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CHAPTER 1 Once upon a time there were seven Friends: Greece I,

Greece II, Romania, Latvia, England, France and Poland. They lived in a beautiful village.

In the village there was a small castle. The Queen whom the Friends loved very much lived there.

One day the Queen disappeared. It was said she had been kidnapped by a dragon. The Friends decided to find and free her.

They went to a wizard to get special weapons. The wizard who lived in an old tower told them that they would have to go through five gates: Smell, See, Taste, Hear and Feel and in each of them they would have to solve some puzzles.

And so the journey started….

Chapter written by Poland

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CHAPTER 2The friends went through deep forests and over high hills. It was difficult at first, but friends helped each other.After two days they came to the first gate “SEE”. It was locked. How to open it?Suddenly the friends saw some pictures on the gate. What were they? Greece called out: “These are our flags!” The gate made a strange sound, but it didn’t open. “Oh, we have to name the countries of the flags!” exclaimed Romania.The gate made another strange noise, but it didn’t open. “Look! These are our friends from France!” Latvia pointed to some pictures.The friends found the pictures of each other and clapped their hands.Suddenly the gate made one more sound and it opened. “We can continue our journey!” And friends entered the gate and continued their journey.

Chapter written by Latvia

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CHAPTER 3Suddenly 7 trumpets started to play and a voice came out of nowhere. “For this challenge, you have to recognize the different languages and national anthems of each country.”It took a while for them to work out each anthem but they worked together as a team and started to figure them out. They were all doing very well until they got stuck on one. Nobody knew the answer so the Voice suddenly boomed, “Look around you for some clues.” They found some letters hidden and some chamomile. They played about with the letters until it spelt “F-R-A-N-C-E”.“Your final challenge in order to open this gate,” explained the Voice,“is to look at this globe. When you hear the words, you must point to the country.“Bonjour!” The children easily guessed that it was France and the first of the six locks on the door opened.“Salut!” One of the young boys knew that was how to say hello in Romanian and they searched for the country on the globe. At last they found it and the second lock opened.“Czesc!”The children scratched their heads wondering until they saw their Polish friends grinning. “Look here is Poland on the map and this is the capital, Warsaw.” Now they had opened three locks and were half way there.“Yassu is Greek,” shouted the twins. Excitedly they looked on the globe and found Athens and Chakidiki.The Latvian friends jumped for joy when they heard “Sveiki”. “Where is your country?”asked the Greek children. “Look, we are here, between Estonia and Lithuania.”Just one more challenge to go. “Hello.” The children quickly found the UK on the map and the last lock turned slowly. Everyone skipped through the open gate, singing the National Anthems.

Chapter written by UK

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CHAPTER 4The 7 friends had been walking for hours, when they entered a magic forest. It was full of lollipop-trees and ice-cream flowers. At the end of the forest, there was a big gate with the sign “The Gate of Taste” on it. After eating lollipops and ice-creams, the 7 friends tried to open the gate and continue their quest, but it was locked and a voice was heard “When you taste and find the food, the lock may change its mood”.Suddenly, a huge wooden table appeared with lots of food, sweets and drinks on it. In a basket there were 7 flags. The voice was heard again “Find the food and stick the flag, otherwise I’ll get mad”. The friends got scared, but Greece I said, “Don’t worry! We have to concentrate and save the queen!”. “Yes.”, replied Romania, ”We can do it if we work as a team”.Romania grabbed the Romanian flag from the basket and searched the table. “There! There is a Romanian Christmas cake on the table!”, exclaimed France. Romania smiled and put the flag on the cake. France got the French flag and started looking when she found the Yule Log. She was so excited that she cut a bite and ate it. At this time, Poland saw the meat soup next to the fish, grabbed the Polish flag and stuck it on the food. The friends clapped.Latvia with the Latvian flag in hand looked at the table. Immediately England jumped “Come here! Here is your gingerbread!”. “Well- done my friend!”, said Latvia and put his flag there. Then, England took her turn and easily found the scones and tea. The 7 friends liked the scones so much that everyone ate one. The twins were the last to go. Each of them took one of the two Greek flags and smiled when their friends pointed at avgofetes and melomakarona. Immediately, the lock opened with a loud noise and the 7 friends, with the taste of their favourite food in their mouth, continued their journey.

Chapter written by Greece ( Athens)

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CHAPTER 5As they were walking on a path in the forest, they found 5 small perfumed packets on the floor. They wanted to open them, but it was written: “Do not open it if you want to see your beloved Queen again!”. So they took them and continued walking. When they reached the next gate, they saw a big sign and it was written: “Be careful! Do not open your packets! Use your smell to find what there is in each packet!” They realized it was time for the next challenge. Greece I took one and declared: “I know it’s honey, we love this smell in our country!” Poland was the second and said: “What a lovely smell! For sure, there is gingerbread in this packet!”. It was the turn of Latvia. They smelled the packet several times but couldn’t find. So Greece II helped them and they all shouted happily : “ Of course, spring flowers! There are tulips, daffodils and lavender”. Then, France took another packet and exclaimed : “It smells like vanilla! We often make cakes with it in France”. Finally, England took the last packet, smelled it again and again, but couldn’t find what there was in it. They were all sad and started crying. At that moment, a voice told them: “This is your last chance! Do not forget you‘re an amazing team. Try again!” and a packet fell from the sky. Rumania decided to help England, they picked the packet, exchanged ideas and replied : “We have the answer! It smells like a yummy fresh doughnut!”. The gate opened, they were so happy and shouted: “We’re a fantastic team! Let’s go! ”. Suddenly, they heard their beloved Queen: “Help! Help!” and they saw the dragon flying with her far away in the sky …

Chapter written by France

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By Florine & Oriane

By Aysenur

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CHAPTER 6The journey wasn’t over. They took an air balloon and followed her. The dragon reached a secret cave.“If you want your queen back there is one last challenge. You must recognize the natural phenomenon that dominates in each country.”And the sky went black.. It started to rain heavily. Our English friend step forward .“Its my country, England”. Then the rain turned into snow.”Its my country Latvia” The Latvian friend shouted happily. Then a strong mountain air begin to blow.”Its me Poland” jumped the Polish friend. Suddenly they were surrounded by tree leaves and could feel the rustle of the forest. “Its my country France” said our French friend and step forward.Then a chilly wind blew and a roar from the river was coming near them. “its me Romania” said our Romanian friend really excited. But the weather changed rapidly. They felt hot air on their faces together with an ocean breeze, “Our country” exclaimed Athens and Chalkidiki.All friends were excited. Their beloved queen will finally be back with them.They were ready to begin their journey back home.

Chapter written by Greece (Chalkidiki)

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The dragon saw them leaving and waved them goodbye. He was so sad . He started to cry.

“I meant no harm. I Lost my baby dragon and I wanted her as a friend to stay with me. I’m sorry.”

The friends looked at each other and shouted all together. “So come with us. There is always a place for a new friend.”So they jumped on her back and flew back together singing :

Together as one we’ ll be friends for ever

we help everyone and hold hands together.

Chapter written by Greece (Chalkidiki)

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The authors of the story:

GREAT TEAMS from:Greece (Athens)Greece (Chalkidiki)FranceUKLatviaPoland

The Best TEAM ever

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eTwinning project

Sense EuropeSeptember 2013 – June 2014

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