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Page 1: Graham Gardiner CV

Curriculum  Vitae   Graham  Gardiner    FRSA    

Personal  Statement  I  am  an  experienced  leader  and  social  entrepreneur  who  is  considered  a  crea;ve  thinker  and  innovator:  passionate  about  service  design,  business  modelling  and  social  change.    Winning  Na;onal  Awards  and  elected  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  for  Arts,  my  passion  is  enabling  people  and  organisa;ons  to  find  solu;ons,  and  developing  services  that  support  vulnerable  members  of  our  communi;es  in  securing  more  fulfilling  lifestyles.  Currently  working  part  ;me  as  Implementa;on  Director  for  OurCamden,  an  innova;ve  membership  service  in  Camden.    I  am  a  school  governor.    

71  Tonbridge  Street,  Kings  Cross,  London,  NW1H  9DZ  è  0203  488  009è  0759  553  5200  è    [email protected]        

è     Inspiring  &  Mo;va;ng  Leadership  è     Successful  Social  Entrepreneur  è     Powerful  Presenta;ons  è     Innova;ve  Service  Design  &  Development  

è     Sound  Budget  Se^ng  

è     Flexible  approach  to  Problem  Solving  è     Posi;ve  &  Inclusive    approach  to  Change  Management  

è     Sound  Business  Planning  è     Award  winning  People  Management  

è     First-­‐class  Interpersonal    &  Communica;on  Skills  

è     Outstanding  Training  &  Group  Facilita;on  è     Excellent  ICT  skills  è     Clean  and  clear  websites  using  Wordpress  

Key  Skills    è Successfully  designing  &  tendering  for  a  new  social  business  for  Camden,  designed  to  reduce  social  isola;on,  increase  local  spend  and  improve  health  &  wellbeing.    

è Establishing  a  network  of  social  enterprises,  chari;es  and  businesses  in  No^ngham  with  over  400  organisa;ons  connected.  Now  establishing  this  in  London  (    

è Establishing  as  successful  social  enterprise  that  grew  to  have  10  services,  over  50  staff  serving  over  3500  people  a  year  within  6  years.      

è     Winning  the  Na;onal  Business  Commitment  to  the  Community  Award  in  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  Awards  

è     Being  elected  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  for  the  Arts  in  recogni;on  of  my  contribu;on  &  commitment  to  social  jus;ce  

è     Being  a  Finalist  in  the  Na;onal  Business  Awards  in  3  different  categories  over  2  years,  winning  the  East  of  England  Employer  of  the  Year  Award.  

è Designing  and  launching  The  Local  Impact  Measurement  Tool  to  help  small  businesses  and  organisa;ons  measure  their  impact.    

Key  Achievements    

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è     Diploma  in  Religious  Studies    London  Bible  College  1982-­‐1984  This  2  year  course  enabled  me  to  be  accepted  as  the  minister  of  a  Bap7st  Church  in  No:ngham    è     O  &  A  Levels  Hugh  Chris;e  Secondary  Modern  School,  Tonbridge,  Kent        I  achieved  A-­‐C  grades  in  History,  Sociology  and  Government  &  Poli7cs.  I  achieved  O  Level  passes  in  Maths  (A),  History  (B),  RE  (B),  English  (C),  Geography  (C),  Sociology  (C),  Govt  &  Poli7cs  (B),  Social  Economics  (C)  è I  have  also  undertaken  a  significant  number  of  vocaAonal  related  courses  in  the  last  10  years,  many  of  which  are  2-­‐4  days,  but  did  not  lead  to  any  accreditaAon.    These  include:    Brief  Therapy,  Service  User  Involvement,  Full  Cost  Recovery,  working  with  substance  users,  Mental  Health  and  homelessness  (12  day  course)  ,  Business  Planning,  Housing  Legisla;on,  Understanding  TUPE,  Asset  Based  Community  Development,  Housing  Law,  Supported  Housing  Management,  Supervision  &  Appraisal,  Welfare  Rights,  Working  with  Self  Harm,  Working  with  Grief  &  Loss,  Basic  NLP  

EducaAon  &  Training     Work  Experience    è     Director,  Aspiren  Ltd            June  2009-­‐  Current  Providing  Training,  Coaching  and  Consultancy  to  people  who  work  with  people.    Current  &   Recent   ac;vity   includes  è   Implementa;on   Director   for   OurCamden  èTrainer   for  Age  UK’s  Developing  Paid  for  Services’  network  è  Coaching  NHS  Managers  è  Coaching  CEO   of   local   Age   UK’s   across   Englandè   Service   review   and   re-­‐design   for  No^nghamshire  Hospice  è  Service  design  &  development  work    with  a  NHS  advocacy  service  è   Organisa;onal   review,   service   design   and   business  modelling   for   Self   Help  No^nghamè   Providing   training   for   a   range   of   agencies,   including   Noas   tPCT,  Leicestershire  &  Rutland  County  PCT  and  Derby  City  Council  è   Co-­‐Founding  Director,  Building  Blocks  SoluAons    Nov  2002-­‐June  2009  A  social  enterprise,  working  primarily  with  people  experiencing  mental  health  difficul;es.  Grew  to  have  10  services,  over  50  staff,  over  30  income  streams  and  won  na;onal,  regional  and  local  awards  for  our  services.  I  was  responsible  for  è  Leadership  è  Business  Planning  (including  Budgets)  è  Funding  &  Tender    applica;ons  è  New  Service  Development  è  our  Advocacy  &  Involvement  Service  è  our  Childcare  services  (I  was  the  Responsible  Person  for  OFSTED)  è  liaising  with  the  Board.  è     Framework  HA,  Several  Managerial  &  Frontline  Support  roles    Feb  1995-­‐  Nov  2002  Framework  HA  is  a  housing  charity  that  offers  support  &  housing  to  vulnerable  adults.  I  started  work  as  a  volunteer  pot  washer  at  the  Nightshelter  (Oct  93-­‐  Feb  95)  which  led  to    a  support  worker  role  at  a  high  needs  hostel.  In  June    96  I  was  tasked  with  developing  Park  House,  a  new  quick  access,  short  stay  hostel.  This  was  very  successful  and  won  awards  for  our  approach  to  working  with  people.  I  was  then  asked  to  replicate  this  in  Worksop,  the  first  ;me  our  organisa;on  offered  services  in  the  County.    è   Jobs  prior  to  Feb  1995  include  èAccounts  Office  Manager  and  Purchase  Ledger  Controller  for  large  TransportaAon  Company  è  Sales  Ledger  Controller  è  Petrol  StaAon  Manager  è  Minister  of  a  BapAst  Church  è  there  are  no  gaps  in  my  employment  history.        



References  can  be  provided  by:    è Richard  Kent,  No^ngham  City  Council  è Jonny  Whitehead,  Director  of  Development,  Age  UK  è Nina  Dauban,  CEO,  Noas  Community  Founda;on  

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 è   NoZngham  Social  Enterprise  Hub  (now  First  Tuesday)      October  2010-­‐  Present      Originally  funded  by  No^ngham  City  Council  (now  funded  by  Aspiren)  ,  we  provide  business  support  to  No^ngham's  Social  Enterprises  (  and  businesses  that  want  to  make  a  difference)    encouraging  start  up  and  growth.  I  provide  face  to  face  business  support,  networking  events  and  regular  workshops.  Recent  workshops  include:            

è Business  Model  Canvas  Master  class  è Using  Mailchimp  è Using  Social  Media  è Applying  for  investment  è Being  Entrepreneurial  without  losing  your  soul  è Impact  Measurement  è Business  Planning  

è Business  Coaching      2004-­‐Present    

In  addiAon  to  the  above  sessions  I  have  had  a  number  of  Coaching  Clients  I  have  seen  over  the  last  8  years.  These  have  included  a  number  of  entrepreneurs  in  Start  up  phase  ,  Statutory  Managers  wanAng  Non  line  Management  supervision  and  CEO’s  seeking  external  coaching.      è   Graduate  Enterprise  School    October  2012-­‐  March  2013    Funded  by  JobCentre  Plus  we  developed  a  face  to  face  business  support  programme  for  unemployed   graduates   who   wanted   to   set   up   their   own   business.   Out   of   the   12  aaendees  6   started  up   their  own  business  and  4   found  employment.  We  devised   the  course   to   include   Business   Modelling,   Business   Finance,   Personal   Skills,   Marke;ng,  Service  Design  and  the  Nuts  and  Bolts  of  se^ng  up  your  Business.  I  also  provided  one  to  one  coaching.            

Training  and  Coaching  Experience    

è     Within  Building  Blocks  SoluAons      I  was  the  Director  with  the  responsibility  for  Staff  Development.  We  “grew”  our  own  managers  and  senior  managers  for  which  programme  I  led  on  Leadership  and  Management  training  and  was  the  mentor  for    all  new  managers      Other  courses  I  provided  for  Building  Blocks  were:        è   Working  with  Grief  &  Loss  è Brief  Therapy,  è Service  User  Involvement    è Mental  Health  Awareness    è Asset  Based  Community  Development,  è Supervision  &  Appraisal  è Working  with  Self  Harm  è Basic  NLP  è Managing  Volunteers  è Dealing  with  difficult  situa;ons  è Professional  Boundaries  

è In  addi;on  I  have  provided  courses  for  Derbyshire  Connexions  (  Mental  Health  Awareness,  Working  with  Volunteers)  and  No/nghamshire  County  Council  Children’s    Services  (Service  User  Involvement,  Mental  Health  Awareness  and  Managing  Volunteers)    

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