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  • Question No. 1

    Which one of the following is an Objective of Data Center Fire Protection?

    A. InformationB. RepresentationC. DepressionD. Suppression

    Answer: D

    Question No. 2

    Which Class of Fires involves energized electrical equipment?

    A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class K

    Answer: C

    Question No. 3

    Which source is used in fiber cable to transmit data?

    A. SignalsB. ElectricC. LightD. Pulse

    Answer: C

    Question No. 4

    Which one of the following is an AC Power Quality Anomaly?

    A. Signal DistortionB. Waveform DistortionC. Backup ConditionD. Attenuation

    Answer: B

    Question No. 5

    Which Class of Fire involves combustible metals or combustible metal alloys such as magnesium,sodium and potassium?

    A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D

    Answer: D

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