Page 1: FIZIČKO - METALURŠKA PRIRODA DEGRADACIJE … · fiziČko - metalurŠka priroda degradacije osobina u zoni uticaja toplote zavarenog



Bošanský Ján, Šmida Tibor, Magula Vladimír Prevod B. Katavić



Originalni naučni rad / Original scientific paper

UDK/UDC: 621.791.051:669.14 669.14.017/.018

Rad primljen / Paper received:

januar 2006.

Adresa autora / Author's address: IBOK - Integrita a Bezpečnosť Oceľových Konštrukcií, a.s. Rybničná 40, 831 07 Bratislava, Slovakia Bošanský Ján, [email protected], Šmida Tibor, [email protected], Magula Vladimír , [email protected]

Ključne reči: Zavareni spojevi, osobine, veličina zrna, struktura, taložno ojačavanje, ZUT.

Keywords: Welded joints, properties, grain size, microstructure, precipitation strengthening, HAZ.


U radu se razmatraju osnovni mehanizmi fizičke metalurgije, koji upravljaju osobinama zavarenih spojeva: utiču na veličinu zrna, vrstu strukture, taložno ojačavanje i gustinu, oblikom dislokacija. Iako se mehanizmi degradacije razmatraju pojedinačno, njihovo dejstvo u zavarenom spoju je simultano.

Abstract The article discusses the basic physical metallurgy mechanisms governing the properties of welded joints: influence of the grain size, influence of the structure type, precipitation strengthening and density by configuration of dislocations. Although the individual degradation mechanisms are assessed separately, their action in the welded joints is simultaneous.


Production of steels is a process in terms of which structural material acquires the required mechanical properties via the basic physical metallurgy strengthening mechanisms [1]:

strengthening via grain boundaries, strengthening via secondary particles, dislocation strengthening (transformation and strain hardening),

solid solution strengthening. At present, consistent kinetics management of the strengthening processes, by chemical composition, temperature and deformation regime of the production cycle, enables to produce steels featuring a broad range of properties.

During welding, structural material is subject to a heat - deformation cycle (welding cycle) with parameters comparable to the production cycle parameters. Therefore, the welding cycle activates the same physical metallurgy processes as the production cycle, however, with the substantial difference being that during welding their kinetics cannot be controlled with the same degree of consistency as during production. The same processes performed during production, give the structural material the required mechanical properties, may thus during welding in the welded joint area lead to undesirable changes in


Proizvodnja čelika je proces koji se odvija u uslovima pri kojima materijal postiže zahtevane mehaničke osobine na osnovu sledećih mehanizama ojačavanja [1]:

Ojačavanje preko granica zrna (usitnjavanje zrna),

Taložno ojačavanje sekundarnim česticama, Dislokaciono ojačavanje (fazna transformacija i deformaciono otvrdnjavanje),

Ojačavanje obrazovanjem čvrstih rastvora. Upravljanje kinetikom procesa ojačavanja (preko hemijskog sastava i temperaturnog i deformacionog režima procesa) omogućava proizvodnju čelika koje karakteriše širok interval osobina.

Za vreme zavarivanja konstrukcioni materijali su izloženi toplotno - deformacionom procesu (procesu zavarivanja) čiji parametri su uporedivi sa parametrima proizvodnje čelika. Dakle, ciklus zavarivanja obuhvata iste fizičko - metalurške procese kao i ciklus proizvodjne ali sa bitno dužim trajanjem nego pri zavarivanju, tako da se njihova kinetika ne može kontrolisati u potpuno istom stepenu kao pri proizvodnji. Isti procesi koji pri proizvodnji omogućavaju dobijanje materijala sa zahtevanim mehaničkim osobinama, mogu u toku zavarivanja izazvati neželjene promene osobina u oblasti

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zavarenog spoja, odnosno najčešće dovode do pada plastičnosti i/ili žilavosti i ređe do pada čvrstoće. Zbog toga se pri zavarivanju ovi procesi razmatraju kao degradacioni procesi. Mada se pri zavarivanju zapažaju promene izazvane ojačavanjem čvrstog rastvora, njihov uticaj je neznatan u poređenju sa uticajem koji imaju preostala tri procesa ojačavanja.


Osnovni tipovi degradacionih mehanizama

Ciklus zavarivanja je obično određen kao veza temperaturnog i deformacionog ciklusa [2]. Temperaturni ciklus može dovesti do promena u tipu strukture, stanju precipitata i veličini zrna, to jest do promena vezanih za dislokaciono ojačavanje, precipitaciono ojačavanje i ojačavanje preko granica zrna. Osnovni tipovi feritne strukture međusobno se razlikuju u gustini dislokacija, što se manifestuje njihovom tvrdoćom. Uticaj temperaturnog ciklusa zavisi od uticaja maksimalne temperature (Tmax) i vremena hlađenja u temperaturnom intervalu od 800 do 500°C (t8/5).

Deformacioni ciklus pri zavarivanju modifikuje osobine konstrukcionog materijala promenom veličine deformacionog otvrdnjavanja. Kombinovano sa uticajem porasta temperature, deformacioni ciklus može takođe da izazove neželjenu dislokacionu konfiguraciju. Parametri deformacionog ciklusa u značajnom stepenu zavise od zaostalog napona u zavarenom spoju. Viši zaostali naponi u zavarenom spoju, stvaraju intezivniji deformacioni ciklus i njegov uticaj na osobine zavarenog spoja.

Prema tome, sledeća četiri osnovna mehanizma mogu degradirati osobine zavarenog spoja:

a) Nekontrolisani porast zrna; b) Precipitaciono ojačavanje; c) Dislokaciono ojačavanje koje se javlja pri

faznim promenama, koje se manifestuju strukturnim promenama;

d) Deformaciono ojačavanje koje uključuje uticaj specifične konfiguracije dislokacija.

Uticaj veličine zrna

Uticaj veličine zrna na granicu razvlačenja koji je prikazan Hall-Petch jednačinom je dobro poznat. Tačnije, napon tečenja raste sa opadanjem srednjeg prečnika zrna. Mnogo važniji je dominantan uticaj veličine zrna na prelaznu temperaturu feritnih čelika, koja opada kad srednji prečnik zrna opada. Prema tome, promena veličina zrna je jedini mehanizamfizičke metalurgije koji može pozitivno uticati i na čvrstoću i na žilavost materijala. Generalno, ne tako mnogo na samu žilavost, već više ograničavajući tendenciju ka lomu cepanjem [8]. Ovo je takođe razlog zašto su skoro svi savremeni konstrukcioni čelici sitnozrni čelici.

properties, i.e. most often to a loss of plasticity and/or toughness, less often to a loss of strength. Therefore, in connection with welding they are also referred to as degradation processes. Although changes in strengthening of the solid solution occur during welding, its influence is negligible compared to the influence of the remaining three strengthening processes.


Basic degradation mechanism types

The welding cycle is usually defined as superposition of the temperature and deformation cycle [2]. The temperature cycle may incur changes in the structure type, state of precipitates, and grain size, i.e. changes related to dislocation strengthening, precipitation strengthening and strengthening via grain boundaries. The basic types of ferritic structures differ in particular in dislocation density manifested in their hardness. The temperature cycle impact depends on the maximum impact temperature (Tmax) and cooling time from 800 to 500°C (t8/5).

The welding deformation cycle modifies the structural material properties via modification of the extent of strain hardening. Combined with the impact of increased temperature, the deformation cycle may also incur distinctive (undesirable) dislocation configurations. The deformation cycle parameters depend to a significant degree on the restraint of welded joint. The higher the welded joint restraint, the more intensive the deformation cycle and its impact on the properties of the welded joint (hereinafter „WJ“). Thus, the four basic mechanisms that can degrade the welded joint properties are the following:

a) Uncontrolled grain growth; b) Precipitation strengthening; c) Dislocation strengthening by transformation

(manifested by the structural changes); d) Strain hardening including the effect of

specific configuration of dislocations.

Influence of the grain size

The influence of the grain size on yield strength as expressed by the Hall-Petch relationship is well known. According to the above, yield strength grows as the mean grain diameter decreases. What plays an even more important role, however, is the dominant influence of grain size on the transition temperature of ferritic steels, which decreases as the mean grain diameter decreases. Grain size is thus the only mechanism of physical metallurgy that can positively influence both strength and toughness of structural material. Strictly speaking, not so much the toughness itself, as rather restricting the tendency to cleavage fracture [8]. This is also the reason why almost all modern structural steels are fine-grained steels.

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Porast zrna u zoni uticaja toplote (ZUT) mogao bi se uzeti u obzir kao jedan od glavnih degradacionih mehanizama pri zavarivanju, osobito nakon unosa velike količine toplote. Porast zrna u ZUT-u zavisi od vrste čelika, to jest od njegovog hemijskog sastava i prethodne obrade. Zavisnost promene veličine zrna sa maksimalnom temperaturom za nekoliko čelika prikazana je na slici 1. Simulacija ZUT na simulatoru zavarivanja Thermorestor W, je pokazala da je kod niskougljeničnog čelika (STN 42 013) brzina rasta zrna značajno niža u zavisnosti od temperaturnog ciklusa, nego kod niskolegiranog STN 46 224 (S690QL) ili mikrolegiranog STN 41 503 (P355NL1) čelika. Najsporiji porast zrna otkriven je u čeliku STN 42 013 pri vremenu hlađenja od 60 s u temperaturnom intervalu t8/5 (u slučaju najveće unete toplote), koji objašnjava poznatu činjenicu da u zavarenom niskougljeničnom čeliku žilavost raste sa porastom unete toplote kad dolazi do usitnjavanja feritnih zrna. Veličina zrna značajno utiče na žilavost zone uticaja toplote (ZUT) posebno kod niskolegiranih i mikrolegiranih čelika. Uticaj maksimalne temperature temperaturnog ciklusa zavarivanja na žilavost simulirane ZUT čelika STN 46 224 (S690QL), je prikazan na slici 2. Kada je maksimalna temperatura porasla od 950°C do 1400°C, žilavost je opala šest puta. Žilavost osnovnog materijala u isporučenom stanju (označenog sa BM) je prikazana na slici 2 isprekidanom linijom. Ove vrednosti ukazuju da čelik u polaznom stanju nije optimalno termički obrađen popitanju žilavosti, obzirom da je veličina zrna relativno velika. Promena temperaturnog ciklusa utiče takođe i na žilavost drugih, a ne samo mikro i niskolegiranih čelika. Ona ima najmanji uticaj na žilavost niskougljeničnih čelika, zato što je u sastavu njihove strukture uglavnom ferit.

Ciklus zavarivanja uzrokuje porast zrna u visoko zagrejanoj ZUT-e. U cilju ograničenja porasta zrna, čelicima se dodaju elementi koji formiraju karbide, nitride ili karbonitride, koji su stabilni na visokim temperaturama. Po Easteringlu [3] precipitati se po stabilnosti mogu svrstati po sledećem redosledu: TiN, Nb(C,N), AlN, NbC, VC. Smanjenje sadržaja Si je takođe efikasan način sprečavanja prekomernog porasta zrna kod čelika visoke čvrstoće [4, 5]. Verovatno da smanjenje sadržaja Si dovodi do porasta energije granice zrna koja sprečava njihov porast pri rekristalizaciji. Na primer, porast sadržaja Si u čelicima za transformatorske limove olakšava porast zrna u toku sekundarne rekristalizacije. Žilavost visoko zagrejane zone pod uticajem toplote, može se povećati bilo smanjenjem energije zavarivanja ili korišćenjem visokoenergetskih postupaka zavarivanja, kao što su laser i elektronski mlaz. Pri zavarivanju laserom, veličina zrna u ZUT može biti manja nego veličina zrna u osnovnom metalu.

Grain growth in a heat-affected zone (hereinafter “HAZ”) may be considered as one of the major degradation mechanisms of welding, in particular after applying high heat input. Grain growth in a HAZ depends on the steel type (i.e. its chemical composition and previous processing). Grain size changes plotted against maximum temperature of several steels are illustrated in Figure 1.

Simulation of a HAZ by means of Thermorestor - W has manifested that in low - carbon steel (e.g. STN 42 013) the grain grew at a significantly slower rate, depending on the temperature of the cycle, than in low-alloy steel STN 46 224 (S690QL) or STN 41 503 (P355NL1) micro-alloyed steel. The slowest grain growth was found in STN 42 013 steel at a cooling time of t8/5 60 s (the highest heat input), which explains the known fact that in welding of low-carbon steels, notch toughness increases with increasing heat input, as austenite grains break down to smaller ferritic grains.

Grain size significantly influences notch toughness of the HAZ particularly in low-alloy and micro-alloy steels. Influence of the maximum temperature of the temperature cycle on notch toughness of a simulated HAZ of a steel STN 46 224 (S690QL) is shown in Figure 2. When the maximum temperature increased from 950°C to 1400°C, notch toughness decreased six times. The notch toughness values of the as delivered state of base material (hereinafter BM) are depicted as a dashed line in Figure 2. These values indicate that the as delivered state of steel was not optimally heat-treated from the viewpoint of notch toughness, as the grain size was relatively large.

The cycle temperature also influences notch toughness of other than micro- and low alloy steels. It has the lowest influence on impact resistance of low-carbon steels, as their structure remains mostly ferritic.

The welding cycle causes grain growth in a highly heated-up HAZ. To restrict the grain growth, such elements are added to steels, which precipitate as carbides, nitrides or carbonitrides stable at high temperatures, thereby restricting grain migration. According to Easterling [3], precipitate stability can be ranked as follows: TiN, Nb(C, N), AlN, NbC, VC. Reduction in Si content also works as an efficient tool preventing excessive grain growth in high-strength steels [4, 5]. It is probable that reduced Si content increases grain boundary energy, thus preventing its growth by recrystallisation. For exaple, increased Si content in transformer steel plates facilitates grain growth during secondary recrystallisation.

Toughness of a highly heated-up HAZ may be increased by either decreasing the heat input or by using concentrated energy welding sources such as laser and electron beam. In laser welding, grain size in the HAZ may be smaller than the grain size of the BM.

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Influence of precipitation

Precipitation of carbides, nitrides and other dispersive particles is a mechanism for increasing strength, but decreasing plasticity of steels and their WJ. The state of precipitates thus has to be optimised with regard to the required exploitation properties of steel. Precipitates increase strength properties by blocking the movement of dislocations. The contribution of precipitation strengthening to yield strength (Rp) is expressed by several models. For instance, the Ashby-Orowan mechanism:

Rp ~ (1/L) x lnL,

where L is the mean free path of dislocations between particles. The intensity of precipitation strengthening may be controlled by annealing time and temperature. The above two parameters control the precipitation kinetics of a given material.

Micro-alloyed steels contain micro-alloys such as Nb, V, Ti and Al, which significantly enhance strength properties of steels and welded joints even when present in small amounts (in total below 0.15%). The dependence of hardness on annealing time for various contents in the welded metal (hereinafter „WM“) is shown in Figure 3. Hardness increases to the maximum if the precipitate is coherent with the matrix. Hardness is reduced upon loss of coherency. It is difficult to observe similar very dispersive particles, and they can only be identified in the dark field of an electron microscope. Thus, they may be the

Uticaj precipitacije

Precipitacija karbida, nitrida i ostalih disperznih čestica je mehanizam povećanja čvrstoće ali i smanjenja plastičnosti čelika i njihovih zavarenih spojeva (ZS). Stanje navedenih precipitata mora biti optimizovan u skladu sa zahtevanim eksploatacionim osobinama čelika. Precipitati povećavaju čvrstoću čelika blokiranjem dislokacija. Doprinos precipitacionog ojačavanja povećanju napona tečenja (Rp) je prikazan sa nekoliko modela. Na primer, po Ashby-Orowan mehanizmu:

Rp ~ (1/L) x lnL,

gde je L srednja veličina slobodnog rastojanja između čestica za kretanje dislokacija. Intenzitet precipitacionog ojačavanja može se kontrolisati vremenom i temperaturom žarenja. Ova dva parametra kontrolišu kinetiku precipitacije u materijalu.

Mikrolegirani čelici sadrže elemente kao što su Nb, V, Ti i Al, koji značajno povećavaju čvrstoću čelika i njihovih zavarenih spojeva, čak kad su prisutni u malim koncentracijama (ukupna koncentracija manja od 0.15%). Zavisnost tvrdoće metala šava od vremena žarenja pri različitim koncentracijama Nb u zavarenom metalu prikazana je na slici 3. Tvrdoća metala šava postiže maksimum ako su precipitati koherentni sa metalnom osnovom. Nakon gubitka koherentnosti precipitata tvrdoća se smanjuje. Indentifikacija vrlo disperznih čestica različitih

Slika 1: Uticaj promene maksimalne temperature i vremena

na veličinu zrna simulirane ZUT Figure 1: Influence of cycle peak temperature and time on

grain size of a simulated HAZ

Sika 2: Uticaj maksimalne temperature (Tmax) na energiju udara

Figure 2: Influence of peak temperature (Tmax) on notch tougness

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cause for WM notch toughness deterioration even though their presence is not detected at all, e.g. in the case of developmental steel, P 91 and its modifications. Influence of annealing temperature on hardness of 2.5Cr-0.5Mo-V steel is show in Figure 4. As obvious from the Figure, changes in hardness are relatively small at the temperatures of 500 or 580°C, while in annealing at the temperatures of 650 and 720°C, hardness increases at first, and upon getting over the maximum its value decreases along with increasing annealing time. These results may be successfully applied to reach the required hardness of a HAZ after welding a V micro-alloyed steel.

Influence of the microstructure Deterioration in plasticity as a result of structural changes is also referred to as transformation-induced embrittlement. It is elicited by growing hardness in the sequence of ferrite, bainite and martensite, and it is the consequence of a growing density of dislocations in the product of phase transformation with a growing degree of undercooling. As a separate sub-category of transformation-induced embrittlement a relative deterioration in fracture properties of coarse acicular ferrite and upper bainite can be considered (for instance in the impact bending test). It can be explained by the influence of the size basic microstructural unit delimited by a high-angle grain boundary and thus it is related to strengthening by grain boundaries. Transformation-induced embrittlement may thus be a consequence ofembrittlement as a result of increased dislocation density, as a result of growth of „effective grain size“, or of combination of both factors.

Slika 3: Uticaj sadržaja Nb na tvrdoću zavarenog a potom žarenog čelika: od „1“ bez Nb do „7“ sa 0.17% Nb.

Figure 3: Influence of Nb content on hardness upon annealing: „1“ - without Nb to „7“ - 0.17% Nb

Slika 4: Uticaj temperature i vremena žarenja na tvrdoću čelika 2.5Cr-0.5Mo-V

Figure 4: Influence of annealing temperature and time on hardness of 2.5Cr-0.5Mo-V steel

precipitata je moguća jedino uz pomoć elektronskog mikroskopa posmatranjem u tamnom polju. Prema tome, precipitati mogu uzrokovati pad žilavosti metala šava iako njihovo prisustvo nije u potpunosti detektovano, na primer u slučaju čelika u razvoju, P 91 i njegovih modifikacija.

Uticaj temperature žarenja na tvrdoću čelika 2.5Cr-0.5Mo-V je prikazana na slici 4. Očigledno je da je promena tvrdoće relativno mala na temperaturama 500oC i 580oC, dok pri žarenju na temperaturama od 650 i 720oC tvrdoća prvo raste, a nakon postizanja maksimuma opada sa porastom vremena žarenja. Ovi rezultati se mogu uspešno primeniti u postizanju zahtevane tvrdoće ZUT-a zavarenog čelika mikrolegiranog V.

Uticaj mikrostrukture

Pogoršanje plastičnosti kao rezultat strukturnih promena se isto ponaša kao transformacijom izazvana krtost. To je izazvano porastom tvrdoće u delovima ferita, beinita i martenzita, i posledica je porasta gustine dislokacija u produktima fazne transformacije sa porastom stepena pothlađenja. Kao posebna sub-kategorija, transformacijom indukovane krtosti, može se smatrati relativno pogoršanje osobina loma grubog acikularnog ferita i gornjeg beinita (na primer kod udarnog savojnog ispitivanja). Ovo se može objasniti uticajem veličine osnovne mikrostrukturne jedinice ograničene granicom zrna velikog ugla i tako je u vezi sa ojačavanjem granicama zrna. Transformacijom indukovana krtost može prema tome biti posledica krtosti kao rezultat porasta gustine dislokacija, kao rezultat porasta „efektivne granice zrna”, ili kombinacije oba faktora.

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The structures may be categorized on the basis of the above differences according to the classification of structures published in the literature [2, 3]. The classification is based not only on distinctive morphological characteristics, moreover, it is designed to take into consideration the strength and particularly the fracture properties of the welded joint.

The aim pursued by welding technology optimization is to achieve balanced properties of the welded joint in all areas i.e. to make them „matching“, and neither „over“, nor „under matching“. In such case, all parts of HAZ would be deformed during load, and their plasticity reserve would be utilized without its substantial concentration. That means that the structure and properties of a HAZ should not significantly differ from the base material.

The structure of the HAZ and its mechanical properties, depends on chemical composition of the base material and on the temperature cycle parameters (Tmax and ∆t8/5). The smallest changes are incurred in low-carbon steel (STN 42 013) as apparent from Figure 5. The changes expressed by the increase in yield strength Re as well as in strength limit Rm compared to the original base material are in the range of about 100 MPa, while in micro-alloyed and low-alloy steels they may rise up to 900 MPa, as apparent from Figure 6 and 7.

The influence of welding cycle on strength and plastic properties of STN 46 224 (S690QL) steel is illustrated in Figure 7 and 8. Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of the BM changed depending on the annealing temperature (Figure 7). Yield strength ranged from 600 to 650 MPa, ductility ranged from 20 to 25% as presented in Figure 8. The decrease in ductility of the simulated HAZ along with increasing strength is illustrated in Figure 8 and 9.

If ferritic structure was predominant upon application of the temperature cycle, ductility ranged from 35 to 45% (Figure 8). If martensite was predominant in the HAZ of the STN 46 224 steel, then A3 ductility decreased to about 8 – 15% according to Figure 8, depending on cooling time. In STN 41 503 steel, where ductility of the ferritic-pearlitic structure of the BM was at the level of 35% (Figure 9), ductility of the HAZ decreased depending on the structure. If bainite was predominant in the structure of the HAZ, ductility of the HAZ was at the level of 25%, and if martensite was predominant, then it dropped to 15% as in STN 46 224 steel.

It may be concluded on the basis of the above results that ductility is primarily governed by structure type or by dislocation density. In general, the higher the dislocation density, the higher the hardness and strength, and the lower the plasticity reserve of the HAZ.

Strukture bi se mogle kategorisati na osnovu prethodno navedenih razlika, koje su u vezi sa klasifikacijom struktura publikovanih u radovima [2 i 3]. Klasifikacija je zasnovana ne samo na karakterističnim morfološkim osobinama, već više od toga, uzeta je u obzir čvrstoća i naročito osobine loma zavarenog spoja.

Cilj kojem se teži, optimizacijom tehnologije zavarivanja, je postizanje uravnoteženih osobina zavarenog spoja u svim presecima, to jest ujednačavanje mehaničkih osobina osnovnog metala i metala šava, tzv. „matching”, a ne ići na vrednosti više ili niže od osnovnog metala tj. na "over" ili na "undermatching". U takvom slučaju svi delovi ZUT bi se deformisali u toku opterećenja i njihova preostala plastičnost bi se iskoristila bez njene znatne koncentracije. To znači da se struktura i osobine ZUT ne bi značajno razlikovale u odnosu na osnovni metal.

Struktura ZUT i njene mehaničke osobine, zavise od hemijskog sastava osnovnog metala i parametara temperaturnog ciklusa (Tmax i ∆t8/5). Najmanje promena se javlja kod niskougljeničnog čelika (STN 42 013), kao što je očigledno sa slike 5. Promene prikazane porastom napona tečenja Re kao i čvrstoćom Rm upoređene sa originalnim osnovnim metalom, su u intervalu od oko 100 MPa, dok kod mikrolegiranih i niskolegiranih čelicika one mogu da porastu do 900 MPa, kao što je očigledno sa slika 6 i 7.

Uticaj ciklusa zavarivanja na osobine čvrstoće i plastičnosti čelika STN 46 224 (S690QL) prikazan je na slikama 7 i 8. Granica razvlačenja i zatezna čvrstoća osnovnog metala promenile su se u zavisnosti od temperature žarenja (slika 7). Napon tečenja je u intervalu od 600 do 650 MPa, a izduženje od 20 do 25% (slika 8). Pad duktilnosti simulirane ZUT zajedno sa porastom čvrstoće je prikazan na slikama 8 i 9.

Ako je feritna struktura bila dominantna nakon primenjenog temperaturnog ciklusa, izduženje je u intervalu od 35 do 45% (slika 8). Ako je martenzit bio dominantan u ZUT kod čelika STN 46 224 (S690QL), tada je izduženje opalo do oko 8 - 15% što je zavisilo od vremena hlađenja, slika 8. U čeliku STN 41 503 (P355NL1) gde je izduženje feritno-perlitne strukture osnovnog metala bilo na nivou od 35% (slika 9), duktilnost ZUT je opala u zavisnosti od strukture. Ako je beinit bio dominantan u strukturi ZUT, izduženje ZUT je bilo na nivou od 25%, a ako je martenzit bio dominantan, tada je izduženje padalo do 15% kao kod čelika STN 46 224 (S690QL).

Moglo bi se zaključiti na osnovu prethodnih rezultata da je duktilnost primarno ograničena tipom strukture ili gustinom dislokacija. Generalno rečeno, veća gustina dislokacija znači veća tvrdoća i čvrstoća i niža rezerva plastičnosti ZUT.

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Uticaj gustine i raspodele dislokacija

Generalno rečeno, porast gustine dislokacija, bilo kao rezultat plastične deformacije ili fazne transformacije (prema 2.4), dovodi do porasta čvrstoće i pada plastičnih osobina materijala, uključujući i žilavost. Međutim, dislokacije u zavarenim spojevima stvaraju se, kreću se i međusobno reaguju na višim temperaturama i tako imaju drugačiju raspodelu nego nakon deformacije na sobnoj temperaturi i stoga njihov uticaj na čvrstoću i plastičnost nije obavezno isti kao što je uticaj deformacije na sobnoj temperaturi. Dislokacije generisane u toku zavarivanja imaju raspodelu u obliku više ili manje normalne dislokacione mreže [4]. Dislokaciona mreža se formira na osnovu jednačine:

a/2 [111] + a/2 [111] = a [100]

Dislokacija a [100] formirana na višim temperaturama ponaša se kao dislokaciona prepreka. Njihov uticaj mogao bi se izraziti „koeficijentom udela dislokacija“ koji znači da je na višim temperaturama deformacije potrebno manje dislokacija da izazove jediničnu promenu jedne od mehaničkih osobina. „Koeficijenti udela dislokacija” omogućavaju da se izračunaju očekivane mehaničke osobine otpornosti zavarenog

Influence of density and configuration of dislocations

In general, the growing dislocation density, either as a result of plastic deformation or phase transformations (ref. to 2.4), increases the strengthproperties and decreases the plastic properties of the structural material, including toughness. However, dislocations in welded joints arise, move and interact at higher temperatures, and thus they have a different configuration than after deformation at ambient temperature, therefore their effect on strength and plasticity is not necessarily the same as the effect of the same deformation at ambient temperature. Dislocations generated during welding have the configuration of a more or less regular dislocation network [4]. The dislocation network is formed on the basis of the equation:

a/2 [111] + a/2 [111] = a [100]

Dislocation a[100] formed at higher deformation temperatures acts as a dislocation barrier. Its effect may be expressed by a „coefficient of dislocation contribution“ meaning that at higher deformation temperatures less dislocations are needed to cause a unit change in one of the mechanical properties.

Slika 5: Uticaj simuliranog ciklusa zavarivanja na osobine čvrstoće niskougljeničnog čelika STN 42 013

Figure 5: Influence of simulated welding cycle on strength properties of low - carbon STN 42 013 steel

Slika 6: Uticaj ciklusa zavarivanja na osobine čvrstoće čelika STN 41 503 (P355NL1)

Figure 6: Influence of welding cycle on strength properties of STN 41 503 (P355NL1) steel

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Slika 7:Uticaj ciklusa zavarivanja na osobine čvrstoće čelika STN 46 224 (S690QL)

Figure 7: Influence of welding cycle on strength properties of STN 46 224 (S690QL) steel

Slika 8: Uticaj ciklusa zavarivanja na duktilnost niskougljeničnog čelika STN 42 013 i STN 46 224 (S690QL)

Figure 8: Influence of welding cycle on ductility of STN 42 013 and STN 46 224 steels (S690QL)

Slika 9: Duktilnost - izduženje simuliranog ZUT STN čelika 41 503 (P355NL1)

Figure 9: Ductility of simulated STN 41 503 (P355NL1) steel

Slika 10: Merene i izračunate veličine Rm kod niskougljeničnog čelika STN 42 013

Figure10: Measured and calculated Rm values in low carbon STN 42 013 steel

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Slika 11: Promena prelazne temperature ili žilavosti koja zavisi od gustine i raspodele

dislokacija; Isporučeno stanje OM (1), 10% deformacija na 20oC (2), 10% def. + 650oC/1h/vazduh (3), 10% def. + 600 oC/vazduh (4), 10% def. + 840oC/2h/sa peći (5). Figure11: Change in transition temperature or notch toughness depending on density and configuration of dislocations; As delivered of the BM (1), 10% plastic deformation

at 20°C (2), 10% def. + 650°C/1h/air (3), 10% def. + 600°C/air (4), 10% def.+ 840°C/2h/furnace (5)

spoja preko gustine i raspodele dislokacija, slika 10. Proračunate (osenčena površina) i merene vrednosti(puna linija) su u dobrom slaganju.

Promena vrednosti žilavosti (energija udara) mikrolegiranog Nb čelika STN 41 503 (P355NL1) je takođe objašnjena na osnovu gustine i raspodele dislokacija [5], slika 11. Pokazano je da je uticaj dislokacione mreže ili granica subzrna verovatno formiranih na višim temperaturama bio 1.8 – 2.3 puta veći nego uticaj dislokacija nakon iste deformacije na sobnoj temperaturi. Odnos između „koeficijenata udela dislokacija“ bio je sličan kao u radu [4].


Ovaj članak razmatra mehanizme fizičke metalurgije koji regulišu osobine zavarenih spojeva: uticaj veličine zrna, to jest veličine elementarne strukturne jedinice ograničene granicom velikog ugla, uticaj vrste strukture, ojačavanje precipitacijom i gustinom preko raspodele dislokacija. Iako se pojedinačni degradacioni mehanizmi procenjuju odvojeno, njihova aktivnost u zavarenom spoju je simultana. Kako relativni degradacioni uticaj pojedinačnih mehanizama zavisi od:

hemijskog sastava i prethodne obrade čelika, parametara termičkog i deformacionog ciklusa zavarivanja,

Coefficients of dislocation contribution“ enabled to calculate the expected mechanical properties of the resistant welded joint out of density and configuration of dislocations - Figure 10. The calculated values (shaded area) and measured quantities (full line) correlated well.

The developments of notch toughness values of Nb micro-alloyed STN 41 503 steel were also explained on the basis of density and configuration of dislocations [5] - Figure 11. It was shown that the effect of the dislocation network, or of the sub-grain boundaries, as the case may be, formed at higher temperatures was 1.8 – 2.3-times higher than the effect of dislocations after the same deformation at ambient temperature. The ratio between „coefficients of dislocation contribution“ was similar as in the work of [4].


The article discusses the basic physical metallurgymechanisms governing the properties of welded joints: influence of the grain size, i.e. size of the elementary structural unit delimited by a high-angle boundary, influence of the structure type, precipitation strengthening and density by configuration ofdislocations. Although the individual degradation mechanisms are assessed separately, their action in the welded joints is simultaneous. As the relative

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degradation effect of the individual mechanisms depends on

chemical composition and previous treatment of steel,

parameters of the heat and deformation cycle of welding,

their effect is different in welding of mild steels than in welding of high-strength steels with a more complex alloying base, and their effect also depends on the welding parameters and on the particular configuration of the welded joint.

njihov uticaj je različit u zavarenim niskolegiranim čelicima nego u zavarenim čelicima visoke čvrstoće sa mnogo kompleksnijim legiranjem, i njihov uticaj takođe zavisi od parametara zavarivanja i naročito od oblika zavarenog spoja.


[1] Argon A.S.: In: Cahn R.W. and Haasen P. (Eds.), Physical Metallurgy, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1996

[2] Hrivňák I.: Teória zvariteľnosti kovov a zliatin, VEDA, Vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava 1989

[3] Bošanský J., Magula V.: Proposal for classification of welded joint’s structures, Doc. IIW IX-2176-05

[4] Bošanský J., Magula V.: Zváranie-Svařování, 54, 9, 2005, 237

[5] Bošanský J.: Kovové materiály, 4, 9, 1972, 325

[6] Bošanský J., Mráz Ľ.: Zváranie, 3, 23, 1985, 341

[7] Šmida T., Bošanský J.: Kovové materiály, 1, 41, 2003,36

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