePsf] xf]nf . cyjf cfkm\g} cfkm}n] sNkgf u/]sf] syf klg ;'gfpg] u/]sf] xf]nf . d]/f] syf White Bird sf] To:t} syf dWo]sf] Ps syf xf] .

syf n]Vg] qmddf d}n] ;fgf]df Ps b'O{ k6s syf n]v]sf] lyP+ / Pp6f kf6g h]l;hsf] d'vkqdf k|sflzt ePsf] lyof] . lsg lsg d]/f] syfsf] kfqdf s]6Lsf] kfq cuf8L cfp+Yof], cfnf]rgf klg

d]/f] syf White Bird sf]d]/f] syf White Bird sf] Pp6f sNkgf To; ;fgf] ;fgf] If0fsf] zAbx?n] ;lhPsf] Pp6f ;kgf . d d]/f] White Bird nfO{ lgnf] uugdf lge{osf ;fy dfly dfly p8fp+5', a/kmsf] lrKnf] hldgdf 6's'6's' lx+bfp+5', = = =

dHhfn] cfp+Yof] . slxn] sflx+ t syf ck'/f] eO{ lbGYof] . d]/f] White Bird sf] syf klg Pp6f r/Lsf] syf xf] .

d]/f] White Bird sf] syf klg o:t} d]/f] ;kgfsf] ;+;f/sf] syf xf] . Pp6L r/L ;]tf] ctL ;]tf] lxdfnsf] :jR5 lgd{n w/tLdf a:5g\ . ;'o{sf] klxnf] ls/0f;+u} ha lxdfnsf] 6'Kkfx? ;'gn] lnKg yfNg]5, d]/f] r/Ln] p8fg eg{ yfN5g\ . dfgf} ;fgf] gfgL cfdfsf] sfvdf n'6\k'6 ul/ v]ln/x]sf] h:t} . ;'o{sf] ls/0f ha ha dfly dfly cfsfzdf r9\g yfNg]5, ha lxdfnsf 6'Kkfx? rlDsg yfNg]5, d]/f] White Bird klg rlDsg yfNg]5 . Tolta]nf k|:6;+u 5fof+df White Bird b]lvg] 5 .

d]/f] syf White Bird sf] Pp6f sNkgf To; ;fgf] ;fgf] If0fsf] zAbx?n] ;lhPsf] Pp6f ;kgf . d d]/f] White Bird nfO{ lgnf ] uugdf lge{osf ;fy dfly dfly p8fp+5', a/kmsf] lrKnf] hldgdf 6's'6's' lx+bfp+5', Aofn] 8fG; u/fp+5', ;'dw'/f] uLt ufpg nufp+5' .

dnfO{ nfU5 cfkm'n] ef]u]sf, b]v]sf, ;'g]sf 36gfx? h'g cfkm'nfO{ dgkg{] jf lbdfusf] st} s'gfdf ;+ro ePsf If0fx? jf:tadf syf x'g\\ . Tof] s'g} s'g} k|sf/n] xfldn] xfd|f] hLjgdf AoQm ul//x]sf] x'G5 .

czf]s g/l;+x >][email protected]

+61 449 077 310


s;}n] To;nfO{ n]vg lalw4f/f k|:t't ub{5 / syf aGb5 .

d]/f] White Bird sf] syf klg o:t} o:t} syf xf] . gu/sf]6sf] sunset, kf]v/fsf] barbaque, Water kingdom sf] hnlqm8f clg tent df latfPsf] /ft, Tof] Batchler night stay . log} log} x'g\ d]/f] syf . Tof] Mar-riage annversery sf] 8fG;\, l;+ufl/Psf] uf8L, b'Nxf, hGtL olxg} xf] d]/f] syf . lbn vf]n]/ k|:t't u/]sf 8fG;x?, cgsgfO{ n/a/fO{ dfO{sdf kf]v]sf pb\uf/x?, tL ;'gsf v]nx?, cfO{;lqmddf /dfPsf If0fx?, d ;do ;dodf 5f]/LnfO{ eGg] u5{' “Do you remember ?”

Tof] cflTdotf Tof] la5f]8, v'lz / cf+z'sf] ld>0f, tL lutx? jf:tjd} cgdf]n syf x'g\ . syfsf kfgfx? ;hfpg] ;'gf}nf 36gfx? xfldn] ;+u} latfPsf If0fx? . s'g} k|lz4 syfsf/n] /r]sf syf eGbf sld 5}gg\ .

of] ltldn] /r]sf, pgn] /r]sf, ltgLn] /r]sf, xfldn] /r]sf syf x'g\ kf;f w's", clg hM clg ;M . /rgf slxNo} db{}g ;dosf] cGt/fndf rf]nf kl/jt{g u/L /xG5 ;bf lhljt} /xG5 . dfq ltd|f], pgsf], ltgsf], xfd|f] ;fy rflxG5 . cGwf]nfO{ n+u8f] ;fly eg]em}+ . ltld alnof] x'g' eg]sf] d alnof] x'g' xf] .

;dosf] ult ;+u} aUb} uPsf olx syfsf xf+uflauf /ftsf] ;'GotfnfO{ lrb{} xfO{ ub{} cflTdotf af+8b} Skype df s'/fu/]sf /ftx? gof+ gDa/ b]v]/ tkfO{nfO{ lrg]g eGb} u/]sf s'/fx? ef}uf]lns l;dfnfO{ ;f+3'/f] kf/L xft]dfnf] u/]sf If0fx? x'g\ d]/f] syf . “Anybody online ?” eGb} Viber df u/]sf s'/fsfgL x? x'g\ d]/f] syf, d]/f] White Bird sf] syf.

olx syfnfO{ d dgdf /fV5', ;kgf b]V5', sNkgf u5{' / cfkm}df uj{ u5'{ . d olx syfnfO{ syf agfpg] sf]l;;df 5' . olx syfnfO{ zAbdf af+9\g] sf]l;; ub{}5' . xfd|f kfO{nfx?df Pp6f csf{] alnof] kfO{nf ;fg{] hdsf{] ub{}5' . Tof] Hofk' Hofk'gL gfr, Tof] af;'/Lsf] w'gnfO{ lhp+b} /fVg] hdsf{] ub{}5' .

d]/f] syfsf] White Bird nfO{ /ftsf] ;'Gotfdf cf+vf aGb u/]/ x]g{' Toxf+ 7'k|} 7'k|} syfx? uj{df /x]sf] kfpg] 5 . ltd|f] syf, pgsf] syf, ltgsf] syf leGbfleGb} 7'k|} syfx?, olx syfx?sf] syf d]/f] syf White Bird sf] .

piffsf] klxnf] ls/0f lxdfnsf] 6'Kkf]nfO{ ;'gf}nf agfp+b} k5f8Laf6 3/tLdf pHofnf] 5b{}5 . d]/f] syfsf] White Bird uugsf] ulx/fO{df cfkm'nfO{ x/fp+b}5 .


If we recognize the sacred and embrace it within all of life, we will find that life will speak to us as it spoke to our ancestors. It will remind us of how to live in harmony with creation, and how to restore the balance that is intrinsic to life.

The sacred is a quality of spirit in which all is one. The remembrance of the sacred is a key that can awaken our consciousness to the oneness to which we belong.

~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

This past week, I was guiding kids on how to communicate effectively. I needed to phrase my in-structions that are easy to understand and are based on experience. So, I re-flected on one occasion in the past when some-one reacted dramatically when I couldn’t put my points across or was not clear in my message. This was the reflection of what happened at work more than two decades ago.

To guide the kids, I used some “tips” exactly as they came to my mind as I reflected. I thought I would share them below as they might be useful to the readers.

Be calm if you feel em-

barrassed. Know that it takes effort to learn com-munication skill: “What on earth are you talking about?” This was a reac-tion to my email mes-sage in the office, back in 1990. I used to write very few email messages back then, and it was the one that I wrote to my boss.

The email message was regarding an Informa-tion Technology (IT) mis-sion (comprising of a bunch of IT specialists) that would be in town in a couple of weeks. I al-most panicked with his reaction. Although I sat with him later to clarify things, the message was clear - my communica-tions skills needed sig-nificant improvement. I had to be calm anyway. I went to a book store, and after a struggle with a large number of avail-able books, I picked up one that I thought would help me (I don’t even re-member the title of the book because a friend of mine borrowed it and never returned it to me).

Keep your messages short and use simple vocabu-


People can't stand long talks or written messages even if they lead to actions or understanding at the end. One should get Straight to the point . . . .

Deepak [email protected]



laries: I found later that I had written the message in a way only I could have understood. Here is what the issue was: I had used quite a number of IT technical terms and jar-gons that the person in the other end would not understand. I was sure my boss reacted without reading the full length of my email; the email mes-sage was simply too long. The book I had bought was an eye opener to me. I realised that I should have been “Short and Simple” in the email, the first two Ss of the four “S” technique.

People can’t stand long

talks or written messages even if they lead to ac-tions or understanding at the end. One should get “Straight to the point”, the third “S” which you can’t get to unless you are good at the first two Ss. Give examples or statements that “fit in”. It is essential that you take time to phrase your state-ments that are relevant to the issue or topic in ques-tion. Straying is another problem with people who talk much, which makes dialogues much less ef-fective. Use encouraging and polite words: After all, the aim of any verbal or written communica-tion is to lead to actions

or share knowledge. It is more effective if you can make the other person feel good by being po-lite and soft spoken. That means, be “Sweet”, the forth “S”. The whole point of the above 2-cent tips is that one must ensure “clarity” to be effective in commu-nications because clarity encourages actions while lack of it is the source of ir-ritation, tension and anx-iety. One can learn faster by reflection of instances where communications went wrong by taking the four “S” technique as a frame for reference.


[email protected]

d}n] sf]/]sf]


A different yet familiar churning feeling rose as I left on my father’s one and only motorbike that all four of us would travel in sometimes. It was an end of a summer holiday and it was time for me to stay with my grandparents, yet again. In my 4-year-old mind, I never quite got why I had to live with my grandparents; and when a few friends would mock about the fact I used to meet my parents only during the weekend, it would oblige me to won-der what it would have been like living with my

parents. Now that I am 17, and ask the same ques-tion again, my inner goddess looks at me with disgrace and answers- “You would be a different person”.

I was always amazed by the way my grandparents lived their

lives. They were among average Nepalese who knew how to look at positive aspects of life. A hearty Nepali “Dal-Bhat” (staple food), their grandchildren to accom-pany them and persistent smiles were all they need-ed to get through the day. Every morning, I would say my prayers, do some yoga with my grandpar-ents and hurry to the bus stop. Hidden in every one of my planned routines were lessons of discipline and dedication. Every now and then I get nos-talgic- low tinkles of wor-ship bells, soft sweet taste of “Prashad” (religious of-fering) and taste of purity from the holy water. With every holy sweet came a sermon from my grand-mother about respecting our religion and above all, religions and cultures of others. Even though going grocery shopping at the age of six was high-ly unlikely for most of my classmates, it served as a stepping stone in my life; making me independent, sociable and responsible at the same time. Living


Shayesha [email protected]


I lived in a hostel; another crucial stage of my development. The hostel, surrounded by green f ields stretched in all directions was located in rural area around 23 miles east of Kathmandu . . . .

Art © Anna Dittman


with my grandparents and admiring their opti-mistic approach to life, I have learned all the good things- graciousness, rev-erence and benevolence.

After my novice years, I lived in a hostel; another crucial stage of my devel-opment. The hostel, sur-rounded by green fields stretched in all directions was located in rural area around 23 miles east of Kathmandu valley. Five years living in a hostel has contributed a great deal to my development as an independent individual. Whilst showering with ice cold water which gave you a feeling as though your head would fall off any second seemed like a torture at the age of 10, now when I look back, those were the times I learned to empathize with those less fortunate.

In those five years, en-counters with failure and discouragement were in-evitable but hostel life has trained me to become a confident, motivated and persistent person.

Now at 17, I continue to shoulder significantly more responsibility than many of my peers. With my mom’s frequent trips joining my father’s work abroad, I am constantly required to step in and fill the gaps not only for myself, but even for my younger sister. This respon-sibility has challenged my patience, critical judg-ment and commitment; but I turned out to have mastered my manage-ment and communica-tion skills consequently. My inconsistent nurtur-ing has strengthened me in itself as my encounters with various hurdles have

shaped me to become who I am. Through my dad’s absence in most of my life, I have learned to admire his courage to sacrifice the time with his family to make sure we have a better future. His absence has made me ma-ture and helped me fulfill my responsibilities.

I don’t regret not living with my parents because had that been the case, I wouldn’t have encoun-tered half the challenges I did and I wouldn’t have turned out to be the re-sponsible, compassionate and capable person I am today. Despite the chal-lenges my unconvention-al upbringing has brought, I definitely see the early experiences as beneficial as they have, and will continue to contribute to my overall maturity.

A teacher cannot give you the truth. The truth is already in you.

You only need to open yourself –body, mind and heart-

so that his or her teachings will penetrate your own seeds of understanding and

enlightenment.If you let the words enter you, the soil

and the seeds will do the rest of the work.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


People enjoy chatting very much with toddlers and kids below 10. Their laughter is often the indi-cation that they did. Even a bystander listening to the chat bursts with laugh-ter sometimes. We hope events – transcribed be-low exactly as we shared with family members and friends - will give the reader as much laughter as we had. In any case, they offer some points just in case the reader is interested.

Kids invent words of their own

One fine morning, my 3

year old nephew woke up crying in the next room. I rushed and tried to coax him “Don’t cry, Babu!”. He asked “Where is my Gunduk”. I asked “What is Gunduk?” He cried louder. Carrying him around my arms, I took him to his mother who was in the Kitchen two floors up. Handing him over, I asked “Gunduk? What does he want?” She smiled and said “He is looking for his toy gun”. I asked “Which language is that?” Our conversation got interrupted when my nephew shouted twice as loud again “Where is my Gunduk?” Before I got the answer, I left the scene because the kid was irri-tated because I was wast-ing his time.

I understood later that the father usually teaches him names of objects in English, and the mother, in Nepali. The kid mixed up the two: “Gun” and “Banduk”. To him Gun-duk is the word whether you like it or not. It was


As we shared with family members and friends - will give the reader as much laughter as we had. In any case, they offer some points just in case the reader is interested.

Ayush & Sahana [email protected]



obvious: kids learn at their pace rather than the pace parents want.

Kids make you switch topic if they are not in-terested in what you are talking about

Our family was talking about the issue of overweight of some of the members, over a dinner. The ques-tion was who weighs how much. My brother-in-law asked how many KGs each of us was. Each of us was to take turn to answer. My 5 year old niece, who was quietly listening, volunteered first. Without much ef-fort, “I am UGK”, she said. Everybody laughed. Un-able to resist the laughter, my brother-in-law hosed food out of his mouth. Rest of the dinner time was spent talking to her and other kids of her age.

She literally snatched the show.

Kids think straight and quickly compare with objects they have seen with words they hear

I took my son to a t u i t i o n c e n t r e . The cen-tre had him inter-viewed by a panel of two teach-ers. The interview

was part of the process for enrolment. During the

interview, I sat in the cor-ner because I was asked to stay and get a sense of my son’s b a s e l i n e . My 6 year old son an-swered the first two q u e s t i o n s c o m f o r t -

ably. On the third ques-tion, he seemed to strug-gle. “Table!” he said and stopped for a moment and turned towards me, confused. The teacher asked again “Do you know table?” He took a chance and said “Yes”. The fol-lowing question was “9 6 za?” His answer to that and those of subsequent ones were all wrong.

On our way back, I asked my son “Why did you look at me when the teacher asked you what number is 9 times 6?” He smiled and said “I thought he was about to ask me how big our dining table is.” As

mom, I had to take his side. I expressed “The teacher was stu-pid. How could you possibly understand that he was talking about multiplication table when he just mentioned table?”

Death, death, death… was all that I could hear. I covered my ears want-ing to get that thought out of my head. Victor, I could feel my face burn-ing with anger thinking about him; but at the same time I just wanted to cry because I was to-tally helpless, I couldn’t do anything even if I want to cause I was locked up. As I looked around the gloomy, spine-chilly cold room Drake sud-denly appeared in front of me, staring at me with his twinkling dark brown eyes and his remark-able smile. But there was something behind that smile; something I rec-ognised. I remembered when everyone came to

know about that evil, out-rageous Victor. Suddenly my blood started heating up, just thinking about Victor disgusted me, I could feel myself turning red with anger but look-ing at the guy who stood in front of me, calmed me down. Drake, a guy that meant everything to me, the way he looked at me with his encouraging smile and the confidence that he gave me when we all were down, a guy who was always next to me no matter what, the way he used to say my name, wanting me to fight, fight for everyone, for us... something dis-turbed my imagination and in a blink of an eye Drake vanished into thin air and instead of a beau-tiful guy, I could see a of a tall man. I couldn’t see his face properly but as he came closer to the light; I immediately knew who it was. Victor.

I stood up wiping my tears from my face, trying to look as confident as I could. His whole body

Urja [email protected]



My f ist tightened even more on that, I wanting to cry out loud, I was helpless there was nothing that I could do for myself or for Drake. I felt mix of emotions: sad, angry, but . . . .


shone as he stood on the spot of the sunray, and it looked like he was on the spotlight. He looked at me and laughed wickedly.

“Aura” he said. “Looks like someone has been crying for her lover all day long” he said walk-ing around me in a circle. At that my hands slowly turned into a fist. “I am just here to remind you of something” he said. “Tomorrow, tomorrow is the much awaited day of my life”.

“12 more hours Aura, 12 more hours” he said and walked away laughing.

My fist tightened even

more on that, I wanting to cry out loud, I was help-less there was nothing that I could do for myself or for Drake. I felt mix of emotions: sad, angry, but I knew if Drake was here he wouldn’t want me to give up, I had to be strong, I shouldn’t give up I said to myself. I sat down wondering, morn-ing, morning which used to be my favourite part of the day; fresh, warm air and the majestic sunrise that I could see sweep-ing over the horizon, the sun’s ray that would penetrate through my curtains and hit my face announcing the new day, clear blue sky with some dashes of red and orange,

making it look like an ar-tistic piece, birds chirping and flying around enjoy-ing the new beautiful day. But now I just wish that tomorrow never comes, because the beautiful morning that I always used to look forward to is not going to be beautiful anymore. 12 more hours and Drake will be gone, gone forever...

I felt the warmth on my face, as I opened my eyes; I blinked thrice before I got used to the bright-ness, my eyes widened realising what welcomed me, as I pulled myself to the sitting position. The morning welcomed me...

Past is waste paper,Present is a news paper and

future is questions paper.So study smart with self

otherwise life is tissue paper.

Rabindra Lal Shrestha


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pb\onfn >][email protected]



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I find the best way to love someone is

not to change them, but instead,

help them reveal the greatest version

of themselves.

~ Steve Maraboli

Art © Jasmin Aldin

Children enter the world with no worries or con-cern for their safety and survival. Children enter the world itching to ex-plore, driven to discover and investigate every-thing. Children want to put everything in their mouths, touch every-thing, jump on it, roll in it, shove it up their noses, your nose and see what happens when they push that button.

In fact, many adults spend much of their time with children asking and di-recting them not to touch that, not to jump on this or not to eat the dirty something. Children are driven by curiosity, want-

ing to learn and explore the world and themselves in the world. Parents want their children to do such but dealing with the safe-ty hazards first, teaching them to stay away from objects/things that are harmful as children are very sensitive in every as-pect.

The source of the conflict between parent and child begins with every par-ent wanting to hold their child close, to protect them and keep them safe. And every child wants to break free of their parents hold, going out into the world to discover, explore and learn. Each is pulling the other in the opposite direction.

When we jump from childhood to adulthood, there is a never ending thirst for desire to explore more and we also start to follow new sets of moral ethics that we create our-selves. We learn quite a bit about being an adult, having responsibilities, prioritizing the most im-portant, giving time to


Understanding between parents and children has always been hard to reach. Reasons lay not only in generation gap but also in general issues.


Aron Narasinha [email protected]

061 426 277 678

certain things that matter to us. But even then the communication between parents and children must be smooth. Good communication builds mutual respect between parents and children - helps us talk on a regular basis about many differ-ent things, not just when there is a conflict.

Relationships between parents and their chil-dren are greatly improved when there is effective communication taking place. In general, if com-munication between par-ents and their children is good, then their relation-ships are good as well.

It is said that understand-ing between parents and children has always been hard to reach. Reasons lay not only in generation gap but also in general is-

sues. Our home is a very important place. It is not just a shelter or a place to return to everyday. A home is where children learn about life. During their growing years, chil-dren watch their parents and through this expe-rience they learn about love, love for their fam-ily, love for their country and eventually love for all of humanity. At home, it doesn't matter very much what kind of fur-niture you have or even where it is located; what’s essential is the spiritual atmosphere within the home.

Children learn how to communicate by watch-ing their parents. If par-ents communicate open-ly and effectively, chances are that their children will, too. Good commu-nication skills will benefit

children for their entire lives. Children begin to form ideas and beliefs about themselves based on how their parents communicate with them. When parents communi-cate effectively with their children, they are show-ing them respect. Chil-dren then begin to feel that they are heard and understood by their par-ents, which is a boost to self-esteem.

What is important is that parents make the effort to effectively communicate with their children and children to make effort to communicate and be-come patient with every outcome of an argument. The result will be a much closer, positive relation-ship between parents and their children.

We often forget that we are nature.

Nature is not something separate from us.

So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection

to ourselves.

~ Andy Goldsworthy


Happy New Year 2071 to you all.

I just happened to read the below statements, I like it, how about you?

“Do not take things personally, what other people say about you is their reality, not you.”

“ I just keep quiet, it does not mean that I have no words to response you, because I do not want you to hurt.”

“Do not work hard but smartly.Do not wait until it becomes urgent.Priorities your work.Always Make note/plan of what you do for the day/



Do not buy cheap but quality.”



Rajendra Kumar [email protected]



of] k|sfzg Pp6f ljz'4 kfl/jfl/s k|sfzg xf] . x/]s jif{ bz yfg dfq k|sfzg x'G5 . ljZjel/sf kf;f w's" kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?nfO{ x]g{ / [email protected] ;'emfj k7fpg k|f]T;flxt ul/G5 . of] k|sfzgsf] l8hfO{g tyf sDKo'6/ czf]s g/l;+x >]i7n] ug{' ePsf] xf] . @& r}q @)&)This publication is purely a family publication. Each year it prints ten copies only. All PASA DHUKOO family members worldwide encouraged to share and feedback to [email protected]. This issue is designed and computerized by Ashok Narasinha Shrestha, 10 April 2014.

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