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Little Red Goblin Games

An Adventure for characters level 6 - 8

Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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s u b t l e a s a d r o ws u b t l e a s a d r o w


Producer: Scott Gladstein

Designers: Scott Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth,

Art: Alissa Mathiasmeier

Graphic Designer: Justin Gagen

OGL Compatible: Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the PathfinderRoleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

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© 2011, All Rights ReservedLittle Red Goblin Games

Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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This module was designed to slip into any existing setting. The deity referred to as “the goddess” is simply a pervasive good aligned deity. The deity Tieu’tyme, which the drow worship, can be filled by any deity who’s domains include duplicity, subterfuge, and/or assassinations. For example, in the Golarion setting from Paizo the goddess might be Goddess and Tieu’tyme could be played by Norgorber. The drow society in this module could be an isolated pocket if you have already explored drow society in your setting. References are made to four different “courts” (of societies) of the drow. If you have existing drow in your setting they can replace any references to the other courts.


The players have recently received a letter from a relative of a member of the party. This relative is a member of the church of the Eight Virtues. (If this is not possible for whatever reason, it could be an acquaintance or friend.)

When an elf you don’t like sends you a letter, you check it for enchantments. When a drow you don’t like sends you a letter, you don’t bother. Chances are you’ll never find the poison until it’s already too late. You can imagine my dismay when I received a letter from the Drow Lax’ana- the Matriarch of the House of the Flea.

Even more curious is that it should arrive at my door, the door of the Church of the Eight Virtues. The Goddess must be testing me, for high priest Anthil has charged me with fulfilling Lax’ana’s mad task. She requests that we kill their once mighty lich king, T’rissyn Blackblade. Legend has it that he craved too much power, even for a drow, and cheated death to peruse it. What Lax’ana has in store, I can only imagine. Goddess save us all. I have business in the town of Ettin’s Reach before I meet you. I hear tell of a goblin

infestation that must be taken care of. I charge you in the name of the church to investigate on my behalf brother. May the Goddess watch over you.

--Sir Salavant

The players arrive in the town of Ravensport on behalf of Sir Salavant. They have been charged with the investigation of Lax’ana’s request. They are to fulfill it if possible.

Lore: RavensportRavensport is a small farming community of no more than 20 houses. A tavern, a church, and a general goods store, and a blacksmith are the only establishments in the town. A slew of households and storehouses surround them. An entrance to the underground world of the drow lays hidden somewhere nearby, though the townspeople have been unable to find it. For the most part, they have had an uneasy truce with the drow. Trade is good and the drow don’t particularly care about settlements this far away from their actual location. A few unsolved abductions and murders are attributed to the drow, but they are unsubstantiated and possibly just the result of xenophobic sentiments towards the sinister elves.

Once the party has entered the town, a citizen (or town guard) will eventually inform them that if they are the ones investigating on behalf of Sir Salavant a drow emissary is waiting at the edge of wood to meet them. (The drow emissary will only arrive at dusk or later)

Lore: The House of the Flea & Lax’anaLax’anaWidowkiller is a cunning yet subtle drow priestess. She is thought to be one of Tieu’tyme’s six high priestess inthe drow society. (However many are thought to be) She is shrouded in mystery and few are said to have actually meet her. Despite her unsavory reputation, the House of the Flea is a tiny house. Their motto translates to, “Unnoticed until it is too late”.[This information is not common knowledge. A DC 25 Knowledge Local or Nobility check will reveal some general information. A DC 30 will reveal more. A DC 35 is required to know it all. A +5 racial bonus is given to any drow in the party attempting this knowledge

Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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check. They may roll it untrained.]In reality the “House of the Flea” is actually an extension of the church of Tieu’tyme. It doesn’t actually exist. Spies and actors sit in the halls of its mansions and they use its influence as a proxy for the Tieu’tyme. The church simply uses it as a way to extend its influence into the political arena from a different angle. Lax’ana is not a real person. She is simply a “role” that one of the high priestesses plays. (Think “Dread Pirate Roberts”)[This information is completely secret and known only to a select few Drow. A DC 40 Knowledge Local or Nobility check will reveal some general information. A DC 45 will reveal more. A DC 50 is required to know it all. A character who is not a drow, a member of the church of Tieu’tyme or deeply affiliated with either cannot attempt to make this knowledge check.]


Outside the town, a gaunt male drow with long, fine, features and a widow’s peak makes no attempt to hide his presence. A cloak of tawny green and black is clasped around his neck obscuring his form. (+2 cloak of resistance) The clasp appears to be a onyx flea. He greets the party, mentioning that he has been watching their progress for some time now and that he admires their prowess. (Bluff check reveals he has only been watching them for a day or so) He introduces himself as “Blackfingers” (DC 20 knowledge religion to know that this is one of Tieu’tyme’s title’s), though he admits that this is simply analias. He explains the following situation to the party:

Lore: T’rissyn BlackbladeThe once mighty ruler of all the drow houses of the western court was T’rissynBlackblade. He was overly ambitious, even by drow standards. His plan was to unite the four courts under his rule. However, though his ambition was grander than his ability. Death nearly took him on several occasions. He began to understand that the only way to realize his ambitions was to achieve some degree of immortality. Already a powerful necromancer, he dedicated his house’s (DC

30 Knowledge: royalty reveals he was a member of the “House of the White Serpent”) entire resources to achieving immortality as a lich. This occurred nearly 800 years ago. This greed and ambition made him more than a few enemies and when he had finally achieved lichhood, he was murdered. For his pride and greed T’rissyn was subjected to having his form killed in front of his phylactery on a twice weekly basis. (Death was too good for him) The dark hunters (like Blackfingers) are an order that is dedicated to killing him and making sure he never rises to power again. His body is destroyed using a sacred dagger. His phylactery is his obsidian throne.

House Last-Moon recently began a push to end his suffering. They have gained some degree of support because of their dealings with the trapped spirit of T’rissyn. A recent political coup d’etat has placed Last-Moon in charge of the Dark Hunters. The dagger is sitting in the Dark Hunter’s keep, unused. It has been 3 days since T’rissyn was killed. There is no telling how long there is until his body will fully form but reports say it is already happening. (No more than 3 days)Blackfinger will lead you to the Dark Hunter’s keep, but he is honor bound not to interfere directly with the orders of House Last-Moon.The players can make a DC 25 perception check to spot 3 other dark hunters watching them at a distance. If confronted about it Blackfingers will admit to it and remind them that he never said that he was alone.The walk to the Dark Hunter’s keep takes 6 hours through the forest. Use the appropriate encounter chart.

Lore: House Last-MoonThe House of the Last-Moon is splinter house of T’ryssn’s old house. (House of the White Serpent) They are not particularly magically inclined but they have made a reputation as ruthless assassins. Unlike other houses, they often take pride in political killings rather than covering them up. They helped House Yellow Eye stage a political coup de’d’etat. Yellow Eye now controls the throne via a puppet matriarch and Last-Moon has had its reputation restored. It is said that they revere their ancestor like a god and would do anything to set him free. They despise the

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Dark Hunters both because they are rival assassins and because they kill their ancestor on a weekly basis. [This information is not common knowledge. A DC 25 Knowledge Local or Nobility check will reveal some general information. A DC 30 will reveal more. A DC 35 is required to know it all. A +5 racial bonus is given to any drow in the party attempting this knowledge check. They may roll it untrained.]

Lore: The Dark HuntersThe dark hunters are a religious order of assassins that have sworn allegiance to the church Tieu’tyme. They have their names, physical features, altered after every mission by one of the six high priestesses after each mission. Their memories of the missions are removed from them. They are the perfect assassins and becoming a member of the organization is an honor all common born drow aspire to. They are known to reuse names and identities to create fake personas to achieve Tieu’tyme’s ends. They are also charged with the sacred task of destroying the lich T’ryssn Blackblade’s body every few days before it can reform.

Lore: BlackfingersBlackfingers is just another dark hunter, his memory and appearance only pertaining to this mission. “Blackfingers” is a common name given to a dark hunter. (Equivalent to the term “John Doe”) He is of true neutral alignment and has the stats and trappings of a Drow Assassin (see stat block below).


The entrance to the Dark Hunter’s keep is located at the roots of a single black stemmed rose. (DC 45 to spot) in a bed of wild roses. Pulling the stem will activate a small magic circle that transports the group to a distant location far below the surface. There are no physical entrances or exits. Air is circulated by tiny pin-hole sized portals to the plane of air. The keep is constantly under the effects of a deeper darkness spell (light is reduced by 2 steps and it is supernaturally dark.) Waiting in the darkness are a number of drow assassins (see stat block) from House Last-Moon. They

number 1d4+ the party’s size. Once they defeat the assassins, torches that cast a dim purple haze flicker on. They serve as a sort of emergency light. It should also be noted that the Goggles of the Ebon Eyes that they wear allow players to see in Deeper Darkness.

Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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Drow Assassin CR8XP 4800NE Medium HumanoidInit +4; Senses darkvision 120 ft; Perception +7AC 19, Flat-Footed = 14, Touch = 15hp 36 (0d8+5d8+2d8+5)Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3Sensitivity to sunlight blinds for 1 round then dazzled, Spell Resistance 6 + levelSpeed 30 ft.Melee Single Attack (+1/+1) Rapier +9 (1d6+4/18-20) Full Attack (+1/+1) Rapier +9 (1d6+4/18-20)Special Attacks Drow Poison DC(13) 1d4 - 1 doses,Drow Poison DC(13) DC13 fall unconscious for 1 minute then DC 13 fall unconscious for 2d4 hours,Spell-like Abilities 1xday dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire,Sneak Attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 3Death Attack (See below) 1/dayStr 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 11Base Attack Bonus +4, CMB +6, CMD 20Feats Fast Stealth: Move at full speed while sneaking,Minor Magic: Can cast spell from 0 level wizard list 3/day, Major Magic: Cast a spell from 1 level wizard list 2/day, Weapon Finesse: Use Dex instead of Str for melee attack to hit, Armour Prof (Light), Blind-fight: Re-roll miss chance for concealment, Combat Reflexes: Dex mod additional attacks of opportunity, Dodge: add 1 to AC , Evasion: No damage on reflex save, Mobility: +4 AC to attacks of opportunity, Simple Weapon ProficiencySkills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +9, Bluff +7, Climb +10, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +11, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +2, Intimidate +0, Know Dungeon +2, Know Local +8, Linguistics +11, Perception +7, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +12, Swim -2, Use Magic Device +6Languages Common, Elven, UndercommonSpecial Abilities Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1, Evasion, 2 Rogue Talents, Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +2d6Environment UndergroundOrganization Squad 2-4, Band 20-50, Patrol 5-8Treasure standardMagic Items Cloak of resistance (+2) +2 saves (4000gp) +1 Rapier (2000gp)Goggles of the Ebon Eyes (Allows them to see in

deeper darkness)Special Abilities Other +2 on will saves against spellsEvasion Reflex save no damage instead of 1/2Trap Sense Reflex save and AC when dealing with traps bonus 1Trapfinding Can find magical trapsUncanny Dodge Retains Dex bonus if flat footed Death Attack (Ex): If an assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (assassin’s choice). Studying the victim is a standard action. The death attack fails if the target detects the assassin or recognizes the assassin as an enemy (although the attack might still be a sneak attack if the target is denied his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class or is flanked). If the victim of such a death attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the assassin’s class level + the assassin’s Int modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin. If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds.If a death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the assassin does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack.

The drow assassins wear tawny green and onyx black cloaks with a hood drawn up around their head. A metallic “mask” covers their lower face and imitates the mandibles of a scorpion. Their form is covered in a non-reflective black leather that seems to blend well with the shadows. They are armed with matte black rapiers that have an elegantly swept black hilt inlaid with onyx. A clasp on their cloakdenotes their house. (In this case a red crescent moon)

Should the players successfully overpower the assassins, they will find the dagger in the far room. The dagger itself is atop a small, simple, stone altar. It

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is approximately 2 feet in length and resembles a thin cylindrical metal stake more than a knife. A matching cylindrical handle matches the silver sheath. Its steel glistens green when the light plays off it, but it is otherwise unremarkable. A silver sheath with various spider iconographies etched masterfully in its metal rests next to the dagger on the altar.

The Dark Hunter’s KnifeA strong aura of evocation and transmutation is present if anyone examines it. An ornate sheath lies next to it and has the same aura. (They seem to go together) The dagger is a form of spell-storing dagger that has disintegrate (as cast by a 20th level caster) placed in it. The sheath can charge the dagger every three days with one use of disintegrate. It takes 6 hours to recharge. The altar is actually a component of the magic weapon. It is the source of the power. If the altar is destroyed, more than 50 miles away- the weapon is rendered useless until it is once again placed on the altar. The weapon only functions when it is at least 1 mile underground.

The players can exit the Dark Hunters’ Keep and return to the forest with the dagger. Blackfingers will be waiting there for them. Upon seeing that the dagger is the real one, he will explain that he has received word from his brothers in the forest that T’ryssn’s body is near to completion and that it has been put under guard by House Last Moon. His form seems to be taking shape faster than normal. The party must make haste towards the Cavern of T’ryssn before his form can be made whole. Blackfingers knows two ways into the cavern. One is through a small stream that serves as a venue for refuse disposal for the nearby drow settlement and the other is the front door. The front door is much more bold but would allow them to confront their foes head to head and get through in time. The rear entrance would take longer and it could force them to be too late to stop T’ryssn’s resurrection.


T’ryssn will resurrect in 1d4+2 hours. This should be rolled at this time. It will take approximately 3 hours to get to the front entrance and enter. The rear stream entrance takes 4 hours to reach and 1 hour to navigate. If T’ryssn awakens before the players arrive he is in a weakened state (see his CR 11 form) but will boldly wait for the players and attempt to kill them as his “first victory in a new age”. If he does not resurrect before the players arrive, they will not have to face him.


The players must traverse the dense forest for about an hour before they enter a small cave via an entrance hidden behind a fake bolder (DC 30 to spot). A series of winding tunnels lead them down into the darkness. They are eventually confronted with two dauntingly large doors made of obsidian. On them are carved drow words in an 800 year old dialect (DC 20 linguistics if a player knows the drow language). It reads,“Ambition is the prevue of the drow. Greed is the prevue of the gods. Here lies T’ryssn Blackblade, one who was confused and though himself a god.”The great doors open with a DC 25 strength check. (The DC is reduced by 2 for any character helping.) They open silently, blowing a slight wind as they do. They are welcomed by violet torchlight (dim light). A chamber reminiscent of an Egyptian tomb with a spider motif greats the players. Two drider guardians (…that Blackfingers just happened to neglect to tell you about…) stand beside the tomb of a skeletal figure sitting atop a throne of obsidian.

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Taking the rear entrance takes 5 hours if they head straight there. Roll on the encounter chart for a temperate forest as appropriate. Provided they simply overcome the encounter, they can make it to the entrance of the stream in 3 hours.


Outside the entrance to the small stream that flows out from the mountainside a pile of refuse lays. If the players search through it they can find 1d10 GP worth of discarded mundane drow items, a signet ring for the House of Last Moon, the various body parts of 3 drow (someone was “disposing of the bodies), and the bodies of all of the missing townsfolk with its blood drained. (This is a pothook to the next module.) If their bodies are examined they will find two puncture wounds on the neck where a vampire has been feeding on them. They also find a mundane long sword with runes in celestial carved on them. (It reads, “Blightslayer”.) It does not glow magically. (This is a weapon that will help players next module)


A further 2 hours must be taken in the stream’s winding underground pathways. The river is only a foot and a half deep and the ceiling is only 3 feet above that. The tunnels are approximately 6 feet wide. A small sized character can walk in the tunnels but a medium sized creature must crawl in the soft muddy banks. A large sized character might have an issue and may have to squeeze. The players can see the twilight torches (that generate dim light) a good distance off. A small, rough, hand-carved, tunnel branches from the main path of the stream. It leads to an upper shelf in the throne room.


If he is not awake yet, the room has eight drow from house last moon are praying to him, prostrating their forms in submission to their once great leader. Upon being disturbed they will immediately attack the players. If the players are talking outside the door they get a perception check (DC 20-25). If they notice the players, they will be ready and the players will not receive a surprise round on them. If the players catch them praying- combat can begin with a surprise round in favor of the players.If T’ryssn is awake, he is grinning knowingly as the players enter. A glass of fine wine sits betwixt his boney hand. His body is half skeletal and half drow with many parts in a stage somewhere in-between.


• Drow Assassins X8• Driders X2• T’ryssn Blackblade (If awake)

Drider CR7XP 3,200CE Large aberrationInit +2; Senses darkvision 120 ft., detect good, detect law, detect magic; Perception +15AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17; (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –1 size)hp 76 (9d8+36)Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +9Immune sleep; SR 18Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.Melee mwk heavy mace +9/+4 (1d8+3), bite +3 (1d4+1 plus poison)Ranged mwk composite longbow +8/+3 (1d8+2/×3)Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.Special Attacks web (+7 ranged, DC 18, hp 9)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th) Constant—detect good, detect law, detect magic At will—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire

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1/day—clairaudience/clairvoyance, deeper darkness, dispel magic, levitate, suggestion (DC 16)Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 6th) 3rd (4/day)—lightning bolt(DC 16) 2nd (6/day)—invisibility, web(DC 15) 1st (7/day)—mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement(DC 14), silent image(DC 14) 0 (at will)—bleed(DC 13), daze(DC 13), ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistanceStr 15, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21 (33 vs. trip)Feats Blind-Fight, Dodge, Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (bite, mace)Skills Climb +22, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Perception +15, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +4 StealthLanguages Common, Elven, UndercommonSQ undersized weaponsPoison (Ex)Bite—injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.Spells A drider casts spells as a 6th-level cleric, sorcerer, or wizard, but does not gain any other class abilities.Undersized Weapons (Ex): Although a drider is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid’s upper torso. As a result, it wields weapons as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size (Medium for most driders).

T’ryssn Blackblade CR12XP 19,200Drow lich necromancer 11NE Medium undead (augmentedhumanoid)Init +2; Senses darkvision 120 ft., life sight*; Perception +26Aura fear (60-ft. radius, DC 18)AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +5 natural)hp 111 (11d6+55 plus 15 false life)Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +11Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 15/bludgeoning and magic; Immune cold, electricity, undead traits, SR 18Speed 30 ft.

Melee touch +5 (1d8+5 plus paralyzing touch)Special Attacks grave touch* (9/day), paralyzing touch (DC 18), power over undead* (9/day, DC 18)Spells Prepared (CL 11th)6th—circle of death(DC 22), globe of invulnerability, maximized fireball (DC 19)5th—cloudkill(DC 21), cone of cold(DC 21), quickened magic missile, waves of fatigue4th—dimension door, enervation, fire shield, wall of ice(2)3rd—dispel magic(2), fireball(DC 19), suggestion(DC 19), vampiric touch(2)2nd—darkness, extended mage armor(already cast), false life(already cast), scorching ray(2), see invisibility, spectral hand1st—magic missile(3), ray of enfeeblement(2), shield (2)0—bleed(DC 16), detect magic, ray of frost, read magicProhibited Schools illusion, transmutation*Necromancer power (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, pages 81–82)Str 10, Dex 16, Con —, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 18Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 25Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Defensive Combat Training, Extend Spell, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, ToughnessSkills Craft (alchemy) +20, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (planes) +20, Linguistics +20, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +24; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth, +2 perceptionLanguages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, UndercommonLight Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.Poison Use (Ex): Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves. Drow favor an insidious toxin that causes its victims to lapse into unconsciousness—this poison allows drow to capture slaves with great ease.

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Brian Tieken (order #2913028)

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