  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Greek Gods and Roman Equivalents English 9 A Chipmania Production Chipman 2010 Slide 3 Fill in your worksheet Slide 4 ZEUS Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Jupiter is a corruption of the Latin: Zeus Pater meaning: Father Zeus -Powerful -Wise & Fair -A player -Can be cruel -Cocky sky; all things; ruler of mankind Jupiter Slide 5 Poseidon Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: He gets to Pose on the side of Neptune. -Powerful -Creator of storms -Unpredictable -Violent -Holds grudges the Sea; horses; Earthquakes; storms Neptune Slide 6 Hera Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Dyou know where my husband is? Marriage, women, children, fertility -Powerful-Beautiful-Dignified/Solemn-JEALOUS!!! -Holds grudges Slide 7 Athena Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Athena has more than my nerve to be a woman warrior. -Intelligent -Loves peace -Integrity-Virgin - Strong/Good fighter - Popped from Zeus head, fully grown (from 1 st wife, Metis) wisdom; war strategy Minerva Slide 8 Apollo Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: His name is a twin, too. -Twin -Son of Zeus by Leto -Gift of Prophecy -Associated with Oracle at Delphi -Pretty Boy -Rock Star sun; light; healing; Fine Arts (music, poetry) Apollo Slide 9 Artemis Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Artemis famous hunting quote: DIE, ANImals! moon, hunt, forest animals Diana -Twin -Daughter of Zeus by Leto -Virgin -Loved Adventure -Huntress -The original Tomboy Slide 10 Ares Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: When Mars aligns with March, Ares MARCHES his troops to war. -Violent -Bully (Coward) -Not a good fighter on his own -Likes to watch others suffer -Son of Hera (by Zeus?) WAR!! (& Slaughter) Mars Slide 11 Hephaestus Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Vulcans have the fastest blacksmiths. -Lame -- damaged -Good-natured -UGLY!!! -Skilled crafter -Faithful-Married to Aphrodite -Makes lightening bolts -Son of Hera forge; fire; volcano; blacksmith Vulcan Slide 12 Aphrodite Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Venus wore an up-do not an Afro. -Came full-grown from the sea -Beautiful!!!! -Vain/Selfish/Shallow -Unfaithful flirt -Ever-the-Virgin Love (Passion) Beauty Venus Slide 13 Hermes Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Gofer Me. HerMEs and MErcury. -Clever -Curious -Inventive -Wears winged sandals -Son of Zeus by Maia Messenger; trade; thieves; Mercury Caduceus Slide 14 Hestia Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Hestia, Hestia, Shes the Besta Vesta. home and hearth Vesta -Kind-Productive -Virgin (Vestal Virgins) -Lovely -Scandal -Everyones Favorite Spinster Aunt Slide 15 Demeter Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: DEMETER is dmother of all CEREalS. -Powerful -Good Mother -Nurturing -Reasonable agriculture and grains Ceres Slide 16 HADES Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Mickey and Hades both have dogs (think Pluto). -Gloomy $$ RICH $$ -Powerful -Stern -Wants more than he has the Underworld; the Shades of the Dead; Wealth Pluto Slide 17 Dionysus Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: If Bacchus keeps drinking margaritas, hell Die on Ices -Friendly -Cheerful -Son of Semele (by Zeus) -The Partier Wine Festivities Bacchus Slide 18 Eros Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Cupid has Eros arrows. -Son of Aphrodite (by Ares) -Leader of Cherubs -Bow and Arrow-- shot through a persons heart to make them fall in love Love (infatuation) Cupid Slide 19 Herakles Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: -Son of Zeus by Alcmene -Amazing strength-killed serpents as a baby -12 Labors -Name: Herakles kles: curse of or bane of -Hera tormented Eldest of Zeus Demigods Hercules Club Lion skin cloak (the Nemian Lion) Slide 20 The 9 Muses Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Anything that ends up in a museum, comes from the Muses. -Daughters of Zeus by Mnemosyne (Memory) -Given Pegasus by Athena to inspire others to create -Apollos groupies The Arts and Sciences Muses Slide 21 The Muses preside over the arts and sciences, inspire all artists, especially poets, philosophers, and musicians. Calliope: epic poetry Clio: history Euterpe: lyric poetryMelpomene: tragedy Erato: love poetryPolyhymnia: sacred poetry Urania: astronomyThalia: comedy Terpsichore: choral songs and the dance Slide 22 The Moirai Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: -Klotho: Spinner -Lakhesis: Apportioner of Lots (measurer of life span) -Atropos: Cutter of the String of Life (She-who-cant-be-influenced) -Controlled the Erinyes (Furies) -Daughters of Zeus by Nyx (Night) Destiny: Spin, Measure, Cut The Fates Slide 23 Nymphs Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: The Secret of NIMH is about rats, not beautiful girls. -Beautiful female children of minor gods -Some are immortal -Defended their portion of Nature Nature Nymphs Usually scantily clad femalesno pictures allowed. Slide 24 Driades Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Dry wood is the best wood for Dryads. -Nymphs who live in forests -20 hunted with Artemis Forests & Trees Dryads Usually scantily clad femalesno pictures allowed. Slide 25 Nereids Domain Characteristics Picture/Symbols Roman Mnemonic: Nereids live near the beautiful ocean beaches. -50 daughters of Poseidon -Live in the Sea -Show up in many epics the Sea Nereids Usually scantily clad femalesno pictures allowed. Slide 26 This is the end of the lesson applause would be appropriate now make sure you copied down all the information you need.

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