  • Page 1 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019

    St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

    847-966-8145 -

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    Dear Parishioner,

    As you can see in our weekly offertory reports published in the bulletin, we are falling behind in our budgeted goal for Sunday and Holy Day Collections. The shortfall through January 20, 2019, is $41,960.00.

    If at all possible, I am asking you to add at least an additional $2 a week to your current weekly Sunday offering at St. John Brebeuf. If you can afford more, that would be great.

    This money supports our operating budget. Our actual income from the Sunday and Holy Day Collections has remained relatively flat over the past five years, but this year we are experiencing a decline of $12,314.60 from the same period last year.

    The decline comes in spite of the fact that St. John Brebeuf is the most well-attended church in this area. We have 400 more people attending Sunday Mass than at any other parish in our deanery, including OLPH and St. Paul of the Cross. Nearly 2,800 people worship at St. John Brebeuf every weekend!

    If each family in our parish gives at least $2 more a week, this problem will be solved.

    This decline in revenue is due mainly to the loss of long-time parishioners who have died or have moved. We have seen younger families move in and they have been very generous, but overall the parish is gradually becoming smaller. We are holding steady in other areas of our budget, and have even found ways to reduce operating costs in some areas.

    There are some who have given the same amount for many years and are in a position to do more. If this is something you could do, I encourage you to make an effort to give more, and to give consistently each Sunday either through envelopes or through GiveCentral online giving. If you cannot give more at this time, I understand and hope you will continue to give what your budget allows.

    St. John Brebeuf is a great parish. We are busy, our parking lot is always full, and we have many dynamic ministries and activities. We are a full-service parish

    with a school and a beautiful hall and campus. We are very generous to those in need, and we have made many capital improvements over the past eight years.

    Now, however, is the time to address our operating budget. We must increase our regular Sunday and Holy Day income, and I ask that you join me by adding at least $2 each week to your offertory gifts.

    Thank you for your suppor t. I'm grateful for all you do and I will keep you in my prayers.

    Peace, Father Mike Meany

    Drodzy parafianie, Jak widzisz w naszym cotygodniowym raporcie nie osiągamy naszego zaplanowanego budżetu na niedzielę i święta. Niedobór do 20 stycznia 2019 r. wynosi 41 960,00 USD, a liczba ta rośnie z każdym mijającym tygodniem. Jeśli to możliwe, proszę o dodanie co najmniej 2 dolarów do cotygodniowej niedzielnej ofiary w St. John Brebeuf. Jeśli możesz pozwolić sobie na więcej, byłoby wspaniale. Te pieniądze wspierają nasz budżet operacyjny. W ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat nasze rzeczywiste dochody z niedzieli i świąt zmniejszają się, ale w tym roku mamy do czynienia ze spadkiem o 12,314,60 USD porównując ten sam okres z ubiegłego roku. Spadek ten następuje pomimo tego, że św. Jan Brebeuf jest najbardziej uczęszczanym kościołem w naszej okolicy. Mamy 400 osób więcej uczestniczących w niedzielnej Mszy Sw. niż w jakiejkolwiek innej parafii w naszym dziekanacie, wtym OLPH i św. Pawła od Krzyża. Prawie 2800 ludzi oddaje cześć św. Janowi Brebeuf w weekend!

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    Jeśli każda rodzina w naszej parafii da tylko 2 USD więcej w tygodniu, problem ten zostanie rozwiązany. Ten spadek dochodów wynika głównie z utraty długoletnich parafian, którzy zmarli lub zmienili miejsce zamieszkania. Widzimy młodsze rodziny, które się wprowadziły i są bardzo hojne, ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc parafia stopniowo się zmniejsza. Trzymamy się stabilnie w innych obszarach naszego budżetu i znalaźliśmy sposoby na obniżenie kosztów operacyjnych w niektórych obszarach. Są tacy, którzy ofiarują tą samą kwotę od wielu lat i są w stanie ofiarować więcej. Jeśli możesz to zrobić zachęcam cię, byś starał się ofiarować więcej i dawać konsekwentnie w każdą niedzielę poprzez koperty lub poprzez GiveCentral online. Jeśli nie możesz ofiarować więcej w tym momencie, rozumiem i mam nadzieję, że nadal będziesz dawał to, na co pozwala twój budżet. Św. Jan Brebeuf jest wspaniałą parafią. Mamy ruchliwą parafię, nasz parking jest zawsze pełny i mamy wiele dynamicznie działających ministerstw . Jesteśmy parafią z pełną obsługą ze szkołą, piękną salą i kampusem. Jesteśmy bardzo hojni dla potrzebujących i dokonaliśmy wielu ulepszeń kapitałowych w ciągu ostatnich ośmiu lat. Dziękujemy Wam! Teraz nadszedł czas, aby zająć się naszym budżetem operacyjnym. Potrzebujemy zwiększyć naszą regularną niedzielną ofiarę i dochód ze Święt Bożego Narodzenia. Proszę, przyłącz się do mnie, dodając co najmniej 2 dolary do swoich cotygodniowych datków. Dziękuję za Twoje wsparcie. Jestem wdzięczny za wszystko, co robicie. Rozpoczynając ten Nowy Rok zapewniam Waso mojej modlitwie w Waszych intencjach. Pokój niech będzie z Wami. Ks. Michael Meany

    A Look at Our Annual Expenses As I said in my letter this week, we have a well-attended parish with many excellent activities and facilities. There is, however, a cost associated with our operations. I wanted to share a few of our annual costs: Telephone: $23,679.00 annually Heating: $32,000.00 annually Electricity: $52,040.00 annually Water/Sewer: $31,950.00 annually Landscaping: $17,325.00 annually $2,475 per month April-October, including all mowing, shrub trimming, fertilizing, weeding, plus Spring/Fall cleanup and litter removal Security: $4,060.00 annually Traffic control for Sundays; special events such as Carnival not included Missalettes: $8,378 per set Snow Removal: $1,470 per three-hour session Salt, sidewalks and around the whole block by 6:30 am when it snows 2 or more inches; sometimes they have to return for another session with one storm We have repeatedly sought bids for landscaping and snow plowing, and G&L are the best in terms of price and service. Father Mike Meany

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    Monday, February 4 - Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - All Parishioners Tuesday, Februay 5 - St. Agatha Virgin and Martyr 6:30 - Marie Merkel (35th d/a) 8:30 - John Lewandowaski, Michael Koseor (1st d/a), Jean & John Jankowski Wednesday, February 6 - St. Paul and Miki Companions, Martyrs 6:30 - Claire Lee, Robert Boller, 8:30 - Tereesa V. Remando (d/a) 7:00 - Polish Stanislaw & Katarzyna Lisowski Mieczyslaw Gornik (Health & Blessings) Thursday, February 7 - Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Alfredo Dizon, Julita Trovela (1st d/a) Friday, February 8 - Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Albert De Lorenzo, Danuta Stach (4th d/a) Saturday, February 9 - Weekday 7:30 - Avelina Filoteo 5:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Julita Trovela (1st d/a), In honor os St Christopher, Bernard Waltenspiel (Bday Blessings)

    6:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski Mieczyslaw Matraszek (10th d/a) Barbara Adamski (3rd d/a), Daniel, Dariusz, Antonina & Stanislaw Nowakowski, Stanislawa, Wladyslaw, & Adam Czekaj, Sebastian & Janusz Kepa Sunday, February 10 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek In Honor of St. Cecilia 9:00 - Celebrant - Fr . Przemek Edward & Irena Mordel, Luigi De Girolamo 10: 45 - Celebrant - Fr. Meany Walter & Mary Bialka, Maria Francesca Fernandes 12:30 - Polish, Celebrant - Fr. Samborski Henryk Raszcuk, Andrzej Mucha, Stefania, Marian & Wladyslaw Tutaj, Daniel Szacilowski, Maria Cynar, Eugenia, Apolonia & Jozef Dopart, Tomasz Boczar (34th d/a), Wladyslaw Boczar (6th d/a), Zofia Boczar, Michael Puacz, Deceased Members of Szymanski Family, Deceased Members of Stankiewicz Family, Stefan Milewski, Lucyna Milewska -Stanisz (34th d/a) Marianna Niemotko (81st Bday Blessings), Teresa Mroczko (Successful Surgery) 6:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski All Parishioners

    Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of Feb. 4-10

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    MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way

    by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each week. Suggested donation is $50.

    Please contact the parish office to select a date.

    Altar Bread and Wine For the week of February 3, 2019 offered for:

    Adam Zalak

    Donated by: Ann Zalak & Family


    Wanda Tuszynski

    Mary Miller Bernard J. Miller III

    We Pray for Our Ill Members Madeline Albano (1) Mary Hickey (3) K. Kozeny (2) Devin Pittges (3) Frances Liszewski (2) Patricia Severin (2) Anna Wlodkowska (4) Elena Sioson (4) Jody Baty (2) Wittum Family (1) Steven Dowdy (3) Patricia Harris (3) Verene Schoenmann (1) Virginia Brekke (4) Names will appear on this list for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared. If there is no call to the office after the fourth week, the name will be placed on the parish website. The list is under “Quick Links,” click on “We Pray For.” at

    Celebrating our SJB

    Military Remembrance

    St. John Brebeuf Parish accepts family members names, branch of service, and photo. Please bring them to the par-ish office, Attention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Ma-rines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard. Please remember in prayer the following who are cur-rently serving in the Armed Forces Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler May they return safely to their families. If your loved one's name appears on this list and his/her rank is not included, please contact the parish of-fice so the information can be added. Thank you. If you or your loved one is no longer in active service, please call the parish office to let us know.


    Adorers Needed!

    We have the “Word of Eternal Life” right here with us in our Adoration

    Chapel. Do you have something you want to ask Him? There are several hours needing adorers. Please pick one for your personal hour with Him. Mondays: 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Wednesdays: 7:00 am, 8:00am, & 3:00 pm Thursdays: 10:00 am & 4:00 pm. Fridays: 4:00 pm, Saturdays: 10:00 am & 11:00 am Please sign up to spend one hour a week with Jesus. He waits for you!!! Sign up cards are on the counter in the chapel area. After you fill in the information, leave it on the coun-ter. It will be picked up and someone will call you.

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    11:00 AM - 15:00 PM W programie: Msza Swięta; Konferencje biblijne; Modlitwy; Możliwość zapisania się do APOSTOLSTWA NIEUSTAJACEGO RóZANCA 8 Wrzesień - sala C przy


    6 Październik - sala C 3 Listopad – Flanagal Hall w

    szkole 5 Styczeń - sala C 2 Luty – Flanagan Hall w

    szkole 2 Marzec – sala C 6 Kwiecień – Flanagal Hall w

    szkole 4 Maj – Flanagal Hall w


    Devotions in the Church Rosary

    Monday through Friday After 8:30 AM Mass

    After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Every First Wednesday of the Month Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

    Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

    Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Inc. Benediction )

    First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    After 8:30 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

    First Saturday Devotions

    To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and

    After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

    Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group

    Monday 7:00 PM

    Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM

    Hour of Divine Mercy

    Friday 3:00 PM Includes Stations of the Cross) Pray for priests every Thursday

    Zapraszamy Serdecznie na DZIEN SKUPIENIA APOSTOLSTWA

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8;

    Saturday: February 9, 2019 5:00 pm Arabella Gomez 6:30 pm Eva Wanat Emilia Stopka Sunday: February 10, 2019 9:00 am Billy Fabbri Vincent Macam 10:45 am Jagoda Samborska Maximilian Gold Bryce Gozar 12:30 pm Michelle & Maya Dorosz Sebastian Drozd Christian Mozdierz 6:00 pm Nathaniel Sison Jake Wargo

    The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayer daily, Monday through Friday, following the 8:30am Mass: Saturday, after the 7:30am Mass; Sunday before the 7:30am Mass.

    Praying the Rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful.

    Intencje mszalne -- Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje mszalne do biura parafialnego 14 dni przed żądanymterminem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy termin biuletynu, czas ten zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św. Requests for Mass Inten ons -- Please submit all Mass Inten-

    ons to the parish office two weeks in advance of your re-quest so they can be printed in the bulle n. (Unless there is an early deadline for bulle n, this will be shortened). Only inten-tions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass.

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    St. John Brebeuf School Open House

    January 27, 2019

    Current and prospective students — and even Father Meany, John Jekot, and Dr. Mary Maloney, Principal — enjoyed having Chicago Wolves mascot “Skates” attend the school open house last Sunday.

    Great fun in the preschool room during the annual open house!

    Registration at St. John Brebeuf School is now taking place for the 2019-2020 school year

    Schedule a tour today! Call 847-966-3266 or visit

    Congratulations to our very own parish-ioners Mel & Shirley Koenigs! Here they are with Cardinal Cupich and Father Meany at the 2018 Lumen Cordium Society Cardinal’s Christmas Reception. They are holding their Papal Blessing, which was given to them at the St. John Brebeuf School Annual Gala when they received the 2018 Sheila Harrington Award.


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    February 3: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary time In the Gospel today, Jesus show us that we are called to place gospel values be-

    fore any other values and to be willing to put our lives on the line for them. Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gospel values.

    Is God is calling you to join the Society of St.

    Vincent de Paul? Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

    All information will be strictly confidential.

    St. John Brebeuf Parish Office Telephone: (847) 966-8145

    3 luty: Czwarta Niedziela Zwykła W dzisiejszej Ewangelii Jezus pokazuje nam, że jesteśmy powołani do umieszczania wartości ewangelii ponad

    innzmi wartościami i do tego, abyśmy byli gotowi oddać życie za nie. Dbanie o ubogich Boga jest żywą wartością ewangelii. Czy Bóg wzywa Cię do przyłączenia się do To-warzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo? Jeśli znasz rodzinę która potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwoń do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem możemy pomóc cierpiacym i potrzebu-jącym.

    Wszystkie informacje bedą ściśle poufne. Biuro Parafijalne Sw. Jana Brebeufa

    (847) 966-8145

    SJB WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2019 Nominations are now open for our SJB Woman of the Year for 2019. There are so many deserving women in our parish who may be nominated for this award. The officers of the Catholic Women’s Club will carefully review the nomination before voting, and their selec-tion will be announced in March. Please include information about your nominee’s family, parish, and community activities as well as your reasons for nominating her for this hon-or. Profiles must be limited to 200 words. Deadline for nominations is March 3. Please

    send your nomination to Judi Stephens, 20540 N. Buckeye Road, Barrington, IL 60010. Contact Judi at (847) 842-9295 if you have any questions. Following is a list of women still active in our parish who have been honored in the past: Lois Kozeny, Clara Weiss, Charlotte Lindquist, Judi Stephens, Barbara Bronder, Dorothy Mimp, Penny Guerrieri, Lois Mac-Adam, Barbara Swift, Donna Ellwanger, Sandy Galassi, Shirley Koenigs, Sue Doczekalski, Connie Sparkow-ski , Alice Koppenstiner, Virginia Ryan, and, most recently, Annette Pilousek. Our 2019 Woman of the Year will be honored at a Chicago Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) Vicariate II luncheon at Chateau Ritz on Saturday, May 11. Reservations will be $35 for the luncheon with cash bar available.

    Knights of Columbus News The Knights of Columbus will hold their next business meeting on Weds., Feb. 6

    at 7:00 PM at the St. John Brebeuf Parish Ministry Center (8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL).

    Visit for more information.

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    Please designate St. John Brebeuf School—Thank you!

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    Proszę wybierz Szkołę Sw. Jana Brebeuf - Dziekuję

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    The Polish School of Nicholas Copernicus invites you to a Carnival Party on February 23, 2019 at 7:00 pm

    Tickets are $80.00 (includes dinner, sweet table, open bar, and wine on the table).

    For more information and to buy tickets: 847-738-0411 or [email protected]

    St. John Brebeuf BINGO! Sunday, February 10, 2019

    St. John Brebeuf Ministry Center –

    8305 N. Harlem Avenue, Niles FREE Admission

    (Must be 18 & over to play) (Hosted by Holy Name Men’s Club)

    $15.00 for 15 Games

    Pay-Out’s determined by Attendance

    Additional Chance to Win PULL TABS AVAILABLE!!!!

    Doors Open at 2:30pm

    Games Begin at 3:00pm Refreshments Available

    For Further Information Contact

    Dennis O’Donovan at 847-744-2927 John Jekot at 847-651-7624

    Bingo License #B-04157 Pull Tab License #P-02154


    Last year the Catholic Women’s Club’s St. Joseph Celebration was a huge success. The celebration this year will take place on Sunday,

    March 3rd at Lone Tree Banquets.

    Stay tuned for more information!

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    St. John Brebeuf Holy Name Men’s Club &

    Catholic Women’s Club Presents


    Monday, February 11, 2019 St. John Brebeuf Ministry Center 8305 N. Harlem Avenue, Niles


    Doors Open At 6:30pm

    Entertainment Begins At 7:00pm




    Refreshments Will Be Available

    Table Snacks – Sweet Table – Coffee – Beer – Wine – Soda – Specialty Drink

    RSVP Preferred:

    Dennis O’Donovan: 847-744-2927 John Jekot: 847-651-7624

    Carolyn Drblik: 847-967-1172

    Attention: High School Senior Girls

    The Chicago Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) is accepting applica-

    tions for a yearly $1000 Scholarship ($4000 over four years) offered to high school seniors who are Catholic (attending Catholic, public, private, or home school). The deadline is in March, so please contact Judi Stephens, SJB CWC ACCW representative, for an application as soon as pos-sible at (847) 842-9295. Last year only 33 applications were received, so your chances are good. We would love to see an SJB girl win this!

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    Ministers of Care Needed! Our Ministry of Care group is looking for more people to join us in helping the homebound to be able to receive the Holy Eucharist. We are blessed to have 14 ministers, but we need more. This is a very rewarding ministry. The visits take about 12 to 15 minutes, and consist of short pray-

    ers, reading the Gospel, and distributing communion. Our homebound parishioners truly look forward to receiving Je-sus. Father Przemek will be offering training sessions beginning in February. Please give this ministry serious thought. If you have questions, please call the parish office at 847-966-8145 and leave a message for me, or return the form below to the office. Thank you, Ann Zalak , Coordinator, Ministry of Care

    Yes! I want more information about becoming a Minister of Care! Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (Home) _______________________________ (work) __________________________________

    Please return this form to the Parish Office.

    Scripture Study Plan to attend our Lenten Scripture study session, beginning Sunday, February 17, 2019. We will explore the book of Revelations. This study invites the modern reader to revisit a volatile period of history through apocalyptic, symbolic writing. Enter into the struggle between good and evil, hear the call to conversion, and experience God’s ultimate triumph. Revelation’s apocalyptic imagery, symbolic colors and numbers are explored. The evils of the Roman Empire during a specific period of time persecution are behind much of the apocalyptic imagery. It contains letters to seven churches of Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which urge faithfulness to Christ. Powerful visions of God and the victorious lamb in heaven are unveiled as God and the lamb achieve the ultimate and absolute victory over evil, culminating in a new heaven and a new earth with a new Jerusalem as home to God’s holy people.

    There are 8 sessions leading up to Easter. We will begin on Sunday 02/17/19. We meet every Sunday from 10:00 am – Noon. Fee is $10.00 which includes study material. Please contact Chester Gilbert for information at: 847-966-4789 or [email protected]

    SCRIPTURE STUDY— REGISTRATION CARD Please return form and fee to the Parish Office.

    Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: (Home) _______________________________ (work) ___________________________________ Fee ($10) paid: ____________

    Fundamental Commitment: Prayer-Presence-Preparation-Participation

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    We are again asking our parishioners to participate in this special fund-raiser to help women in crisis preg-nancies by supporting the pro-life work of the Catholic-run Women's Centers of Greater Chicagoland. Ba-by bottles will be found in main en-trances of the church for you to take home and fill with spare change. Any checks should be made out directly to The Women's Cen-ters. Over the prior 13 years our parish has already raised over $239,000 which helped to save 240 babies, who are now living out their lives amongst us. Many of them in turn will have children of their own. Con-tinuing in the spirit of Christmas, let our parishioners of all ages, includ-ing the children, work together to save even more little lives. Please return the bottles before any of the masses on the weekend of February 9-10. Please take one bot-tle per family. Extras will be availa-ble in the back of the church the next couple of weekends if you fill up your first one. Thank you for participating in this worthy cause.

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    Children’s Bulletins

    Children’s bulletins are near the entrances at the back of the church. Children may use the bulletin to color during Mass, and may take it home to read. We hope your family experiences Jesus!

    SJB CHILDRENS CORNER Joy in Jesus Sunday Program

    The "Joy in Jesus" program is open to children ages 3 1/2 through kindergarten. Classes are held in the school during the 10:45 am Mass each Sunday. The second half of this year's session began on January 6th. There are several openings in the classes at this time. For information, call Charlotte Lindquist at 847-470-1434.

    SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children's Liturgy of the Word continues to grow as more children are joining us for this special worship experience. The Liturgy is geared espe-cially for children ages 6-10. It is a special oppor-tunity for children to understand and appreciate Scripture at Sunday Mass at 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Polish Mass. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word ministry will continue until June of 2019. We welcome all of our children ages 6-10 to participate!

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    A Few Words About Wills More than a mere legal document that will be accepted in a court of human law, a well-prepared will is a statement of faith, hope and love. Family, charities, and others in need will benefit from this, your final; act of material kindness.

    St. John Brebeuf Parish would consider it a privilege to be mentioned in your will. Thank you, for not only your consideration but for all your other gift sacrifices.

    February 3: Super Sunday Kickoff Party, 2 pm February 3: Life Teen Mass, 6:00 pm & Life Night following. February 10: Holy Name Men’s Club Bingo, doors open at 2:30 pm. February 11: HNMC & CWC Valentine’s Party, 6:30 pm in PMC February 17: Scripture Study begins, 10:00 am February 17: Musica Lumina Orchestra, Favor ite Opera Love Ar ias, 3:00 pm Please note that Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on Mon, Tues., and Wed. 7:30-10 pm. Golden Agers meet every Tuesday for Bingo 8:00am -1:00pm in PMC C. The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so please check to confirm events.

    Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB Exploring the Diaconate

    For those discerning the call from Vicariate II

    Please join us, with your wives, if married, as we explore the potential of a vocation, engage in dialogue and pray in search of the next step. All are welcome to attend any of the sessions. No registration required.

    Tuesday, February 5, 7:30 pm St. Monica Church

    5136 N. Nottingham Ave., Chicago, IL 60656

    Beyenka Hall - (5115 N. Mont Clare) on the corner of Mont Clare and Carmen. For more information call: 847-837-4564

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    St. John Brebeuf Church Staff

    Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Piotr Samborski

    Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin

    Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired, Andy Beierwaltes

    Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:

    Marek Rachelski Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney

    Director Youth Ministry: Krystyna Sobocinska

    Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor: Maria R. Garcia

    Fr. Thomas May Ministry Center Parish Office

    8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

    Mon, Tue, Thur : 9am - 8pm, Wed, Fri: 9am - 7pm

    Sat: 9am - 6:30pm, Sun: 9:30am - 12:30pm Website: E-mail: [email protected]

    School: (847) 966-3266 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

    Website: Religious Education: (847) 966-3269 Youth Office: (847) 966-9815

    Baptisms: Last Sunday of each month during 10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service

    (Polish): First Weekend of each month: at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &

    Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.

    Matrimony: Four months notice is minimal. Eucharistic Adoration:

    In Parish Ministry Center Chapel Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7am - 8pm

    Wednesdays and Fridays 7am - 7pm Saturdays 7am - 5pm

    Mass Schedule

    Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM

    Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM

    First Friday: 7:00 PM Mass (Polish) See Bulletin for Holy Days Reconciliation - Saturday

    11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish) First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)

    February 3, 2019

    “We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through prayer, sacraments, life-

    long formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

  • Page 19 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019

    CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 3, 2019 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 18 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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