Download - Geop204 Mid-Term 2

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Introduction to Seismology-Geop204 Comprehensive Quiz for Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 Name: No:


Multiple Choices 1. Deep earthquakes are associated with .

a. Transform plate boundary

b. Convergent plate boundary

c. Hotspot

d. Divergent plate boundary

2. The slope of the travel time for each of the P, S and direct arrivals is the

of velocity.

a. Square root

b. Square

c. Cube

d. Inverse

3. The wave that originates from the source, enters the outer core and then

detected at the surface is represented by the phase

a. pP

b. PcP

c. P/

d. sP

4. For , direction of wave propagation is perpendicular to the

particle motion direction.

a. P- wave

b. S-wave

c. Love wave

d. Rayleigh wave

5. doesn’t affect seismic moment.

a. Shear modulus

b. Slip offset

Page 2: Geop204 Mid-Term 2

Introduction to Seismology-Geop204 Comprehensive Quiz for Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 Name: No:


c. Bulk modulus

d. Rupture area 6. pP is used for .

a. P-wave upgoing from focus, reflected at surface b. P- wave reflected at surface c. P- wave reflected at surface twice d. P- wave through outer core

Review Questions - True or False 7. According to Snell’s law, a ray traveling from one medium with velocity V1 will

bend away from the normal after entering the second medium with velocity V2

, where V2 < V1 .

8. A given earthquake has different intensity and same magnitude depending on

your location.

9. In a Strike slip fault, the slip of the fault is parallel to the strike of the fault.

10. Surface waves are smaller in amplitude and longer in duration than body


11. Lithosphere is generally 50-100 km thick.

12. According to Hooke’s law, stress is inversely proportional to strain.

Brief Description (not more than 4 lines each for the following) 13. Birch’s law

Page 3: Geop204 Mid-Term 2

Introduction to Seismology-Geop204 Comprehensive Quiz for Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 Name: No:


14. Fermat principle

15. Write type of faults

Type of fault

16. Compare EQ of magnitude 4 with EQ of magnitude 6 in terms of Amplitude

and Energy.

17. Elastic rebound theory by (H. F. Reid)

Page 4: Geop204 Mid-Term 2

Introduction to Seismology-Geop204 Comprehensive Quiz for Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 Name: No:


18. Name the factors that determine how intense the shaking was at a given


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