Download - Freedom Galactic 2

  • 8/3/2019 Freedom Galactic 2


    Borsk Feylyas decision to begin

    disbanding the fleet spells the end of our

    galaxy. Peace is secured through force,

    through a monopoly on all violence within

    a territory. I am shocked that this sort of

    announcement came to ringing applause.

    This is officially a declaration of treason.

    This cannot be stomached.

    Fireworks over Yinchorr-

    Greatest Show with No Audience

    Sometime last week, a massivefireworks display occurred over

    Yinchorr. Despite the small

    population of 200k, almost 100

    million megatons of fireworks were

    set off in beautiful showers of green,

    red, orange, and yellow. Observers

    from the capitol of Tol Kashorn

    described the display, which was

    deployed from subspace, as the show

    of a lifetime.

    The Imperial Governor Marcellin Wessel

    released a statement saying that the

    display of lights was a reward to the loyalpeople of this world for their continued

    belief in the Empire and their fortitude for

    surviving in the otherwise harsh world.

    This display brought some comfort to my

    people, and I hope that they will stay

    around for next years show!. This time,

    Ill be sure to be there.

    Fred Long-Short Varley

    As such, I resign from this newspaper i

    protest. I think all of you complacent

    rats are traitors and vagabonds, and I

    will never let you get away with it. F*c

    you all, prepare to die, one by one!

    Willy Double Star Shatner


  • 8/3/2019 Freedom Galactic 2


    Holy Holocrons!

    The Old Republic and the Illicit

    Artifact Trade

    Rumors of Old Republic technology

    have driven up a bit of a dying

    industry, the industry of the good old

    tomb robber, the dependable shady

    artifact dealer, the reputable mafia

    illicit goods trader. Hundreds of

    archaeologists are descending upon

    old Jedi affiliated worlds and are

    breaking ground on historic sites

    hoping to find some of those goodies

    that can make them rich overnight.

    Among the hot items to look out forare any and all Jedi frescos, training

    equipment, lightsaber crystals,

    holocrons, and even entire Jedi

    starfighters. Every wannabe

    adventurer dons a fedora, grabs a

    whip, and goes into the deepest dark

    in order to score some strange. Now,

    with the pacifist call by Minister

    Feylya, the worlds second oldest

    profession, thievery, is truly able tostrike it big.

    Among the holy grails for these

    reputable businessmen are such holy

    sites as the Great Jedi Library, which

    has been lost to history since over

    4000 years ago. Many go to obvious

    sites like the Massassi temples on

    Yavin IV and the Meditative Canyon,

    many others chance history and lookfor the truly juicy areas like the Valley

    of the Jedi or the secret location

    where the Jedi Library on Coruscant

    was moved during the rise of

    Emperor Palpatine.

    and around the force.

    Myself, Ill be looking to buy some

    holocrons. Maybe I have some

    hidden force abilities that I should

    look into. So, if anyone wants to sell

    me anything, or maybe looks to trade

    some relics for others, hit me up.

    Anselm Miclyne

    I, for one, support this. It is time to

    institute a little chaos into the galaxy

    to remind ourselves of the danger of

    complacency. With this, I hope that

    the Senate will finally wake up and

    expand our military to be truly

    unchallengeable instead of only

    overly massive and bloated with

    power. Truly, these geniuses have

    made the absolute best of moves.

    Sometimes, I truly wonder after alL-4

    years ago most people would not

    have even dreamed of defying the

    government and Danaging too many

    ancient sites, especially those built in

  • 8/3/2019 Freedom Galactic 2


    Everyone knows the Mid-Rim worlds have always

    been shafted, regardless of who was in power.

    Already Bfassh and Nkllon have felt the awesomepower of the Invisible Fleets of the New Republic,

    unaccountable to any military and civil law. I for

    one sincerely think we need to rethink our policy

    with the Inner rims, because this is not working.

    We should not be intimidated, especially since we

    already face the Galactic empire across the

    galactic border and now we have to fear

    something from within.

    Everyone, unite and sign my petition, to rid this

    galaxy of the invisible fleets that plague us all.

    Should we fail, I do not know what could possibly

    happen, but should we hit 1 billion signatures

    then this will have to be presented before the

    Inner Council. Good luck to us all!

    Geraldine Fleitcher

    Ghost Fleets of the New

    Republic- Trading One BigBrother For Another

    Despite Borsk Feylyas claim for true peace, this

    reporter knows that massive amounts of resources,

    including ships and cash have been diverted to

    secret fleets, ones that hide from all sensors. They

    are somewhere, above us, ready to pulverize us all

    should we step out of line. The massive laser

    revolvers of the New Republic Fleet are pointed to

    all of our heads, and if we try to break a crime, we

    will get shot! The police deny this. The politicians

    deny this. But they are there, I swear it! I can see

    the invisible big brothers above, and they are

    waiting for each and everyone one of us to make a

    mistake, for a reason to get rid of us.

  • 8/3/2019 Freedom Galactic 2




    Citizens of the New Republic!

    Here are the facts; we have a massive border

    that incorporates over 75% of all known sectors

    and regions, with over 70 quadrillion beings living

    within our territories and almost 40 quad-

    rillion more living outside of that. All those

    beings can be classified in any of 20 million

    sentient beings and many trillions of nonsentient ones.

    In all this, the only constant so far has been the size

    and terrible status of our New Republic


    Our fleet still uses Nebulon-B frigates, Correllian

    freighters and even Cargo Tugs to patrol and secure

    the border. Even though some small changes too

    place after Endor, our largest capitol ships are

    converted cruise liners. Our turbolasers, proton

    torpedoes, and concussion missiles are repossessed

    from Imperial holdings, and we are rapidly running


    Further, despite the fracturing of the empire, sector

    fleets keep encountering new Imperial designs,ambitious new soldiers, weaponry, and even alien

    species. Even warlordism proved to actually be a

    renaissance for their weaponry. As they lost numbers

    their weapons were configured to eliminate

    more of our soldiers more efficiently. If

    anyone could unite these technologies against

    us with the organizational mind of one of the past

    great Imperial leaders, it would most likely end the

    New Republic as we know it.

    We need to modernize our fleet. We need to raise a

    force capable of holding the entire border, without any

    chance of failure. It is only a matter of time that some

    major threat will arise, and I have a sinking feeling

    about what would occur if nothing changes. Citizens,

    dont just fight for your rights, ensure that there is a

    means to fight for them!

    Jeremy de la Rochetaillee

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