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Grow your Glow:

Root yourself in your


Seed your roots with


Nourish yourself with your

unique dance

How to Cultivate your most powerful and

untapped asset; your magnetic presence

The Feminine Rhythm Presents

By Lauren Sheehan

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All rights reserved. Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm. ©2011



The content contained in this book is for informational purposes only. The reader accepts sole responsibility for the use of this content. The author cannot be held responsible for the way in which this information is applied.


This eBook is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivs 3.0 Unported License. Feel free to share this eBook with whoever you want. All I ask is that you do not alter the content in any way when you do.

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All rights reserved. Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm. ©2011


Why I wrote this E-book

Have you ever seen someone who just glows with vibrancy for

life or been around someone who is simply lit up with passion

for the things they have and what they are doing?

People who have this mesmerizing presence are seemingly

less and less apparent in this world. Look around you; you

might notice a bunch of people who complain about their

jobs, families, and children; about how everything is always

going wrong for them, or that they simply can’t leave that job

they hate even though it’s sucking the life out of them. You

might notice that these people look lifeless and dull. That’s

because complaining, whining, settling, not knowing your

own value (I could go on forever with this list) is so not

glowing. People who glow know what they love and then they

make it a priority to DO it, no matter what it takes. They

follow their pleasure.

Maybe you have already started to surrounded yourself with

people on fire, but you might still feel that you haven’t quite

taken the torch yourself yet. Here’s my question for you:

How about now?

NOW it’s your turn to blaze with passion and life and I assure

you, it will be GLORIOUS!

Before we move on I want to clear up a few things.

Is this you?

If you are thinking that this e-book is

Going to tell you how to get everything you desire

simply by shifting your presence and never taking any


Going to somehow magically grant you a presence as

magnetic as say, Michael Jackson on stage performing


Going to give you tips on how to get more tan, put on

more makeup, buy fancy clothes, and use great

smelling perfume to attract in more men, jobs, money,

and other things you want

You might as well just stop reading now. On the other

hand, if you are still curious, please continue.

Or… is this you?

Maybe you are reading this e-book because you

You have a deep sense that you haven’t quite yet

unleashed your most powerful and badass self to the

world yet, and you’d like a few easy tips on how to do


Want a short, thought provoking and informative read

on how to cultivate a magnetic presence

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All rights reserved. Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm. ©2011


Are curious to know a little bit more about me, The

Feminine Rhythm, and what the heck it means to

“grow your glow”

Whether you are, an entrepreneur who wants to feel more

confident and authentic while delivering your message to the

world, a woman who wants to ignite more passion into her

intimate relationships, a desperately single person who is

convinced they’ll never find “the one”, a mother who wishes

to have a stronger connection with her ever growing and

feisty teenage daughter, or just someone who wishes to feel

more peace and love in for themselves, learning the keys and

concepts that I present in this short e-book will surely give

you some practical ideas on how to cultivate more of your

own presence and begin to step into your own authentic


Who am I?

Before we move on I want to tell you a bit about me.

Hi I’m Lauren! That’s me on the left. I’m a creative minded visionary, trailblazing 20-something, master of Glow, speaker, writer, blogger, performer, dancer, and multi-passionate entrepreneur.

I am the founder of The Feminine Rhythm, where I inspire women to dance to the beat of their own rhythm, cultivate a magnetic presence, and be powerfully feminine. I teach classes and workshops on the Art of Feminine Presence and coach leaders, speakers and entrepreneurs simple practices to help them cultivate their most powerful magnetic presence so that they can mesmerize their target markets in a way that feels powerful, inspiring, and authentic. I am dedicated to finding out what it takes to embody our most authentic and powerful presence, how that can support us in creating the lives we desire, and teaching you through my own experience and research.

I spent most of my childhood nights in dance class where I cultivated my love for embodied movement and acquired my stealthy, sassy, powerful cat-like talent for mesmerizing people with my movement. I graduated from Colorado State University Magna Cum Laude with a Degree in Sports Medicine, and started my first business, Empower Fitness, after graduating from college where I created holistic fitness programs for my clients and honed in on my gift for coaching people on a deeper level. I eventually met and trained with

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Rachael Jayne Groover of the Yin Project who introduced me to the art of personal presence and cultivating feminine essence and the rest is “herstory”.

If there is one thing you should know about me it is this:

I believe that you can create and do WHATEVER YOU DESIRE.

And I am passionate about being your biggest fan and cheering you on as you grow your glow to accomplish that.

I also love to MOVE my body, which is what inspired the name Feminine Rhythm for my business. I have always been drawn to the beauty of human movement and energy my whole life. Over the years, I have developed my strong sense for stage presence and body movement. I have a keen sense of body awareness in myself and in others as well as the ability to cue others into their body which is what makes me such a powerful teacher of personal presence.

I live in Austin, Texas.

I truly hope you enjoy this manifesto on personal presence and I am so grateful that you are reading this and you are so committed to your own personal growth and beauty.

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Your is your most Glow

important, untapped asset

Photo taken by Sophie Ellis

Why you need more Presence

We are all born with an innately powerful, authentic, and

extremely magnetic presence that is designed to help us

attract our desires to us with ease.

The problem is that most of us have created walls or put up

guards that at one point in our lives helped us survive. Those

walls have shaped everything about you including the way

you sit, stand, breath, talk, move and live. They have shaped

the limitations of what you believe is possible and put a cap

on how much success, pleasure, joy, and abundance you are

willing to contain in your life. They have helped you prove

yourself right time and time again that

If I am the best at something people might judge me

or exclude me

There are no good men out there for me and I’m

destined to be alone forever

I am not good enough or pretty enough

I can’t trust anyone and I have to do everything myself

I’ll never be able to support myself outside the

corporate world

Allowing myself to own my feminine power means

people will see me as weak, frail, and slutty

Get the picture?

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Those walls are blocking you from receiving all that you desire

and are already creating. They are inhibiting you from living in

true harmony with the rhythm of your deepest sense of self.

I already know at least one thing about you, and that is

that you need more presence. Why? Because if you are

reading this you probably want to be getting more of what

you desire, living a more joyful and purposeful life, doing work

that fills your heart’s passion, create financial freedom and be

having a LOT more fun.

Welcome to the tribe sister! I can’t begin to tell you how many

people I’ve met who have life changing ideas, dreams, and

desires who are not acting on them. I’ve met experts and

professionals who have more knowledge and experience than

you can imagine, but when they get up to move or speak

about those things, I feel nothing. I don’t feel inspired to take

action, to meet with them, or to follow them because they

simply don’t have presence.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “I was so moved by that?”

That phrase is about presence. We are inspired, motivated,

and moved by those who MOVE us; by those who make us

FEEL something. The truth is the only way to communicate

feelings to another person with your presence.

With the fast pace of the internet, people are demanding

more authenticity and transparency. People don’t just want to

read what you have to say anymore, they want to see, feel,

and connect with what you have to say. The world of hiding

behind just words is disappearing.

The world needs you to let down your guards, shed your

walls, and grow your glow. The world needs you to be lit on

fire with your desires. The world needs more of your

presence. But don’t do it for the world, do it for you. You

are the most important person on this planet after all and you

need more of your bright, beautiful presence.

What is Presence?

Presence is an interesting word. Nowadays many people

recognize the word to mean “being present”, as in living in the

preset moment. While this is very true, and being present is

paramount to having more presence, when I speak of

presence from here on out I am referring the noun, not the

verb, which is your personal magnetic presence; the essence

of you or your personal ambiance.

When you walk into a room, you walk in with a presence and

your presence supports you in communicating and

connecting with others.

Communication is more than just physical movement and

verbalizing. There is a sort of an unspoken way in which we

communicate with one another. There is something we FEEL

about a person when we meet with them.

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Physical Body=


Have you ever noticed that there are some people who walk

into a room and you immediately feel something? Maybe you

feel more calm or relaxed, or maybe their presence alarms

you. Nonetheless, you were effected by something more,

something in their energy. Often times, we can feel

someone’s presence near us even though we can’t physically

see or hear them (which is very useful when you need to be

protect yourself from danger or predators). Presence is the

very foundation on which all communication begins.

Your Presence announces the truth of you more than any

words or actions. When the way you walk, sit, stand, and

move matches the presence of your authentic self, the core of

who you are, you choose to become the magnetic force that

you are meant to be. You will attract the people, clients,

relationships, and success that you desire without feeling as

though you are forcing your way through life.

Rachael Jayne Groover of the Yin Project says: “There are

women who walk into a room and are noticed by many. They

have an air of confidence about them that is attractive. There

are others who frequently comment that “no-one remembers

I was even there.” One has ‘presence,’ one does not. Have you

ever said “that performer has a lot of stage presence?”

Presence, which some people seem to have and others do

not, can be developed more than you may realize.”

Cultivating presence is a balance. It takes inner (listening,

intuition, shifting beliefs, personal growth) and outer work

(taking action and doing, experiencing).

The Anatomy of Magnetic Presence

Your magnetic presence is much like a light bulb. The main

parts of our light bulb metaphor are the filament, your

physical body, and the bulb, your energetic presence. Each of

these two parts has a main function. The job of the filament is

to radiate heat and light out into the bulb. The bulb’s job is to

contain that light and radiate it out into the world with the

intensity that it’s calling for due to its shape, width, or

physical make up.


Presence= Bulb

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In terms of you and your GLOW, this means that your body is

the filament, and it is your body’s job to radiate out to the

world who you are and what you are desiring. You energetic

presence (the bulb) is there to contain all that beautiful

radiance in a shape that supports you in getting more of what

you want.

Are you Open for Business?

If your business is open but you forgot to turn on the OPEN

sign, will customers know that it’s ok to come in? Some will

try anyway no matter what the sign says, some might look

inside and not really see much and leave(maybe you were in

the basement getting supplies) and some might just bypass

you all together because the sign wasn’t on.

This happens to you all the time. All the time, your desires,

dreams, wishes, and yearnings are trying to come to you but

they just don’t see the open sign, they can’t find their way

through your maze of walls, or they simply can’t get in

because no one is home.

You are essentially a lighthouse, an open for business sign or

in our modern internet kinda world, the big red arrow on

Google maps. You are the beacon to which all that you desire

flows to. With your presence you say “I’m here! Come find me

everything I want and desire! I’m ready for you and I ‘m open

for business.”

So I ask you? Are you open for business?

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How to cultivate your Personal

Presence: Tending to your


The Keys to Cultivating your Magnetic Presence

There are three main keys to cultivating a magnetic presence.

They are:

1) Come Home

2) Turn the lights on

3) Turn up the intensity

These keys may sound simple and that’s because they are.

The more I live, the more I realize the most profound things

are the simplest. These are the three tools and exercises that I

practice and teach to clients and students daily, which I

learned from Rachael Jayne Groover, who developed the

exercises you’ll see in this book and who is the Author of

Powerful and Feminine: How to Turn on your Magnetic Presence

and Attract the Attention you Want

Step 1: Coming Home

I learned to call being present in my body coming “Home.”

The idea of coming home to your physical body sounds so

simple, and it is, but it is actually the most profound and

difficult task you will face in growing your personal presence.

Coming Home= Being present in your physical body

Just to make sure it sinks in: the biggest challenge that you

will face in cultivating your glow is learning to be present and

inhabiting your physical body.

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You might be curious as to what I mean by inhabiting your

physical body. You might be asking: “How can you not inhabit

your own body? If you are alive and breathing, shouldn’t this


Let me ask you this, have you ever driven yourself home from

work, and when you got home, you thought to yourself: “How

the hell did I get here without crashing? I don’t remember

driving home at all.” Have you ever been going somewhere,

walking let’s say, and the whole time you are walking there

you miss everything that is passing by you, you don’t even

notice that your neighbor passed by because you were so

busy thinking about what you have to do at this place when

you get there? This is what I call auto-pilot. When you are on

auto pilot your energy body and your physical body are not

connected, and you are not home.

Surprise! You actually have more than one body. You have a

physical body and an energy body, to name just a few. When

you are walking to a destination and you are on auto-pilot,

your energy body is already at the place you haven’t reached

yet instead of in the present moment with your physical body.

Your physical body is the PORTAL to the present moment.

For wherever you are, there you are. When you are present in

your physical body, you are home. You are open for business,

you are inside the building to turn on the lights and receive

the presents your mom sent you in the mail. Get it?

Simply put, if you are thinking about anything in the past or in

the future, you are not inhabiting your physical body.

Coming Home Exercise:

(Originally Created by Rachael Jayne Groover)

Stand with feet hip width apart and close your eyes. Focus

your attention two to three inches below your belly button.

When your attention is in this place, you are in your place of

power and you are present.

Check in to make sure you are home often:

Before you go into a building, take 30 seconds to

check in and make sure you are home

When you are speaking to another person, check in

and make sure you are home

When you are working on your computer, check in to

make sure you are home

Extra credit! Check out this fun exercise that will have you

walking in a new way, and more people noticing you in

beautiful ways.

What did you notice by doing this exercise?




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Step 2: Turning the lights on

So now that you are inside the building, you can turn on the

lights. It’s time to turn on your GLOW!

The best way I know how to do this is to become aware of

your energetic presence (energy body). Many of us are simply

not conscious to this integral part of our being. Your energetic

presence extends from inside your body to about arm’s length

all around you.

Your energetic presence is a shape shifter and takes different

shapes depending on what emotions you are feeling, what

you believe about the world, and how healthy you are. Just

think about a time when you were really sad, or even feel the

feeling of sad right now, you might notice you feel sticky or

contracted in some or all parts of your body. Now feel very

happy and joyful. What happens to your energetic presence?

It got larger didn’t it? It felt big and spacious right?

So, the lesson here is that your energetic presence is always

around but just like the lights in a room you are not using, it’s

not always lit up. There is some magic that happens when you

come home to your physical body, and then put your

awareness on your energetic presence. You begin to light up!

It’s literally like turning on the light switch or plugging in the

chord. When you don’t have all the pieces together properly,

or there is a break in the chain, the signal can’t get through.

By being HOME, and then bringing awareness to this

presence around you, you are connecting all the wires in your


A quick and Easy Energetic Presence Exercise

(Originally Created by Rachael Jayne Groover)

1) Put your hands together and rub them very quickly

creating lots of heat and friction. Then stop, and

slowly pull them apart. Feel the interaction that is

happening between your hands. You may feel s

tingling sensation. This is your energetic presence.

2) Now imagine a globe around you about arm’s length

from your body. See and feel the edges of this globe.

Feel it big and spacious. Notice how you feel

3) Now contract your globe about an inch from your skin.

Notice how you feel.

4) Practice expanding and contracting your presence as

much as you like.

5) For extra credit, do this exercise with attention on your

center (wombspace/hara).

What did you notice in this exercise?






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Step 3: Turning up the intensity

So now that you have your light on, what now? Your presence

hasn’t yet quite reached that magnetic level that is so


The third piece of this puzzle involves movement, but not just

any movement. Let me just say this: there are those who

know how to move their bodies and those who do not.

Which are you? If you are getting the picture here, you might

be thinking of someone who knows how to move their body.

What is it about these people that is so mesmerizing? What is

it that is so magnetic about knowing how to move your body?

The secret is that people who “know how to move” know

something extra; they know what makes them FEEL pleasure

when they move. It doesn’t have to be pretty movement, or

sensual movement at all to catch our attention. Have you ever

seen someone bust a move on the dance floor, who clearly

had no sense of rhythm, is dancing totally off from the rest of

the room, and quite frankly looks ridiculous… but you couldn’t

stop watching them?

That person was thoroughly enjoying their body movement in

that moment; no matter how uncoordinated or ugly it looked.

So, what’s my point? Moving your body in ways that please

you dramatically amps up your level of presence.

When you move in a way that feels good to you, you are

actually finding the “sweet spot” of movement in which your

physical body and energy body are moving with a 50/50


A Super Easy Exercise on Finding a 50/50 Balance

(Originally Created by Rachael Jayne Groover)

1) Physical movement: Move your physical arm. Move

your hand or arm in a physical way only. Notice how

this feels

2) Energetic Movement: Move your energy arm. Move

your hand or arm in an energetic way only. Don’t think

about this too much just trust that you know what

energetic means if you think you don’t. ( hint: Think

tai chi or chi gong) Notice how this feels.

3) 50/50 balance: Now move your physical hand and

energy hand together with a 50/50 balance. Notice

how this feels.

What did you notice? What was the key for you to finding this

50/50 balance? Check out this video blog I did on this very







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You might have noticed that in order to find that 50/50 sweet

spot, you simply had to place your awareness on both

physical and energetic while you moved. You might have

also noted the increase level of “magic feeling” when you hit

this sweet spot.

A great thing is to do this with a friend and watch them. You

will notice that when they have the 50/50 balance, you’ll this

sense something more, an “ooooo and ahhhhhh factor”, as

opposed to simply a physical or energetic movement.

Let’s Recap

The three keys to a magnificent glow are this

1) Be present in your physical body

2) Be aware of your energetic presence

3) Move your body in ways that you enjoy

The more you practice these keys daily, the more you will

cultivate more of your most powerful and authentic feeling


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Glow on! Becoming a Master of


Photo by Terra Kate

Ten Simple Truths about Your Glow

1. There is absolutely NO REASON for you to dim or

contract your presence for anyone or anything

2. Your Presence is another support system for you in

receiving more of what you really desire.

3. Not everyone is ready for your presence, and some

people just will never like you or your glow, and that’s


4. The more present you are in your physical body, the

more you will radiate and glow

5. The more you PRACTICE the tools presented in this

ebook, the more your most authentic presence will be

on all the time. ( you’ll feel more automatic and less

like you have to consciously turn it on)

6. Your Glow is not about the way you look physically,

how tan you are, how much you weigh, what your hair

looks like, or how much makeup you have on.

7. Your glow is the most attractive force you own, learn

to use and use it well

8. Cultivating this glow will drastically change the way

people view and notice you, even though you may not

feel much different inside

9. When you are glowing, you WILL attract more

attention from men and from women. Good thing you

have stellar, strong boundaries right?

10. Your glow is all for you and no one else. Glow for you.

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Becoming a Master of Glow takes practice just as everything

else does. You cannot simply expect to just come home once,

be aware of your energetic presence once, and move in a way

you enjoy one time and then hope your presence stays

magnetic forever.

Cultivating glow is a conscious practice. You must learn to

check in with yourself frequently to see if you are home and if

you are not.

If you only take one thing away from this book, I hope it is to

be present in your body. This simple practice is the key to

everything. If you do nothing else, remembering to come

back home while you talk to your mom on the phone, when

you are in a fight with your spouse, when your children are

screaming in the kitchen and you feel like you are about to

explode, you will save yourself lots of struggle.

When you connect to others from your home, you connect

from a conscious place of love.

If you have perused my blog, you might have noticed that I

make many claims of what you can attract to yourself by

shifting your presence. You may have seen things about


Sexy men

More money

More clients

New job opportunities

New girlfriends

And LOTS more… all by shifting your presence

Let’s just say I’m not messing around with any of those

claims. I have experienced this myself and seen many

students and clients bring great new things into their lives, all

of those things actually and more. But it took commitment

and practice. Cultivating presence is a balance of inner and

outer work.

The last bit of Glimmer

The Feminine Rhythm Tribe

I wrote this ebook not simply to be an informative and playful

text on the most profound and important tools I have ever

learned, but as a call to action.

It is my dream to have a community of women who support

each other in cultivating more glow, more happiness, more

authenticity, and more passion to dance to our own rhythms.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we all flowed

with our own rhythm? Can you imagine the beautiful ways we

could all harmonize and dance together?

If you have been inspired by this book, my blog, or your own

insights from doing these short exercises and integrating

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them into your life join the community on facebook, follow

me on twitter and tweet me a hello, keep up with the Grow

your Glow weekly video tips and leave me feedback and

comments, or drop me an email at

[email protected], I’d just love to hear your


If you feel this ebook has helped you please help spread this

message by telling your friends about it, leaving me feedback

and comments, reviewing it on your blog or posting a link to it

on your website.

A final Glowing thought

I am so grateful that you’ve taken the time to read this

manifesto. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to

contact me.

There are so many applications to this work! If this

information has sparked your interest to

want to move deeper into cultivating your personal

presence and learn even more tools to help you feel

more confident and comfortable in your body

want to know how this might help you have better

camera presence for your video blogging endeavors

be curious about how this work can help you own and

sink more fully into your feminine essence

Then Let’s Work Together! You can work with me more

closely by

Journeying with me in the 21 Day Grow your Glow E-


Community Coaching via Fuel for your Fire, my

subscription coaching community and e-letter

Joining my Art of Feminine Presence Classes ( held

weekly in Austin tx)

Individual or group coaching: for entrepreneurs,

speakers, and bloggers on cultivating presence to

deliver the most powerfully authentic message to their

target audiences.

Invite me to speak to your group or business, or at

your convention/summit/symposium

Let’s work together! Email me at

[email protected]

Until next time! I wish you all the best and I hope to be blinded

by your glow someday!


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