

At the end of this class participants will have a better understanding of the processes of formative supervision and will improve their skills in lesson analysis and post-observation planning.




– To improve instruction to increase the probability of student learning.


– To assess and improve professional performance.

Supervision Vs. Evaluation

• Improve Instruction Personnel Decisions• Formative Summative• Dialogue Monologue• Expertise of Supervisor Position of Evaluator• Ongoing Terminal• Descriptive Judgmental• Specific General• Supportive Determinative

Lesson Analysis and Post-Conference Planning

I. Teacher Notification

• This process is to be used with the teacher who can be rated from mediocre to excellent.

• The poor to marginal teachers require other interventions.

I. Teacher Notification

• The goal of formative supervision is the improvement of instruction.

• The teacher, as a willing partner in the process, should always not only be informed of but should agree to the date and time of each observation.

II. Pre-conference

• Purpose is generally to find out the lesson objectives and planned educational strategies of the teacher.

II. Pre-conference

• Optional – If you can’t figure out the objectives at the start of the lesson, how will the kids? Your time is too valuable to be spent pre-conferencing

III. Observe the Lesson

– Plan to stay for the whole lesson if this is an initial visit.

– (follow-ups to verify corrected teacher behaviors can be shorter).

III. Observe the Lesson

• B. Be unobtrusive as possible - don’t ask questions of kids or teacher

C Data Capture

• A record of teacher behavior –– use any or a combination of the following:

C Data Capture

• 1. Script Taping - record everything said by the teacher (not the students)

C Data Capture

• 2. Time Line – record what is happening at predetermined time interval

C Data Capture

• 3. Topical – record examples of Standards, Principles of Learning, teaching Methodologies, etc. as they are observed

IV. Lesson Analysis

• A. Label Data Capture in terms of the elements of effective instruction.

B. Answer the following questions:

• 1. Standards– a. Did the teacher select objectives and

instructional activities at the correct level of difficulty for the students?

– b. Did the teacher teach to the intended objectives?

– c. Did the teacher monitor the learning and adjust the teaching if necessary?

2. Did the teacher correctly use the Principles of Learning?

• ( NOTE: An excellent lesson does not necessarily require that all of the Principles be present) Provide documentation from the Data Capture.

Principles of Learning

• a. Anticipatory Set

• b. Motivation

• c. Active Participation

• d. Transfer

• e. Reinforcement

• f. Retention

• g. Closure

C. Circle 1 to 3 items above that in your estimation were most responsible for increasing the probability of student learning.

D. Circle 1 to 2 items above or note the absence of the items that in your estimation were most responsible for impeding student learning.

V. Planning the Post-Observation Conference

• A. Develop a plan for your lesson for one– 1. Write conference objectives in behavioral

terms for the one to three items that increased student learning.

– 2. Write conference objectives in behavioral terms for the one or two items that impeded student learning.

3. Plan conference introduction

• a. Write a statement of greeting that sets a positive feeling tone. (Hi line – feel fine).

• b. Plan to review the conference sequence for the teacher.

4. Complete the lesson diagnosis

• a. Write an open-ended question that will give the teacher an opportunity to reflect on the instructional skills that promoted student learning.

• b. Write a question(s) that narrows the focus to the skill(s) to be reinforced in the conference

Complete the lesson diagnosis

• c. Write an open-ended question that will give the teacher an opportunity to reflect on the instructional skills that did not promote student learning.

• d. Write a question(s) that narrows the focus to the skill(s) to be taught in the conference

5. Teacher Reinforcement

• a. Point out examples of the skill(s) to be reinforced from the Data Capture.

• b. Write a statement that recommends the continued use of that skill(s) and explains how its continued use will assist student learning.

6. Teacher Growth

• a. Point out examples of the skill(s) to be added or improved from the Data Capture.

• b. Write a statement that recommends the use of that skill(s) and explains how its use will assist student learning.

B. Plan the follow-up

• 1. Develop a question that assists the teacher in determining how much time is needed for independent practice before your next observation.

• 2. Develop a question that decides the time and date of the next observation.

VI. Conduct the Post-Observation Conference.

VII. Do the next Observation.

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