Download - Ferrier SMdynamics

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamics of Serial Manipulators

    Professor Nicola Ferrier

    ME Room 2246, 265-8!"ferrier#en$r%&isc%e'u

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamic Mo'elin$

    ( For manipulator arms)

    * Relate forces+torues at oints to t.e motionof manipulator / loa'

    ( E0ternal forces usually only consi'ere' at t.een'-effector

    ( 1raity 3lift arms is a maor consi'eration

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamic Mo'elin$

    ( Nee' to 'erie t.e euations of motion

    * Relate forces+torue to motion

    ( Must consi'er 'istriution of mass

    ( Nee' to mo'el e0ternal forces

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Manipulator in7 Mass

    ( onsi'er lin7 as a system of particles

    * Eac. particle .as mass, 'm

    * Position of eac. particle can e e0presse'usin$ for&ar' 7inematics


  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Manipulator in7 Mass( 9.e 'ensity at a position 0 is ρ30,

    * usually ρ  is assume' constant

    ( 9.e mass of a o'y is $ien y

    * &.ere is t.e set of material comprise t.e o'y

    ( 9.e center of mass is

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  


  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    7/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    ( Ne&ton-Euler approac.

    * P is asolute linear momentum

    * F is resultant e0ternal force

    * Mo is resultant e0ternal moment &rt point o

    * ;o is moment of momentum &rt point o

    ( a$ran$ian 3ener$y met.o's

    Euations of Motion

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    8/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    ( a$ran$ian usin$ $enerali

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    9/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Euations of Motion

    ( a$ran$ian Dynamics, continue'

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    10/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Euations of Motions

    ( Rootics te0ts &ill use met.o' to'erie euations of motion

    * :n =ME "!) >'ance' Rootics an'>utomation? &e use a a$ran$ian approac.usin$ computational tools from 7inematics

    to 'erie t.e euations of motion

    ( For simple roots 3planar t&o lin7 arm,Ne&ton-Euler approac. is strai$.t


  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    11/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Manipulator Dynamics

    ( :solate eac. lin7

    * Nei$.orin$ lin7s apply e0ternal forces an'torues

    ( Mass of nei$.orin$ lin7s

    ( E0ternal force in.erite' from contact et&een tip

    an' an oect( D@>lemert force 3if nei$.orin$ lin7 is


    * >ctuator applies pure torue or pure

    force 3y D; conention alon$ t.e

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    12/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  


     9.e follo&in$ are &%r%t% reference frame R)

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    13/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Force on :solate' in7

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    14/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    9orue on :solate' in7

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    15/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  


    >pplie' y

    actuators in< 'irection

    Force-torue alance on manipulator

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    16/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Ne&ton@s a&

    ( > net force actin$ on o'y pro'uces a

    rate of$e of momentum inaccor'ance &it. Ne&ton@s a&

    ( 9.e time rate of$e of t.e totalan$ular momentum of a o'y aout t.eori$in of an inertial reference frame iseual to t.e torue actin$ on t.e o'y

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    17/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Force+9orue on lin7 n

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    18/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Ne&ton@s a&

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    19/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Ne&ton-Euler >l$orit.m

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    20/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Ne&ton-Euler >l$orit.m

    A% ompute t.e inertia tensors,

    2% Bor7in$ from t.e ase to t.e en'-effector, calculate t.e positions,elocities, an' accelerations of t.e

    centroids of t.e manipulator lin7s &it.respect to t.e lin7 coor'inates37inematics

    "% Bor7in$ from t.e en'-effector to t.e

    ase of t.e root, recursiely calculatet.e forces an' torues at t.e actuators&it. respect to lin7 coor'inates

    =. f 'i ? f

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    21/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier$e of coor'inates? forforce+torue

    R i N t E l

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    22/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Recursie Ne&ton-Euler>l$orit.m

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    23/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    9&o-lin7 manipulator

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    24/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    9&o lin7 planar arm

    C   θA

    D; tale for t&o lin7 arm

    0 02


    in7 ar   θ '   α a

    A   θA   θA A

    2   θ2   θ2 2

    A 2




  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    25/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    For&ar' inematics) planar 2-lin7 arm

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    26/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    For&ar' inematics) planar 2-lin7 manipulator

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics

    27/39ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    For&ar' inematics) planar 2-lin7 manipulator

    &%r%t% aseframe GH

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    For&ar' inematics) planar 2-lin7 manipulator

    position ector from ori$in offrame to c%o%m% of lin7 Ae0presse' in frame

    position ector from ori$in

    of frame A to c%o%m% of lin7 2e0presse' in frame

    position ector from ori$inof frame A to ori$in of frame2 e0presse' in frame

    position ector from ori$in offrame to ori$in of frame A

    e0presse' in frame

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    For&ar' inematics) planar 2-lin7 manipulator

    &%r%t% ase frame GH

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Point Mass mo'el for t&o lin7 planar arm

    D; tale for t&o lin7 arm

    mA m2

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamic Mo'el of 9&o in7 >rm&+point mass

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    1eneral Form





    oriolis Jcentripetalterms

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    1eneral Form) No motion

    Ioint toruesreuire' to .ol'manipulator in a

    static position 3i%e%

    counter$raitational forces

    1raity terms

    No motion so

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    :n'epen'ent Ioint ontrol reisite'

    ( alle' =ompute' 9orue Fee'for&ar'?in te0t

    ( Kse 'ynamic mo'el / setpoints 3'esire'position, elocity an' acceleration from

    7inematics+traectory plannin$ as afee'for&ar' term

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Manipulator motion from input torues

    :nte$rate to $et

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamic Mo'el of 9&o in7 >rm&+point mass

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamics of 2-lin7 * point mass

    Dynamics in loc7 'ia$ram of 2 lin7 3point mass

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    ME 439 Professor N. J. Ferrier  

    Dynamics in loc7 'ia$ram of 2-lin7 3point mass

    Dynamics of 2 lin7 slen'er ro'

  • 8/17/2019 Ferrier SMdynamics


    Dynamics of 2-lin7 * slen'er ro'

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