Page 1: Getting Your Kids to Brush their Teeth

Getting Your Kids to Brush their Teeth

One of the most important parts of dental care is brushing and flossing on a regular basis. While

this is a routine that the majority of us are used to and appreciate, it isn't always the most exciting

thing for kids to do.

Getting Your Kids to Brush Every Day

However, it is absolutely essential that you be able to get your

kids to brush every day. This is true even if they have their first

set of teeth and they will fall out and be replaced by adult ones.

The condition of a child's oral health will have a direct impact on

their oral health for the rest of their life. Children who have

cavities and other issues with their first set of teeth can develop

further issues as their new set grows into place. Make sure they

see their Honolulu dentist regularly.

The fact of the matter is that teaching your kids to brush and

floss is absolutely essential. Their health and wellbeing and

happiness is going to hinge partly on being able to develop these

habits and use them throughout life.

So, how do you get kids to brush their teeth? While parents can get by for a while by doing it for

their new kids, the older ones are going to need to do it on their own.

It can be tricky, there's no denying that. Sometimes children are not going to want to brush for a

wide variety of reasons.

Working with Them without Forcing Them

Therefore, you need to be able to work with them in order to encourage good habits, rather than

forcing them to do it every night. There are several ways that you can accomplish these goals.

The first way is a straightforward one, but it can be very effective. Simply explain to your child

in direct and simple terms how important this is, and why they need to be on the ball with their


It will not work on every child, but some kids are able to process this simple and direct request in

a positive way. The simplest ways sometimes work, so give it a shot before moving onto other


One great thing that you can do is make the experience fun for children. You can get brightly

colored toothbrushes and fizzing toothpaste, as well as toothpaste which is gentle and can even

be swallowed without any health risks.

Page 2: Getting Your Kids to Brush their Teeth

Making It Fun

By making this experience fun, the little ones

will hopefully gravitate toward their oral health

and have a good time with it in the evenings. By

making sure that the kids have their own dental

care tools that are special to them, you can

hopefully give them reason to enjoy things a bit


When it all comes down to it, this is something

that sometimes requires a bit of creativity and

cajoling, but you want to be able to get your kids to the point where they at least don't dread the

activity. The more you can tailor the experience to them, the better results you can expect from

the situation overall- making it an effective part of any parents work.

Photo Credit: Ralph Hogaboom

Photo Credit: Ran Yaniv Hartstein

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