Page 1: Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulness · 2014-10-25 · Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify

16th Feb., 2014


Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulnessMatt 25:20-21; Luke 16:10-12; Proverbs 28:20

As Christians, we are already blessed spiritually, but sometimes, this blessing has to be translated from the spiritual to the physical realm (Eph 1:3). An essential factor that facilitates this process is faithfulness. Faithfulness is a quality that must be found in and demonstrated by a person who truly desires to be elevated materially. To be faithful is to be dedicated, devoted, loyal, honest, trustworthy, diligent and accountable towards a cause one believes in, or the work, task or service one has accepted to do. It is the absolute integrity and diligence proven in the performance of duty. It also entails keeping to one's words and promises. The biblical parable of talents and stories of Daniel and Joseph established that a consistent character of faithfulness is key to promotion in life. Today's discussion focuses on the vital connection between faithfulness and the expectation of financial upgrade.

1. Does unfaithfulness really retard, rather than accelerate, our promotion and progress financially? Discuss

2. In God's wisdom, faithfulness is an important prerequisite to financial upgrade. Any option for rising which runs contrary to faithfulness is a short cut which ultimately fails. The following are ways of proving or exhibiting our faithfulness in all dealings and engagements:

Showing steady allegiance to people, organizations, nations etc subject to defined affiliations, shared interests or some common identity (Proverbs 25:19, 2Kgs 5:20-27)

Displaying commitment to an agreed course (Matt 5:37; 2 Cor 1:17, 18) Adherence to standards/quality delivery (Proverbs 22:29 MSG) Maintaining wholesome principles, ethics and practices (Dan 6:4, 2Pet 1:5-8) Being consistently reliable to do your best (1Cor 4:2, Luke 16:10-12)

Mention others.

“A faithful man will abound with blessings”. Prov 28:20. “He who IS faithful in what is least IS faithful also in much”. Luke 16:10.

In God's economy, faithfulness qualifies one for increase, and we know that ultimately, promotion comes from God. Therefore, when God transfers wealth and resources from one person to another, such favour is justified by some evidence of faithfulness. So, you create tomorrow's abundance by not compromising faithfulness today. And you destroy tomorrow's abundance by compromising your faithfulness today. As you make the efforts to be faithful in every way, you make yourself ready for God's lifting financially and in every other way. You will succeed in Jesus' name.

Page 2: Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulness · 2014-10-25 · Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify


16th Feb., 2014

Loving Myself

Psalm 139:13-17INTRODUCTION:

We have learnt that God loves us. But do you know that you can also love yourself? Yes, you can!

Before you can show love to others, you have to love yourself first because at times, what you do not

have you cannot give.



§ By knowing that I was created by God, I'm His child and everything God created is good.

§ By accepting who I am either as a boy or a girl.

§ By not accepting any bad thing said about me by anybody.

§ By not trying to be like any other person.

§ By believing I can always get better at anything I do.

MEMORY VERSE – Psalm 139:14(a)

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”(NIV)

CONFESSION – Psalm 139:14(a) NIV

I _______ fearfully and ____________________ made.

PUZZLE: Wonderful, Bright, Praise, Greater, Better, Fearful

Page 3: Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulness · 2014-10-25 · Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify


16th Feb., 2014

Faithfulness: Key to Financial UpgradeMatt 25:20-21; Luke 16:10, Eccl.9:10

Being faithful means to be thorough in the performance of duties, to be steady in allegiance (loyal), reliable, dedicated and committed.Dan3:16-18. Little is a place to start, therefore as a child of God you need to be faithful in whatever is committed to you now (money, house chores, school responsibilities etc). A faithful person is a candidate for promotion. Faithfulness is a virtue we need to build up into our lives as teenagers which ultimately translates into adulthood. Today, our focus will be on how we can take practical steps to being faithful in all areas.

1. How do you think faithfulness leads to financial increase?

2. If you want to be great in life, you have to be faithful with whatever is committed to your hands now.

Here are few areas where you have to be faithful:

Your money: The way you handle your money tests your true character.(Prov.6:6, 13:11,


School Work: Work hard and be diligent. Do not cut corners by cheating. (Rom 12:11


House Chores: Don't be lazy. Be disciplined. (Proverbs 10:4 , 2Thess.3:10)

Your walk with God: Be committed in your study of God's word and prayer life. Learn to

always talk to God no matter how small the issue. Be a giver. (Isa.30:21 Acts 20:33 Lk 9:62


In all your relationships show true love (1Jn 4:4-8, Mtth.5:39-40)

Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify for more. It is time to take some responsibility and not leave it all for your mum, dads, uncles and aunts. You too can do something. You will succeed IN Jesus' Name.

Page 4: Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulness · 2014-10-25 · Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify

17th - 21st Feb., 2014

Qualified For Financial Upgrade

Matt 25: 14-29, Prov. 28:20

Our new nature in Christ is our primary qualification to enjoy God's riches and financial upgrade in our business endeavors. However, it is important that we are faithful and credible in our current assignments(no matter how small or challenging) because this is a requirement to enjoy God's promotion. Our discussion today is centered on making faithfulness a core value in our business pursuits, in order to make ourselves prime candidates for God's reward and promotion.

1. According to Lk 16:1-2,10 and Matt 25:20-30, faithfulness in managing resources is a major factor for increase and financial upgrade. In light of this, are you confident that you are a candidate for promotion going by your level of commitment, loyalty and faithfulness in the job you do or the business you manage?

2. There are two dimensions to faithfulness - character and competence. Below are some tips we should practice to enjoy God's financial upgrade in reward for our faithfulness as employers/employees:

· Be diligent! Thorough in the performance of your duty (Prov. 22:29) · Have integrity as a core value – keep your word· Be loyal and steady in allegiance to a right cause/organisation · Be trustworthy and reliable (Gen. 39: 5 – 6)· Always adhere to standards, ethics& principles

Today constructs tomorrow, therefore the rewards we enjoy today are a result of yesterday's faithfulness. Joseph was faithful in Potiphar's house and was eventually upgraded to the palace, even though it took a while. On the other hand, Gehazi's unfaithfulness led to his downgrade to becoming a leprous man (2 Kgs. 5: 20 – 27). God is the ultimate Boss, Who judges our faithfulness and rewards everyone accordingly.If your promotion seems delayed despite being faithful, you must persevere in well doing; for God will ensure that your reward comes at the right time (Hab. 2:3, Gal. 6:9). Some may pursue “shortcuts” and appear to make progress quickly, but ultimately, righteousness will pay off (Psm73:18-20). Therefore, do not despise your current opportunity, for God is already testing you and will give you the reward of your service (Luke 16:10). You will succeed in Jesus' name.

Page 5: Financial Upgrade: The place of faithfulness · 2014-10-25 · Be willing to pay the price for your financial upgrade by being faithfulness in little things. This way, you qualify


16th Feb., 2014

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