Page 1: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the


BEST PLACES TO WORK:Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates

employee-centricculture. INSIDE

FIGHTING FEES: us Airways, Southwestleading battleagainst new charges.5

SOCIAL MEDIA: Businesses usingfree tools to market themselves.11

Cauldrons of controversy brewing for copper minersn'MIKl W NNUCIS_-.-

The Florence Town Counci l is threatening to sue a Cana ­dian copper mining company to keep It from min ing copperdeposit s out of state la nd in Pi na l County

J ust up the road , Br iti sh copper mining giant Rio TintoPic is trying to muscle a federal land swa p through Congressso it can begin work on the Resolut ion Cop per project near

s urer tor vra its Resolut ion Copper Mining L1,C un it. The sitehas bee n called the nation's largest copper deposit.

The fights over Cur is Resources Ltd.ts Florence CopperProject and Rio Tt nto's mine are just two of the challengesfacing Ar izona's copper min ingsector; The state is one of thelarg est copper-producing regions in the world, and the sectoris no stranger to controversy.

SH(OW[R ,59

stE LAffERTY .60

In late 2007,deve loper Mike Lafferty introduced plans to buildan It-story mixed· uSl'project at 12th and Was hington 511"C{'tsin Phoenix, dubbed Union Square. But then the recession hi tand that undertaking - like so many others - was iced.

Today, the president of Lafferty Development Inc. has a moremodest plan for the s ite just east of downtown, with concurrenthopes for two similar projects nearbs While he has the ent itle­

ments in place to proceed, his $24mill ion project - renamedBlue on 12thStreet - might not be a slam-dunk.

Com munity activist Calvin Goode, a former Phoenix CiWCouncil member, opposes the projec t and plans to fight it when

Lafferty submits his modifications to the original development.

Builder hopesto overcome obstacles toplanneddevelopment along light rail east of downtown

Plans lining up

•....,••f •

•. .-•:. .. :

Mike Laffe~tdjSPlayS plans10' an apartment project hewant s to build at 12th andWashin gt,," streets in Phoenix.... PW.ll IMI...._.-

• •·:• •

Chiropractors' lawsuit could affect all insurers, patients

What sta rtedcutasa cmropractors'tawsuu againstthe Arizona Depart ment of Insurance cou ld haveramifications for anyone who has health insurance.

In March, twochiropractorsand a patient filedsuit

in the Super ior Court of Ariwnaagainst Arizona In­surance Director Christina Urias, alleging that shefailed to enforce the Unfa ir Cla ims Practice Act onbehalf of medical insurancepolicyholders. They lostthe first round, but filed an appeal Nov. 9.

Theircasestems fromcompla ints tha t chiropractictreatments were not being covered at the same level

as traditional medical claims ."It used to bejust a chiropractic issue, but the Un­

fair Claims Pract ice Act ls a uniform act written bythe National Association of Insura nce Commission­ers." said Alan Immerman, president of the Arizona



Credit unions. 49Best Places toWork.ZB. 34. 3B. 44

PROFILE:David Sobek,directorofsales andmarketing.WestinPhoenixDowntown. 50

=- "- -- ":-;- .- .= .= .- -= -;

Page 2: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the

4 PHO[ ~ IX BUIINESS /O(J ~ N ~t D....nb<' 9,2011p/l... i" bi' jou,..lw ,,,,

S('ottsdall' hllidsSl'('slowdown

(;I"hall"''' hU)SIempe ""mplln)Scottsdale telemedicine company Global­

Med has purchased Tempe-based Bmer­gency Medical Data Transfer for anundisclosed sum. EMD Transfer allowsphysictans to share and transfer medicalimages securely Via the Internet.

(;" natld) pN'I" SUp'" Hem1ali,Go Daddy Group Inc. is working on its

latest Super Bowl commercials, with thecompany planning to purchase two spotsduringthe February game. The Scottsdale­based company has a history of runningrisque ads during the National FootballLeague's big game.


Scottsdale hotels saw their first year­over-year occupancy decline in October,though 2011 overall is shaping up as amuch stronger year than 2010. New datafrom STR Global show occupancy in Oc­tober (the most recent da ta available) was63.5 percent, a 3.2 percent decrease fromcctoter zno.

lL gains ('U1blnl('tillll juhsThe number of construction jobs has

increased in the Phoenix metro area andacross the sta te, according to new figuresreleased this week by the Associated ncn­eral Contractors of America. Phoe nixpicked up 2.!'MXl construction jobs from 01"tober2010to October 2011,while statewidethere was an increase of 4,600 jobs.

,lp"lI" ,,\pat,,;, iuludiaApollo Group Inc. announced that its

Apollo Globallnc. subsidiary has enteredan agreement with HT Media Ltd " an ln .dian media company According to a US.Securities and Exchange Commission fil­ing by Apollo, plans call for starttnaaso-sejoint venture rcdevelopand provfdosduca­tional services and programs in India .

fIe-l'~.~ollM """'"'"\t*'& ~frtm pl:x>enix== Pb"",i, Busi"" BlOGroming toTown &CWIltry IOOpping <erJl1'f inPIJoI'fJix

' US tmtalSeM<.dIange$"",ldl1.webig~impact

' Cont~ca~no plays better"Proroa·1io!l.lMv,lO' St.ri.rn 'ri wtlI (VI$p<>1\ tusi'lrss$Urv\"J' Su«ffilulhiring Bnges 001 aligMIo!nt

. ~,

B,o.. n

that it must be capitalized solely bygifts. municipal or other governmentcontributions, and new debt.

Of the $135million total , $5Omillionisexpected tooomefrom philanthropy.said Dr.Tom Brown, chief operatingofficer of the VA Cancer Center anda VA professor of medicine. The cityof Phoenix already has committed

$14 million to be usedfor additional costs.

Brow n said he alsois working on selllngnaming rights to thebuilding. which wouldbepartof thefundrai s­ingefforts.

" We don't have thatgift identified yet, " he said , "We havea number of possibilities."

The naming donor likely will beanindividual or private philanthropist ,but Brown said he is not ruling out acorporate sponsorship.

VA and St. Joe's will work togetherto recruit 20 to 30 cancer spectaltstsand researchers to support clinicaltrials, said Linda Hunt, CEO of St.Joseph's and senior vice president ofoperationsforCHW'sArizonamarket.She said gt.Joe's has committed to re­cru iting 10phrsicians immediately.

nomic environment this year and thenatural disasters that have impactedproduction in Asia, thesemiconductorindustry has demonstrated impres­sive resilience," said Bri...m Toohey,president of the washington-basedSIA. "The growing 11'\'1'1 of semicon­ductor content embedded across awide range of consumer, industrial,business and government applica­tions points to continued growth in2012and2013."

The WSTS data point to continuedslow bu t Increasing sales of sem icon­ductors over the next two years , Theforecast calls for $310bill ion in sa lesfor 2012, a 2.6 percent Increase fromthis rear; and $328 billion in 2013. agrowth rate of 5.8 percent.

Projections for 2011were much ros­ier last year. The forecast in Novem ­ber 2010 called for sales this year toreach nearly $319billion.

After more than a year of dialogue,the University of Arizona CancerCenter and SI. Joseph's Hospital andMedical Center have solidified theirplans for cancer treatment and reosearch in Phoenix.

Several yearsago, when VAplannedto build a cancer ecnter cn the Phoc­nix Biomedical Ca mpus. BannerHeal th agreed to be its partner. Butthat deal broke off because the twoparties couldn't agree on Banner's fi ­nancial contribution, Now a deal hasbeen worked out with Banner rivalSt. Joseph's, which is owned by SanFrancisco-based Cathol ic Healthcarewest.

The Arizona Board of Regents,which oversees VA, endorsed thcaffiliat ion at its nee. 2 meeting inTucson and approved financing forconstructionof the facilitj( Construe­nonof the zsc.eoo-square-roor outpa­tient cl inic is se t to begin in 2012 atthe northwest corner of FillmoreandSeventh streets.

The Board of Regents specified inits Dec.2 vote that the projec t cost canbe no greater than $135 million and

The semiconductor industryshouldsee sales of more than $300 billion in201I as the industry continues to seegrowth despi te a slowdown in its pacecompared with201O.

The Semiconductor Industry As·soclatlon has backed the assertionof World Semiconductor Trade Sta ­tistics that sa les will hit $3()2 billionthis year, topping the $.100 billionmark forthe first time. The industr ycame close last year, finishing wi th$29!Ibillion in worldwide revenue.

Chip manufacturing ts a major ln­dustrv sector in Phoenix with lar geplayers such as Intel Cor p.. ON Semi­conductor Corp., Microchip Technol·ogy Inc, and others employing morethan 22,000workers in the region.

"Despite a challenging global eco-


VA Ianeer Ienter, 51. .Joe'sdetail plans

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Semiconductor sales totop $30013 in '11ll.l.lri","a launrhrs l'ar1I1l'"hi"The Urban Land Institute's Arizona

Chapterannounced it ialaunchingapubllc­private partnership to create educationalworkshopsandcollaborativeopporlUnitil.'Sthroughout the state. ULl's CommunityPlan will till a gap that was left when theArizona Department of Commerce transt­tioned to the Arizona Commerce Authorityand its mission changed .


fhandlt" h"'pil"I"I,,'n, e1ini"Chandler Regional Medical Center has

opened the Ostomy Clinic to provide and SUPIX'I1 for-thoseliving withostomies. An ostomy is an opening in thebody surgically created to discharge waste.Ofto retievecrcure thesymptoms of adis­ease or condition affecting the digestive orurinary tract system.

Arizona is No. 29 in overall health. ac­cording to the20ll America's Health Rank ­ings released th is week by United HealthFoundation - uptwospots from lastyear'srankmgs. Arizona's strengths include loll'rates of smoking, preventable hospital ­izations. and cancer and cardiovasculardeaths.

Want breaking newsdeliveredloy nu,inbox each day?

ScanthisQRcode10 sig n upforou,3p,m.Daily Update

.\11011: ''''g'' gap"id"'I>A new report released this week by the

Arizona Boardof Regents shows the wagegap continues to widen between collegedegree holders and individuals with onlya high school diploma. In 2010, workersin Arizona with ahachelor's degreeearned $20.484more than thosewith only a highschool diploma- an 80perce ntdifference.

.Iri"'na is29Ih-llt'althi",1,Ial"

Page 3: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the

Page 4: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the



Salt River and doing charity work together."We have a good balance of wor k and fun. " Sizemore

said. "We want this to be an environment that motivatesemployees. We haveanobI igation toouremployees tocre­ate that culture."

IIIJ Insurance also has perks that go beyond the norm,bu t it focuses on more practical areas, For exam ple. thecompany offers 15hours of paid volunteer service timeper employee per year.

Also. MJ emp loyees have flexible working hours. Dur­ing the summer. some in the office work partial days andget a head start on the weekend, and still get full pa}:

"We know people work hard. and we wanl to makethe environment fun : ' said Human Resources DirectorNancy Rife.

GoDaddyalsc has paldfornsemployees tot ake whtte­water rafting trips. spa days and indoor skydiving topromote team building.

"Go Daddy is alway s looking for new andexciting waysto reward employees for their hard work:' Jarvis said.

Ashton Tiffany, which provtdes risk management ser­vices. also gives to its employees.Each year the companydesigns a part y for employees and kee ps the theme a se­cret until the guestsarrive.This year's theme was "SevenDeadly Sins. "

" Employee s don't want to miss the annual party," saidHuman Resources Manager Amy Sizemore. "The y don' tknow what 10 expect, so everyone wants 10 come: '

She said the company also plans monthly socialeve nts. such as spring training games, floating down the

BY DIANGElLI.MlUAllPh:>oni,""'....

Perks ranging from bon uses to lime off have be­come sta ndard at many workplaces, but some lo­cal businessesgo morethan a stepbeyond fortheiremployees. From themed part ies to shortened

summer hours, they have gone to great lengths to makesure their employees view them as great workplaces.

Go Daddy Group Inc. and Ashton Tiffany LLC, for ex­ample, are known for the parties they throw employees.

GoDaddy, a Scottsdale-based domain re gistrat ion andhosting company, spent about $3 million on an amuse­ment park-themed holiday party at Chase Field last year.

'r ne cvent included a Fer r is wheel. bumpercars and other r ides.

Fo under and CEO BobParsons gave em­ployeeaabout $1million in cash and prizesat the party Thecompany pays taxeson theprizes, including money won in the cashbox - a small phone booth-like device thatblows cash aroundas employees try to cap­tureit.

"Manab'e ment valu es Go Daddy's cul tu reof perks be­cause it rewards hard work. " said Lane Jarvis, the com­pany's vice pres ident of human reso urces. "By offeringunique perks, employees feel appreciated and deliver be t­ter se rvice to GoDaddy customers."


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Page 5: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the

D«<mOo< 9. 2011




PHONE:480-862-8600WEB: www.payp al.comNQ;San Jose, Calil.TOP l.O(Al EXECUTIVE: Ma,k Roh' wasser, vicepresident 01site Operalions

EMPlOYEE5d ,500fEMAlEEMPlOYEES: 630MINORITYEM Pl.OYE£S: 102INDUSTIIY: Financial servicesMISSION: Toallow members to send money

fEMAlEEMPlOYEES: 722MINOllITYEM PlOYEES: 589INDUSTRY: Internel domain names

MISSION: Toprovide a one­slop shop 10' indiv idualsand businesses10eslablish ,maintain and evolve anonline presenceTOP 3PERKS:: Training andprofessional developmenl

Par50ns opportunities throu gh GoDaddy University; excellent

tradit ional benefits plus a generousvacation policy; weekly and monlh lyconteslsand prizes




PHONE:480-505 -8800WEB:;ScollsdaleTOP lOCALEXEClITlVE: Bob Pars""s, founderand CEO

EMPlOYEES: 3,406

INDUSTRY: RetailMISSION: Total lil elim ecare lor every pel ,every parenl, every lime

TOP] PERIlS: Bring your pets to work; on-sitedaycare;on-silegym


PHONE: 623-59;Phoeni.TOP lOCAllXEClITlVE:5teveRizley,senior vice presidentand general manager

lMPt.OVUS: 3.127fEMAU EMPlOYEES: DND RizleyMINORITYEM PlOYEES: DNDINDUSTRY:TelecommunicationsMISSION: Deliveringlife'smost importantconnections

TOP3PE1lllS1 AIIregularlu ll-t imeand ~rt-time

employeesareeligibleto receivecourtesyserviceat their residencefrom date0/ hire,plusfreeTV and Intetrlet anddiscounted lele­phonebenef~s; tuil ionre;mbursemenl0/ up 10$5.000 of ayear10fulH imeemployeeswiththe com~nysixmonthsor ionge< and$2,500to~rt-time employees; empklyee-;areautomalicallyenrolled in theC"" rel iremenlpef'lSion plan following1,ooo hoursof service.

PHONE:623-587-2520WEB: www.petsmart.com14Q;Phoeni xTOPlOCALEXEClITlVE: BobMoran,CEO

EMPlOYlES: 2,966 inMaricopa Counly

fEMAlEEMPlOYEES: 1,773 in MoranMaricopa County

MINORITYEMPlOYEES: 721in Maricopa Coonty

Page 6: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the

28om MBI R9, lOll1'H00NIX Bu, INm JOU~ NAt

BEST PLACES TO WORK - Large/Extra Large COS.l L sRanking: Employee surveys ranked by QuantumResearch Inc.' TilE I T

Another look... Ran k Co ", ,.,ny na", .lOll .....d r. os

T. I. phone I.o<allop Tola lw•• •• It<I'II••• III...", ployee .

Main list rerank: total staff LARGE

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45o ulh_" Hum . n D" y" lopm . nl Gins", W• •d,, 850 " l4'~51 602 ·266·5976Ph..n,.85008 www,wMo" '00

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LA RGERank Company name Tot a l s laf l1. International Cr~ise

& Excurslcnslnc. 8252. South.....est HumanDevelopment 712,-.- -Harrah.'Ak-ciiinci.ino Reso,t'6 S04. Crescent C,own Distribu ting 6175. M&I, a part --

of the SMO f inancial Group 460, -.- n ", Bou lde.. Resort 4417.--Ufelock Inc. 4258. (8 Richard Ellis 4169. The Hart ford

Fina ncia l Se rvices Group 39410. Mark-Taylo' Residential ---" S11. SundtConstruction Inc. 36312-:-Jones Lang LaSalle 336,,-. - Arizon;; NU lril iona l Supplements 33314. SuntecConcrete - - ._--",15:- Qui cken Loans 27016-:--AAMHe 26017,-TheCORElns liiule 25818. KitchellCorp. 25018. GM Financi aI7A~dit---'"

Sundl C........<llo n irK ,6 2620S.55'h51 480·293·3000

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Hn oah A. · Chln ea, l"" R• ....-t7 15406 M..... opaRoao a80 -80l-5OO0M""00.85045 .........O....h• .com

C8 Ricka.dE llis8 l415t:.<' Ro"" 60l·135·5555pn..oi.S5016 www.<b,.<om/ph",,"i,

ArI . .... Nul ri l lon . 1Su pplem en ts9 11O~ Be,k",. 480 -966 -%30Ch.nd l• • 85226 www.• ,n", .~ ,o....I.<o'"

1.00u8 P'u ,tI,ch."",.".CEO


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Historical perspective

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• • ' . a ,.,ot of Ih. 8 MO f inan cia l Group ~t<phen loho.....10 1~ .C."'I. Road 602: 241·6565 ..gio".1Pn""n lAS5012 w......_ "" b."~ .mm o<e"d."I




1.60 02,020

OriveTime'-Take Charge America

About this list


1. 8anner Hea lth 21.0642. Pet5mar t lnc. 2.9663. The Go Daddy Group Inc-. -- 2.7924. Co,(Communicat ions Ariz~ 2,588' - -SonoraQueSiTi.boratories---- -

/laboratory Sciences of Arlzona 2.3576:-- Edward Jones - --. - 1.1707. Paypallnc . U 508. QuikTripCorp. t1009. Mounta inside Fitness 1.00g

2004: Tile fi. sl ,.,URank Company name No. of FT employees1. American Valet Co. 77 (229 PTl2. M&I Bank- Arizona 3443. Westcor 4394. jeoremcre Craig 271,-.- -si. Joseph·s Hospital

&Medical Center 3.2396:-- Qua rles &Brady Streich Lang 2527. Kitchel!Corp. --------- 366

8. Edward Jones 3589. Pointe Hilton Resort s 1.00010. Troo" Golf t098i1. Hensley 63612. Sun Health 3,29113. Chand ler Regional Hospital 1,10014. The Go Daddy Group --"015. The Maricopa

Community CollegesScottsdale HeatthcareAmerICan E~press

Cox Communications


SOUll((, Quonlum Mco.k<t R.....'o In<NOTES, DND· d,dMI d,,,10$0 PTO· p><d "m<.If1 2<;O-999.~ ("'11<' 1.000-P'u' (0'1" "'g<) ZC""'_ ... >el<cl.o ...,.....,. "" I". om.,.......· '...

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ofl~"th<><,"""""'".. ; _ A~n#rt• .......dUPII INTS, x_ R"fI'iolSou",• • 1 lIOO·161·ll6l 0<


Page 7: Go Daddy'sBob Parsonscreates employee-centricculture. summer.some in the office workpartialdays and geta head starton the

Oe<.m!>et 9. 2011 PHot N I~ BU\INES\ JOU RNAL FROM PAGE 3,.bi,journol>.<om

Erik CliniteOrcutt Will$lowArchitecture

"11'(' \I ill"ruhahl)IIL"h furmnre('It'..lronit,IJa)'III('n ls,'



hard enough to get them to deliver notonly in a timely manner, but to the rightbuilding." he said.

The greatest business impact likel y willbe felt by publishing and media companies,cha mber s of commerce and others thatuse the Postal Service to get newspapers,magazines and newsletters to subscribers

and members,The Phoenix Business

Journal and other Amen­can City Business Journalspublications are deliveredby USPS. asaretheArizonaCnpirol Times and time-sensitive national maga­zines such as Time. BusiTU!1iS­

Week and SportslIIuslmll'd.For others, the Postal Service changes

are further evidence of the agency'sgrowing irrelevance as many businessesalready opt to pay bills online and shipgoods via FederalExpress and United Par­cel Service.

"We don't think itwill impact our bust­ness at all," said KenPeterson, vice presi­dent of sales and mar­keting forShea Homes.'\>\11 of our systemsare electronic, andwhen we need a signa­ture we useovemfghtFedEx,"

Peterson said theUSPS "used to cornerthe market. yet whenemail, online bill pay,F'edEx and UPS cameon the scene, they were unable to redefinethemselves."

A numberof other Valley business own ­ers and professionals also said the Post alService is not all that relevant to theiroperations, and the longer delivery times

won't matter much.~We will likely do norh­

ingdifferently as a result ofthese changes," said MattLikens, president and CEOof Ulthera Inc. in Mesa,which developsand marketsmedicaldevices and technol­ogy. "This change will have

no effect on Ulthera since wetypically shipvia FedEx or OHLand almost all our billingand collections occur electronically"

Stacy Pearson,owner of the Up Agency.aTempe public relations firm, agreed.

'\>\side from the latest office furniturecatalog, very little of our business corre­spondence still arrives in the mail ," shesaid. "The mail is officially in the samemental category as the fax machine. Everyonce in a while we need it , but it's a rareoccurrence.'

The longerdelivery times could save theUSPS $2.1 billion to $3 billion a year, andthe system needs to cut its annual costs by$20 billion by 2015,according to USPS VicePresident David Williams. The plansstillrequire federal and USPS approvals.

Cllnite said it might be wiser for theagency to make other cuts before extendingdelivery times and possibly turning awaymore consumers and business customers.


POSTAL: First-class tobedelivered in 2-3 days

each day," said Rose, who has been doinglegal work for the real estate partnershipthat includes Phoenix Suns owner RobertSarver in a case against a proposed coppermining project in Florence.

But there are times when headline-­grabbingcases createa political minefieldfor the law tirms involved.

Charlton said he still is a Republican,despite sometimes representing the omcrside of issues. lie said he is not interestedin the vacancy created after Dennis Burkewas fired as U.S. attorney for Arizona asa result of the " Fast and Furious" gun ,running case debacle.

Gallagher Managing Partner MikeKennedy said Charlton brings a lot to thefir m's table.

"Not only has Paul been a stenercompte­rncnt to Tom Henze and Barry Mitchell inourcriminal defense group, but because ofthe breadth of his experience as the UnitedStates attorney, Paul is forging new opper­tunities in the areas of corporate compu­ance, representation of public officialsand Native American law," Kennedy said.

Gallagher's stable of clients includesrreeoort-xrcstogan Copper & Gold Inc ..the Arizona Cardinals. the Arizona Dia­mondbacks. IIlidFirst Bank and NorthernTrust. The firm also is representing CurlsResources Ltd.. which is trying to developthe Florence Copper Project opposed byhome builders and others,

C<>n'ctwrt/1 """' Surn.ocb4lTl51Rl.d:sc..~



GoDaddyGroup Inc. CEOBobParsons held the company', holidayparty, whichfeatured a perlo""ance by Jewel, at Chase Field last year,

his workers.About 5,000 poopla are expected to attend this year's Go

Daddy holiday party on Dec. 10, wh ich also will feature food,games and top-name entertainment.

In ccntrast tc such blowouts, HMA Public Relations is hostinga gathering for a dozen or so people at the Lucky Strike bowlingalley at downtown Phoenix's cnvscapeon Dec. IS.The party willcost about S6OO.

"From a buslncssowncr's perspective, this isa small price to payfor the camaraderie, morale and time to spend with each other:'said HMA Vice President and General Manager Abbie Fink.

At least one Valley business has scheduled its office party forthe new year. Soutar! and Cieslak Public Relations is holding anoffice party for 150invited guests and clients Jan. 5.

Co-founder Dave Cieslak declined to disclose a dollar figurerorrheevent.

"This is the 'post-holida y' holiday partyThere's so much goingon in December, there's so many parties, whether it's businessor personal. So , we wanted to have a little klck-ctf-the-new-yeartype of celebration,~ Cieslak said.

For-example. former presidential candt­date Herman Cain has hired prominentAt­lanta attorney Lin Woodto represent himagainst sexual harassment and infidelityclaims. Wood said last month that his ell ­ents haw included former CongressmanGary Condit, who was investigated andlater cleared in the death of congressio­nal intern Chandra Levy; John and PatsyRamsey, who were questioned in the dis­appearance of their daughter; Jcnnener:and Atlanta Olympics bombing suspectRichardJewell, who was cleared.

Charlton said he understands the insand outs of high-profile work from histenure as U.S, attorney forArizona, and via his fir-ing along with some otherfederal prosecutors. Charl­ton was let go primarilybecause he disagreed withthe U.S.Justice Departmentover a death penalty case. Kennedy

The types of cases Char-lton takes can br ing him notoriety andmore work for attorneys at Gallagher &Kenned14

Jordan Rose, managing partner ofScottsdale-based Rose Law Group, saidhigh-profile work appeals to a lot of auor­ney s and their firms.

MWe love the challenge of bringingourbest every second, using all of our abili­ties, thinking so outside the box that weactually make the playing field bigger. Bigissues have the added benefit of keepingour attorneys thrilled to come to work

PARTIES: Companies say celebrations critical to morale

Parker ossenuauv has been cleared ofthose allegations.

, Independent Redistricting Commis­sion Chairvoornan Collcen Mathis. as partof her bid to stay in office after being im·peached by Gov.Jan Brewer-and ArrzonaSenate Republicans. Charlton is repre­senting Mathis in a Maricopa SuperiorCourt matter; The Arizona SupremeCourtreinstated Mathis to her post last month.

, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, duringhis highly publicized political fights overimmigration issues with Arpaioand theMCSo.

Charlton also served on a panel of ror­mer prosecutors who made recommen­dations to the city of Phoenix regardingimmigration policies and how the PhoenixPolice Department should handle variousinteractions with illega l immigrants.

"They'reall referrals," Charlton said ofhis big cases.

But the cases he's taken on and thecli­ents he has represented prove he is oneof the go-to Phoenix attorneys for high­profile mailers. Former Arizona AttorneyGeneral Grant Woods, Stinson MorrisonHecker LLP Managing Pa r tner MikeManning and Gallagher partner PatrickMcGruder also are among the cadre oflocal attorneys who get such high-profilework, Clients in that category tend to likehaving well-known attorneys who arecomfortable dealing with the media andwho can work with in channels.

A survey by carcergouder shows58 percent of employers areplanning holidayparties for their emplo}'1'eS this year. That'supfrom 52percent in 2010.

The national survey was conducted online last summer byHar r is Interactive on behalf of Caret>rBuilder. It included 2,696hiring managers and human resource professionals. and 4,086workers ages 18and older.

"Holiday season is, of course. a timeto celebrate with friendsand family; but for many, irs also an onportunitv to reflect onprofessional accomplishments and look forward to the next ,"said Ryan Hunt, a CareerBuilder career adviser.

Those results were mirrored in another surveyor 100 HR pro­fessionals conducted last month byChallenger, Gray and Chrtst­mas Inc., which found mpercent of companies will host a holidayoffice party.

""'h ill' the survey didn't reveal an average dollar amount forthe soirees, 95 percent of the companies surveyed planned tospend about the same as last yearon their holiday parties, whileroughly 3 percent will spend more.

"The fact that morecompanies this yearthanlast year-are ab leto share their successes with their employees~ their most Im­portalll asset - is a positive sign," Hunt said.

Rapper Young MC was the featured entertainer at Rose LawGroup's holiday party Dec. 2 at the Coach House in Scottsdale.II10re than 300 people attended the bash, which also includedgourmet burgerscooked by celebrity chef and restaurateur Ed­die Matney and his staIT,along with an open bar.

Founder Jordan Rose said her firm helped save the neighbor­hood barfrom destruction in the early 2000s, giving the two busi­nessese historical connection. She declined rodiscuss how muchthe firm spends on its annual party.

Go Daddy Group Inc. CEO Bob Pa rs ons throws over-the-topoffice parties. He booked Chase Field in downtown Phoenixlast year and again this year for employees, spouses and cli oents of the Scottsdale-based Internet domain-name registrarto celebrate.

Jewel was among the entertainers at last year's bash,and Parsons handed out $1 million in bonuses and prizes to

CHARLTON: Attorney described as major asset to firm



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