1.01 Minos of Crete In Greek mythology, Minos was the first king of the Island of Crete who dwelt in a palace atop the city of Knossos. According to noted archaeologist  Arthur Evans, the Minoan civilization of Crete was named after Minos whose name is also the Cretan word for "king”. The Chevron symbol  (i.e., the “” symbol) is an acronym for both the letters “C” and “K” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The double “” symbol (i.e., the letter “M”) is an acronym for  Chania, Crete, the first city of Crete which was founded by Minos. Therefore, the letter “M”, which is constructed by the addition of two Chevron symbols (i.e., “”), is representative of both “Minos” and “Man”. Consequently, the “” symbol adorned the shields of the Greek Spartans who originally emanated from the island of Crete. While Minos represents many things in Greco-Roman lore, he is most noted for siring the “Line of Man”, being depicted as the "Devil", representing the moon of the underworld, and being worshiped as Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and war. Lastly, the gods, goddesses, myths, places and titles which bear the consonant letters of “M” and “N” which are depicted in the collective histories of the Bible and the historical eras commonly referred to as  Ancient Egypt (3100 BC –332 BC),  Ancient Sumer  (2334 BC –2193 BC),  Ancient Greece  (800 BC –600 AD),  Ancient Babylon (626 BC –539 BC),  Ancient Rome (509 BC –1453) and the Viking Age  (793 AD –1066 AD), are in essence disguised references to Minos of Crete. Minos reportedly died on the Island of Sicily, the second home of the Line of Man after the Island of Crete. After his death, his remains were sent back to Crete and placed in a sarcophagus which depicted the words: "The tomb of Minos, the son of Zeus."
Line of Man  Minos sired the “Line of  Man” which in time became the ruling family of Crete, the Mediterranean, the Greco-Roman Empire, and eventually the entire world. This is likely why the labia minora (M+N+R) is the name for the inner lips of a female’s vagina for it represent the metaphorical birth of the Greco-Roman Empire. “Manius” (M+N+S), which is consonantly identical to “Minos” (M+N+S), was a Latin “praenomen”  (i.e., personal name) which was used throughout the Roman Republic and gave rise to the patronymic “gentes” of “Manlia” and “Manilia”  . In time, the praenomen known as “Manius” came to be abbreviated with a five-stroke "M" (i.e., “”). The fifth month of “May” (M) in the Gregorian calendar is evidently a tribute to the praenomen of Minos, Man and Manius. The letter “N”, which is an acronym for “North”, was likely added to the letter “M” after the “Line of Man” vacated north to the island of Greenland. In the Holy Bible (i.e., the allegorical history of the Greco-Roman Empire), Manna (i.e., semen) was an edible substance which God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert. According to Exodus 16:31, Manna was “like coriander seed [semen], white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey”. The “Line of Man” is symbolically represented by the menorah (M+N+R) which is the found in the Emblem of the State of  Israel (Isis+Ra+El). It represents the upward branches of the Man family which were sired by Minos of Crete. Coincidentally, “MAN” is a German mechanical engineering company based in Munich, Germany, whose logo depicts a lion (L+N) which indicative of the “Line of Man”. 
Minos of Mankind   Although grammatically and culturally disguised, mythical figures found in Egyptian, Greek, Hindu and Germanic histories pay tribute to Minos (M+N+S) and the “Line of Man”. In Egyptian mythology, Menes  (M+N+S) was the pharaoh and founder of the first dynasty (Dynasty I) who was credited with having united Upper and Lower Egypt. According to Greek mythology, Manes (M+N+S) was the first king of Maeonia (M+N) and was known as the first king in line of the primordial house of  Lydia (L+D) whose genealogy is preserved by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. In various Hindu traditions, Manu (M+N) is a title accorded to a progenitor of mankind and was considered the first king to rule this earth. The Mahabharata  states that: "Manu was endued with great wisdom and devoted to virtue, and he became the progenitor of a line. According to the legend, Manu was advised to build a giant boat which most likely was powered by rowers who subsequently conquered the Mediterranean and forced the Manusm ti, (M+N - S+M+R+T) otherwise known as the Laws of Manu, on the various peoples of the region. Since Hinduism was never a Mediterranean religion, it is nakedly apparent that Manu is a direct reference to Minos. The “Mahabharata”  stated: "And Manu was endowed with great wisdom and devoted to virtue. And he became the progenitor of a line. And in Manu's race have been born all human beings, who have, therefore, been called “Manavas” (M+N+B+S, i.e., “Man Babylon System”). In Germanic history, “Mannus” (M+N+S) was a mythological figure attested by the 1st century A.D. Roman historian Tacitus in his work “Germania”.  According to Tacitus, Mannus was the son of  Tuisto and the progenitor of the three Germanic tribes (i.e., Ingaevones, Herminones and Istvaeones) who was “the source and founder of their people”. Modern
historical sources conclude that Mannus was in fact from the same root as the Manu found in Hindu  tradition.
Lord of Mann  Since 1399 AD, the title of  Lord of Mann has been used on the Isle of Man in reference to the island's Lord Proprietor  and head of state. Interestingly, the current holder of this title is none other than Queen Elizabeth II who holds the highest ranking political position in the underworld. The formal Latin style of “Lord of Mann” is “Dominus Manniae” (D+M+N+S) (M+N) which may be indicative of the dome of Greenland to the north and the system of man. Consequently, Monseigneur  is an honorific in both the English and French languages that is used as a title for a member of a  royal family or other dignitaries. In the Roman Catholic Church, Monsignor  is both a title and an honorific. The plural form of Monsignor is “monsignori”, the proper form of address for those members of the clergy who have received certain ecclesiastical honorific titles from the Pope.
Minos the Devil Minos was so vital to the birth of the Greco-Roman Empire that his face is currently found in the outline of Montana, a U.S. state on the Canadian border. As evidenced, Montana’s western border unmistakably features the face of  Minos as painted by Michelangelo in “The Last Judgment” which is currently found on the alter wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. Minos, who is depicted by Michelangelo as the “Devil”  with pointed ears and a tail, is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the painting which is symbolic of his role as the corner stone of the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, many cities, states and countries around the world are named after Minos (see below), including the Australian island of  Tasmania which is coincidentally shaped in the form of a devil’s head. Aside from the vicious creature known as the Tasmanian devil whose bite is the strongest per unit body mass of any extant mammal land predator, Minos the Devil was immortalized in pop-culture by the Looney Tunes character known as the “Tasmanian Devil”. The city of  Manchester , England, which is named after Minos, is also home to Manchester United F.C., arguably the best and most popular football clubs in the world. The soccer team, which is often referred to as “Manu” (Manu is the title accorded to Minos, a progenitor of mankind), is also represented on the New York Stock Exchange by the same letters—“MANU”. Coincidentally, Manu’s nickname is the Red Devils whose logo depicts a large sailing ship, all tributes to the devil Minos who founded naval science and ship warfare.
The “Master” Race Minos, along with his brothers Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon, were raised by king  Asterion of Crete. In Greek mythology, Asterion means "starry" or "ruler of the stars" which is evidently an allegorical metaphor for the birth of naval science which used the stars as the primary means of nautical navigation. Coincidentally, Manvantara (M+N+V+T+R) is an astronomical period of time measurement uses in sailing science which was based on the stars. Sailing jargon such as “starboard”, “steer ” and “stern” were likely derived from or affiliated with  Asterion. The term "cartology" (C/K+R+T+L+G) was derived from the term "Crete" (C/K+R+T). In Greek mythology, Thucydides states that Minos was the founder of Crete’s naval supremacy and the most ancient man known to build a navy. The term “Master Race”, which was made popular during the Nazi reign of World War II, was likely originally derived from  Asterion and the Cretans who manned their masts and steered their ships into battles and expeditions. Military terms such as “attack” and “attacking” was likely derived from the sailing terms such as “tack” and “tacking” which are defined as turning windward or "preparing to come about”. In Roman religion, Fortuna was the goddess of fortune, luck and fate which was derived from the Wheel of Fortuna  which is the steering wheel of a ship. Since Minos invented the art and science of sailing, he was known by the Babylonians as "Manu the Great”, the Chaldean god who presided over  fate. 
Minos’ “Babylon System”  Minos (M+N+S), meaning “Man System”, was the father of commerce, money, and time. Aside from being the author of the Cretan constitution which measured out justice, Minos was the first to develop the 13- month lunar “Man Calendar” whose name was recently popularized by the Doomsday Mayan Calendar .  Minos was immortalized by the Romans as Minerva, the goddess of war, wisdom and commerce was whose name was derived from the Italic moon goddess “Menesw” which means “She who measures”. Since Minos of Crete was responsible for founding what eventually became known as the “Babylon System”, hundreds of key terms in respect to commerce, control, time, torture, war and wealth share his
name (e.g., acumen, almanac, ammunition, criminal, demand, mandate, mandatory, mansion, maintain, manner, manor, mantra, many, mandarin, manufacture, mean, men, mental, menu, minaret, mind, mine, minor, minus, minute, moan, money, monarchy, money, monk, mono, monolithic, monopoly, monster, monument, mountain, mundane, municipal, seaman, etc.). In essence, all of the systems and terms developed during the time of Minos include the letters of “M” and “N”. 
Cities and States of Man The name of “Man” (M+N) was included in the name of the Ro-“Man” Empire and if found in the names numerous cities, states and countries around the world. These include but are not limited to: 11 countries (i.e.,  Armenia; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Germany; Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Oman;  Romania; Solomon Islands; and Yemen), numerous international cities and dependencied (e.g., Manila,  Philippines; Manchester , England; Isle of Man, England; Mantua, Italy; Monterrey, Mexico; Munich,  Germany; Montevideo, Uruguay, etc.), three U.S. states (i.e., Maine, Minnesota, and Montana), numerous U.S. cities (e.g., Minneapolis, Minnesota, Richmond, Virginia, Sacramento, California, etc.), the Canadian Territory of  Manitoba, and numerous Canadian cities (e.g., Edmonton, Alberta; Moncton, New Brunswick; and Montreal, Quebec, etc.). Aside from the aforementioned titles, tribute to the name of “Man” include but are not limited to: the Ming Dynasty of China which is often described as "one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history (a direct reference to the “Line of Man”); the Chinese language known as “Mandarin Chinese” which has more native speakers (nearly a billion) than any other language; “Mana”, a term used to represent powerful forces of nature such as thunder storms which are in essence an expression of an unseen supernatural agency; and  Manor AG, the biggest department-store chain in Switzerland whose logo features a red six-pedaled flower , a likely reference to the six-spoked Wheel of Fortuna which was invented Minos.
Minos and the Moon  Because Minos was the first to found what eventually became the Greco-Roman Empire, “Monday”, the first day of the week, was named in his honor. The Moon, which Monday is named after, was named after Minos because he died prior to the discovery of Greenland and therefore will forever remain in the darkness of the underworld. In Greek mythology, “Menae” (M+N) was the title given to the 50 goddesses of phases of the moon and the 50 lunar months of the four-year Olympiad, while “Mene” (M+N) was the title given to the goddesses of the lunar months within an Olympiad. Menae were the daughters of the Moon goddess, Selene, and her lover, Endymion (D+M+N), a mortal king. In Norse mythology, "Máni"  (M+N) was the personification of the moon. Consequently, the consonant letters of "M" and "N" which are indicative of Minos (M+N+S) and Moon (M+N) are found today in the official name for Monday (M+N+D) in at least 19 languages originating out of Africa, Europe and Oceana (i.e., Proto Germanic (Mniniz dagaz); Old English (Mnandæg); Old Saxon (Mânundag); Old High German (Mânetag); Middle Low German (Manedag); German (Montag); Dutch (maandag); Scots (Monanday); Afrikaans (Maandag); West Frisian (Moandei); Old Norse (mánadagr); Faroese (mánadagur ); Icelandic (mánudagur ); Norwegian/Bokmål (mandag); Norwegian/Nynorsk (måndag); Danish (mandag); Swedish (måndag); Finnish (maanantai); and Maori (mane).
Minos of the Underworld Since Minos (M+N+S) was the father of war, it is only right that his name be affiliated with the bloodshed, death, sacrifice and torture of the underworld (i.e., hell). In Greek Mythology, Mania (M+N) was the Goddess of insanity and madness. In Greek mythology, Menoitios (M+N+T+A+S) was the Titan god of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality. Zeus struck him down with a thunderbolt and sent him to Erebus (i.e., the Underworld) as punishment for his hybristic behavior. In Roman mythology, Mania was the goddess of the dead who ruled the underworld along with Mantus (M+N+T+S). She was said to be the mother of ghosts, the undead, and other spirits of the night. She was linked to the Manes, Mana Genita, and the aforementioned praenomen Manius. Manes (M+N+S) was derived from Latin word “mane” (M+N) meaning “morning” or “mourning”, as in crying. Consequently, in Roman religion, the “Manes” (M+N+S) were chthonic deities thought to represent souls of deceased loved ones. Mana Genita (M+N+G+N+T) was an obscure goddess only mentioned by Pliny the Elder  and Plutarch who stated that her rites were carried out with a blood sacrifice of a puppy or  bitch (i.e., a female dog in heat). In Etruscan myth and religion, Mantus (M+N+T+S) was a god of the underworld and a consort of  Mania (M+N). A dedication to the god “manθ” (M+N) from the  Archaic period was found in a sanctuary at Pontecagnano. The similar names suggest that they were connected to the aforementioned Manes which were called “man(im)”
(M+N+M) by the Etruscans. Lastly, Manungal (M+N+M+G+L) was the goddess of the underworld who was worshipped by the Sumerians, Babylonians, and  Akkadians who held the "  tablet of life" and carried out  judgment on the wicked.
Minos the Bull  In Greek mythology, the “Minotaur ” (M+N+T+R) was a creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man
.  According to the Roman poet Ovid, the Minotaur was "part man and part bull" and dwelt at the center
of the Cretan Labyrinth (an elaborate maze-like construction) which was designed at the behest of  King Minos of  Crete. The Minotaur and the “Bull” (B+L) are symbolic of the warmongering nature of “Babylon” or “Baby Line” which was sired by Minos. Therefore, various myths and gods pertaining to war are named after Minos. In Egyptian religion, “Montu” (M+N+T) was the falcon-god of war whose name was shown in Egyptian hieroglyphs as Mont, Monthu, Montju, or Menthu. Meaning “nomad”, Montu was the original manifestation of the sun god Ra which often appears under the epithet of “Montu-Ra”. Due to the destructive nature of his character, Montu was immortalized as a warrior and eventually a war-god. Because Egyptian mythology and religion is cover for Greco-Roman history, Montu was also said to manifest himself in a white bull with a black face, which was referred to as the Bakha. Consequently, Egypt's greatest kings called themselves “Mighty Bulls”, the sons of Montu. Starting with the Temple of Montu at Medamud, large temples to Montu were constructed in Hermonthis, (H+R+M+N+T+S), meaning “the land of Montu”. Mentuhotep (M+N+T+T) was the name given to several pharaohs in the Middle Kingdom. Subsequently,  Amun (M+N), whose spouse was  Amaunet (M+N+T), eventually superseded Montu in Egyptian mythology. Amun acquired national importance after he fused with the sun god Ra,  ultimately becoming “Amun-Ra”. The terms found in “Amun-Ra” reversed equate to “Ra- Amun” or “Roman”. Amun-Ra held the position of  transcendental, self-created creator deity "par excellence". His position as King of Gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. In other words Amun-Ra (i.e., Minos) was responsible for siring a line of Greek gods, otherwise known as the “Line of Man”.
Roman Goddess Minerva  Minerva who was the Roman goddess of art, commerce, crafts, defense, magic, medicine, music, poetry, school, trade, war, weaving and wisdom. She is often depicted along with her sacred creature which symbolizes wisdom, the "owl of Minerva". In Greek mythology, Fasti and Ovid called her the "goddess of a thousand works". In order to disguise the fact that Minerva is based on Minos of Crete, modern historical accounts state that Menrva (also spelled Menerva) was an Etruscan goddess which contributed to the Roman character of Minerva. Minerva is also equated with the Greek goddess  Athena, despite the fact that Minos was still alive at that time. The Romans held a festival to Minerva from March 19 to March 23 which was called in the neuter plural, Quinquatria, the fifth after the Ides of March. A lesser version, known as the Minusculae Quinquatria, was held on the Ides of June, June 13. In 207 B.C., a  guild of poets and actors was formed to meet and make votive offerings at the temple of Minerva on the  Aventine Hill whose members included Livius Andronicus. The Aventine sanctuary of Minerva continued to be an important center of the arts for much of the middle Roman Republic. Roman temples to Minerva include but are not limited to: the Temple of Minerva (Assisi); the Temple of Minerva Medica (Rome); and the Temple of Minerva Medica Nymphaeum (Rome).
Minerva Worldwide  As the Roman goddess of wisdom, Minerva is featured in the seals, logos, and mottos of numerous colleges, schools, universities around the world. She is also included in numerous governmental and military institutions, including the Republic of Minerva, a micronation consisting of the Minerva Reefs in  Australia. Although tributes to Minerva are to be expected in Greece and Italy, she is found today in almost every country on Earth. It’s not a coincidence that so many governments and universities just happen share the same taste in goddesses—it’s part of a much larger Roman conspiracy. In other words, since the world is run by Rome from Greenland, the collective 206 countries of the underworld shares the same fetish for Roman gods and goddesses, especially Minerva.
Minerva (England) The Greco-Roman goddess Minerva is found throughout the country of England, including but not limited to: the official cap badge of the  Artists Rifles Territorial SAS Regiment of the British Army; the title of remote learning facility at Bath Spa University (Bath); the Briggate Minerva statue (Leeds); the official logo
of the Chartered Society of Designers (London); the logo of the Girls Day School Trust in England and Wales; the title of the annual prize for the best political student at Liverpool Hope University (Liverpool); the Minerva statue atop the dome of  Liverpool Town Hall (Liverpool); the Roman Minerva's Shrine  (Chester); the Minerva Lodge, the oldest Masonic Lodge in England (City of Kingston Upon Hulls); the head of  "Sulis-Minerva" found in the Roman ruins (Bath); the official logo of  University of Lincoln (Lincoln); and the Minerva web interface of  University of Sheffield Medical School (Sheffield).
Minerva (Europe) The Greco-Roman goddess Minerva is found throughout Europe, including but not limited to: Austria: the sculptured work entitled "The Birth of Minerva" at the University of Vienna (Vienna); Bulgaria: the title of the Minerva language school (Ruse); Germany: the Minerva statue on the Alte Brücke (Heidelberg); the paintings at Old University's assembly hall and the Minerva statue in front of the New University building at Heidelberg University; and the official logo of the Max Planck Society; Italy: the Minerva statue and the official logo of  La Sapienza University (Rome); the Temple of Minerva (Assisi); the Temple of Minerva Medica (Rome); the Temple of Minerva Medica Nymphaeum (Rome); the Minerva statue (Pavia); and the Minerva statue at the University of Turin (Turin); Netherlands: the official seal of  Leiden University  (Leiden); Norway: the Minerva statue at Bergen Museum (Bergen); Portugal: the official insignia of University of Porto (Porto); and Scotland: the Minerva statue and the building title at Dumfries Academy  (Dumfries); the official seal of  Kelvinside Academy (Glasgow); and the Minerva statue atop the dome of the Mitchell Library (Glasgow).
Minerva (Latin America) The Greco-Roman goddess Minerva is found in throughout Latin America, including but not limited to: Brazil: the official seal and patroness of  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro); and the official seal of  Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (São Paulo); Cuba: the stained glass window at Jose Marti National Library (Havana); Guatemala: Manuel José Estrada Cabrera, former President of Guatemala, tried to promote a "Cult of Minerva" and subsequently erected the Temple of Minerva (Guatemala City); and Mexico: the official seal of  Escuela Comercial Cámara de Comercio  (Mexico City); and the Minerva statue at Minerva Roundabout (Guadalajara).
Minerva (U.S. Academia) The Roman goddess Minerva is found throughout colleges, fraternities and universities within the United States, the Greco, including but not limited to: the official seal of   American Academy of Arts & Sciences  (Cambridge, Massachusetts); the patron goddess of  Bryn Mawr College (Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania); the Minerva statue at Columbia University (Manhattan, New York); the goddess and seal of  Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity; the title of  online for-profit university Minerva University; the supercomputer  of  Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York, New York); the main file server of  Keystone College (Factoryville, Pennsylvania); the coat of arms and patron goddess of  Sigma Alpha Epsilon  fraternity; the Minerva statue at State University of New York at Geneseo (Geneseo, New York); the café,  the  journal, and the Minerva statues at State University of New York at Potsdam (Potsdam, New York); the official seal and motto at Union College, New York (Schenectady, New York); the patroness of  Union Philosophical Society of  Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pennsylvania); the official seal of  University of  Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Alabama); the catalogue, the motto and the official logo of  University at Albany  (Albany, New York); the Minerva statue at University of California (Berkeley, California); the official seal of University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky); the Minerva statue and the official seal of  University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, North Carolina); official seal of  University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, Oklahoma); the official seal of  University of South Carolina (Columbia, South Carolina); the official seal of  University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia); the official seal of  Virginia Tech University (Blacksburg, Virginia); the Minerva statue at Wells College (Aurora, New York); and the Minerva statue at Yale School of Architecture (New Haven, Connecticut).
Minerva (U.S.)   Aside from academic based institutions, the Greco-Roman goddess Minerva is found throughout the United States, including but not limited to: the Medal of Honor , the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government; the Minerva bust at the Boston Public Library (Boston, Massachusetts); the Minerva Foundation (Berkeley, California): the Minerva statue at Battle Hill (Brooklyn, New York); the Minerva statue at Green-Wood Cemetery (New York, New York); the Minerva statue at the Minneapolis
Central Library (Minneapolis, Minnesota); the Minerva statue (Portland, Maine); the Minerva statue at the United States Capitol Visitor Center  (Washington, D.C.); the Minerva statue at the library of the United States Military Academy (West Point, New York); the James Gordon Bennett Minerva Monument (New York, New York); the mosaic and the Minerva statue at the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.); the Minerva statue atop the U.S. Capitol Building (Washington, D.C.); the Minerva Initiative at the Department of Defense (Arlington County, Virginia), the official seal of the State of California; U.S. $5 Stamp (1923); and the helmet of Minerva is depicted in the logo of  Walter Reed Army Medical Center  (Washington, D.C.).
Minerva (Other) The Greco-Roman goddess Minerva is found throughout the world, including but not limited to: Australia: the official seal of  Ballarat Clarendon College (Ballarat, Victoria); the magazine and song of  Hornsby Girls High School (Sydney, New South Wales); and the official logo of  Mac.Robertson Girls' High School  (Melbourne, Victoria); Canada: the seal of  Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity; the Minerva web interface of McGill University (Montreal, Quebec); India: Minerva Circle (Bangalore); the Minerva Institute of Management& Technology (Dehradun); the Minerva statue atop the Writer’s Building (Kolkata); South  Africa: the coat of arms and newspaper  University of Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch); and Tunisia: the Temple of Minerva (Sbeitla).
Minerva (Popular Culture)   According to John Robison's “Proofs of a Conspiracy” (1798), the third degree of the Bavarian Illuminati  was called “Minerval” or “Brother of Minerva”, in honor of  Minerva. In the Harry Potter  series, J.K Rowling  named a leading female character Minerva McGonagall in light of the Roman goddess. Like Minerva, McGonagall’s main trait was that of wisdom and war. In the Percy Jackson & The Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, Athena (i.e., Minerva) is the mother of Annabeth Chase, one of the main characters. In the  Assassin's Creed series, Minerva is depicted along with Juno and Tinia who were worshiped as a triad in Rome.
1.02 Island of Crete Crete is a small Greek island in the Mediterranean Sea which is roughly 260 kilometers long and 60 kilometers wide. According to the University of Oxford (i.e., Oxford University), the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second-oldest surviving university in the world, the island of Crete was the birthplace of the earliest civilization which consequently produced the first “high culture” in Europe. More specifically, the northwest city of  Chania (C/K+N) is recognized as the oldest city on earth, hence the term “concrete”. The saying “Cradle of Civilization” is a disguised reference to the island of Crete, the birthplace of civilization. According to Merriam-Webster, the origins of “Cradle” were derived from the Old High German term “kratto” (C/K+R+T) which is consonantly identical to that of “Crete” (C/K+R+T). Therefore, is can be ascertained that the “Crete of Civilization” was in fact the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire. Crete is known as the first home of the Line of Man, the ruling family of the Greco-Roman Empire. After Crete, the Line of Man relocated to Island of Sicily and eventially the Island of Greenland. 
Name of Crete Due to Minos, the island of Crete was the birthplace of commerce, money, time and war. Therefore, its name is found in various forms thought the Roman-English lexicon. Since the letters “C”, “K” and “Q” are represented in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) by the Chevron symbol  (i.e., the “” symbol) words that include “C”, “K” or “Q” followed by the letters “R” and “T” exhibit the name of Crete. Crete
derived terms include but are not limited to: “democrat”; “carat”; “carrot”; “cart”; cartology; “concrete”; “court”; “crate”; “crater”; “creation”; “creator”; “critical”; "creatine"; creature”; “excrete”; “karate”; “quart”; “quarter”, “quartz”; “recruit”; and “secret”. Many of these terms have practical applications for they were found, founded or created on the island of Crete, including “carrots” which coincidentally grow wild on the island of Crete. Amongst the most popular Cretan-spawned terms is that of “Democrat” and the Democratic party which has over  100 active political parties around the world, including over 40 former political parties. “Democrat”, meaning “Dome Crete”, is likely reference to the “Line of Man” (which was sired by Minos of Crete) which has subsequently relocated to the Dome of Greenland. The name of Crete is also found in the names of cities and states around the world, including but not limited to the country of Croatia and the cities of  Democrat, California and Tikrit, Iraq. Lastly, the name of Crete (C/K+R+T) spelled backwards spells the word “trick” which is coincidentally found in the names of both Turkey and Turkmenistan, both of which are geographically close to Crete.
Cretan Fascism  Because fascism was born on island of Crete, the fasces symbol exhibits the same shape as the island of Crete, topographically speaking. As evidenced, the northwest corner of the island unmistakably exhibits the shape of a fasces (ax) blade while the rest of the island serves as its handle. The current  flag of Crete  depicts a double-sided fasces ax, minus the 13 sticks which surround it on the original flag of the Roman Empire. Coincidentally, the airport of Chania, Crete is unmistakably fashioned in the form of the fasces,  further insinuating that the oldest city on earth was the first place to adopt the ideology of fascism which has now enveloped the Earth.
Sea Peoples  On par with the fraudulent riddled history of the Greco-Roman Empire, the term Sea Peoples appears to be historical cover for Cretan-based piracy in the Mediterranean. This notion has been confirmed by modern historical accounts which state that “With Crete’s reputation of harboring pirates, it is not too surprising to find much evidence of their involvement with the Sea Peoples”. In other words, the Sea Peoples, who are admittedly Greek, were from Crete, an island with a long history of piracy. According to the book “In Search of the Trojan War ” (1998) by noted historian Michael Wood, “…the Sea Peoples ... in part actually composed of Mycenaean Greeks - rootless migrants, warrior bands and condottieri on the move ...? Certainly there seem to be suggestive parallels between the war gear and helmets of the Greeks ... and those of the Sea Peoples ...”. The Sea Peoples are also identified in Egyptian records as the Ekwesh, a group of Bronze Age Greeks known as the  Achaeans (C+H+N+S), otherwise known as the Chanians (C+H+N+S), one of the four major tribes of  Classical Greece. The city of  Chania on the Island of Crete is the oldest city in Europe which was founded by the original pirate Minos, the godfather of the Greco-Roman Empire. In time, the piracy committed by the Sea Peoples became so rampant that even modern historical sources state in respect to the Sea Peoples that “there seemed to be no real distinction made between a pirate and a mercenary”. In other words, due to the Sea Peoples from Crete, the Mediterranean was over-run with pirates. Although the term "Sea Peoples" is routinely used to describe pirates form Crete, the original term for these pirates was likely "Sea Men" as in “C Men”. The symbol for both the letter “C” and “K” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) is the “” symbol, otherwise known as a Chevron symbol. The “” symbol was the first-ever Greco-Roman symbol for it represented the mountainous Island of Crete, the home of these pirates. Consequently, the “” symbol later  adorned the shields of Greek warriors and was therefore likely present in the name of said pirates emanating from Crete. Since Crete pirates were “men” that were ruled by Minos (from whence the terms "man" and "men" were ultimately derived from), it stands to reason these pirates would be entitled “ Men” (i.e., “C Men”) rather than “Sea Peoples”. Modern tributes to the Sea Men include "semen" (i.e., seminal fluid) and Siemens, the largest Europe-based electronics and electrical engineering company in the world.
"Carte Blanche"  The French term “carte blanche” has two different meanings which essentially refer to unbridled money and power. Firstly, carte blanche can mean, in the literal sense, a “blank cheque”, in that a check that has no written numerical value written but it’s already signed. In other words, there is no price to high; whatever is wanted is already paid for. The second meaning of carte blanche is that o f “Full Powers”, which under international law, dictates that the head of state, head of government or foreign minister of the state, has the legal power to sign a treaty or convention on behalf of a sovereign state. In other words, Full Powers is the right to dictate the decisions of a particular nation, or all nations, without any checks or
balances. As evidenced, “Carte” (C/K+R+T) is consonantly identical to “Crete” (C/K+R+T). Therefore, it can be ascertained that “carte blanche” is a direct reference to the island of Crete. After all, the “Line of Man” which rules the Earth from Greenland was sired by Minos of Crete. Since money can be printed with ease, the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland essentially has a “blank cheque” to do as they please. Since all countries (aside from Switzerland and Vatican City) are non-sovereign entities, they also wield “Full Powers” over 204 countr ies on Earth. Make no mistake, both Switzerland and Vatican City are under the control of Greenland, they just don’t know it yet. 
Cretan Piracy  The Greco-Roman Empire was essentially spawned by piracy, starting with Minos who founded the city of Chania on the Island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. The term “conspiracy” literally means “Chania’s Piracy” or “Con’s Piracy” since Chania was originally pronounced “Con”. This particular notion is substantiated by modern historical sources which state that Crete had a reputation of harboring pirates.  Crete’s piracy was also confirmed in book "Piracy, Maritime Terrorism and Naval Strategy" (2009) by Bjørn Møller of the Danish Institute for International Studies, wherein he states, “In ancient Greece piracy seems to have been widespread and widely regarded as an entirely honorable way of making a living”. Because of Crete’s geographic location at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, the island was ideal for both shipwrecking and piracy. By controlling Crete and the waterways around the island, the pirates of Crete were able to establish a naval chokehold in the region consisting of both piracy and later taxes. Over time, the ships, slaves and general wealth accumulated by Cretan-based piracy spawned the first- ever army, navy and government. According to classical historian Dr. Janice Gabbert, “The eastern Mediterranean has been plagued by piracy since the first dawn of history”. This particular notion is corroborated by modern historical sources which state that in classical antiquity, “the Illyrians and Tyrrhenians were known as pirates, as well as Greeks and Romans”. In “Piracy in the Ancient World”  (1996), noted maritime historian Henry Ormerod states that, “If we remember that piracy was, for centuries, a normal feature of Mediterranean life, it will be realized how great has been the influence which it exercised on the life of the ancient world”. In other words, is piracy ruled the day. In“Pirate Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea” (1916), Ellen Churchill Semple found that the area around the island of  Crete was famous for its slave markets and that Crete was notable for its pirates. This was because after a ship was captured, it cargo was plundered and its human cargo was sold to the highest bidder, ultimately creating the first-ever slave market. Greek historian Thucydides wrote in “History of the Peloponnesian War ” (c. 10th century) that, “For in early times the Hellenes (Greeks) and the barbarians of the coast and islands ... were tempted to turn to piracy, under the conduct of their most powerful men ... [T]hey would fall upon a town unprotected by walls ... and would plunder it ... no disgrace being yet attached to such an achievement, but even some glory”. In the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer , the greatest of the Greek poets, piracy was perfectly normal occurrence. Odysseus recounts that: “We boldly landed on the hostile place,  And sack’d the city, and destroy’d the race, Their wives made captive, their possessions shared, And every soldier found a like reward”. Being kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery was so commonplace that it also became a favorite theme of Greek poets and plays. Due to centuries of shipwrecking and piracy, the Island of Crete essentially had unabated access to free slaves, free ships and free treasure, ultimately spawning what would eventually become the Greco-Roman Empire.
1.03 Chania, Crete The city of  Chania (C/K+N) is located on the northwest side of the Greek island of  Crete. The coastal city, which has been inhabited since the Neolithic Era (10,200 B.C.—2,000 B.C.), is allegedly the oldest inhabited city in the world. Since the Chevron symbol  (i.e., the “” symbol) is an acronym for both the letters “C” and “K” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet). The double “” symbol (i.e., the letter
“M”) is an acronym for  Chania, Crete, the first city founded by Minos on Crete. The Old Town harbor of Chania is entitled "akti" (i.e., Akti Tompazi, Akti Kountouriotou and Akti Enoseos) which is coincidentally the name of a Roman military base (i.e., “KT” or “city”), while the central part of Old Town Chania is known as Kasteli (i.e., castle).
Con’s Piracy  The term “conspiracy” literally means “Chania’s piracy”, for the city of Chania, Crete was also the birthplace of naval piracy (see: Pirates). Because Chania is located on a small hill right next to the seafront, it has always been the ideal place for piracy due its secure position and its location in Mediterranean Sea. In other words, ships heading into the Mediterranean for trade has to pass on either side of the island of Crete. Coincidentally, the airport of Chania is unmistakably fashioned in the form of the fasces, further indicating that the city of Chania was the birthplace of fascism.
Con in Rome The Chania-based prefix of “con/cen” (C/K+N) is found in numerous aspects of the Roman military and government, including but not limited to: “censor ” (from whence "censorship" were derived from) an officer responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the Roman Empire’s finances; “centuria”, a Roman military unit consisting of 100 men; “consul”, the highest elected office of the Roman Republic; “consular tribunes”, military tribunes with consular authority who were elected with consular  power in the Roman Republic; contubernium”, the smallest organized unit of  soldiers in the Roman Army which was composed of eight legionaries; “proconsul”, the governor of a province in the Roman Republic; and “senatus consultum” the text emanating from the Roman senate.
Con Today   Amongst the most popular Chania-spawned terms is that of “Republican”, “Republicanism” and the Republican Party which has at least 57 active political parties around the world. “Republican”, meaning “Roman Public Con”, is likely a term derived from deceiving the Roman public through trickery. The name of “Chania” (C/K+N) can also be found in the name of 9 countries around the world (i.e., Burkina Faso;  Canada; Central African Republic; China; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Kenya; Republic of the Congo; United Kingdom; and Vatican City. Other “Chania” based name include but are not limited to: the Canadian Territory entitled “Yukon”; the names of four U.S. States (i.e., Connecticut; Kansas; Kentucky;  and Wisconsin), as well as numerous cities around the world (e.g., Chengdu, China; Chennai, India; Chongqing, China; and Constantinople, Turkey). Other modern tributes to Chania include the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); CNN (Cable News Network), the allegedly Chinese teacher, politician, and philosopher  Confucius, (551 –479 B.C.); and movie entitled “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”.
Con’s Lexicon  Since the founder of Chania was Minos, the father of commerce, fascism, government, money, time and war, numerous named affiliated with these topics bear the name of the city in which they were born. These include but are not limited to: action and military terms (i.e., can, canoe, cannon, canteen, conflict, confiscate, confront, confuse, conk, conquer, conquest, count, confound, consequence, conspiracy, counter, contagion, convoy, contend, contest, conserve, contention, constrain, constrict, contest, control, contempt, converge, convex, concave, contention, concussion, conduct, concoct, construct, connect, contribute, conduce, conducive, etc.); communication and secrecy (e.g., conceal, confess, confide, consecrate, contact, convey, contradict, conversation, converse, conspiracy, recant, etc.); governmental and political terms (e.g., concord, congress, conglomerate, congregate, constituency, council, constitution, canton, convention, consensus, context, contract, convene, convent, convention, consensus, country, county, constable, conman, etc.); and legal and slave terms (e.g., condemn, condemnation, confine, convict, conform, contraband, condemn, convert, consequence, etc.). Other Chania spawned terms include but are not limited to: canal, cancer, central, concave, concept, conception, concert, conclude, confident, conjoin, conscience, consent, constellation, consummate, contemplation, continue, continuity, convince, convex, cunt, kin, lexicon, etc.
1.04 Island of Rhodes Rhodes is a small Greek island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near present day Turkey, roughly 325 kilometers (200 miles) due east from the island of Crete. It is geographically located at the crossroads of  Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and therefore served as the primary military base Greco-Roman Empire. Subsequently, the island was home to the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which the Statue of Liberty in New York is coincidentally modeled after. The idiom “ All roads lead to Rome” can be taken both literally and figuratively for “Rhodes led to Rome”. In other words, the science, technology, and military applications developed on the island of Rhodes were used by the Roman Empire to in essence conquer the world. In a calculated attempt to both celebrate and disguise the history of Rhodes, Rhode Island was named in 1790 as one of the new 13 British colonies in America. Rhode Island is home to the Naval War College (NWC or NAVWARCOL) which was established on October 6, 1884. Similar to the island of Rhodes, the Naval War College serves as the primary education and research institution of the United States Navy which specializes in developing latest and greatest applications in naval warfare.
Rhodes-Man  The term “Roman” (R+M+N) was evidently created when the terms “Rho” (R) and “Man” (M+N) were combined. These two terms were likely derived from the island of  Rhodes and Minos of Crete who is credited with siring the “Line of Man”. The letter “H” was either dropped from the term “Roman” or added to the term “Rhodes” in a calculated move to quell any notion that  Ancient Greece and  Ancient Rome are one and the same entity. Interestingly, in the language of  Yiddish, the term “mannitti” allegedly means to “rho”, “row”, or “ro”. The logo of  Manchester United F.C. (which is named after  Minos of Crete) depicts a large Roman Clipper ship which suggests that the two terms are indeed inseparable. Whether the island of Rhodes was named after rowing, or the act of rowing was named after the island of Rhodes is not known, but in time, both became synonymous with the Greco-Roman Empire as each has played a critical role in enslaving the world for the last 1,000-plus years.
Rhodes Mythology Considering how important the island of  Rhodes was to the Greco-Roman Empire, its name, numerology and symbology is therefore held in the highest regard. According to Greek mythology, “Rhode”  or “Rhodos” was a sea nymph who lived on the island of  Rhodes who was known as the co-protector of the island—the sole center of her cult. In other words, in Greco-Roman culture, the island of Rhodes was the center of a cult who worshipped and exalted her above all else. The term “worship” is actually derived from “war ship”, as the ships which returned to Rhodes after successful military campaigns would be cheered and revered by all. The men who captained these Greco-Roman warships which were “rowed” into battle and exploration were called “heroes”, as in “he rows”. 
Rhodes Numerology The island of  Rhodes is 79.7 kilometers (49.5 miles) long and 38 kilometers (24 miles) wide, equaling a total area of approximately 1,400 square kilometers (541 square miles) with a coastline of approximately 220 kilometers (137 miles). The numerology of Rhodes, particularly numbers “14”, “22” and “38” are scared to the Greco-Roman Empire. The number “14” equates to the letter “X” in the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet), meaning to “kill” or to “target”, while “22” in the modern English alphabet equates to the letter “W” (V+V) or double-V, which is an acronym for “War” and translates to “BB” or “Babylon”. The essence, all of the number associated with the island of Rhodes are highly esteemed numbers in Greco- Roman lore.
  Rhodes Symbology The island of  Rhodes is physically shaped like the head of a spear —the main weapon used by the warriors in the epic Iliad of the ancient Greek poet Homer . The “ankh”, which is known as key of life, is an alleged Egyptian symbol which depicts the spearhead-like shape of Rhodes attached to the Greek  cross of Tau. The ankh (N+K) is evidently associated with the god of Enki (N+K) and therefore is held in the highest regard. The spearhead-shape of Rhodes is currently depicted in the logo of the Special Forces of the United States Army and the official logo for the United States Special Operations Command  (USSOCOM) which also features a Crete-like fasces base. The spearhead-shape of Rhodes is also replicated by the spades suit found in common playing cards which coincidentally serves as the logo of the United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command. The spade symbol is also depicted in numerous corporations and logos including but not limited to: the logo of the Kansas City Chiefs (an  American football team); the alternative snow and skate brand entitled “SRH” (1991); the woman’s clothing line entitled “Kate Spade” (1993); and various online poker rooms (e.g.,, PokerStars,  and Ultimate Poker ).
Rhodes Scholar The city of Rhodes, which is located at the northern tip of the spearhead-like island of  Rhodes, is still home to a massive medieval castle entitled the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. It was here that the first major Greco-Roman university or school of warfare was founded. The idiom “Tip of the Spear” was coined after the city of Rhodes because the best and the brightest military minds of the day were stationed at the Palace of the Grand Master. Coincidentally, the official magazine of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) is entitled “Tip of the Spear ”. It was in this island setting that the term “Rhodes Scholar ” was likely born as the city of Rhodes became home to the top academic and military scholars from around the known world. The term “scholar” (S+K+L+R) was likely derived from the terms “skill/skull” (S+K+L) as these Greco-Roman scholars were paid to devise and refined the skills of war while on the island of Rhodes. In the event that the island was attacked, the “military brass” would retreat to the safety of the Palace of the Grand Master at the warning call of the brass trumpets.
Telchines of Rhodes  According to Greek mythology, the Telchines were the original inhabitants of the island of  Rhodes who had emigrated from the neighboring island of Crete. They were regarded as excellent metallurgists and metal workers who were skilled in brass and iron. They are even credited with making a trident for Poseidon and a sickle for  Cronus. The ancient Greek poet Homer  wrote that the Telchines, who were known as the fish children, had dog heads and flippers instead of hands, a description which suggests that they were aggressive in battle and extremely skilled in matters regarding naval science. The Telchines are also alleged to have produced the first chemical weapons when they concocted a mixture of  Stygian water and sulfur which subsequently killed both animals and plants. The term “Telchines” (T+L+C+H) is likely where the Roman-English terms “Talk” and “Tool” were derived from as the inhabitants of Rhodes developed their own secret military jargon. Over time, the military “talk” developed into a second language (possibly English) which was used to communicate in battle and was indiscernible to their enemies.
Rose Symbology The red thorny flower known as the rose derived its name from the aforementioned sea nymph “Rhodos”, who according to Greek mythology lived on the island of Rhodes. In the Greek language, the word "rose" means red which is coincidentally the official color of the Roman Empire. The rose subsequently appeared on Rhodian coinage and was routinely used in Greco-Roman ceremonies in worship to the god of Isis. It was also common practice for a wild rose to be placed at the door of a room where secret or confidential matter was being discussed. The phrase “sub rosa”, or "under the rose", literally meant to keep a secret. The ceilings of  Roman banquet-rooms were decorated with roses to remind patrons that what was spoken “sub vino” (under the influence of wine) was also “sub rosa” and should be kept secret. In modern times, "sub rosa" is a byword for covert operations (black ops) which are executed by Special Forces. Both the rose and the rosy cross are esoteric symbols of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, one of the many secret societies of Rome. The Greco-Roman rose is a common device in heraldry and is featured in the coat of arms of  Finland as well as in the insignia of officers in the Finish military. Of all the 206 allegedly sovereign territories and their respective dependent territories, the coat of arms of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands is the

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