Page 1: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young

” ”Volume No. 4305 Wednesday November 06, 2019 Aqrab 15, 1398 Price: 20/-Afs

Quote of the Day

Our constitution is a ray of hope: H for harmony, O for Opportunity, P for people’s

participation and E for equality.

Narendra Modi


Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President

KABUL - Afghan senate speaker Fazl Hadi Mus-limyar on Tuesday strongly condemned the sum-moning of the country’s ambassador by Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI.Muslimyar said that the summoning showcased Pakistan’s “ultimate shamelessness.”He said that ISI’s summoning of the ambassador was against diplomatic norms, saying no intelli-gence agency has got the right to inquire diplomats.On Monday, Afghan foreign ministry said that Pakistan’s ISI summoned Afghan Ambassador Shukrullah Atif Mashal and mistreated him.The move came after Pakistan said that its diplo-mats in Kabul were being harassed, and closed its consular section at its embassy.Afghan government has pledged serious investiga-tion of the issue. (1TV News)

KABUL - The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) on Monday raised deep concerns over what it described as “immoral advances” towards women in the Afghan work-place, both in the government and private institu-tions. TOLOnews correspondent Tamim Hamid talked with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands:Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young women who after completing her secondary school decided to work in a government ministry. However, she was faced with various problems.“They asked if I was married or unmarried, or if I had a boyfriend or not, and they told me ‘I am at your service, please give me your number,’” said Maryam. ...(More on P4)...(1)

ISLAMABAD - Supporters of the Afghan Taliban group are seen among the anti-government pro-testers in Pakistan asking for the resignation of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.Footage from the protest shows a group of protesters holding the Taliban flag among thousands of Islamist marchers.The presence of pro-Taliban men in a civil protest, however, has sparked reactions in Afghanistan; the Taliban militant group has been fighting the Afghan govern-ment for over 18 years, rejecting all government calls for a civil way to compete for power.“What ...(More on P4)...(2)

KABUL - Leaked documents have unmasked senior Afghan officials and their families as recent own-ers of luxury offshore property in Dubai, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.Included in the documents seen by the Bureau are relatives of two for-mer presidents, a presidential can-didate whose brother was reported to have flown into the UAE with more than $50 million in cash, and a senior intelligence official whose father was implicated in involve-ment with the transfer of large sums of money from Afghanistan.Holding property overseas is not illegal ...(More on P4)...(3)

Muslimyar Slams ISI’s Summoning of Afghan

Ambassador as ‘Ultimate Shamelessness’

Afghan Women Face ‘Immoral Advances’ in

Workplace: Rights Group

Afghan Taliban Flag Flying inPakistan Protest

Afghan Officials’ Families Own Luxury Pads in Dubai

KABUL - Afghan President Ashraf Gha-ni has expressed hope that his country will one day have female president.Addressing parliamentarians and their families at a reception in presidential palace, Ghani said that for that to hap-pen it is necessary for women to “feel safe” amid efforts for peace with the Taliban.“Afghans desire peace, but peace will

be national, Afghan, sustainable and lasting,” Ghani said.“It will be that peace in which people see security, advantages, and ensuring of rights,” the president said. “Women’s rights cannot be compromised.”“These beautiful girls whom I see, I hope one will become the president of Afghanistan tomorrow,” Ghani said.The president, however, also said that

peace requires concessions and wide bosom.He said that war will have no winner.He said that no individual could claim of being peace hero as the achievement will belong to all Afghans.“I am ready for any sacrifice, but I can-not sacrifice Afghanistan’s Constitution because wewill be nothing without it,” Ghani said. (1TV News)

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Add: In front of Habibia High School, District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan

Request for Bids Goods

(One-Envelope Bidding Process)

Publish Date: 06 Nov, 2019 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Finance Fiscal Performance Improvement Support System (FSP) Project ID: P159655 Grand No: D2630-AF Procurement of IT Equipment for ACD HQ and Asycuda Department AF-MOF-FSP-117092-GO-RFB-ACD

1. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Fiscal Performance Improvement Support System (FSP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract Procurement of IT Equipment for ACD HQ and Asycuda Department of Ministry of Finance Ref No: AF-MOF-FSP-117092-GO-RFB-ACD

2. The Ministry of Finance now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders “Procurement of IT Equipment for ACD HQ and Asycuda Department.

3. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Finance Procurement Directorate, Mr. Naseer Waheed, [email protected] and inspect the bidding document during office hours 8:00 to 16:00 Kabul Time at the address given below.

5. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 21/Dec/2019 at 10:00 A.M Kabul Time. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 21/Dec/2019 at 10:00 A.M Kabul Time.

6. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of: USD 10,000 (Ten Thousand) 7. Financial Capability: The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence that it meets the

following financial requirement(s): Annual turnover for any one year during past five years: USD: 450,000 (Four Hundred and

Fifty Thousand) Experience: the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it has executed

and meets the following experience requirement(s): The Bidder has satisfactorily completed at least one contract for supply of similar goods in the

preceding on of the five years of: USD: 360,000 (Three Hundred and Sexty Thousand) 8. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders on the

submission of a written Application to the address below: 2nd Floor, Procurement Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Pashtoonestan Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan.

The address (es) referred to above is (are): Procurement Directorate of Ministry of Finance Contact Name: Mr. Naseer Waheed, Procurement Officer

Address: Procurement Unit, Second Floor, DM Admin Building, Ministry of Finance, Pashtoonistan Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan

Telephone Number: 0202924031 Email Address: [email protected] Website:

Abdul Hadi “Ghaffari” Procurement Director

Ministry of Finance

Request for Bids Goods

(One-Envelope Bidding Process) Publish Date: 06 Nov, 2019 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Finance Fiscal Performance Improvement Support System (FSP) Project ID: P159655 Grand No: D2630-AF Procurement of Standard Filling Room for Tracking for SLTO AF-MOF-FSP-117095-GO-RFB-ARD

1. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Fiscal Performance Improvement Support System (FSP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract Procurement of Standard Filling Room for Tracking for SLTO of Ministry of Finance Ref No: AF-MOF-FSP-117095-GO-RFB-ARD

2. The Ministry of Finance now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders “Procurement of Standard Filling Room for Tracking for SLTO.

3. Bidding will be conducted through National competitive Bidding (NCB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 edition (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Finance Procurement Directorate, Mr. Naseer Waheed, [email protected] and inspect the bidding document during office hours 8:00 to 16:00 Kabul Time at the address given below.

5. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 08/Dec/2019 at 10:00 A.M Kabul Time. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 08/Dec/2019 at 10:00 A.M Kabul Time.

6. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of: AFN 300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand) 7. Financial Capability: The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence that it meets the

following financial requirement(s): Annual turnover for any one year during past five years: AFN: 13,392,000 (Thirteen Million

and Three Hundred and Ninety Two Thousand) Experience: the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it has executed

and meets the following experience requirement(s): The Bidder has satisfactorily completed at least one contract for supply of similar goods in the

preceding on of the five years of: AFN: 10,700,000 (Ten Million and Seven Hundred) 8. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders on the

submission of a written Application to the address below: 2nd Floor, Procurement Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Pashtoonestan Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan.

The address (es) referred to above is (are): Procurement Directorate of Ministry of Finance Contact Name: Mr. Naseer Waheed, Procurement Officer Address: Procurement Unit, Second Floor, DM Admin Building, Ministry of Finance, Pashtoonistan Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan Telephone Number: 0202924031 Email Address: [email protected] Website:

Abdul Hadi “Ghaffari” Procurement Director

Ministry of Finance

Page 2: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young

KABUL - Afghanistan XI have defeated the West Indies Xi in a warm-up match ahead of One Day International (ODI) series at the Ekana International Crick-et Stadium in India.The ODI series, beginning Wednesday, will be hosted by Afghanistan at the Ekana Inter-national Cricket Stadium in Luc-know.In the warm-up match on Mon-day, West Indies won the toss and elected to bat. The visitors

KABUL - Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Garibashvili has visited Georgian servicemen de-ployed in Afghanistan, Defense Ministry reported on November 5.The Georgian troops, whose du-ties focus on security and rapid reaction force, are deployed in Kabul; at the Bagram Air Field,

GHAZNI CITY - Bomb blasts killed at least 72 civilians and in-jured 187 others during the past seven months in southern Ghazni province, an official said Tuesday.Mohammad Arif Noori, the gov-ernor’s spokesman, told a press conference in Ghazni City, the provincial capital, that roadside bombings killed 42 civilians and wounded 61 others on general highways.Another 30 civilians were killed and 126 more wounded in car bombings during the period, he added.He said the casualties occurred in the provincial capital, Andar, Waez, Dehyak, Gilan, Muqar and Khwaja Omari districts.He accused Taliban militants of attacks which resulted in civilian

KHOST CITY - One Afghan Na-tional Army (ANA) soldier was killed and three others were wounded as a result of a roadside blast in southeastern Khost prov-ince on Tuesday.The blast took place in the morn-ing when an ANA pick-up hit the

Defense Minister Garibashvili Visits Afghanistan

KABUL - A man has stabbed his wife to death inside a court in Ka-bul, an incident that prompted a police investigation.Najla Rahil, a defence lawyer, said the murder took place in-side the primary court at round 1:00pm on Monday.“I was inside the court when the woman was murdered by her husband. I was told the couple was locked in a divorce dispute,” she added.“The man initially attacked his wife’s defence lawyer but she fled and again this man attacked his wife with a knife and stabbed her to death,” she continued. The man and his spouse hailed from southeastern Khost province. The woman was living in a Kabul safe house. ...(More on P4)...(7)

Man Stabs Wife to Death Inside Kabul Court

Afghanistan Outplay West Indies in Warm-Up Match

1 ANA Soldier Killed, 3 Wounded in Khost Explosion

In 7 Months, Blasts Kill 72 Civilians in Ghazni

and Camp Marmal in Mazar-i-Sharif.Minister Garibashvili thanked Georgian servicemen for their contribution to the international peacekeeping missions, saying it is their merit that Georgia “is being appreciated on the interna-tional arena.” “Thank you for everything, for

roadside bomb in the Sabzi Man-dawi area of Khost City -- the pro-vincial capital.Abdullah, spokesman for the 203rd Thunder Military Corps, told Pajhwok Afghan News one soldier was killed and three oth-ers were ...(More on P4)...(8)

your service, for your high pro-fessionalism and your devotion… I will be your shield. I will do my best to take care of you. This is my direct responsibility and obliga-tion,” Garibashvili stated. On his two-day visit to Afghani-stan, the Georgian Defense Minis-ter was accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff, Major Gen-

Nov 6, 2019 - You’re in a great mood, and you’re raring to go at just about anything. Your physical energy is high, so some ex-ercise is indicated, possibly sports. You might want to take a short trip out of town or embark on a new course of study or try

your hand at writing. Your enthusiasm and optimism are high, so the sky’s the limit.

Nov 6, 2019 - A woman, perhaps a col-league who’s very bright and some-times annoying, could visit you today. If you aren’t careful, this person could goad you into a heated discussion or arouse your insecurity. Try to distance

yourself. This person has issues of her own to deal with that have little if anything to do with you. Be polite and understanding and then show her the door!

Nov 6, 2019 - A lot of calls could come your way today. Some involve people who live far away, some are from friends with heavy emotional difficulties, and one could come from a romantic partner with whom you’re very anxious to get

together. You might hop in the car to meet this person somewhere familiar in your community. Don’t wear your voice out talking on the phone!


Across Yesterday’s Solution

1. Eager, 2. Char, 3. Fascinated, 4. Attack, 5. Woman, 6. How old we are, 7. Back-sides, 8. Angel, 9. Red wine, 10. German for “Mister”, 11. Dry, 12. Throw, 15. Bore-dom, 21. French for “Head”, 23. Sketch, 25. Lairs, 27. Sneaker or pump, 28. Purple shade, 29. Record (abbrev.), 31. Unsalted, 32. Burn with hot water, 34. Twosome, 36. Cocoyam, 39. Except, 40. At the peak of, 43. Nitrify, 44. Russian emperor, 46. Tailless amphibian, 47. Trespass, 49. Death notices, 50. A small node, 53. Kidney-related, 55. Leer at, 56. A gain or acquisition (archaic), 57. L L L L, 58. Bristle, 60. Storage cylin-der, 61. Flower stalk, 64. Lair

1. Largest continent, 5. Openings, 9. Gossip, 13. Family lines, 14. Assent, 16. Protagonist17. Horse feed, 18. Gain knowledge, 19. Colored part of an eye, 20. Extraordinary, 22. Criteria, 24. Regretted, 26. Reject, 27. Ore refinery, 30. Gap, 33. Moved faster, 35. Cringe37. Not in, 38. Aqualung, 41. Unhappy, 42. What’s happening, 45. Position in baseball, 48. Invented the light bulb, 51. Twister, 52. Small drum, 54. Kettles, 55. Overrules, 59. Twelve dozen, 62. Big party, 63. Tweaked, 65. Module, 66. A jaunty rhythm ,67. Tablet68. Expunge, 69. If not, 70. Distinctive flair, 71. Biblical kingdom

Outlook Horoscope

Pisces (Feb.19-Mar.20)

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb.18)

Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19)

Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.22)

Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22)Cancer (June 21-July 20)

Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.20)

Leo (July 21-Aug. 21)Taurus (Apr.21-May 20)

Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20)

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep 22 )

Nov 6, 2019 - Today you should feel ro-mantic and passionate and want to get together with your love partner. You’ll probably do that, but it may be difficult and only arranged at the last minute.

Don’t panic if you can’t reach your friend during the early part of the day. Don’t give up. You’ll have a great evening.

Nov 6, 2019 - Money matters may need attention today. Bills need to be paid, checks deposited, or contracts executed. The relief you get from handling this should lift your spirits considerably. Get

out in the fresh air, take a walk, and work off some of your energy. Get the endorphins going. Phone a friend and spend the evening on the town. You’ve worked hard and you deserve it.

Nov 6, 2019 - Group activities or meet-ings could prove fraught today as those around you get pulled into dis-cussions about which they feel strong-ly and on which they don’t all agree!

This isn’t a good day to get involved in heated dis-cussions even if you find the idea tempting. Stay out of it! Find someone who’s also staying out of it and talk to that person.

Nov 6, 2019 - Legal papers regarding money that you may have been work-ing on for a while should finally be done today. This should lift your spirits

if for no other reason than to have it all out of the way! You should feel especially talkative, enthusi-astic, and passionate. You may want to schedule a romantic evening with your partner. Have fun!

Nov 6, 2019 - The possibility of impend-ing changes in your personal or profes-sional life could have you feeling wor-ried and insecure. Don’t be. If anything,

you’ll benefit from these changes. There could be a lot of tension and stress in the air, and it will be hard to avoid picking up on this energy. Try to relax! Let yourself be carried along by the current.

Nov 6, 2019 - Some bad experiences regard-ing career, family, travel, or education could have a friend, colleague, or love partner in an explosive mood today. This person could be unpredictable now - happy one minute

and in the depths of gloom the next. Don’t try to give ad-vice or cheer up him or her. It will only result in anger. Stay out of the way and let your friend work through it.

Nov 6, 2019 - Job stress might be getting to you. Drinking a lot of wa-ter would be a good idea. Moderate amounts of exercise and rest are also

indicated. Don’t eat very spicy foods. This is a good day to catch up on reading, studying, or research. Your physical self may not be what it should be, but your brain is sharp.

Nov 6, 2019 - Today you might feel a strong psychic link with a friend who lives far away that you haven’t seen for a long time. You might wonder what

this person is up to and this could be a bit worry-ing. Don’t be shy. Call! One way or another, you should know what’s happening. It could be that your friend is just having a bad day. Provide a sympathetic ear!

Nov 6, 2019 - You may have been making plans to take a long trip or re-turn to school for an advanced degree.

Until now you may have put it off. You’ve finally stepped over the line and made the decision to do it. There’s no stopping you! You may spend a lot of time on the phone gathering information and making preliminary arrangements.

accident bound connect create crush different dou-ble dream equal fabricate grind hobble hotel hurry injury least money musicparity plant prefer radio railramble range relax rift rightrile rogue scale seam season shake should start stress...

eral Vladimer Chachibaia.In Afghanistan, Garibashvili held meetings with the RSM Com-mander Gen. Austin Scott Miller; NATO’s Senior Civilian Repre-sentative to Afghanistan Ambas-sador Nicholas Kay; Train Advise Assist Command-North com-mander General Jürgen Brötz. According ...(More on P4)...(6)

set the Afghans a target of 157 runs, getting all out in 39 overs.Naween-ul-Haq and Sharafud-din Ashraf grabbed three wick-ets each, while Gulbadin Naib took two. Yameen Ahmadzai and Karim Janat claimed one scalp each.Afghanistan XI reached the tar-get down in the 35th over for the loss of six wickets. Rahmat Shah scored 47 runs, Najib Zadran 40, Asghar Afghan 33 and Moham-mad Nabi 18. (Pajhwok)

Main News PageNovember 06, 20192

causalities.Meanwhile, Abdul Halim, a resi-dent of Niaz Kala area of Andar district, told Pajhwok Afghan News that a number of civilians

lost their lives when two vehicles were hit by two roadside bomb blasts.Niatmatullah, resident of Alam-khel village ...(More on P4)...(9)

Page 3: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

November 06, 2019

Zaki Laïdi is Professor of International Relations at Sciences Po.

Dr. Rajkumar Singh is Professor and Head of P.G.Department of Political Science, BNMU, West Campus, P.G. Centre, Saharsa-852201.Bihar, India. Email- [email protected]

Reginal Pressure on Taliban Likely to

Result in Fruitful Talks

US Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has visited Kabul and Islamabad to discuss the issue of resumption of peace talks between the US and Taliban leadership

after it was called off. Earlier, the Taliban delegations visited some states, including Iran and Pakistan, with the aim of re-viving talks. The two sides are willing to resume the negotiations, however, there are still some ifs and buts. Afghanistan urges being in-cluded in the talks and holds out hope that regional stakehold-ers will put their weight behind the peace process. But it is also feared that the process will be capitalized on. Pakistan is one of the stakeholders, which has been urged constantly by Afghan administration to put pressure on the Taliban to come to negotiating table with Kabul. Meanwhile, Washington also called on Islamabad to broker the talks. Paki-stani high-ranking officials have vowed on multiple occasions to play its role constructively in the talks. Pakistan is believed to have strong leverage on the Taliban leadership and both Kabul and Washington are of the view that if Islamabad uses its leverage, peace talks will be success-ful. Speaking at a think tank in New York, Pakistani Prime Minis-ter Imran Khan talked about Pakistan’s role in training jihad-ists during the late 1980s and sustaining contracts with them. In 2015, Pakistan’s Sartaj Aziz said publicly that the Afghan Taliban leadership enjoyed shelter inside Pakistan, which was used as a “lever” to pressure the group into coming to the negotiating table. Express Tribune Newspaper quoted him as saying, “We have some influence on them because their leadership is in Pakistan and they get some medical facilities, their families are here. So we can use those levers to pressur-ize them to say, ‘Come to the table’.” He added that Islamabad had used the threat of expulsion to force the Taliban into the first round of Murree talks. It indicates the fact that Islamabad exercises influence over the Taliban leadership. With Imran Khan at the helm, the blame game between Ka-bul and Islamabad stopped and the bilateral relations ce-mented. Ghani administration held out hope that Islamabad would nudge the Taliban to negotiating table with the Afghan government since Pakistani officials, including Imran Khan, vowed to support the reconciliation process. Islamabad-Washington relations have also been improved and Zalmay Khalilzad have always traveled to Pakistan be-fore negotiating with the Taliban. Few months back, Imran Khan promised US President Donald Trump, in his first visit to Washington, to meet Taliban leaders and talk to them to support Afghan peace process. Islamabad has always favored a negotiated end to the conflict in Afghanistan and said that war would not lead to peace in the country. Notwithstanding all the aforementioned facts, Islamabad has not or could not broker talks between the Taliban and the Ka-bul government, which has generated a sense of mistrust in the air. With promising statements of Pakistani officials and their commitments to support the peace process, hope re-emerges that Pakistan will persuade the Taliban to reduce violence and sign a peace deal with their interlocutors. Washington is also seeking resumption of peace talks based on this hope as well as Pakistan’s commitment for backing the negotiations. That is, it is believed that if Pakistan dismisses its support to Afghan peace process, neither Washington will continue the talks nor there will be hope for fruition. It is self-evident that Pakistan has also been a victim to terror-ist activities. The Taliban splinter group carried out large-scale attacks in some parts of Pakistan within past few years. If Tali-ban do not settle the issue through negotiations, they are likely to pose threat to the region and pave the ground for other radi-cal groups to continue their terrorist activities. Therefore, they are urged to join the government through dismantling their group and discontinuing their terrorist activities. If peace talks are not succeeded and the Taliban continue their terrorist activities, the region will not be immune to the threat. With this in mind, global powers and regional stakeholders, mainly Pakistan, have to support the peace process. They should put all their efforts to stop the conflict and pressure the Taliban to declare ceasefire. Indeed, if global pressure is put on the Taliban and their financial resources are banned, the Taliban fighters will not be able to continue their activities.

Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Vice Chairman / Exec. Editor: Moh. Sakhi Rezaie

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

International-relations theorists generally distinguish between soft and hard power. Soft power refers to the exercise of political influence through flexible, non-binding instruments such as economic assistance; the dis-semination of environmental, health, and civil-security standards; and exports of cultural goods. Soft-power leaders are generally reluctant to coerce others and prefer to wield influence by example. The European Union is the leading exponent of this approach.Hard power, by contrast, refers to military and economic instruments of coercion. Rather than leading by example, countries that depend on the hard power at their disposal wield it to try to bend others to their will. Fol-lowing Machiavelli, they would rather be feared than loved. Here, Russia is a quintessential example. And between Europe and Russia, the United States has long represented a unique combination of both forms of power.But nowadays, the distinction between hard and soft is becoming less rel-evant, because soft power itself is being weaponized. In what some com-mentators now refer to as “sharp power,” traditional soft-power tools – trade, legal standards, technology – are increasingly being used to coerce. If one were to identify three primary causes for this change, it would be the rise of China, the ensuing Sino-American rivalry, and the new powers of digital technology.So far, the most sensitive domain in which soft power has been weapon-ized is trade. Since President Donald Trump came to power, the US has ratcheted up import tariffs and invoked “national security” to justify its circumvention of the rules-based multilateral trading system. Although the US can no longer control the multilateral system singlehandedly, it still can harm its competitors (and its allies) on a bilateral basis.The consequences of this weaponization of trade have been profound. By the end of 2019, the US will have an average import tariff rate of 6.5%, up from just 1.5 % three years ago, putting it close to Brazil in terms of import barriers. The Trump administration has now imposed levies on 90% of imports from China, yet its strategic objectives for the trade war remain unclear.To be sure, the Trump administration wants to force China to reduce its bilateral trade surplus with the US, and many in the US want China to move toward a market economy. But the irony is that the trade war has forced both countries to embrace managed trade, which gives the Chinese state an even firmer grip on the economy.A new era of managed trade implies significant risks for Europe. China may have to import less from Europe in order to import more from the US, or it may dump onto European markets exports that it can no longer ship to the US. Either way, international trade is increasingly becoming a zero-sum game.The weaponization of soft power is also gaining ground in the legal do-main, through the extraterritorial application of national laws. Both the US and the European Union rely on extraterritoriality, but the differences in how each wields this power is revealing. European extraterritoriality has

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authers and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan.

The root cause of cross-border terrorism, continuing in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir lies in the partition of India in August 1947 as a result of which Pakistan came into existence. Competition,

rivalry and enmity between India and Pakistan witnessed four declared wars between the two – the last one in 1999 at Kargil. Although the anti –India feeling and partial activity, from the beginning, has been integral part of Jammu Kashmir’s daily life, it took an alarming proportion at the close of eighties and early nineties due to engagement of a large number of terrorists who where earlier fighting in Afghanistan against the Soviet forces. Dozens of militant groups and thousands of terrorists began to take part in terror activities in Jammu and Kashmir. However, the main cause of it is the deprivation of political power due to which the community be-lieves that its dignity and identity are threatened. In general a secessionist-terrorist movement often seek outlets if the political system does not have adequate provision for its expression. This is what actually happened in Jammu and Kashmir after 1987. All institutional channels of protest and dissent which are essential to generating both democratic values among the citizenry and their allegiance to the established framework of authority were effectively blocked. Religious bases of terrorismTerrorism, it is said, has become endemic to modern society. It contin-ues to be generated by recurrent social crises, arising from the increasing marginalisation of some sections of society caused by the indescriminate spread of capitalism and the free market economy, through the much vaunted process of globalisation. At its root the terrorist movement is born out of frustration and despair. Despair caused by social marginalisa-tion, economic decline and political defeat. Someone once said that ‘young hope betrayed, transforms itself into bombs’. Perceived injustice if allowed to continue unresolved, would transform into despair and then violence. According to Leon Trotsky the two emotions central to terrorism, are de-spair and vengeance. The causes of these issues and the form they take, whether it be terrorism or otherwise, must be studied and understood in a scientific and objective manner.The terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir has a strong religious base too. In Islam there is a concept of Jihad. According to Quran this concept is a total strategy which demands the preparation and application of total manpower and military instrument /elements for accomplishment of the purpose. It went on to say further that ‘The holy Quran lays the highest emphasis on the preparation of war. The test of utmost preparation lies in our capability to instill terror into the hearts of the enemies’. The merging of the concept of jihad, war and terrorism has also been pursued in the trans-national terrorism which we witness in Jammu and Kashmir. Inci-

The Hardening of Soft Power

Larger Causes Surrounding The TerrorismIn The Region

never been used for strictly political purposes and is essentially limited to three areas: market standards, competition policy, and the protection of personal data.The US, however, regularly uses the dollar to sanction any economic ac-tivity that it regards as a threat to its foreign-policy interests, even in the short term. The French bank BNP Paribas, for example, has been fined $9 billion by the US Department of Justice for violating US embargoes against Cuba, Sudan, and Iran. And under the 2018 Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act, US law-enforcement authorities can now access data held by American companies even when it is not stored in the US.Once again, European companies have borne the costs of these measures. And because European firms are so heavily integrated with the US econ-omy, Europe has struggled to maintain an autonomous foreign policy toward Iran. Unless the euro can be made into an international currency to rival the dollar, the European economy will remain highly vulnerable to US extraterritoriality.A third area of soft-power weaponization has been technology, particu-larly with respect to 5G. Unlike 3G and 4G broadband systems, 5G de-ployment has far-reaching security and geopolitical implications, because it promises not only to improve mobile telephony, but also to accelerate the development of the Internet of Things and the digitalization of entire economies. Thus, any malicious intervention in the 5G architecture could cause considerable economic, social, or even physical damage.Owing to China’s growing capacity to conduct cyber warfare, the head of the German intelligence service has expressed deep reservations about opening the German 5G network to the Chinese company Huawei. Al-though it is currently the world’s leading provider of 5G hardware, Hua-wei is subject to Chinese law, and thus ultimately answerable to the Com-munist Party of China and Chinese intelligence and security services.Whatever one thinks of the Trump administration, the US is not wrong to highlight the potential danger posed by Huawei and Chinese technology providers generally. US allegations against Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE should open Europeans’ eyes to the threat of weapon-ized network technologies.Looking ahead, it would not be unreasonable for the US to offer its sup-port to European companies such as Ericsson or Nokia, which serve as counterweights to Huawei in Europe and elsewhere. For its part, the EU’s strict competition rules prevent it from extending overt assistance to these companies on its territory. And because the EU is not a state, it has no interest in providing state aid or otherwise playing the card of soft-power weaponization.Yet European leaders should be careful not to ignore realities on the ground. Missing the opportunity to get ahead of a worrying new global dynamic would not be in the interest of the world’s last major soft-power actor.

Editorial and Opinions3

By: Rajkumar Singhdentally, a combination of jihad terrorism war has also cast a dark shadow on terror-related incidents of Afghanistan.Schools of terrorismThere can be no doubt that India is the victim of sustained low-level ag-gression by secessionist forces encouraged and abetted by Pakistan. The present thinking on terrorism can be divided into two schools of thought. One school of thought places the terrorist beyond the pale of civilized so-ciety and considers him anathema to civilization and stigmatises him as a plain murderer who needs to be eliminated. But the second school of thought encourages an in-depth study of, and a systematic approach to understand and eradicate, the reasons that bring about such upheavals. The rational political, social and economic aspirations of peoples which when frustrated continuously give rise to full blown terrorism of the mod-ern day, must be sifted out of the process of terroristic actions and looked at separately. Those political aspirations must be addressed honestly and seriously. The solutions that are employed must be made effective–legally and constitutionally, politically, economically and socially. The overall gained impression from the cross-border terrorism is that it relates to the second school of thought. Peace is more than the simple absence of war. It entails active engagement in the battle for identifying and rectifying the root causes of conflict.New factors at workThe problem of cross-border terrorism took an alarming shape during 1988-89 for which solid ground had been prepared by the parties con-cerned. First, on the part of New Delhi it was a time to face realities on the ground and examine carefully the causes for the sense of alienation that the Kashmiris feel. The government is well advised to go into the history of the Kashmir issue in order to understand and appreciate how and when things went wrong and how the impass of this particular type came about. It is an open fact that the Government of India has, from the beginning, been ignoring the political, social, economical as well as cultural needs of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The successive gov-ernments of the National Conference well alternated by the direct rule of New Delhi proved a disaster in real sense of the term. Farooq Abdullah’s behaviour during his curtailed first term in 1983-84, has been described as that of ‘a little boy with a toy’, and during the second as ‘a virtual ab-dication of governance.’ He acquired the sobriquet “disco chief minister” because he was frequently sighted in discotheques in India cities, and he spent much of the rest of his time playing golf or vocationing abroad. His colleagues in government earned a reputation for corrupt practices.

By: Zaki Laïdi

Page 4: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young

November 06, 20194(1) Afghan Women ...

But Maryam left her job at a government institution and tried sought work at pri-vate institutions.At one job encountered harassment:“When I met the boss, the boss smiled at me and said ‘you are suitable for this job’ without asking my work experience or my educational qualification. He said ‘you are beautiful’ and ‘you won’t have any problems, just start your job,’” add-ed Maryam.Masooma, 26, has a different story:Masooma came to Kabul from another province where she had to work at a health center in an insecure, Taliban-controlled region of the country in order to help her family.While in Kabul, Masooma tried hard and inquired at several private and govern-ment institutions for work, but failed.In one case she encountered trouble:“The boss asked me to go with him alone and so I accompanied him and I was talking to him, and he suddenly stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. Then I stood up and said ‘what are you doing?’ and then I left his office,” said Masooma.Last spring reports surfaced in media of similar occurrences in the higher levels of government, and many people inside and outside the country called for an in-vestigation of the issue.“The secretariat, which was formed with-in the Independent Human Rights Com-mission, was intended to go and launch investigations into such matters, both in government institutions and also outside the government institutions-- wherever allegations of sexual harassments exist,” said Sediq Sediqqi, a spokesman for the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani.“The consequence of ignoring such is-sues, besides endangering the workplace safety of numerous Afghan citizens, is the harm to the process of women’s par-ticipation in the administrative process and governance,” said Naeem Nazari, deputy head of AIHRC. (TOLO News)

(2) Afghan Taliban ...they should be doing through a civilized platform, they (the Taliban) are doing by the power of weapons and bloodshed in Afghanistan,” said Fazl Karim Aimaq, a member of the Internal Security Com-mittee in Afghan Parliament.Moreover, Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Geran Hewad reacted to the presence of pro-Taliban protesters by saying “Pakistan has already been ac-cused in the US State Department Coun-try Reports on Terrorism of not taking required measures to ban the commute of militants from Afghanistan through its borders.”However, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazal–ur–Rehm-an describes the presence of pro-Taliban protesters as normal.“What is wrong with it? Aren’t the Tali-ban welcomed in Pakistan? On the inter-national level, aren’t they welcomed by the United States and Russia? What is wrong if some Afghans have come here and raised their flags”, said Maulana Fazal-ur-Rahman.Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) led by Fazal-ur-Rahman is protesting against the government in Islamabad and has warned of ‘dire consequences’ if it does not step down.Maulana is known for his links and un-wavering support to the Afghan and Pak-istani Taliban in the past. (ATN)

(3) Afghan Officials’ ...and does not in itself imply any wrong-doing. But concerns have been mount-ing generally about alleged corruption among some senior Afghan officials.Few, if any, of the properties appear to have been declared on official registers, as is required by Afghanistan’s often ig-nored and broadly ineffective anti-cor-ruption rules.The evidence of luxury property owner-ship in Dubai raises concerns that merit further investigation, according to a leading anti-corruption charity.“It’s too easy for officials to buy proper-ty in Dubai with anonymity,” said Maira-Matini, from Transparency International. “There’s no information available that would help detect wrongdoing. There needs to be more transparency.“This doesn’t mean that those officials are corrupt. However, it does raise red flags and needs to be investigated by the authorities.”Over the past twenty years, Afghanistan has been rocked by numerous corruption scandals, some of which have gone to the very top.From wartime contracts to unchecked foreign aid and CIA suitcases full of cash funnelled to favoured politicians and warlords, corruption has proved a stubborn problem to solve.The US special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction has said: “While Afghanistan undoubtedly had a corruption problem prior to 2001, US and coalition spending acted as gasoline

thrown on an already burning fire.”Despite numerous initiatives, critics have lambasted government programmes to tackle corruption, with one calling them “cosmetic”.The reputation of the Afghan govern-ment has ramifications for the country as a whole. Last month the US announced it would cut $160 million in aid, accusing Afghanistan of failing to fight corrup-tion – only a week before the country’s presidential elections began. It is rare for Washington to withhold direct fund-ing from Kabul, which relies heavily on its support.The minister for parliamentary affairs was listed as the owner of an apartment in the Amwaj development Getty ImagesThe Bureau’s findings are based on a leak of property data in Dubai, first ob-tained by the US non-profit C4ADS and shared with the Bureau by Finance Un-covered and OCCRP. The Bureau then cross-referenced this data against of-ficial and public records to corroborate the findings.The results shed light on assets held in the usually secretive emirate. The Bu-reau found numerous Afghan officials and relatives have recently owned prop-erty in Dubai, including members of prominent political families that have been linked to some of Afghanistan’s biggest corruption scandals.One leading Afghan found to have owned property in Dubai is Ahmad WaliMas-soud, who is currently running for presi-dent. A leaked diplomatic cable alleged that in October 2009, his brother Ahmad Zia Massoud, then the vice-president of Afghanistan, flew into the UAE with $52m in cash.Also in the records was Adib Ahmad Fa-him, a senior intelligence official. His late father, General Mohammed Qasim-Fahim, another former vice-president, was identified as the part owner of Pamir Airways in a US diplomatic cable.The airline was believed to have ferried money to Dubai hidden in aeroplane food trays. Fahim’s uncle Haseen was also a major shareholder in Kabul bank, which was at the centre of a massive scandal over millions of dollars allegedly given out in suspect insider loans before it col-lapsed in 2010.GhulamFarooqWardak, the state minis-ter for parliamentary affairs, appears in the records with his wife. They recently owned two properties in exclusive ar-eas of Dubai, including one on Jumeirah beach.Wardak was previously Afghanistan’s education minister, and his successor in the post raised concerns over pos-sible corruption at the ministry. An in-vestigation ordered by President Ashraf Ghani is said to have found evidence of embezzlement within the ministry and inaccurate data records on the number of schools that diverted money from do-nors.Two members of Afghanistan’s parlia-ment appear in the list. Saleh Moham-mad LalaGul and Feda Mohammad Ul-fat, who are father and son, owned a villa in the springs and another in the Jumei-rah Park area. Both are flashy residences with features such as manmade lakes and swimming pools.Saleh Mohammad LalaGul and his son Feda Mohammad Ulfat, both Afghan MPs, were recorded as owners of a home in the Jumeirah Park area Getty ImagesClose relatives of two former presidents also appear in the list. One is Fatima Rabbani, whose late father, Burhanud-dinRabbani, led Afghanistan in the late 1990s. Her brother was, until this week, a foreign affairs minister. She runs vari-ous businesses in Dubai, including an upmarket restaurant and a business sell-ing luxury products with the niece of another person in the records, former Afghan ambassador to Jordan, Sayed Mohammad Gailani. The other is Mahmood Karzai, the broth-er of the former president Hamid Karzai. He was also a shareholder of Kabul bank and, alongside Fahim’suncle, there have been concerns that he sought to use his closeness to the very top of Afghani-stan’s leadership to assist in protecting the bank from greater scrutiny.In an email, Mahmood Karzai confirmed ownership of a property in Dubai and said he had lived in the country since 2007. He denied any wrongdoing or cor-ruption, and said he had attempted to sue the private investigation firm Kroll for a report it wrote alleging misconduct on his part in Afghanistan.None of the other people named in the records responded to multiple requests for comment in English, Dari or Pashto.Afghan law requires people in posi-tions of authority – known as “politi-cally exposed persons” – to publicly declare their assets and source of funds, as well as those of their close relatives. Few if any of the individuals named in the leaked Dubai documents appear to have declared such assets – but experts say the laws are not fit for purpose, and contain many loopholes that could allow

someone to not disclose an asset without breaching the rules.SayedIkramAfzali, the director of anti-corruption organisation Integrity Watch Afghanistan, said the disclosure system had proved useless.“The asset forms are largely incomplete, the data published is inconsistent and not verified, and even at times contradictory. You could say it’s a useless system,” he said. “It’s an ineffective system and it’s not meant to be effective. It’s a system the government is following to keep in-ternational donors happy.“I doubt that the Afghan government means to achieve anything through this process, aside from ticking a box to keep the international community happy.”Anti-corruption efforts in Afghanistan have a chequered history. President Karzai attempted to clamp down on corruption, partly in efforts to please international partners, setting up an anti-corruption office in 2008 whose duties included registering the assets of public officials. The office was quickly mired in controversy – after damning criticism of its first attempts, Karzai appointed a new head, choosing an official who had been previously accused of election fraud.That office was eventually shut down, and there have been successive attempts to get Afghan officials to register their assets. Stronger legislation was intro-duced in 2017, but years on, asset reg-istration for officials is seen as a failure.The body in charge of the current reg-ister has been placed under the office of the president, raising concerns from anti-corruption activists. Questions have been raised over its independence: its latest director, NaheedEsar, has recently been appointed the new deputy foreign minister.Sarah Chayes, an anti-corruption expert who has advised the US military in Af-ghanistan, said the Afghan government needed to work on tackling corruption and rebuilding trust in its ruling class in a root and branch way.“Corruption in Afghanistan is systemic. It is perpetrated by networks,” she said.“For years I heard comments from my neighbours like: ‘The Taliban shakes us down at night, and the government shakes us down in the daytime’.” Chayes added: “The difference is, the govern-ment is supposed to be upholding the law, but is violating it.” (Pajhwok)

(4) Ghani, China the statement.China has invited the Afghan govern-ment and the Taliban to an intra-Afghan dialogue which it expects to hold in Bei-jing.According to the Taliban, the meeting would be held late last month, but the Afghan government said that it had asked China to hold the event after the conclu-sion of election process. (1TV News)

(5) Onion Brings ...well but it had no good bazaar.He voiced pleasure over this year’s on-ion yield and expressed happiness about the market both domestic and aboard.Mohammad Afzal, another grower, ex-pressed similar views and added that around 14 kilograms of onion was sold for 100 afghanis this year but the same quantity had been sold for 10 to 15 af-ghanis last year.He said mostly onion was exported to neighboring Pakistan and some provinc-es of the country. He said farmers were happy with the onion production and market this year compared to last year.He urged the government to construct cold storages for Kandahar agricultural products in Kandahar City, the provin-cial capital, and districts.Agriculture Director Sayed Hafizullah told Pajhwok Afghan News that onion crop harvest had recorded a three-fold increase compared to last year’s, saying the crop was cultivated on 15,000 hec-tors of land and 60,000 metric tons of onion would be collected until the end of this year. He also promised further fa-cilities for famers in this.A number of growers said they were happy with the onion yield and price. (Pajhwok)

(6) Defense Minister the Georgian Defense Ministry, at the meetings, Irakli Garibashvili reiterated that Georgia remains committed to its international obligations, will continue supporting international peace and sta-bility, and welcomes the United States’ efforts to contribute to peace talks in Af-ghanistan. (

(7) Man Stabs ...Rahil wondered how the man managed to enter the court with a knife. Pajhwok tried to contact the safe house for com-ment, but failed.Police spokesman Faramarz Firdous confirmed the murder inside the court in the 2nd police district. He said the killer had been detained and was being investigated. (Pajhwok)

in September, has netted several ruling party members charged with running il-legal casinos, money laundering and possessing illegal arms. Security forc-es have recovered millions of dollars’ worth of cash, and stockpiles of weapons and gold. More than 600 bank accounts have been frozen.Hasina has been able to attempt such a crackdown because she wields immense power after 10 years at the helm of gov-ernment.She’s firmly in charge of her own par-ty and faces no effective opposition in Parliament, with her party controlling 96% of seats. Even her archrival, former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, is serving 17 years in jail for corruption.And that dominance could be exacer-bating the corruption problem. While Bangladesh has a long history of ruling party members manipulating business and government contracts in their favor, experts say the total absence of political opposition has engendered a sense of im-punity among some in power.“Investment and politics become syn-onymous in Bangladesh,” said Ifekhar Zaman, executive director of the Ban-gladesh chapter of Transparency Interna-tional. “A collusion of politics, business, and bureaucracy and law enforcement” has created an “infrastructure” of cor-ruption. (AP News)

(14) Sister of Slain ...Province. That›s part of the region ad-ministered by Turkey after it carried out a military incursion to chase away ISIS militants and Kurdish fighters.Awad was with her husband, daughter-in-law and five children at the time of the capture, the official said, adding that the adults are being interrogated.Last month, Awad’s brother, Baghdadi, an Iraqi from Samarra, was killed in a raid by U.S. troops at an ISIS compound in the nearby Syrian province of Idlib. Video footage of the raid was released on Wednesday by the Pentagon.A DNA test confirmed Baghdadi’s identity before he was later buried at sea, President Trump said last week.The raid was a big blow to the terror group, which has lost territories it held in Syria and Iraq in a series of military defeats by the U.S-led coalition and Iraqi and Syrian allies.Islamic State spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, considered a potential successor to Baghdadi, was himself killed in north-western Syria in a separate attack by U.S. forces, a senior State Department official confirmed to Fox News last week. (Fox News)

(15) Berlin Bans ...for photos in Berlin are required to secure a permit, the BBC reported.People have been impersonating American troops at Checkpoint Charlie for nearly 20 years. The area was one of three crossing points that divided East and West Berlin and became a symbol of the Cold War.It was the sight of a tense standoff be-tween U.S. and Soviet tanks in October 1961, shortly after the Berlin Wall was constructed.Burkhard Kieker, the head of the city›s tourism agency, Visit Berlin, called the site an «eyesore» in an interview with the Tagesspiegel daily.Since the reunification of Germany nearly 30 years ago, it has become one of Berlin›s main tourist attractions. However, many Berliners have complained about the «Dis-neyfication» of the site, where replica Red Army fur hats, gas masks and pieces of the Berlin Wall are sold. (Fox News)

(16) Moscow Slams ... Deir ez-Zor governorate which is known for its oil reserves. It is claimed that one of the facilities is being built near the former Syrian Air Defense Forces’ 113th Brigade base and another in the al-Sur region. (RT)

(17) Poland Broke ... of the Supreme Court – to 60 years for women and 65 years for men, from 67 for both sexes.The EU’s executive arm said those rules were contrary to EU law, and sued Poland in the European Court of Justice. (RT)

(18) Indian Gold ... in the international gold price and a strengthening rupee - actually led to ex-pectations of a further drop and hence, did not aid demand, he said. (Xinhua)

(19) Iran Says It ...Under the terms of the deal the Islamic Republic is allowed to spin the centri-fuges at Fordow without injecting gas, Rouhani said.Iran said on Monday it had launched a new batch of advanced centrifuges to acceler-ate uranium enrichment, further reduc-ing compliance with the deal following the withdrawal of its arch-foe the United States.Iran has gradually shed commitments made under the deal with world powers since being hit with renewed U.S. sanc-tions last year that have crippled its oil ex-ports. (Reuters)

(8) 1 ANA Soldier...wounded in the attack. He added the injured were evacuated to hospital and were in stable condition.As usual, the Taliban claimed respon-sibility for the bombing. The group’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed said four commandos were killed and three others wounded. (Pajhwok)

(9) In 7 Months ... of Dehyak district, told Pajhwok that roadside, car bombings and airstrikes were behind the civilian deaths. A number of other residents held similar views and urged the warring parties to pay attention civilian lives.On the other hand, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said they planted remotely controlled landmines on high-ways only yo target government offi-cials. (Pajhwok)

(10) China, Thailand ...Economic Corridor (EEC), so as to in-crease connectivity between the two ar-eas and beyond.They said they will further coordinate their industrial planning and policy-making, deepen industrial cooperation through platforms like the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone in Thailand’s Rayong Province, and make good use of Thailand’s strategic advantage as a lo-gistical converging point along the Me-kong River.They also vowed to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in such sectors as next-generation automobile, hi-tech medical equipment, new energy, energy-saving vehicles and rubber. Thailand said it welcomes Chinese companies to expand investment in the EEC.The two sides also pledged to strengthen financial cooperation, expand the use of their currencies in trade and investment, and enhance collaboration on cross-bor-der supervision.On tourism cooperation, they said they are satisfied with the growing numbers of tourists between the two countries. The leaders of the two countries, accord-ing to the statement, have agreed to push forward cooperation in the tourism sec-tor and further increase two-way move-ment of people. (Xinhua)

(11) North Korea ...Republic of Korea (DPRK).A recent U.S. State Department report on terrorism “proves once again” that U.S. rejection of North Korea indicated “a hostile policy”, it added.The agency was referring to “Country Reports on Terrorism 2018”, issued last week, which reaffirmed North Korea’s re-designation as a state sponsor of ter-rorism.Tuesday’s statement came ahead of a vis-it to Seoul by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State David Stilwell, who is expected to discuss the stalled talks with North Korea, as well as the South’s decision to end an intelligence-sharing pact with Japan.U.S. officials did not describe Stilwell’s agenda in detail, but said he would dis-cuss the strength of the U.S.-South Ko-rea alliance and cooperation across for-eign policies. (Reuters)

(12) Gunmen Kill ...bullet holes that was apparently carrying the victims when the attack happened.“This is for the record,” says a male voice in an American accent, off camera, choking up with emotion.“Nita and four of my grandchildren are burnt and shot up.”Reuters could not independently verify the video.Mexico has been hit by a wave of at-tacks in recent weeks, shocking even for a country inured to a decade of drug war violence. The most notable incident was a military-style cartel assault that forced the government to release a leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in October.Given U.S. citizens were killed on Mon-day; the incident may increase pressure from Washington on President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to rein in armed groups. There was no immediate indica-tion of who was behind the attack. (Re-uters)

(13) Used to Impunity ...her ruling Awami League party, Hasina has declared stamping out corruption as her government’s priority and promised even political allies won’t be spared.“This is an acknowledgement that cor-ruption, extortion and unlawful activi-ties have permeated the ruling party to the grassroots,” said Ali Riaz, a profes-sor of political science at Illinois State University and expert on Bangladeshi politics.It remains to be seen how high up the campaign will be allowed to reach, Riaz said.“Casinos and the unbridled power of the party leaders are just the tip of the ice-berg of the corruption and absence of any accountability in the country,” he said.So far the campaign, which was launched

Page 5: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young


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on Wednesday

Used to Impunity, Bangladesh Elite Face Corruption Crackdown

ASHGABAT - An international book exhibition and fair opened in Turkmenistan›s capital Ashgabat city today, November ,5 2019, Trend reports with reference to the fair›s organizers are the Turkmen State Publishing Service and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.President of T u r k m e n i s t a n G u r b a n g u l y B e r d i m u h a m e d o w greeted the participants of the event.«Time poses new challenges for workers of the publishing and printing industry. You must use your knowledge and experience so that books with their content and design would gain

TASHKENT - The second round of the U z b e k - N o r w e g i a n political consultations between Foreign Ministries was held on November 2019 ,4. The Uzbek delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Dilshod Akhatov, and the Norwegian delegation by State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Audun Halvorsen. The parties reviewed the course of bilateral cooperation between in the political, trade, economic, cultural, h u m a n i t a r i a n , educational and human rights fields, and discussed promising areas for further advancing the ties between Uzbekistan and Norway.The parties noted with satisfaction the recent

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Tuesday alleged that his father, former president Asif Ali Zardari, has not been given access to specialist doctors and his personal physician.“Our family is increasingly concerned about his health. If anything happens to our father, this government will be held responsible,” he wrote on Twitter.Zardari – who had complaints of backache,

TEHRAN - Iran will take a new step in reducing commitments to a landmark 2015 nuclear deal on Wednesday by injecting gas into 1,044 centrifuges at its Fordow plant, President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday in a speech broadcast live on state TV.All of the steps Iran has taken to reduce its commitments to the nuclear deal are reversible and Iran will uphold all of its commitments under the deal when the remaining signatories

BERLIN - Authorities in Berlin have banned a group of actors from wearing U.S. Army uniforms at Checkpoint Charlie, the famous Cold War-era crossing that divided the city and was heavily guarded by Soviet and American troops.Officials said the actors from the group known as the Dance Factory aggressively demanded a 4$ fee for posing for photos with tourists, the Bild newspaper

DAMASCUS - The older sister of the slain leader of Islamic State (ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been captured in northwestern Syria during a raid on Monday, according to a senior Turkish official who called the arrest an intelligence «gold mine.»Rasmiya Awad, 65, is suspected of being affiliated with the extremist group, the Turkish official said without elaboration.

WARSAW - Poland broke EU law when it lowered the retirement age for judges in 2017 and introduced a different retirement age for women and men in the profession, the bloc’s top court ruled on Tuesday. The ruling is a further blow to the Polish government in a long-standing battle with the European Commission, which says Warsaw is breaking the rule of law in the country by undermining the independence of courts, Reuters said.The ruling euro-skeptic Law and Justice party passed a law in 2017 that lowered the retirement age of judges in the ordinary courts and public prosecutors – and the age for early retirement of judges...(More on P4)...(17)

MOSCOW - US actions to bolster its ‘illegal presence’ in Syria violate international law, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said on Tuesday.The statement comes shortly after Turkish media reported that two new American military bases are under construction in the oil-rich Deir ez-Zor province.The Russian diplomat was asked for the ministry’s take on the reported US plans; his response echoes Russia’s position on the matter, previously stated by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin.Turkish media reported earlier on Tuesday that the US has started constructing two new military bases in the...(More on P4)...(16)

MUMBAI - Indian demand for gold is likely to drop to its lowest since 2016 as the world second biggest bul-lion consumer stares at rising prices of the yellow metal and weak econ-omy, as per World Gold Council re-port, Tuesday.The council had initially estimated demand between 750-850 tons for 2019 but the purchases may drop to the lower end at 700-750 tons range, said the report.In 2016, the gold demand had dropped to 666 tons following de-monetization and frequent strikes by the jewelers due to introduction of permanent account number of in-come tax by Indian government for jewellery purchases, that eroded de-mand, a commodity analyst said.Commenting on the quarter report, Somasundaram PR, Managing Direc-tor, India, World Gold Council, said, “Gold demand in India declined by 32 percent to 123.9 tons in Q3, due to weak consumer sentiment and high prices.”Benchmark gold futures in Mumbai rose by over 20 percent this year, touching a peak of 562 U.S. dollar per 10 grams in early September, though India’s economy grew at its slowest pace in six years, said a commodity analyst. Despite a step-up in buying during the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya in Q2, monsoons, the absence of any major festivals and intervening inauspicious peri-ods like Pitru-Paksh, muted demand in Q3, and the drop this year has been significant, making it one of the lowest third quarters since 2005, So-masundaram said.The softening of prices in the final few weeks of the quarter - due to the decrease...(More on P4)...(18)

popularity among readers, and also, apply best international experience and technologies to publish textbooks and manuals for preschool, secondary, special and higher educational institutions,» the president said.Some 72 companies from 20 countries, as well as representative of publishing houses, printing houses and specialized universities are participating in the large-scale exhibition.Organization of creative meetings between Turkmen and foreign prose writers and poets with readers, round-table discussions and other events are planned within the framework of the exhibition. (Trend)

intensification of the U z b e k - N o r w e g i a n dialogue, and in this regard, proposals were made to institutionalize cooperation, in particular, to set up cooperation groups on parity basis in the parliaments of the two countries and strengthen ties between the Ombudsman institutions. They also considered the prospects of establishing an I n t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l Commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation.The delegations of the two countries exchanged views on the practical aspects of cooperation within the framework of global and regional i n t e r n a t i o n a l o r g a n i z a t i o n s . (Tashkent Times)

weakness and anxiety – was brought to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) from Adiala jail in Rawalpindi on Oct 22 and admitted to the cardiology department’s VIP ward.He underwent a number of tests and was declared to be out of danger. However, on Monday, a medical board at PIMS attached Zardari to a Holter monitor to check variations in his heartbeat. (Pakistan Today)

- France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China - do the same, Rouhani said.“We know their sensitivity with regard to Fordow. With regard to these centrifuges, we know. But at the same time when they uphold their commitments we will cut off the gas again...So it is possible to reverse this step,” Rouhani said. “We can’t unilaterally accept that we completely fulfill our commitments and they don’t follow up on their commitments.”...(More on P4)...(19)

DHAKA, Bangladesh — As gamblers called out bets around craps and roulette tables at a sports club in Bangladesh’s capital, dozens of black-clad security forces burst inside.Gamblers were ordered to the floor as police and members of Bangladesh’s Rapid Action Battalion, which normally handles major counterterrorism operations, cracked open iron vaults full of cash. By the end of the raid, more than 140 people had been taken out of the makeshift casino in handcuffs.At the same time in another part of Dhaka, commandos were raiding the home of the suspected casino organizer, Khaled Mahmud Bhuiyan, an

LONDON — Britain’s major political parties are all promising voters an end to Brexit wrangling if they win next month’s national election. But they disagree about how to do it.Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that if his Conservative Party wins, he will ratify his divorce deal with the bloc and Britain will leave the European Union by Jan. 31.The main opposition Labour Party says it can end years of Brexit

China, Thailand Pledge Further Cooperation in Trade, Connectivity

SEOUL - A U.S. report calling North Korea a sponsor of terrorism shows a “hostile policy” that prevents progress in denuclearisation talks, the isolated nation said on Tuesday, as a senior U.S. diplomat was set to arrive in the neighboring South.North Korea accused the U.S. of failing to show flexibility after a breakdown last month in the first talks between their officials since President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed in June to reopen negotiations.

influential member of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s party. They discovered stashes of liquor, cash and illegal arms.The raids are part of a sweeping anti-corruption campaign Hasina has launched in this Muslim nation where gambling

is illegal, alcohol consumption requires a permit and where paying bribes is common not just for lawbreakers but for those seeking normal government services. Emboldened by December’s landslide election victory for ...(More on P4)...(13)

uncertainty within six months. The party says that’s enough time to negotiate a new deal with the EU and hold a referendum on whether to leave with that deal or remain in the -28nation bloc.Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn hasn’t said which side he would support in that referendum.The Liberal Democrats are launching their campaign Tuesday with a promise to scrap Brexit. (AP News)

“The channel of dialogue between the DPRK and the U.S. is more and more narrowing due to

reported. A police undercover operation found the actors verbally abusing those who refused to pay.The paper reported earnings at the tourist spot sometimes reach 5,500$ a day. Tom Luszeit, who leads the group, said he›s had to fire six actors because of the ban.«But we›re not giving up, we want to go back there,» he said.Groups who charge ...(More on P4)...(15)

«This kind of thing is an intelligence gold mine,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with government protocols. “What she knows about [ISIS] can significantly expand our understanding of the group and help us catch more bad guys.»Awad was captured in a raid Monday evening at a trailer container in which she was living with her family near Azaz, in Aleppo ...(More on P4)...(14)

Gunmen Kill Mormon Family Members in North Mexico

MEXICO CITY - Gunmen have killed up to nine members of a U.S. Mormon family, believed to be mainly children, in the latest massacre to afflict Mexico, family members said.The victims belonged to the LeBaron family from a breakaway Mormon community that settled in the hills and plains of northern Mexico decades ago.Two relatives Alex and Julian LeBaron told

Reuters nine people had died, though a government source only confirmed five.It was unclear what motivated the killings,

which took place on Monday on a dirt road between Chihuahua and Sonora states, both bordering the United States.

A video posted on social media showed the charred and smoking remains of a vehicle riddled with ...(More on P4)...(12)

BANGKOK - China and Thailand on Tuesday pledged to deepen coop-eration in economy, infra-structure and trade to cope with adverse global eco-nomic conditions.In a joint press statement released during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s of-ficial visit to the Southeast Asian country, the two sides agreed to build the China-Thailand railway into a successful example in bilateral cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative framework.China and Thailand vowed to speed up the im-

plementation of the railway project connecting Thailand’s Nong Khai and Laos’ Vientiane, and increase railway connections among the three

such attitude,” North Korean state news agency KCNA said, citing a foreign ministry

official, and using the country’s official name, the Democratic People’s ...(More on P4)...(11)

November 06, 2019

countries.The two nations also agreed to explore mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of

the New International Land-Sea Corridor, so as to promote regional interconnectivity and development.Meanwhile, they agreed to further facili-tate bilateral trade and expand cooperation in agricultural trade and e-commerce.In the statement, the two sides also agreed to boost bilateral co-operation between China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Thailand’s Eastern ...(More on P4)...(10)

Page 6: Ghani Hopes Afghanistan Will One Day Have Female President 06, 2019/OUTLOOK.pdf · with two Afghan women who have faced immoral and unethical demands: Maryam, 20, is an Afghan young

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Iran Skips Meetings on Afghan Peace Involving US

KABUL - Iran had declined par-ticipation in four-way meeting in Moscow last month because of the US involvement, says an Ira-nian diplomat.The diplomat says Tehran turned down an invitation to take part in the meeting on Afghanistan in Moscow as it included the US, ac-

cording to Iranian media.Speaking at a meeting of the Strategic Council on Foreign Re-lations, Director General of the Southeast Asian Department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Seyyed Rasoul Mousavi said Iran had twice declined invitations to participate in meetings on Af-

KABUL - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi dis-cussed intra-Afghan dialogue China plans to host in a phone call late on Monday.During the phone call, the sides discussed also presidential elec-tion, Afghan peace process and state-to-state cooperation, ac-

KANDAHAR CITY - Farmers in southern Kandahar province report a three-fold increase in onion yield this season over last year’s harvest --- a major export to Pakistan and India.Farmers cultivated onion in Dand, Daman, Zheri and Pan-

Ghani, China FM Discuss Intra-Afghan Dialogue in Phone Call

Onion Brings Smile on Growers in Kandahar

cording to a statement issued by the president’s office.They emphasized that peace process should be advanced at the centrality of the Afghan government and people and relations between Afghanistan and china are based on the prin-ciple of state-to-state centrality, according ...(More on P4)...(4)

jwai districts and are now pleased with the yield and the price.A farmer in Dand district, Mo-hammad Amin, told Pajhwok Afghan News that onion was cultivated in their district in the past as ...(More on P4)...(5)

ghanistan.“A four-party meeting was held in Moscow with China, the US, Russia and Pakistan in attend-ance. Iran was also invited, but the Islamic Republic declined the invitation in line with its policy on Afghanistan,” he said.Another meeting on Afghanistan

was held in China, and repre-sentatives from China and Russia came to Tehran to encourage Iran to attend.“But we did not attend that meet-ing either, and we would defi-nitely not go to any venue that ex-cludes the Afghan government,” Mousavi remarked. (Pajhwok)

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