Page 1: General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Foreign Affairs and Europe

General Election 2010

What the Parties Say – Foreign Affairs and Europe

Page 2: General Election 2010 What the Parties Say – Foreign Affairs and Europe

The Conservative Party – Foreign Affairs and Europe

• Will not leave the European Union or go against agreements Britain has made with the EU.

• In the future, people will vote on any changes to the European Union.• Make sure that Parliament has the final say on what happens in Britain,

NOT the European Union.• Promise to keep the Pound and not use the Euro in Britain.• Britain should not have to agree to the rights given to people by the EU.• Britain should not have to limit the amount of hours that people work as

in the rest of the EU.• Create a National Security Council, to talk about and sort out things to

make Britain safe from problems with other countries.• Give more power to Germany, Japan, Brazil, India and Africa in the

United Nations. • Help Israel and Palestine sort out their differences.• Increase money given to help poorer countries.

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The Labour Party – Foreign Affairs and Europe

• Agree to get rid of the pound and join the Euro BUT only when it would be good for Britain to do this.

• Support the idea of Turkey and Croatia joining the EU.• Keep the European law which says people can only work a

certain amount of hours.• Make stronger friendships with India, China and Brazil.• Support the idea that Germany, Japan, India, Brazil and

Africa have a more powerful voice in the United Nations. • Try and sort out the differences between Israel and

Palestine.• Talk to Iran to stop them making their own nuclear

weapons.• Increase the amount we spend on helping other poorer


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The Liberal Democrats – Foreign Affairs and Europe

• Should stay as a part of the European Union.• Try and work with other European countries in the laws

Britain makes and the way it deals with criminals.• Work more closely with Europe in defence.• In the future, when the time is right and it is best for

Britain, we should get rid of the Pound and use the Euro.• Only send our soldiers to other countries if the people

there are being treated badly and the United Nations agrees with the idea.

• Try and get Israel and Palestine to have peace between them.

• Should not go to war with Iran.• Increase the amount Britain gives to help poorer


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The Green Party – Foreign Affairs and Europe

• Stop the European Union becoming too powerful.• The EU should only deal with environmental

protection, working together to be richer, protecting of human rights, sorting out problems between countries and cultural support.

• All countries in the United Nations should be included in all decisions.

• Increase the amount that the UK spends to help other countries (more than any other party promises).

• The money owed to the UK by the 52 poorest countries in the world will be cancelled.

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UKIP – Foreign Affairs and Europe

• Withdraw from the EU and only trade with the members.

• The UK should not accept any European laws.• Should be a good friend to our allies in NATO BUT not

always join in when the USA is involved in a war.• Withdraw British troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.• Make sure that the special friendship with the USA is

kept.• Only go to war when Britain is affected by something.

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