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Anabolic Steroids


Definition: A synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the

growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight

loss and (illegally) by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance.

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Anabolic Steroids


With so many issues on steroids, does anybody wonder why steroids become so popular?

How does steroids came into existence? Is it thru an in-depth research or just by mere

discovery? From the different sources on the internet as well as other publications and

journals, steroids were so popular because of its effects and the issues that always come

with it. Whether we treat steroids as a harmful drug or a pill that gives many benefits to its

users, a better understanding is a must.

This will serve as a guide in understanding of what these steroids can do or will do to its

users. The purpose of creating these steroids and its beginnings will probably change our

perception to this drug.

Here's a timeline of the discovery and development of steroids. The issues and people who

contributed to the advancement of steroids are also presented


1849 - A scientist named Berthold conducted an experiment on cockerels (Dog)by

removing their testicles. The bird lost several of its male characteristics including sexual

functions. It was in this experiment that they found out that

testicles had a systemic effect on the entire organism. It has an

effect on the blood of the animals experimented.

1929 - Another experiment was conducted to produce an extract

of potent activity from bull's testicles.

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1935 - A more purified form of the extract from bull’s testicles was created.

1954(second world war) - This is the time where the use of steroids in sports began. The

Soviets team was reported to have used steroids in the

World Weightlifting Championships in Vienna, Austria.

1955 - John Zeigler began administering straight

testosterone to his weightlifters.

1960 -at this period, many scientists and doctors began

to conduct numerous studies on the effects of steroids.

 1967- the International Olympic Council banned the

use of anabolic steroids.

1970 -  most major sporting organizations had also banned steroids. 

 1972 - the International Olympic Council began a full scale drug-testing program.

1990 - the Germans had finally gotten caught, and the ensuing scandal was one which

helped give anabolic steroids the bad reputation they have had ever since.

2000 - survey among 12 graders were reported that 2.5% used steroids at least once in their


2004 to present - there was an increase in the usage among young people. The statistics

shows 3.4%anabolic steroids were continuously used by most weightlifters and


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As fat-soluble hormones, anabolic steroids are membrane-permeable and influence

the nucleus of cells by direct action. The action of anabolic steroids begins when the

exogenous hormone penetrates the membrane of the target cell and binds to an

androgen receptor located in the cytoplasm of that cell. From there, the compound

hormone-receptor diffuses into the nucleus, where it either alters the expression of

genes or activates processes that send signals to other parts of the cell.

The effect of anabolic steroids on muscle mass is caused in at least two ways: first,

they increase the production of proteins; second, they reduce recovery time by

blocking the effects of stress hormone cortisol on muscle tissue, so that catabolism of

muscle is greatly reduced. It has been hypothesized that this reduction in muscle

breakdown may occur through anabolic steroids inhibiting the action of other steroid

hormones called glucocorticoids that promote the breakdown of muscles. Anabolic

steroids also affect the number of cells that develop into fat-storage cells, by

favouring cellular differentiation into muscle cells instead. Anabolic steroids can also

decrease fat by increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR), since an increase in muscle

mass increases BMR.

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The absorption after oral dose is rapid but there is extensive first pass metabolism for

all anabolic drugs except those substituted at the 17 alpha position (methyl-

testosterone and fluoxymesterone).such drugs,(which undergo extensive first-pass

effect) are principally given by intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injection

The rate of absorption from subcutaneous or intramuscular depots depends on the

product and its formulation.

Absorption is slow for the lipid soluble esters such as the cypionate or enanthate and

for oily suspensions.


They are highly protein bound and are carried in plasma by a specific protein called

sex-hormone binding protein.


The metabolism of drug is very rapid.

Free(de-esterified) anabolic drugs are metabolisied by hepatic mixed function


The elimination half-life from plasma is very short.

Some entero hepatic circulation is also seen.


90% of drug is excreted through urine as metabolites while 6% through faeces.

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Anabolic effects:

They include protiene synthesis from amino acids , increased appetite , increases bone

remodeling and growth and stimulation of bone marrow, which increases the

production of redblood cells , remodeling and growth of bone .

Virilizing (androgenic) effects:

They are growth of the clitoris in females and the penis in male children(the adult

penis does not grow even when exposed to high doses of androgen), increased vocal

cord size, deepening the voice ,increased libido, suppression of natural sex hormones

and impaired production of sperm.

Skeletal muscles:

Anabolic steroids stimulate the formation of the muscles and hence cause an increase

in the size of muscle fibres , leading to increased muscle mass and strength.this

increase in muscle mass is mostly due to larger skeletal muscle,and is caused by both

increased production of muscle proteins as well as a decline in the breakdown rate of

these proteins.

Fat metabolism:

A high testosterone dose(or high dose of an anabolic steroids) also decreases the

amount of fat and muscles,while increasing protein content. There is an overall

decrease in fat content.

Psychological effect:

Some researches have speculated that the real effect of anabolic steroids is a creation

of a “psychosomatic state” characterisied by sensation of well being ,euphoria,

increased aggressiveness and tolerance to stress, allowing the athlete to train harder.

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Anabolic steroids have been manufactured to enhance the anabolic properties(tissue binding)

to the androgens and minimize the androgenic(sex- linked) properties. However, no steroid

has eliminated the androgenic effects because the so called androgenic effects are really

anabolic effects in sex-linked tissuses. The effects of male hormones on accessorie sex

glands, genital hair growth and oilyess of the skin are anabolic processes in those tissuses.

The steroids with the most potent anabolic effect aare also those with the greatest androgenic


Glossing over what prompts people resorting to anabolic steroids use

Here some points:

Men suffering from behavior syndrome , believing they look small and insignificant

even though they are muscular , use anabolic steroids. Similarly women, with this

problem take the drug as they tend to think they are flabby,thoughinactual they are

quite lean and muscular.

It is seen that people who have suffered physical or sexual abuse in the past often take

recource to the drug with the belief that it will make them look stronger and abler

thus discouraging any future attacks.

Adolescent youth get a kick out of doing risky things , like driving fast ,drinking

atrociously,and such like .they are easily attracted to anabolic steroid use.

Usually,in case of following sufferings doctors prescribe anabolic steroids:

Catabolic states such as chronic infections , extensive surgery , burns, or severe


anemia is associated with renal insufficiency, sickle cells anemia, aplastic anemia and

bone marrow failure, some kinds of breast cancer in women.

Growth failure , including short stature assosiciated with turner syndrome .

Angioedema that causes swelling of face , arms, legs, throat, windpipe, bowels, or

sexual organs .

Severe anemia:

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Bone marrow stimulation in the theraphy for hypoplasticanemias due to leukemia or kidney

failure, especially aplastic anemia ,fanconis anemia , sickle cell anemia and



Weight gain for chronic nutritional deficiency or AIDS Wasting syndrome.


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Anabolic Steroids


The short term, more immediate side effects of steroid abuse are a veritable buffet of

problems. Let’s start with the men. Acne, testicular atrophy, decreased sperm count,

gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men), high blood pressure, increased LDL (bad)

cholesterol, decreased HDL (good) cholesterol, fluid retention, abnormal liver


Anabolic steroids can affect women differently than men, and in some cases,

dramatically so. Women can experience many of the same dangerous effects as men

including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and liver damage. Many of the

problems,however,are exclusively feminine representations of natural male

characteristics such as male pattern balding, deepening of the voice, facial and body

hair growth, and coarsening of the skin.

For both sexes, increased aggressiveness, otherwise known as "roid rage," commonly

accompaniesthe use of steroids. 

Now let’s break some of these down into further detail.


One common side effect is the onset of acne or, in cases of

adolescents where acne is already present, a much more

severe case can present itself. The scientific explanation is

quite colorful. Steroids enlarge the sebaceous glands in the

skin. Then, they cause these glands to increase sebum (oil) production. The increased

sebum leads to plug formation and serves as "food" for bacteria. 

Normal hormones surge at puberty, which is why teens develop armpit and pubic hair,

and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices. This hormonal surge also

contributes to the cause of acne in teens. Introducing steroids to this delicate balance

is just asking for trouble.


Testicular atrophy, a fancy term for shrunken balls, isn’t just a cosmetic problem.

Because an outside source of testosterone is being introduced to the body, the testes

no longer get the signal to produce their share. The brain is also being told to slow

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down the sperm factory, and that the body is getting sperm from an outside source,

usually the hypodermic needle. The brain then sends a signal back to the testicles to

take a break. This new function can cause temporary sterility, and the jury is still out

on whether steroids are linked with permanent sterility or not. But why take the



Gynecomastia, a pretty word for man-boobs, is another not-so-good

side effect of abuse that comes from the improper balance of

testosterone. When the body converts the additional testosterone

into estrogen and other female hormones in the male body, female

breast tissue is sometimes formed. Often, surgery with a painful recovery time is the

only method of removing the female tissue build-up. Basically, the surgeon enlarges

the area to be liposuctioned with a large amount of sterile fluid then employs

ultrasonic liposuction using sound waves to break up the fat. 


The next effect on our list is high blood pressure, which is caused when the steroid

forces the body to hold onto extra salt and water, rather than flushing it out as usual.

Steroids also cause an increase in the body's red blood cell count and hematocrit

levels, resulting in higher blood pressure. The long term effects of high blood pressure

are a list all their own. It causes the heart to get larger, which may lead to heart

failure. Small bulges (aneurysms) can form in blood vessels, the main artery from the

heart (aorta), arteries in the brain, legs, and intestines; and the artery leading to the

spleen. Blood vessels in the kidney can narrow, which may cause kidney failure.

Arteries throughout the body can "harden" faster, especially those in the heart, brain,

kidneys, and legs. This can cause a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or amputation

of part of the leg. Blood vessels in the eyes may burst or bleed, which can cause

vision changes and can result in blindness. 



High blood pressure is also often a result of high (LDL) bad cholesterol levels and/or

low (HDL) good cholesterol levels. Steroids change the levels of lipoproteins that

carry cholesterol in the blood. Steroids, particularly oral steroids, increase the level of

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low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and decrease the level of high-density lipoprotein

(HDL). This increases the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty

substances are deposited inside arteries and disrupt blood flow. If blood is prevented

from reaching the heart, the result can be a heart attack. If blood is prevented from

reaching the brain, the result can be a stroke.


Let’s move on to the liver, where just about everything

you put in your body gets processed. In other words, just

try to live without your liver. It won’t happen. Steroid

abuse has been associated with liver tumors and a rare

condition called peliosishepatis, in which blood-filled

cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts can

rupture, causing internal bleeding. Keep in mind, we’re

talking short term effects. Long term liver effects, you

don’t want to know, but we’ll get into that a little later.


Next, the issue of prostate enlargement, which is a problem seen with aging males.

This is not something you typically see in younger men, unless they’re taking

anabolic steroids. Over the course of an average life span, the male prostate gland

naturally grows thirty times its original size. It doesn’t need the help of additional

testosterone to grow to the size of a grapefruit. However, when large amounts of

synthetic testosterone are involved, the prostate grows faster. The long term effect of

that is prostate cancer. It is medically proven that the cancer loves the taste of

testosterone, which feeds the growth of cancer cells.


Baldness in women steroid abusers is caused by the body’s confused over-production

of DHT- a hair inhibitor enzyme, which generally affects both sexes similarly.


A deepening voice is another naturally male characteristic that can develop in women

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abusers simply because of the large amounts of testosterone sending male signals to

the brain, the control room for hormone production, and the various glands that

manage the hormone output. Steroids play havoc with the entire


Excess facial and body hair growth and coarse skin, both male characteristics, are

unsavory by-products of steroid abuse by women caused by an overabundance of

male hormones. While aggressiveness and heightened libido are side effects that can

be experienced by both genders, some effects are uniquely female. For example, the

enlarged or lengthened clitoris is inherently female as well as a confused and erratic

menstrual cycle. Other traits may include shrinking breasts, anxiety, depression, and

high levels of stress. All of these characteristics can be caused by introducing the

amounts of synthetic steroids in the female body necessary to see a change in muscle



In both men and women steroid abusers, evidence of “roid

rage” or increased aggression from too much testosterone is

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a hotly contested topic. However, in animal studies, the relationship between steroids

and aggression has always been prettyclear. 


Only in recent years have researchers been able to define the long term effects of

steroid abuse. They are learning more each year as abusers age and problems present



One of the deadliest side effects, scoffed at by many abusers, is HIV. Intravenous

needle sharing, combined with a heightened sex drive and libido function can be a

very dangerous combination. This is especially true in adolescent teens and young

adults who often have weaker decision-making skills and a high susceptibility to peer

pressure. HIV and AIDS-related deaths are on the rise and the epidemic is not as

popular in the media as in past decades. Most people adopt a “that stuff happens to

other people” attitude, and many steroid abusers, already practiced rationalizers don’t

even consider it at all.


High blood cholesterol levels, as discussed earlier in this

article, can lead to premature heart conditions, heart

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attacks and stroke. The increase in muscle mass can put undue strain on the rest of a

body that is not prepared for the surprisingly fast new muscle development. The heart

is put under more pressure to provide blood to more muscle tissue, while processing

greater levels of bad cholesterol. Moreover, high blood pressure due to salt and water

retention can put even further undue stress on the heart. No doubt, steroid abuse over

long periods of time will inevitably cause damage.


Studies have shown that adolescents who abuse steroids are at risk of being short for

life. Because the body responds to puberty by slowing and eventually stopping

growth, the pubescent period of life is crucial to future development. When the

adolescent brain senses a certain level of hormones in the body, it will send messages

to the bones to stop growing, closing the growth plates in the long bones. Young male

abusers can expect to be permanently shorter than average height.


Steroids increase muscle mass and muscle strength, but they leave the joints and

ligaments out of the equation. Steroid abusers can expect to eventually put too much

strain on ligaments that cannot properly anchor the new muscle strength, leading to

possibly severe injury and future surgery to correct torn shoulder joints or knee

ligaments. The muscles are exerted, and the joints simply can’t handle it.


Steroid abusers who stop abusing often deal with atrophied muscle mass which

converts to fat. Many former abusers report a problem managing weight gain, or

losing excess flab and soft tissue that occurs when the muscles are no longer being fed

high doses of testosterone. Excess body weight contributes to a host of long-term

problems including the aforementioned cardiovascular issues.

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Studies have confirmed steroid abuse has a long term effect on the neurological pathways of

the brain. Depending on the age when steroids are taken, the effects can sometimes be

permanent. For example, abusing steroids in the teenage years of development has shown to

affect the brain’s ability to properly produce serotonin, the enzyme tied with our sense of

well-being. This tampering with serotonin can lead to permanent increases in depression and

aggression. In women, this hormonal tampering can also lead to significantly lower levels of

progesterone and estrogen,

The Dangers of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

When improperly used, anabolic steroids can cause serious health problems such as

high blood pressure and heart disease; liver damage and cancers; and, stroke and

blood clots. Other side effects of steroids include: nausea and vomiting, increased risk

of ligament and tendon injuries, headaches, aching joints, muscle cramps, diarrhea,

sleep problems and severe acne.

While the total impact of anabolic steroid abuse is not known, health care providers

have observed the following problems:


Mood swings

Aggressive, even violent behavior


Psychotic episodes


Because anabolic steroids are derived from testosterone, they can have profound

effects on the hormone levels of both male and female abusers.

These effects can cause any or all of the following problems in men:

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Temporary infertility or sterility (reversible)

Altered sex drive

Prostate enlargement, and increased prostate cancer risk

Irreversible breast enlargement

Painful erections

Shrinkage of the testicles

Reduced levels of testosterone

Abnormal sperm production

Increased levels of estrogen

Health care providers have reported the following problems in women:

Increased risk of cervical and endometrial cancer

Increased risk of osteoporosis

Temporary infertility or sterility (reversible)

Altered sex drive

Birth defects in future children

Changes in fat distribution

Growth of facial and body hair

Deepening of the voice

Shrinkage of the breasts and uterus

Clitoral enlargement

Menstrual irregularity

Changes in the male reproductive system are often reversible, if anabolic steroids

have not been abused for a long period of time. Unfortunately, some of the changes in

women are NOT reversible.

Prolonged abuse of anabolic steroids very often results in physical addiction. Abusers

must undergo a strict, medically-supervised withdrawal program.

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Anabolic Steroids


Sometimes, athletes who use anabolic steroids may share the needles, syringes or

other equipment they use to inject these drugs. By sharing needles, syringes or other

equipment, a person becomes a high risk for HIV transmission. HIV is the virus that

causes AIDS.

If a person shares needles, syringes and other equipment to inject steroids into the

vein (IV), in the muscles or under the skin, small amounts of blood from the person

infected with HIV may be injected into the bloodstream of the next person to use the


HIV attacks the body's defense system, making the body less able to fight off

infections and cancers. There's no vaccine or cure for HIV or AIDS. People who may

have been exposed to HIV should be tested. If they find out they have the virus, they

can start treatment early.

You can't tell just be looking at someone if he or she has HIV. And, since someone

can be infected with HIV for many years without having any symptoms, some people

may not know they have HIV. Anyone who has ever shared a needle to shoot any

drugs -- even once -- could become infected with HIV and should be tested.

Adverse effects

Bone Premature closure of the

epiphyses in children

Stunting of linear growth

Breast Atrophy in women

gynocomaestia and enlarged

nipples in men

Gynacomaestia can be

pronounced and

painful;corrective surgery

may be necessary

Cardiovascular system Cardiac damage (left

ventricular hypertrophy,

fibrosis and heart failure)

sudden cardiac death.

The link between longterm

anabolic steroids use and

cardiovascular events

remains to be clearly

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established but the evidence

gatheredisfairly compelling.

Hair Hirsutism in women ,

acceleration of baldness in

men, male- pattern baldness

in women.

Hirsutism is at very best only

partially reversible on

cessation of administration.

Liver Liver tumours(increased risk)

Hepatic cholestasis(bile canal


GGT and CK, as ALT and

AST can be raised by


Skin Cystic acne This can be very severe on

the chest back and Face

Vocal cords Lengethened in women Irreversible deepening of the

voice can result in

considerable distress

Other Serious infection associated

with injected drugs toxicity

from unliscenced products.


programmes are helping to

address this problem extent is



Androgens and steroid anabolic agents are contra-indicated in children and in pregnant

women. Their prescription to women gives signs of masculinization. In men, they are contra-

indicated in patients with prostate cancer.Known or suspected cancer of the prostate or (in

men)breast. Pregnancy or breast-feeding. Known cardiovascular disease is a relative


Preparation & Dose

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Anabolic Steroids

There are three common forms in which anabolic steroids are administered :

Oralpills Injectable steroids And skin patches Topical gels

Oral administration is most convienent , but the steroid must be chemically modified

so that the lever cannot break it down before it reaches the systemic circulation, these

formulations can cause lever damage in high doses.

Injectable steroids are typically administered into the muscles , not into the vein to

avoid sudden changes in the amount of the drugs in the blood streams.

Transdermal patches(adhesive patches placed on the skin) may also be used to deliver

a steady dose through the skin and into the blood stream.injection is the most common

method used by the individuals administering anabolic steroids for non medicinal



Over the counter dietary supplements, such as creatine, should be used with caution. Manufacturers claim they can build muscles and improve strength without the side effects of steroids. Taken in small doses, nutritional supplements may not be harmful.

Some Anabolic Steroids (Generic & Brand )Names

Brand Name Generic Name

Androstenediol Androsteder




Turinabol, Steranabol


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Anabolic Steroids in Sport & Exercise

In most cases, people use anabolic steroids in sports and exercise. Sportspersons, including

athletes, bodybuilders, footballers and others, who put a lot of stake in improved performance

on the field, resort to frequent usage of the drug. The same goes for those who wish to build

muscles and cut down on body fat, thereby presenting themselves with well-toned physique.

Be that as it may, the fact that the drug can boost muscle size and ability to perform well in

exerting games would mean that the use of anabolic steroids in sports and exercise is not

going to go away forever. To that extent, the role of agencies to control the abuse of the

substances is important.

And indeed that is the reason why the US Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 has been

enacted to ban selling and using anabolic steroid and pro-hormone without relevant medical

prescription. To what extent the new act is able to check the abuse of anabolic steroids in

sport and exercise, while not unnecessarily preventing genuine medical reasons, remains to be


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Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at any cost

To excel in athletic competition is admirable. Most high school, college, amateur and

professional athletes participate in sports for the opportunity to pit their abilities

against those of their peers, and to experience the satisfaction that comes from playing

to their potential.

Others do so to satisfy a desire for recognition and fame. Unfortunately, that creates

some athletes who are determined to win at any cost. And, they may use that

determination to justify the use of anabolic steroids, despite evidence that these drugs

can inflict irreversible physical harm and have significant side effects.

Why Some Athletes Abuse Anabolic Steroids

Believing that anabolic steroids can improve competitiveness and performance,

uninformed or misguided athletes, sometimes encouraged by coaches or parents,

abuse these drugs to build lean muscle mass, promote aggressiveness, and increase

body weight.

Some athletes frequently take two or more anabolic steroids together, mixing oral

and/or injectable types, and sometimes adding other drugs, such as stimulants,

painkillers, or growth hormones. This is called "stacking." The athlete believes that

different drugs will produce greater strength or muscle size than by using just one

drug. What they don't know, or choose to ignore, is the damage to the body that abuse

of these drugs can cause.

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How Does Blood Doping Work?

Blood doping is a method of increasing the number of red blood cells in the body which in turn carry more oxygen to the muscles. It is most often used by athletes who compete in high endurance races like cycling or cross-country skiing. In the past, a liter of blood would be removed from an athlete's system and then frozen and stored for several weeks. A day or two before a big race, the stored blood would be re-injected into the athlete's system - creating extra red blood cells. These extra red blood

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cells would carry more oxgen to the muscles - giving the athlete an advantage over the other racers who don't use blood doping.

Athletes don't re-inject blood very much anymore. Instead, cheating athletes will inject genetically engineered drugs which cause the body to create extra red blood cells. The most common type of blood doping chemical used is called EPO - which is used to treat patients who have kidney disease. The one supposedly used by those scamming skiers in Salt Lake City is called darbepoetin, which is also used to treat kidney disease.

How Are Blood Dopers Busted?

Athletes who use blood doping to increase their performance will have a higher red blood cell density. This can be detected by testing the athlete's levels of hemoglobin (protein which causes blood to be the red color we see.) EPO and other blood doping drugs can be detected in an athlete's system by urine tests. It's believed there are some blood doping drugs out there that drug testers don't know about which some athletes are using.

Types Of Testes (Doping):

S.No Tests

1 Urine Test

2 Blood Test

3 Sweat Test

4 Hair Test

5 Gene Test

How To Identify Anabolic Steroid User:

The negative effects anabolic steroids can have on the human body can be devastating. They

range from a minor case of oily skin, to major long-term health complications, and potentially

death.  Fortunately, steroids have a variety of side effects, or changes experienced by the

mind and body of a user.  These changes basically fit into three categories:

1. Internal changes such as high blood pressure or out of range liver values;

2. More private or personal changes like testicular atrophy (significant shrinking of the

testicles); and

3. Noticeably external changes like severe acne or increased aggression.

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Anabolic Steroids

Should you suspect your child, sibling or friend of using anabolic steroids, you can look for a

variety of short-term side effects that appear as symptoms.  These include visible changes in

appearance, mood and behavior.  The following information will make it easier for you to

identify the specific symptoms, changes and habits of a steroid user.

Physical changes are typically the most pronounced short-term

symptoms as they are not easily concealed by the novice user and


Unusually greasy hair or oily skin (often with stretch marks on the inner joints)

Small red or purplish acne, including breakouts on the shoulders and back

Gynocomastia, the abnormally excessive development of the breast tissue in males

Persistent bad breath

Thinning hair throughout the head or receding hairline (male pattern baldness)

Increased length and thickness in hair (on body parts other than the head)

Hair loss in bed, shower, comb or brush

Personality and Psychiatric changes often

happen suddenly and without visible triggers

or reasons.  They include:

Extreme mood swings

Increased aggression or irritability

Becomes disrespectful or abusive (verbally and/or


Poor decision making stemming from feelings of


Becomes secretive and/or starts lying

Withdraws from family members

Depression (usually when steroids are discontinued)

Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that aren't there

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Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust or fear

Social changes may be mistaken for natural teenage distancing or

independence.  These are:

Closes and/or locks bedroom door more often

Takes longer showers or baths (this time is often used for injecting)

Phone conversations become more private

Begins receiving more packages in the mail

Asks for money more often, or has more money than usual

Is stealing or losing belongings

Begins taking naps and/or falls asleep in class

Loss of focus or concentration (at work, school or home)

Decline in grades


Anabolic drugs or steroids are synthetic version of the naturally occurring male

hormone testosterone .

They are primarily develop to treat hypogonadism but are now used for treatment

of a variety of condition like severe anemia angioedema, wasting of body due to

HIV infection etc…,

This drugs unfortunately have been used by many weightlifters and athletes as

performance – enhancers due to their anabolic effects and are hence considered as

doping agents.

Doping has serious adverse effects and long term use can be fatal.

Doping poses serious questions on moral and ethical values and is banned by most

of the international sports associations.

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1 Michael Powers, "Performance-Enhancing Drugs" in Joel Houglum, in Gary L. Harrelson,

Deidre Leaver-Dunn, "Principles of Pharmacology for Athletic Trainers", SLACK

Incorporated, 2005,ISBN 1-55642-594-5, p. 330

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