Page 1: Genesis of Cosmic Equation - Part 1 First Edition. English language


Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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E= m*c² ={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²) =kg*m²*s¯²=V*C

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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About the author _____________________________________________________________________ 3

Introduction ___________________________________________________________________ 4 The sensational discovery : Cosmic formula___________________________________________ 6 Explanation and origin of cosmic formula ___________________________________________ 7 Pythagorean theorem - the way to a solution _________________________________________ 9 The definition of the EM wave _____________________________________________________ 10 Reverse engineering –space/time without mass _______________________________________ 11 Photoelectric effect and the photoelectric results ______________________________________ 11 Electron elementary charge and locating faults ________________________________________ 15 Definition of photons in the formula wave ___________________________________________ 16 The modified constants ___________________________________________________________ 19 The mass of the electron __________________________________________________________ 21 The sensational discovery : the Planck formula that lacks ________________________________ 23 The fine structure constant _______________________________________________________ 24 The sensational discovery : New formula and the amount of unified mass of atoms ___________ 26 Check of the formula ____________________________________________________________ 28 Calling the documentation ________________________________________________________ 31 All copyrights reserved ____________________________________________________________ 33

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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About the author

Goran Ćenanović born 28.04.1972 . in Zagreb , Republic of Croatia is a self-taught scientist and researcher .Their

preferences and interests toward science shows still in its infancy when it is starting to preoccupy questions about the

evolution of the World and the size of the Universe . Also trying to find answers to the question of who were the ancient

civilizations on Earth , why they disappeared , what was the purpose and the need to build the great pyramids , and

whether there are alien worlds ... ?

Maturation begins to look for answers in the literature and television shows that have been available to him .

That was the first time that they had with Nikola Tesla and his majestic appearance and work, he becomes an idol and

inspiration for his further progress in school and in life today.

After completing primary school has enrolled in secondary vocational school in Zagreb and completed his schooling as a

professional Electro for household appliances . In this period of schooling Goran started to engage in electronics as a

hobby and concluded its first radio transmitters , radio receivers and various electronic circuits and became a radio

amateur .

Inspired by the work and progressive ideas of Nikola Tesla , Goran depth study the nature of the EM radio waves in all

frequency bands .


Nineties: Deals with the installation and servicing of satellite antenna and gained vast experience and achieved excellent

results in the business.

At the beginning of this century and deals with GSM communication devices that have just started to emerge in Croatia


Employed as the main service in a private company and that achieved huge successes ( without previous professional

seminars and training ) in the third and fourth degree servicing of mobile phones .

Late 2005. year until today Goran intensely devoted to scientific re - proving the wireless transmission of energy through

the natural media .

2013th Goran calculated and constructed devices for the wireless transfer of energy by Tesla principle and successfully

carried out the experiment with the actual goal- wireless transfer of energy through the Earth .

04/29/2013 comes to sensational discovery of cosmic formula .

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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E= m*c²


Joule unit of energy J

Where kg is the kilogram , m is the meter , s is the second , N Newton , Pa Pascal , W is watts , C is the

coulomb , and V is the volt . In A.Einstein formula E is energy , m is mass , c is the speed of light .

This has so far set up a paradigm based on the speed of light as a fixed constant in the universe , and it

seems that everything is as it should be, but still something wrong.

When the 1905th The A. Einstein introduced the world his formula end expounded the theory , science is

headed in the right study of atoms and atomic energy and followed and many great discoveries .

Yet we just keep this on the theory and formula and find key answer to the question of what results she

disagrees and theoretically should be stacked in the above equations .

Let's start from the beginning and let's look at two basic principles of relativity :

1.postulate relativity

The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference systems .

2. Constancy speed of light in vacuum

The speed of light in vacuum has the same value 'll all inertial reference systems .

The speed of light in vacuum c (299792458 m / s ) is so huge that we would not notice a delay between

transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves under normal circumstances .

Speed of light in vacuum is actually only the absolute velocity and the same for all observers as specified

in the second postulate .

I studied these postulates and came to the conclusion that they did not really have a problem as they

strive so hard to find and do .This will complete the definition of photons :

A photon is an elementary particle , the quantum of electromagnetic radiation , which moves in the

vacuum speed of light c . There is no rest mass , and contains energy and information . According to the

first and second postulate STR - and here we come to the first problem : Photon not ( classically beyond

comprehension ) particles and only has wave properties . If we understand it as can be seen that the

photons travel constantly vacuum and says no definition of rest mass . Which is understandable and

supports both postulates . From another point of view let's look Einstein's formula, and we can conclude

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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that the product of the masses can not be the product of two masses that would result in energy . What

exactly is c squared in the formula ? We define the mass in kilograms , c is defined as the movement of

m / s . From this we can conclude that the mass in the formula E = m * c ² has the energy and have the

energy of movement , rest mass energy arises then multiplying the mass of electrons and photons have

no mass and also idle . When we say energy mass movement that we mean another vector external or

internal force acting on the mass. This begs the question of how to actually move these photons to the

second postulate of STR 's?

For decades , the question arises whether a photon is a particle or a wave and finally we solve this

dilemma as it should . The particles have a dual nature as , for example, an electron which is proven 1929

years of Louis de Broglie French physicist for which he received the Nobel Prize . Modern research at

CERN have shown that dual nature have all bosons to the latest discovered Higgs boson that decays into

two photons for which Peter Higgs and Francois Englert 2013 years also received the Nobel Prize for the

discovery and of course the boson .

At the end, the photon does not behave like particles - no dual nature . Let us continue with this

assumption and get back to the question what is it c squared in Einstein's formula. Since there is no

particle properties is understandable that the answer was in the domain of electromagnetic . But before I

full explain EM characteristic of light c , be noted that it is necessary I will c squared considered as a space

/ time ( m² / s ² ) where there is a particle of mass m . According to the theorem of Pythagoras square of

the length expressed in meters is equal to c m² , also the square of the time is equal to c ² . From this I

conclude that the time is perpendicular to the space that it is inseparable from one another and that it is

in fact on the photon field that is always in motion . Albert Einstein used this logic in its formula and thus

practically defined by any particle three-dimensional ( mass ) relative to the photon and three-

dimensional the photons in the coordinate system c ² ( 2D ) and predicted to be a particle of mass m can

range from standstill to any speed less than that it 'll all inertial systems .

James Clerk Maxwell 1864. The developed theory of electromagnetism which connected the electrical

and magnetic phenomena , and predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves that move at light

speed . Maxwell's equations are fundamental laws which are subjected to all electric and magnetic

phenomena . Year , 1888. R. Heinrich Hertz experimentally proved the correctness of his theory of

electromagnetic waves. All formulas are proven , and therefore valid today but EM waves theoretically

and mathematically not described until the end , and I see why, in either of these formulas do not exist

pi = 3.14159 to describe spherical wave propagation from the source of radiation .

The vacuum is filled with photons that are constantly moving or vacuum is filled with EM wave / field .

The energy of mass m that is not moving in a vacuum results in its internal energy of the motion of

electrons , without external influence on the mass m performs the EM field ethereal / wave photons . It

also applies when the mass of his movement through the vacuum . Photons are the constituent factors of

vacuum . According to Gauss's law : The source of the electric field has an electrical charge . All this is so

conclusively proven facts and the only remaining bring the final formula and definition of why this is so

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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in reality. What kind of mechanical motion that has not been formulated.? Of whether it is something

illegal or extra-space action which we can not fathom any measure or still is something natural but not

visible to this day.?

The solution was found in a single


which all scientists on our planet Earth looking for.

E= m*c² ={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²) =kg*m²*s¯²=V*C

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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The sensational discovery: Cosmic formula Is well known that the electromagnetic ( EM ) wave extends free space ( vacuum ) in the maximum of the

measured unit of ( constant ) speed of 299792458 m / s , we mean as the speed of light . Light is a wave

and its true face is dark . So all EM waves at all frequencies and wavelengths in common is :

c = speed 299972458m / s

Photon as quantum carrier EM wave . Also known is that the transmitted EM wave expanding free space /

time spherical source of oscillations as the electric field is perpendicular ( 90 ° ) to the magnetic field in

the unit of time that determines its wavelength . All these facts proven and practical use of EM waves

today, suggesting a lack of James C. Maxwell equations description of the EM wave and " mechanical " (

photon particles is not - why is mechanical in quotation marks. Hereinafter, only mechanical ) momentum

of the photons as quantum carrier . For this reason, the lack of knowledge of the mechanical motion of

photons ( but not only photons ) produced one of the greatest ( in my opinion ) the misconception that

science is turned the wrong track is called " Hermann Minkowski definition of space / time so-called " or "

Minkowski spacetime " published in 1906 the year in which attempts to explain the picturesque Albert

Einstein's special theory of relativity ( STR ) . This error committed by Herman Minkowski I called

"tensor separation volume in the classical area , " which was then popularly called " Minkowski tensor . "

For these reasons mentioned above claim that mathematical or geometrical and quantum time looking

perpendicular to the space and is inseparably one the other due to rotation or in other words, a photon is

indivisible and no you can not stop its axis ( 0 ° ) - radial ( 90 ° ) rotation . It is evident therefore that in

addition to these complex rotation of photons we have and its motion through space and all three speeds

are identical c = 299792458m / s . Photon no idle and no attributes of particles (for now ). EM wave can

therefore emit particles or when the particle is not the primary emitter EM wave than is the ( photon )

field of the EM wave . Let us look at " Herman Minkowski space" graphic display and you will notice three

important things :

In this view, the time is displayed as an independent dimension perpendicular to the square area ( 2D )

and in two directorates - the future and the past. This of course is not true of all the reasons described

above and is completely incomprehensible . From this display is not visible wavelength or EM feature

space / time ( photons ) and therefore no motion ( mean photon no idle) and not be seen therefore no

electrostatic potential of the electric field acting on the point marked by an observer ( mass ) . The

observer is placed in a square only space but not time to Albert Einstein's formula shows . Hence, as is

evident during arises as the fourth independent dimension - which of course is not true .

There is an obvious fallacy in the setting theory and mathematical approach to solving the problem and

that is that the time is defined relative to the observer who is in space ( 3D ) and the same observer

(matter ) can be passive ( idle) in relation to the space bounded or to move within it

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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( +1 D time dimension). In other words, it turns out that (vector) time dimension has only observer or


Figure 1 : Minkowski space - ( " tensor separation volume in the classical area " )

Practically this model is inapplicable both theoretically and mathematically as described in the two-

dimensional space where the viewer will be given a third dimension ( eg height ) and awarded the

independent fourth dimension of time with different signs ( past and future ) , depending on its motion

(see at vectors of time that the opposite ) = . It was an absolute mistake .

Now we can act as a second outside observer relative to the observer in the picture . Rotate this image so

that "future light cone " is ahead us , a square space in the middle and "past light cone " is behind .

Irresistibly it reminds us of the TV screen , the first observer is therefore in a square space and distance

to us as a second observer measures the dimensions of time and distance in a given time , or simply just

the speed of light . Entirely the wrong approach . It looks like the speed of light uniform velocity in

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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physics that does the same root with other measurable speed particles or bodies and taken as a separate

unit of measure. Which of course is not true.

I ask myself;

Do Pythagorean theorem is not true in quantum physics for the combined units such as meter per second


As is known to describe a square area in square meters square but time is undefined theory. Why?

Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski these years (approximately 1905-1906g). tortured by the

curvature of space (diffraction of light - a mirage caused by subatomic particles and atoms of helium and

hydrogen - Interference And the dual nature of the


This is one of the main reasons that made the 99 year old confusion in quantum physics and science took

the blind track. The solution is sought in the crowd and explaining vector space and force still counting

time as a separate dimension. (For now hopelessly how I manage media coverage)

I realize then that the Pythagorean theorem and normally applicable in this case and the only one who

can accurately and precisely mathematically (as Albert Einstein showed in the formula) to explain what

space / time in the formula E = m * c ². Square (arbitrarily defined) space will therefore always be an

ideal flat surface and sides of the square will always be at right angles equal length. (of course if squared

area does not meet the rules (+ holes, bumps, etc.) then you are no longer talking about a square of.))

Accordingly the time dimension still exists as for "unperceptible point" as well as for direction or certain

superficial and also for the sphere as any bounded (or immaterial wave-particle- material) space.

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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It is mathematically ( Minkowski tensor ) incorrectly explainable as three dimensions plus one because

" unperceptible point " photon - defined spatial and temporal dimension , and as such does not idle . So as

I previously wrote space is perpendicular to the time quantum , mathematical , electromagnetic and

geometric coordinate system - view. Evidence of this is found in the formula of EM wave propagation by

way of its space in the formula = { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ I 'll call it alternately rotatable magnetic field / wave

- ARMF / W or ethereal field of photons . I'll try to explain this simple formula. As is well known by now

the light is a wave and a photon is a quantum carrier of light and electromagnetic wave propagation in

general . Speed of EM waves that we know today and generates a 299792458m / s . It is also known that

every EM wave has a source to the quantum particle and macro scale , including here and our

transmitters and antennas and through planets and stars etc. cognition EM waves and the knowledge of

photon quantum carrier waves come to the following conclusion :

EM wave spreads the speed of light from the source of circular oscillations in all directions in space .

What really is nothing theoretically unknown but for a century and more to EM wave motion did not

receive a formula and it is a key issue in my opinion . How would more clearly explain the formulas I will

illustrate this more words . All EM waves therefore have the same speed of propagation due to photon .

Thus a common speed is actually evidence of the existence of waves at all wavelengths and geometric

representation in general use for the EM wave is sinusoidal . I implemented this model and the theory of

the coordinate system and drew a sinusoid , the center ( origin ) marked as a source of radiation and

drew a circle that defines a wave maximum and specific length wherever it was measured in the area at

that radius . Mathematically it therefore seems very simple c / half- wave ( graphic = sinusoid ) or the two

( mathematical ) , multiplied with π 3.141592 ( = graphical envelope ) ... and the cubic ( space ) (

mathematical ³ ) thus yielding a three-dimensional spherical space / time from first ( graphic = line )

dimensions constant velocity c motion of photons . What is even more evident from this and irrefutably

proven and practically confirmed that in this three-dimensional spherical display EM wave we see what

the first dimension, the speed of movement in space we do not see and that is perpendicular to the

magnetic field of the electric field of the wave. That same perpendicular just notice in Einstein's formula,

where the time is perpendicular to the space ( c ² ) per Pythagorean interpretation of the speed of light . It

is a complete analogy and proof one another formula in 2D and 3D dimensions. In other words, the space

/ time defines the photon and by analogy, the space / time of the EM wave / ( aether) photons in

quantum field definition .

Reverse engineering of energy massless photon and proves elementary subatomic particles in Joule's

energy equation J = V * C = > E = { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ * ( 4π * r ² ) . In accordance with this basic formula

( independent ) of subatomic particles continue to observe and accounts solely as energy ( eV ) spherical

geometric shapes . ( their hypothetical mass can be calculated , but an important difference compared to

atoms that are not affected by gravity . )

{ ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ is a unit of cosmic dimensions ( m³ / s ³ ) and voltage ( V ) of the EM wave propagation

mode and the photon mass which is equal to zero . Accordingly A. Einstein's formula in this case with the

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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photon does not give the results by energy ( which is understandable and justified excludes ) , while in

my formula found in entirely its role of quantum carrier EM wave propagation method and form, the

potential in volts, confirm the Coulomb law of elementary charge, the evidence in the surface

photoelectric effect, superconductivity ...

Let us continue on this knowledge and the definition and recall the photoelectric effect or effects.

Which says this: "The photoelectric effect or photo effects is a physical phenomenon in which the

influence of electromagnetic radiation sufficiently short wavelengths (eg, in the visible or ultraviolet

region of the spectrum) is coming to an outbreak of electrons from the illuminated material (usually

metal). Radiation with a wavelength greater than the limit does not break out (photo) electrons, because

the electrons can not get enough power for severing connection with the atom. "

This effect can be interpreted as the effect of surface waves , or even as the energy of the surface wave .

If we consider experimentally proven effect which is noticed by Heinrich Herz 1887g . and he discovered

if the electrodes are illuminated with ultraviolet radiation , easier to create a spark . For photo effects are

needed photons potential of a few electron volts to over 1 MeV and chemical elements of high atomic

number .

As is evident from these findings is required potential of over 1MeV we can easily deduce from the

formula and J = V * C ( J Joule unit of energy , the Coulomb C , and V is the volt . ) .

As is widely known today, the experiment was carried out by external action of EM radiation on the

chemical elements of high atomic number and observed the photoelectric effect or effect . Energy is the

result of the action potential in the element . ( Albert Einstein in 1921g . Define the potential energy .

E = h * f (where h is Planck's constant , f is the frequency )

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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By studying these phenomena I have concluded that the same effect or the effect can be achieved if I

chemical elements high atomic number arouse ( inside) high AC voltage at its resonant frequency .

Specifically talking about spherical metallic surfaces . To understand Joule's unit of energy from the above

formula and the link with the effect of surface wave or surface wave energy coming to a conclusion and a

simple formula . The energy of the surface wave { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ em wave energy photons acting on a

spherical surface of the particles ( 4π * r ² ) and vice versa - a particle radiates energy across its surface

J = V * C .

I conclude the following :

The photon is " unperceptible point " π in my definition of the wave { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³,

also electron elementary particle charge in the π ( 4π * r ² ) .

This is not just a simple explanation of the symbol π in order to justify the only words I embellished the

formula. As an illustration , when we had a copper ball painted bronze color that is conductive , under

these " electric pressure" all bronze coat of paint would be gone, and not just a bronze coating and higher

copper layers , the extreme " electrical pressure " ( the order of lightning ) photoelectrons can be thrown

thousands of feet , and finally the whole copper ball can permanently disappear ( even in a split second).

The first noticeable analogy of atoms and subatomic particles from cosmic bodies in this case, the planets

and the stars in their spherical shape . It is at this analogy are the last hundred years, have worked all

known physicists and scientists and one of the , in my opinion the most deserving of the Max Planck . I'll

explain below why. According to this law, every body in the resonant frequency and the proportional

voltage emitted photons or photoelectrons . It is this principle of law is applied Nikola Tesla 1899g in

Colorado Springs on the patenting of wireless transmission of energy through the natural media, which I

will write later .

Let us return, therefore, on formula and the energy of the surface wave or how Nikola Tesla has called

energy of scalar wave. . Elementary charge under the influence of voltage gives energy Joule's by law and

therefore any ( n times ) elementary charge on the surface of a spherical body must simultaneously

receive voltage ( over 1 MeV ) as the only possible wave resonance of the body . Then all elementary

charges on the surface of the body emitted photoelectrons and the EM wave / field wavelengths

corresponding to the length of the circumference of the body . So, this is all proven to date and this

principle will be applied in defining the exact mass of the electron as a particle quantum carrier

elementary charge . An electron in quantum physics and in general the most important particles found in

two different states: integrated in an atom , an independent elementary particle And he actually limit

" mathematical value " shall cease to apply where the laws of the material and begin to apply laws

waveform. Hence it is actually created duality of electrons which I further described in the photoelectric

effect. From this knowledge of the electron and its duality draw the line and do the border-electron core

"size" of subatomic elementary "world" particles. According to him are all still mathematically

determined (eV)

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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Picture: Displays the measurement of energy photoelectric effect in the range of audio "red laser " directed

to a condenser microphone. Red laser (635 nm) 5mW, condenser microphone.

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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Electron :

Today official data and mathematical prediction of electrons looks like this :

Electron radius " e ¯ " re = 2.817940289 E - 15 m

Diameter = 5.635880579 E - 15 m

Volume = 1.770564102 E - 14 m

Area = 9.978684838 E - 29 m²

Weight = 9.10938215 E - 31 kg

E = m * c ² = 8.187104382 E - 14 J

1e = 1.602176487 e - 19 C – constant

Coulomb 's constant = 8.987551787368176 s +9 N * m * c ² ¯ ²

c = 299792458m / s - > c ² = 8.987551787368176 s +16 ² / c ²

Compare and verify this information through the account .

If the electron elementary charge of 1e = 1.602176487 e - 19C coulomb then there is something

wrong with the calculations and here's why :

c ² = 8.987551787e * 1e +16 * 1.602176487 E - 19 = 0.014399644 J

( 1 volt in a vacuum 1J / 1e elementary electron charge coulomb ) ! ? This is too much .

Another check of the formula E = { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ * ( 4π * r ² ) = > J = V * C

E = 1.044291492 e +26 V e * 9.978687838 0.010420659 - 29C = J ! I find that this is too little but

about precise .

According to this conclusion is the following : " 1e " constant is unrealistic and completely

inaccurate , and the second - " surface " of electrons is approximately highly accurate and meets

the calculation to the fourth decimal.

A more realistic constant elementary charge electrons would therefore 1e = 1.161930885 E - 19 C

And from these constants can be calculated precisely radius of electrons :

re = 2.820947793 e - 15 m

area = 9.999999116 e - 29m ² ( I assumed that no electron is not perfect geometric shapes )

D = 5.641895587 e - 15 m – diameter

O = 1.772453773 E - 14 m – scope

Volume e = 9.403158478 e - 44 m³

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1e= C

where my formula (c / 2 * π) ³ is used for determination of the potential in joules J and the divisor-square

speed of light c ² to determine that the same potential for one elementary charge (Coulomb).

Which means that the Coulomb constant look like this:

re / π e-25 = 8.979355709 e +9

ke = 8.979355709 e +9 N * m * c ² ¯ ² Coulomb's constant,

(Official = 8.987551787368176 s +9 N * m * c ² ¯ ² - obvious numerical approximation to the square of the

speed of light)

Now calculate the capacity of elementary charge by the above formula :

re = 2.820947793 e - 15 m

q = 8.979355709 e +9 N * m * c ² ¯ ²

π e - 22pF or 22pF is 3.14159 - elemental capacity for one elementary charge ,

π = 3.14159 ... ( π I mentioned in the description of the formula, do you remember ? )

We can say :

EM wave ( ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π ³ ) in a square space / time ( c ² ) determines the elementary charge ( C )

We defined electron and now leaves us to define a photon ( π in formula ) with Planck constant and

Dirack reduced Planck constant.

How would all make sense and confirm formula calculations and further incorporates capacity

( C - Farad ) “unperceptible hypothetical point” of a photon in the formula : ( C / c ) * 2π = h = J * s

( I apply the same principle as in the calculation of the electron because duality of electrons as particles

and waves - I will confirm that this is correct)


C equals 3.14159 - 26 nF

c is equal 299792458 m/s

2π is equal to 6.283185307 dimensionless number

h is equal Planck's constant

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Autor of the book : Goran Ćenanović Rocky [email protected] +38598803843 tel Viber WhatsApp Rocky_Rokel skype

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J is equal to Joule unit of energy

s equal to the second

( C*1e-1/c)*2π=h=J*s (π e-26/299792458m/s)* 6.283185307=6.584291324e-34 J*s

Planck's constant – h= 6.584291324e-34 J*s


-> reduced Planck constant is: ћ =1.047922511e-34 J*s

As I stated above photon photon is indivisible and neither can stop its axis ( 0 ° ) - Radial ( 90 ° ) rotation .

It is evident therefore that in addition to these complex rotation of photons we have and its motion

through space and all three speeds are identical = 299792458m / s . Photon no idle and no known

attributes of particles . EM wave can therefore emit particles or when the particle is not the primary

emitter EM wave than is the ( photon ) field of the EM wave . As is known from the theory of the

photoelectric effect and the kinetic energy of the electron discharge from the surface of the metal at a

certain frequency ( UV ) .

If this condition is not fulfilled electrons will be knocked out from the surface of the metal , although I still

have the metal have its resonant frequency . So according to Albert Einstein's theory of photon E = h * f

( h is Planck's constant , f is the frequency ) is a packet of energy, and if energy photons ( A. Einstein

called . Binding Work function or energy ) is not big enough of electrons will not happen than the electron

will simply absorb the photon energy and keep a spin around the nucleus . The maximum kinetic energy

of electrons :

Ke = h * f - Ø

where Ø is the energy required to knocked out electrons. What is finally back again proven in 1927 by

Davisson and Germer 's experiment leakage of electrons through the crystal and certificate duality of

electrons as waves .

Consider once again this wavelength and energy formula to make things as clear as possible . The waves

of the same wavelength in the phase amplitude is then amplified ( added together ) while the wavelength

remains the same . But I figure this is not totally comprehensive because of the Doppler effect , which

proves to be one wavelength of the wave decreases with distance but can be increased .

This effect I've personally noticed in EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication EM wave reflection from

the surface of the moon. As the moon moves relative to the Earth, there is a small Doppler shift in EME

(Earth-Moon-Earth) signals. The amount of Doppler shift is proportional to the frequency. It is about

350 Hz maximum at 144 MHz, is different at higher frequencies. When the moon exiting , Doppler shift

moves upward in frequency, reaching zero when the moon passes overhead, and then go negative when

the moon goes towards sunset. Of course these are small distance relative to a distant star that send us

the entire spectrum of EM radiation (signal) at far lower frequencies and extremely low frequencies but

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what we receive from them is in the eye of the visible frequency range and above the x-ray, alpha and

gamma . All this even more clearly confirms the photon as a quantum carrier of EM waves and amplitude

gain (summation) of EM waves at all wavelengths. In other words we can say that the stars emit extreme

low frequency with its total area where each packet energy photon maximum potential (eV).

These data are very important and we note that in fact are very similar and minute differences Between

electrons and photons . The difference is actually in the speed of movement of free electrons compared to

photons due to its weight and its role in the gravity of the atom . ( I will describe later how and why )

E = { ( c * 2 ¯ ¹ ) * π } ³ * ( 4π * r ² ) = > J = V * C

Recall once again the formula I interpret it from another point of view :

We have a definition wave with π - photon from one side I also have a surface particles , specifically

talking about the electron, also defined with π . This confirms once again the EM wave - as photon

quantum carrier . And particles - electrons in the photoelectric effect and the duality of electrons in the

minute their mutual geometric similarity .

General :

Energy ( J ) spatial field EM wave ( V ) acts on the surface of elementary particles ( C ) (I freely expanded

in alternating rotary magnetic field -vacuum ( 4π ) ) . In other words photons are spread in alternating

rotating magnetic field with speed of light . Photons π ( e - 26 ) in free space which elementary particle π (

e - 25 ) give the charge and resulting energy

. Picture: Radiometer

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µ0 = 4π×10−7 V•s/(A•m) ≈ 1.2566370614...×10−6 H⋅m−1 or N•A−2 or T•m/A or Wb/(A•m)

Vacuum or magnetic permeability of free space.

Vacuum or magnetic permeability of free space is alternately a rotational magnetic field generated by the

EM wave or photon {(c / 2) * π} ³ = 1.044291492e + 26 Volts assigned in

1.044291492e + 26 m³ / s ³ vacuum (the universe).

Let us continue with the calculation and physical constants as I have defined a new value of the electron,

photon and Planck's constant. This will help to define the mass of the electron, which will be changed

because of these new budget values.

Physical constants of Planck units normalize the properties of free space.


E= m*c²= kg*m²*c¯² & E={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²)=V*C

ћ=1.047922511e-34 J*s - The reduced Planck constant

h=6.584291324e-34 J*s - Planck constant


eV =1.161930885e-19 J

J=8.60636388e+18 eV (1/eV)

ke=8.979355709 e+9 N*m²*c¯²

c² * 1e=0.01044291492J

(These amounts are seen so far in the process described above, and move on with using the same

Planck's formula ...)

mass eV*c¯² =1.292822464e-36 kg*m²*s¯²

momentum eV*c¯¹ =3.875784243e-28 kg*m*s¯¹

where G is the gravitational constant 6.67428e-11m³*kg¯¹*s¯²

Planck mass mp = 2.169565295e-8 kg => 1.678161817e+19 GeV*c¯²

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( mp *c² = 2.169565295e-8 kg * 8.987551787e+16m²/s²=1949908044J ->

=1.678161817e+19 or = )

Planck energy Ep= =mpc² = 1949908045J or 1.949908045e+9J

reduced Planckova mass = 3.347448511e+18 GeV*c-² =>4.327656632 e-9 kg

Lp Planck length =

tp Planck time = 9.018802448 e-16 eV s

tp Planck time = = 5.374215024e-44 s

Distance = 2.703768954 *10-7 eV m

∆E ∆t = ħ = Energy × time

ħc = Energy × time × velocity

= Energy × distance=270.376 MeV fm

eV*Planck mass kg= 1.867206839 e+11 eV kg

eV*Planck reduced mass kg=3.724538772 e+10 eV kg

Ee reduc.=3.837117258e-13 kg*m²/c²

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Here I've changed a couple of results under existing formulas and expressions arising from the new value.

All these new values will be used in order to calculate the mass of the electron.

The method of calculating the mass of the electron:

I'll use the newly derived Planck mass mp=1.867206839 e+11 eVkg ili C*kg in formula of energy:

E= = -> * electron ( eV ili e¯ ) particles which has mass! ->

E= from this follows: =J

(here do not do the abbreviation potential error) Let us recall :

eVkg=8.60636388e+18J * 2.169565295e-8 kg = eVkg =C*kg¯¹

Simple separation energy of electron from joules energy per kilogram of elementary charge

(eV=8.60636388e+18J ) I Planck mass ( mp=2.169565295e-8 kg) in unit energy of the electron:

E= E=5.592799781e-14 J*eV¯¹*kg¯¹ = kg*m²*s¯²

In accordance with this final mass of the electron is:

Ee¯=5.592799782e-14 kg*m²/c² energy of electron according to E=m*c² -> me¯=

me¯= =6.222828991e-31kg

me¯=6.222828991e-31kg mass of electron e¯

J.J.Thompson formula reads like this

Incorporate new data into the formula:

= =6.222828991e-31kg -mass of electron.

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The mystery of electron and its mass is finally resolved.

I see that the results are starting to get along perfectly and to my formula proves Albert Einstein and

Planck's formula. Let us remember this one more time: "The physical constants of Planck units normalize

the properties of free space."

As is well known Planck units defined time, length, mass, etc.

I put all of the formulas in front of him and decided that something was missing.

Gravity is there, electron and its energy is there, and a photon of light is there in the formulas and even

entire space / time - but still something is missing!

Let's look at another Planck formula and conclude that it lacks.

where G is the gravitational constant 6.67428e-11m³*kg¯¹*s¯²

Planck lenght

tp= Planck time

The inevitable conclusion is that I brought another one: The sensational discovery: Planck's formula

that lacks

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Max Planck succeeded formulas normalize all the features of free space, but now it remains to formulate

how the space affects all particles. We have seen so far and how I formulated and influences the electron.

Taking everything into consideration and confirmation of previous formulas the results that I got, I

conclude that lack magnetism in all so far known Planck formula. Of course, the permeability of the

vacuum it comes as a cosmic constant and it is actually the one that is missing in the formula. Through

constant magnetic vacuum'll find the answer to the question of the mass of the nucleus is thus

electromagnetism in the interaction in an atom.

µ0 = 4π×10−7 V•s/(A•m) ≈ 1.2566370614...×10−6 H⋅m−1 or N•A−2 or T•m/A or Wb/(A•m)

Vacuum or magnetic permeability of free space.

A missing formula - (Planck) MASS of the nucleus

Pm nucleus pmn=

Of course you wonder from where this formula now?. Until now I have all the time explaining and

applying external influences EM wave / field on the electron and the particle which is actually the outer

shell of each atom. Is imposed question of how the same EM wave / field acting on the nucleus of the

atom, or more precisely how the EM wave / field acts on the independent particles outside the nucleus of

atoms - neutrons and protons. I think this is the only correct way so. reverse engineering or reverse

engineering for each sub-atomic particle in particular.

I will offer the following example, it makes sense when it comes to atomic (fine) structure.

Amending the definition:

The fine structure constant (denoted by the Greek letter α) is one of fundamental physical constants.

It belongs to the binding constants, because it describes the interaction, in this case gravity with

electromagnetism in atoms.

I have included the mass of the nucleus pmn and pm in formula:

= to see the relationship between these two elemental mass:

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=0.007287814 => 1/α =137.215357

The fine structure constant is dimensionless number, dimensionless number, and it is, therefore, an

amount equal to all measuring systems. This result is more than excellent and confirms both the

elementary mass, one from gravity G , and another derived from magnetism μ0.

Pm nucleus pmn =

Planck mass mp = 2.169565295e-8 kg

"There are three equal definitions fine structure constant based on the other fundamental physical



e is the elementary charge;

H = h/2π the reduced Planck constant;

c is the speed of light in a vacuum;

ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum, ie, the dielectric constant of vacuum; 8854 187 817e-12 F / m

μ0 is the permeability of vacuum;

ke is the Coulomb constant.

In these definitions (three) we see attempts to describe interactions (elementary charge) electrons

gravitate or spin around the nucleus at nearly the speed of light and influence of alternating rotating

magnetic field in the core of electron.

And it is significant that according to the 2006 CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology,

Committee on Data for Science and Technology), the recommended amount constant α measured on the

basis of an equal amount of :

α= 0.0072973525376 ili 1/0.0072973525376 =137.035999679

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This official figure recommended by CODATA encouraged me to think it upwards published formulas

(three formulas) I get different results when I use the new calculations that I have come.

The calculations that occur inclusion of new values are in order:

0.003862354 first, - confirmation of this amount also get the formula


where :

e-elementary charge = 1.161930885e-19C

qp-Planck charge = 1.869623824e-18C

0.003858832 for the second and

0.0024267889 And for third formula.

It is evident that all three formulas compromise made on the basis of official data of elementary

charge and Coulomb's constant.

I believe that my wording is correct and the closest amount adopted by CODATA.

Let us remember, then, I calculated the amount:

α =0.007287814 => 1/α =137.215357

qp= = =1.361073742e-18C

(one more)

The sensational discovery:

The new formula and the amount of the unified

atomic mass

How do I calculate the constant interaction of gravity GI magnetism μ0 I will use the formula:

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δ²=G * µ0²

where δ (new symbol) is the momentum of the fine structure constant.

δ²=G * µ0² => (6.67428e-11)² *(1.256637061e-6)²= (7.034424497e-33)²

δ= 8.387147606e-17 kg*m*s¯¹


pma I'll call Planck mass atom that lack.

Include therefore the new amount in the formula Planck mass of atoms:

pma= = =

pma=1.935386883e-5 kg*m*s¯¹ (1m*kg*s¯¹ or N*s)

pma*J=1.935386883e-5 kg*m*s¯¹ * 8.60636388e+18J=1.665664376e+14kg*m*s¯¹ *eV

E= = =6.269518728e17 kg*m³*s¯³

= = 2.091286342e-25

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unified atomic mass = momentum pma * α the fine structure constant = 2.091286342e-25 * 0.007287814


(This mathematical procedure will cause the biggest storm in scientific circles)

Some (not) related calculations related for the momentum of the fine structure constant δ:

δ= 8.387147606e-17 kg*m*s¯¹

= 1.192300466e+16


=7.537992346 (Hz ? ) (0.994271565 shortening factor in relation to the planet

Earth frequency with ideal radius r=6366.1927724km?)


qp= = =1.361073742e-18C

Checks new results through the formula:

Planck momentum mpc= =

= = 6.504193127 kg*m*s¯¹

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= =6.504193127 kg*m*s¯¹

qp- Planck charge= =1.869623824e-18C -> = => α=0.003862354

This constant will be valid for non-atomic structure - neutron formation - because it does not contain the

gravitational constant.

Planck energy Ep= =1.949908045e+9J = 1.678161817e+28eV

Planck energy Ep= =mp*c² = 1.949908045e+9J

Planck voltage Vp= = = 1.432624835e+27V

ћ=1.047922511e-34 J*s - Reduced Planck constant

Lp Planck lenght =

tp Planck time = 5.374215024e-44 s


Let's look at another formula and spatial definition of the EM wave / photon fields {(c * 2 ¯ ¹) * π} ³ and

try to calculate from that space/time "space age" if we accept the theory of "big bang" seriously.

1.04291492e +26 m = 1.102382969e+10 light years

According to this the cubic space sphere diameter 1.04291492e +26 meters converted from meters to

light years (meter multiplied with 1.057020998e-16) is 11.02382969 billion light years.

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The present alignment of practical measurement and mathematics show that "age of the universe"

something bigger ≈ 13.8 billion. light years and suggest that the universe is expanding. The important

thing in all this is that the speed of light does not change - so let's spread.

Anyway, we're just with ours imagination and math tried to surround something that is


For the next series of test results obtained so far and the formula will calculate the energy of the planet

Earth and its mass (virtual) comparing it with the ideal sphere of radius 6366197.724m.

This looks like a mission impossible and some unsolvable task is not it? But I will show that it is no longer

a problem because we have all the tools and levers of cosmic forces.

The most basic thing we need is a cosmic formula:

E= m*c² ={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²) =kg*m²*s¯²=V*C

And even the occasional bauble.

Let us see what are the little things. I'll include them on top of that we had them on hand and an eye when

computing. So I will use all the skills, laws and calculations for this difficult task.

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I put on top of everything we need to calculate this task.

c=299792458 m*s¯¹

r= 6366197.724m

J= eVkg =C*kg¯¹

Planck mass mp =2.169565295e-8 kg

Planck mass = 1.292822464e-36 eV*c¯²

Planck energy Ep=1.949908045e+9J = 1.678161817e+28eV


(r²*4π) = 6366197.724m² * 12.56637061=5.092958179e+14 m² = C

(c*2¯¹*π)³ = 1.044291492e+26 m³*s¯³ = V

E=V*C=5.318532897e+40 J

I calculated energy by Joules law, and therefore we can now calculate the mass from energy:

Keep in mind that we get energy from the surface of elementary charge and all the electrons that make up

the surface. To obtain the mass from the energy needed to convert the energy of the resulting mass of

elementary particles in the following manner:

= =E Basic energy of elementary particle

E= = 2.84838979e+29 kg*m²*s¯²

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Now we have Joules energy total weight mass of elementary particles or electrons.

We use Albert Einstein's formula:

=m => = = 3.16926106e+12 kg this is entirely mass of electrons.

And finally there are arranging a mass of electrons per kilogram C * kg ¯ ¹ particles or in our case the

planet Earth. So pretend the total mass of electrons in the total mass of the body to satisfy Joule law and

Einstein's formula: (as we know the mass of the electron are defined outside of the atom and now we

must return to the atom and calculate the total mass (fine structure) particles or bodies.) It looks like


Mass of the planet Earth =3.16926106e+12 kg * = 5.917665926e+23kg

E= 5.917665926e+23kg * = 5.318532897e+40 J

These formulas, procedures and calculations as we know space and time has long been quantified

(1918g - Max Planck) the Planck length and Planck time (m / s = 299 792 458),also Joule energy equation

has been confirmed time and space (J = V * C ) and A.Einstein (1905g) formula (E = m * c ²) proven all

three dimensions only with photon and electron. However, to the knowledge of space and time and

accurate results we need:


E= m*c² ={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²) =kg*m²*s¯²=V*C

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At the end of the first part of this book I will put special attention to:

US patent 787412 - Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural mediums. Nikola Tesla.

For this patent quote:

"The third most essential requirement is, however, that regardless of the frequency, wave or a "wave

train" (scalar wave, gravity wave or standing wave) should continue to run a certain interval of time

which should be not less than one twelfth or 0.08484 seconds and was passing to and return from the

region diametrically opposite pole over surface, with an average speed of about 471240 km per second "-

NIKOLA TESLA US Patent 787.412.

Here Nikola Tesla explains the third condition in the series, which is need to satisfy with the wireless

transfer of energy through the natural media. It is really easy to explain this statement in the patent as it

is well known today that the space is perpendicular on time, and vice-versa. Cognitionn of these endless

natural rotation and spatial propagation of photons and electrons in space and time (wave and particle)

or the rotation of electric and magnetic fields. Tesla uses this principle and formulate surface EM wave

(c ¯ ¹ * 2) * π

in a different way not known to date .

Which means that regardless of the frequency of the wave halved in two equal amplitute - positive and

negative , ie. when viewed in a spherical shape that looks like a " wave train " that changes the

polarization amplitude . In other words Tesla works disturbance in the gruound magnitude equal to the

amplitude of the electric pressure in the air under the perpendicular geometry . This EM wave nullify

itself in the knot. Yet from that point wider fluctuations in concentric circles (wavelength determined

circles ) with speed c to the surface of the earth diametrically opposite pole where fully turned to ninety

degrees and receiving device continues to amplify ( broadcast ) the same surface wave back to the

transmitter. Can this be interpreted as diametrical spatial temporal inversion . Accordingly receiving

devices can operate at higher odd harmonics frequency transmitter with a reduced effect , and of course

the frequency of conditional nodes ( above mentioned circles) where the electric field alternates with

magnetic 90 degrees in the ground and air .

This is Tesla's key to success in the wireless transmission of energy through the natural media, and in fact

the key to gravitational waves as we today call them . The complete formula based on the space-time

wave propagation law is not only for the surface of the particles , but also for vacuum.

I brought this 29.04.2013g . as follows :

E ={(c*2¯¹)*π}³ *(4π*r²) =V*C=J

E= m*c²=kg*m²*s¯²=J

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It seems that the (electro) magnetic pulse (cause) adequately challenged in the Earth is faster than the

EM wave "c", which extends in (vacuum) or air ( like the consequences).

Which is not weird and personally Tesla says "I do not do with Hertzian waves" but with "gravity waves".

Gravitational waves SPECTACULAR discovered NIKOLA TESLA still in the his lab in Colorado Springs

1899y. and the practical application of gravitational waves he is demonstrated in 1902-1917 Wardencliff

tower on Long Island.

Support of this can also be invoked to the patent:

US 6300614 B1Communication system using gravitational waves

Who speaks the same as the previous, and I quote:

"Communication system uses two pieces of superconducting material, the same size, weight and shape,

means change the density of the first part of superconducting materials with variable frequency and

detection means to determine the effect of gravitational wave pulses to said second piece of

superconducting material."

End of the first part.

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available to the public performance of the material or any portion thereof in for commercial

purposes without prior consent of an authorized person Goran Ćenanović.

All rights owner of the work reproduced reserved.

Goran Ćenanović

in Zagreb 16.03.2014.

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