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  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Running head: Ecology 1


    Mimi Philips

    Azusa Pacific University

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 2

    Synopsis of Food for Thought

    In the Food for Thought lab, the students observed and discussed population

    demographics based on a countrys birth rate, death rate, doubling time, total fertility rate, infant

    mortality rate, life expectancy, overall medical system, level of sanitation, use of land/resources,

    and GDP (gross domestic product).

    The relationship between these factors helped students to determine the nations level of

    growth, development, and standard of living. The students studied these factors in North

    America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. After reviewing each nations ambassador

    card students were able to complete a worksheet with questions related to the inequitable

    distribution of population and resources among the different would regions. This lab helped

    students understand why population shifts occur and the consequences of such shifts as well as

    the effects of over usage of the earths natural resources. The lab gave my students a global

    understanding of resource scarcity and the causes and effect of human populations on the


  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 3

    Learning Goals and Standards

    Structures utilized and implemented into existing curriculum.

    1. Structure 2- Global classrooms2. Structure 5- Question and Answer Activity

    Learning Goal/Outcomes

    Students were able to

    State at least two factors that might be used to determine the relative well being of acountry or region.

    Identify at least two potential impacts of inequitable resources distribution Define several demographic terms including birth rate, death rate, and life expectancy. Draw correlations between population growth rate and wealth, and between wealth and

    energy used.

    California State Standards:


    1. Stability in an ecosystem is a balance between completing effects. As a basis forunderstanding this concept:a. Students know biodiversity is the sum total of different kinds of organisms and is

    affected by alterations of habitats.b. Students know how to analyze changes in an ecosystem resulting form changes in

    climate, human activity, introduction of nonnative species, or changes inpopulation size.

    c. Students know how fluctuations in population size in an ecosystem are determinedby the relative rates of birth, immigration, emigration, and death.

    d. Students know a vital part of an ecosystem is the stability of its producers anddecomposers.

    e. Students know at each link in a food web some energy is stored in newly madestructures but much energy is dissipated into the environment as heat. Thedissipation may be represented in an energy pyramid.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 4

    Preparation-Building Connections to Curriculum

    This activity is designed to demonstrate how the differences in population and their resource useaffects have on the five regions of the world, how this combine s to impact the quality of life for

    the people who live in each area. Population demographics, land use patterns, energyconsumptions, and wealth are the issues that will be explored to heighten students globalperspective. Students participated in a global simulation game that illustrates the inequitabledistribution of populations and resources among the different world regions. This simulation wascompleted on 12/15/10.


    Yarn in 5 different colorsMasking tapeAmbassadors cards2 labels for each regionTransparent tape200 wrapped candies (kisses)105 toothpicks10 sandwich bags


    Review was done with students, through a powerpoint what human population growth is. Italked about how this is affecting the worlds resources, and how we can change this to make animpact on this subject. Discussion in class about inequitable distribution of population andresources among the different would regions.

    Initial Direct Experience with Concept

    Instruction was given to how students will be placed into groups for this activity. This was donethe day before (see activity page 2 -3 to start). Definitions ofkey words were reviewed, sostudents had a better understanding of what they need to understand for this activity. Thestudents were able to use interpreting and analyzing demographic data during this activity.

    Building Connections to Ideas

    Different regions of the world vary in population, growth rates, distribution of wealth, andnatural resources. These are issues for the Global Family. The students were able to useinterpreting and analyzing demographic data, role-playing, drawing connections, and applyingknowledge to real world events. Knowledge and understanding was also asked on the Unit test.

    Assessment for this activity was done by review of the answers to the questions. The studentstook turns sharing their answers in their groups and came up with their best choices to share withthe class. A further discussion took place as a whole class. There was one or two questions onthe unite test to check for understanding of this activity.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 5

    Food For Thought Lab Handout

    Introduction: This activity is designed to demonstrate how differences in population andresource use in five regions of the world combine to impact the quality of life for the people wholive in each area. Population demographics, land use patterns, energy consumption and wealth

    are the issues that will be explored to heighten students global perspective.

    Concepts: Different regions of the world vary in population growth rates and the distribution ofwealth and natural resources. What will be the reaction of the students after being placed in thesetypes of environments?

    Population Demographics

    Population: The number of individuals of a species living in a region. Birth Rate: The number of births per 1,000 people per year. Death Rate: The number of deaths per 1,000 people per year. Rate of Natural Increase: Growth caused by having more births than deaths in a year

    (Does not include immigration or emigration). Doubling Time: The number of years it will take a population to double in size if it

    maintains its current growth rate.

    World Population Demographics The 2004 world population is 6.3 billion. 10 The birth rate is 22 per 1,000. 11 The death rate is 9 per 1,000. 12 The worlds annual growth rate is 1.3%. 13 At this rate the worlds population will double to 12.6 billion in 54 years.

    Quality of Life Definitions

    Secondary School Enrollment Ratio: The ratio of the percentage of each genderspopulation in

    The applicable age group (12-17 years of age) enrolled. Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime. Infant Mortality Rate: The yearly number of children who die before reaching the age of

    one year per 1,000 live births. Life Expectancy: The average number of years a person born today could expect to live

    under current mortality rates

    Access to Adequate Sanitation: Percentage of population with access to toilets or latrines. Medical Doctors: The number of people per one medical doctor.

    Worldwide Quality of LifeOf the worlds 12-17 year olds, 63% of boys and 55% of girls are enrolled in school. The worldswomen bear an average of 2.8 children. The world infant mortality rate is 55 per 1,000. Theaverage human life expectancy at birth is 67 years. Only 61% of the worlds population hasaccess to adequate sanitation. On average, there is one medical doctor per 688 people in theworld. Supplemental Information Disease rates are also indicators of a regions quality of life.Worldwide, 1.2% age 15-49 of the population lives with HIV/AIDS. In sub-Saharan Africa, 9%

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    Ecology 6

    of the 15-49 year old population is infected with HIV/AIDS. This significantly affects the laborforce and childcare in the region.

    Definitions:Urban Population: Percentage of the total population living in areas termed urban by that

    Country (typically towns of 2,000 or more or in national or provincial capitals).

    Worldwide Land Use Patterns 47% of the worlds population (about 2.9 billion people) now livein urban areas. There are 0.6 acres of arable land per person on Earth. The rate of urbanization ischanging rapidly, as more and more people move to cities worldwide. In the developing world,about 36% of the population lives in urban areas. While urbanization has traditionally meantmore industrialization and job opportunities, many mega-cities in developing countries lack astrong economic foundation upon which to base growth. As the population grows, the economic,social, and environmental problems in these cities grow as well. In the developed worldespecially North Americamost of the current population shift involves people moving awayfrom concentrated urban centers to sprawling suburban and metropolitan regions, or to small and

    intermediate-size cities.

    Arable Land: Farmland; land capable of growing crops. The lowest authoritative estimate of theminimum amount of arable land required to feed one person without intensive use ofsynthetic fertilizers is 0.17 acres. (This doesnt include crops for textiles or cash crops neededfor income.)

    Energy Consumption and WealthEnergy Consumption: The total amount of energy used by each region per year divided by thenumber of people living in that region includes industrial use.Gross Domestic Product: A commonly used measure of a nations wealth, determined from theannual profits generated within a region by all goods and services exchanged that year.Symbolism of Props Regarding the matches: While energy is generated in many ways,including wood, coal, natural gas and nuclear power, in this activity, all these sources have beencombined and are expressed in terms of barrels of oil. These matches represent the averageamount of energy consumed by each citizen of each region in the course of a year. Each match= the amount of energy generated from burning 1 barrel of oil. One barrel contains 42 gallons.Regarding the candies: The candies represent the amount each person would get per year ifhis/her regions annual GDP were divided equally among all its citizens, expressed here in U.S.currency. This is also considered to be an indicator of average annual income. Each Cookie =$1400.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 7

    Thought Questions:

    Answer these in your groups prior to starting the lab. Please turn in one paper with all

    names from your group.

    1. What will it mean to have our population double? What else will we need to have twice as

    much of to provide for all those people?

    2. Asias doubling time is 54 years. If we returned in 54 years and did this exercise again, wouldwe be able to fit twice as many people into Asias space?

    3. How will population growth affect the amount of arable land available per person?

    4. What would it mean for a country to have its amount of arable land per capita fall below theminimum required to grow enough food to sustain its population?

    5. What do you think usually causes people to move to cities?

    6. What are some possible positive and negative effects of having such large proportions ofcountries populations shifting to urban areas?

    7. Can you see any connection between Africas unusually high infant mortality rate of 88 per1,000 (almost 1 in 12), and its high total fertility rate of 5.2 children per woman?

    8. Infant mortality rates are consistently lower when girls have access to higher education. Isthere a correlation here? What abilities and/or knowledge do educated people have that might beuseful to them as parents?

    9. What do indicators like a high infant mortality rate, limited access to decent sanitationfacilities, and short life expectancy say about the quality of life in a region? What are somepossible causes?

    10. What would it be like in this room if we lit all these matches?

    12. Who would have to breathe all that smoke? Would only the citizens of North America bebreathing the pollution generated by their 60 matches?

    13. What do the people in our Asian and African regions think about the fact that the NorthAmericans have a bag bulging with wealth, when they have so little?

    14. How could/do people from regions with less wealth and opportunity get access to thosethings?

    15. What does the North American Ambassador think about the uneven distribution of wealth?What does he/she want to do about it?

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 8

    16. How will the wealthier regions decide to which countries they will offer foreign aid? What, ifany, conditions will you impose on nations receiving your help? Will you trust the countriesreceiving money from you to put it to good use, or will you attempt to control what is done withit?

    17. How will the less densely populated regions decide from which countries they will acceptimmigrants? What, if any, conditions will you impose on people seeking permission toimmigrate? Will you accept only very well educated people, or will you base your decision onneed giving preference to those with the least opportunity in their home countries? Or, thosesuffering political persecution? Or, refugees from war-torn nations? Or, would it be based solelyon numbers, first-come, first-served?

    18. In the process of eating the candies, which region generated the emptiest wrappers? Do youthink this is an accurate representation of how much garbage each country creates as a functionof its wealth and consumption?

    19. What does the group think should be done about the inequitable distribution of wealth andconsumption of resources? Do donor nations have the right or obligation to link aid to certainpolicies that might enable recipient countries to become self-sufficient in the future? What mightthose be? Should rich countries be required to reduce their consumption levels? How could thisbe encouraged or enforced? What should be done about environmental problems (acid rain,ozone depletion) caused by one region, but affecting others?

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 9

    North American Ambassador Card:

    I am the North American Ambassador.

    Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    North Americas population is estimated at: 323 million Our birth rate is: 14 per 1,000. Our death rate is: 8 per 1,000. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 0.5%. At this rate our population will double in: 140 years. Of our 12-17 year olds, 99% of the boys and 98% of the girls are enrolled in school. North American Fertility Rate (women bear an average of how many children): 2.0 Our infant mortality rate is: 7 per 1,000. Our life expectancy at birth is: 77 years. 100% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. On average, there is one medical doctor per 374 people. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 79%. Acres of arable land available per person: 1.9 acres.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 10

    Latin American Ambassador Card:

    I am the Latin American Ambassador.

    Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world.

    Latin Americas population is estimated at: 540 million. Our birth rate is: 23 per 1,000. Our death rate is: 6 per 1,000. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 1.7%. At this rate our population will double in: 41 years. Of our 12-17 year olds, 51% of the boys and 58% of the girls are enrolled in school. Latin American Fertility Rate (women bear an average children): 2.7 Our infant mortality rate is: 29 per 1,000. Our life expectancy at birth is: 71 years. 77% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. On average, there is one medical doctor per 576 people. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 75% Acres of arable land available per person: 0.8 acres.

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 11

    African Ambassador Card:

    I am the African Ambassador.

    Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    Africas population is estimated at: 861 million Our birth rate is: 38 per 1,000 Our death rate is: 14 per 1,000 Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 2.4% At this rate our population will double in: 29 years Of our 12-17 year olds, 38% of the boys and 32% of the girls are enrolled in school. African women bear an average of: 5.2 children Our infant mortality is: 88 per 1,000 Our life expectancy at birth is: 52 years 60% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. On average, there is one medical doctor per 1,742 people. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 33% Acres of arable land available per person: 0.6 acres

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 12

    European Ambassador Card:

    I am the European Ambassador.

    Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    Europes population is estimated at: 727 million Our birth rate is: 10 per 1,000 Our death rate is: 12 per 1,000 Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: -0.2% At this rate our population will not double. Of our 12-17 year olds, 97% of the boys and 100% of the girls are enrolled in school. European women bear an average of: 1.4 children Our infant mortality rate is: 8 per 1,000 Our life expectancy at birth is: 74 years 98% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. On average, there is one medical doctor per 285 people. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 73% Acres of arable land available per person: 1 acre

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 13

    Asian Ambassador Card:

    I am the Asian Ambassador.

    Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    Asias population is estimated at: 3 billion, 830 million Our birth rate is: 20 per 1,000 Our death rate is: 7 per 1,000 Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 1.3% At this rate our population will double in: 54 years Of our 12-17 year olds, 62% of the boys and 51% of the girls are enrolled in school. Asian women bear an average of: 2.6 children Our infant mortality rate is: 54 per 1,000 Our life expectancy at birth is: 67 years 47% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities. On average, there is one medical doctor per 923 people. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 38% Acres of arable land available per person: 0.4 acres

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Ecology 14

    Yarn Length 36 people= meters Population in Millions 36 people (1=375 million)

    NA LA E Africa Asia

    Yarn = land region 30 ft9.1 m

    31 ft9.4 m

    33 ft10 m

    37 ft11.2 m

    38 ft11.5 m

    Regions % of World Land


    15% 16% 18% 24% 25%

    Regions % of Arable Land 12.1% 6.6% 12.8% 6.1% 15.7%

    Kids = 37 = Population

    1 kid = 160 million


    319 m


    531 m


    728 m


    840 m


    3766 m

    Match =

    Energy Consumption1 match = 2 barrel of oil

    30 4.5 13.5 1.5 3

    Candy = GDP

    Gross Domestic productWealth = 1 = $650











    Bread =

    Protein Consumption

    1/12 1/12 2/12 1/12 6/12

    NA LA E Africa Asia Oceana

    String = Land


    6 x 5 5 by 5 8 by 4 8 by 5.25 8 by 5.5 3 by 4

    Bread =Protein


    3/18 2/18 2/18 1/18 9/18 1/18

    Candy =Gross


    18/43 10/43 8/43 4/43 2/43 1/43

    Students =Population

    21/36 5/36 4/36 3/36 2/36 1/36

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    1996, 2004 Population Connection

    Food For Thought


    This activity is designed to demonstrate how differences in population andresource use in five regions of the world combine to impact the quality of lifefor the people who live in each area. Population demographics, land use pat-terns, energy consumption and wealth are the issues that will be explored toheighten students global perspective.


    Yarn or string (preferably in 5 different colors)Masking tapeAmbassadors cards (provided)

    2 Labels for each region; one says Energy Consumption, one says GDP(see Region Information chart)

    Transparent tape157 individually wrapped candies (Hersheys Kisses work well)105 matches (can also use toothpicks or birthday candles)10 sandwich bagsOverhead transparency on which terms A-K and their definitions appear (optional)


    Preparation, the night before:

    1. Measure out the yarn or string for each region according to the RegionInformation chart on the following page. You can use a different color yarnfor each region, or, if you only have one color, make a tag to label eachpiece with the name of the region whose perimeter it will represent.

    2. Count out the number of candies required for each region and bag them.Make labels for them according to the chart, and tape the appropriate labelto each bag. Do the same for the matches.

    3. Read through all the discussion questions and make notes to yourself aboutlinks to local, national and international current events. Seeing such tiesbetween the activity and the real world will dramatically enhance the meaningthe students glean from the exercise. As much as possible, youll want toencourage them to make observations, critically evaluate the demographics,and hypothesize on possible causal relationships between the statistics.

    Your students will likely start a discussion of these issues themselves, but ifthey dont, the discussion questions will help to stimulate and/or directclass discussion. Because of the large amount of information in each sec-tion, its best to discuss each group of statistics while theyre fresh in thestudents minds, rather than saving all discussion for the end.


    Different regions of the worldvary in population growth

    rates and the distribution ofwealth and natural resources.


    Students will be able to: State at least two factorsthat might be used to deter-mine the relative well-being

    of a country or region. Identify at least two poten-tial impacts of inequitable

    resource distribution. Define several demographicterms including birth rate,death rate, life expectancy.

    Draw correlations betweenpopulation growth rate andwealth, and between wealth

    and energy use.

    Subjects:Social Studies, Science,

    Civics, Economics, Familyand Consumer Sciences,

    Geography, Health, History


    Interpreting and analyzingdemographic data, role

    playing, drawing connections,applying academic knowledge

    to real world events.

    Method:Students participate in a

    global simulation game thatillustrates the inequitabledistribution of population and

    resources among the differentworld regions.

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought

    Issues for the

    Global Family

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Set up, just before class period begins:

    1.Arrange the yarn on the floor to represent the regions and tape it in place.

    Note: The activity is designed for use with a group of either 24-30 or 60-65participants. If your group will be in the 24-30 range, use the smaller yarnmeasurements.

    2. Hide the bags of candies and matches in a larger bag. Place the bag withineasy reach of where youll be standing as you lead the activity.

    Introducing the Activity:

    1. While students are still seated, read or paraphrase the following introduction:

    All societies need and use natural resources such as land and energy, butthe ways in which various societies use these things can differ greatly. Forexample, a small population may use an enormous amount of farmland orgasoline compared to the amounts used by other, much larger populations.This creates have and have not societies with potential for human dis-comfort and social conflict. The simulation were about to do is going todemonstrate how this happens.

    2. Appoint 5 students to be the ambassadors for the world regions. Givethem their information cards and direct them to their regions.

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought, page 2

    1996, 2004 Population Connection



    Europe Africa Asia

    Yarn Length24 people - feet (meters)60 people - feet (meters)

    25 (7.6)35 (10.7)

    25 (7.6)36 (11.0)

    27 (8.2)38 (11.6)

    30 (9.1)43 (13.1)

    31 (9.4)44 (13.4)

    2004 Population in Millions1

    24 people(1=250 million)60 people(1=100 million)
















    Regions Percent of WorldLand Area2

    15% 16% 18% 24% 25%

    Percent of Regions LandThat Is Arable3 12.1% 6.6% 12.8% 6.1% 15.7%

    Per Capita EnergyConsumption4

    (1 Match = 1 Barrel of Oil)






    Per Capita GDP5

    1 Candy - $350$34,821

    99 candies$3,965

    11 candies$13,776

    39 candies$650

    2 candies$2,119

    6 candies

    Region Information Chart

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    3. Populate the regions with the rest of the students, according to the chart.Given the length of the demonstration, you may wish to have students sit,rather than stand, in their regions.

    Note: If you have too few students, you can use chairs or the extra people

    cards from the Background Materials to substitute for the missing citizens.If you have too many students, appoint the extra students to a UnitedNations Advisory Committee. Instruct the members of the Committee topay close attention, as you will be calling on them for their opinions as aneutral party later in the activity. They should be thinking in terms ofwhether the inequities in each regions share of population/food/income areproblems, and if so, what policies could lead to solutions.

    4. Identify each region by name for the class.

    Note: The regions in this simulation are those defined by the UnitedNations and, therefore, Mexico is included in Latin America rather than inNorth America, and Russia is included in Europe. Also, the sixth world

    region, Oceania, is not included because its population is so small relativeto the others that it cannot be accurately represented.

    5. Explain that the dimensions of their regions are to scale, and the number ofstudents within each region is proportional to its actual population; the ideais to show relative population density in each area.

    Facilitating the Activity:

    For each of the sections that follow Population Demographics, Quality ofLife, Land Use Patterns and Energy Consumption and Wealth use this basicprocedure:

    1. Cover definitions of sections terms, referring students to the overheadtransparency or chalkboard.

    2. Cover world statistics.

    3. Offer any supplemental information provided.

    4. For the first three sections (Population Demographics, Quality of Life, andLand Use Patterns) you will call on the ambassadors to read their regionsrespective statistics. A sequence that works well is: North America, Latin

    America, Europe, Africa, Asia.

    In the last section (Energy Consumption and Wealth), you will be distributingthe bags of matches and candies. It makes a more dramatic impression tostart with the country whose amount is the smallest and continue inascending order to the country whose share is largest. Referring to thelabels on the bags, you will read aloud each regions quantity of eachresource. Hold each bag up high so the whole class can see it before youpass it to the appropriate ambassador.

    5. Cover discussion questions.

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought, page 3

    1996, 2004 Population Connection

  • 8/7/2019 Final Ecology


    Population Demographics

    I. Definitions: Terms A-E

    A. Population: The number of people living in a region.6

    B. Birth Rate: The number of births per 1,000 people per year.7

    C. Death Rate: The number of deaths per 1,000 people per year.8

    D. Rate of Natural Increase: Growth caused by having more births thandeaths in a year (does not include immigration or emigration). 9

    E. Doubling Time: The number of years it will take a population to doublein size if it maintains its current growth rate.

    II. World Population Demographics

    a. The 2004 world population is 6.3 billion.10

    b. The birth rate is 22 per 1,000.11

    c. The death rate is 9 per 1,000.12

    d. The worlds annual growth rate is 1.3%.


    e. At this rate the worlds population will doubleto 12.6 billion in 54 years.

    III. Supplemental Information

    Regarding population growth rates: A population grows whenever its birth rate is higher than its death rate. The growth rate is determined by the size of the difference between

    the birth and death rates. The closer these rates are, the lower thegrowth rate.

    Where birth and death rates are equal, the populations growth rateis zero.

    The worlds current birth rate is almost two and a half times its deathrate.

    IV. Ambassadors Read Statistics A-E from Their Cards

    V. Discussion Questions

    1. What will it mean to have our population double? What else will we need tohave twice as much of to provide for all those people?

    Well need twice as much of everything people need to live: food schools

    land to grow the food on hospitals clean water roads shelter energy to heat our homes

    and cook our food

    2. Asias doubling time is 54 years. If we returned in 54 years and did thisexercise again, would we be able to fit twice as many people into Asias space?

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought, page 4

    1996, 2004 Population Connection

    Population 5.8billion


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    Quality of Life

    I. Definitions: Terms F-I

    F. Secondary School Enrollment Ratio: The ratio of the percentage of eachgenders population in the applicable age group (12-17 years of age)enrolled.14

    G. Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children a woman will havein her lifetime.15

    H. Infant Mortality Rate: The yearly number of children who die beforereaching the age of one year per 1,000 live births. 16

    I. Life Expectancy: The average number of years a person born today couldexpect to live under current mortality rates.17

    J. Access to Adequate Sanitation: Percentage of population with access totoilets or latrines.18

    K. Medical Doctors: The number of people per one medical doctor.19

    II. Worldwide Quality of Lifef. Of the worlds 12-17 year olds, 63% of boys and 55% of girls are enrolled

    in school.20

    g. The worlds women bear an average of 2.8 children.21

    h. The world infant mortality rate is 55 per 1,000.22

    i. The average human life expectancy at birth is 67 years.23

    j. Only 61% of the worlds population have access to adequate sanitation.24

    k. On average, there is one medical doctor per 688 people in the world.25

    III. Supplemental Information

    Disease rates are also indicators of a regions quality of life. Worldwide,

    1.2% age 15-49 of the population lives with HIV/AIDS. In sub-SaharanAfrica, 9% of the 15-49 year old population is infected with HIV/AIDS. This

    significantly affects the labor force and child care in the region.26

    IV. Ambassadors Read Statistics F-I from Their Cards

    V. Discussion Questions

    1. Can you see any connection between Africas unusually high infantmortality rate of 88 per 1,000 (almost 1 in 12), and its high total fertilityrate of 5.2 children per woman?

    When people know each of their children has almost a 10% chance of not sur-viving to adulthood, they will have more children to increase the likelihood

    that some will survive. This is especially crucial for people living in societies

    where there is no social security and no retirement plans, where the elderly

    are entirely dependent on their children for care and financial support.

    2. Infant mortality rates are consistently lower when girls have access to high-er education. Is there a correlation here? What abilities and/or knowledgedo educated people have that might be useful to them as parents?

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought, page 5

    1996, 2004 Population Connection

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    Literacy (including reading and basic math): Parents with these abilities can: read directions, such as those on over-the-counter medicines and infant

    formula. educate themselves about any subject, including child development and care. get better jobs and earn more money.

    Health/Biology: Exposure to these subjects makes people more aware ofhow to take good care of themselves and their children. They understandthe importance of: good nutrition medical care, especially perinatal care

    3. What do indicators like a high infant mortality rate, limited access to decent san-itation facilities, and short life expectancy say about the quality of life in a region?What are some possible causes?

    Possibilities include: Food thats insufficient in quantity or nutritional value Lack of clean water Low quality medical care or none at all Exposure to high levels of pollution War or political violence

    Land Use Patterns

    I. Definitions: Terms L and M

    L. Urban Population: Percentage of the total population living in areastermed urban by that country (typically towns of 2,000 or more or innational or provincial capitals).27

    M. Arable Land: Farmland; land capable of growing crops.28

    II. Worldwide Land Use Patterns

    l. 47% of the worlds population (about 2.9 billion people) now live in urbanareas.29

    m. There are 0.6 acres of arable land per person on Earth.30

    III. Supplemental Information

    Regarding Urbanization: The rate of urbanization is changing rapidly, as more and more people

    move to cities world-wide. In the developing world, about 36% of the population lives in urban areas.

    While urbanization has traditionally meant more industrialization and jobopportunities, many megacities in developing countries lack a strong eco-nomic foundation upon which to base growth. As the population grows, theeconomic, social, and environmental problems in these cities grow as well.

    In the developed world - especially North America - most of the currentpopulation shift involves people moving away from concentrated urbancenters to sprawling suburban and metropolitan regions, or to small andintermediate-size cities.31

    People and the PlanetFood for Thought, page 6

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    Regarding Arable Land: The lowest authoritative estimate of the minimum amount of arable

    land required to feed one person without intensive use of syntheticfertilizers is 0.17 acres.32 (This doesnt include crops for textiles orcash crops needed for income.)

    IV. Ambassadors Read Statistics L and M from Their Cards

    V. Discussion Questions

    1. How will population growth affect the amount of arable land available per person?

    When people share a limited resource such as arable land, each personsshare of that resource becomes smaller in direct proportion to the numberof additional people using it.

    2. What would it mean for a country to have its amount of arable land per capitafall below the minimum required to grow enough food to sustain its population?

    Such a country would become dependent on imported foods, making itvulnerable to price hikes and shortages.

    3. What do you think usually causes people to move to cities?

    The shift of jobs from agriculture to industry and services leading to aconcentration of economic opportunities in urban areas.

    4. What are some possible positive and negative effects of having such largeproportions of countries populations shifting to urban areas?

    Positive Effects:More green space is left open for: other species to inhabit. trees and other plants to continue producing the oxygen we all need. potential farmland.

    Well-planned cities can offer people:

    more job opportunities.

    better public services and living conditions.

    Negative Effects:

    When a citys population grows very rapidly, two major effects are likely:

    Higher rates of unemployment and poverty

    occur when more people come looking for work than there are

    opportunities available.

    can happen in spite of economic growth.

    Greater environmental problems:

    infrastructure facilities and services cant expand quickly enough to

    keep up with increased demand.

    streets become congested, levels of pollution rise, sanitation systems are

    overwhelmed, and residents health and general quality of life decline


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    Energy Consumption and Wealth

    I. Definitions

    L. Energy Consumption: The total amount of energy used by each region

    per year divided by the number of people living in that region includes industrial use.33

    M. Gross Domestic Product: A commonly used measure of a nationswealth, determined from the annual profits generated within a region byall goods and services exchanged that year.34

    II. Symbolism of Props

    Regarding the matches: While energy is generated in many ways, including wood, coal, natural

    gas and nuclear power, in this activity, all these sources have beencombined and are expressed in terms of barrels of oil.

    These matches represent the average amount of energy consumed byeach citizen of each region in the course of a year.

    Each match = the amount of energy generated from burning 1 barrel ofoil. One barrel contains 42 gallons.

    Regarding the candies: The candies represent the amount each person would get per year if

    his/her regions annual GDP were divided equally among all itscitizens, expressed here in U.S. currency. This is also consideredto be an indicator of average annual income. Each Kiss = $350.

    III. Distribute Bags to Ambassadors

    Start with the country whose amount is the smallest and work upto the country whose share is largest. Hold each bag up high so the whole class can see it. From the labels, read aloud each regions quantity.

    IV. Instruct Ambassadors to Distribute the Candy AmongTheir Citizens

    Expect and allow students to migrate and ask for aid.

    Assist them in making connections between their reactions to thesimulation and real-world phenomena.

    V. Discussion Questions

    1. What would it be like in this room if we lit all these matches?

    2. Who would have to breathe all that smoke? Would only the citizens of NorthAmerica be breathing the pollution generated by their 60 matches?

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    3. What do the people in our Asian and African regions think about the fact thatthe North Americans have a bag bulgingwith wealth, when they have so little?

    4. How could/do people from regions

    with less wealth and opportunity getaccess to those things?

    5. What does the North AmericanAmbassador think about the unevendistribution of wealth? What doeshe/she want to do about it?

    6. How will the wealthier regionsdecide to which countries they will offerforeign aid? What, if any, conditions will you impose on nationsreceiving your help? Will you trust the countries receiving money from you

    to put it to good use, or will you attempt to control what is done with it?

    7. How will the less densely populated regions decide from which countriesthey will accept immigrants? What, if any, conditions will you impose onpeople seeking permission to immigrate? Will you accept only very well-educated people, or will you base your decision on need giving prefer-ence to those with the least opportunity in their home countries? Or thosesuffering political persecution? Or refugees from war-torn nations? Orwould it be based solely on numbers, first-come, first-served?

    8. In the process of eating the candies, which region generated the most emptywrappers? Do you think this is an accurate representation of how much

    garbage each country creates as a function of its wealth and consumption?

    9. [Good for the United Nations Advisory Committee, if you have one.] What doesthe group think should be done about the inequitable distribution of wealthand consumption of resources? Do donor nations have the right or obligationto link aid to certain policies that might enable recipient countries to becomeself-sufficient in the future? What might those be? Should rich countries berequired to reduce their consumption levels? How could this be encouraged orenforced? What should be done about environmental problems (acid rain,ozone depletion) caused by one region, but affecting others?

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    1996, 2004 Population Connection

    Sources:1, 6-13, 15-17, 21-23, 27, 29 Population Reference Bureau, 2003 World Population Data Sheet. PRB, Washington, DC.

    2, 3, 28,30 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAOSTAT Online Database,

    4, 33 Energy Information Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, 2004.

    5, 34 The World Bank, World Development Indicators 2004. The World Bank, 2004.

    14, 20 Population Reference Bureau, 2002 Women of Our World. PRB, Washington, DC, 2002.

    18, 19, 24-26 United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2003. UNDP, New York, 2003.

    27 Roberts, Leslie, Ed., World Resources 1996-97. The World Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment Programme, The United NationsDevelopment Programme, and The World Bank. Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.

    32 Engelman, Robert, and Pamela LeRoy. Conserving Land: Population and Sustainable Food Production. Population Action International,Washington, DC, 1995. p. 9.

    19 The World Bank, World Development Report 1995. Oxford University Press, New York, 1995.

    To download a copy of this activity with the latest data, please visit

    North American Ambassador Card

    I am the North American Ambassador. Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    A. North Americas population is estimated at: 323 million

    B. Our birth rate is: 14 per 1,000

    C. Our death rate is: 8 per 1,000

    D. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 0.5%

    E. At this rate our population will double in: 140 years

    F. Of our 12-17 year olds, 99% of the boys and 98% of the girls are enrolled in school.

    G. North American women bear an average of: 2.0 children

    H. Our infant mortality rate is: 7 per 1,000

    I. Our life expectancy at birth is: 77 years

    J. 100% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities.

    K. On average, there is one medical doctor per 374 people.L. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 79%

    M.Acres of arable land available per person: 1.9 acres

    Latin American Ambassador Card

    I am the Latin American Ambassador. Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world.

    A. Latin Americas population is estimated at: 540 million

    B. Our birth rate is: 23 per 1,000

    C. Our death rate is: 6 per 1,000

    D. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 1.7%

    E. At this rate our population will double in: 41 yearsF. Of our 12-17 year olds, 51% of the boys and 58% of the girls are enrolled in school.

    G. Latin American women bear an average of: 2.7 children

    H. Our infant mortality rate is: 29 per 1,000

    I. Our life expectancy at birth is: 71 years

    J. 77% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities.

    K. On average, there is one medical doctor per 576 people.

    L. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 75%

    M.Acres of arable land available per person: 0.8 acres

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    Asian Ambassador Card

    I am the Asian Ambassador. Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    A. Asias population is estimated at: 3 billion, 830 million

    B. Our birth rate is: 20 per 1,000

    C. Our death rate is: 7 per 1,000

    D. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 1.3%

    E. At this rate our population will double in: 54 years

    F. Of our 12-17 year olds, 62% of the boys and 51% of the girls are enrolled in school.

    G. Asian women bear an average of: 2.6 children

    H. Our infant mortality rate is: 54 per 1,000

    I. Our life expectancy at birth is: 67 years

    J. 47% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities.

    K. On average, there is one medical doctor per 923 people.

    L. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 38%

    M.Acres of arable land available per person: 0.4 acres

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    African Ambassador Card

    I am the African Ambassador. Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    A. Africas population is estimated at: 861 million

    B. Our birth rate is: 38 per 1,000

    C. Our death rate is: 14 per 1,000

    D. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: 2.4%

    E. At this rate our population will double in: 29 years

    F. Of our 12-17 year olds, 38% of the boys and 32% of the girls are enrolled in school.

    G. African women bear an average of: 5.2 children

    H. Our infant mortality is: 88 per 1,000

    I. Our life expectancy at birth is: 52 years

    J. 60% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities.

    K. On average, there is one medical doctor per 1,742 people.

    L. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 33%

    M.Acres of arable land available per person: 0.6 acres

    European Ambassador Card

    I am the European Ambassador. Here are some statistics that shape my region of the world:

    A. Europes population is estimated at: 727 million

    B. Our birth rate is: 10 per 1,000

    C. Our death rate is: 12 per 1,000

    D. Our annual growth rate due to natural increase is: -0.2%

    E. At this rate our population will not double.F. Of our 12-17 year olds, 97% of the boys and 100% of the girls are enrolled in school.

    G. European women bear an average of: 1.4 children

    H. Our infant mortality rate is: 8 per 1,000

    I. Our life expectancy at birth is: 74 years

    J. 98% of our population has access to adequate sanitation facilities.

    K. On average, there is one medical doctor per 285 people.

    J. The percentage of our people living in urban areas is: 73%

    K. Acres of arable land available per person: 1 acre

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