Page 1: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips


Page 2: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

Business coaching is getting more and more popular as the economy gets worse. Most small business owners need a good marketing plan and to understand their strengths and weaknesses to succeed.

Page 3: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

Most coaches have trouble finding clients and once they do have some leads they need to be able to close them on a deal. Even if you are the best business coach that can motivate people and help them exploit their strengths, you still need to have sales and marketing skills to be successful.

Page 4: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

Virtually all business coaches are not as savvy as they need to be to blow up their business. Let's look at 3 ways that will help your coaching business get off the ground.

Page 5: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

The first way to get more clients is to be a small business coach who has a specialty. Instead of being a general business coach, you could be business coach that's a pro in one certain area. There are many choices here, whether your expertise is in finance, the arts, writing, online marketing or whatever else.

Page 6: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

You can then advertise your service in specialty publications or possibly join online forums in that niche. You could also go to places where your market is likely to meet and promote your services. Whenever you concentrate on a more specific audience, you can position yourself as a pro in that area. Since the men and women you are coaching are in the area of your expertise, you're likely to be much more effective coaching them.

Page 7: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

The second thing you must focus on is sales and marketing. It is essential that you convince prospective customers that you can help them achieve their goals and objectives. People are often skeptical on how a stranger can help them to get over the hurdles they have been trying so hard to overcome.

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Creating a free lead offer in the form of a report is great but even better is to strategically frame your information and advice as a quiz and automate the lead generation process instead of trying to spend your time on a free consultation.

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Page 10: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

In case you are new to coaching, or you're still at the point where you're thinking about this as a vocation, get started networking with other coaches. You can easily find business coaches on the web but you could also seek out seminars or events in your area. Another good place to look for business coaches is an online forum.

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Page 12: Getting more business coaching clients: 3 Essential tips

A business coach has to be resourceful and do lots of networking in order to obtain clients. The internet is a great way to gain more exposure and frame your expertise with the content you create, and as you grow your leads and client list you will get more referral business as you reach that critical mass and see a steady flow of new business coaching clients.

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