Download - Fundraising Pack 3

Page 1: Fundraising Pack 3

Thank you for requesting your fundraising pack for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. We hope this booklet will give you all the information you need and fill you with idea’s and inspiration about how you can support our Hospice. Fundraising is vital to enable us to provide the services we do to children and young people with a shortened life expectancy and their families. It costs us £3.5 million per year to provide our services and we don’t receive any statutory government funding, so we really couldn’t do it without your help.

Our Hospice is based in North Anston, Sheffield and we look after children across South Yorkshire, North Derbyshire, North Nottinghamshire and parts of North Lincolnshire. Our care team look after over 160 children with a vast range of complex medical needs. We support our children and their families on their life journey offering respite care, day care provision, community support, crisis intervention and end of life treatment and care.

Our highly trained care team support our families in many different ways and our underlying philosophy is to ensure that children are cared for in the way their families wish. This gives them peace of mind, enabling them to have a break from their caring responsibilities during their stay.

We have specially designed bedrooms that cater for the needs of all of our children and their families enabling them to stay with their children during their stay with us.

We also have two end of life suites which enables the parents and family to stay with their children after they have passed on until the funeral, instead of having to visit them in a chapel of rest.

Our Hospice also has a range of facilities including a Jacuzzi, messy play room, cinema room, teenage den, therapy room and specialised outdoor play equipment including a roundabout and swings for wheelchair users and a sunken trampoline. These facilities help us to provide enjoyment to our children as well as care for their medical needs.

They also allow us to support the parents and siblings, by providing a range of activities and support groups during their stay or just by giving mum and dad a well-earned break. We also have a memory garden, which was created by Alan

Titchmarsh and his team from ITV’s Love Your Garden, which allows bereaved families somewhere private and peaceful to remember their child.

These services have become a vital lifeline to many families in the region, such as Leionna’s, so your

help really does make a difference.

Leionna was born on 19th March 2006 weighing a healthy 7.9lbs pounds. Mum Julie was ecstatic with her beautiful baby girl.

However, just before Leionna’s third birthday she suddenly had what seemed to be an epileptic fit and was rushed to Hospital. She quickly recovered and went back to her usual self running around, chatting and playing happily like any other three year old.

The episode was not a one off though as Leionna continued to have recurring fits so the hospital investigated further and referred her to The Children’s Hospital, Sheffield. Here they carried out further tests and diagnosed Leionna with Battens disease which is a rare, genetic, progressive neurodegenerative condition.

Leionna’s Mum Julie says: “Leionna seemed to deteriorated very quickly after the diagnosis, she lost her ability to walk and started shuffling on her bum, then her speech became

less and less until she couldn’t talk.

“As Leionna needed more care, her consultant told us about Bluebell Wood so we visited the hospice for a look round. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was very pleasantly surprised.

“Bluebell Wood is an amazing place and from the moment we set foot in the door we felt so welcome. It’s a real home form home where we can come and leave the outside

world behind.

“I don’t know what I’d do without Bluebell Wood and I can’t thank everyone enough for their support.”

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We can promote your event on our

What’s On section on our website

and maybe even our Facebook and

Twitter sites too (see our ‘marketing

your event’ pages for more


Need sponsor forms? We can post them

out to you; just tell us how many you


Looking to get sponsorship on-line?

We’re registered with Just Giving and

Virgin Money Giving. Just choose

Bluebell Wood as your chosen charity

when setting up your unique page and

follow the step by step guide online.

(See our ‘Top 10 Tips for sponsorship

ideas’ page for more ideas)

Want to ensure everyone knows the event is for Bluebell Wood? We can provide you with t-shirts to wear on the day (or a running vest); balloons, bunting, a banner or pull-up banner to put around or outside your venue. We also have literature about Bluebell Wood and our families and we can arrange a representative to attend your event to give a few words of thanks

To help you maximise your fundraising we

can also provide merchandise to sell on a sale

or return basis and other items such as name

the bear or lottery application forms, please

ask your dedicated fundraiser for further

details and ideas

Holding a raffle as part of the event? If you

are only selling raffle tickets at the event then

cloakroom tickets are fine to use, however, if

you want to sell tickets before the event then

they will need to be specially printed. We can

help you to organise the printing and as

we’re registered with the gambling

commission you can use our licence

If you want to try and get prizes donated or sponsorship for your event then we can provide you with a letter of authority to prove that you are doing the fundraising for Bluebell Wood

And finally, once you have finished your fundraising – please make cheques payable to ‘Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice’ and send them to; Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, Cramfit Road, North Anston, Sheffield, S25 4AQ We will then send you a letter of thanks and a certificate to display to ensure everyone knows how much you raised for Bluebell Wood

Here are our top ten tips to help you get started with your fundraising and remember, you are not alone; our fundraising team are available to support you every step of the way, if you need any help or have any queries please contact on

Holding a collection as part of the event? We

can provide Bluebell Wood collection tins or

buckets with secure seals if you book them in


Need help with fundraising materials?

Give us a call and we can help you with

posters, flyers and tickets for your


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Ask your employer if they take part in match funding, matching every pound you raise. You

could double your donation to the Hospice just by filling in a simple form.

Organise your own event for Bluebell Wood, this can be anything from a

coffee morning, to a sponsored head shave or even a musical evening,

anything goes! You can also join in with one of our events, visit to find out what we have going on.

Do you pay tax? If so your gift will be worth almost a third more to us – at no extra cost to you. All you have to do is let us know by signing a gift aid declaration, and the tax office will give us an extra 25p for every pound you give. We will only use your details to claim Gift Aid. If you donate to Bluebell Wood via our website, a letter of thanks will be sent to you in the post and this will include a declaration for you to fill in and return to us. Alternatively, you can write your own by using the text below and signing this declaration; I am a UK taxpayer and I would like Bluebell Wood to treat all donations I have made for the six years prior to this year and all donations I make in future as Gift Aid donations, until I notify you otherwise.* *I understand that I must have paid sufficient income tax or capital gains tax during the relevant tax year to cover the amount Bluebell Wood reclaims on my donation.

We have over 350 active volunteers at Bluebell Wood and are very proud of them all. We have a range of opportunities available for voluntary work including regular help in the hospice, helping at one-off events, speaking on behalf of the hospice, fundraising as part of a support group or helping in one of our shops. For further information please visit;

We are always looking for good quality items to sell in one

of our 8 hospice shops. Items include clothes, accessories,

bric a brac, electrical goods, books and furniture. You can

drop any unwanted items off at any of our shops, or arrange

collection for 10 sacks or more. On average one bag of

donated goods raises £15. For further information and shop locations, please visit;

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For the price of a cup of coffee once a month your donation could provide three oxygen

masks to be used by the children at the hospice. For further information please visit;

However large or small, it will ensure that Bluebell Wood will be here for future generations, for further

information please visit;

For just £1 a week you are in with a chance of winning £1,000 every week, or even our

rollover prize which can reach as much as £5,200! For further information please visit;

Why not buy someone a Bluebell Wood gift for Birthday or Christmas presents,

or ask for donations to Bluebell Wood instead of presents for special occasions. Visit

our online shop at to take a look at our

products on sale.

If you have anywhere that you could place one of our

collection boxes to collect loose change, let us know. This

could be your local shop, reception area at work, social

group, church or anywhere that has a high footfall of people

passing through who may donate their loose change to us.

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It’s great to see children raising money to help other children. How about getting your local school involved and organising:

A non-uniform day

A collection at a school performance

A raffle

Coin collection

Join in on our ‘Love To Bake’ fundraiser in October -for further information please visit

This is how some local schools have recently supported us:

William Levick Junior School raised £450 holding bucket collections at their Christmas performances

Ranby House preparatory school raised £640 collecting whilst performing their

Mummers Plays and £700 at a bucket collection at Morrison's in December

Dronfield Infant School raised £300 selling our Christmas Bears and £243 from collections

at their Christmas events.

Sheffield Park Academy recorded a single called ‘Stand Together’ for the

Hospice and have performed at a variety of sporting events since recording the song

Collect any loose change and donate to the Hospice, encourage friends and

family to do the same– we can provide flat pack collection boxes for you to


Use your hobby to raise funds. Mrs Smith from Mansfield raised £100 by making and selling sock monkeys

and donating £1 for each monkey sold!

Hold a coffee morning for family and friends and raise funds whilst enjoying a good old English cuppa and a

slice of cake. You could try something different like pate and pud, soup and sandwich or a cream tea!

Ask for donations at your birthday party or wedding instead of gifts

Challenge yourself – have you thought about signing up for a run, such as the Sheffield Half Marathon, or

perhaps our Golden Miles Walk or even a skydive!

Visit our website for further information on these events;

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We work closely with all our corporate partners in order to mutually benefit Bluebell Wood and your organisation. We’ve worked with both the largest companies in the UK, to the smallest independent businesses, and are very proud of all our partnerships. Our Corporate Fundraisers, Julie and Rachael are always happy to discuss any ideas you have and also how we can support your fundraising. Here is a selection of idea’s to get you started

Adopt us as your ‘Charity of the Year’ and organise a range of fundraising events throughout the year

Enter a team in our ‘It’s A Knockout’ competition on 8 September 2013, for further information please visit;

Hold a dress down day or a fancy dressed theme day, you could all wear purple like the Bluebell Wood logo to show us your support for the day

Put together a team and enter a challenge such as a local run, walk, swim or even a skydive for the more adventurous of you out there!

Hold a raffle or one of our ‘name and claims’ in your offices, please ask a fundraiser for further information about our name and claim posters

Collect bags of unwanted clothing, books and items for our charity shops. One bag of your old clothes can raise an average of £15 and if you collect 10 bags or more we will come and collect them

Donate your team’s time and skills to help with jobs at the Hospice; these could include painting, gardening, DIY and even deep cleaning

Get your company to sign up to Payroll Giving. Payroll Giving is a tax efficient scheme that allows you to make regular donations to Bluebell Wood straight from your salary– and because your donation is taken out before tax, £10 a month could cost you as little as £5 (depending on your tax contributions). Contact Julie on 01909 517 361 or email [email protected] for more details.

Have a sweet box and collection tin in your companies reception area

Volunteer at one of our events. You could get involved in either marshalling, a bucket collection or manning a stall

Hold a cake day in your office. Why not bake up a treat for your colleagues and donate the profits to Bluebell Wood?

Donate products and services to Bluebell Wood - Ask us for further information how you can help us by donating products and services to us

Here are a few examples of how some companies have supported us recently;

Staff from HSBC helped us to wrap children’s presents this Christmas and prepare hampers for raffles

WCEC Architects have adopted us as their ‘Charity of the Year’ and have just entered a team in the Dronfield 10k who ran in fancy dress!

Staff from Wilkinson’s decorated the Hospice for us making it look amazing and festive for all our children who were unfortunate to be in over the Christmas period

Cape plc have entered four team members into the inaugural Yorkshire Marathon and will be raising funds for Bluebell Wood – go team Cape!

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We all like to raise the most money we possibly can when raising money for charity, but it’s also important we keep within the law and stay safe.

Collections: Street (public) collections - you must apply for a Street Collecting Permit from your local authority. You need to apply at least four weeks before the event and must fill in the return forms after the collection. You must be aged 16 and over to participate in public collections. You will also need to comply with any rules the local authority give you. Collections on private property could include pubs, supermarkets, shopping centres or football matches, these don't need a licence however please ask your fundraiser to provide you with a Letter of Authority. This must be shown to the Landlord or Manager when asking their permission to collect on our behalf. The use of our official collecting tins/buckets with sealed lids must be used. You must be 16 or over to take part in a bucket collection.

Events including music, singing, dancing or alcohol in a public place If your event involves music, singing or dancing then please make sure that a Public Entertainments Licence has been obtained. If you would like a drinks bar at your event then you will need to ensure that a Liquor Licence has been obtained; if you have to apply for this you need to do it six-eight weeks before the event. All licences are obtained from your local authority licencing department.

Food safety: Food safety laws need to be followed where food is involved, whether it is for sale or not. For further information

on food safety contact your local environmental health team.

Lotteries/raffles: If you are running a raffle in addition to an event and drawing it on the same day, cloakroom tickets can be used and you don’t require a licence. However, there must be no cash prizes and no more than £500 must have been spent on prizes, although there is no limit on donated prizes. If you are running a raffle over a period of time or in different venues you will need pre-printed tickets. Bluebell Wood has a licence and we can help with printing of the tickets so please contact us on 01909 517365.

Safety at events: Conducting a risk assessment ensures you have planned properly for the safety of people attending your event. The Health and Safety Executive provides guidelines on conducting a risk assessment ( or speak to your fundraiser if you need advice. You must also check whether you need a qualified first aider present at the

Once you have decided what you are going to do to raise funds for us you also need to think about the

finer details. The next few pages include some helpful information on the legal stuff and things to think

about when organising a sponsored event or an event at a venue.

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Craft Fayres – Markets If you are holding a craft fayre you may need to apply for a Markets Licence – ring your local authority to check.

Alcohol An Occasional Licence is usually required if alcohol is to be available at a function, however, not always if a glass of wine or alternative is included in the price of the ticket. An Occasional Licence costs approximately £10 but will cover a number of events in one year and licence forms are available from the Clerk’s Office at the Magistrates Court.

Cash Handling Cash accounting – if collecting cash from a third party, the money should be counted and agreed by both parties, then the monies should be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the amount and signature of the donor on the seal. The donor would be sent a letter of receipt for the amount. It is strongly recommended to have two people present when counting cash to protect both parties.

Under 18? If you are under 18 please ensure you have parent/guardian consent to take part in any fundraising.

Useful websites: – Gambling Commission – Health and Safety Executive – Food Standards Agency – Derbyshire Council – Rotherham Council – Sheffield Council – Barnsley Council – Chesterfield Council –Bassetlaw Council – Mansfield Council

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We can provide you with risk assessment forms, which you must complete and which will help you to make sure nothing has been missed and lead to a stress free experience (hopefully!). Individual endurance events are allowed 5 minutes rest every hour (according to the Guinness Book of Records). Make sure you take the break. Ensure you keep things as safe as possible – we do not endorse unsafe stunts. Please ensure you have adequate insurance for any high-risk events as Bluebell Wood does not cover participants.

Sitting in a bath of baked beans or shaving your head is fairly straight forward to organise (i.e. you, a bath of beans and plenty of sponsor forms) however, events involving a number of people or maybe an endurance challenge could take more organising. Think about a dozen people cycling across the Pennines from the West to East Coast – what do you need? You’ll need support vehicles, you must notify the Police in both counties, food and drink for the riders and support staff, are first aiders required? Do you know the route well enough and how you manage any safety aspects? It must all be planned well in advance and any abnormal occurrences thought about.

Organising a sponsored event is a great way to raise money and can be a good way to encourage others to become involved in your fundraising. It’s also great for challenging yourself and perhaps your family, friends and colleagues so that not only do you raise

lots of money for Bluebell Wood but you feel a great sense of achievement in completing your challenge.

The most important thing to getting a sponsored event right is to try and

think of everything that needs to be done and to plan it all before you

actually go ahead and do it!

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Contact the fundraising team on 01909 517365 to tell us your idea and we’ll help you work out the rest. We love to hear what people are doing to raise money and will always be happy to talk to you about your event!

Give your event a fabulous name – the more fun and challenging it sounds the more likely people will remember it and want to participate.

Take plenty of photographs so you can share how much fun you had and the success of your event.

Recruit people to join you, this is best done by word of mouth among your peers. A poster on your notice board will help – or are your work colleagues on email? You could advertise your event on the company intranet, newsletter or magazine. The most productive way however is always approaching people directly and asking them to join you in your event or challenge to raise funds for Bluebell Wood and support local children in their area.

Ensure everyone has copies of sponsor forms with the event name and date filled in and a copy of our fundraising tips. Keep records of how many sponsor forms are given to whom and if you need more call us.

Keep it simple – even if your event has many participants, try to keep the organisation simple, remember the safety aspects and if in doubt ring us and ask our advice, we are here to help.

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It’s good to talk - phone around Phone people up and ask them to

sponsor you.

Think global - set up an online fundraising page so everyone you know, wherever they are can sponsor you easily Justgiving and Virgingiving are great ways for people who you might not see to sponsor you. Its all done online and the money donated comes directly to Bluebell Wood, meaning you don’t even need to collect the money from them. Visit or to set up your page now – if you need help call the fundraising team on 01909 517365. Add your online giving page to your email signature and to your social media sites, send it to all your friends and family and ask them to share it with their friends – maybe they would even like to take part.

Think big! Get your largest amounts first Contact the fundraising team to get your Bluebell Wood sponsor forms and then approach whoever you think might give you the most sponsorship and put their amounts at the top of the sponsorship form. This will hopefully lead others to give a bit more than maybe they were planning to!

It’s great to get more without paying more - Gift Aid If your sponsor is a UK tax-payer get them to sign the declaration on the sponsor form and we can claim an extra 25% from the Inland Revenue.

And again – does your employer offer match funding? See if your employer will match what you raise in sponsorship.

Save time - get the money now! Ask people for their money when they sign your sponsor form, this will save a great deal of time later. Ask for their e-mail addresses and then you can keep them up to date on your challenge.

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Share your passion Before they sponsor you tell them about Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice and why you have decided to raise money for them. Your motivation will motivate them to support you and might get them thinking about ways they can raise money. Contact your fundraising team if you would like any leaflets to help with this.

If you don't ask you don't get! It is for a very good cause, you are obviously committed to it – no one is going to feel bad about being asked to sponsor you.

Get creative Are there other ways you could raise money as well as through sponsorship? For example if you are doing a sponsored run or bike ride could you run a sweepstake on what your finish time will be!

Tell everyone– publicise your efforts Publicise what you are doing in your company/sports club/rotary newsletter, or on your company intranet. Remember to put details of how to contact you and how to sponsor you. Contact your local paper and tell them about your fundraising efforts – if you have a good story behind your fundraising they might want to share it.

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Make sure you have enough people to

help with the set up and clear away. It is a

good idea to make a list of all the tasks

and allocate your helpers to particular

duties so everyone is clear what they are

doing. Hold a briefing prior to the event

to give everyone the running order and to

familiarise themselves with the layout.

Plan the running order of the event

carefully and try not to have gaps

where guests wonder what is

happening next.

If you are going to hold a raffle, check

the legal requirements first (see the

legal stuff on pages 7-8)

Cash accounting – make sure you are

responsible for the cash. If you have a

variety of stalls or raffles where money

will be collected through the event it is a

good idea to have a number of self seal

envelopes. The money must be counted

and agreed by the stall holder and

collector, then the monies must be

enclosed in a sealed envelope with the

amount and signature of the stall holder

on the seal. We strongly recommend hav-

ing two people present when counting

cash for charity.

Make sure all your volunteers are giving

the same message if asked about Bluebell

Wood Children’s Hospice. Give them a fact

sheet and update them prior to the event.

Choose your venue with care –

consider the geographical location,

access and car parking facilities (and

if you will need to put any signs up).

If you are organising your own bar

for the event – you must apply for a

licence from your local magistrate’s

court at least two months before the


Ensure that whoever does the

catering is familiar with the current

environmental health guidelines and

ask to see their food handling


If you are buying in a service such as

a disco or bouncy castle then be sure

to ask for a copy of their public

liability certificate.

Promote events in areas where the

general public visit regularly.

Advertise your event well in advance

and invite the local press to help you

target areas you want to attract.

We can help by providing you with

posters and other fundraising

materials. Most importantly, have a

good idea who will come to your

event and how you will sell it to


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Marketing your event is vital, you need to be prepared and plan it in advance to ensure that people get involved and that enough people attend. It can beso disappointing to spend all your time on other details and then not sell enough tickets and have to cancel the event. The information on this page will help you with marketing your event, and you always have the support of your dedicated fundraiser.

E-mail the details of your event to your

fundraiser (see the contact details at the

back of this pack) – we can then add it to

our ‘What’s On Guide’. Please include as

much information as possible including

date, times and contact details and if

possible send a photo. A good photo will

help us market your event at the

appropriate time on our Facebook page.

If you have a Facebook page set up an event on it, you can then invite all your friends to it and ask people to share the event with their friends. All you have to do is click on ‘event’ in the left hand menu and then, ‘create event’ it’s simple to use. NB It’s always a good idea to have a photo to use to attract more attention and this can also be used to promote your page.

If you have a twitter account you can ‘tweet’ details of your event and if you copy us in

we can re-tweet it for you to all our followers.

If you would like the ‘Supporting Bluebell Wood’ logo for any of your marketing materials please ask and we can email this to you.

Finally, it’s often good for you to contact your local paper and see if they want to write about your event. For a comprehensive list of contact details for local media including places you can advertise your event for free please ask your

fundraiser for a copy of the document ‘where to market your event.

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continue to support them as this is something I feel quite strongly about now.” added Jade. Julie Hampson, Corporate Fundraiser for Bluebell Wood said: “We’re extremely grateful to Jade, her colleagues and HSBC for all their support and the fabulous amount of money they have raised for us. “It costs us £3 million per year to offer our services and as we receive no statutory government funding we rely on community support so we can help more families like Elijah’s.”

Thirty-one-year-old Jade Fallowfield of Wath Upon Dearne and her work colleagues from HSBC Bank Client Services, have raised over £3500 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice in memory of her 10-year-old cousin Elijah who sadly passed away in May 2012. Jade and her colleagues Sarah Jane-Brook, Alison Ragsdale and Kate Colgrave who are all Technical Specialists at HSBC’s Tankersley office, ran the Great Yorkshire Run in September to raise the funds for the hospice where Elijah spent the last three weeks of his life. Elijah was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in June 2011 and sadly lost his battle in May this year. His parents Dawn and John together with his younger brother Edan spent the last few weeks with him at the children’s hospice while his older brother Jack stayed at home. Jade said: “I visited Bluebell Wood a number of times during the last few weeks of Elijah's life, initially I was scared to visit but realised what a relaxed and friendly atmosphere it has once I had been. “The support and help given to my Aunt, Uncle and his brothers was amazing and I know the staff made things so much easier during what was an extremely difficult time for them.” Jade and her colleagues all finished the run in less than one hour and ten minutes despite some of them never having run before and it being an extremely hot day! They raised £1785 in sponsorship and HSBC have agreed to match fund this amount making a grand total of £3570! Jade is now arranging further fundraising activities through work, and HSBC Tankersley have also nominated Bluebell Wood as their chosen charity for next year, “this way I can

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Corporate fundraising : Julie Hampson – 01909 517361 or [email protected] Rachael Dawes – 01909 517367 or [email protected]

Helen Mower –Fundraiser for Doncaster and Head of Fundraising – 01909 517 364 or [email protected] Gail Parkin – Fundraiser for Sheffield – 01909 517 362 or [email protected] Emma Vizor – Fundraiser for North Derbyshire and North Nottinghamshire – 01909 517 368 or [email protected] Melanie Rose– Fundraiser for Barnsley and Rotherham- 01909 517 363 or [email protected]

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