Page 1: Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden · Ella Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden Av Bosse Scherman & Göran Walldn Ella Fitzgerald and Duke

Ella Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966inStockholm, Sweden

Av Bosse Scherman & Göran Walldn

Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington and his Orchestra visited Stock-holm February 7- 8, 1966. The program included two concertsFeb. 7, at Konserthuset. The 1" concert at 19.00 and the 2"d con-cert at 21.30. The next day, Feb. 8, started in the daytime with arehearsal at Cirkus. Some of the recordings from the rehearsalhave been used in radio programs. In the evening, the band withElla played a concert in two sets at Cirkus. This concert was partlytelecast by Sveriges Radio och Television (Swedish Broadcastin5Jand Television Corporation). Everything listed here has been au-rally checked by us, and we have seen a video tape of the Z'rd set ofthe Cirkus concert. We have also compared the audio and videotapes of the concerts with the issues on LP, CD and cassette.

l't concert, February 7, Konserthuset, Stockholm,1't set and 2"d set.Information about this concert is unavailable to us. However, atape from the collection of Benny Åslund contains the followingthree titles from Konserthuset, Feb. 7, which were not used in theSwedish Radio broadcast and which could very well be from the1't concert, 2"d set.Ella Fitzgerald (vcl) acc. by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra : CatAnderson, Cootie Williams, Herbie Jones, Mercer Ellington (tp),Lawrence Brown, Chuck Connors, Buster Cooper (tb), Jimmy Ha-milton (cl,ts), Russell Procope (as,cl), Johnny Hodges (as), PaulGonsalves (ts), Harry Carney (bars, cl, bcl), Duke Ellington (p),Joe Comfort (b), Gus Johnson (dr).Imagine My FrustrationJimmyJones (p) addedDuke's PlaceJimmy Jones omittedAzure

Nofe: The above version of Imagine My Frustration is aurally dif-ferent from the one in the broadcast of the 2nd concert (Feb. 7 )and also from the one on Pablo 23O8-Z4Z (Feb. 8). The above ver-

sion of Duke's Place is aurally different from the one on Pablo2308-242 ( Ireb. B). For Azure, there are no other versions fromFeb. 7 or 8 1966 available for comparisons. Rolf Dahlgren rcportedin C)rkesterJournalen 3/1966 that this title was performed duringthe concert he re"'iewed, but it is not clear whether it was the 1't or2"d concert. -l'he above version is rather tentative and sounds likean unprepared encore.

2"d concert February 7, at Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden,1't set and 2"d set.Duke lillington and his Orchestra:Cat Anderson, Cootie Williams, Herbie Jones, Mercer Eliington(tp), Lawrence Brown, Chuck Connors, Buster Cooper (tb), Jim-my Hamilton (cl,ts), Russell Procope (as,cl), Johnny Hodges (as),Paul Gonsalvcs (ts), Harry Carney (bars,cl,bcl), l)uke E,llington(p), John Lamb (b),Sam Wooyard (dr).Imagine My Frustration

2"d concert, 1't set(Norman Granz introduces Duke Ellington)Take The "A" Train (theme)Medley: Black and Tan Fantasy

Creole Love CallThe Moochc

Soul CallWest Indian PancakeEl viti( Norman Granz introduces Ella Fitzgerald )Ella Fitzgerald (vc1), acc. by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra:Same except Jimmy Jones (p), Joe Comfort (b), Gus Johnson (dr)replaces Dukc, John and Sam.Satin DollWives and LoversSomething to Live ForLet's Do ItElla Fitzgerald (vcl) acc. by Cat Anderson (tp), Jimmy Jones (p),Joe Comfort (b),Gus Johnson (dr).Lover ManElla Fitzgerald (vcl) acc. by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra : Asbefore with Jones, Comfort and Johnson in the rhythm section.Sweet Georgia Brown

Nofe: According to O1e J. Nielsen, the above version of El Viti wasissued on the CD lazz Hour JHR73504 (as The Matador), but thatversion is aurally diffcrent.

2"d concert, 2"d setDuke Ellington and His Orchestra: As for the 2"d concert 1't Set.The OpenerLa Plus Belle AfricaineVeldt AmorMagenta Haze

Azure (Sd) CA-8 (cassette)

Things Ain't What Thel' Used To BeEIla Fitzgerald (vcl), acc. by Cat Anderson (tp), Jimmy Hamilton(cl ) -1, Jimmy Jones (p), Joe Comfort (b), Gus Johnson (dr).56 Danco Samba ( Jazz Samba )I'mJust a Lucky So and So, -1Someone To Watch Over MeCootie Williams, Herbie Jones, Mercer Ellington ( tp ) added.Mack the Knife

Ella Fitzgerald (vcl ), acc. b1' Duke Ellington and His Orchestra : asbefore, except that the rhythm section now consists of Duke El-lington and Jimmy Jones (p), Joe Comfort (b) and Gus Johnson(dr). JimmyJones omitted -2Cotton TailImagine My Frustration -2

Azure (Sd) CA-8 (cassette)

Page 2: Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden · Ella Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden Av Bosse Scherman & Göran Walldn Ella Fitzgerald and Duke

llchearsal at Cirkus, Stockholm, February 8, 1966Duke Ellington (p), John Lamb (b),l.ooking Glass, take 1Looking Glass, take 2Serenade To Sweden, take 1

Queen's Guard, take 1Serenade To Sweden, take 2Queen's Guard, take 2

Azure (Sd) CA-5 lcassette)

Duke Ellirrgton and his Orchestra: Regular personnel as above,with Lllington, Lamb and Woodyard in the rhvthm section.Take Thc "4" Train (theme)DE gives instructions to the ltlevision staff.West Indian PancakeKinda Dukish & Rockin' In RhythmI-a Plus Belle Africaine (a few bars onll')

ÄIote: Incider-rtal passages b1' Jimmy Hamilton (cl) and JohnnvHodges in one of the takes of Serenade To Sweden. A SwedishRadio program, broadcast the day before the Cirkus concert wastelecast, includes one take of each title from the rehearsal. Accor-ding to the producer, Lars Egler, the rehcarsal continued an hourlatcr with Ella Fitzgerald, but we haven' t heard anlr recordrng of itand have no details.

Swedish Radio and Television telecast, Cirkus, Stockholm,Sweden, Fcbruary 8, 196b.Duke Ellington and His Orchestra:Cat Anderson, Cootie Williams, Herbie Jones, Mercer lillington,(tp), Lawrence Brown, Chuck Connors, Buster Cooper (tb), Jim-my Hamilton (cl, ts), Russell Procope (as, cl), Jol-rnny Hodges (as),Paul Gonsalves (ts), Harrl' Carney (bars,cl,bcl), Duke Ellington(p), John Lamb(b), Sam Woodyard (dr).

Ella Fitzgerald (vcl) acc. by Cat Anderson (tp), Jimmy Jones (p),Joe Comfort (b)Gus Johnson (dr).So Danco Samba ( Jazz Samba )How High the Moon

Imagrne My Frustrationjimm;rJones(p)addedDuke's Place

Ella Fitzgcrald (vcl) acc. by Duke Ellington and His OrchestraAs before, exceptDuke Ellington (p) replaces JimmyJones.

Pablo 2308-242

Pablo 2308-212

Pablo 2.108-242

PabIo 2308-242

Pabl.o 2308-242Pablo 23O8-242

Azurc CA-15 (cassette )

Nofe: The last title from this telecast, Serenade to Sweden, is fromthe rehearsals at the Cirkus earlier the same dav.

2"d setDuke Ellington and His Orchestra the same as above.Take The "A" Train ( theme )Black and Tan FantasvSoul CallWings and ThingsJam With Sam

Ella Fitzgerald (vcl), acc. b1' Duke Ellirrgton and His Orchestra:Samc except for Jimmv Jones (p) and Gus Johnson (dr) rcplaceslluke and Sam. Joe Cornfort (b) is added (he rcplaces Lamb in themiddle of the number)Satin DollJohn Lamb omitted.Something to Live ForLet's Do It

1" setTake The "A" TrainWest Indian PancakeKinda Dukish & Rockin' In RhythmLa Plus Belle AfricaineThe Opener

Ella Fitzgerald (vcl), acc. by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra:Same except Jimmy Jones (p), Joe Comfort (b), GuS Johnson (dr)replace Duke, John and Sam.Wives and LoversSweet Gcorgia Brown

Ella Fitzgerald (r,cl) acc. by Cat Anderson (tp), Jimmy Joncs (p),Joe Comfort (b)Gus Johnson (dr).Lover Man Pablo 2308-242Cootie Williams, Herbie Jones, Mcrce r Ellington (tp) addedMack the Knife

Ella Fitzgerald (vcl) acc. by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra:As before, except that the rhythm scction consists of Duke Elling-ton (p), JimmyJones (p), Joe Comfort (b), Gus Johnson (dr).Cotton Tail Pablo 2308-242

All titles on Pablo 2308-242 also on Pablo PACD230B-242-2. (Au)D-4027 2, (J)J333 -20006-CD,VDJ -28028, Pablo/Carrere (F) 98. 819 (allCD's ).

Note l; Benny Åslund lists a med-ley of V.l.P.'s Boogie/Jam WithSam for the ahove concert, butonlyJam With Sam is announcedby Duke Ellington and performed.ÄIote 2: In Jazz Records Vol. 6 OIeJ. Nielsen lists a telecast of 11 titles from unidentified concerts,Stockholm, Feb. 7-8 1966 (mostcertainly from the Cirkus concertFeb. B). The program was telecastby French Television in 1984 un-der the title "Ella and Duke InSpain".

Ella Fitzgerald v,ith Ray Brown, bassartd Oscar Petersotl pilt1o.

Azure CA 2 (cassette)Azure CA-2 (cassette)

Pablo 23OB-242

Page 3: Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden · Ella Fitzgerald with Duke Ellington 1966 inStockholm, Sweden Av Bosse Scherman & Göran Walldn Ella Fitzgerald and Duke

sic. The chapters follow in a chronological sequence covering identi-fiable stages in output and considering Duke's works in their musi-cal context.

Duke Ellington Story On Records (DESOR), written by LucianoMassagli and Gior.anni M. Volont€This two-volume edition of DESOR reportedly will be more comple-te than any published discography. DESOR will be introduced in Aprilat Ellington '99 in Washington.

Ken VeiI from England will present two new books about DukeEllington.The two volumes will come out on the market during 1999. It dealswith Duke's life in a diary day-by-day form, a technique like the oneused by Klaus Stratemann had in his famous book from 1992. RolfDahlgren has been supporting Ken with his collection of photographs.

New Billy Strayhorn scores offeredThe Manuscript Editions project is an initiative of Billy StrayhornSongs, Inc. and Walter van de Leur. New scores are added to thecatalogue of Billy's compositions and arrangements. For more infor-mation on these handsomely prepared scores, write to PO Box 10285,Pittsburgh, PA 75232 or visit the Strayhornwebsite: http: //

Johnny Hodges's websitesMichael Palmer. Australia. has created two web addresses for RabbitLovers.http://\4'\.!' and http://wv!'michaelp

Corrections of Bulletin No 4, 1998The article about Bubber Miley was published in Orkester JournaleninMay, 1994. We will be back with a new article about Bubber Mileyin the next Bulletin.The pianist at our meeting on September 7, 1998 got the wrong namehis real name is Jan Sjöblom.Duke Ellington in Drisseldorf: Vocalist is probably Lil Greenwoodand not Devonne Gardner as said on the CD.

Ella and Duke at Cöte d'Azur Concerts, 8-CD BoxVerve 314 539 033-2The 13 first recordings from the box can be find at CD, Sarpe Top JazzsJ-1018.The CD Laserlight I7O97 "Th^ings Ain't What They Used To Be" in-cludes from the same date "La Plus Belle Africaine", "Smada", "SatinDoll" and " Azure" .

Additional comments to our article aboutElla and Duke, February 7 and9, L966.

Sjef Hoefsmit replies about Imagine My Frrctration, Duk's Place andAzure:"The first group of three titles (that are the three you have found onBenny's tape) cannot be confirmed. It is suggested that they are froma studio session in Stockholm. The only time that these titles areplayed together in the same session is in the Norman Grantz recor-ding session in October 1965."DESS comments: The versions of Imagine My Frustration, Duke 's P1a-ce and Azure, listed by us with reservations under the first concert,2"d set of February 7,1966 are genuine live recordings with a largeaudiencc, and musically they are aurally different from the October,1965 studio versions. As we mentioned in the DESS Bulletin No. 41998, p.4, these live versions of Imagine My Frustration and Duke'sPlace are also aurally different from the other versions from Februa-ry 7 and8, 1966.l'he first two titles are performed in one sequencewithout interruption, but there is a brief pause between Duke's Placeand Azure, which could mean either that some applause or talkingbetween these numbers was unrecorded or edited out, or that othertitles were performed between them.Slef The telecast ca11ed "Ella and Duke in Spain" is from onJanuary26, 1966 and under the name "Noches Del Sabado". Gordon Ewingnoted "Duke played in llarcelona on the 26'r' and the next day inBerlin".DESS comments: If the telecast from Spain was broadcasted January26 it couldn't include selections from Stockholm.Slef About the versions of "Serenade lio Sweden", "The Queen'sGuard", "Looking Glass" I think the sequence was "LookingGlass"(take 1), "Looking Glass"(take 2), "The Queen Guard" follo-wed by "Serenade To Sweden".

DESS comments.' The question about the versions of "Serenade ToSweden", "The Queen's Guard", "Looking Glass" is unclear to us.We have heard excerpts from the rehearsal of February 8, 1966 onlyon a tape from a radio broadcast, which includes only one take ofeach title. Our listing of alternative versions for three titles was takenfrom Oie Niels€n's discography, which should be amended accor-ding to your notes above.Slef There is no Kinda Dukish before "Rockin'In Rhythm".DESS commentsj You are dght, we didn't made a wrong remark.We don't believe that the telecast from Sweden only includes recor-dings from Stockholm.

About the photographs in our BulletinMost of the pictures printed in the Bulletin have either been takenby Olle Lindholm or emanates from the personal archives of RoifDahJgren.

Olle Lindholm started to document iazz events with his cameraalready in the 60's.

One of the first great occasions came with the visit of Duke Ei-lington and his Orchestra to Borlänge, Sweden in 1963. He is anenergetic chronicler of the life of the Ellington Society.

Rolf Dahlgren has spent the larger part of his life working in jazzcircles. He started out as a journalist in a socialistic newspaper "Fol-kets Dagblad" led by Nils Flyg already in 1939 and that same year hereported from the visit of the Duke and his Orchestra in Stockholm(Aprll 29, 1939). The year thereafter he took up writing and workingfor the initiator and owner of the lazz magazine Estrad, Nils Hell-ström. Hellström was also promoting jazz concerts and tours andthese activities brought all kinds of PR- and related material that wassaved and catalogued by Rolf.

Thanks to him we have had the opportunity to use this greatwealth of pictures and texts in the Bulletin and will so do in thefuture. He has travelled with Duke and Billy (Strayhorn) and he wasa close friend of Ella Fitzgerald. Perhaps one day he wiil tell us whatreally happened when Frank Sinatra was left standing in the street asAva Gardner disappeared in a taxi cab - it took place in 1953 in Swe-den and Rolf was there as witness to the end of a very stormy marri-age r

Rolf and Duk in Stockholm 1958. The photographer is Billy Strayhorn.

PS LatestNews !!A biographical work by Austin Lawrence is scheduled for releaseduring the centennial year.Pressrelease: "The Duke Ellington Masters" has signed the exclusive rights to all Duke Ellington & His Orchestras performance sold/licensed through a contract with the estate of Mercer Ellington. Thisannouncement will be made April 29 in Washington by Karl EmilKnudsen, Denmark. email: [email protected] Vail has named his book "Duke's Diary". It will be out in March/ April 7999 . Part One of two will cover 1927 1950 and has 368 pages,paperback.The address for ordering the book is: Vail Publishing, 36 HistonRoad, Cottenham, Cambridge CB4 8UD England. The price is f, 33plus porto.

Peter MacHare with "A Duke Ellington Panorama" has changed hisInternet address to:geocities. com/Bourbon Street/Squ are/2660lell/index.htm

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