
Year 9

Performing Arts




Attainment 8 Estimate



To progress further I need to…

Teacher Signature







KS3 Assessment criteria in Performing Arts: MUSIC

Please find below assessment criteria that will be used to measure attainment in reports in music:

Listening & Appraising




· You can accurately identify more complex musical changes (shorter/longer note durations, changes in melodic shape/rhythm) and have a good knowledge of the musical elements.

· You can use adjectives and musical vocabulary to describe musical features and the basic effects they have on the listener.

· You can perform simple pieces (approx. grade 1/two parts/use of basic chords) with secure accuracy of pitch, intonation and rhythm.

· You can perform with an imaginative sense of artistic interpretation and idiomatic style suitable for simple pieces.

· You can create a melodic line that has a sense of shape (balanced, question and answer).

· You can compose pieces that show appropriate organisation and sequence within a recognisable structural framework.

· You can compose an accompaniment for a melodic part that demonstrates a good musical awareness (bass line using passing notes).


· You can identify common musical changes (pitch, dynamics, tempo, texture) and accurately use musical vocabulary to describe them.

· You can use appropriate adjectives and some musical vocabulary to describe the mood and atmosphere of musical pieces.

· You can perform simple pieces (approx. grade 1/two parts/use of basic chords) with good accuracy of pitch, intonation and rhythm.

· You can perform with an appropriate sense of artistic interpretation and idiomatic style suitable for simple pieces.

· You can create an extended melody with a good sense of structure (beginning, middle and end).

· You can compose pieces that show appropriate organisation and sequence within a structural framework.

· You can compose an accompaniment for a melodic part that demonstrates a musical awareness (bass line using root, 3rd & 5th, rhythm using crotchets, quavers and semi-quavers).


· You can identify some simple musical changes and use musical vocabulary to describe them (pitch, dynamics).

· You can use appropriate adjectives within a sentence to describe the mood and atmosphere of musical pieces.

· You can perform simple pieces (approx. grade 1/two parts/use of basic chords) with reasonable accuracy of pitch, intonation and rhythm.

· You can perform with a developing sense of artistic interpretation and idiomatic style suitable for simple pieces.

· You can create a melody with an appropriate sense of structure (beginning, middle and end).

· You can compose pieces that show organisation and sequence within a simple structural framework.

· You can compose a functional accompaniment for a melodic part (appropriate chords, rhythm and bass line).


· You can accurately identify simple musical changes (loud/quiet, up/down) and can recognise and describe some simple musical terms.

· You can use adjectives within a sentence to describe the mood of musical pieces.

· You can perform very simple parts/pieces (single line melody) with secure accuracy of pitch and rhythm.

· You can perform with an imaginative sense of artistic interpretation and style suitable for very simple pieces.

· You can create a simple melody with a limited sense of structure (beginning and end).

· You can compose pieces that show organisation and sequence.

· You can compose an accompaniment for a melodic part that demonstrates a developing musical awareness (bass line using root notes, basic triads).


· You can identify different sound sources (timbre), identify simple musical changes and can recognise some simple musical terms.

· You can use adjectives to describe the mood of musical pieces.

· You can perform very simple parts/pieces (single line melody) with good accuracy of pitch and rhythm.

· You can perform with an appropriate sense of artistic interpretation and style suitable for very simple pieces.

· You can create a simple melody using an extended range of notes.

· You can compose pieces that show simple organisation.

· You can compose a simple accompaniment for a melodic part (repeating simple bass line, additional simple melody).


· You can recognise that music has different layers and sounds.

· You can identify appropriate words that describe the mood of musical pieces.

· You can perform very simple parts (single line melody) with some accuracy of pitch and rhythm.

· You can perform with a developing sense of artistic interpretation & style suitable for very simple pieces.

· You can create a simple melody using a limited range of notes.

· You can compose pieces that have a sense of organisation.

· You can compose a very simple accompaniment for a melodic part (rhythm using mainly crotchets and quavers, drone).

Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 1 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will know about the features of radio adverts

· I will understand how music is used in advertising

· I will be able to analyse what makes a successful radio advert


Starter Activity

Why is music so often used in the media? What makes it useful as a selling tool?



What are some of the most memorable adverts that you have heard?



Origins of music in adverts

Music has been included in adverts for a long time. In Victorian towns sellers of goods would sing a catchy tune to advertise their products. These people were called ‘street callers. We will have a look at a clip from ‘Oliver’ to see how the street callers would walk around the streets. These were the original jingles.

Radio adverts

Radio offers a short production period and also has relatively low-cost production. This makes it ideal for promoting tactical advertising messages at short notice. It is a highly cost-efficient method, you buy more audience impressions for your money than with any other form of advertising.

Do you think that adverts on the radio disadvantaged as you can’t see the product?



What can radio adverts do to keep listeners engaged?



What are some of the advantages of having an advert on the radio rather than on TV?



Listening Activity: Radio adverts

Listen to the radio adverts and write down the features that you notice about each of them in the table.


Style of music



Is the music an important feature of the advert?

Jingle or slogan

Key terms – dynamics

· Fortissimo – very loud

· Forte – loud

· Mezzo-forte – moderately loud

· Mezzo-piano – moderately quiet

· Piano – moderately quiet

· Pianissimo – very quiet

Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 2Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will know about the job role of a jingle writer

· I will understand how jingles are written

· I will be able to identify features of a jingle

Personal reflections

How many times a day do you hear music?


Where do you hear music on a daily basis?



How important is music in your life?



Jingle writers

A jingle writer is someone who works with advertising agencies to help them sell a product or reinforce a brand name. Jingle writers create catchy, memorable tunes and lyrics for TV or radio commercials, and will compose, arrange and sometimes record these songs.


What is a slogan?



What is the difference between a jingle and a slogan?



Listening task

Watch the video on jingle writing and answer the following questions:

What makes a jingle memorable?



What makes the most well-known jingles so successful?



Famous jingles

Listen to a selection of jingles are write down the feature that makes it so memorable.

Moonpig – _______________________________________________________________________________

McDonalds – _____________________________________________________________________________

Go compare – _____________________________________________________________________________

Kit Kat – _________________________________________________________________________________

Coca Cola – _______________________________________________________________________________

Um bongo – ______________________________________________________________________________

Jingle Writer: Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow (born Barry Alan Pincus, June 17, 1943) is an American singer-songwriter, arranger, musician, producer and actor, with a career that has spanned more than 50 years. His hit recordings include "Could It Be Magic", "Can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana". Barry Manilow also composed and performed many well-known jingles, including ‘State Farm Insurance’ and ‘Band-Aid’, for which he adopted a childlike voice.

Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 3 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will learn more about how to write a script for an advert

· I will understand how radio adverts can be successful

· I will be able to write my own script for an advert

Starter Activity

Watch the video on how to write a successful radio advert. Write down 5 of the most important tips that the video gives you.

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Task: Creating a radio advert

You are going to create a radio advert. You need to consider; the product that you want to advertise, what is so great about the product, what the slogan will be and what the jingle will be. You can create a product or use one that already exists. If the product already exists you will need to think of a whole new ad campaign, not just copy one that already exists

Product name:






Script writing

Write a script for your advert. Make sure you include:

· What the product is?

· What can it do that makes it so amazing?

· Where can you buy it from?

· Price – how much does the item cost?

· Jingle

· Slogan

Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 4 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will know about the features of TV adverts

· I will understand how music is used in TV adverts

· I will be able to analyse what makes a successful TV advert

Adverts through the ages

Throughout the years, the slogans used in advertising for Coca-Cola have reflected not only the brand, but the times. Slogans provide a simple, direct way to communicate about Coca-Cola.

What changed about the Coca Cola adverts throughout the ages?




Name a TV advert that you know.


Why is this advert so memorable to you?



Why do adverts use music?



Task: Successful TV adverts

In the space below create a mind map with ideas about what makes a successful TV advert.

Listening: TV Adverts


Style of music



Is the music an important part of the advert? Why/why not?

Mid-Unit Self-Assessment

Musical Knowledge

Describe how your musical knowledge has improved during this unit: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe how your understanding of musical terminology in relation to film music has improved, and mention whether you understand the keywords in this unit: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Define the following terms:

· Jingle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

· Slogan: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

· Dynamics: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

· Tempo: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 5 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will know about different job roles in advertising

· I will be able to create a storyboard for my own TV advert

· I will understand some of the steps needed to create a TV advert

Starter Activity:

Watch the video describing the steps to creating an advert. You should write down 5 of the most important stages below.

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Job roles

For each of the job titles below write down what the role involves.

Marketing manager – ______________________________________________________________________


Video/film editor – ________________________________________________________________________


Graphic designer – ________________________________________________________________________


Task: Creating an advert

· Using the storyboard below you need to plan out what your advert will look like.

· You should draw an image into each of the 8 boxes based on what the advert would look like on screen at that point.

· In the text boxes underneath, each image you need to write the action that is happening as drawn in the picture. This could include details such as camera angles etc.









Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 6 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will be able to

· I will be able to write my own jingle for a TV advert

· I will be able to create and act out my TV advert


Task: Writing your own jingle

Watch the video on jingle writing and then try writing your own jingle. Make sure that your jingle links to the advert

That you created last lesson as you will be putting the advert and jingle together later in the lesson to create a

Finished advert.

TV advert performances

In groups you need to imagine that you are going to record your advert. You need to rehearse as a group and consider how you can bring your storyboard to life. Make sure you include your jingle at some point too!

My group members are: _______________________________________________________________________

Personal Performance Review

Tick the boxes which pertain to your personal performance.

☐ Successful use of script

☐ Good use of narration/dialogue

☐ I worked to the best of my ability

☐ Make better use of scripting

☐ Make better use of narration/dialogue

☐ I could have been more focused



Unit 2: Music and Media

Lesson 7 Date:

Learning Objectives

· I will be able to consider how Christmas adverts are designed

· I will be able to write my own festive jingle

· I will be able to review my progress from this term

Starter Activity: Battle of the Festive Advert

Which of the Christmas adverts do you like best and why?



Task: Writing your own jingle

Write your own jingle for a Christmas themed advert.

End of term review

Do you think that your musical knowledge has improved during this unit? Give at least two examples of something you didn’t know at the beginning of the unit, that you know now: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Do you feel that you are able to remember from lesson to lesson, what you have been learning? _____________________________________________________________________________________


Write in the definitions of each of the key terms that you have learnt this term:







Do you have any other comments that you would like your teacher to note? _____________________________________________________________________________________


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