Download - G10 eng lesson 1

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“ When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself,

you lose yourself in the world. Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable

from stillness. I am that is deeper than your name and form.”

- Echkart Tolle

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In this lesson, you’ll answer one enduring question about life, that is,

“ How does discovering personal challenge

create a deeper understanding of your innermost self? “

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Determine the effect of textual aids on the understanding of the text

Get information from various text types that can be used in everyday life

Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of the material viewed

Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words

Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme

Identify features of persuasive texts Identify factors of public speakingUse reflexive pronouns

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Your target output at the end of this lesson is a concise oral report about cyber bullying and the criteria for assessment will be verbal skills, nonverbal skills, and the content of the presentation.

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What is your overall impression about the phrases above? How do they reflect realities in life?

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Group 1 - LOST_________________________________________________________



Group 3 - TROUBLED________________________________________________________





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What can you say about the activity? How did you feel when you recalled all those experiences? What did you feel while sharing your experiences with the class? Why?

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D:\My Documents\CNHS\G10\Inspiration to Life - Motivational video of a young boy,

an .mp4

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Before Reading After Reading

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Group Activity: Post ReadingA. Facts and DetailsGroup 1: a. Who hired Daedalus? b. What did Daedalus design to hold the Minautor? c. What did Daedalus invent to help them escape from the Labyrinth? d. What did he warn Icarus not to do? e. What happened to Icarus?

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Group Activity: Post ReadingB. What’s Going On?Group 2: a. Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the Labyrinth? b. Why did Minos think that, if Daedalus cant find his way out, “so much the better”?

Group 3: a. Minos tells Icarus that the plan is dangerous. Why does he want them to take the risk? d. Why did Daedalus leave his wings on the altar of Apollo?

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Group Activity: Post ReadingC. Digging DeeperGroup 4: a. In a short paragraph, describe How Daedalus planned to escape from the island of Crete.b. Do you think Daedalus’s plan to escape will not work? Explain your answer.

Group 5: a. Which events in the myth could have happened in real life? b. If you had access to building resources and materials, how would you design a flying machine to escape from the Island prison of Crete?

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cunning apprentice ingenuity

partridge banished naval

amorous dreadful stern

exhilarated furious perish

anguish lament

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Before Reading After Reading

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State whether you agree or disagree with the given statements and find evidence from the text to support your claim.

A. King Minos was cruel. B. Daedalus was talented. C. Icarus was foolish. D. Icarus and Daedalus should have stayed in the island after escaping the Labyrinth.

E. Daedalus was responsible for his son’s death.

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D:\My Documents\CNHS\G10\Videos\Mythic Warriors - Icarus and Daedalus.mp4

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Read and observe:

Daedalus himself built the Labyrinth.Princess Ariadne sought Theseus for herself.Daedalus and Icarus freed themselves from

prison. D:\My Documents\CNHS\G10\Powerpoint\


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Abuse of power HostilitySelf destruction PrideFoolishness BoastfulnessLack of contentment EgocentricityAggressiveness ProcrastinationHard headednessEnvyImpetuousness

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Non Verbal Skills- Eye Contact

- Body Language- Poise

Verbal Skills- Enthusiasm- Elocution

Content- Subject Knowledge- Organization- Mechanics

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D:\My Documents\CNHS\G10\Powerpoint\Persuasive_Writing_1.ppt

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