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Proverbs 31:25-30 English Standard Version (ESV) 25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.

26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

27 She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:

29 “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”

30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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January 2018

Volume 9, Issue 1

Published Monthly


Newsletter Staff:


Deborah Ealy


Evangelist Henrietta



Elder Larry Ealy

Bettie Young

Sherease Durden

Mary Jackson

COLUMNISTS: Charmayne Moore


Elder Loren Due, PhD,

DMin, MA, and

Evangelist Arjeana Due

Off-Site Correspondents: Evang. Isarene Doyle

Moriah Washington


The views expressed by the

authors/originators of materials

in this publication are not

necessarily those of The

Friendly Connection or

Friendly Temple Church of

God in Christ.

Please address any concerns

or errors noted in this

newsletter to

[email protected]

GIVING THANKS IS A GOOD THING IN 2018!! “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and sing

praises unto His name…” Psalms 92:1 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

“… let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doeth easily

beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us.”



“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:28-31 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” II Timothy 3:1

Does anyone know what time it is? I’m not speaking of the

hour nor minutes of the day, but rather the times that we are

living in during these last days. The Bible tells us that we are

living in the last of the last days as we read in II Timothy

3:1KJV. This is not to imply that this will be the end of the

earth, but it does imply the end of this age as we know it.

When the Church is caught up in the rapture, which could

happen any day, the end of the age will commence.

Do you realize that Jesus could return today? Should Jesus

return today, that would mark the end of the age of Grace

and Truth. That is not to say that people would no longer

have access to salvation, I do believe there are some who will

still be saved; but it will never again be the way that it is

today. The reason for this is that the Holy Spirit and the

Church will be caught up. We are right on the brink of

Christ’s return. We know it is imminent and that it is going

to happen, but it is closer now that it ever has been. It pays

now to really live for the Lord. Amen. Time to quit

“shucking and jiving” and playing around. It pays to keep

your life right with God so that when He calls you, or when

He comes back, you will be ready to go back with Him. (To be


May 2018

Volume 9, Issue 5

Published Monthly

Newsletter Staff


Deborah Ealy


Henrietta Givens


Robert L. Porter

Gail Johnson-McIntyre, MFT


Sherease Durden

Larry Ealy

Mary Jackson

Gloria Sterling, DMin.

Brian Thompson

Bettie Young


Arjeana Due

Loren Due, PhD. DMin, MA

Charmayne Moore


Isarene Doyle

Moriah Washington


READERS: The views expressed by the

authors/originators of materials in

this publication are not necessarily

those of The Friendly Connection or

Friendly Temple Church or God in


Please address any concerns or errors

noted in this newsletter to

[email protected]

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Inspirational Message


It may surprise you to know that a positive attitude and the giving of thanks is willful … a choice you make. Giving thanks is a conscious decision, and it’s also commanded by God.

His word tells us to give thanks always and for all things, in everything and evermore. 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” That’s pretty clear! And the decision to do just that—to give thanks… no matter what… in whatever situation … has a powerful effect on your attitude. Not only that, it also has a huge impact on everyone around you. Philippians 4:7 says the peace of God that surpasses all understanding is available to you and me. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

“Father, even though You’ve blessed me so

much, I still get stuck on what’s not going right

and the trials I face. Gently remind me that

You’re always with me. I want to maintain a

thankful heart toward You!


IN THIS ISSUE Featured Writers Bishop Roger Thomas

Deborah Thompson-Ealy Evangelist Henrietta Givens

Charmayne Moore Mary Jackson

Loren Due, DMin, PhD. Moriah Washington

Robert Porter Byroena Earley


… all of our new members who joined Friendly Temple during the month of April. We also extend a welcoming embrace to all who accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives, or rededicated themselves during the month of



Mother’s Day Card 1 Pastor’s Desk 2 In This Issue 3 Inspirational Message 4 You’ve Been Spotted 4 Family of the Month 4 Did You Miss It? 5 Did You Miss It? 6 “A Mother’s Love” B. Earley 7 Your Spiritual Health 8 Marriage from My Perspective 9 Answer/Mystery Member 10 And a Time to Laugh 10 What Did You Forget? 11 Bible Mystery Person 12 For Your Information 12 “Mothers are a Precious Gift” 13 Medical Corner 14-15 Self-Care 16-17 Robert Porter/Opinion 18-19 Answers Bible Mystery Person 20 Happy Mother’s Day 20 Bettie’s Picks 21 Bettie’s Picks 22 Children’s Corner 23 Advertisement 24 Prayer Requests 25 Announcements 25 Our Daily Bread 26 How Can I Be Saved? 27

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Evangelist Missionary Jessie Johnson daughter Min. Gail Johnson-McIntyre

(1) As I always say, “It’s a wonderful thing to be saved!” To Bishop Roger Thomas, First Lady Dr. Joyce M. Thomas and all the Saints of the Most High God, I bring you Holy greetings from Mississippi Southern First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. I am Evangelist Missionary Jessie J. Johnson of Natchez, MS and God has blessed me to return to California to visit my one and only daughter, Gail Johnson-McIntyre, one more time.

I flew into to Los Angeles to lay my hands on and spend time with my daughter, Gail, who was in the hospital, gravely ill, when I arrived the first week in March. When I tell you that God is an awesome God, ‘Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. Deuteronomy 7:9KJV. By the time I took my leave back to Mississippi on the eve of Easter Sunday, not only was my daughter out of the hospital, but she was up giving God praise and she was able to bring me to meet her new church family! We serve an awesome God and I wouldn’t take anything in exchange for this journey!

Friendly Temple certainly has the perfect name! I did not meet a single sour face, and traveling throughout the brotherhood of the Church of God in Christ for more than 60 years, Friendly Temple is among the best! I enjoyed such a great time with the Saints, who I now call my extended church family, and I especially enjoyed Bishop giving me a little part during his Sunday morning message on my last Sunday there. As an added treat, I reunited with a childhood classmate from Hazlehurst, MS, Mother Grace Robinson. I am so pleased that my one and only has chosen to fellowship with Friendly Temple and if it is the Lord’s will and we live, I look forward to worshipping with you all again soon. May the Lord Bless you and keep you until we see each other again!” ~ Evangelist Missionary Jessie J. Johnson

(2) My name is Gail E. Johnson-McIntyre, and as my dad would say, ‘it’s good to be seen and not viewed.’ I have been spotted with my mother and I could not be more pleased.

I was born, raised, and formally educated in Mississippi. I am a COGIC kid by birth. The only daughter born to the marriage union of the late Deacon Jack Johnson and the lively, Evangelist Missionary Jessie Johnson, both of Natchez, MS. I moved to Los Angeles a few years after college, in the late 80’s, because I wanted to visit Disneyland, I love mild weather, and I have always loved city lights! I am a divorced mother of two amazing young adults, a son and a daughter, who both reside in West Los Angeles. I am a retired Corporate Accountant and God allowing my physical health to continually improve, a soon to be Ph.D. A true Southern girl, I love to cook, read, travel, shop, and target shoot.

I relocated from the South Bay area of Southern California to the High Desert late summer 2017 and from Love & Unity Christian Fellowship of 20+ years with Apostle Ron C. Hill. From the very first Sunday I visited Friendly Temple, I felt as though I found my new church home. I have so much to thank God for and if my life’s experiences have taught me anything, I enthusiastically share one of my favorite scriptures: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6KJV” ~ Min. Gail E. Johnson-McIntyre, MA, AMFT#81493

Sister Patricia Perry I was born and raised in Compton CA. My spiritual foundation started at Zion Baptist Church at the tender age of seven when I gave my life to Christ. Shortly after, I joined the choir, but that was not my calling. I decided to join the Usher Board which became my passion and I have been serving for forty-seven years. At Southern Missionary Baptist Church, I ushered on the district level, attended Usher Board district meetings monthly and participated in usher competitions which yielded trophies for our ministry. “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Psalms 84:10)

I am the mother of two, one son Lamar and a daughter Ashley. My daughter Ashley, who is nineteen, currently attends Bennett College - a private four-year historically Black Liberal Arts college for women located in Greensboro, North Carolina.

I relocated to Victorville in 2016 and began looking for a new church home. I had visited several different churches in the area. Then I met Adrianne Goode who told me about her church Friendly Temple. On my first visit I immediately felt at home and welcomed when the usher Sis Jackson smiled at me and asked if I needed a fan. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit and joined Friendly Temple on Easter Sunday 2017. When asked which ministry I would like to be a part of, without hesitation I said Usher Board. I have been an Usher at Friendly Temple 1 year. I know that it is my calling to serve God and I am standing on His Word in Colossians 3:23: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.”

I love God with my whole heart and I love ushering; it’s not only my passion I believe this is God’s purpose for my life.

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A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love is priceless and genuine as can be.

Her love is precious and tender, she’s always giving unconditionally.

Mother embraces us with warm hugs and gentle kisses

and she has a loving heart that cares,

You can depend on Mother to support you

She will always be there.

Since Mother laid her eyes on us, that very first day of our birth,

She’s given so much love and joy, bringing beauty

to our life here on earth.

A Mother and child have a special bond,

that’s deeply anchored in their hearts,

Nothing can ever separate them or ever keep them apart.

Mothers give encouraging words with an enduring and loving smile,

Giving us confidence and assurance that lasts for a long long while.

Mothers are rich cherished treasures, blessed by God above.

They are beautiful and special angels, full of so much love.

Mothers of yesterday, today and tomorrow, we will cherish

and keep your memories near.

Mothers will always be special and forever in our hearts so dear.

©2018 Byroena D. Earley

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When thoughts become words …. A personal commentary in the opinion of Charmayne “Char” Moore

“When thoughts become words” will return next month…Char

YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH…. In the opinion of spiritual philosopher Loren Due, DMin, Ph.D.

If Jesus does not come before you die, what are you going to do with your body?

Article 51

You are right now saying to yourself: “That’s not my concern!”

“Burn it up and distribute the ashes over Lake Hesperia!”

“I cannot worry about that right now – I have too many bills.”

“My son or daughter will take care of that.”

“Why not dig a hole in the back yard and throw me in?”

“I am 103 and I will be here when Jesus returns! The church will take care of me.”

“That is too morbid for me to think about right now, I am on a fast for spiritual growth!”

“I will donate my body to USC or UCLA!”

“That is none of your business.”

“Who cares!”

“I will never die!”

“You must be kidding me!”

“I wanna be buried by my momma!”

“Are you trying to frighten me?” Some family members tell their love ones “don’t burn me up!”

Now ask yourself this question: If Jesus does not come before I die, what am I going to do with my body? Now that we have most of your doubt on the table, the real issues of how we dispose of our

bodies is available for discussion. We are born to die.

Someone recently told me something about death that has stuck with me. What he said to me is that we all are responsible for what happens to our bodies at death. When he said it, it sounded foreign and out of place. As I began to think about it, I realized he was right. God has loaned our bodies to us to use while on the earth!

I know many say, “it is not my job to bury myself” and others have a do not care attitude about what happens to Gods’ gift to us. Still others are extremely meticulous about what happens to them at death. Some of these individuals tell their loved ones not to burn them up at death or they say what kind of casket they want to buried in.

The whole idea of this article is to awaken you to the understanding that you have responsibility for what happens to your body at death, just as you have the responsibility to decide if you will go to heaven or hell after death. Before you actually get to heaven or hell, your body must go through mortuary services for burial or cremation unless Jesus comes to rapture us first.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJV) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.



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MARRIAGE, from my perspective.

A commentary in the opinion of Moriah Washington

Your Response

“A gentle answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger” Proverbs 15:1 NIV

Whenever we are in disagreement

with our spouses, we should stop

and quote Proverbs 15:1 in our

minds and respond in love. By responding in love, we are

canceling out the enemy and

doing our part to have a healthy godly marriage.

Satan is always looking for opportunities to deceive married

couples and cause them to turn

against one another. Satan

deceives me with the little things,

for example, my husband forgetting to take the trash out.

Satan will overwhelm me with

recollections of all the times my

husband has forgotten to take the trash out, which causes me to

forget that he was running late for

work or was helping me with the girls.

If I feel like I am constantly

responding in love and not getting

the result I need, I take it to the

Lord and do my best to continue responding in love, because I

know that’s what God expects

from me and I know by pleasing God He will meet all my needs.

Our words are what give us power, Proverbs 18:21 says,” The

tongue can bring death or life...”

(NLT). When we speak in love it

allows our spouse to take their

guard down and see that we are coming from a good place. When

we respond in wrath, we are just

helping them build a higher wall to block us out.

Even as I write this I am being

tested! Pray for me as I pray for you!

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Marvette 'Meme' Gilmore Griffin Then Now


Whose is this beautiful baby girl?


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What did you forget? Submitted by Administrative Assistant Dr. Gloria Sterling – From

“Clearing the CLUTTER from your MIND” -- by Lady Mae L. Blake


Negativism is an attitude of mind marked by skepticism. It is the

practice or habit of being skeptical, critical, or pessimistic, especially towards the views or suggestions of others.

Changing long-standing habits, such as negative talk and thinking

is difficult. It is important that we develop ways of replacing

negativism with the desired new positive behavior.

With strength, courage, and persistence,

we can direct our negative self-talk to

user-friendly interchange.

Immediately replacing a negative

statement with a positive one is a

powerful assistance in enabling change.

Peace of mind is a result of peaceful


Philippians 4:8-9 (KJV) King James Version

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”

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BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS by Evangelist Henrietta Givens WHO SAID THAT?

1. Who said “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.”

2. “Good master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

3. “Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.”

4. “I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.”

5. “Truly this man was the Son of God.”

6. “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance; but He that cometh after me is mightier

than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear.”

7. “I have been young now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his

seed begging bread.”

8. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

9. “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”

10. “No man ever spoke like this man.”

FOR YOUR INFORMATION submitted by Mary Jackson

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Mothers are a Precious Gift

Mothers are a precious gift

sent from heaven above.

Divinely created out of

God’s grace and his magnificent love.

A Mother’s love is priceless,

unlike any you will ever find.

The love she gives is unconditional,

unchanging throughout time.

She always makes the ultimate sacrifice

to give us the very best.

She makes provisions to ensure

that we get nothing less.

So today we honor Mothers,

we adore and celebrate you.

Thank you for all

the wonderful things

throughout the year you do.

I Love You.

©2018 B Earley Magnolia’s Blossom

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Do You Know Which Symptoms Signal a Heart Attack in Women?

Women’s heart attacks can be different than men’s. Learn the warning signs. Most women know the symptoms of a heart attack -- squeezing chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea. But as it turns out, these symptoms are more typical for males. Female heart attacks can be quite different -- and it’s important for all women to learn the warning signs.

Rhonda Monroe's story is a cautionary tale. She was mystified when strong pain struck her left breast and left arm. Monroe, who was a 36-year-old mother of three, didn’t know it at the time, but she was having early symptoms of a heart attack. “I certainly wasn’t thinking about my heart because I was young and healthy and had been skinny,” she says.

As the pain moved into her shoulder and back, Monroe took pain relievers and showered for relief. But the next day, she was overwhelmed with nausea, sweating, vomiting, and chest pain. An ambulance rushed her to the emergency room.

Her next hurdle: getting the doctors to believe her. “They didn’t take me seriously,” Monroe says. She didn’t fit the profile of a heart attack patient. The doctors told her she was too young, she was not overweight, and there was no family history of heart disease.

Bedeviled by worsening pain and weakness and convinced she was dying, Monroe returned to the hospital several times over the days that followed, only to come home with no answers. “I was angry and frustrated,” the West Virginia resident says.

Monroe turned to her primary care doctor about her situation and went through more tests at the hospital. Finally, she got her diagnosis -- a week after the initial breast and arm pain. As Monroe recalls, a cardiologist who had previously dismissed her complaints made the diagnosis. “The doctor told me, ‘Well, it’s a good thing you’re persistent because you’re having a heart attack.’”

Heart experts say Monroe’s situation is all too common. Women who have “atypical” symptoms, such as arm or back pain or nausea, might not realize at first that they’re having a heart attack. Then when they do seek emergency care, doctors sometimes misdiagnose them.

Female heart attack symptoms -- “Typical” heart attack symptoms include chest pressure or squeezing or stabbing sensations in the center or left side of the chest, says Myung H. Park, MD, FACC, who is director of the Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Program at the University of Maryland Medical Center. “It’s very typical for people to make a fist when they’re describing their symptoms,” she says. “Some people describe it as feeling like a vise encasing their whole chest area.”

But in women, symptoms can be less typical. Although women can experience chest pain or discomfort, many don’t. In a 2003 Circulation study of female heart attack patients, scientists found that during an attack, 43% of the 515 women studied had no “acute chest pain, a ‘hallmark symptom in men.’”

The study noted some common female heart attack symptoms: • shortness of breath (57.9%) • weakness (54.8%) • unusual fatigue (42.9%) Women had other atypical heart attack symptoms, too: nausea, dizziness, lower chest discomfort, upper abdominal pressure or discomfort that feels like indigestion, and upper back pain.

Often, women are unaware that these symptoms can be a sign of a heart problem, and blame them on heartburn or indigestion, arthritis, or stress, experts say. If women become short of breath with little exertion, they tell themselves they are out of shape, overworked, or fatigued.


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Pay attention to heart attack symptoms-- Experts urge women to learn the various heart attack symptoms and to call 911 promptly at the appearance of these signs.

Though most women feel indigestion once in a while, experiencing a cluster of unusual symptoms or a persistent sensation in the chest, back, or stomach never felt before is reason to seek emergency care. Park has seen too many patients wait too long. Because women have lots of competing demands -- jobs, families, and sometimes caregiving duties -- “taking care of themselves, even if they don’t feel well, usually doesn’t make it to the top of the list,” she says.

That can be dangerous, experts say.

“The longer a woman waits before getting treatment to open the blocked blood vessel to the heart, the more damage is done to the heart muscle. If a large amount of the heart muscle is damaged, the woman will be at risk for heart failure,” says Teresa Caulin-Glaser, MD, co-author of The Woman’s Heart: An Owner’s Guide and director of preventive cardiology and research at McConnell Heart Health Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Assert yourself if you have heart attack symptoms-- Unfortunately, doctors may also be unfamiliar with atypical symptoms and may overlook a woman’s heart attack, experts tell WebMD. In fact, according to the Circulation study, women have more unrecognized heart attacks than men and are more likely to be “mistakenly diagnosed and discharged from emergency departments.”

Be direct with doctors and other medical staff, Caulin-Glaser says: “Women arriving at the emergency room should state clearly that they think they are having a heart attack and need to be evaluated.”

At a minimum, an immediate evaluation should include being placed on oxygen, being given an aspirin, having blood drawn, having an electrocardiogram performed, and receiving a cardiac monitor within minutes of arrival, she says.

Being bold can save women’s lives, Caulin-Glaser adds. “If the triage nurse or emergency room physician does not take their concerns seriously and begin the immediate evaluation for a heart attack, then all women should tell the emergency room physician they want to be seen by a cardiologist.”

Shortly after Monroe’s heart attack was finally diagnosed, she underwent emergency quadruple bypass surgery. She reports that she didn’t know all the right questions to ask when she first felt symptoms, “but I definitely knew that something was wrong.”

Now she urges other women who believe they might be having a heart attack to advocate for themselves. “Persist. No one knows your body the way you do,” Monroe says. “I really believe the only reason I’m alive today is that I wouldn’t give up, and I wouldn’t relent.”

Learn about your local heart attack resources-- One of the most important ways you can advocate for yourself is doing research. “Take action before you ever have a heart attack,” Caulin-Glaser says.

“It’s important for women to do their homework regarding the hospitals in their neighborhoods. Find out which hospitals specialize in heart disease,” she says. Some questions for women to ask:

• Does the hospital have a cardiac catheterization lab that performs procedures such as angioplasties and stents?

• Is this “cath lab” available 24 hours, seven days a week? • Is there a coronary bypass surgery program? • Once a woman arrives in the emergency room with a heart attack, how quickly is she sent to the cath

lab? • Can doctors open a blocked blood vessel within the acceptable range of 90 minutes?

Are all of the doctors in the emergency department board-certified in emergency medicine your doctor must decide together.

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Part IV of V: Your Stress and Your Obliviousness

We are reminded by the Word of God, Be careful for nothing; but in everything by

prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Philippians 4:6KJV. What this simply means is to worry about nothing but pray about

everything. Tell God what you need then thank him for all he has done.

I say this because stress is a powerful and stealthy emotion. Feelings of anxiety and

tension are so common many people feel that they are okay until they find themselves gripped

in a medical emergency. We have talked about stress due to holidays, family dynamics and

situations, work environment, school environment, and just life stressors in general. Stress

has a funny way of slipping up on you. It quietly and steadily builds inside of you until you

are face to face with a serious medical crisis. Stress is an emotional issue due to the manner

in which the body responds to what it perceives as a threat. Have you ever been driving at a

speed faster than you know you should and out of your peripheral vision you think you see

the highway patrol? Your pulse instantly quickens, your heart begins to race and you’re

frequently scanning your review mirror, praying that he didn’t notice you speeding because

there is no money in the budget for a speeding ticket. As soon as you realize you got by that

time, your heart rate returns to normal, but you notice that your palms are a little sweaty.

Well, stress has that same effect on the body to what the body perceives as a threat.

The nervous system releases adrenaline and cortisol, stress hormones. Oftentimes,

people don’t associate physical manifestations of illnesses with stress but in actuality nothing

could be further from the truth. Research studies show that negative emotions, such as stress,

are a direct link to poor physical health. When the body frequently produces stress hormones,

they compromise the immune, digestive, musculoskeletal, and nervous system. When we

understand mental health and how it relates to our physical health, we can truly begin to live

our lives victoriously!

As humans, we were created three-dimensional - mind, body, and spirit - and when

one part is out of balance, our entire being is off balance. The following will give you a

tangible picture of how our emotional (Mind), mental (Soul), and physical (Body) are all

connected. Anger weakens the liver. Fear hurts the kidneys. Grief weakens the lungs. Guilt

compromises your immune system and its ability to fight diseases. Worry negatively affects

the stomach. We cannot afford to ignore stress and how it affects our bodies. In all of this,

I bring you right back to our topic of self-care and the benefits it brings in managing and

relieving stress. There are a number of ways to do this and the best and most important way

is to know and listen to your body and what it is saying to you. Our bodies respond to stress

in similar ways but the symptoms are different for each of us. (continued next page)

Written by - Gail McIntyre-Johnson, MA, AMFT#81493

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Your Stress and Your Obliviousness (continued)

For example, for some of us when we are stressed, we eat and drink more while for others, they

may have little to no appetite at all. Both result in changes in our weight, which can in turn

add more stress. Extra pounds gained due to stress are usually abdominal fat because the

adrenaline and cortisol that is released in our bodies cause us to crave carbs and fat. Walk it

out. Exercise will reduce stress levels and quickly get that midsection back in shape.

If you find that you are more forgetful more than normal, check your stress levels.

Leaving your keys inside the front door all night can be more than just an accident. Stress

anxiety results in decreased concentration that causes forgetfulness. If memory disturbances

become so frequent that your quality of life is compromised, you should seek medical advice,

but start with a few of the self-care suggestions and chances are you will soon find yourself

relaxed and back on track.

The nervous system is connected to the digestive system and that “unsettling” in your

stomach may be more than what you ate, especially if there are frequent occurrences. Over-

the-counter remedies may help temporarily, but the most effective and natural solution is

exercise. Our bodies respond to stress with a “fight or flight” action which means an increase

in blood pressure and increased heart rate; but stress hormones also cause tightening of the

muscles, which can cause a great deal of pain. Ask any back-pain sufferer. Solution:

movement and exercise.

Sometimes we may find ourselves not feeling our best because we are not as “regular”

as we should be. Believe it or not, stress is very often the culprit. Stress uses a great deal of

magnesium in the body and so does sugar consumption. It takes 54 molecules of magnesium

to process only 1 molecule of sugar. Magnesium is known as the “calming mineral” because

it affects the way that the muscles - including those in the digestive tract and the brain - relax.

Magnesium is a solution, but another way to fix the problem? You already guessed it: exercise.

It would appear that the consensus to minimizing or even eliminating stress, your

obliviousness to it and what to do about it is simple, cost effective, and the best form of self-

care out there: exercise, exercise, exercise. So, lace up those pretty new Nikes and ‘Just Do


Written by - Gail McIntyre-Johnson, MA, AMFT#81493

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“Just Add Water!”

A Commentary in the opinion of Robert Porter

Greetings lovers and enjoyers of both of these

well-known icons. We who are in the new life with

our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ know only too well that at one-time (the Old

Testament Numbers 1: 45 thru 54) people who wanted atonement for their

sins had to go to the priest (the Levites) bringing things such as grain and oil,

birds, or even goats, sheep and cattle. The Priest would take these items,

slaughter them on a specific table in your behalf, and your sins would be


Then comes the New Testament. Christ was the “Sacrifice” for all of us dying

just once. No more sacrifices needed.

For us to take part in this new life with Christ, here is what we needed to do

1. Hear the Word (Romans 10:17; “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the

message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”)

2. Believe the Gospel (John 8:24; “I told you that you would die in your sins; if

you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”) (Romans

1:16; “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God

that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the


3. Repent of past Sins (Acts 2:38; “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus

Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”) (Luke 13: 3-5, “I tell you,

no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Consider those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam

fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But

unless you repent, you too will all perish.”)

4. Confess Christ (Matthew 10:32; “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my

Father in heaven.”) (Romans 10:9-10; “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart

that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,

and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”)

5. Be Baptized! (Mark 16:16; “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will

be condemned.”) (Romans 6: 3-4 “Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were

baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as

Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”)

An opinion by – Robert Porter

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Remember! Just Add Water! Now let’s talk about Aunt Jemima

Now, I am not here to claim by any means a pancake recipe is likened unto the dramatic life our Lord

and Savior went through for us, but, I am here to point out that we seem to have an “easier time“

following the recipe for pancakes, than we do for following the directions as set forth by Jesus to help

us to have the best life not only here on earth, but in the hereafter.

Just listen to what Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 19: 29 “And everyone who has left houses or brothers

or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as

much and will inherit eternal life.” In other words, Jesus was promising that all who “invested” their

time in service to his Ministry would be restored everything they may have lost through forsaking, one-

hundred-fold in this life (that means they would be alive to receive it) and, eternal life as well. It was

actually not a sacrifice, but an investment!

Not to mention, you are co-heirs with Christ as well as heirs of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit dwells

within you, and God hears the prayers of all who have been saved, so you and I should be praying with


**Remember, help someone to add a “little water” to their life today! **

2 cups Original Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix 1 ½ c. skim milk 2 large eggs 2 Tbs. canola oil Directions-- Stir together all ingredients Let stand 1-2 minutes before cooking to thicken Pour onto griddle heated to high Cook until golden brown, turning only once

2 cups Aunt Jemima Mix 2 ½ cups cold water What you’ll do is -- Heat skillet over medium-low heat or electric griddle to 375F Combine all ingredients and stir until large lumps disappear (do not beat or over mix). Let stand 3-4 minutes to thicken. Pour slightly less than ¼ cup batter for each pancake onto lightly greased skillet. Turn when pancakes bubble and are golden brown.

An opinion by – Robert Porter continued…

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ANSWERS TO BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS – by Evangelist Henrietta Givens

1. Samarian woman at the well John 4:15

2. Rich young ruler Luke 18:18

3. John the Baptist John 1:29

4. Zacharias Luke 1:18

5. Centurion man opposite Jesus at the Cross Mark 15:39

6. John the Baptist Matthew 3:11

7. Solomon Psalm 37:25

8. Jesus Matthew 4;19

9. King Agrippa Acts 26:28

10. Officers (soldiers) John 7:46

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Bettie’s Picks

Garlic Shrimp and



1 ¼ pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined 1 pound sugar snap peas, trimmed 6 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 ½ pounds small red potatoes, halved ¾ cup buttermilk 4 tablespoons unsalted butter Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives Finely grated zest of 1 lemon

Directions Preheat the broiler. Toss the shrimp, snap peas, garlic, thyme and olive oil in a large bowl; set aside. Put the potatoes in a pot and cover with water by 1 inch; bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook until fork-tender, about 10 minutes. Reserve 1/4 cup cooking water, then drain the potatoes and return to the pot. Add the buttermilk, 2 tablespoons butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper. Mash, gradually adding the reserved cooking water as needed. Stir in 1 tablespoon chives. While the potatoes are cooking, spread the shrimp and snap peas on a baking sheet. Broil until just cooked through and charred in spots, 6 to 8 minutes. Dot the shrimp and snap peas with the remaining 2 tablespoons butter and sprinkle with the lemon zest. Toss until the butter melts and the mixture is well coated; season with salt and pepper. Divide the potatoes, shrimp, snap peas and any juices from the baking sheet among plates. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 tablespoon chives.

Red Grape Gazpacho


2 cups red seedless grapes 1 1/2 cups chopped peeled seedless cucumbers (from 3 Persian cucumbers)

1 1/2 cups cubed baguette or rustic country bread, crust removed

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1/2 small clove garlic Kosher salt Crushed pink peppercorns, for topping

Directions Puree the grapes, cucumber, bread, olive oil, 2 tablespoons water, the vinegar, garlic and 1 teaspoon salt in a blender until very smooth, at least 1 minute. Refrigerate until chilled, at least 30 minutes. Season the gazpacho with salt. Divide among small bowls. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with crushed pink peppercorns

Total: 45 min Active: 15 min

Yield: 4 to 8 servings

Level: Easy

Celebrate Mother’s Day with a special rose-colored meal.

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Beet and Goat Cheese

Phyllo Cups


1 small red beet 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 12 frozen mini phyllo shells 1 4-ounce log goat cheese 1 tablespoon heavy cream or milk 1 teaspoon honey Kosher salt

Directions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Put the beet on a sheet of foil, drizzle with the olive oil and wrap to enclose. Bake until easily pierced with a knife, 60 to 70 minutes. Let cool, then peel and chop. Bake the phyllo shells as the label directs. Let cool. Pulse the goat cheese and heavy cream in a mini food processor until smooth. Add the chopped beet, honey and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Pulse until very smooth and bright pink, about 1 minute. Transfer the beet mixture to a large resealable plastic bag and snip off a corner; pipe into the phyllo shells. Refrigerate at least 20 minutes before serving.

Angel Food Cake with




1 cup granulated sugar 5 green cardamom pods 1 pound rhubarb (about 3 large or 6 small stalks), sliced

1/2 inch thick (about 4 cups) 1 cup sliced strawberries 1 cup cold heavy cream 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 store-bought angel food cake

Directions Combine the granulated sugar, 1/2 cup water and the cardamom pods in a large skillet. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves, about 8 minutes. Add the rhubarb and cook, stirring, until just starting to break down, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a shallow dish and let sit until cooled, about 1 hour. Stir in the strawberries. Beat the heavy cream with the confectioners' sugar, vanilla and ground cardamom in a large bowl with a mixer until medium peaks form. Slice the angel food cake and top with the strawberry-rhubarb sauce and spiced whipped cream.

Bettie’s Picks continued

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There is some confusion about what happens at death so let me share my take on it!

1. When a person dies, at some point the doctor or coroner is called to declare the time and cause

of death. If there are strange circumstances, there could be a requirement to have an autopsy

2. A mortuary is called to pick up the body and prepare it for cremation or burial

3. A home funeral service or a graveside service is performed; then the body is buried in the ground

or mausoleum or the cremains are placed in an Urn in a niche.

There are two distinct processes to consider for the process of transition: Mortuary Services and Cemetery.

Those who have served in the armed services have a place to be buried in one of the National Cemeteries,

but they do not have Mortuary services provided by the government.

Most everyone that departs this life needs the services of a competent Mortuary first, then the services of

a cemetery. There are some Cemeteries and Mortuaries that combine to provide a complete service to the


I work in this industry because God gave me a heart of love for families. I work at Sunset Hills Memorial

Park and Homesteaders Life Company.

In preparation for the worst day of your life (if you are not already prepared) it is important to consider and

implement a pre – need program that includes acquisition of Mortuary Service and Cemetery Property.

Mortuary Services:

• Body preparation

• Embalming if required

• Casket selection

• Possible preparation for cremation if not being buried

• Some type of service before burial


• Purchase a plot

• Purchase a mausoleum

• Purchase a Niche

• Pay for Open and Closing

• Pay for Marker

• Pay for Endowment Care

If you want to be proactive about your death, take immediate action to put in place a pre-need program

that can cost pennies on the dollar for your Mortuary and Cemetery needs. Some questions you may have:

What can you provide for me that is $25.00 or less per month? Do you have a family plan?

I thought I took care of everything when I purchased my plot! What does it cost?

Can I pay monthly? Do I need to make a down payment?

What will happen if I die before I pay it off? (The trustee will pay for your mortuary services!)

What are the 49 things that must be done before you are buried or cremated?

Are you ready to take action – schedule time with me as soon as possible?

Dr. Loren Due



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Delores Spivery Sis. Wooten

Sis. Pearlena Jones

Viola Briggs

Nelson Taylor Sr

Robert Williams

Christine Collins Novella Jordan

Mother Grace


Rosie Hudson

Alvernon Caine

Diane Drayton

Ella McKenzie

Erna Sutton

Kevin R. Jackson

Cassandra Williams

Elder James Ham

Sis. Mary Ham

Josiah Hunter

Michael Ray Philips

Sis. Mattie Allen

Diane Tyler-Fulson

Josephine Alsup

Jessica Ogura

Dea. Odell Jones

Dea. Robert Andrews

Zoe Pascoe

Freddy George &


Brandon Borja

The Wrights

Elizabeth Peters

Joan Woofolk

Joshua Isaiah Brown

Brian Thompson




8:00 am and 11:30 am, Sunday School 9:45 am

CORPORATE PRAYER: Every Tuesday at 6 am, Wednesday at 6:30 am

and Thursday at 6 am. Call (641) 715-3272 and enter code 557700#.

Missionary Circle Prayer every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 7:00 am. Monday

Prayer 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. Noon Day Prayer Wednesday - Friday at

12:00 noon.

PRAYER & BIBLE BAND: Tuesdays at 9:00 am

PRAYER & FAMILY BIBLE STUDY: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm


Pray also for our missionaries abroad

who are being persecuted.


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OUR DAILY BREAD================================================================================================

A Mother’s Strength

By David H. Roper She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. —Proverbs 31:26

My wife Carolyn and I were walking in a park one morning when we spotted a mother squirrel scurrying along a power line with her baby in her mouth. She delivered the little squirrel to a new nest she had built in a tree. Then she ran back across the wire to fetch another baby from the old nest and transport it to its new home. Back and forth she scampered until she had deposited all six of her babies in their new home. “Being a mother is hard work!” Carolyn mused.

Indeed it is. The labor to bring a child into the world is only the beginning. How essential it is that she take care of herself spiritually so she can take care of her children! Of all concerns, the care for her soul is the greatest—to grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of God.

Susanna Wesley was a busy mother with 19 children, yet she set aside time each day to meet with God. Some days she spent that time in a chair with her apron over her head, praying. Woe be to the child who disturbed her!

The woman described in Proverbs 31 placed a high value on wisdom, kindness, and a respect for the Lord (vv.26,30). This Mother’s Day, let’s honor the women in our lives who share their wisdom, show us kindness, and who seek above all to honor the Lord.

Though other scenes may be forgot,

While life shall last, this one cannot;

When mother prayed! O peace divine!

My mother’s God today is mine. —Anon.

God bless my mother; . . . all I am I owe to her. —

Abraham Lincoln

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Victorville, CA 92395


You must confess and believe. Romans10:9 says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” If you believe that God raised Jesus of Nazareth up from the grave and can confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall – not maybe – you shall be saved.


If you desire to be saved, would you pray the following prayer?

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. And I know that Jesus died for my sins. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead, and I want Him to be my Lord and Savior. Jesus, come into my heart and save me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Bishop Roger Thomas, Church of God in Christ California Southern Third Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Prelate

Administrative Assistant Mother Ida Martin, Jurisdictional Women’s Supervisor-Designee

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