Page 1: First French Colonial Empire

First French Colonial Empire

By: Tom Blanton

Page 2: First French Colonial Empire


• Frances colonial empire began on July 27, 1605.

• The first French colony was Port Royal in the colony of Acadia in North America, in what is now Nova Scotia, Canada.

• In 1608, Samuel De Champlain founded Quebec, which became the capital of New France.

• Because of New Frances small fur trading population, the French relied on making friendly connectionswith the native Indians.

Page 3: First French Colonial Empire

French and Indians

• French relationships with the native Indians were considered more humane than those of the Spanish and British.

• They relied solely on Indians to supply them with fur at the trading posts.

• The French did not try to take

over all Indian land like England,

or attempt to work them like

slaves as the Spanish had.

• New French was under pressure

from religious orders to convert the

Indians to Catholicism.

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