Page 1: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

Getting back together after a break up can be a touchy situation. So many emotions can be flying around in your head. It can often be hard to have a rational and calm thought regarding the situation. However, if you really want your ex back, it can be done and here are 3 steps that will help you rekindle things with them.

Page 2: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

Before I touch on them, however, there are a couple of things that you will NOT want to do. First and foremost, you do not want to call your ex up and beg for them to take you back. This will often serve to simply drive them farther away and is counterproductive. You also do not want to lock yourself away in your house and cry until you cannot cry anymore. Let’s look now at 3 steps to follow when you want to get your ex back.

Page 3: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

1) Accept what happened

This can often be difficult, especially if your ex broke up with you when you were not expecting it. But the first thing you must do is accept that it happened. That you no longer have the relationship that you once did. This acceptance will help you to realize that you need to start a brand new relationship with your ex if you are to get back together with them again. You will not simply be rekindling what you had before. Why rekindle a relationship that ended up on the rocks at the end? You need to examine what it would take to get back to the way things were when the relationship was at its best.

Page 4: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

2) Getting back together does not start with you calling your ex

As I mentioned a short time ago, your initial impulse may indeed to get on the phone with your ex to start working on getting them back. The best way to go about things is to leave them alone for a bit. Let things cool down some. Instead, you need to take some time to analyze what happened to cause the break up to occur in the first place. You are going to need to know what to rectify what went wrong with your relationship before you can correct things and start anew before you contact your ex to broach the subject.

Page 5: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

3) Plan things to happen at the right time

Once you have taken some time to collect your emotions and have given some thought as to what went wrong with things and you have a clear plan as to how you may be able to start fresh again with your ex, you can start to plan the when and where to do so. By this time you should also have a clear understanding of whether or not you are still in love with them and even want to put forth the effort to work on things with them.

It is important at this point not to worry about who was at fault when things broke down between you. You need to focus on the positives between your ex and yourself. Begin to go about things slowly and casually at first. Become good friends again. Treat them positively and patiently and your chances of getting your ex back will increase dramatically.

Page 6: Getting Back Together After a Break Up - 3 Positive Steps To Follow When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

HR Maguire is dedicated to helping people resolve their relationship and marital issues. His articles are a must read for anyone who is looking to either salvage or further enhance their relationship.

These are just a few quick steps to help when getting back together after a break up. If you are REALLY serious about getting your ex back and want to find out exactly you need to do, before you do anything else, you need to watch this video: Watch Video Now.

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