
For the first time in 500 years...


From time to time we discover special opportunities we believe are worthy of presenting to our customers. But we have

never come to you with a work of art this magnificent from an artist so


You might think it is impossible to own one of Michelangelo’s crowning achievements-the Pietà, which stands proudly in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. But now, for the first time in the 500 years since this masterpiece was created, owning a true Michelangelo sculpture is not beyond your grasp.

To celebrate the 500th Anniversary of Michelangelo’s completion of the Pietà,

the first Vatican-licensed sculptures of the Madonna cast from Michelangelo’s

famed Pietà are available. The Vatican Observatory Foundation has granted the art publishing company Arte Divine the exclusive worldwide license to produce the

Madonna della Pietà.

For the first time ever, a limited edition of the bust of Mary, produced from a mold derived from the original Pietà, is being produced in pure silver. Casting from this mold of the original is what has given our artisans the unique ability to produce a sculpture that is absolutely faithful to the masterpiece Michelangelo carved out of a huge block of marble at the end of the 15th Century. Every exquisite detail that Michelangelo so

lovingly chilled into marble is faithfully recreated in the sublime work.

Until now, if you wanted to see the Pietà, you had to travel to Rome. And even then, as you stand in the Vatican, the Pietà is behind a protective glass wall, and you can’t get closer than 50 feet from it. But now you can actually own this work of art, display it in your home, and marvel at every beautiful detail.

The Madonna della Pietà is a study in the spiritual beauty that was Michelangelo’s artistic ideal. To truly grasp the value of this sculpture, you need know more about Michelangelo.


Michelangelo (1475-1564) is widely considered the greatest artistic genius who ever lived — a man whose name has become synonymous with the

word “masterpiece.” He was born Michelangelo di Ludovico Buonarroti Simoni at Caprese, Italy and grew up in Florence, home of the Italian High Renaissance. It was here that he received his education under the patronage of the de Medici family. His works include the world famous Pietà, David and the breathtaking frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

As an artist he was unmatched, the creator of works of sublime beauty that express the full breadth of the human condition. He left immortal works in sculpture, painting, architecture and poetry. Through this vast multifaceted body of artistic achievement, Michelangelo made an indelible imprint on the Western imagination no other artist has ever attained such a high level of matter in all of these four areas of artistic endeavor.

Although the frescoes on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel are probably the best known of his works today, the artist thought of himself primarily as a sculptor. Michelangelo worked in marble sculpture all his life and in the other arts only at certain periods.


He was a deeply spiritual man and believed that his art was divinely inspired. To Michelangelo, the artist’s tools and his stone are

instruments of the divine will and the creative process an aspect of salvation. The concept of genius as divine inspiration, a superhuman power granted to a few rare individuals and acting through them, is nowhere more fully exemplified that in his life and work. The theory that guided Michelangelo’s hand appears in his poetry:

Every beauty which is seen here below by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come. My eyes longing for beautiful things together with my soul longing for salvation have no other power to ascend to heaven than the contemplation of beautiful things.

His contemporaries spoke about the man and his works with one word “terribilita,” meaning awesome. There has never been a more literally awesome artist than Michelangelo: awesome in the scope of his imagination and awesome in the awareness of the significance — the spiritual significance of beauty. Beauty was to him divine; one of the ways in which God communicated Himself to humanity. The absolute perfection of his artistic execution is unsurpassed by any other artist that the world has ever known and explains why his work is so treasured.


Michelangelo’s search for God, whose sublime purpose he saw revealed in the beauty of the human form and his disinterest in any subject of

the human body. His belief that nothing worth preserving could be done without genius was attended by the conviction that nothing could be done without persevering study. So Michelangelo studied the human form. He studied the ancient sculptors who know how to represent the beautiful human body in motion, with all its muscles and sinews. However, he was not content with learning the laws of anatomy secondhand. He made his own research into human anatomy, dissected bodies and dry from models until the human figure did not seem to hold any secrets for him.

He strove with an incredible singleness of purpose to master this one problem and master it fully until it was rumored that his young artist not only equaled the renowned masters of classical antiquity but actually surpassed them.


At the age of twenty-three, Michelangelo was commissioned by a French cardinal to create the

Pietà for St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican as tomb monument. He traveled to the marble quarries at

Carrara in central Italy to select the block from which to make this large work. The choice of the

stone was important because he envisioned the statue as already existing within the marble,

needing only to be “set free” from it. It was sculpted from 1498-1500 and established

Michelangelo instantly as the greatest sculptor of his time.

The word “Pietà” means pity from the Latin word for “compassion” or “pity” and refers not, as often presumed to this

specific work but to a traditional type

of devotional image. The theme of Mary cradling the dead body of Christ in her lap was all but unknown in Italy before Michelangelo made it famous in this statue, but it was a staple in the repertoire of French and German sculptors and painters. Unlike most depictions of Mary holding Jesus, Michelangelo portrayed Mary still as a young woman focusing on Mary’s resignation and compassion.

Michelangelo rendered the theme in a way never before attempted or again accomplished. Georgia Vasari, the great art historian wrote:

“It would be impossible for any craftsman or sculptor, no matter how brilliant, ever to surpass the grace or design of this work, or try to cut and polish the marble with the skill that Michelangelo displayed. It is certainly a miracle that a formless block of stone could ever have reduced to perfection the nature is scarcely able to create in the flesh. Michelangelo put in to this work so much love and effort, that he left his name written across the sash over Our Lady’s breast.”

RESTORING THE MASTERPIECEThe opportunity to acquire the Madonna della Pietà actually begins with a tragic event. In 1972, a mentally deranged vandal attacked the Pietà with a hammer, and did some minor damage to Mary’s nose, cheek and robe. World-renowned artisans carefully restored it and the repair is invisible, but to ensure that this great work would forever be preserved, the Vatican’s artisans made a mold of the Pietà and carefully stored it away.

David Newren, President of Arte Divine, found out about this precious mold, fortuitously at the same time the Vatican Observatory Foundation was raising money for it’s scientific work. Arte Divine was able to secure exclusive license rights from the Vatican Observatory Foundation to reproduce the Pietà and create a carefully limited number of sculptures in silver of the Madonna della Pietà with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit the Vatican Observatory Foundation.

AN EXCLUSIVE OFFEROur customers are among the first to learn about this magnificent sculpture. Although these are limited editions, Arte Divine has established that as sculptures are sold and demand increases, subsequent castings will cost more. This, in effect, puts a floor on the value of your purchase well above the price you pay. Therefore you will want to consider making your investment now.

This Silver Edition is cast in .999 pure silver, is limited to 199 sculptures plus 12 foundry proofs, and is currently priced at $90,000. We only have 10 at this pre-release pricing before the price goes up.

CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICIT YThe Certificate of Authenticity, bearing the official seal of the Vatican Observatory Foundation and the publisher’s seal of Arte Divine, certifies and guarantees the authenticity of each sculpture within the edition authorized under license from the Vatican Observatory Foundation


Given how fast these sculptures may sell — in order to reserve your sculpture, I urge you to call our offices at 855.326.4767! Our Special

Products staff can answer all your questions, secure you a reservation number, and discuss delivery details.

How the order process works -- When you call to place your order, you will be assigned a specific serial number. Your order then gets forwarded to Arte Divine. Arte Divine will then send you a confirmation and edition number. Next, you will be contacted for your deposit of $50,000. Once your deposit is received, Arte Divine will begin casting your sculpture.

Your hand-finished masterpiece will take six to eight weeks from the date we receive your payment. Upon completion, you will be contacted for the final payment of $40,000 (plus $305 for shipping and insurance). Finally, arrangements will be made for the delivery of your breathtaking sculpture.

There are a very limited number of silver Madonna della Pieta sculptures already produced and in inventory that are immediately available. If you order before they are gone, you could have your purchase in just days! (Payment of the entire balance would be due immediately.)

Madonna della Pietà from Michelangelo’s Pietà


Since you are purchasing the Madonna della Pietà sight unseen, I have insisted you receive a full, no-hassle guarantee. If, for any reason whatsoever, you are not completely thrilled with your sculpture when you receive it, you can return it within 7 days for a prompt and full refund.

I invite you to respond without delay to this unprecedented offer. This is the closest anyone will have ever come in 500 years to owning an original Michelangelo. Imagine being able to witness on a daily basis the serene face of Mary just as Michelangelo so lovingly carved her. Those fortunate enough to acquire one of these sculptures will enjoy the timeless beauty of the Madonna della Pietà for many generations.


Arte Divine

P.S. This is an unprecedented opportunity — a Vatican-approved pure silver casting. Art Collectors have waited for this opportunity, so you won’t want to wait another day! Call us at 855.326.4767 today in order to reserve your Silver Madonna della Pieta.

Special Features of the

Madonna della Pietà Sculpture

• Dimensions Of The Sculpture: 15”X 11.25” X 13”

• Marble Base

• Affixed to the sculpture is the edition number

• The Vatican Observatory Foundation Medallion Seal and the Publisher, Arte Divine, S. A. Medallion Seal

• Cast From Michelangelo’s Masterpiece “The Pietà”


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