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Winter Dreams by: halfpint51 View Story Details Rating: RAdd Review Read Reviews, Last Review 12/18/13 (5)Added: 12/17/2013 Complete:yes Synopsis: What was supposed to be a relaxing trip on a ski resort in the Colorado mountains turns into something more for two friends when one of them is accidently turned into a girl. Categories:Accidental Change Age Regression Fast Transformation In Hiding Magical Transformations Keywords:Heterosexual

So it all began on that cold winter road. Thomas Halm and Brian Ragss were two friends traveling to the farthest reaches in the Colorado Rockies to a secluded ski resort. Thomas had recently returned from being stationed overseas and was having a hard time readjusting to civilian life, so Brian took it upon himself to help him out by taking him into the mountains to regain his old self back. It was a shot in the dark and both were willing to take it. Both were about to willingly step into what some call... ****** "Do you think we're even close? It's dark as hell, snowing, and we can barely see the damn road," Thomas said as he tried to keep his attention on the road. "Uhh... If I say yes, promise you won't punch me. But honestly I have no clue," Brian replied as he was busy looking at the map they were given. "The map says we should be coming up to an intersection but I'm not seeing anything out the window." Thomas was busy gripping the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles were turning white. He was trying to not have a psychotic episode, a curse that stuck with him from his time spent overseas. His thoughts meandered over to his younger brother fixing the heat before Brian decided to take him on this trip. With his thoughts in a whirl, Thomas almost missed the turn if it weren't

for Brian shouting at him to turn the wheel. Quickly shaking his head and regaining control, he managed to turn the wheel in time making the car slide on the icy road. The trees that surrounded the road were getting closer and closer towards the car as he tried to maintain control. There wasn't much Thomas could do; the car was at the mercy of the slick road. If anyone could hear the two men in the car, it'd be a mix of obscenities and screams. This eventually died down when Thomas managed to gain enough control to stop the car before crashing into one of the many pine trees. "Jesus Christ dude we could have died! What the fuck were you doing over there in La-La Land?" Brian asked, as he tried to catch his breath; afterwards he realized what just happened. "Were you having an episode?" "I... don't think so... I was too busy trying to not have an episode that I must have made my mind go elsewhere," Thomas replied, as he put the gear shift back in drive and slowly pressed down on the gas pedal. Brian felt bad for accusing his friend over something stupid, especially after everything he's been through. He decided to stay quiet; Thomas didn't have much else to say either. The rest of the trip was in total silence, only the hum from the heat coming out of the vents filled the void. It seemed like hours passed before they pulled into the parking lot of the ski resort. The snow had covered the yellow perimeter lines so people were parking in an odd manner. Thomas had found an empty spot and decided to take the opportunity and slowly parked the car. Once the car had come to a stop, Thomas turned the engine off and looked over at Brian. "I'm sorry, Brian, I shouldn't have been thinking about other things and I almost got us killed. Let us put this behind us and enjoy the next two weeks at this resort." "Agreed, and I'm sorry, too. Now let's get our stuff out of the trunk and get inside, its freaking cold without the heat on," Brian replied as he opened the car door and stepped into the snow. After getting out of the car, they made their way to the trunk to grab their bags and equipment. With everything in hand, the two walked through the snow towards the entrance of what they assumed was the resort. At this point, neither cared due to the cold and the need to be well rested for the next day's adventure on the mountain top. Upon walking through the front doors, both men were greeted by a young looking woman with a welcoming smile. She quickly ushered some nearby workers to grab the bags and equipment, while motioning for Thomas and Brian to walk to her so they could fill out some paperwork. She pulled out two sheets of paper for each one to fill out and directed what parts to sign and initial. It only took a few minutes to fill and once they finished, she handed them both their room keys. "You guys are to the right and down the hall. Mr. Halm your room number is 25 and Mr. Raggs your room number is 28. May you both have a great time here," the woman said with a smile as she looked over the papers. "Thanks," both said in unison as they followed the bellboys to their rooms. Thomas and Brian said a few words before going into their rooms and crawling into bed. Brian was out like a light while Thomas was busy lying

in bed thinking about anything and everything. Thomas was prone to staying up half the night and that was just him actually trying to fall asleep, so when his eyes started to feel heavy he was a bit surprised. He didn't bother fighting it as he soon drifted off to dreamland, where he felt somewhat safer than the real world, at least when he did dream. Tonight was not one of those nights. He drifted off to sleep very quickly and stayed that way. While asleep, Thomas would never notice that, not only himself, but the world around him was about to undergo a major change. When he fell fast asleep, he was lying on his stomach with his face turned to the left so he wouldn't suffocate through the night. It felt so comfortable to be able to do something so simple again, but it was here where the first changes began. Thomas curled his toes as he moved his feet; they felt cold so he was trying to keep them warm. In reality his toes and feet were shrinking down. Normally he would fit in a size 11 shoe, but now his dainty feet would only fit a size 8 at the most. The toenails that were kept short and trimmed lengthened out a bit and a nice shade of light blue covered each one. The coldness that seemed to creep among the now dainty feet moved up like a ghostly wisp across the rest of his legs, just stopping at his thighs. His thighs, like the rest of his legs, had shrunk down and a layer of fat spread across making them more defined. From there, the cold feeling sunk deep as it forced the hip bones to widen out and change shape. While still deep inside Thomas, the coldness sucked in his male organs and used them as a base to shape them into female organs. This particular changed tended to take the longest as it wasn't as simple as it sounds. Thomas, still asleep, was tossing and turning under the bed sheets, unaware that he lost an important part of him. Satisfied, the cold feeling rose back up so it was creeping along Thomas's skin. Goosebumps were left behind as it spread across his lower abdomen, slimming down muscle and adding layers of fatty tissue to bring out the feminine features. His waist slimmed down and sank inward as it brought out a somewhat hourglass figure, just as the rest of his stomach had slimmed down to a more toned look. Thomas' pectorals, that were prone to showing through, shrank down till his chest was flat as a board, and then the leftover muscle tissue faded away as deposits of fat began to build up under each nipple. His nipples, in fact, had gotten bigger, almost pencil eraser sized while the areola's doubled in size and darkened a bit. Breasts, was the word that anyone would call what was budding and growing upon his chest. It felt like a relaxing pulsing, the kind you would get from an electronic massager, as Thomas rolled back over onto his stomach. The end result was a pair of big pronounced breasts that were pressed into the mattress. It didn't seem to bother him at all, but it sure kept them warm under the presence of the coldness. Now that the new assets were in place, the coldness split itself into two as each went up across the shoulders and down each arms, ending at the tips of Thomas' fingers. Like the rest of his body, his shoulders caved in while his arms slimmed down, following his hands and fingers. His fingernails grew out just like his toenails and were also covered in a baby blue nail polish. The coldness that had separated itself reformed at Thomas's neck where it made his Adams apple disappear, making him have a slight coughing fit.

The face was another section that tended to take a bit longer than other parts. For whatever reason, it didn't take long for the coldness to soften up his face and adjust it until it looked very feminine. The final change to take place was his hair. Thomas had kept his hair buzz cut short since he was in the army, and when he got out, he never felt like changing it up. His natural hair color was a shade of blonde, but as the coldness worked its way up through the roots, it changed the color to a deep unnatural red as his hair began to grow out. This continued until the new locks went a bit past his shoulders and curled itself at the ends. Finally finished, the coldness that plagued across Thomas' body had all but disappeared upon finishing its job. In place of Thomas was a young woman who looked like she could pass off as his sister. For the first time in ages, Thomas was able to get a good night's sleep. He would need it for what was about to unfold... ****** Early morning, Thomas had woken up and stumbled across the room to the bathroom to empty his bladder. As he stood in front of the white porcelain toilet, he reached down into his boxer shorts to pull out his special friend, only to find that there was nothing there. His hand frantically searched all over to try and find the missing piece and with no luck. Thomas was no longer in a sleepy daze, he was at full attention trying to figure out where his penis went. "This is just a dream, this is totally a dream. There is no way my dick can be missing..." Thomas said frantically as he failed to notice the two big lumps hanging from his chest. "Where the fuck is it?!" Thomas was at a point where his mind was on the verge of collapse. Hoping to wake up from this nightmare, he made his way over to the sink and turned the cold water on full blast. He cupped his hands under the running water and brought what was in his hands up to his face to wake him up. With his face now drenched in the cold water, Thomas looked at himself in the mirror and screamed. Now in tears and mostly denial, he sunk down to the floor and curled himself up into a ball. The door to Thomas' room opened up as the woman from the front desk walked in; she could hear the screams from there and went to investigate. She noticed the bathroom door was ajar and slowly walked over and took a peek inside. There, on the ground, curled up in a ball was this young woman who was obviously crying. She didn't see any marks on her or anything that looked like she was hurt. So she stepped into the bathroom and kneeled next to the woman and asked if she was alright. Thomas was too busy sobbing and didn't hear the question, so the lady from the front desk lightly tapped her shoulder. "Miss, are you alright? I could hear you screaming all the way from the front desk... I know this may be hard for you but I promise you I know what you're going through," the woman said as she continued to stay kneeled next to Thomas. "W-what happened to me...?" Thomas replied in between sobs. "I'm not supposed to be a girl!" "Well... that part is true, Thomas. You are not supposed to be a woman and I'm the cause of all this... But first I think we should get you into some clothes that fit."

Thomas looked up at the woman like she was crazy, but decided that with all that has happened, he could at least give her a chance to explain herself. He found himself being lifted off the ground and managed to stand by himself without any issues. The woman guided him out of the bathroom and back into his room where she had Thomas sit down on the bed. As soon as he was sitting, she went over to the bag that was full of Thomas' clothes and pulled out a bunch of outfits that were clearly for a woman. "Just as expected, your clothes were also changed. I feel really bad for this Thomas... Though we can't call you by that anymore. For now, let's get you dressed and I'll explain what happened," the woman said as she handed a pair of panties and a bra to Thomas. "I'm not wearing that. No way in hell I'm dressing up like a woman! You say you did this to me so I want an explanation!" Thomas yelled as he swatted the garments out of the woman's hands. The woman closed her eyes as she sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you what happened. I guess to start things, let me tell you who I am. I've gone by many names over the years, but I've been mostly known as the Ebil Witch Lady. I'm known for turning people into the opposite gender for the hell of it and after so many years of doing that, I decided to get away and be at peace. So I started this resort from the ground up, but because it's me I can't help but stray to my old ways. Those papers I had you and your friend Brian fill out, in the bottom right corner was either a male symbol or a female symbol. I meant to give both of you the paper with the male symbol... At least that was the pile I grabbed them from, so clearly one of the female papers got filed into the pile and you are the unfortunate soul who signed it..." "Wh-what...? So you're telling me that because I signed that paper to stay here, I am now a woman? That's fucking crazy talk! I demand you change me back, I don't want to be a woman. I'm a veteran for Christ's sake!" "I can't change you back, you're stuck in this form for the remainder of your stay here and if I remember right, you two are here for a couple weeks. Now take these clothes and get dressed, we're going to have to explain to your friend why Thomas is no longer here and his sister is." Thomas was ready to go off on this lady who claimed her name was something stupid as the Ebil Witch Lady. More so on the fact that if what she said was true, it's her fault that he's like this in the first place. This had to be some sick joke that Brian was in on, Thomas would make sure that he'd get even with him if that were the case. "You still need a new name... we can't go around calling you Thomas. How about... Samantha? That's a very pretty and simple name," the Ebil Witch Lady said with a smile. "Also I'd suggest start practicing referring to yourself as a she not a he, it'll help pretty soon." "Samantha? I-I... that actually sounds good... So how exactly am I supposed to pass off as my so-called sister?" Thomas now Samantha asked as the Ebil Witch Lady bent over to pick up the bra and panties that were now on the floor. The Ebil Witch Lady handed the two pieces to Samantha and this time she didn't swat them out of her hands. Instead she took them and, with blushing cheeks, went into the bathroom. Samantha heard the Ebil Witch

Lady say something about if she needed help, just ask. This made her blush even more in embarrassment as she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. ****** Alright all I need to do is slip out of my boxers and slide these... panties up and then figure out how to put on this damn bra. Here goes nothing... Wow these panties are pretty snug fitting and comfy. Huh, interesting. Oh god now I gotta figure out how to work this damn bra. Jesus these cups are huge, there's no way in hell my... my boobs are supposed to fit in these things. How big are these things anyways? Holy shit... this has to be a joke, there is no way in hell my boobs are double D's. But what if they are? Well let's try this. F...uck! It's alright Thomas you got this, try and remember taking off Stacey's bra back in college. Now do exactly the opposite of that. Let's see... attach the hook in the front. Then we turn it around so the cups are facing each boob. Put my arms through the straps annnnnd... done! Haha suck it bra! I have mastered the art of putting on woman's clothing! Wait... no no NO! Stupid fucking thing! ****** About fifteen minutes had passed since Samantha entered the bathroom and the Ebil Witch Lady was starting to get a bit worried. So she walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Samantha are you alright in there? It's been fifteen minutes and you haven't come out yet..." the Ebil Witch Lady said as she began to open the door. Samantha was standing proudly by the bathroom sink and turned around to reveal that she had the bra and pantie set on and was ready to tackle anything that the Ebil Witch Lady would throw at her. The Ebil Witch Lady just laughed and told her that there was quite a few more challenges ahead and to finish getting dressed. When she was done, she was to meet her at the front desk so they could take care of the issue about Thomas's disappearance. The Ebil Witch Lady left out a simple graphic tee and a pair of pants for Samantha to wear. Samantha knew it was something close to what she would normally wear and luckily had no issues getting the pants on. The shirt, on the other hand, was a different story. She still wasn't used to having breasts and at some point of putting the shirt on, they got caught in the shirt making it difficult to pull it down. After a few tries, she managed to pull the shirt down and in the process of putting on the shirt, messed up her hair. "Ugh... I have to keep my appearance don't I?" she asked to no one in particular as she made her way back to the bathroom. Now that her hair was what she considered decent, she put on a pair of snow boots that were left out for her and walked out of her room to the front desk.

She wasn't ready for what happened next. Brian was standing by the front desk talking to the Ebil Witch Lady. Samantha could overhear some of the conversation and she tried to ignore most of it as she walked up next to Brian. "So you're telling me that Thomas went out without me and managed to break his arm? And so without even contacting me, you sent him via air lift to Denver. I'm not buying it. May I borrow the phone and call the hospital to check up on him?" Brian said in a nasty tone, failing to notice the attractive woman next to him. "I told you Mr. Ragss that your friend Thomas had an accident and we had to air lift him out. Are phone is only used for emergencies like this, I promise you that he will be fine. But he did tell me before he left that his sister would be taking his place the remainder of the trip. She's actually right next to you," the Ebil Witch Lady said as she pointed to Samantha. Samantha just waved as she gave the Ebil Witch Lady a questioning look before looking at Brian and introducing herself. "Hi. I'm Samantha, the younger sister of Thomas. I don't believe we have ever met..." she said as she looked over at the Ebil Witch Lady again, this time for approval. "Hi, yeah I don't recall Thomas ever talking about having a younger sister before," replied Brian as he looked down at Samantha trying to piece together everything. "My names Brian, Brian Ragss" Samantha wasn't quite sure how to drag this white lie along and she was really hoping the Ebil Witch Lady would step in and help. For a few seconds there was nothing but silence between all three of them, until Brian mentioned something about how Samantha looked kind of like Thomas and would go along with the whole "sister" thing. He apologized for acting like a dick earlier and asked if they could start over. Samantha agreed and shook his hand and reintroduced herself. "Well now that that's taking care of, how about you two go get ready for a day out on the mountain?" the Ebil Witch Lady said as she pulled out two passes for Brian and Samantha. "These are what you'll need to get onto the lift that will take you up to the top of the mountain. I expect both of you to be extra careful so we don't have another accident." She said that last word with a wink towards Samantha who played along and took her pass and began to walk back to her room. Brian followed after grabbing his pass and tried to make small talk with her as they both walked to their rooms. He was clearly checking her out and he did his best to make it as not obvious as possible. Samantha just ignored it and when she got to her door, she rushed inside and quickly closed the door before Brian could react. "I guess I'll meet you back at the front desk?" Brian said through the door before walking off to his room to get changed into clothes fit for skiing. Samantha didn't say a word as she leaned against the door, gathering her thoughts. At least she got Brian to go with the idea that she was now the sister that Thomas never mentioned. It probably helped that she looked similar to her old self, minus the obvious girlish figure and other

assets. When she was sure that Brian had left, she stepped away from the door and walked over to her other bag by her ski equipment that was supposed to have most of her wintery clothing. It was here that she noticed how much had changed. Both bags that she brought with her were normally just plain black, but were now a mix of bright vibrant colors that really stuck out. She dug through the bag and pulled out a couple coats and other gear, everything fit for a young woman. "I don't know if I should thank her or punch her, but at least my gear matches my new body..." Samantha sighed as she continued to pull out more gear until she had everything she needed. ****** "Now be careful Sammy, I don't need you ending up like Thomas," Brian said as he helped Samantha out of the lift and into the cold snow. "You don't have to treat me like a damsel in distress, Brian. In fact I'd like it if you just treated me like you treated my brother. We'll get along just fine," Samantha said with a smirk as she gave him a light push that made him begin his descent down the hill. She followed after him, giddy as can be. Samantha missed the thrill of skiing down a mountain; the adrenaline rush she got was overly fantastic. Going around different curves and avoiding other skiers was enough to bring a big smile to her face. It was also enough to take her mind off of what happened early this morning. Brian had just made it to the bottom of the hill while Samantha was about twenty feet away. It didn't look like she was about to stop anytime soon and Brian braced himself in case he had to grab her. Samantha slowed herself down enough that she ended up going right past Brian and came to a complete stop about ten feet away from him. She took off her mask and asked Brian if he was ready for round two, which he gladly agreed on. "Now I won't go easy on you this next round," Brian joked, as they both made their way back to the lifts to get back to the top. "Wouldn't dream of it! I won't give you a head start this time either," Samantha said with a little edge in her voice. ****** The Ebil Witch Lady was watching from the front desk and was happy to see that Samantha was adjusting well. At one point she almost nodded off, if it weren't for new guests ready to register to stay at the resort. She made sure that the guests got the right papers and when they had filled them out, gave them their room keys and directions. With time to waste once more, she thought about Thomas and why on earth he was the one who got changed. Her identity was only known by a select few; the rest fell under her spells that altered not only their minds but their reality as well. On rare occasions, she would use her powers to dip into the lives of her victims to see their future. It usually took up most, if not all of her strength to do this and normally she would wait till she was in the confines of her own room, but she couldn't wait any longer.

With the wave of her hand, she found herself projected into a time loop of Thomas' future, or a small part of it. She saw Thomas, who looked to be a couple years older, sitting on his bed staring at a small wooden box. Thomas couldn't see the Ebil Witch Lady as she sat down next to him. He had opened the box revealing a small handgun. The Ebil Witch Lady could see the tears in his eyes as he pulled out the gun and looked it over in his hands. There wasn't a damn thing that the Ebil Witch Lady could do as she continued to watch Thomas, even as he put the gun up to the side of his head. The Ebil Witch Lady closed her herself transported out of the to contain her emotions as she notice that Samantha and Brian hi. eyes as she heard the bang and found time loop and back into reality. She tried sat down in her chair. She didn't even had returned and were stopping by to say

She quickly regained her composure and asked the two if they had fun. Both agreed and asked if there was a place they could stop by and grab a bite to eat. The Ebil Witch Lady told them that they had a buffet that was open about every hour of the day and if that they should have no issue finding something they'd like. The two thanked her and walked off where she had pointed to, leaving her to her thoughts once more. What she had seen was still haunting her. The Ebil Witch Lady had been around for quite some time, but she never did understand why people would end their life so early. She understood that Thomas was suffering from something known as post-traumatic stress disorder, but he had all the chances to get the help he needed. Whatever it was, her accident wasn't looking like an accident any more, but rather a new chance at something else... ****** Samantha and Brian were on their way to the buffet, casually talking. Brian was trying to figure out how she was related to his friend, Thomas, and any question he asked her she quickly responded with the correct answer. After what felt like a round of twenty questions, Brian had given up and accepted that Samantha was in fact Thomas' sister. "Are you done with the questions or...?" Samantha asked as they walked into the buffet area. "I suppose, but can I ask you one last question?" he replied as he walked ahead and grabbed them both a plate. "Well I suppose I could allow you one last question, as long as it has nothing to do with my brother." "Care to join me for dinner, say like a date?" So far, Samantha hasn't had any issues adjusting to her new found femininity, but this was about as close to a kick in the chest. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She was just stunned that Brian would be so forward and so quickly. He was never like this when she was Thomas; it was usually him that had to talk to the ladies first and then Brian would pop in. It didn't help that she didn't want to say yes and she didn't want to say no either. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so quick about it. I'd still like you to join

me for dinner but it doesn't have to be a date or anything. How about we just eat dinner like two friends?" Brian piped in as he noticed Samantha having issues coming up with a response. Samantha nodded, she could handle that much or at least try. She thought of just trying to be herself, her old self. Awkwardness still clung to the two as they walked around the buffet, picking what they wanted, and found an empty table to sit down. Neither said a word as they dug into their food. Both wanted to sit and talk while they enjoyed their meal, but something was holding them back. "I didn't mean to bother you two, but after casually watching you for the past few minutes, I couldn't help but chime in. If you two are on a date, you're doing it terribly wrong; you should both be engaging in conversation," an older woman, who looked to be in her fifties, said as she stopped by their table from getting more food. "Huh? Oh, yeah we're not on a date... We're just friends, but we appreciate your concern," Brian replied turning to look at the woman who was giving them helpful advice. The older woman giggled and mentioned something about 'things getting better' before walking back to her table where her husband was waiting. She gave them a brief smile before sitting down and talking to her husband. "Well that was weird..." Samantha said as she tossed food around her plate with the fork. "Yeah. Not very hungry are we?" said Brian as he noticed what Samantha was doing with her food. Samantha replied with a quiet 'yes' and excused herself to go back to her room. She didn't give Brian enough time to respond as she slid her chair back and stood up. Without a word she pushed her chair in and hurried off back to her room. She passed by the Ebil Witch Lady who was just finishing up getting new guests signed in. After directing the new guests to their room she waved at Samantha to stop by and chat with her. "Hey..." was all that Samantha said as she walked over to the Ebil Witch Lady. "Care to join me on a walk through the resort? I have some things that need to be checked on and I could use the company," the Ebil Witch Lady said as she stacked some papers on her desk. "Oh dear, that couple that just signed in are in for a treat..." Samantha looked at her with a confused look. The Ebil Witch Lady chuckled and explained that the couple who had just left had been having relationship issues, so she used her powers to help. She mentioned something about not being surprised if she sees them tomorrow acting a little off. Samantha didn't even want to ask as she followed her around the resort. ****** The two young woman were off in a far part of the resort when Samantha had finally decided to say something about what was bothering her.

She started with how Brian had been treating her like a lady and although it was nice, it made her feel very uncomfortable. The Ebil Witch Lady told her that was normal for someone who had spent all their life as a guy and that in certain cases, it usually goes away in a few days. Samantha wasn't quite sure what she meant by "certain cases" and casually asked about it. "So, you know how I said about the whole mind/reality altering thing? It's kinda like that only at a much smaller scale and reality stays the same. If things go the way they probably are, you'll find yourself embracing your newfound femininity and basically you and Brian will end up..." the Ebil Witch Lady trailed off. "Together? Like dating? Oh hell no, Brian is my friend and nothing else!" Samantha said loudly and quickly regretted it as a few guests turned and looked at her. "I don't have control over what happens to you, not since you and Brian signed the papers to stay here. So you'll just have to go with the flow of things. I know it'll be hard, trust me I've watched this happen numerous times over the course of my life. In the end everyone ends up happy and that's how I prefer it to be." "I don't understand any of this... Why me? I don't want to fall in love with my best friend, just because of a huge mistake made by someone who calls themselves the Ebil Witch Lady. Speaking of that, don't you have another name I can call you by so I'm not constantly saying 'Ebil Witch Lady'?" "I'm sorry... if you like you can call me Emmi. It's the name I used to go by in another life." Samantha smiled as she began to feel more comfortable talking with "Emmi", in a close friend kind of way. They continued to talk as Emmi kept checking up on stuff and making sure her guests were having a good time. Emmi had been thinking of how to bring up what she saw the entire time they were talking but couldn't. By the time they had made it to Samantha's room, it was getting really late. "Well, I hope you and Brian have a better tomorrow that isn't as awkward. Keep your chin up Samantha, things will get better," Emmi said before giving Samantha a reassuring hug. "Thanks..." was her reply as she went into her room and closed the door. Samantha didn't spend a whole lot of time of time stripping down into her bra and panties, though she did take her time changing into new ones. She wanted to go over every inch of her new body now that she had the chance and wouldn't pass out. ****** Ugh these things are freaking heavy, even with a bra we guys like them this big? Sure they're fun to look aren't fun to have to carry around all freaking day. figure, so I guess I got that going for me. A bit of still look attractive, I think... on... Why the hell do at but... ugh they I got a decent a pudgy tummy but I

I wonder what Brian thinks of this body. Wait, what the hell? Why do I care what Brian thinks about this body? I shouldn't care... but for some

reason I feel like his opinion matters on this issue... Ugh I need to think of something else. Blah let's try this bra thing one more time and... done! I did it! Alright, now the underwear and we're set for bed. I wonder if my iPod I still in my bag, I could use some music to help me get some sleep. I have way too much on my mind... Let's see what we have here... Oh I love this song! ****** Samantha was lying on the bed, under the warmth of the blankets, listening to a song called 'Hold Me Now' by a band known as Red. She began to sing to herself as she closed her eyes. She soon fell asleep for what was, again, one of the best nights of sleep she had in a long time. This night she dreamed. She was hanging out with Brian at the resort. Christmas songs rang through the air as they sat by the warm fire coming from an exquisite looking fireplace. They were just chatting the night away, only Samantha was leaning against Brian with her head on his shoulder. Emmi eventually had brought them both a mug of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows covering the tops. Emmi sat down next to them and had asked them how they were doing. Samantha was in the midst of taking a long sip from her mug and Brian just shrugged trying to contain a smile. The songs turned to something more romantic sounding as Emmi made mistletoe appear over their heads. "You know what they say about being caught under the mistletoe," she giggled as she looked at the shocked faces of the two. "Emmi! You suck..." Samantha replied trying to figure out the exact word she wanted to say. Brian just laughed and agreed with Emmi and asked Samantha if she was okay with a quick kiss. Samantha stared down at her mug of hot chocolate and nodded. "Well you're gonna have to look up at me Sammy. It's kinda hard to kiss someone if they're looking down at their hot chocolate," Brian laughed. Samantha looked up just in time to see Brian leaning in for a kiss. She hesitated and soon found herself doing the same. Just as they were about to kiss, Samantha woke up with a startled fright. "What the fuck... I was just dreaming about Brian and me kissing! Eww that is so nasty..." she said in a tired unsure tone. She was leaning up with her elbows propping her up from the bed. Trying to figure out why on earth she was having such a dream and trying to see what time it was. Neither was accomplished as she fell back into the pillows. It was about four in the morning when she had woken up from her dream. As much as she tried she couldn't seem to go back to sleep. So she just lied there until the sun poked through the curtains. ******

A few days had passed by and Samantha was still adjusting with her new self, but had come to terms with her new thoughts and feelings. She never dreamed those past few nights, scared that she would have another about her and Brian. That morning after the kissing dream, she had walked over to Brian's room in just her pajamas and needed to tell him about the dream. She didn't outright say that it was about them, instead she told Brian that she had a nightmare about her brother. Since Brian was Thomas' best friend, she felt like she could talk to him about it. Brian, being the kind of person that he is, told her that he was probably alright and had nothing to worry about. He had also mentioned that if she needed to talk to someone about anything, he was open all day and night. Samantha had been thinking about what Brian had told her as she munched on a piece of toast. At some point she knew she needed to tell him what was going on, but there was never a perfect moment. She briefly thought of the few awkward moments that had happened the past few days, which made her smile a bit. All of the awkwardness came directly from Brian, who was doing his best not to make things awkward between them. Samantha just rolled with it and found herself enjoying Brian's company. Later that day, Brian had asked Samantha if she would join him for lunch. She quickly retorted with asking him if it was a date and if so, then she would be glad to join him for lunch. That surprised not only Brian, but herself. She wasn't quite ready to go on a "date" with anyone, but she felt so comfortable around Brian that she somehow felt like she should. It wasn't like they hadn't been hanging out together these past few days, so what could going on a date hurt? "So our choices are buffet, buffet, buffet, and buffet. I'm not quite sure which one we should choose," Brian laughed as they walked to the buffet area. "Hmm... I'm thinking buffet sounds delicious," replied Samantha as she walked next to Brian. Both walked around the buffet getting what looked good to them before sitting down at an available table for two. As they sat down, Samantha noticed the couple from a few days ago sitting down to enjoy lunch a few tables away. She casually mentioned to Brian about what had happened, not expecting his reaction. He just laughed and told her that nothing like that was possible and to leave the couple out of their conversations. Samantha took offense and was getting upset that Brian was thinking she was crazy. "Look Brian, I'm telling you the truth... Now please can we just continue on this 'date'?" sighed Samantha as she was trying to calm herself down. Brian didn't say a word, which, for whatever reason, upset Samantha even more to the point that she got up and rushed out of the dining area without a word. A few people looked over at Brian who was trying to assess what had just happened. He just sat there for a few minutes, quietly finishing his meal before getting up and walking back to his room. His thoughts were in a whirl as he tried to figure out why Samantha got upset because he didn't believe something so absurd. As he walked past the front desk that Emmi happened to be standing behind, she called him over to chat.

"Hey Brian, I saw Samantha rush by here. She was obviously upset about something and she wouldn't stop for me to ask what happened. Do you know what's going on?" said Emmi who was clearly worried about Samantha. "I wish I knew, she was talking about some couple who were sitting down for lunch. Something about how you supposedly changed them because they were constantly fighting? I dunno it all sounds like crazy talk to me and she got upset about it," he replied as he propped his elbows on the desk. Emmi must have had an involuntary reaction to what Brian was saying because he then asked her if she knew anything about what was going on. She knew it was time to explain to Brian what had happened and told him she wanted to speak with him in private. ****** "Instead of going into this long explanation of what's going on, I'd rather show you something that should explain things..." Emmi said as she held out her hand. "Grab my hand and we can begin." Brian thought she was just being just as crazy, but decided to humor her and grabbed her hand. Immediately both were transported into the time loop that Emmi had taken before and ended up in the exact same scenario that she witnessed. Sitting on the bed was an older Thomas, staring at the same wooden box before pulling out a small handgun and putting it against his head. Emmi pulled them both out before the gunshot was heard so not to scare Brian even more then she probably already did. Once they were both out of the time loop and back in the resort, Brian was trying to figure out what to say. "Wh-what the fuck was that...? That was Thomas and he... he..." Brian gasped as he tried to put words together. "What the hell did you show me?!" "Brian I need you to calm down for a second so I can explain. What I just showed you is what would have happened to Thomas if it weren't for a small accident that I caused... Samantha is..." Emmi was cut off by Brian "Don't you dare say Samantha is Thomas, there is no fucking way that's possible... I-It's just not possible..." Emmi explained what had taken place the night they had arrived and the following morning to everything in between up until this very moment. Brian felt his knees about to give out and managed to find something to sit on to catch himself. She also explained how badly Samantha was struggling with her new feelings towards him and all these other things about her. "She needs you Brian, she finds comfort in knowing you and how you have taken all this, despite not knowing that it's been Thomas all along... I can't change what I did to him but you can. I don't want you to reveal any of this to her, until she personally tells you what has happened. I'm sorry to bring this on you Brian but I know for a fact this was the right thing," Emmi explained as she sat down next to Brian. "So I'm supposed to go and act like this isn't a huge deal just for her? Ugh... my head hurts just trying to think about everything, why does this all have to be so difficult? I find a woman I can finally relate to and

it just so happens to be my best friend who was supposedly turned into a girl. Now how does that work?" sighed Brian, who in turn made Emmi giggle. "It'll work out in the end, it always does," said Emmi in almost a whisper. Brian was about to say that he has heard that constantly throughout this trip but when he turned to look at Emmi she had disappeared. He got up walked to his room, thinking over what he and Emmi had discussed. "What a weird way to spend Christmas Eve," he muttered to himself as he walked. ****** Samantha had been in her room for a few hours now, refusing comforts of the bed. The pillows were wet from her tears as her face into them. She had never been this upset in years, was a teenager. Her feelings were rather conflicting, which making things worse. to leave the she buried not since she was only

She felt tired due to her excessive crying and eventually fell asleep without even noticing. While asleep, she dreamed that she was still awake and she and Brian were chatting near the fireplace. They talked for a few minutes until the scene shifted. In this new scene Samantha found herself lying on the bed naked with a just-as-naked Brian on top of her. Dream Samantha quickly found herself lost in the heat of passion and quickly realized she couldn't "change the scene". Her heart was pounding away in her chest at the situation. Her cheeks red, whether from embarrassment or sexual tension, made Dream Brian smile and chuckle. Dream Samantha hadn't registered what was going on below just yet because Brian had kissed her. His lips were soft; something she wasn't expecting. He nibbled a little on her bottom lip and pulled at her collar bone. At this point, Dream Samantha could feel the gentle thrusting as he burrowed into her. The newfound feeling left her nearly breathless. Despite her best wishes, soft moans escaped her. Brian took this as a good sign and kept continuing the pace. His rough moans joined in with hers. One of his hands wandered up to her chest and groped her supple breasts. He pulled and pinched her pink nipples. Dream Samantha moaned louder at his touch. Brian was gentle, but holding back. She woke up in a sweaty haze and a new feeling that was radiating from her crotch. Samantha groaned when she realized that the dream had made her horny. She refused to do anything about it and just lied there hoping the feeling would go away. It eventually did, but it took a lot longer than she anticipated, so she tried to go back to sleep in hopes that she wouldn't have the same dream. Hour after hour passed and she couldn't sleep, which just annoyed her, so she decided to go talk to Brian in her tired state. Samantha briefly considered changing into fresher clothes, but eventually thought against it and walked out into the hallway. It was probably about six in the morning, or that's what she thought the alarm clock said before walking into the hallway. There wasn't a single person up at this time and if there were, they were still in their rooms.

She lightly knocked on the door and heard Brian groan as he woke up. It took a few minutes for him to wake up enough to get out of bed and answer the door. He was rather surprised to see Samantha standing there. "Sammy... what the hell are you doing? It's like six in the morning, people like to still be sleeping at this time," Brian said as he yawned and moved out of the way so Samantha could walk in. "I know and I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep and I feel like I need to talk to you about stuff..." was Samantha's reply as she walked in. Brian closed the door behind her and yawned again as he made his way over to the bed to lay back down. Samantha sat at the end of the bed, thinking about how to put what she wanted to say into words. There was an awkward silence between the two that seemed to drag on longer than it should have. Finally, Samantha mustered up the courage and first asked Brian that he hold any questions until after she was done and that he believe everything she said. After Brian had agreed with her terms she began to tell him her side of the story. "So you remember how my brother supposedly got hurt...? Well that's not exactly true, he's actually doing very well and is still in this resort. Brian... until a few days ago... I never existed, it's me... Thomas," she said as tears ran down her cheeks. "It's been me the entire time..." She waited for Brian's response which was only making her cry more. Brian didn't say a word as he sat up and moved over to Samantha, pulling her into a hug. "I know, Sammy," Brian whispered into her ear as she cried into his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Brian continued to hold her until she had calmed down enough. When she was calm, she asked him how he knew, since she had done such a good job at keeping her real identity hidden. "Thomas or Samantha, whatever you want me to keep calling you, I've known since yesterday. Your friend Emmi, or the Ebil Witch Lady, showed me something and well... She explained what had happened to you and I just want you to know I'll be there for you. You are my best friend after all," Brian smiled as he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "Samantha, I prefer you call me Samantha. That's who I am now, and that's who I will be till I die..." Samantha replied as she wiped the tears out of her eyes. "What did she show you, exactly?" Brian's expression turned dark as he told Samantha about what Emmi had shown him. Her reaction was just about the same when he got to the part about future Thomas killing himself, yet at the same time she felt better knowing that wouldn't happen anymore. Both felt a lot better knowing that they both knew what had happened. Brian was still tired from waking up so early and had mentioned something about catching a nap for a few hours. He even made the offer for Samantha to join him. The color in her cheeks turned from a light pink to a deep red as she remembered the dream she had before waking up.

"Umm... I think I should tell you something else before I make my decision," she said as she continued to think about the dream. "Well tell away!" Brian chuckled as he went and lied down again, closing his eyes. Still blushing, she told him about the very explicit dream that she had. It was Brian's turn for his cheeks to turn red in embarrassment as she finished her story. "Wow that's... descriptive? I honestly don't know what to say," he said trying not to laugh. "I know I've had some good sex dreams, but I don't really remember them. So I think you win this one, Sammy." Another weight had been lifted off of Samantha and she felt even better knowing that Brian wasn't freaking out. She still felt embarrassed, but decided not to let it bother her that much as she finally decided to take Brian up on his offer and walked over to lay next to him. Samantha had snuggled up next to Brian and the two fell back asleep. Good story? Or room for improvment? Please review!

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