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Cicero XM™ An Enterprise IT Software Solution

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

What is Cicero XM? ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Cicero XM Core Technology ......................................................................................................................... 6

United Data Model™ ................................................................................................................................. 6

Desktop or Surface Integration .................................................................................................................. 7

Cicero XM Studio ..................................................................................................................................... 7

The Cicero XM Design and Build Process ................................................................................................. 8

Cicero XM Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 9

Client Applications ............................................................................................................................... 9

Cicero XM Enterprise .......................................................................................................................... 10

Cicero XM Enterprise RESTful Interaction Transfer .................................................................................. 11

Cicero XM Enterprise Client Deployment and Maintenance ..................................................................... 11

Other Cicero XM Enterprise Capabilities ................................................................................................ 11

How is Cicero XM Used?............................................................................................................................. 12

Using Cicero XM Discovery .................................................................................................................. 12

Using Cicero XM Integrator ................................................................................................................. 12

Using Cicero XM Desktop .................................................................................................................... 13

Using Cicero XM Enterprise ................................................................................................................. 15

Next Steps ............................................................................................................................................... 16

About Cicero ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Cicero Contact Information ........................................................................................................................ 16

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 1998 - 2011 Cicero, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.


Cicero, Cicero Integrator, Cicero XM Integrator, Cicero XM Desktop, Cicero XM Discovery, Cicero XM Enterprise, and United Data Model are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cicero Inc. and/or its affiliates. Other company names and/or products are for identification purposes and are the property of, and may be trademarks of, their respective owners.

Trade Secrets

Portions of this document contain trade secrets belonging to Cicero, Inc. and its suppliers.

Contact Us

Headquarters • Cary, NC USA US 1-866-538-3588 International 1-919-380-5000 E-mail: [email protected] / Web:

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Introduction Your company does not have the luxury of time when it comes to increasing productivity, reducing costs, and

improving the customer experience. Customers expect seamless service now and employees have to be more

efficient and more effective in order to deliver high-quality service during each customer interaction. From intra-

company back-office applications to servicing applications, your company needs to maximize each customer

interaction while leveraging existing investments in best-of-breed applications.

A new software solution, Cicero XM, is positioned to streamline the business processes that inform your business

users from the back office to the contact center. It can be deployed quickly, economically, and iteratively (no “rip

and replace”) and allows customer service representatives to simultaneously tap into disparate applications from a

single, unified desktop. Cicero XM also addresses the immediate needs of IT executives, sales executives, contact

center managers, and anyone who needs access to the critical information and streamlined processes that will

elevate the customer experience. Cicero XM handles major IT and business requirements including:

Saving time and money: Cicero XM allows companies to do more with less. It streamlines workflow,

shortens and improves training and reduces call times. Implemented in 7-10 weeks with an ROI in a few

months, Cicero XM also reduces the need to replace existing applications, develop in house solutions or

begin a lengthy enterprise application integration project.

Connecting technology to customer advocacy: More employees get more effective access to customer

information with Cicero XM. This wealth of information presented when it is needed, enables enterprise

and contact center employees to make faster decisions based on timely information. The contact center

employees become empowered to deliver an experience based on the customer’s needs and value.

Ease of Configuration and Change Control: Composite screens, workflows, scripts, alerts and other

notifications can be easily built and maintained by business analysts or IT without the risk of negatively

impacting the underlying applications. Cicero XM’s United Data Model™ keeps data secure and pure,

eliminating up to 90% of change control cost and time.

Eliminating silos: Cicero XM is an automatic silo killer. Compliance, consistency of customer information

and other best practices are available through a mouse click, not a long chain of process-based

commands. In this way, companies can take a customer-oriented view of business rather than a process-

oriented view.

Getting the most out of your technology requires speed, flexibility, and a firm focus on the customer as the

beneficiary. Cicero XM gives executives and customer-facing employees new ways to achieve that. The enterprise

challenges of delivering integration, automation, unified desktops, and a complete interaction management

solution are not insurmountable. They are faster and more efficient than ever.

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What is Cicero XM? Cicero XM is a Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution for contact centers and the enterprise. Cicero XM

simplifies workflow, automates tasks, and automatically shares data between any applications from back office to

desktop servicing solutions. Cicero XM is the only truly non-invasive solution. It differs from competitors’ various

unified desktop concepts in that Cicero XM does not require taking away or hiding users’ access to existing

applications but rather simplifies, extends, and automates processes using those applications while allowing new

applications to be simply and rapidly integrated. In addition, Cicero XM features tools to create a modular,

customizable interface, scripting or user guidance, screen pops, new composite applications, and a powerful

toolbar. The result is a highly efficient, intelligent desktop that not only improves business user productivity but can

also be quickly and easily changed to address ongoing business challenges.

There are four products in the Cicero XM Suite:

Lightweight, easily deployed tool to track desktop events and activities at the user’s desktop with central data store.

Surface/desktop integration, the United Data Model™, call flow, and web service consumer and provider with no visual components

Cicero XM Integrator plus prompting, scripting, composites, toolbars, dashboards, soft-phone console, a flexible workspace

Includes the features of Cicero XM Integrator or Cicero XM Desktop; An enterprise solution for managing interactions including workflow, call scripting, analytics, computer telephony integration, single sign on Cicero XM Enterprise includes a powerful database that not only provides data storage for transactional data about each interaction, but also provides the information that controls all of the behavior and states of each workstation and the entire system.

Each Cicero XM product except Cicero XM Discovery includes a configuration toolset called Cicero XM Studio that

consists of a unique set of designers that both IT and business groups can use to integrate, design, automate and

present information across applications.

A visual toolkit used to integrate applications and configure Cicero XM products. Cicero XM Studio allows business analysts and IT to make changes to end user scripts, call flows, and composite screens without risk to underlying applications or business logic.

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The following table summarizes the key features of the four Cicero XM products.

Feature Description


ro X






ro X






ro X





ro X





Desktop Event Tracking and Capture

Monitor and capture end user desktop activities across applications X X X X

Non-invasive Integration High level of object-oriented integration that eliminates the need for source code modification


Workflow Automation Automate manual work processes such as auto-notation of actions performed and synching data across applications X X X

United Data Model™ (UDM) Provides a single, holistic view of the customer interaction data regardless of the source of that data.


SOA Consumer Allows for the retrieval of data that can be used with other integrated applications X X X

Single Sign-On (Static) Manage application logins at the desktop by providing a secure location to enter and modify user information X X

Guidance Provides the ability to add context sensitive prompts and/or complete guidance for the user X X

Composites Create new, dynamic composite applications based on any desktop applications and data sources X X

Configurable Workspace Create a single interface with separate and/or composite applications X X

Integrated Softphone Controller

Provide TAPI or CTI server-based support with an integrated interface as part of the workspace X X

Centralized Data Store Collect desktop activities in a central store for real time and historical reporting and trend analysis


Single Sign-On (Dynamic) Securely manage credentials in a central location X

Messaging Fully integrated intra-office messaging including email and chat for business user, supervisors, etc. X

End User Scorecard End user customizable snapshot of the number of interactions handled, sales made or other data X

Interaction Transfer (Representational State Transfer)

Transfer the data and state of all applications of an interaction from desktop to desktop X

Server-based CTI Use server-based CTI to pre-fetch data for a given interaction X

Business Analytics Create dashboards and reports from blended telephony and desktop application data X

Automatic Failover and Redundancy

Persist data and update applications when they become available again to avoid service interruptions X

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Cicero XM Core Technology Cicero XM Integrator, Desktop, and Enterprise use the United Data Model, Desktop Integration, and the Cicero XM

Studio configuration toolset.

United Data Model™

The United Data Model (UDM) is at the core of all three Cicero XM products. The UDM uses a unique abstraction

layer that isolates the source(s) of data from the use of that data in scripting, reporting, form composition,

workflows and other interaction components. The UDM can include data that is sourced from any other enterprise

application or data that exists solely within Cicero XM. Data elements are easily defined using the UDM Designer in

Cicero XM Studio (See Figure 1). No programming or database manipulation is necessary to add new data elements

or to bind them to existing data sources.

Figure 1 – UDM Designer in Cicero XM Studio

The United Data Model allows companies to:

• Provide scripting, workflow, composite screens, enterprise reporting, data validation from multiple

enterprise applications without knowledge of, or impacting, legacy systems.

• Provide a single view of the customer interaction data regardless of the source of that data.

• Add new data elements to the UDM without an external data source. (Cicero XM Enterprise)

These elements may be used to gather any data that may not be available in any of the legacy

applications but can be reported together with that data to present a more complete holistic view of the

interaction or the customer.

• Create your own UDM and add it to an existing UDM.

• Allow business analysts to manage and maintain scripts and data elements without impacting the

integrity or security of the underlying applications.

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• Make changes to the underlying data sources without impacting the objects (scripts, composites, etc.)

built with the UDM.

• Use the contents of the UDM for any given interaction to pre-fetch data for a future call and support

business intelligence and analytics. (Cicero XM Enterprise)

Desktop or Surface Integration

Cicero XM, the original desktop integration framework, is a unique solution because it allows you to non-invasively

exploit the interaction between the applications and the platform on which they run. Using Cicero XM Studio,

integrators interrogate or examine the interface exposed by an application (See Figure 2) and to selectively access

specific information at a meta-level without requiring a deep knowledge of that application's internal

implementation. Once the integrator has selected the information of interest, Cicero XM Studio translates the

integration specifications into application Data Providers that are bound to elements of the UDM.

Figure 2 – Example of Interrogating an Application

Cicero XM Studio

Cicero XM Studio is an integrated studio environment (See Figure 1) that consists of six designers: UDM, Activity,

Workflow, Script/Guidance, Composite Screen, and Reports/Dashboard. The designers can be deployed in any

combination within the studio to meet the needs of the organization. For instance, an organization can configure a

deployable version of Cicero XM Studio to only contain the Script/Guidance designer. This studio could then be

given to a training department to convert training materials into live interaction specific prompting and guidance

to be presented at the precise moment of impact during an interaction. Another configured studio may contain just

the presentation designers. A third studio may contain the Workflow designer (See Figure 3) and data modeling

tool. While yet another could be configured to provide the technologists with the Activity designer and United Data

Model Binding and assignment designers.

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The Cicero XM Design and Build Process

The Cicero XM Studio design and build environment is both flexible

and intuitive. Using the six designers in Cicero XM Studio you can


• Separate the design and build responsibilities

• Target the correct implementation skill set

• Enable team development

• Control and provide a rapid turnaround for operations

• Control and ensure the security of enterprise integrations

points for IT

• Support Model View Controller (MVC) architecture

• Enable offsite development

Once an organization has defined your project requirements, you can begin using the Cicero XM Studio Designers


• Interrogate legacy applications to create Data Providers.

• Design a United Data Model (UDM) and bind to the Providers. Auto-generate the Data Model and Surface


• Develop domain specific language activities in .NET using the Surface Model and Data Model.

• Build call/work flows using Activities and Rules with the UDM.

• Develop Scripts with dynamic content and workflow control.

• Layout composite screens and toolbars using content from the UDM and mash-up content.

• Design Reports and dashboards using interaction data.

Figure 3 – Workflow Design

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Cicero XM Architecture As mentioned previously, Cicero XM is offered as separate but related products: Cicero XM Integrator, Cicero XM

Desktop and Cicero XM Enterprise. Cicero XM Integrator and Cicero XM Desktop are both client applications that

can be standalone solutions or clients for Cicero XM Enterprise.

Client Applications

Cicero XM Integrator has no visual components, runs as a Windows service, and provides integration and

automation services for existing desktop applications in both 32 and 64-bit environments. It is capable of moving

data between applications and controlling process flows across applications without having to modify the existing

applications in any way. Cicero XM Integrator works with most applications types including Windows, web, Java,

and mainframe applications such as 3270 or console applications.

Cicero XM Desktop adds a series of visual components to Cicero XM Integrator. In addition to the Cicero XM

Integrator’s Windows service, Cicero XM Desktop includes a Windows application that provides the ability to

display a context sensitive toolbar, present “composite” displays and organize the user’s desktop by providing a

docking interface for all applications required for a given interaction while only presenting those applications

needed for the current application. It also provides a “command center” that allows access to scripting, a telephony

control panel if a TAPI-compliant phone client is available, and other key functions. Like Cicero XM Integrator,

Cicero XM Desktop is fully compatible with Windows XP (SP3) and Windows 7 32 and 64-bit editions.

As indicated previously, both clients support the core abstraction features of the United Data Model, providing the

ability to build and modify workflows and (with Cicero XM Desktop) scripts and composite forms without having to

have specific knowledge of where the data is coming from. Both clients also support secure single sign-on using

the maximum available encryption processes. Single sign-on may be configured to be linked to the user’s account

for all future use, or it may be restricted to a single session based on security requirements of the enterprise.

Figure 4 – Example of a Cicero XM Desktop

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Both clients utilize industry standard architectures based on Microsoft .NET 3.5 utilizing Windows Presentation

Foundation (WPF) for all visual components, Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) for workflow management and

the docx open XML format for storing and managing scripts. In fact scripts can be created in Microsoft Word or

other docx compatible editor and then transferred into Cicero XM Studio complete with all graphics, charts and

other formatting intact. Both clients are fully capable of consuming web-services and acting as database clients as


Cicero XM Enterprise

Cicero XM Enterprise uses an n-tier architecture to add enterprise Customer Interaction Management capabilities to

the Customer Experience Management capabilities that exist within the Cicero XM client applications. Cicero XM

Enterprise utilizes highly efficient and secure network communications based on standard Windows

Communications Foundation (WCF) architecture.

Cicero XM Enterprise consists of a series of small servers and a Microsoft SQL Server database. The Cicero XM

Enterprise servers are deployed using an n+1 scheme to allow for redundancy using as a base configuration a

maximum load of 300 Cicero XM clients (either Integrator or Desktop) per Enterprise server. One of the Cicero XM

Enterprise servers is designated to act as the “Master”. This server has the responsibility for maintaining load

balance among the other servers. If an enterprise CTI service is available, or Cicero XM Enterprise is configured to

talk directly to an ACD, the Master server will also execute a “pre-fetch” on call arrival against the Cicero XM

Database to retrieve any data that may be available from previous contacts with the caller. Lastly, in smaller

implementations (under 500 positions) the Master server also acts as the web server for the real-time dashboards

and reporting.

Although not explicitly represented in the diagram in Figure 5, any Cicero XM Enterprise server is capable of acting

as the Master. Cicero XM Enterprise is designed for maximum reliability: if a Cicero XM Enterprise server should fail

for any reason, the Master will automatically redirect the clients that were working with that server to other servers

seamlessly. If the Master should fail, one of the other servers will automatically “promote” itself to the Master and

will reallocate its clients to other servers.

The Cicero XM database is built on Microsoft SQL-Server (2005 or 2008) and can be deployed in an existing data

environment or as a separate server. Cicero strongly recommends utilizing standard Microsoft replication,

redundancy and backup procedures to ensure the level of reliability necessary for successful operations.

Figure 5 – Cicero XM Enterprise Architecture

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Cicero XM Enterprise RESTful Interaction Transfer

Cicero XM Enterprise supports complete Representational State Transfer (REST) of any interaction from one

Customer Service Representative (CSR) to another so that when the receiving CSR gets the interaction it is in the

same state as when it left the sending CSR’s desktop. This includes the complete UDM state, all scripts, composites,

and workflows at the same state and all pre-existing applications navigated to the same checkpoint. This eliminates

the need for the receiving agent to lookup the information and navigates manually through everything that has

already been done.

Cicero XM Enterprise Client Deployment and Maintenance

Cicero XM Enterprise supports full automatic deployment of Cicero XM solutions and runtimes with full version

control and roll-forward/roll-back capabilities.1 There is no need to go to each workstation to install software

whether it is a solution update created by Cicero XM Studio or an update of the product itself. Updates may be

scheduled to deploy upon CSR login or immediately (between interactions). Only those portions of a solution that

have changed will be deployed and are fully compressed to minimize network load. Updates may be targeted to

certain CSR groups for testing. Deployments are automatically targeted solely to those CSRs who will be affected by

the change. When a CSR logs in, the client software automatically checks to confirm that it has the appropriate

version of all solution components that may be required for that CSR’s tasks.

Other Cicero XM Enterprise Capabilities

Cicero XM Enterprise provides the ability for supervisors to send messages to CSRs, collectively or individually, and

for CSRs to chat with Supervisors or other designated users without interfering with the ongoing interaction. It

further allows CSRs and Supervisors to see the “presence” state of appropriate other CSRs and Supervisors for

purposes of determining availability to handle a transfer or chat inquiry.

Other capabilities provided by Cicero XM Enterprise include:

• CSR, Supervisor, Manager and other stakeholder dashboards

• Dynamic, centralized Single Sign-on capabilities

• Blended reporting and analytics consisting not only of interaction statistics but full business data

• “Cradle to Grave” CTI management

• Support for multi-interaction, multi-user workflows

• Enterprise web-service provider will full load balancing and object brokering capabilities

• Multi-site support

• Work at Home Agent support

• Kiosks and Web self-service support2

1 This feature will also be available for non-Enterprise implementations with the forthcoming Cicero XM Studio Team Edition planned for release in 2011.

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How is Cicero XM Used?

Using Cicero XM Discovery

Provides Operational Visibility into Desktop Activity: Usage data enables business analysts to gain a much deeper

understanding of the frequency and time spent on particular tasks and how applications are used to target areas

for process improvement, increasing end-user productivity, and reducing costs.

Common Uses for Cicero XM Discovery

Use Example

Quickly examine application usage and identify areas for process improvement

Collected data shows that CSRs are spending too much time searching in the company’s knowledgebase increasing call times and customer frustration.

Capture, analyze, and focus on Key Performance Indicators and metrics

Data collected indicates that CSRs are copy and pasting data for after-call work in several applications.

Monitor for potential business rule, compliance, and company policy issues

Reports show that users are accessing health records and tracks access for HIPAA compliance and auditing.

Supply desktop activity data to third-party enterprise analysis and reporting applications (e.g., BI, BAM, BPM, WFM)

Desktop activity feeds existing reporting tools to combine telephony, WFM and other data to provide a full picture of CSR work.

Using Cicero XM Integrator

Efficiency through Integration and Smart Workflow: Enables the automated sharing and population of data among

any enterprise solutions at the desktop. Below are common uses of Cicero XM Integrator, along with examples.

Common Uses for Cicero XM Integrator

Use Example

Eliminates the need to manually copy and paste data between applications

An address change made in a supply chain system can automatically populate all other systems that use this information, including the servicing application, and vice versa

Uses CTI data to identify, retrieve and populate customer information in any CRM/servicing/customer management application

Once a call is identified via CTI, Cicero XM Integrator can grab the required data from a premise-based Oracle Siebel system or a hosted application and integrate it into the CSR’s servicing application

Delivers the appropriate screen to the CSR, based on call context

Gives the CSR the screen relevant to the IVR activity being accessed at the point when the customer decided to request live help

Shares after-call/post-call data with all appropriate Copies and pastes the CSR’s after-call wrap-up

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Common Uses for Cicero XM Integrator applications summary from the servicing application to an ERP or

R&D application so that engineers can see what needs to be fixed

Passes data between mainframe 3270 screens and servicing/customer management applications, enabling the integration of information from legacy systems into the workflow of applications used by CSRs

Automates the transfer of sales data from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system into the CSR’s servicing application

Uses a smart workflow to identify the context of a situation and capture relevant data from other systems, so the right information can be delivered to the CSR to address the customer’s issue

When a CSR accesses the credit line increase decisioning screen on their serving system, the smart workflow mechanism grabs the increase approval guidelines as well as the necessary information about the customer’s credit-worthiness to determine if the caller qualifies and to provide a dollar amount

Delivers desktop analytics; monitors, captures, tracks and analyzes everything that CSRs do while using their desktop servicing application to identify areas for process and system improvements and CSR training

Cicero XM Integrator can identify when third-party applications supporting the contact center are slow to respond and when CSRs repeatedly go to the wrong screens; this information can be used to diagnose operating issues and CSR training needs

Automates and generates CSR activity reports, eliminating the need to manually collect and aggregate CSR activity data in Excel spreadsheets

In merged environments, such as in banking, telecom, insurance, etc., where there are often two or more customer servicing systems, Cicero XM Integrator can find the appropriate information in all of the relevant systems, normalize and aggregate it, and present it to management in a standard format

Hides unnecessary fields, toolbars and data not required by CSRs, expediting the handling of inquiries and improving quality

Giving CSRs more information than necessary can be confusing or, even worse, cause them to be out of compliance; Cicero XM Integrator can hide customers’ personal information from the claims adjustment screens so that CSRs do not have access to information that is not relevant to them

Using Cicero XM Desktop

Effectiveness with Intelligent Presentation and Guidance: Enables the development and delivery of enhanced or

new composite servicing screens with data from all appropriate enterprise applications, empowering CSRs to

address a minimum of 80% of all inquires in one environment.

Common Uses for Cicero XM Desktop

Use Example

Context-sensitive composite screens can deliver the appropriate toolbar based on caller information, such as caller’s incoming phone number, customer value, customer category, most recent purchase, payment history, etc.

The icons included in the toolbar change based on the needs of each caller; if a call is about an address change, the CSR receives one set of icons; if the call is about a credit line increase, the CSR is presented with different icons

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Common Uses for Cicero XM Desktop

Provides single sign-in and automated log-in capability for CSRs

Many servicing environments require CSRs to access data 4 to 10 different enterprise systems to resolve customer inquiries, so CSRs often spend the first five to ten minutes of every work day just signing in; this sign-in process can be automated and accomplished rapidly by Cicero XM desktop

Presents a 360-degree view of the customer by accessing and combining data from all relevant systems and applications

Cicero XM Desktop can obtain customer servicing history from an Oracle Siebel solution, a list of sales transactions from, and product configuration data from SAP; all of this information can be presented to the CSR in one composite screen so that they do not have to jump among supporting applications to obtain the information they need to answer customer inquiries

Identifies the ideal prospects for up-sell/cross-sell opportunities; also identifies the best offers for these prospects

When a customer orders a pair of slacks, Cicero XM Desktop can flag this individual as an ideal prospect for a shirt and belt

Issues alerts, triggers flags or pop-ups to CSRs when a caller/customer requires special handling

If a caller is a known fraud risk, the CSR receives a pop-up alert not to sell them anything and to transfer the call to the fraud department

Enforces compliance with business policies and rules by issuing pop-ups with instructions

When a CSR tries to close down or leave a screen without filling in all of the required fields, the system sends a pop-up message reminding them to insert the missing information

Enforces compliance with business policies and rules by preventing CSRs from entering data into inappropriate fields or entering wrong data

If a CSR tries to insert the wrong CVV numbers (security code) for a MasterCard, the system rejects the transaction and generates a pop-up message explaining why

Profiles customers and enables special handling for qualified callers

High net worth callers can be routed to the top-rated CSRs with the best quality assurance scores

Provides CSRs with guided scripts to facilitate the handling and resolution of inquiries

New CSRs are delivered the right scripts for each call type, while experienced CSRs may receive just a few reminders

Composite screens, workflows, scripts, alerts and other notifications can be easily built and maintained by business analysts or IT without the risk of negatively impacting the underlying operating systems

With Cicero XM Desktop, the contact center or IT can control changes to the desktop such as modifying scripts without impacting the underlying applications. (Business analysts and IT can access the business logic that has been abstracted from the underlying code.)

Includes a softphone capability that eliminates the need for CSRs to use a separate ACD console to answer customer calls

The contact center can build a new composite servicing application that has the information necessary to resolve 80% of all inquiries, as well as offering softphone controls so that CSRs do not need to use their ACD consoles

Provides role-based work spaces so that CSRs, Each supervisor is enabled to see only the data for their

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Common Uses for Cicero XM Desktop supervisors and managers receive the screens and fields that are appropriate for their jobs

CSRs and not for other teams

Using Cicero XM Enterprise

Communication, Collaboration, and Insight: Empowers managers to build, implement and deliver desktop

servicing/case management solutions using its own workflow tools, database and data store. Comes with fully

integrated communications, telephony, CTI and presence features that simplify processing, back-end integration,

reporting and analytics.

Common Uses for Cicero XM Enterprise

Use Example

Enables an IVR or CSR to transfer a call with the associated screen so that the receiving CSR knows the history and status of the interaction without the caller having to repeat information to the new CSR

If a customer decides to transfer out of the IVR to a CSR while in the middle of performing a credit line increase, the CSR receiving this call will know what information the customer already entered and where they were in the IVR before requesting live help

Simplifies the contact center reporting challenge by giving managers a server that collects operational (historical) and real-time data from all telephony and business systems and presents the consolidated data in real-time dashboards or customized report formats

Cicero XM Enterprise can gather data from multiple ACDs, case management applications and the sales systems so that the contact center VP can compare the performance of each center down to the CSR level, without manually integrating the results from a variety of systems

Builds customer satisfaction surveys and delivers them to CSRs in a context-sensitive workflow so that customers receive the right survey for each situation

Cicero XM Enterprise allows contact centers to build different surveys for customers, partners and prospects, and triggers the appropriate survey for each call

Provides an application development environment, database and data store that are capable of functioning as the primary customer information repository/case management/order entry/trouble ticket system for the department

Cicero XM Enterprise can be used to build an order entry application for CSRs to use when closing new sales or doing up-sells/cross-sells; the order entry application feeds the enterprise’s ERP solution

Provides the underlying technology, architecture, application development tools, database, data store, workflows, functionality and pre-built services to rapidly build a case management/service or trouble ticket solution.

Cicero XM Enterprise can be used to build a new case management/trouble ticket servicing application for a high-technology support team.

Using the consolidated data store, Cicero XM Enterprise’s predictive analytics capabilities can identify customer insights and operational challenges

The solution can identify the best up-sell offering for a particular customer, and share this information with an CSR when the customer calls in

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Next Steps Cicero offers a complimentary, no-obligation evaluation of your customer service and/or back office work

environment with our Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Insight Assessment. Contact us at [email protected] or call us

at 866-538-3588 to see if you qualify for this free assessment.

About Cicero Cicero, Inc. provides solutions that enable business transformation of enterprise interactions across companies and

government organizations. Cicero’s XM technology delivers this capability via an innovative combination of

desktop integration, automation, presentation and analytics capabilities, built to transform customer interaction

into the most powerful marketing and branding asset a company can own. Cicero stands out among other software

solutions for its ease of configuration and change control eliminating up to 90% of the change control costs and

time, providing the ability to deliver actionable intelligence through efficient combination of telephony and

interaction data, and delivering immediate benefits with an ROI in less than 6 months.

Cicero Contact Information Cicero, Inc. 8000 Regency Pkwy Suite 542 Cary, NC 27518 International: 1-919-380-5000 U.S.: 1-866-538-3588 [email protected]

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