Page 1: Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 · 2019-09-18 · Please remember the Catholic Sharing Appeal pledges can be send to turn in the Sunday collects or in the parish office

"Make Christ's presence a

living reality in our lives

and in the lives of others."


To name someone or something means that we have a relationship with that entity. Family names identify us with our heritage; nicknames denote familiarity or a special bond. In the Old Testament, the meaning of a name ran deep. It identifies one’s mission, even one’s very being. The amazing name “Emmanuel” was first uttered by Isiah as he described to the frightened King Ahaz the promised one who would come to redeem the people. Emmanuel is not a frightened philosophical name, such as Omnipotent, Omniscient, Almighty. It does not connote distance and transcendence. It does not generate reverential fear. The name Emmanuel implies closeness and intimacy and compassion. Emmanuel is the name given to the one who is coming. It means “God with us” . God is entrusted to the care of a virgin, who will bear this child. Only God would be so compassionate to draw so near, to be so available and vulnerable. Only God could love this well.

Copyright © J.P. Paulch Co.

SAT. December 17, 2016– Late Advent Weekday

8 a.m. Nancy Batista– Cumpleaños (Familia) 3 p.m. Wedding– Daniel Serna & Victoria Chapa 5 p.m. 30 Notzons (Mom & Dad) + Guadalupe & Francisco Almaraz Sr. (Francisco Almaraz Jr. & Family)

+ Ricardo G. Perez (Consuelo P. Perez & Family) 7 p.m. Wedding– Alyssa N. De Leon & Armin G. Lozano

SUN. December 18, 2016– FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8 a.m. Padre Luis E. Mares (Sociedad del Altar) Padre Jacinto Olguin (Sociedad del Altar) + Antonio Acevedo (Familia) + Lic. Francisco Ruiz Obregón– 20o aniversario (Hija) + Amelia de Hoyos (Mario & Isabel de Hoyos) + Consuelo M. Pérez (Familia Pérez) + Alicia Martínez (Familia Martínez) + José Aranda (Familia) 10 a.m. For all parishioners 12 p.m. Fr. Wojciech Kosowicz (Altar Society) + Aurelio F. Gutierrez (Family) + Adolfo Campero Estrada (Campero Family) + Perfecto, Gregoria, Adela & Antonio Martinez (Family) + Tirza Cox (Spouse) + Florencio Gonzalez (Barrera Family) + John Mckeown (Felicia Richter) + Graciela Jacaman Canahuanti (Talamas Family) 2 p.m. + Ramiro Quintero Garza (Familia) 4 p.m. Por las familias de la catequesis del Buen Pastor 6 p.m. + Paz Estringel (Family)

MON. December 19, 2016– Late Advent Weekday 7 a.m. + Julio Rabin (Familia Gutiérrez)

6 p.m. + Jose Maria Gonzalez (Mr. & Mrs. A.C. De La Garza Jr.) + Luis de la Rosa (Family)

TUE. December 20, 2016– Late Advent Weekday 7 a.m. + Eduardo Arizola Jr. (Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Salinas)

6 p.m. + Rene E. Herrera (Velia Herrera)

WED. December 21, 2016– St. Peter Cansius, Priest & Doctor of the Church

7 a.m. + Pedro Vásquez (Selina Mireles, hija) 6 p.m. + Daniel Rodriguez (Wife)

THU. December 22, 2016– Late Advent Weekday 7 a.m. Padre Wojciech Kosowicz

6 p.m. + Carlos, Oralia, Diana & Laura Varela (Family)

FRI. December 23, 2016– St. John of Kanty, Priest 7 a.m. + Eduardo Arizola Jr. (Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Salinas)

6 p.m. Javier Compean– Birthday (Family) + Richard E. Haynes (Family) + Enrique Serna Jr.– Birthday (Wife & children)

Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016

“The virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel.”

(Mt. 1:23)

SAT. December 24, 2016– Late Advent Weekday

4 p.m. 30 Notzons (Mom & dad) + Mr. Humberto M. Herrera (Wife & son) + Geronimo & Elida Guzman (Family) 6 p.m. + Oscar L. Casso ( Cordelia Flores, daughter) +Richard Haynes (Family) + B.A. Puig Sr. (Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Puig III) + Carmelita Poblanno de Mendiola (Family)

Page 2: Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 · 2019-09-18 · Please remember the Catholic Sharing Appeal pledges can be send to turn in the Sunday collects or in the parish office

The Tradition Las Posadas (Spanish for “the inns”) is an Advent celebration revolv-ing around the concept of hospitality. In Mexico and some parts of Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, it is traditional to hold Posadas during the nine days before Christmas, beginning Decem-ber 16 and ending December 24. The Posa-das symbolize Mary and Joseph’s long, frustrating search for a place to stay where

Jesus could be born. The tradition re-enacts--with a twist, and a happy ending--the story told in Luke 2:1-7. We learn from the Posadas that by welcoming the poor and the needy, we are welcoming Jesus in our midst. (See Matthew 25:40). Typically, different families in a neighborhood will take turns scheduling a night for the Posada to be held at their home, starting on the 16th of December and finishing on the 24th. Every home has a nativity scene, and the family hosting the Posada act as the innkeepers. The neighborhood children and adults are the pil-grims (“Peregrinos”), who go house to house, singing a tradi-tional song about Mary and Joseph searching for lodging. At one house after the other, they are turned away (also in song), until the weary travelers reach the designated site for the par-ty, where Mary and Joseph are finally recognized and allowed to enter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Se invita a todos los padres de familia que traigan a sus niños a participar en las posadas que tendremos en la parroquia del día 16 al 24 de diciembre. A continuación les presentamos el calendario con fechas asignadas para cada grupo.

We invite all parents to bring their children to participate in our posadas from the day December 16 to December 24. We present you the calendar with the dates assign to each group.



Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m.– Good Shepherd Parents

Dec. 17 at 6:00 p.m.– 4 Comunidades de Evangelización

Dec. 18 at 7:00 p.m.– Parish Posada/Posada Parroquial

Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m.– Altar Society

Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m.– Comunidad de ACTS– Mujeres (Esp.)

Dec. 21 at 6:30 p.m.– Comunidad de ACTS– Hombres (Esp.)

Dec. 22 at 6:30 p.m.– ACTS Men Community (English)

Dec. 23 at 6:30 p.m.– 4 Comunidades de Evangelización

Dec. 24 at 7:00 p.m.– Volunteers



Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. – Good Shepherd Children

Dec. 17 at 6:00 p.m.– 1st yr First Holy Communion Children

Dec. 18 at 7:00 p.m.– C.C.D. Class Children

Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. – Confirmation Classes

Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m.– Challenge & Conquest

Dec. 21 at 6:30 p.m.– Middle & High School 1st Communion

Dec. 22 at 6:30 p.m.– Altar Servers

Dec. 23 at 6:30 p.m.– 2nd yr First Holy Communion Children

Dec. 24 at 7:00 p.m.– Volunteers


Nombrar a alguien o algo supone que tenemos una relación con esa persona o cosa. Los nombres de familia tomar arraigo y están a nuestro alrededor; los apodos connotan familiaridad y compañerismo. En el Antiguo Testamento, el significado de los nombres posee connotaciones profundas. El nombre servía para singularizar la misión y la identidad de la persona. El maravilloso nombre, Emmanuel, fue primeramente pronunciado por Isaías al describir, a asustado rey Ajaz, aquél que vendría a redimir a la humanidad. El nombre, Emmanuel, no es uno de los filosóficos y atemorizantes como los son Omnipotente, Omnisciente o Todopoderoso. El nombre no connota distancia o superioridad. No genera temor reverencial. El nombre, Emmanuel, connota cercanía intimidad y compasión. El nombre del que ha de venir es Emmanuel, que significa “Dios esta con nosotros”. Dios es confiado a la custodia de una virgen, que parirá este niño. Solo Dios es tan compasivo para acercarse tanto, ser tan asequible y vulnerable. Solo Dios puede amar de este modo tan perfecto.

Copyright © J.P. Paulch Co.

Saturday, December 24 4:00 p.m. in English 6:00 p.m. in Bilingual

Sunday, December 25 12 midnight English 12 noon English 8:00 a.m. Español 4:00 p.m. Español

Sábado, 24 de Diciembre 4:00 p.m. in English 6:00 p.m. in Bilingual

Domingo, 25 Diciembre 12 midnight English 12 noon English 8:00 a.m. Español 4:00 p.m. Español

Page 3: Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 · 2019-09-18 · Please remember the Catholic Sharing Appeal pledges can be send to turn in the Sunday collects or in the parish office

The Sanctuary Lamp Is burning this week for:

+ Alfonso Ignacio Casso

Offered by: Yvonne Casso & Family

Parish Council election will be held the weekend of December 17-18 during regular Masses only.

You must be register member of St. Patrick's to vote. Each household has up to 2 votes. You must enter your envelope number on your ballot.

If you don't have or know your number, please show the name you are registered under.

Ballots will be distributed after the homily and will collected in a second collection after communion.

Las votaciones del Consejo Parroquial serán el 17 & 18 de diciembre durante Misas solamente.

Debe ser un miembro registrado en St. Patrick para votar.

Cada hogar tiene derecho a 2 votos máximo. Usted debe incluir su numero de sobre en su bolete. Si

no sabe su numero, favor de escribir el nombre con el que esta registrado en la parroquia.

Las boletas serán distribuidas después de la homilía y deben entregarse en la segunda colecta después de la comunión.

We invite you to check our official updated website

El próximo retiro de ACTS de mujeres en Español será del 6-9

de Abril, 2017. La directora seleccionada por el Espíritu Santo

es Sary López. Para registrarse y formar parte del equipo, favor

de accesar el código para obtener la aplicaciones.

Las inscripciones se cierran el 18 de Diciembre.

El próximo retiro de ACTS de hombres en Español será

del 4-7 de Mayo, 2017. El director seleccionado por el

Espíritu Santo es Memo González. Para registrarse y

formar parte del equipo, favor de accesar el link o el


Las inscripciones se cierran el 25 de Diciembre.

Applications for the English Women's ACTS Retreat, February 23-26 will be available on line starting Monday, December 12.

Deadline to apply is February 1, 2017.

Attention parishioners,

Please remember the Catholic Sharing

Appeal pledges can be send to turn in the

Sunday collects or in the parish office. Our

yearly goal has not yet being met. The follow-

ing are St. Patrick Church analysis

Parish goal: $102, 519.00

Amount pledge: $111, 680.75

Gifts: $90, 594.75

Pledge balance: $21, 086.00

Percentage of goal: 88.37%

Percentage of pledged amount: 81.12%

We pray that the Lord continues to give you strength, that Jesus keeps walking by your side

and that the Holy Spirit protects you from any danger We hope this day is full of blessings surrounded by those who love you!

Thank you for all your dedication to our community!

Page 4: Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016 · 2019-09-18 · Please remember the Catholic Sharing Appeal pledges can be send to turn in the Sunday collects or in the parish office


El testimonio, que María, la Madre del Señor, vive,

sirviendo y ayudando al prójimo. Coincide este

domingo con la celebración de la Virgen de

Guadalupe, y precisamente la liturgia de Adviento

nos invita a recordar la figura de María, que se

prepara para ser la Madre de Jesús y que además

está dispuesta a ayudar y servir a quien la necesita.

El evangelio nos relata la visita de la Virgen a su

prima Isabel y nos invita a repetir como

ella: "¿Quién soy yo para que la madre de mi

Señor venga a verme?”.

Sabemos que María está siempre acompañando a sus

hijos en la Iglesia, por lo que nos disponemos a vivir

esta tercer semana de Adviento, meditando acerca

del papel que la Virgen María desempeñó. Te

proponemos que fomentes la devoción a María,

rezando el Rosario en familia, uno de los elementos

de las tradicionales posadas. Encendemos como

signo de espera gozosa, la tercer vela, color rosa, de

la Corona de Adviento.

Oremos por nuestros hermanos enfermos

Señor Jesucristo, redentor de los hombres, que en tu pasión quisiste soportar

nuestro sufrimiento y aguantar nuestros dolores.

Te pedimos por nuestros hermanos; tu que lo has redimido,

aviva en el la esperanza de su salvación y conforta su cuerpo y su alma.

Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos


Richard Camacho Rene San Miguel Aurora Gonzalez Chrissy Garza Michael ‘Mikey’ Leija Jr. Refugio ‘Cuco' Escobedo Alex de la Garza Adolph Puig

Jesse Rodríguez Francisco Velásquez Alberto P. Cárdenas Juan Eduardo Riojas Frances Rizo Rosa Vidaurri Guadalupe Medina

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