
Four Week Preparation Guide



CONTENTSForeword ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Key Concepts ............................................................................................................................... 4

Week 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Week 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Week 3: ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Week 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 12

During the Class ......................................................................................................................... 14

As the Course Concludes ........................................................................................................... 14

Resources ................................................................................................................................... 16

Referral plan ............................................................................................................................ 16

Congregational prayer ............................................................................................................... 17

Bulletin/Newsletter announcement ............................................................................................ 18

Sunday morning announcement ................................................................................................ 18

E-vite/Letter ................................................................................................................................ 19

Text invite ................................................................................................................................... 19

Info Card .................................................................................................................................... 19

Phone call script ......................................................................................................................... 19



1That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—

2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—

3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.

1 John 1:1-4 ESV [emphases added]

The apostle John speaks poetically, but powerfully in these verses that open his first epistle. These verses orbit around the words, “the life was made manifest.” The life made manifest is none other than Jesus Christ. To add to the beauty, the apostle speaks in bold, incarnational terms. He says, “We have heard and seen and even touched!” The apostle speaks of God in the flesh, Immanuel!

We should not envy the apostles because Christ is still made manifest. We hear, see, and touch Him, as much as them, through the Means of Grace. We hear Christ in the Word. We see, touch, and even taste Him in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. What joy indeed!

This passage makes clear; this joy is to be shared. We testify and proclaim to those who have yet to see, hear, or taste Christ, so that by grace they may have eternal life. In our sharing, our joy grows in seeing God at work in the lives of new believers.

Generally called adult confirmation, the adult new member ministry of your congregation fulfills Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations. It also fulfills the desire of believers to share with others the love, peace, and fulfillment that is found in Christ.

This guide is a framework for launching your next new member class. It includes a timeline with resources and ideas to launch a class in four weeks. The life of the parish revolves around Sunday worship and the deadlines surrounding it (especially the bulletin) so your situation may require some modification. This schedule presumes that the class starts after the fourth Sunday. Each week includes a checklist. On it you may find more ideas than are practical for your situation—or you may think of your own to add. Use them as a flexible guide as God leads you into this exciting ministry.



Concepts to keep in mind when thinking about an adult membership class:

- Don’t wait until you have students to schedule a class. This is perhaps the most important concept. Don’t wait for students to approach you. Schedule the class, and with the Lord’s help, go find the people that He has in mind. That is the example of Jesus. He did not wait for us to find Him, but “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the Lost.” Luke 19:10.

- People won’t come unless they know about it. Promotion is key. There is nothing more exciting to teach than the “full counsel of God” taught in adult membership classes. Be generous in the amount of publicity and contacts made so that many people know about the class.

- Involve the whole congregation. The members of the congregation have many relationships. The Lord may be using some of these right now to bring someone to faith through the class being conducting. Include the whole church in this process. Ask them to invite, refer (and especially) bring people to the class.

- Discipleship is more than knowledge. Whatever curriculum you use, keep in mind that the charge of Jesus is to “make disciples” – followers of Jesus – and not simply scholars. As the Word of God is taught, it will be changing lives and lifestyles, but it is important to help students make the connection that the Christian faith is to be lived. It is also helpful to communicate to students the expectations of church membership upfront to avoid misunderstandings later.

Let’s get started.




1. Pray – Above all, this is a spiritual endeavor that the devil won’t like. In your personal prayers, ask God to bless the effort to hold back the plans of the evil one. Why not also mobilize others in the church to pray? Sunday morning prayers are vital. Sample congregational prayers are available on page 17 and on the Pastor Resources page of the GodConnects website.

2. Obtain Curriculum – If you are looking for something fresh here are a few suggestions:

GodConnects ( – All resources are available to download at no cost. Simple registration is required to download videos. A DVD containing the videos and most resources is also available for purchase on the website or by calling 800-876-9880.

In addition to GodConnects, there are other resources that may be helpful.

Additional Resources:

Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanations – Pastors often adapt this for adult confirmation classes. The catechism is available from Concordia Publishing House (CPH)

Concordia Publishing House – offers a variety of other adult instruction material on its website.

I Have Good News for You – Donald Ginkel’s course covers the Christian faith in ten lessons. Leaders and student guides can be ordered online.

3. Schedule the Class – Choose the start date, class schedule and other details.

Be Flexible – If your church is in the habit of holding adult membership classes on a set schedule consider changing up the day and time to open your class to students who otherwise have conflicting commitments.

Length and the number of sessions – Most curricula call for 8-12 hours of instruction. Your group might prefer two hours for five weeks, an hour and a half for six weeks or even a retreat setting.

Child care – Offering free child care is a wise way to attract parents with younger children. Recruit a child care worker (paid or volunteer) for each class.

4. Grow your Prospective Member List – It is critical to build the list of people that God may want to add to your congregation. Include those with whom you believe God is calling you to build a relationship. Include not only those may join through adult confirmation, but also transfer, profession of faith, and child baptism.

• Choose a platform for the list – Manage your Prospective Member List through parish management software, like Shepherd’s Staff. If you do not have parish management software, there is a simple Excel Spreadsheet on the Pastor Resources page of the website.

• Grow the list – Include worship guests, non-member spouses, unchurched relatives of members, unchurched school/preschool families, new residents to your area, local former members, etc.


• The members of your congregation have an extensive web of relations in the community. Encourage them to talk to you about people that could be added to the list. Ideally, new names are added with the church member having receiving the consent of the prospective member.

5. Promotion – All the materials mentioned in this section (and more) are available on the Promo Resources page of the website and are included in the Resources section at the end of this document.

Bulletin announcement – Run this every week leading up to the class. Also run this announcement in your church’s newsletter and other electronic communications.

Worship announcement – A suggested script is provided among the resources. If your congregation has the capability, you can add impact by showing the GodConnects video promo and/or PowerPoint slide.

Business card invitation – Customize with the details for your upcoming class. Print and encourage members to invite their friends and family. Use Avery® Business Cards #5371 for best results.

Poster – 11x17 color posters can be customized and placed around the church, school and community.

6. Schedule New Member Sunday – At the end of instruction, some students will be able to join your fellowship. The New Member Sunday is also a great time to gather those eligible to join the congregation through other means such as Transfer, Profession of Faith, or Child Baptism, especially the children of the adults being confirmed.

A congregational event (with food?) is a good way to celebrate this fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission and acquaints them with their congregational family.

Note: You may want to add a week or so after the scheduled end of the class in case an extra session is needed or you need to make-up material with some students.


Week 1 Check List

Prayer: Lord Jesus, bless Your people as we reach out to our community with Your Good News. Gather the men and women You have chosen to study Your saving Gospel in our scheduled classes. Do not let the evil one hinder them. Bless our time together. Prepare this congregation to receive those You will gather around us. Amen.

o Download or order GodConnects DVD and materials

o Schedule class for:

__________ (day) from ________ to ______

__________ # of sessions

o Schedule New Member Sunday for _____________

o Add dates to online calendar or church calendar

o Set up prospective member list

o Enter current prospects into prospective member list

Number of households on list this week: ______ Goal: _______

o Customize and print announcement in bulletin

o Add announcement to e-newsletter or printed newsletter

o Post on Facebook page

o Customize and post posters

o Customize and print info card invites

o Draft e-vite to potential attendees

o Sunday morning announcement ready (script planned)

o GodConnects promo video supplied to AV technician

o GodConnects PowerPoint slide supplied to AV technician

o Sunday morning corporate prayer ready



• Send an “e-vite”- If you have an email address, an e-vite may be an effective way to grab attention. Include relevant links such as the promo video for GodConnects. See suggested wording and a graphic in the Resources section as well as on the website.

• Send a post card or letter – Mail still works. Use the same wording and graphic as the e-vite.


• Send and text the e-vite to your members and encourage them to forward it to their family and friends, via email or text.

• Ask your Bible class, elders, Sunday school teachers, ladies aid and youth group members for the names of people on their hearts who are not currently members of another Christian church.

• For more advanced ideas on encouraging referrals, see the Referral Plan in the resource section.



1. Prayer: Lord Jesus, bless our efforts to organize and recruit this class, that many may come and study Your word. Pour out Your Spirit on them that they may deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow You. Amen.

2. Continue growing the Prospective Member List – Keep adding people to the list as you think of them. Include as much information as you can: mobile phone number, email address, etc.

3. Begin recruiting for the class – Start contacting potential students from your list. Be aware that some people will have to be invited multiple times before they attend. Don’t give up on them. Keep them on the list, pray for them, and invite them to future classes.

4. Child-care – Contact the people you recruited to help with childcare. Be sure you are on the same page regarding schedule and set up/take down if using church facilities. Remind them of your congregation’s policies regarding those in contact with children.

5. Continue Promotion – Statistics show that people need to see your event details three times before they will remember it. Keep these details accesible and visible.

6. Set up a Lobby Kiosk – This booth provides a place for potential students to get information and sign up for class. Be sure to recruit volunteers to man this kiosk before and after services. Provide signup sheets and handouts with class information (schedule, course title and description, etc.).


Week 2 Check List

Prayer: Holy Father, in Your boundless love for the world You sent Your only Son as Savior. Bless our efforts to reach out to the men and women in our community, and give them willing hearts to hear Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

o Continue adding to prospective member list, including referrals from members

Number of households on list this week: ______ Goal: ______

o E-vites (or text), postcard or letter sent to people on the prospective member list

o Consult with child-care worker

o Continue announcement in bulletin

o Sunday morning announcement ready

o Showing GodConnects promo

o Showing GodConnects PowerPoint slide

o Sunday morning corporate prayer ready

o Set up kiosk in the lobby for sign-ups

Schedule volunteer(s) to man kiosk ____________________________

o Post on Facebook




Prayer: Lord Jesus, walk with me and speak through me this week as I make contacts for this adult membership class. Prepare their hearts to be ready and willing to hear You through me. Amen.

1. Begin personal recruiting for the class – Many people will only attend a class after someone contacts them to answer any questions and offer a personal, winsome invitation. If you have many to contact, you may choose to recruit some help, ideally the person with the strongest relationship.

Phone Calls – A phone call is more personal than the other means of publicity suggested so far. A suggested script is provided on the Promo Resources page and at the end of this document. Don’t read it; sound natural and make it your own.

Personal visits – Making personal visits shows your commitment to potential students and gives them a chance to express hesitancies they may have. In some places a visit in the home may be appropriate. However, increasingly an offer to meet for coffee or go out to lunch is more comfortable.

2. Continue Promotion – Keep doing what you have been doing in the previous weeks!

3. Continue growing the Prospective Member List – Keep encouraging members to invite their family and friends to the class and then to share the results with you. Growing the list is an ongoing process as you get ready for future classes as well.

4. Continue sending E-vites and/or mail to new people recently added to the list.

5. Continue Lobby Kiosk – Recruit volunteers to man this kiosk before and after services. Provide sign-up sheets and handouts with class information.


Week 3 Check List Prayer: Holy Father, thank You for entrusting me with this ministry and equipping me with Your Holy Spirit to accomplish it. Open the hearts of the men and women I will contact this week that they may be willing to join our class. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

o Keep growing prospective member list, including referrals from members

Number of households on list this week: _____ Goal: _______

o E-vites (or text), postcard or letter sent to new people on the prospective member list

o Initial personal invitation to potential students made through phone call or visit

o Recruiting child-care worker complete?

o Continue announcement in bulletin

o Sunday morning announcement ready

o Showing GodConnects promo

o Showing GodConnects Power Point slide

o Sunday morning corporate prayer ready

o Lobby kiosk manned

o Lobby kiosk supplied with sign-up sheets and class info sheets.

o Post on Facebook




Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, in this final week of preparation, continue to bless our efforts to call Your sheep. Gather the men and women You have chosen to be part of this class and congregation. Amen.

1. Ongoing promotion – Hopefully, by God’s grace, you are getting positive responses from your activities. In this final stretch continue to:

• Publicize;

• Send E-vites and/or mail to new people added to the Prospective Member List;

• Continue personal recruiting.

3. Develop lesson plans – Review your material and be sure you have the resources you will need. Prepare a schedule of how much material you plan to cover in each session. Note that the GodConnects curriculum has PowerPoint presentations available on the Pastor Resources page that coincide with each video topic.

4. Prepare Classroom – Prepare the meeting space to be inviting and comfortable.

Room – Choose a comfortable setting that is conducive to interaction. In a classroom setting, consider rearranging the desks/tables to encourage class participation and provide a comfortable atmosphere--perhaps a circle or U-shape.

Hospitality – Greet students warmly as they enter. Provide signage and clear directions to the classroom, child care, and restrooms. Prepare sign-in sheets and nametags and have plenty of pens on hand.

Refreshments – Consider having refreshments available and encourage congregational involvement by asking individuals or groups to sponsor refreshments. This gives students a chance to start forming relationships with members.

AV – Be sure the AV equipment is in order and run a test in advance. Laptop, projector (or monitor), speakers and a good Internet connection are all needed. It is possible to stream the videos from the website, but downloading them in advance or purchasing the DVD is recommended.

Materials – Be sure that you have the materials in-house if you ordered any during week one. Be prepared with Bibles and handouts.


Week 4 Check List

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You make all things work together for good to those who love You. Bless these preparations and the classes to come, that You may be glorified in Your Son Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

o Keep growing prospective member list, including referrals from members

Number of households on list this week: _____ Goal: _____

o E-vites (or text), postcard or letter sent to new people on the prospective member listo Follow-up on personal invitations, phone calls, and visits

o Review topics and discussion guides

o Room arrangement

o Signage

o Room

o Hospitality

o Refreshments

o AV needs (laptop, projector/ monitor, speakers, Internet connection)

o Materials (nametags, sign-in sheet, handouts, pens, etc.)

o Child-care worker scheduled

o Child-care area prepared

o Continue bulletin announcement

o Sunday morning announcement ready

o Showing GodConnects promo

o Showing GodConnects PowerPoint slide

o Sunday morning corporate prayer ready


DURING THE CLASSPrayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the students You have gathered for this class. Clear the way for them to attend every class as You choose. Give me wisdom and insight that I may clearly reveal Your Son Jesus Christ and His great salvation. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Class Cancellation – You may find it necessary to cancel a particular session due to emergency, illness, weather conditions, etc. Determine how you will notify students and explain the process during your first class session.

Absences – It is common for students to miss classes. Offer make-up classes for those who miss—your extra efforts may allow them to finish—and be blessed by the Word.

Discipleship expectations – Clearly communicate the discipleship expectations of the Bible and the congregation. In the appropriate session, set time aside to explain the membership process for those isterested. Near the end of the course be sure to review the confirmation vows. Don’t surprise them at the altar.

AS THE COURSE CONCLUDESNo doubt you will find great satisfaction in teaching the joy of the Christian faith in the adult membership class. However, there are a few other important details to attend to while the class is running:


New Member Sunday Preparation – It is common to baptize the children of those joining the church at the same service the parents are confirmed or profess the faith. This is also a great time to approach members who have not yet had their children baptized. This provides time to check on the availability of relatives for the New Member Sunday worship service.


Gather those eligible to join by transfer and professions of faith – Now it’s time to contact guests who are attending your church who are eligible to join by transfer or profession of faith. It is common to invite them to join the confirmands at the altar to add to the celebration of New Member Sunday.

Plan New Member Sunday – A few weeks before the class concludes, make final plans for the New Member Sunday.

Worship Celebration – Adult confirmations are simple and joyful events. Decide where in the service to welcome them, have the agenda ready, and be sure to be able to introduce the new members by name to the congregation, including the children.

Reception/Recognition – Plan how your congregation will welcome and recognize new members after worship. Ideas include:

• Form a reception line with the new members;

• Give them a boutonniere or a flower so others can recognize them;

• Have refreshments, a potluck, or catered dinner for the congregation to greet the new members.



Evaluation Forms – Get feedback from your students to learn what could work better in future classes. Be sure to ask about the schedule, childcare, meeting space, and pace of the class.

As the leader of this course, please take a moment to complete the Pastor/Leader Survey below. Also, please send the Participant’s Survey link to everyone who was in your class. These surveys have been developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries for the purpose of continued improvement of the course curriculum.

Pastor/Leader Survey:

Participant Survey:

Offer invitation to join – Now that you have finished the course, invite the class members who are eligible to join the fellowship of your congregation. Take them to the worship area and walk them through the ceremony so they know what to expect.

Schedule the next one! – Now that the first class is wrapping up, think about the people on your Prospective Member List that could not make it to this class. It’s time to schedule the next one. Better yet, you can think beyond the next class to schedule all the classes a year in advance so you can better prepare and promote. In the meantime, keep adding to your Prospective Member List and keep in touch with them to nurture the relationship.



It is important to continue to make contact with people in your community who do not have a church home or know the Lord Jesus. A referral network is one way for you to partner with the members of your congregation. This referral network encourages your members to be strong partners in discipling others to follow Jesus. This team can pray for all those on the Prospective Member List and students in your membership classes. This team can also follow up with members who are making referrals and the people who are referred to the team.

Recruit two or three people to be on this team and work with them to divide up the tasks for tracking referrals and the members making them. Print the GodConnects referral cards on the next page or from the Pastor Resources page of the website. Finally, train your congregational members on how to complete the GodConnects referral cards. When they understand its simplicity and importance, they will actively participate.

It is important to treat these referrals with discretion as you plan your communication with them. Value your members’ connections with others.


Today’s date: _______________ Your name: ___________________________________________________

Name of person you are referring: ___________________________________________________________

Indicate all that apply:o Please pray for my friend.o I am giving/sending my friend the GodConnects info card.o I have invited my friend to join me at the next GodConnects class.o My friend is committed to attending, so keep praying.o I plan to attend the class with my friend. o My friend is non-committal, so keep praying.o My friend would enjoy a conversation with pastor or (other)_________________. Please call me about this at _________________.o Please call my friend directly at ___________________. She/He (circle one) is expecting your call.

Friend’s Contact Information:Address: ___________________________________ City and State: _______________ Zip: _____________

E-mail: _____________________________________ Preferred phone number: ______________________


SAMPLE: Download a printer-friendly version at the Pastor Resources page



For use in the Congregational General Prayers in the weeks leading up to the GodConnects Class.


Lord Jesus, bless Your people as we reach out to our community with Your Good News. We ask that You will bless the Word that will be proclaimed in the approaching adult membership class starting on ___(date)___. Gather the men and women You have chosen to hear Your saving Gospel. Do not let the evil one hinder them. Prepare this congregation to receive those You will gather around us.


Holy Father, we pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit You will bless the Word that will be proclaimed in the approaching adult membership class starting on ___(date)___. In Your boundless love for the world You sent Your only Son as Savior. Bless our efforts to reach out to the men and women in our community, and give them willing hearts to hear Your Word.


Lord of the Harvest, we pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit You will bless the Word that will be proclaimed in the approaching adult membership class starting on ___(date)___. Open the hearts of the men and women that are now being contacted that they may receive us graciously and be willing to attend the class.


Heavenly Father, You make all things work together for good to those who love You. We pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit You will bless the Word that will be proclaimed in the approaching adult membership class starting this week. Bless these preparations and the classes to come and move many to attend, that You may be glorified in Your Son Jesus Christ. In His name, Amen.


BULLETIN/NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENTBelow is a sample of a bulletin announcement or newsletter article that can be customized for your congregation.

Adult membership class – We are forming a new adult membership class. It will start ___(day)___, ____(date) _____ at ____(start time)____ . Whether you have questions about Christ or want to deepen your faith in Him, this class will explore what the Bible says about our God, and how His love gives direction and meaning to your life today and forever. This class is designed for those who are interested in learning or reviewing the foundations of the Christian faith. Attendance at the class may lead to membership in our church, but there are no obligations. Child-care is provided. Watch an introductory video at

Add this middle part to encourage members to invite and refer those they know to attend. The details need to fit the resources your church offers. See the Preparation Guide in the Pastor’s Resources page for further explanation.

Is there someone at work, in your neighborhood, or at your dinner table who is not a member of a Christian church and is weighing heavily on your heart? Invite (or refer) a friend to our adult membership class! Feel free to talk to pastor if you would like ideas on how to craft your invitation. Go to [location on your website] to find an e-mail or text that you can send to your friends. Info cards to share are available on the ____(where)____ if you prefer. You can also refer your friends using the referral card in the bulletin.

Conclude with this final section for longer articles, such as may appear in newsletter articles.

GodConnects is a video series explaining the Christian faith in a way that makes it easy to invite a friend, family member, or church visitor. Plain language and helpful illustrations present God’s work of salvation in a concise manner. This series is ideal for those with questions about sin, judgment, redemption, Jesus, the believer’s life, and more. GodConnects—an excellent resource for amplifying and sharing key concepts of the Christian faith. Who has God put in your life that needs to hear His message?

SUNDAY MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTWe are forming a new adult membership class. It features a new, online, video-based curriculum called GodConnects developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Let’s watch a brief video about it.

Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. Our new adult instruction class will teach the foundations of the Christian faith for the person who has never heard it, or for anyone who wants to review it. Attendance at the class may lead to membership in our church, but there are no obligations. Child-care is provided.

If you know someone who may be interested in attending, please consider inviting him or her. After you speak with them personally, you can send an e-mail or text message found on our congregational website. If you would like to refer someone to me [or _________________], you can fill out the referral card in the bulletin or submit the name online. Details are in the bulletin. As we bring this important class before God in our congregational prayers, please remember it in your personal prayers also.

The class starts ___(day)___, ____(date) _____ from ____(start time)____ to _____(end time)_____.




SUBJECT LINE: Adult Instruction Class

God, are You there?

Everyone, at some point, asks this question. It can come at moments of sterile, academic reflection or in times of deep despair. “God, if You are there, why don’t You show Yourself to me?” In this confusing world where authenticity is so elusive, it seems like we cannot connect to God.

In truth we can’t—but the good news is that God connects with us. Our adult instruction class tells this unique, unequaled story. Wherever you may find yourself, we will help you explore what the Bible says about this remarkably loving God, and how this love gives direction and meaning to your life today and forever.

This class is designed for those who are interested in learning or reviewing the foundations of the Christian faith. Attendance at the class may lead to membership in our church, but there are no obligations. Child-care is provided.

Watch an introductory video at For more information or to RSVP, please call ____ (name)_____, at (000)-000-0000.

(Download the e-vite graphic here.)


Trying to connect to God? Join us for adult instruction class at _________________ Church on ____ (day)____ at ____ (start time) – (end time). Details at: [link to news article on your website.] Reply for questions or to RSVP.


(Download the info card here.)


If there is no answer leave a message, but plan to call back in a couple of days. Be ready with the full information about the class to answer any questions.

Hello, my name is _______________________. I am calling on behalf of __________________ Lutheran Church. You should have received an invitation by (e-mail, mail, text) from Pastor _______________ about the upcoming GodConnects class. It starts ____(day, date, time)____. I am calling to see if you have any questions about the class and whether you are planning to attend.

(If no answer) Please give me a call back at (000)-000-0000. I would love to visit with you about this.

God’s blessings!

Join us for this course at: ____________________ Lutheran Church

____ (address) ________ ____ (day)____ at ____ (start time) – (end time) ____

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