
1Paris-Kai TrowersLocation ReportI have developed my planning on the basis of my textual analysis of action films Four Brothers (US 2005) and Shank (UK 2010), in which I explored how the directors (John Singleton & Mo Ali) used the generic convention death of loved ones through micro-elements; cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound and editing. I chose my locations from the main themes and ideas in my textual analysis, which gave me a setting similar to my films.As a result, I decided to use 9 key frames for my creative artefact, reflecting the effect the death of a loved one has on a character in Four Brothers. To this I intend create a scenario where I can emulate similar themes like; revenge, love and death, displayed through 6 images of internal frames for my location as well as props and still shots to support. Moreover Ill conduct a screen test, to show what member of the cast had to offer in my sequence and why they were chosen over others who auditioned. The location Ive chosen is my house, which is easily accessible and equally as convenient.Location 1: Hallway

The location Ive chosen to use for my location is my house, which is easily accessible to my actors and me, my first shot will be taken from the hallway leading directly to the front door and kitchen. A low angle shot will be the first shot I use as it give an idea of the upward struggle it is for Jordan to open the front door and walk upstairs. Mise-en-scene in the frame will make the characters; seem adolescent due to the props that will be used in the frame, which will appeal to my target audience of 15-25 year olds. Ill use a medium shot where the main character will enter from the centre. As he is wounded hell drift from side to side of the shot as hell be leaning on walls to support himself, show the audience the pain that he is in. For sound, Ill use non-diegetic background music, the music should promote the pain sadness and confusion in the scene, furthermore Ill also use synchronous sound of the front door and his footsteps to further promote sadness but also pain. For mise-en-scene, the lighting within the scene will be very dim to connote the sadness the character is feeling to the audience, and the colour will be very bleak. Props will be used to add verisimilitude to the scene, such as shoes near the front door, clothes drying on the radiator and coats hanging up.This location will also be in the closing scene, for mise-en-scene, the lighting will be brighter to symbolize the hope that Alex has that Jordan will do the right thing and stay, and that the ultimatum she gave him wont be the end of their relationship, However from Jordans perspective the white light symbolizes that revenge is the clear path to take. In terms of cinematography, Ill use a mix of close ups and two shots to show the contrast in thoughts and feelings between Alex and Jordan, which will give insight to why Jordan chooses to revenge.Location 2: Bathroom

This is my second location; this is a vital frame in my sequence as it shows the change in Jordans demeanour and character as a result of Jamals death. It relates to Four Brothers where Bobby Mercer breaks down in tears in the bathroom, which reflects on my protagonist that the death of a loved one is hurting him deeply. I plan to use a medium close up of Jordan, so his face and body can be seen changing whilst his demeanour and character change. Hell be positioned in the centre of the frame so that the attention of the audience is focused solely on him. Therell be non-diegetic crescendo of a drum to create suspense, to make the audience become on edge and diegetic sound of water fades out the non-diegetic sound of the drum as it reaches its peak in volume to settle the audience. , for mise-en-scene; therell be toothbrushes, soap and cleaning products etc. to give the scene verisimilitude. Following on from the previous location, this bathroom is directly at the top of the stairs, for cinematography Ill use medium close up and close up shots. Thisll reinforce the slow, sad nature of my creative artefact and portray the effect death of loved ones much like in the two films in my textual analysis. In terms of sound, the background music from the last scene will continue into this one but will fade out and be replaced by one that portrays anger and violence to represent the change in demeanour in my character.Location 3: Kitchen

This is the third and last location Ill be using for my sequence, this frame will so Jordan collecting the gun, thisll be a surprise to an audience as it confirms he going to go through with getting revenge. Ill use a close up of a gun to emphasize the pain Jordan is going to inflict on Jamals killers and also the sorrow it is going to leave all involved and all the loved ones of those involved. Ill also use a close up of Jordan tucking the gun under his jacket, which shows that he is aware that he is going to commit a crime and that he knows thatll there be severe consequences. This frame will show that the protagonist was more serious about getting revenge then we believed at first. The use of the death of loved ones has been highlighted in my film as it was my conclusion in my analysis of Four Brothers and Shank

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