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How will social media change the future workplace?

1) Definitions of work and social Media

2) Specific examples from the Veterinary industry – Past Present Future

3) Positives, negatives and challenges to the future of social media in workplace

4) Why online applications may be such a problem?

5) Scenario: Online application VS. In-person application

6) New social tools and technologies in the future workplace

7) Will social media be a main focus to managers?

8) What aspects of social media are beneficial to management?

9)Definitions of identity, status and power in social media

10) How will identity, status and power play a role in the future workplace?

(Chron, april 1 2014)

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What is Social Media?

● Online media where people talk, participate, share, network and bookmark online

● Encourages feedback, discussion, voting, comments and sharing amongst many

What is work?

● A place where people are doing mental or physical tasks; a place of employment

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Social Media's Role in Past Workplace

- Word of mouth: lack of ways to communicate with clients

-Reminders: unable to send through e-mail

-Paper files: no electronic records

-Publicity: not available in veterinary industry in past (Loisiana Legal Ethics,July 28 2013)

: Veterinary clinics cannot legally advertise

-however they can have websites(Present)

-Job Applicants: Drop off resume only

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Social Media's Role in Present Workplace

- 'How to videos' ; indirectly educating clients online

- Pinterest; pinning photos that reflect clinic

- Websites; staff descriptions, education,etc.

- Google Reviews; #1 reason clients choose your clinic

- Job applicant research; Facebook profiles reflect character

- Online appointment booking; clients don't have to call

- Photo's; pre-operative and post-operative patient photos

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Social Media's Role in Future Workplace

- Virtual learning libraries; readily available for clients

-Online training tutorials; real scenarios, problem solving.

- Strictly online application; seeing some in present

- Real-time, online suggestion boxes; employees and clients

- 'Quantified Workers', workers given ranking on basis of:

-Skill level, contributions and overall value

- Enhances social communication tools; collaborate across companies

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Positive's of Social Media in the Workplace!

-Feedback culture; anonymous posts give honest feedback

-Can be used at client and employee level

-Always room for improvement

-Eliminates repeated faults in the workplace

-Creates an open-minded atmosphere

-Simplified online training; provides different way to learn

-Modified depending on learning curve

-Free up time of other workers

-Allows for learning at own pace

-Ability for repetition if needed

-Interactive; tests, activities, simulation

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Positive's Continued...

-Quantified workers; allows hard work to increase rank

-Eliminates seniority system to an extent (+/-)

-Gives workers drive be efficient

-Gives workers initiative to enhance skills

-Increased rank = Increased value and potential increase wage

-everyone in control of own ranking, depending on performance

-Collaborative Social tools; new ways to connect and learn

-Easier communication across companies

-Working together through same program

-New ways to connect during meetings

*See some of this presently -Samsung Interactive table can be split into 4 screens

Samsung Interactive Table

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Negatives/Challenges & the Future of Social Media

- Feedback culture/ Constructive criticism not accepted by everyone

- Online training may not be as effective as training in person

- Quantified workers may eliminate seniority in the workplace (+/ -)

-Would start off from a very low ranking

- Online applications remove face-face meeting *

- New social tools bring new technological problems

-New social tools & technologies require an increase in funds to purchase and maintain

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Why Strictly Online Applications May be Such a Problem?

- No meeting the employer; only as good as application/ rank seems

- Hard to gather personality traits through a series of questions

- Hard to truly stand out amongst other online applicants

- No sense of why you did or didn't get the job

Here is a link that shows a typical online application process:

Forever 21 Application Process!

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Scenario: Online Application VS. In-person Application

Online application;

'Molly' is a newly graduated RVT. She went to Sheridan College and

passed the VTNE in August. The only experience molly has is volunteer

work in an animal shelter. Molly was unable to answer many of the

standard application questions due to her lack of experience.

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In-person ApplicationIn person;

What was not on 'Molly's' online application was her dedication and love for the Veterinary industry. She wants to work at this particular clinic more than anything - she enrolled in animal behaviour classes as she knows this clinic provides free behaviour training sessions. Molly learned so quickly at the animal shelter and was offered a job after a few months of volunteer- work, however she chose to focus on her studies. Molly understands she may not have a lot of experience, she plans on working her very best to meet the high standards the clinic has of employees.

- As you can see, there are many aspects about molly that she was unable to voice through her online application. The online application emphasized her lack of experience - and gave no chance to display will to learn and reasoning behind her lack of experience.

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New Social Tools and Technologies in the Future Workplace:

- Previously discussed how this could be very costly to a business

- Office work requires constant sitting; though to be a health risk

- Has been talk of 'standing furniture' and 'chair-based exercise systems'

- Consider the cost difference in a standard chair to what the future has to offer

- Could this be the new standard of the future?

- Click the below link to see new 'Office gym products'

Office Gym Products!

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Will Social Media be a Main Focus to Management in 2020?

- Absolutely, it already is!

- It was suggested by the owner of a Successful Veterinary practice that I take this Social Media Course:

-Looks excellent on resume, valued information in the workplace

-Social Media contributes to client education and client satisfaction

-Understanding Social Media management; rewards and risks

-What websites are beneficial to join, which aren't ?

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What Aspects of Social Media are Beneficial to Management?

- Recognizing and understanding opportunities with new platforms

- Understanding of how to use blogs, websites, social networking to benefit business

- Online management of 'brand' and gain insights to consumer behaviour

- Improvement of service,client care and marketing through online feedback culture

"Brands which aspire to become truly social businesses include Nissan, which has incorporated social media KPIs, such as the Synthesio Social Reputation Score, into the heart of the way it measures and plans campaigns" (Catriona, 2014)

-This social media based campaign allowed real customers concerns to be fully addressed.

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Identity, Status and Power of Social Media:

What is Identity?

-Social identity gained through online communities and websites. ' Constructed Identity' or 'Social reputation'

What is Power?

- Achievement of goals through social media, power in social networks distributed and diffused by informal changes

Power of Social Media!

What is Status?

-Gained through assertion of personal identities, that emphasize exceptional and unique qualities

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How will Identity, Status and Power Play a Role in the Future Workplace?

- Employee identity may be managed through online profiles and rankings - ex. Linkedin

- Business identities and status may be greatly managed, formed and constructed

- Social media most powerful form of marketing the world has ever seen; this power does not come easy

Social Media Marketing!

- To gain identity, status and power through social media will require TIME

- Gain social capital by appealing to consumers online

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