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Final Presentation

Team 8

Simona Adamoska Jessica Kartomihardjo

Sibel Sahin Radmila Spasenoska

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Table of contents• Research methods• Media profile, Sibel• Media profile, Jessica• Results: Internet YG• Results: Computer YG• Results: Television YG• Results: Radio YG• Results: Newspapers & magazines YG• Conclusion, Media use YG• Conclusion, Media use older generation• Differences between the 2 generations• Evolution of Jessica & Sibel

YG = Young Generation

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Research methods

We answered the standard media questions and made our own media questions about our media use from now and 5 years ago. Then we made our own media profile. We asked

our partners from Macedonia to do the same.We made an interview for the other generation. And

interviewed our parents. We made conclusions with the information.

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Media Profile, Sibel 1.How has your internet use changed over the last five years

5 years ago I didn’t have Internet. But when I went to secondary education, I got internet. So, 4 years ago I used Internet for MSN and information for my school projects. But now I use Internet for my school projects, for MSN and

for news, too. I watch and I read news on Internet, because that is easier than to read the newspaper. Now I use MSN for my friends and family in Turkey, too. I think I use Internet now more than 5 years ago. Because Internet is

easier to use, than read for example books (books are too heavy). And 5 years ago I played very much games on internet ( and now I use most,<span and of course And I use Turkish sites like:

2. How has your television use changed over the last five years? 5 years ago I watched very much television, now I don’t watch it as much as I

did 5 years ago. Than I watched very much cartoons, like Beugelbekkie, Totally Spies, Pokémon, Digimon, Bobby’s world and De Drieling. 5 years ago I watched Turkish cartoons too. I have parabolic aeria at home and therefore

we can watch Turkish canals. And now I watch more Turkish movies and soaps like: Pars Narkoteror, Yaprak Dokumu, Annem, Menekse ile Halil. I

watch every Friday my favorite show: Beyaz Show, I like this show so much! But I watch also Americans soaps, too, because I have to learn better English.

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3. How has your radio use changed over the last five years? Actually I never listen to the radio. 5 years ago I didn’t listen to the radio, too. Except in the car, then we listened sometimes to the radio and some times we didn’t listen. I don’t listen to the

radio, because I download music for free. Most I listen to Turkish music like: Tarkan, Ferhat Gocer, Kutsi, Murat Boz, Petek Dincoz

and more. But I don’t like English/American music.

4. How has your newspaper/magazine use changed over the last five years?

5 years ago I didn’t read the newspaper, but I read magazines, like Hitkrant, Tina and Cosmo Girl. In the Netherlands there are a lot of newspapers. Now I read more newspapers, because it is

more important (than 5 years ago) for me to know what is happening in the world. Bu I read only the free newspapers,

because I’m not a member of a newspaper and therefore I read newspapers on the internet. I think that the magazines are very

boring and very childish and therefore I don’t read the magazines. But sometimes I read the Cosmo Girl and some

Turkish magazines.

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Media profile, Jessica1. How has your internet use changed over the last five years?

My internet use has changed a lot in the last five years. I only used the internet for the last 4 years, because I just have it for that long. When I just had internet I used it for videogames and

didn’t use it everyday. When I went to high school I used the internet more for my homework and MSN. I also use it for music

and videos. I listen to polish radio on this site: I also use the internet for the

news and downloading music and movies. I have a program (windows sidebar) on my laptop to read the news.

Sites were I watch TV shows:

2. How has your radio use changed over the last five years?I only listen to the radio on the internet. It started almost one

year ago. Before that time I didn’t listened that much to the radio. I use this site: to listen to

polish r&b and hip-hop.

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3. How has your television use changed over the last five years?

When I was younger I only watched cartoons. I watched those cartoons on Fox Kids and Cartoon Network. I

watched cartoons in different languages; Polish cartoons in Poland and Dutch, American cartoons in the Netherlands.

Now I watch the news, movies and soaps. I watch every day TV. Before I go to school I always watch the news. I

watch American, Polish and Dutch television. It's good for me to watch Polish shows, because that's a way to learn

Polish words and grammar. I like to watch the Oprah Winfrey Show, Holland’s/America’s Next Topmodel, The King of Queens and Raymann is laat (Raymann is late).

So you can see that I don’t watch cartoons any more and my television use has changed.

4. How has your newspaper/magazine use changed over the last five years?

It has changed a lot. 5 years ago First I didn’t read the newspapers. Now I do. We only have the newspapers that are for free like Metro, Almere Vandaag and the Spits. I

also read the newspapers on my laptop.

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Results: Internet YG

5 years ago almost every kid in the Netherlands had internet at home or at school. But we have internet since 2004. That's because, we went to high school and have to use

internet for our homework. 5 years ago we used internet at school.

First we used it for playing videogames and didn’t use it every day, but now we use it for MSN, music, videos, e-

mails, news and school (homework and school schedule). It’s easier to read the news on the internet.

Internet is very useful, because we can communicate with our family in other countries. We have family in Turkey,

America, Indonesia, Poland, China and Australia were we can send e-mails to.

Popular site’s in the Netherlands:,, and .

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Results: Computer YG

We use the computer for everything. We work with Microsoft office and the internet. We mostly use the

computer for school. The most children in the Netherlands have a computer for more then 5 years. But the most teenagers of

Macedonia didn’t have a computer at home 5 years ago. So they used the television instead (and they used it a lot). But that

doesn’t mean they don’t have any experience with computers, because they have computers at school with internet.

Now, 5 years later, people have computers with the same possibilities at home. We spend a lot of time on computers with

internet (we use this media tool the most). They use it for school (searching information, Word, PowerPoint, Excel), making their own profile on different websites (like in the

Netherlands with hyves, almere4you, pp2g and, sending e-mails and to stay in contact with friends (MSN, G-Mail). It’s easier for them to have internet at home. And they

are satisfied about the way they get their information. They still think that the technology is getting better.

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Results: Television YG

The television is still important; it has become a daily routine to use the television just like the people in

Macedonia. We can follow the news (the news from our own country but also the news from foreign countries) and watch all kinds of programs. But still, we don’t watch the

news every day.

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Results: Radio YG

There aren’t many people who listen to the radio. We only listen to music on the computer/internet or we

download our music. The people in Macedonia don't use the radio often. They

use it sometimes; when you are in the car. I (Jessica) use sometimes the radio, because I like to listen to

polish music from sites. So you can see that teenagers sometimes use the radio or don’t listen to

the radio at all; because we can use sites were we can watch music videos ( or

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Results: Newspaper & Magazines YG

The younger generation in Macedonia don’t read often newspapers, but they sometimes read magazines. Just like us. We

mostly read the free newspapers, because we aren't a member of a newspaper. We don’t read that many newspapers, because we

have the internet to follow the news. 5 years ago we didn’t use the newspapers at all.

We only read Dutch magazines like Cosmo Girl. There are people who don’t read magazines, because they aren’t a

member of a magazine . The people in Macedonia like to read magazines but only when they are 'right in front of them'. They

also read articles on the internet. We use the television every day. We watched a lot of TV (especially

cartoons) 5 years ago. We watched it in Dutch, Turkish, English and Polish. There are also lots of family’s that have satellites to watch canals from other countries like Sibel. We often watch

American and Dutch TV shows. Think about The Oprah Winfrey Show, One Three Hill, The King of Queens and America’s/Holland’s next top model. We watch all kinds of genres like; comedy, horror, drama (etc.). We also watch the news. We think it’s important to

follow the news from your own and foreign countries.

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Conclusion, Media use YG

The Internet and the computer are the media tools that are used the most for both of the countries. Every body uses the internet every day for school and for fun. 5 years ago the most of the people in

Macedonia used the television, because they didn’t had computers at home.

We still can’t live with out the TV. We like to watch TV after school. Our partners in Macedonia don’t watch often the news on the TV. They also don’t read that much newspapers. But they like to read

magazines. Just like us.

And the radio is a little bit forgotten. We don’t want to use it, because we can download or listen music on the computer through limewire

or YouTube.

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Conclusion, Media use older generation

During the period of the older generation the people didn’t have a computer and of course they didn’t have Internet, too. That means that they had fewer kinds of

media tools then now. In those days was the newspaper very popular and the television was even discovered, but not everybody has it, so it wasn’t very popular between

the people. The radio was very popular and people used it very much.

The top 3 of the media use of the older generation (when they were a teenager):

1. Newspaper/ magazines 2. Radio 3. Television

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Now the older generation uses almost all kinds of the media. The top 4 of the media tools, which are used by the older generation,


1. Television 2. Newspaper 3. Internet 4. Radio

The television is now more in use by the older generation. They think that the television is the number one media tool. The newspapers are still important for them and the older generation still uses this. The older generation uses the internet constantly more, especially after the discovery of this media tool. They use the internet for news, too. One of the reasons of the internet application is that, the internet is very easy to use it. They say: “You click 2 times and you can get everything that you want.” But the older generation uses the radio still fewer, because of the stimulating of the internet, where you can listen it, too.

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The top 4 of the media use 5 years ago of the older generation:

1. Television 2. Newspaper 3. Radio 4. Internet

5 years ago was the television again the number one of the media tools. Because, as explain: 5 years ago wasn’t internet

very popular, so people spend their time behind the television. 5 years ago the newspaper and the radio were an important

media tool, too. The internet wasn’t very popular as the other media tool. Because the internet was still discovered, therefore it was

expensive (you had to pay it per minute). So many people don’t use it.

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So you can see that the televisions and the newspapers are very important media tools for the older generation, now and 5 years ago. The reason is that people want to see anything and hear it, too. And you can do this with the

television, as example: you hear the news and you see the images of the news. So the television has a higher status then the radio by the older generation. The newspaper is also very important for the older generation, now and 5 years ago. Because very many people don’t have time in

the morning, to watch television or to use the internet, so they read the newspaper to get news. The older generation uses the internet still more, because it is very easy and you can get all information that you want. The older generation uses the radio still fewer, because you can listen it on the

internet, too.

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Differences between the 2 generations

InternetThe younger generation uses the internet more then the

older generation. We use it in school and at home, too. Because the younger generation are more

informed about the internet then the older generation. They need the internet more then the older generation, too, as example for homework. In

short: the internet is more important for the younger generation then for the older generation.

The younger generation uses the internet for fun and for msn, but the older generation uses the internet for

information and for news and not very much for fun.

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ComputerWhen the older generation were teenagers there wasn’t

a computer. So the young generation knows more about the computer then the older generation. The

computer is more important for the young generation then for the older generation. the older generation

doesn't use it very much, except for example Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint ( for their

job or financial objects).

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TelevisionThe older generation uses the media tool, the television,

just as much as the younger generation. But because of that they are different cultures, we don’t watch the

same programs. A polish family are watching more polish programs and a Turkish family more Turkish

programs. The young generation watch more music channels, like

MTV and TMF. And the older generation watch more documentaries about different subjects.

The young generation watch more soaps and films, too. They like it more then the older generation.

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Newspaper & MagazinesThe older generation uses the newspaper more then the

young generation, but the younger generation loves to read magazines. The older generation doesn't read

magazines at all. They are only reading newspapers. Because they don’t have very much time, as example in

the morning, to watch the television or to use the internet. And therefore they read the newspaper before they are going to their work. They want to know what is happening in the world, they think that is very important

to know that. The younger generation read sometimes newspapers. They don't read very much newspapers because they can watch the news or we can use the

internet while we are doing something else.

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RadioBoth of the generations don't use the radio very much,

because they want to see everything and to hear it, too. We can also download the music. When the older

generation was younger they used the radio more, because it was very popular. The two generations

think that the radio is now old fashioned. Sometimes the older generation and the younger

generation use the radio on the internet. So, the radio is not very popular between the people.

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Evolution of Jessica & Sibel

Jessica:I think it was a nice project. I have learned alot and

worked with other people in an other country, although the teamwork wasn't that good.

I have worked a lot on this project. I never made a site like this one. And I also never used G-Mail. Sibel

and I made questions for the interview and a powerpoint with all the information we have

discovered. The research was good but it was a little bit bad that

we didn't understand each other.

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Sibel:I think it was a nice and informative project. I have learned very much and I think that it was a very good

exercise for me to learn better English. It was a very different project; I never have done

something like this. I think that the teamwork was good, but sometimes we

didn’t understand each other. Jessica and I have worked very much on this project and I think that we

have made a very good final prostration.

It was a nice time and I hope that we can do this next school year, too, with an other country.

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