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Anglo French Drugs &Industries Limited (AFD),Bangalore and FMRAI’s secretaryand CRU’s general secretary BijanDas signed a settlement on 27September, 2013 under IndustrialDisputes Act and registering thesame with the labourcommissioner of Karnatakareinstating Bijan Das in service atGuwahati; heralding theconclusion of about two yearsstruggle in Assam, north eastregion by CRU and throughout thecountry by FMRAI; ending severalindustrial disputes and litigations,including in the high court atGuwahati. Bijan Das wouldimmediately resume duties onreaching Guwahati. AFD council'seast zone convener AseshBanerjee and Company'smarketing manager, M M Moitrasigned as witnesses.

As per terms of settlement, (i)management paid by cheque the

���������������� � ����entire amount toward his backwages, leave encashment, bonus,LTA for the period from the date ofdismissals to the date ofreinstatement and compensation;(ii) Bijan Das will be working fromthe date of reinstatement on 27September till his date ofresignation on 26 October, 2013and will be paid normal wages,allowances etc for the period; (iii)Bijan Das will be paid all legal dueswhen his resignation comes intoeffect; (iv) all pending disputes andlegal cases concerning Bijan Das’dismissals will be withdrawn byboth the parties.

This settlement will have noeffect on the ongoing tribunal casein Bangalore in respect of FMRAI’scharter of demands for the medicalrepresentatives of the Company.

It may be recalled that with theintention to sabotage the fieldworkers’ charter of demands, themanagement called Bijan Das in

the head office of the Company inBangalore on the plea of training;was manhandled which led tomutual police complaints inBangalore and FIR against themanagement at Guwahati whichwas admitted as writ in Guwahatihigh court; led to mass transfer ofthe field workers from entire northeast region and the outgoing HRhead succeeding in roping in theaffected field workers to bypassunion and jointly with themanagement withdrawing transferdisputes from conciliation atGuwahati, raised by the union.

In the process, both culprits, thevice president (marketing) and thehead of HR of the company, losttheir jobs; Bijan Das is back inservice and the field workers’common issues are in the tribunal;generating a congenialatmosphere for advancement ofharmonious industrial relation inthe Company in mutual interest.

180 all India council committee members consisting of all India,joint all India, zonal and joint zonal conveners of 19 councils wherebilateralism exists and 5 councils categorized in organized sectorgroup (OSG) for movement to deal with three burning problems., met

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in a national workshop at Chandigarh on 21 September. Biological Emeeting was postponed due to some valid reasons. The objective ofthe workshop was to develop a common understanding on counciland related movement with special emphasis on expansion of council,both at organizational and bilateral level, and role of councilcommittees in defending and advancing council movement in thisneo-liberal restructuring era. See page-2

As a co-ordinated and independentmovement by the state units of FMRAI topress field workers’ demands beforerespective state governments, PCMSRU,BSSRU, RMSRU, OSRU and UPMSRAorganised rallies in September inChandigarh, Patna & Ranchi, Jaipur,Bhubaneswar and in Lucknow &Dehradun respectively. Before therallies at state capitals, district levelrallies were held.

Field workers demands before thestate governments include fixation andenforcement of Rs. 10,000 as minimumwages, state amendment of Section 2(s)of Industrial Disputes Act for directinclusion of sales promotion employees,legal notification of working time of 8-hours-work-a-day, on photo identitycards, hospital work, PF, ESIC, Bonus,May Day as public holiday etc.

Earlier, similar rallies were held atBhopal & Raipur and in Shimla. Otherstate units of FMRAI are now holdingdistrict level rallies which will culminatein rallies at State capitals shortly.

Due to persistent and patientpersuasion, field workers in 11 states arealready within the definition of ‘workmen’through State amendment of Section 2(s)of Industrial Disputes Act; legalnotification on 8-hours-work-a-day hasbeen done by four state governments andis in advance stage in Rajasthan andMaharashtra; and 15 state governments

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declared minimum wage for the fieldworkers so far.

Punjab & Chandigarh: 275 PCMSRUmembers from Jalandhar, Chandigarh,Ludhiana, Bhatinda, Moga, Ferozpur,Pathankot, Amritsar, Hoshiarpur and Patialaassembled at union’s office at CheemaBhawan in Chandigarh on 12 September.Thereafter, in a procession they marchedto the office of the labour commissioner ofPunjab where dharnas and demonstrationwas organized. Understanding the moodof the agitating field workers and thelegitimacy of their demands, the labourcommissioner came and addressed thedharnas. There, he received the

memorandum and assured expeditiousaction from his department in favour of thedemands raised by the PCMSRU.

CITU’s state president Vijay Mishra andits state general secretary Raghunath Singhaddressed the rally. Others who addressedinclude PCMSRU’s general secretary ShivAwasthy; Bhagmal Rana, leader of U.T.Electrical Employees Union and CITU’sdistrict leader Kuldeep Singh. PCMSRU’spresident Vinit Sharma presided.

Earlier, PCMSRU membersparticipated in rallies, demonstrations, satin dharnas in different districts and submittedmemoranda to the district labour authoritieson 7 August. Jalandhar rally was addressed

by CITU’s district secretary Ram Murti,PCMSRU’s president Vinit Sharma and unitpresident R Sahani. The rally in Pathankotwas addressed by CITU’s district secretaryand PCMSRU’s unit secretary SanjeevMahajan. Dharnas before the district labouroffice in Ferozpur were addressed by unitsecretary Anil Punj; in Amritsar by unitsecretary Gurvinder Sidhora and inChandigarh by CITU’s convener KuldeepSingh, FMRAI’s working committee memberNaginder and others. In Ludhiana, Bathindaand Moga dharnas could not be organizeddue to heavy rain. In these places,memoranda were submitted to the districtlabour authorities.

Bihar & Jharkhand: On 13 September,2000 agitated members of BSSRU marchedthrough the major areas of Patna andassembled in a historic rally at Hartalichauk, R- block, Golumber to raise theirlong pending demands before the ChiefMinister of Bihar. Despite repeatedassurances by the government authoritiesthere was no progress which furtheragitated the minds of the field workers. Athree member delegation led by CITU’sBihar state general secretary Arun K Mishramet the deputy secretary of the ChiefMinister and handed over a memorandumon field workers’ five point demands.

The rally was addressed by FMRAI’sgeneral secretary Aloke Kumar Banerjeeand CITU’s Bihar state general secretaryArun K Mishra. BSSRU’s general secretary

Demonstration at Chandigarh (More Photos, Page 4)

See page-2

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� OCTOBER 2013 �

Field workers’ movement led by FMRAI could withstand, protectand advance, in a limited way, the impact of more than two decades’neo-liberal restructuring policies of drug cartels led by multinationalsdue to its correct movemental policies and trade union tactics decidedfrom time to time in conferences and GCMs. While the massiverestructuring policies of the employers could dismantle the traditionalorganised production and distribution of pharmaceuticals without muchof resistance but found it difficult in marketing due to the resistance putup by FMRAI. In the objective analysis of present three formats offield workers’ movement - on policy level demands with Centralgovernment, on field workers’ demands before State governmentsand on council and related demands with the employers - will furthervindicate the prudence and correctness of FMRAI’s movementalline. All the three movemental formats have inter-relationship andinterdependence and, hence, should be carried out simultaneouslywith equal importance.

In late 90’s, with the advent of globalization, the exercise ofrestructuring by the drug companies was for achieving their completefreedom and to do away with all provisions of laws, both labour anddrug laws; rules and regulations, hitherto achieved by the field workers’movement and wanted not to be bound by bilateral discussion /agreements through creation of burning problems for the field workers.

However, the exercise of restructuring of the employers becamemuch ruthless in the stage of bubble economy leading to worldeconomic crisis having market contraction in the Europe, USA etc.and withdrawal of subsidies by those governments which gave riseto newer attacks on the field workers and their profession, as notedin Kolkata conference of FMRAI.

Today’s field workers struggle, therefore, is concentrated indetermined resistance against neo-liberal restructuring and strugglefor effective enforcement of laws, rules and regulations applicable tothe field workers of the country; stronger provisions of laws anddefence of bilateral agreements and settlements. And accordingly,FMRAI’s annual task document, Road Map, formulated specificdemands and movemental approach in three areas.

Due to planned and determined struggle, field workers movementhas advanced in all three areas. Against the direction of restructuringof the employers which are essentially against existing laws, rules,regulations and despite joint petition of OPPI and IDMA to thegovernments to scrap SPE Act; Central government included 10more industries under the purview of the Act, as decided in thetripartite meeting and further decided to form industrial standingcommittee for the field workers with FMRAI in it.

On the basis of complaint by FMRAI units, prosecution caseshave been filed across the country by several state governments fornon-implementation of SPE Act by drug companies and many of thempaid penalty upon pleading guilty, recent being Lupin managementin Karnataka and Cosme Farma management in Satna. Feeling theheat of the movement, some of the companies started issuing legallyamended appointment letters in Form-A to the existing employees.

As against fragmentation and capsulation, some companiesaccepted ‘sales officers’ as sales promotion employees, members ofFMRAI and began negotiation and even signed service settlemetsfor them. A settlement has been signed for the ‘sales officers’ of Diabetixdivision in Franco Indian consequent to the expansion plan of councilmovement both at organisational and bilateral level. Due to patientpersuasion, a grievance redressal forum has been constituted forthe field workers in Intas. As an outcome of OSG movement, Adcockmanagement had to take back all victimised Cosme Farma field workersincluding those who refused to resign from Cosme Farma to beabsorbed by the acquired Company, Adcock Ingram.

Due to persistent and patient persuasion, field workers workingin 11 states are declared ‘workmen’ through State amendment ofSection 2(s) of Industrial Disputes Act; legal notification on 8-hours-work-a-day has been done by four state governments and is inadvance stage in Rajasthan and Maharashtra; and 15 stategovernments declared minimum wages for the field workers so far.

All these developments have put the employers in defense.Determined and planned intervention of FMRAI with the Centralgovernment and employers and co-ordinated and independentintervention by its State units will further expose the apparentaggressive postures of the employers.

Even in Difficult Situation FMRAI Movement Advances The Chief Judicial Magistrate,

Satna, Madhya Pradesh,prosecuted P. RamachandraHegde, former managing directorof Cosme Farma and now topexecutive of Adcock Ingram underSection 9 of the Sales PromotionEmployees (Conditions ofService) Act, 1976 for violation ofSection 5, Rule 22 & 23 (a);Section 7, Rule 23 (b), (c), & (d)under the said Act. The accusedpleaded guilty and paid Rs. 1000as penalty or else would havebeen awarded 7 days

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imprisonment, as per the order ofCJM dated 20 August.

Earlier, CJM, Satna in his orderdated 12 October, 2012 dismissedthe application of the accused toget relief from personalappearance. Thereafter, Hegde,the accused, made a revisionpetition before session judge,Satna stating that, in the meantime,he resigned from the Company,Cosme Farma, in January, 2013,and therefore, he should bereleased from this case to whichSession Judge in his order dated

5 April, 2013 observed, “So far asliability after resignation of theaccused P. Ramchandra Hegde isconcerned, the resignation by theaccused does not extinguish thecriminal liability for any offence thatwas committed at the time whenhe was in the employment of thecompany. Merely, by resigning hecannot save himself from thecriminal liability he has alreadyincurred in respect of the offence”and sent back the case to CJM,Satna. (see FMRAI News, June,2013)

Dipak Bhattacharjee; leaders from other fraternal trade unions andorganizations namely Non Gazetted Employees’ Federation, BEFI,Insurance Employees’ Association and Bihar Jan Swasthya Karmcharialso addressed.

On the same day at Ranchi, around 600 members of BSSRU, workingin the state of Jharkhand joined a colourful rally on state related demands.Led by CITU’s Jharkhand state president Sudhir Das, a delegationcomprising of BSSRU’s leadership including its president Sanjay Chatterjeemet the labour commissioner Puja Singhal.

Earlier, a state level trade union convention was held at Patna. DuringAugust-September, special general body meetings were held in the unitswhich were addressed by the leaders of BSSRU. In all the districts, massivepostering was done; leaflets were distributed amongst field workers and public.

Rajasthan: On 12 September, around 500 members of RMSRU fromits 15 units took out a procession from the union’s state office which wasculminated in a massive rally before the office of the state’s labourcommissioner (Shram Bhawan) at Jaipur. The agitated field workers stagedstrong demonstration and gheraoed the authority for over two hours. CITU’sRajasthan state president Ravindra Shukla addressed the rally. RMSRU’spresident Sanjeev Khandelwal and its general secretary J.S Naruka alsoaddressed beside others. A five member delegation led by CITU’s statepresident met the commissioner of labour and submitted a memorandum.

As preparatory programmes, throughout the month of August pamphletswere distributed amongst the field workers, massive postering was doneand meetings were conducted in all units which also attracted wide mediacoverage.

Following the state rally, RMSRU leaders were invited by the labourcommissioner to discuss the issues of the field workers’ state relateddemands on 17 September. Beside the labour commissioner, the additionallabour commissioner (I.R) and the joint labour commissioner (law) werealso present in the meeting. The commissioner assured to serve notices tothe district labour authorities on field workers’ demands shortly.

Odisha: Amidst torrential rain, 400 members of OSRU participated in acolourful procession which was originated from the railway station of thestate capital Bhubaneswar and marched towards the state’s Assemblyafter covering the city’s main thoroughfare for more than two and half hours.The massive rally before the Assembly was addressed by CITU’s statetreasurer Dusmanta Das. Others who addressed include OSRU’s generalsecretary Subhankar Das; its joint general secretary B N Sahoo and leadersof fraternal trade unions including Odisha Shramik Karmachari Ekta Manch(OSKEM). OSRU’s vice president B N Ojha presided.

A three member delegation consisting of OSRU’s vice president BijayKrushna Das; its joint general secretary Anirudha Mohapatra and secretaryP K Samal met the labour secretary and labour commissioner and handedover a memorandum.

Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand: Around 800 members of UPMSRAfrom Kanpur, Unnao, Fatehpur, Orai, Allahabad, Varanasi, Jaunpur,Sultanpur, Raebareli, Lucknow, Sitapur, Lakhimpur-Kheri, Jhansi, Gonda,Bahraich, Gazipur, Azamgarh, Faizabad, Gorakhpur, Basti, Banda,Mahoba, Deoria, Etawah and other units participated in the rally on 25September. The rally was originated from UPMSRA Bhawan at Lucknowand marched towards the office of the deputy commissioner of labourwhere a massive demonstration was staged. CITU’s all India vice presidentJ S Majumdar addressed the gathering. UPMSRA’s president R KSrivastava and its general secretary H K Singh met the deputy labourcommissioner R B Lal in a delegation and handed over a memorandum.The deputy labour commissioner requested the delegation to submit thedetails of the cases filed throughout the state by the union and assured tocall a meeting shortly.

In Uttarakhand, the streets of Dehradun witnessed the vibrant rallyparticipated by around 150 UPMSRA members which started from theParade Ground and culminated into a gathering before the Sachivalaya. Adelegation led by UPMSRA’s leader M K Naithani and its Dehradun unitsecretary Anil Panwar submitted a memorandum.

While placing the backgroundand objectivity of this workshop, allIndia council sub-committeeconvener and FMRAI’s secretarySantanu Chatterjee briefly explainedthe need for expansion of the councilbase bringing the unorganizedsections within the organizationalambit so as to bring them under theunion and legal coverage to defeatmanagement’s de-unionizationattempt and emphasized on the roleof council committees at all levels ofthe organization. All India convenerof training & workshop sub-committee and FMRAI’s president RViswanathan placed a note on thehistorical developments of councilmovement, the challenges beingfaced by the council movement dueto the impact of neoliberalism and toquickly re-orient the councilorganization and movement in linewith Mumbai conference of FMRAI.One leader of each councildeliberated and made valuablesuggestions. While summing up thediscussion, FMRAI general secretaryshared the field workers’experiences, achievements ofFMRAI’s movements and urged toquickly overcome the weaknesseswherever it exists. FMRAI’s treasurerPartha Rakshit placed the credentialreport. A presidium consisting of fourvice presidents of FMRAI conductedthe proceedings of the workshop.

On the previous day, on 20September, all India council and allIndia council committee meetingswere held where company-specificproblems / issues were discussed,organisational positions wereassessed, task for expansion andconsolidation were decided andelected council leadership. Themajor decisions of each counciland committee meeting shall bepublished in next issue of FMRAINews.

Following Mumbai conference,based on the common features,councils were divided in groupsdeciding objective of each group andmovemental approach in pursuit ofobjective. Under the background,councils belonging to the groupwhere charter of demands wereplaced or preparing to place- knownas ‘fight for right’, met in a similarworkshop at Mumbai in August (seeFMRAI News, September, 2013).

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After protracted negotiation, along term wage settlementbetween BiochemPharmaceutical Industries Limitedand FMRAI for the confirmed fieldworkers working in Vivo divisionwas signed on 25 September atMumbai. This was the fifthconsecutive settlement, signedunder provisions of IndustrialDisputes Act, 1947 and for threeyears, effective from 1 April, 2012.The settlement will derive anaverage benefit of Rs.3650 withminimum benefit of Rs. 3125 andRs 5256 being the maximum perfield worker per month, as on thedate of effectivity of the settlement.

Existing two grades haveupwardly improved by addingRs.750 at the entry point of the firstgrade and by adding Rs.1200 atthe entry point of the secondgrade with corresponding rise inrate of increment in all slabsranging from Rs 30 to Rs. 110.Grade promotion will beautomatic, on completion of tenyears of first grade. Upwardimprovement has been made inall the five slabs of fixed dearnessallowance by adding minimum of

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Rs. 209 and maximum of Rs. 296,based on service seniority.

Additional amounts wereadded in all the five slabs of houserent and education allowance. Incase of Kit, medical benefit andleave travel, the existing threeslabs have increased to five slabsand upwardly improved by addingadditional amounts on serviceseniority basis in all slabs. Bothhead quarter and ex- headquarterallowances increased to Rs. 165and Rs.170 per working dayrespectively by adding Rs.40; outstation allowance to Rs.297 byadding Rs.67 and metro city to

Rs.30 by adding Rs.20 per day.Per kilometer travel fare increasedto Rs.2 from existing Rs.1.25 perkilometer.

On behalf of the Company,Prasant Tathe, DGM-sales; KetanGupte, DGM-HR and RajanChavan- legal advisor and onbehalf of FMRAI, its joint generalsecretary, K B Kadam andnegotiating committee membersconsisting of F. J. Jerome, VishalJoshi and Nilendhu Chowdhurysigned the settlement.

An understanding on day today work input was also signedseparately.

Following signing of the 8th settlement on 4 August, 369 out of total475 Albert David field workers met in conventions in all four zonesduring August-September. Albert David all India council leadersexplained the settlement. FMRAI secretariat members addressed,greeted and guided the conventions. The conventions called upon AlbertDavid field workers to remain vigilant and consolidate the councilorganisation.

South zone convention was held at Chennai on 11 August. FMRAIpresident R. Viswanathan, secretary Ramesh Sunder addressed theconvention. Albert David council’s all India convener R.N. Tiwariexplained the settlement, understanding on day to day work and travelpolicy. Albert David council’s south zone convener Shiva Kumar alsoaddressed. The meeting felicitated H.J. Suresh, president of KSM&SRAand was working in the Company retired in recent past. West zoneconvention was held at Adarsh Vidyalaya, Chembur, Mumbai on 18August. FMRAI general secretary Aloke Kumar Banerjee, vice presidentD. M. Deshpande and from Albert David council, its all India convenerand west zone convener Devrup Biswas addressed. On 25 August,north zone convention was held at BTR Bhawan, Delhi which wasaddressed by FMRAI general secretary, secretary R. P. Singh, generalsecretary of DSMRO - T. K. Mitra, TTK all India convener K K Mittalbesides all India convener and east zone convener, Swapan Dey. Eastzone convention was held at Shramik Bhawan, Kolkata on 1 September,addressed by FMRAI’s general secretary, working committee memberPartha Roy and all India convener and east zone convener of AlbertDavid council and presided over by joint zonal convener Ajay Kumar.

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CondolenceComrade Ranjan Dutta : Comrade RanjanDutta, 26, a field worker working in Alkem Ultracare anda member of Howrah unit of WBMSRU passed away on11 August. On 4 August he was electrocuted andunderwent treatment for next one week but ultimately

succumbed to the injury in a nursing home.Comrade Ranjan left behind his wife and a 7 months old daughter.

WBMSRU members of Howrah raised a fund of Rs. 2.1 lakh for histreatment.

FMRAI mourns the untimely death of Comrade Ranjan Dutta andconveys heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

Comrade Kapil Sharma : Comrade Kapil Sharma, 26, a fieldworker of ICPA Health Products Ltd and a member of UPMSRA’sAligarh unit died on 26 August following a road accident.

Comrade Kapil left behind his parents and brother. ICPA fieldworkers in UP and the company’s managers based in the state instantlycontributed Rs. 32000.

FMRAI mourns the untimely death of Comrade Kapil Sharma andconveys heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

Comrade Nilesh Subhash Koli : ComradeNilesh Subhash Koli (24), a field worker of Ikonic divisionof Lupin, died in a road accident on 5 September. Hemet with the accident while returning from Mumbai toSangli on 4 September. He was immediately rushed to

the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.FMRAI mourns the death of comrade Koli and sends heartfelt

condolence to the bereaved family.

Comrade V Narayanan : Comrade VNarayanan (45), a field worker of EntodPharmaceuticals based at Coimbatore; a state workingcommittee member of TNMSRA and state convener ofEntod field workers’ council, died on 24 Septemberfollowing a massive cardiac arrest. He left behind his

wife and parents.FMRAI mourns the death of comrade Narayanan and sends

heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

Comrade Rajat Das : Comrade Rajat Das, 31, a field workerof Macleods and a member of Burdwan unit ofWBMSRU, his wife, one month old daughter and hismother died on spot on 18 September in a tragic caraccident. Rajat’s mother-in-law is now struggling forlife in ICU in a hospital. He left behind his father.

FMRAI mourns the tragic deaths of Rajat’s and hisfamily members and sends heartfelt condolence to Rajat’s father.

The Assam government published a draft proposal on 21 Septemberin leading vernacular intending to fix the minimum monthly wages for thesales promotion employees at Rs 12,500 under the ‘highly skilledworkers’ category. The draft proposal defined sales promotionalemployees engaged in establishments of pharmaceutical products,cosmetics, soaps, household cleaners and disinfectants, readymadegarments, soft drinks, biscuits and confectioneries, ayurvedic, unani andhomeopathic medicines, automobiles including accessories and spareparts, surgical equipment, artificial prosthesis and diagnostics, electronics,computers including accessories and spares, electrical appliances, paintsand varnishes. The proposal further said that sales promotion employeeswill also be entitled to variable dearness allowance at the rate of 75 percent of the rise or fall in the index point in the All India consumer priceindex.

Dhiren Goswami, state Labour Commissioner of Assam said that thedraft proposal has been published to inform all stakeholders and anyobjections / suggestions will be taken up for consideration on expiry of 60days from the date of publication of the draft notification in the officialgazette, after which the final notification will be issued.

Prior to the publication of the draft proposal, a sub-committeeconstituted by Assam government under the state labour commissionerconsisting of general secretary and president of CRU, Assam state generalsecretary of CITU and employer’s representatives discussed on the reportof the Survey carried out by the State labour commissioner for ascertainingthe minimum monthly rate of wages for sales promotional employees.

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���������!����� �- � � ��More than 50 members from

UPMSRA’s Varanasi unit organizeda relief camp for the flood victimson 4 September at Nakkhi Ghat.Food packets, water bottles andother relief materials weredistributed among the victims.

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MPMSRU45 members of MPMSRU’s

Chhatarpur unit attended theprogramme of photo identity carddistribution on 25 August. IMA’spresident Dr. K K Chaturvedi wasthe chief guest. MPMSRU’streasurer greeted the participants.

MSMRAIn a meeting attended by 70

members of MSMRA’s Sangli unitand in presence of an eminentmedical practitioner of Miraj, Dr.Dayanand Naik, union’s photoidentity cards were distributed on6 September. Dr. Naikacknowledged the importance ofsuch photo identity card andappreciated the union’s move.

WBMSRU’s 30th foundationday was observed on 23September by all its 18 districtcommittees across the state ofWest Bengal through flag hoisting,blood donation camps, family gettogether and various sports and

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North Zone Convention at Delhi

cultural activities. 900 units of bloodwere donated by the members. Onthe day, popular lectures were alsoorganized at various places tocommemorate the birth centenaryof comrade Jyoti Basu and wereaddressed by eminent speakerswhich include former member of the

Parliament and CITU’s leaderSantashri Chatterjee at North 24Parganas; former ministers of theLeft Front government SudarshanRoycowdhury at Hoogly, AshokeBhattacharya at Darjeeling andWBMSRU’s president Rabin Debat Kolkata.

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Printed by D P Dubey, published by D P Dubey on behalf of Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives’ Associations of India and printed at SatyajugEmployees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13 Prafulla Sarkar Street, Kolkata-700 072 and published at 60-A, Charu Avenue Kolkata-700 033


Registration No. WBENG/2001/6430 Postal Registration No. KOL RMS/106/2013-2015

State Rally Photos1






1 At Patna 2 At Ranchi, Sanjay Chatterjee addressing 3 AtBhubaneswar 4 At Lucknow, CITU Vice-president J S Majumderaddressing 5 At Dehradun 6 At Jaipur

279 general council membersincluding 6 women attended thegeneral council meeting ofWBMSRU during 6-8 September

����������sector which subverts country’s selfreliance and various anti peoplepolicies pursued. He alsoexpressed his concern over the

eminent intellectual and chiefguest, Tarun Mazumder alsogreeted the participants andappreciated WBMSRU for theirrelentless fight for reduction ofprices of medicines and its accessto all.

The participants were dividedin three commissions of sevengroups to pinpointedly discussthe approach paper- on fieldworkers’ demands before Stategovernment; on council andrelated movement and onorganization. One from eachgroup presented the outcome ofthe group discussion. 26participants from 19 district unitsdiscussed on the reports placedby the general secretarySumohan Chakraborty andtreasurer Sisir Saha which wereunanimously adopted, after reply.

FMRAI’s secretary andBSSRU’s president SanjoyChatterjee; Satyabrata Mahapatra,secretary OSRU and P C Duttafrom CRU also greeted the GCM.A presidium comprising of M SSom, Debasish Chattopadhyay,Ratan Rakshit, Arpita Mitra Royand Madan Das conducted theproceedings.

at Comrade Ratan ChakrabortyManch in Comrade SamarMukherjee Nagar (DumDumCant.) in North 24 Parganasdistrict.

The GCM was inaugurated byWBMSRU’s president Rabin Deb.He narrated the presentinternational situation and blamedthe UPA II government at the centrefor escalating price rise of allessential commodities;unrestricted entry of foreign directinvestments in Indian pharma

present situation of the state wherebasic democratic rights of peopleare attacked every day. Chairmanof the reception committee Dr.Amitava Bhattacharya welcomedthe general council members.

The open session wasaddressed by FMRAI’s generalsecretary Aloke Kumar Banerjeewho highlighted the recentdevelopments in pharma industryand the role of FMRAI in defendingthe interest of the field workers.National award winning film maker,

Tarun Mazumder greeting the GCM

On the occasion of birthanniversary of shaheed

Bhagat Singh, HPMRAorganized a blood donation

������������������������� camp on 27 September athistor ical Sher-e-Manch ofMandi jointly with the DYFIand SFI . The camp wasinaugurated by the renownedhistorian and social activist ofHimachal Pradesh Prof .Sunder Lohia. 26 HPMRAmembers donated blood. Dr.Arindam Rai, in-charge of theblood bank of Mandi’s zonalhospital, was present on theoccasion. FMRAI’s workingcommit tee member NKaushal greeted.

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jointly organized by OSRU’sBolangir unit and “AmbaOdisha Sambad” at the local PP Academy High Schoolpremises on 15 September,members of OSRU fromBolangir unit including theirfamily donated 101 units ofblood. The president of thechamber of commerce ofBolangir Tr ipurar i Panigrahiand FCI’s senior officer RakeshKumar Ranjan were the guestsof honour.

Following negotiation byWBMSRU with Cadburymanagement at Kolkata, the job ofSambhu Biswas, an ISR workingfor the Company at Anugul , Odisha

has been regularized with postingin the same state at Kantabhangi.

OSRU was protesting againstthe harassment inflicted upon bylocal management on Sambhu

Biswas and WBMSRU pursued theissue with the regionalmanagement and normalcy wasrestored.

(More state news, Page 3 )

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