Page 1: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar



Page 2: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


• DiscusstheGrantsManagementSystem(GMS)• ProvidedetailsontheNineEffectivePractices• ProvideguidanceonutilizingtheNineEffectivePracticesGuidingQuestions

• AddressquestionsaboutGMS

Page 3: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


• OnSeptember30,2014,theOklahomaStateDepartmentofEducation(OSDE)willnotrenewourcontractwithIndistarfortheWISETool.PleasedownloadanyinformationontheWISEToolyouwouldliketoretain.AfterSeptember30,2014youmaynothaveaccessandOSDEwillnot beabletoretrievedocumentsforsites.

Page 4: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


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Page 6: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar

GMSResponsibilitiesThePrincipal• GatheringdatatocompletetheSchoolImprovementPlan• Completingthesite’sSchoolImprovementPlanandsubmittingthemforreviewtothesuperintendentofthedistrict

• TheSuperintendent• Reviewingtheprincipal’scompletionoftheSchoolImprovementPlan

• SubmittingtheSchoolImprovementPlantotheStateDepartmentofEducation,OR

• RejectingtheSchoolImprovementPlantoallowtheprincipaltomakeadditionaledits

Page 7: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


Page 8: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


Page 9: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


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InstructionalLeadership,PrincipalSkills,Abilities,andQualities• Whatisyourprocessforprincipalevaluation?

• Howdoestheevaluationinstrumentreflectinstructionalleadershipqualitiesandpractices?

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Scheduling,Staffing,Curriculum,andBudget• Whatisyourprocessfordevelopingamasterscheduleandwhoisinvolved? Whatprioritiesareconsideredwhendevelopingtheschedule?

• Giveanexampleofhowyoudeterminedastaffassignmentthisyear.

• Whatistheprocessofcurriculumselection?Howdoyouensureappropriatecurriculumalignment?

• WhatistheprocessforbudgetingStateandFederalfunds?

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TeacherEvaluation• Howdoesyourbuildingteacherevaluationinstrument(TLE)supporteffectiveinstruction?

• Whatotherfactorsdetermineteachereffectiveness?

• Describeyourinterviewprocessandthoseinvolved.

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ProfessionalDevelopment• Listtheprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitiesyouwillprovideforyourstafffor2014‐2015schoolyear.

• WhatconsiderationsfromtheTLEmodelhelpedyoutodetermineprofessionaldevelopmentneeds?

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AdditionalInstructionalTimeandTeacherCollaboration• Howdidyoustructuretheadditionaltimeforstudentlearningandteachercollaborationandwhowasinvolvedinthedecision‐makingprocess?

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Instruction• Provideanexampleofhowyouareactivelyengagedintheday‐to‐dayinstructionalpractices?

• Provideanexampleofhowyourinstructionalprogramsarebothresearch‐basedandrigorous?

Page 24: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


Page 25: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


DataReview• HowhaveyoutrainedstaffandimplementedtheOklahomaDataReviewModel?(‐data‐review)

• Whattypesofdataarecollectedandwhoisinvolvedinthedataanalysisprocess?

• Provideanexampleofhowdatareviewsimpactinstruction.

• Whatisyourplanforcontinuousimprovementwiththeuseofdatareviews?

Page 26: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


Page 27: Grants Management System (GMS) Webinar Webinar_0.pdfWISE Update • On September 30, 2014, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will not renew our contract with Indistar


SchoolCulture• Whatsystemsareinplacetoensureasafelearningenvironment? Basedonlastyear’snon‐academicfactors(e.g.,attendance,officereferrals,suspensions,etc.)whatchangeshaveyoumadethisyear toaddresspossibleneeds?

• Giveanexampleofhowstudentsareacknowledgedfordemonstratingpositivebehavioralexpectations.Whatinterventionsareinplacetomeettheindividualneedsofstudents?

• Howdoyoucontinuouslyassessyourschoolculture?

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FamilyandCommunityEngagement• Whatopportunitiesareavailableforparentandcommunityinvolvement?

• Howarefutureparent/communityinvolvementopportunitiesdetermined?

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• Advanced Placement (AP) Regional Teacher Training• ESEA Waiver Supports• Oklahoma Data Review (ODR) PowerPoint• Targeted Intervention Schools• Focus Schools• Priority Schools

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ContactInformation• IvaOwens‐ ExecutiveDirector, OfficeofSchoolTurnaround,SchoolImprovementGrant(SIG)

E‐mail: [email protected]: (405)522‐3263

• AmandaDrew ‐ SchoolTurnaround/SIG ConsultantE‐mail: [email protected]: (405)522‐3713

• RayleneRhynes ‐ SpecialistE‐mail: [email protected]: (405)522‐8299

• NicholasClayton ‐ SpecialistE‐mail: [email protected]: (405)522‐1476

• StephanieSchutt‐ SpecialistE‐mail: [email protected]:(405)522‐1493

• TonyCortez ‐ SpecialistE‐mail:[email protected]:(405)521‐4513

• JanForeman‐ SpecialistE‐mail:[email protected]:(405)522‐0140

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