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(Yod, he, vav, he, shin, vav, ayin)

Zekeniam Y’sra’al

( teacher of Y’sra’al)

Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the ( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

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( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).



Yâ-hwuah shúa`


Hear, Y’Isra'al: Yâ-hwuahis our Aluahiym! Yâ-hwuahIs One!

Debarim 6:5 and you shall love [long for] your Aluahiym with all

your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

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My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16 This is MY NAME for ever,

Yâ-hwuah, Aluahiym of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my

memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, Ya-

hwuah, was not well known (famous) to them.

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The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav (Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

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(Yâhuwshúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Spirit) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the

Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the

covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

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Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray, and hear from Yahuahshua. Knowing there is such a place is a

matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of building a

relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any subject, need not

have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead be aware the

Yâ-hwuah of Y’sra’al has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their

minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand

and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be

seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward. But

you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and having shut your

door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in

secret shall reward you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the

Gentiles do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

Therefore don’t be like them, don't you see that your Father knows what

things you need before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those

who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on

a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

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The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your

whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of

darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If

therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be

wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you


The menorah is the only symbol created by Yâhuwshúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the


And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can

see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to Jew and Gentile

together. We do this because that is what the Bible does. This opens the

window to make more sense of what Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere

starting place for deeper consideration.

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Which is why, when you forsake the primary importance of the Word of the Anointed, which should bring us on to the maturity, aren’t you

laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works?

Yshá`Yâhuw 28: 9 To whom is he trying to teach acknowledgment? To those whom we announced wrong things. To whom is he explaining the message? To ones being weaned from the milk [His name], ones taken away from

the breasts [prohibited from saying His name !

To teach, impart. Moving on: ready to advance beyond the basics--those who are grown up.

Yshá`Yâhuw 28: 10.

Because ‘you must do this commandment, you must do that commandment, a little from this verse, a little from that verse (lit.

line), a little while longer, a little while longer’,

Possibly, "order to order, order to order, line to line, line to line". But more

likely, since none of them is mature enough to explain the Torah to the

people, and they are too drunk to listen, the Torah sounds like babbling or

baby-talk to them, because he is having to remain with the most basic aspects

of the Torah and cannot move on to its other applications, because they

aren’t even paying attention to this part.

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But trusting on Aluahiym (the mighty Ones) and the teaching of immersions, imposition of a hand, both resurrections of the dead, and the judgment of the ages, If indeed Yâ-hwuah might permit, we will do this.

Decline in Scriptural literacy by apathy for the Words “Yâhuwshúa`”

For ye also ought to be instructors due to the time [you have known Him],

yet ye again have a need of one to instruct you what the fundamentals are,

the chief importance of the Words of the mighty Ones

1 Qorinthíym 15: 2,

Through which also ye are being delivered by that Word [Yâhuwshúa`] I

announced to you, if ye hold it fast; if not, aside from it, ye were persuaded

to no effect.

Ivríym 5: 11.

About whom our topic is large and difficult in interpretation to explain,

since ye have become sluggish to understand.

Ivríym 5: 12.

For ye also ought to be instructors due to the time [you have known Him],

yet ye again have a need of one to instruct you what the fundamentals are,

the chief importance of the Words of the mighty Ones [so ye have become

ones having a need of milk , not of solid food!

Ivríym 5: 13.

For everyone who is limited to milk is not proven in the Word of the

rectification, for he is an infant!

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Ivríym 5:14.

But the solid food is for the mature ones, the ones who through the habit

have exercised the senses towards distinguishing between both virtue and evil.

I have walk this road most of my life, it’s a journey home, often I meet

others walking the same way ( homeward bound) Many different stages,

learnings, there is nothing more pleasant than to walk in a agreement with

another, our stages are varied, but sadly many just want to eke out a name

for themselves… promoting pictures sounds videos….. instead of the


My interpretation of the scriptures lead only to death, for scriptures

interpreters itself….. filling the mind with his love

1 Qorinthíym 15: 3.

For I gave over to you in foremost priority that Word which I also accepted

[Yâhuwshúa` = Yâ-hwuah) is deliverance/wealth

To the `Ivríym 5: 12,

Because the Anointed One died for our sins, in accordance with the

scriptures, so ye have become ones having a need of milk

The milk of the Word means the Word is the milk, which is confirmed in

1 Këph 2: 2.

In that manner of newborn infants, crave ye intensely to possess the

unadulterated milk which contains the Word, in order that ye may grow by


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Letter of Bar-Nâvíy 6: 17

What, then, does “milk and honey” mean? This, that as the infant is kept alive

first by honey, and then by milk, so also we, being quickened by the Word

and kept alive by the Persuasion in the promise, shall live and have dominion

over the earth.

Not of solid food!

For everyone who is limited to milk is not proven in the Word of the rectification (righteousness), for he is an infant! But the solid food is for the

mature ones, the ones who through the habit have exercised the senses

towards distinguishing between both virtue and evil.

The written word

Is not endorsed by the media, be it TV, Radio Utube, mag etc

1 Th 5:21

Prove them all. Hold fast what is good.

Take nothing that you hear upon trust

Νηφε και μεμνησο απιστειν,

but bring all to the test

Yshá`Yâhuw 8:20.

For the Law and for the Testimony, if they do not speak according to this

Word, there is not any diligent study to them.

To the law,

the Old Covenant (O.T), and to the testimony, i.e. the New Covenant

(N.T), which is by Yâhuwchânâ´n often called the testimony.

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Mercer observes that of the Hebrew word ozen for an ear, cometh Moznaiim

for a pair of balances; to note that we must weigh what we hear; our two ears

must be as balances for that purpose.

Mishle 25:16

Have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, Lest you be satisfied

with it and vomit. Make your foot rare in your neighbours house, Lest he

gets enough of you and hate you.

I speak of practice, not of doctrines.

Tehillim 119:97

O how I love Your Torah! It is my study all day long.


See also vv. 113, 119, 127, 163, 165, 167.

it is in the Scripture…..

to many who stand with one foot in the world and one foot in his word,

bringing confusion, to the scriptures……..

Ya`aqóv 3:13.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show his works of

wisdom from virtuous conduct in humble mildness.

Ya`aqóv 3:14.

But if ye have bitter envy and the plot within your heart, do not boast against

the Truth and lie!

Ya`aqóv 3:15.

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This is not the wisdom coming down from above, rather from on the earth,

from the reasoning’s of the self, and from gods (fortune-distributors).

Ya`aqóv 3:16.

For where envy and the plot are, there is confusion and every matter is


Ya`aqóv 3:17.

But the wisdom from above is chiefly indeed pure, thereafter peaceful,

appropriate, good for persuasion, full of mercy and of good fruits, impartial

and unfaked.

Ya`aqóv 3:18.

And by those who make peace,

Ivríyth (Hebrew): to make Shâlówm means to make reconciliation,

completeness, peace.

the fruit of the justification (righteousness) is sown in peace.

A damning indictment of those who spread their false religions by means of


In agreement: sometimes even used of betrothal. I.e., they walk together

“down the aisle”. In this immediate context, it fits. If we and Yâ-hwuahcannot

even agree on the terms of the contract, it is already broken. Alt., without

having met. Much of this generation has never even met Yâ-hwuahas He

really is, because of our forefathers’ twisting and stretching of the truth for so


Qowloçíym 2:8.

Look out, lest there shall be anyone who makes a prey of you through

“Yehuwthíy” sophistry and empty deceit according to the traditions of the

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sons of ’Âthâ´m, according to the constituents of the world, and not

according to the Anointed!

Don’t fall for human traditions

Qowloçíym 2:20.

Then if ye died together with the Anointed from the regiments of the world,

why, as if alive, do ye subject yourselves by the world’s decrees?

Gal 4:3.

(in this way we also, when we were infants, we were enslaved by the regiments

of the world).

Gal 4:9.

But now, having acknowledged Yâ-hwuah, and more so, having been

recognized by Yâ-hwuah, how do ye turn back again onto the feeble and

destitute regiments from before, to which ye desire to be enslaved all over


Qowloçíym 3:1.

If therefore ye were roused together with the Anointed, seek the things

above, where the Anointed One is sitting at the right-hand side of the

mighty One:

Qowloçíym 3:2.

Direct yourself by the things from above, not the things on the earth,

Qowloçíym 3:3.

For ye did die, and your life has been concealed, together with the Anointed,

by the mighty One.

Qowloçíym 3;4.

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When the Deliverer with our life might be shown, then also ye, together with

Him, shall be shown in honor.

Qowloçíym 3:5.

Therefore put to death your body parts that mind the things on the earth

[v.2]: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil longings, and covetousness

(which is image worship),

Qowloçíym 3:6.

Due to which the wrath of Yâ-huwah comes upon the sons of rebellious


Qowloçíym 3:7.

Among whom ye also walked about, once, when ye were living in these



But now lay aside ye also all their things: wrath, indignation, malice, scorn,

and foul conversation from of your mouth.

Look to the written word for into there is eternal life

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 1:7.

But if we should walk about within the Light, as He is within the Light, we do

have fellowship with each other; and the blood of Yâhuwshúa`, His Son,

cleanses us from every sin.

The LIGHT is IN the WORD

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

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The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your

whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of

darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If

therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be

wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you


1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:16.

Because all that which is within the world, the lust of the flesh and the

lust of the eyes and the boasting of the present state of existence, is not from

the One of the Father, rather, is from the one of the world;

Beware deviating leaders

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:26.

So I wrote these things to you concerning the ones who guide you astray;

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:27.

But concerning ye, if the anointing that ye received is from Him, He stays in

you, so ye do not have a need in order that anyone might guide you.

Instead, as the anointing is His, it instructs you about all things, and it is true

and it is not a falsehood. So, in the same way it has instructed you, ye shall

stay within Him.

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2 24,

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Therefore ye, let that name which ye heard from the First stay in you. For if

that name which ye heard from the First might stay within you, ye also shall

stay within the Son and within the Father.

Yâhuwchânâ´n’s Glad Tidings 14:23-24

Yâhuwshúa` responded and said to him: “He who affectionately loves Me will

keep My Word [Yâhuwshúa`], and My Father will love him, and We will

come to him and will make Our place to live with him.“ He who does not

affectionately love Me does not keep My Word!”

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:28.

So now, my sons, stay in Him, in order that when He might be manifested,

we should have confidence within His presence and we should not be put to

shame before His coming.

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:29.

When ye discern that He is the Righteous One, ye recognize that everyone

performing the doctrine to obtain righteousness is procreated from Him.

Too those who seek an argument,

is that Yâ-hwuah’s way,

do not put words into another’s mouth

Is not found in the knowledge of the world,


For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience because within the

world we have behaved in Yâ-hwuah’s selfless sincerity and clear purity, not

by fleshly wisdom, instead, by Yâ-hwuah’s favor, and especially towards you.

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For our boasting is this: the witness of our conscience that we behaved

ourselves in the world in simplicity and sincerity of Aluahiym, not in fleshly

wisdom but in the favour of Aluahiym , and much more toward you.

2 Qorinthíym 9:9

Just as it has been written: “He sowed, He granted His righteousness, the one

enduring forever, to the poor ones; His horn shall be lifted in honor!”

Tehillim 112: 9

He scattered abroad, He gave to the poor, His righteousness is standing

forever. His horn is exalted with esteem.

2 Qorinthíym 9:10.

So He Who supplies Seed to the sower and Bread

Yâhuwchânâ´n’s Glad Tidings 6: 32

Therefore Yâhuwshúa` said to them; “’Âmë´n, âmë´n (Certainly) I say to

you, Moshéh has not given you the Bread from the heavens: My Father gives

you the Bread from the heavens, the True One .For the Bread of Yâ-hwuah is

He Who comes down from the heavens and gives Life to the world!”

for eating, He will supply and He will multiply your sowing, and He will

increase the fruits of your justification,

2 Qorinthíym 9:11.

Being enriched in everything for every generosity, which fully accomplishes

thanksgiving through us to Yâ-hwuah.

2 Qorinthíym 11:3

And I fear, lest somehow as the serpent deceived Chauwâ´h by his skillful

trickery, thus your perceptions should be corrupted away from the integrity

that is in the Anointed!

2 Qorinthíym 11:4.

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For indeed, if one who comes proclaims a different Yâhuwshúa` whom we

did not proclaim, or ye accept another Raukh which ye did not receive, or

another glad tidings which ye did not receive, ye might have been quite


Knowledge of Yâ-hwuah is our Armament, to survive to and through the

Day of Yâ-hwuah

Epheçíym 6:10.

What remains, my brothers, is that ye be fortified in Yâ-hwuah and within

the power of His Strength!

Epheçíym 6:11.

Put on the full-armor of Yâ-hwuah, for you to be able to stand against the

deviating detours of the Accuser;

Epheçíym 6:12.

Because our wrestling is not against blood and flesh! Instead, it is against the

chiefs, against the authorities

[Phílippos 13-17],

against the darkness’s world-rulers of this age, against the Raukhual things of

the wickedness within those of the highest heavens.

Epheçíym 6:13.

Due to this, take up the full-armor of Yâ-hwuah in order that ye may be

capable to resist the evil one on his day, and to be prepared in everything

when all things are accomplished

Dâ´niyyÄ´’l 11: 36

And the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and he will

magnify himself above every power, and he will say marvelous things against

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the mighty One of the mighty ones, and he will prosper until the wrath is

completed, because what has been determined must take place.

to stand.

Luwqá’ 21: 36

Stay aware, therefore, in every feast season, praying in order that ye may be

accounted worthy to escape from all these things which are about to come to

pass, and to stand in the sight of the Son of ’Âthâ´m.”

Epheçíym 6:14.

Therefore, stand; having girded your loins about in the Truth , having put on

the breastplate of the Rectification ,

Epheçíym 6:15.

And having shod the feet in the preparation of the Glad Tidings of peace

Yshá`Yâhuw 52: 5-7

So now, who is for Me here? ”Declares Yâ-hwuah, “Because My people have

been taken into captivity for nothing, and their authorities mock,” Declares

Yâ-hwuah,“ and continually all day long My name is being reviled! Therefore

My people shall know My name, for it is on that Day [that you shall be

redeemed (v.3) because I am He that is dictating it, here I am!” How befitting

on the mountains are the feet of the bearer of good news, the One

proclaiming shâlówm (peace, reconciliation, completeness): the bearer of

good news is Goodness, the One proclaiming deliverance, saying to


Epheçíym 6:16.

Overall, having taken up the shield of the assurance, with which ye will be able

to quench all the burning darts of the Wicked one.

Epheçíym 6:17.

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Also accept the helmet of the Rescue, and the sword of the Raukh,

which is the Word of Yâ-hwuah,

Epheçíym 6:18.

Throughout all praying prayer and supplications in every feast season in the

Raukh, and keeping watch for this very thing [the Rescue/Deliverance] in all

perseverance and supplications concerning all of the pure ones;

Epheçíym 6:19.

Also for me, in order that the Word may be granted to me during the

opening of my mouth, to boldly proclaim the secret of the Glad Tidings,

Epheçíym 6:20.

For which I am an ambassador in chains, in order that in speaking it I

may be bold, as it is necessary for me to speak it.

Epheçíym 6:21.

But in order that ye may also understand the things concerning me, and what

I am doing, Tuxikós the beloved brother and trustful attendant in Yâ-hwuah

will make all things known to you,

Epheçíym 6:22.

Whom I dispatched towards you for this very thing, in order that ye might

know the things about us so he might encourage your hearts.

Epheçíym 6:23.

Peace to the brothers, and affectionate love with assurance from Yâ-hwuah:

the Father, and our Sovereign Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed.

Epheçíym 6:24.

Favor is with all those that affectionately love our Sovereign Yâhuwshúa` the

Anointed in incorruption ’Âmë´n.

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But I am afraid, lest, as the serpent deceived Chawwah by his trickery, so your

minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Mâshíyach

1. Therefore I implore you – I, the prisoner in Yâ-hwuah – to walk about

worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, With all modesty and gentle

humility, with patience, supporting one another by affectionate love ,And

hastening diligently to keep the unity of the Raukh by the bond of peace:

One body and one Raukh,

just as also ye shall be called within a One, the hope of your calling

Since “Yâ-hwuah is One”

Deuteronomy 6: 4,

Debarim 6:4

Yâ-hwuahׁשמע יׂשראל אלהינו Yâ-hwuah ׃אחד

ShaMa Ysra'al Yâ-hwuah Aluhaynuw „Yâ-hwuahechad”

also persuasion is One, and immersion is One,

And One is the mighty One and Father of all, He Who is over all, and

through all, and in us all.

A response to

Mal’âkhíy 2: 10

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. Don’t we all have one father? Didn’t one Aluahiym create us [all]? Why

should a man deal treacherously against his brother, [which serves] to

profane the covenant of our ancestors?

So union to each of us was granted, the favor according to the measure of

the gift of the Anointed One.

Which is why He says:

“[Why do you rugged mountains gaze in envy at the mountain the mighty

Ones chooses for Himself to sit, indeed where Yâ-hwuah shall lodge forever?

The chariots of the mighty Ones are multitudes of thousands of tens of

thousands – the Sovereign of Çiynáy is in the pure place! You] having

ascended to the height, You captured captivity, and received gifts in humans,

[even also to abide in rebellious ones, Yâ´hu the mighty Ones.”

Tehillim 68: 16-18

O mountain of peaks, why do you gaze in envy At the mountain which

Aluahiym desired to dwell in; Yâ-hwuah even dwells there forever. The

chariots of Aluahiym are twenty thousand, Thousands of thousands; Yâ-

hwuah came from Sinai into the Set-apart Place. You have ascended on high,

You have led captivity captive, You have received gifts among men, And even

the rebellious, That Yah Aluahiym might dwell there.

But how is it that He ascended [to Mount Tsiyyówn], unless that He also first

descended into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same

Who also ascended above all the heavens, in order that He might fulfill all

things; So He gifted unto some to be delegates, and some predicators, and

some proclaimers of the glad tidings, and some pastors and some instructors,

Towards the complete equipment of the pure ones for service work, for the

building up of the body of the Anointed, Until all those may arrive into the

unity of the persuasion and of the acknowledgement of the Son of the

mighty One; for becoming a full-grown man, unto the measure of stature of

the completeness of the Anointed: In order that we may no longer be infants

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being tossed and carried around by every wind of the random teachings of

the sons of ’Âthâ´m, who by their false wisdom are [being carried] towards

the deviating detours of the Fraud.

But we should profess the Truth in affectionate love, that in all things we may

grow up in Him, Who is the Head: the Anointed One –From Whom all the

body is fitted together and united through every supplied joint, according to

the amount of gift granted by measure to every single member for the

growth of the body, to accomplish its own edification by affectionate love.

Therefore, I say this, and testify by Yâ-hwuah, that ye should no longer walk

about just as the rest of the heathen masses are also walking about by the

uselessness of their intellect, And they have been dimmed in their

understanding, being alienated from the Life of Yâ-hwuah, because there is

no acknowledgement within them due to the hardness of their heart, Who,

having become apathetic, gave their selves up to licentiousness and to work

all uncleanness by their avarice.

Romans 1: 21

Because having known Yâ-hwuah, they did not praise Him as “Yâ-hwuah” nor

were thankful. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning’s, and their

uncomprehending heart was dimmed.

Romans 1: 22.

Asserting their selves to be wise, they became fools,

Romans 1: 23.

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And altered the Honor of the incorruptible Alauhiym (Mighty Ones) into a

similitude of a corrupted human’s image, even into an image of birds and of

quadrupeds and creeping things.

Yshá`Yâhuw 52: 1

Awaken! Awaken! Clothe on your strength, Tsiyyówn! Clothe on the

garments of your prestigious rank, Yruwshâláim, city of the Pure One,

because never more shall there enter into you the uncircumcised or the


Romans 1: 24.

Wherefore Yâ-hwuah also gave them up unto uncleanness by the desires of

their hearts, for their bodies to be depreciated by them,

Romans 1: 25.

Who exchanged the Truth of Yâ-hwuah for the Lie, and reverenced and

served the created thing beyond the Creator, Who is blessed into the ages,


Howshë´`á 4:6,

“My people are rendered silent due to the lack of knowledge. Because you

have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as My priest. You have also

forgotten your Aluahiym’s instruction; I Myself will also forget your


Are rendered silent: Aramaic, have become stupid.

Howshë´`á 4: 7.

“To the same extent as they increased [in wealth], they sinned against Me; I

will change their reputation into [one of] dishonor.

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Chanówkh 104: 7-8

Now, I know this secret: the sinners shall alter and adulterate into many

forms the Word of Truth (Yâhuwshúa` and they shall proffer wicked words;

they shall lie and create a great Creature and they shall write scrolls upon their

own words!

Chanówkh 79

In those days `Uwriy’Ä´l spoke to me and told me:

“Look! I have revealed to you all things, O Chanówkh ,and I have taught you

all things so you could see this luminary orb, this moon, and the guides of

the stars of the skies and all those that cause them to circuit and do their

tasks, seasons, and departures.

In the days of sinners the years shall be shortened

and their seed shall arrive late to their lands and fields, everything done on

earth shall be altered, and will not emerge in its season; the rain shall be

withheld, and the skies shall withhold it. In those days the fruits of the earth

shall be withheld, the fruits of the trees will not grow on time, and they shall

be withheld. They shall alter the ordinance of the month so (the moon) will

not appear at its proper period. But in those days the luminary orb shall be

observed burning in the sky, extending the barrenness and it shall take place

in the borders of the great vehicle in the west and it shall shine more than

what corresponds to the ordinance of its light; while many guides of the stars

shall transgress the order, altering their orbits and tasks so they shall not

appear at the prescribed moment for them. All the laws of the stars shall be

hidden to the sinners

Dâ´niyyÄ´’l 7: 25,

And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down the

pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to change set times and Law,

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and they shall be granted into its hand for a time and times and half of a


1 Thessaloníkeans 5: 2-3;

For ye yourselves understand accurately that the Day of Yâ-huwah

comes thus as a thief by night. For when they may say, “Peace and security”,

then sudden destruction lands upon them, just as travail to her that is with

child, and indeed they shall not escape.

The thoughts of those who dwell on the earth shall be in error about it and

they shall be perverted in all their ways and they shall think the stars to be

Aluahiym (mighty ones); while evil shall be multiplied among them and the

punishment against them shall arrive to annihilate all of them.”

Romans 1: 26.

For this reason, Yâ-hwuah released them to passions of dishonor, for both:

their females exchanged the instinctive intercourse for that against instinct,

Romans 1: 27.

And likewise also the males, abandoning the instinctive intercourse of the

female, were inflamed in their lust towards one another, males with males

committing to the indecency together, and receiving within themselves the

recompense that their deviance required.

Romans 1: 28.

And just as they disapproved in their selves to retain Yâ-hwuahby

acknowledgement, Yâ-hwuah released them to a disapproved mentality, to

perform inappropriate things,

Romans 1: 29.

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Being filled with all iniquity, fornication, depravity, greed, malignity; full of

envy, murder, strife, fraud, bad habits, whisperers,

Romans 1: 30.

Slanderers, hateful to Ya-hwuah, insolent, proud, vaunting, inventors of evil

things, rash, to fathers rebelliously unpersuadable,

Romans 1: 31.

Uncomprehending, treacherous, without affection for family, truce-breakers,


Romans 1: 32.

Who, having acknowledged the righteous judgment of Yâ-hwuah, that those

practicing such things are worthy of death, not only perform them, but also

together well-approve of those that practice them.

But ye did not thus learn the Anointed, If indeed ye have heard Him and

were taught within Him, since the Truth is within Yâhuwshúa`;

But you should put off your former conduct according to the old son of

’Âthâ´m, who was being corrupted according to the desires of the Delusion,

And you should put on the new son of ’Âthâ´m, which was created by Yâ-

hwuah within righteousness, and within the correctness of the Truth.

Wherefore, having put off the Lie, speak the Truth – each with his neighbor,

because we are members of one another. Become angry, but do not sin;”

Tehillim 4: 5

Offer slaughtering’s of righteousness, And trust in Yâ-hwuah.

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But do not let the luminary orb set upon your anger;

Neither give opportunity to the Accuser. So He who was stealing, let him

steal no more Truth from scripture

(ZkharYâ´hu 5: 1-2

And returning, I lifted up my eyes and perceived, and there was a scroll

hovering about!. And He said to me, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a

hovering scroll, its length twenty by the cubit, and its width ten by the cubit.”

These are the exact dimensions of the Sacred Place, the first room the priests

entered in the Tabernacle. So this is something that correlates to that room.

This is the room that was opened up when the veil in front of the Temple was

torn at Yâhuwshúa`’s death.) So there is open access to that room. However,

the dimensions of the Sacred of Sacredness, where Yâ-hwuah’s presence dwelt,

are excluded. So what it represents will have part of Yâ-hwuah’s truth, but be

lacking the most intimate aspects of His presence.

ZkharYâ´hu 5:3

. So He told me, “This is the curse that goes out over the surface of the whole

earth: according to it, ‘From this [time forth], anyone who steals will be

unpunished,’ and according to it, ‘from this [time forth], anyone who swears

an oath will be unpunished.’

The whole earth: This gives us another clue as to what it is—something that

claims to be universal. This is what the term “catholic” means. And going

unpunished (alt., purged or cleaned out)—this is the message of grace. But

why is this a curse? Because it is so profaned by being offered to those who

know nothing about Sacredness, that it is distorted to the point of making

people think that they can do whatever they want, then say, “I’m sorry” on

their deathbed, and that all would be well for them in the hereafter. This is a

curse to the rest of society, which will suffer from their unpunished crimes,

because there will be no logical deterrent to sinning. This goes against the

Torah. Yâhuwshúa` brought an amnesty for those who would return to the

Covenant, and He knows we cannot do everything perfectly while in exile,

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but that is the purpose of grace; it is not intended to let everyone go scot-

free so that they can return to their own selfish ways.

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 4. “

I will bring it out,” declares Yâ-hwuah[Master] of Armies, “and it will enter

into the house of the thief and into the house of the one who swears

fraudulently by My Name. And it will lodge within his house and [consume

it away] completely along with its timbers and its stones.”

Compare the laws regarding house-leprosy in Lev. 14:34ff. This extreme

grace will ruin any household. It also “tears down the Temple” again by

opposing its rebuilding, which was Z’kharyah task. This parody of Yâ-hwuah’s

true grace is still all done in His Name, and steals away the appointed times

He set.

: but rather let him labor, working what is good with his hands, in order that

he may have something to share with him that has a need.

Do not let any corrupt word depart out of your mouth, [compare 3rd

commandment and

Shemot 23: 13

"Now in all that I have said to you, be watchful, and do not mention another

Aluahiym by name; it shall not be heard [coming] from your mouth.

Instead if you say that word which is good towards building up in time of

need, say it in order that it may give favor to them that hear.

Another Aluahiym: Aramaic, "the abominations of the nations". This is not

as easy as one might imagine. In English, we are naming pagan Aluahiym

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more often than we realize it. The days of our week are named after Roman

gods, and the concepts of fate, destiny, chance, luck, fortune, and even the

word “good”, all stem from not only the names but the ideas of pagan

deities. We think of the name "God", as only a translation, but it sounds

exactly like "Gad", the god of "fortune"

(Yeshayahu 65:11 in Hebrew)

, so use of this term is at best questionable, since it did refer to a pagan deity

whose name is meant to be obliterated. (This does not apply to the tribal

name Gad, which is never used in the context of a deity. It also does not

mean we cannot read aloud the names of other deities if they appear in the

Scripture, but the idea is to distance oneself as far as possible from anything

having to do with the idol.) Yâ-hwuahhas revealed His name; why must we

use substitutes if we are careful only to use His name in the most reverential


And do not grieve the Raukh of the Pure One of Yâ-hwuah by which

ye were sealed unto the Day of Ransoming.

Let all bitterness and indignation and wrath and outcry and scorn be removed

from you, along with all malignity; And be kind to one another,

compassionate, forgiving each other

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In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

'Yâ-hwuahbe with you.' and they answered him, 'Yâ-hwuahbless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

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Yâhuwshúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Yâ-hwuah, [thou] Ben David. An Yâhuwshúa` stood still, and called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâ-hwuah, that our eyes may be opened. So Yâhuwshúa` had compassion [on them], and touched

their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of Yâ-hwuah

keiYAH nätzräya

Remember me and pray for me that Yâ-hwuah will be gracious unto me and

be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them

that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard,

though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Ruwach (spiritual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from the Ruwach HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the

most infamous sacrilege

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