Page 1: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Conflict in the Colonies

Page 2: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Great Britain Raises TaxesGreat Britain had won the French and Indian

War, but it was expensive.How was Great Britain going to pay for the


Page 3: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Great Britain Raises TaxesTax the colonistsSugar Act: sets

duties on molasses and sugar imported by colonists

Page 4: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Sugar Tax

Page 5: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without RepresentationParliament’s actions upset many colonists who had grown used to being independent.

Many believed Great Britain had no right to tax the colonies without their consent.

Page 6: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation Without RepresentationThey cannot “take from any man any part of

his property, without his consent in person or by representation.”

Page 7: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without RepresentationThe colonists had no direct representatives in Parliament.Colonial assemblies had little influence on Parliament.

Page 8: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without RepresentationSamuel AdamsBelieved Parliament could not tax colonists

without their consent.Slogan “No Taxation without Representation”

Page 9: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without Representation

Page 10: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without RepresentationAdams helped found

the Committees of Correspondence: each committee got in touch with other towns and colonies to share ideas and information about the new British laws and ways to challenge them.

Page 11: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without Representation

Page 12: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Taxation without RepresentationPopular form of

protest was a boycott of British goods

Hoping to hurt British economy and influence Parliament

Page 13: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp ActThe Stamp Act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items.

Page 14: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp Act

The tax had to be paid on legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards.

If colonists refused to pay the tax they could be sent to jail.

Page 15: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp Act

Page 16: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp ActThis was a direct tax

on the colonists.Britain did expect

this tax to spark protest.

First direct tax.

Page 17: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp ActSons of Liberty

formed to protest tax.

Page 18: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp Act

Page 19: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

The Stamp ActThe colonists pressured Parliament to repeal

the Stamp ActLondon merchants complained that their

trade suffered from the colonial boycott.Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766

Page 20: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Townshend ActsPlaced duties on

glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.

British officials allowed to search for smuggled goods.

Colonists responded by boycotting British goods.

Page 21: Great Britain Raises Taxes Great Britain had won the French and Indian War, but it was expensive. How was Great Britain going to pay for the war?

Townshend Acts

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