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GreeceMade By: Shirean Yousuf

Greece is made of three major land groups, the mainland, the Peloponnesus peninsula and the islands offshore. The land is comprised of approximately 80% mountains and hills, making it one of the most mountainous countries in all of Europe. Mount Olympus forms the highest point in Greece at 2,919 meter above sea level. Greece’s climate is divided into three well defined classes the Mediterranean, Alpine and Temperate, the first one features mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Temperatures rarely reach extremes, although snowfalls do occur occasionally even in Athens, Cyclades or Crete during the winter. Alpine is found primarily in Western Greece . Finally the temperate climate is found in Central and Eastern Macedonia as well as in Thrace at places like Komotini, Xanthi and northern Evros; with cold, damp winters and hot, dry summers.

Greece’s Natural Features

Acropolis of Athens:-The Acropolis of Athens, also called the Sacred Rock, stands on the highest point of Athens. It is considered as the most important heritage of the Classical period and also as Europe's most important ancient monument. The most famous buildings of the Acropolis are the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Temple of Athena and the Propylaea.

Sanctuary of Delphi:-The site of Delphi was discovered in 1893 by the French School of Archaeology. This was the most important oracle of ancient Greece. The most important monuments excavated in Delphi are: the Temple of Apollo, the Theatre, the Stadium, the Tholos and the Gymnasium.

Important sites

Mycenae:-The site of Mycenae is considered as one of the oldest sites in Greece and witnesses the development of the Mycenaean civilization. Mycenae was the legendary home of Agamemnon, ruler of the Greeks during the Trojan War. The Mycenaean civilization took its name after the discovery of the site of Mycenae.

The Sacred Island of Delos:-Delos is considered as one of the most important Pan-Hellenic sanctuaries of Greece. According to the Greek mythology, Delos was the birth place of Apollo, the god of sun and maybe of Artemis, the twin-sister of Apollo, goddess of hunting. Delos was a sacred place in the ancient times. It worked both as a religious and trade center.

Knossos:-Knossos is the most important and best preserved palace of the Minoan Civilization, that flourished in Greece from 2,700 to 1,450 BC. Knossos, located near modern Heraklion Crete, was the seat of the legendary King Minos and it is also a place connected to many legends such as the Labyrinth with the Minotaur and the story of Daedalus and Icarus.

Ancient Olympia:-Ancient Olympia is situated in an area of great natural beauty in Peloponnese. It is considered as one of the most important sanctuaries of the antiquity and it was dedicated to the father of all gods, Zeus. Olympia was also the place were the ancient Olympic Games were first held n the 7th century B.C. The most important monuments of the site are: the temples of Zeus and Hera, the Stadium, the workshop of sculptor Phedias.

Men if they were not training in military, or discussing politics ,went to the Theatre for entertainment. To watch dramas that they could relate to, including tragedies and comedies. These often involved current politics and gods in some form. It is thought that women were not allowed to watch theatre or perform at the theatre.

Lives of Women in Ancient Greece were closely tied to domestic work, spinning, weaving and other domestic duties. They were not involved in public life or in politics.

Children in ancient Greece usually occupied their time playing with toys and games.

Ancient Greek Everyday Life

The ancient Greeks referred to themselves, as citizens of their hometown - their city-state. Each city-state had its own personality, goals, laws and customs. Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their city-state. There were three main forms of government in ancient Greece:

1) Monarchy: Rule by a king. One city-state whose government was a monarchy was the city-state of Corinth.

2) Oligarchy: Rule by a small group. One city-state whose government was an oligarchy was the city-state of Sparta.

3) Democracy: Rule by the citizens, voting in an assembly. One city-state whose government experimented for about a hundred years with democracy was the ancient city-state of Athens.

Ancient Greece system government

The government of Greece is a parliamentary democracy. The people elect 300 parliamentary deputies who form the parliament which conducts the legislative duties of the government. The political party which can collect 151 seats or more in the parliament assumes the duties of the administration. The party president automatically becomes Prime Minister and he then appoints people to become cabinet ministers.There is a President but he is not elected by the people. Instead, he is elected by the parliamentary deputies for 5 year terms at a time.

Modern Greece government


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