Page 1: Guardians of the Galaxy media coursework

Opening scene analysisBy Lydia Flannigan

Guardians of the galaxy

Page 2: Guardians of the Galaxy media coursework

Text on screenIn this shot we see “Earth 1988” in a bright yellow font, with a dark background. This opening shot tells you the film is about to begin and tells you the details of when and where it is set.

This shot at the end of the opening scene is elaborate and complex. This tells the audience that they are about to see a major film that has cost a lot to make. As it twists and turns, it reveals other Marvel films. By showing what other successful films they have made, it tells the audience that this movie is likely to be successful. The name “Marvel” itself is quite

powerful and suggests that it will grab your attention. This word on a bold deep red background implies this is an important and powerful film.

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This long range shot tells the audience that the film is in the sci-fi genre as it shows a spaceship. It also shows how small, venerable and defenceless the young boy character is compared to the vast spaceship and the wide landscape. The character puts his arms up in defence of the large spaceship. The boy looks extremely terrified of the unknown.

The low key exterior lighting (street lamps) shows the audience that this scene is set at night, and implies that there may be scary or threatening elements to the narrative

Upon entering the hospital room we see that there is 6 grieving family members. The shot pans to show a glowing, bald, dyeing young woman. Music consisting of piano and strings plays in the background and beeps from a heart rate machine play throughout.

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This mid range shot is very effective because it shows the boy as quite a small character almost lost in such a big environment. This suggests he is very vulnerable. The actor has a disheartened look on his face.

The very first shot instantly tells you it is set in the 80’s as a child wouldn’t normally have a caset player in modern day. It is a instantly recognisable product.

This over the shoulder medium close up of a young male character shows him siting in a hospital waiting room. We get a clear look at this characters face and we are made aware that he is going to be a main character as he is the first person we see up close.

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This medium close up shot highlights the emotion that the character is currently in. In this case, he is finding it incredibly hard to tell the young boy about his mother in hospital. He looks guilty as he is looking at the ground.

The light focuses on him, implying he is the main character. Everything is dark, bleak and dull around him. Also he is very central suggesting he is the focus.

A tense atmosphere is created by the boy not opening his present. The audience has been grabbed and still wants to carry on watching the film to find out what the mystery parcel is.

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The first 45 seconds of the film include the song “I’m not alone” by…. It is played quite loudly and when the young boy takes of his headphones it is made clear that he is listening to that music. This is non-diegetic sound. As the lyrics say “alone” the camera cuts to a wide shot of an empty hospital area by a nurses station.A small lamp on the nurses desk keeps the left side of the boys face in shadow. From the music and the caset you can tell it

was set a few decades ago. The fact that he is listening to music whilst his mother is dyeing in the next room suggests he is in denial and doesn’t want to admit what is actually going on.

A tense atmosphere is created by the boy not opening his present. After his mother is using all her strength to painfully drag the gift a few centre metres with her fragile fingers, and he refuses is it causes everyone to be distraught. The audience has been grabbed and still wants to carry on watching the film to find out what the mystery parcel is.

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This low angle over the shoulder shot makes the audience feel sympathetic to the character because it is like there are in his position. It makes the audience feel inferior because the older male character is higher and therefor looks like he has more power.

The lighting is very dark and gloomy, giving a sinister effect. The dark means anything could jump out unexpectedly. He is sobbing on his knees and a bright light illuminates him from above along with a roaring sound.

We know the family is in a public hospital and not a private one because it isn't kept in the best conditions. It shows the audience that the family is on an average income as they aren’t using private, costly health care.

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This character has been made paler by makeup to suggest she is incredibly weak and doesn’t have very good health and may die.

The lighting is quite dull and dark. Unlike films set in modern day that are bright, it looks almost behind in technology, implying it is meant to be set a couple of decades ago.

The oversized hospital gown shows she has lost weight due to ill-health. Showing she could be near death.

The young boys clothes are very typical of a small child. You instantly know he is a boy of young age. The medium shot track backwards on boy as he crosses the corridor, putting on his rucksack. The lighting changes as he walks through the door and we notice he has a black eye.

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This shows that she is dead very clearly. The sound is a well known and recognised eerie sound that suggests death.

The boy climbs on to the bed of his dead mother. He reaches out but nothing can be done. His mood changes very quickly after this as he realises what has actually happened. Whereas before he didn’t realise the seriousness as he was listening to music

This is a very emotional shot as the boy is being physically lifted away. He is screaming very loudly at the loss of his mother this would be diegetic sound as it is happening when being filmed

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