Page 1: Fundamentals of Java Lesson 13: Linear Collections: Lists

Fundamentals of JavaLesson 13:

Linear Collections: Lists

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Lesson 13: Linear Collections: Lists


– Distinguish fundamental categories of collections, such as linear, hierarchical, graph, and unordered.

– Understand the basic features of lists and their applications.

– Use the list interface and the major list implementation classes.

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Lesson 13: Linear Collections: Lists


– Recognize the difference between index-based operations and content-based operations on lists.

– Use an iterator to perform position-based operations on a list.

– Understand the difference between an iterator and a list iterator.

– Describe the restrictions on the use of list operations and iterator operations.

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Lesson 13: Linear Collections: Lists

Vocabulary:– abstract data type

(ADT)– abstraction– backing store– children– collection– content-based

operation– free list– graph collection– head

– hierarchical collection– index-based operation– iterator– linear collection– list iterator– object heap– parent– position-based operation– tail– unordered collection

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13.1 Overview of Collections– A collection is a group of items that we want to treat as a

conceptual unit.– Arrays are the most common and fundamental type of

collection.– Other types of collections include:

• Strings• Stacks• Lists• Queues• Binary search trees• Heaps• Graphs• Maps• Sets• And bags

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13.1 Overview of Collections– Collections can be:

• Homogeneous– All items in the collection must be of the same type

• Heterogeneous– The items can be of different types

– An important distinguishing characteristic of collections is the manner in which they are organized.

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13.1 Overview of Collections

– There are four main categories of collections:

• Linear collections

• Hierarchical collections

• Graph collections

• And unordered collections

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsLinear Collections

– The items in a linear collection are, like people in a line, ordered by position.

– Everyday examples of linear collections are grocery lists, stacks of dinner plates, and a line of customers waiting at a bank.

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsHierarchical Collections

– Data items in hierarchical collections are ordered in a structure reminiscent of an upside down tree.

– Each data item except the one at the top has just one predecessor, its parent, but potentially many successors, called its children.

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13.1 Overview of Collections– As shown in Figure 13-2, D3’s predecessor

(parent) is D1, and its successors (children) are D4, D5, and D6.

– A company’s organization tree and a book’s table of contents are examples of hierarchical collections.

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsGraph Collections

– A graph collection, also called a graph, is a collection in which each data item can have many predecessors and many successors.

– As shown in Figure 13-3, all elements connected to D3 are considered to be both its predecessors and successors.

– Examples of graphs are maps

of airline routes between

cities and electrical wiring

diagrams for buildings.

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsUnordered Collections

– Items in an unordered collection are not in any particular order, and one cannot meaningfully speak of an item’s predecessor or successor.

– Figure 13-4 shows such

a structure.

– A bag of marbles is an

example of an

unordered collection.

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsOperations on Collections

– Collections are typically dynamic rather than static, meaning they can grow or shrink with the needs of a problem.

– Their contents change throughout the course of a program.

– Manipulations that can be performed on a collection vary with the type of collection being used.

– Table 13-1 shows the categories of operations on collections.

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13.1 Overview of Collections

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsAbstract Data Types

– Users of collections need to know how to declare and use each type of collection.

– From their perspective, a collection is seen as a means for storing and accessing data in some predetermined manner, without concern for the details of the collection’s implementation.

– From the user’s perspective a collection is an abstraction, and for this reason, in computer science collections are called abstract data types (ADTs).

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13.1 Overview of Collections– Abstraction is used as a technique for ignoring or

hiding details that are, for the moment, inessential.– We often build up a software system layer by layer,

each layer being treated as an abstraction by the layers above that utilize it.

– Without abstraction, we would need to consider all aspects of a software system simultaneously, an impossible task.

– The details must be considered eventually, but in a small and manageable context.

– In Java, methods are the smallest unit of abstraction, classes and their interfaces are the next in size, and packages, are the largest.

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13.1 Overview of Collections

Multiple Implementations

– The rationale for implementing different types of collections tend to be based on four underlying approaches to organizing and accessing memory:

1. Arrays

2. Linear linked structures

3. Other linked structures

4. Hashing into an array

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13.1 Overview of Collections– When there is more than one way to implement

a collection, programmers define a variable of an interface type and assign to it an object that uses the desired implementation.

– For example, java.util includes three classes that implement the List interface.

– Theses classes are LinkedList, ArrayList, and Vector.

– In the following code snippet, the programmer has chosen the LinkedList implementation:

List lst = new LinkedList():

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13.1 Overview of CollectionsCollections and Casting

– With the exception of arrays, strings, string buffers, and bit sets, Java collections can contain any kind of object and nothing but objects.

– These constraints have several consequences:• Primitive types, such as int must be placed in a wrapper

before being added to a collection.

• It is impossible to declare a collection that is restricted to just one type of object.

• Items coming out of a collection are, from the compiler’s perspective, instances of Object, and they cannot be sent type-specific messages until they have been cast.

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13.2 Lists


– A list supports manipulation of items at any point within a linear collection. Some common examples of lists include:

• A recipe, which is a list of instruction.

• A String, which is a list of characters.

• A document, which is a list of words.

• A file, which is a list of data blocks on a disk.

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13.2 Lists– Array implementations of lists use physical position to

represent logical order, but linked implementations do not.

– The first item in a list is at its head, whereas the last item in a list is at its tail.

– In a list, items retain position relative to each other over time, and additions and deletions affect predecessor/successor relationships only at the point of modification.

– Figure 13-5 shows how a list changes in response to a succession of operations.

– The operations are described in Table 13-2.

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

Categories of List Operations

– There are several broad categories of operations:

• Index-based operations

• Content-based operations

• And position-based operations.

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13.2 Lists– Index-based operations manipulate items at

designated positions within a list.

• The head is at index 0

• The tail is at index n-1

– Table 13-3 shows some fundamental index-based operations.

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13.2 Lists– Content-based operations are based not on an index

but on the content of a list.

– Most of these operations search for an object equal to a given object before taking further action.

– Table 13-4 outlines some basic content-based operations.

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13.2 Lists

– Position-based operations are performed relative to a currently established position within a list, and in java.util, they are provided via an iterator.

– An iterator is an object that allows a client to navigate through a list and perform various operations at the current position.

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13.2 Lists

The List Interface

– Table 13-5 lists the methods in the interface java.util.List.

– The classes ArrayList and LinkedList both implement this interface.

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

– To make certain that there are no ambiguities in the meaning of the operations shown in Table 13-5, we now present an example that shows a sequence of these operations in action.

– This sequence is listed in Table 13-6.

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists

Applications of Lists

Heap Storage Management

– The object heap can be managed using a inked list.

– Heap management schemes can have a significant impact on an application’s overall performance, especially if the application creates and abandons many objects during the course of its execution.

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13.2 Lists

– In our scheme, contiguous blocks of free space on the heap are linked together in a free list.

– When an application instantiates a new object, the JVM searches the free list for the first block large enough to hold the object and returns any excess space to the free list.

– When the object is no longer needed, the garbage collector returns the object’s space to the free list.

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13.2 Lists– To counteract fragmentation, the garbage collector

periodically reorganizes the free list by recognizing physically adjacent blocks.

– To reduce search time, multiple free lists can be used.

– If an object reference requires 4 bytes, then:

• list 1 could consist of blocks of size 4,

• list 2, blocks of size 8,

• list 3, blocks of size 16,

• list 4, blocks of size 32,

• and so on.

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13.2 Lists– In this scheme, space is always allocated in

units of 4 bytes, and space for a new object is taken from the head of the first nonempty list containing blocks of sufficient size.

– Allocating space for a new object now takes O(1) time unless the object requires more space than is available in the first block of the last list.

– At that point, the last list must be searched, giving the operation a maximum running time of O(n), where n is the size of the last list.

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13.2 Lists

Organization of Files on a Disk

– A computer’s file system has three major components:

• A directory of files,

• The files themselves,

• And free space.

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13.2 Lists– Figure 13-6 shows the standard arrangement of

a disk’s physical format.

– The disk’s surface is divided into concentric tracks, and each track is further subdivided into sectors.

– The numbers of these vary depending on the disk’s capacity and physical size; however all tracks contain the same number of sectors and all sectors contain the same number of bytes.

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13.2 Lists

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13.2 Lists– Sectors that are not in use are linked together in

a free list.

– When new files are created, they are allocated space from this list, and when old files are deleted, their space is returned to the list.

– Because all sectors are the same size and because space is allocated in sectors, a file system does not experience the same fragmentation problem encountered in Java’s object heap.

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13.3 Iterators– An iterator supports position-based operations

on a list.

– An iterator uses the underlying list as a backing collection, and the iterator’s current position is always in one of three places:

• Just before the first item

• Between two adjacent items

• Just after the last item

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13. Iterators– Initially when an iterator is first instantiated,

the position is immediately before the first item.

– From this position the user can either navigate to another position or modify the list in some way.

– For lists, java.util provides two types of iterators:

• a simple iterator

• and a list iterator.

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13.3 IteratorsThe Simple Iterator

– In Java, a simple iterator is an object that responds to messages specified in the interface java.util.Iterator, as summarized in Table 13-9:

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13.3 Iterators– You create an iterator object by sending the message

iterator to a list, as shown in the following code segment:

– The list serves as a backing store for the iterator.

– A backing store is a storage area, usually a collection, where data elements are maintained.

– The relationship between these two objects is depicted in Figure 13-8.

– The methods hasNext and next are for navigating, whereas the method remove mutates the underlying list.

Iterator iter = someList.iterator():

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13.3 Iterators

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13.3 Iterators– The next code segment demonstrates a traversal of a

list to display its contents using an iterator:

– Note that you should avoid doing the following things:

• Sending a mutator message, such as add, to the backing list when an interator is active.

• Sending the message remove to an iterator when another iterator is open on the same backing list.

While (iter.hasNext()) System.out.println(;

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13.3 Iterators– A list iterator responds to messages specified in the

interface java.util.ListIterator.– This interface extends the Iterator interface with several

methods for navigation and modifying the backing list.

– Table 13-10 shows the additional navigational methods:

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13.3 Iterators

– The additional mutator operations work at the currently established position in the list (see Table 13-11.)

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13.3 IteratorsUsing a List Iterator

– In Table 13-12, we present a sequence of list iterator operations and indicate the state of the underlying list after each operation.

– Remember that a list iterator’s current position is located:

• before the first item,

• after the last item,

• or between two items.

– In the table, the current position is indicated by a comma and by an integer variable called current position.

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13.3 Iterators

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13.3 Iterators

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13.3 Iterators

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13.3 Iterators

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13.3 Iterators

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