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Regina Q. Munoz

When I was a child my mother went abroad to work so, my father took over the

responsibility of taking care of me. My father is a very strict man. He easily gets irritated and

mad especially when a person is careless on things. As a child I would always want to watch

cartoons and Barbie but for him I cannot learn something from watching cartoons. So, I always

watch action movies and discovery channel and those kinds of TV shows with him. He is also a

man who likes to help others. His friends ask him for some good advice. He was the one who

taught me how to understand things and that people would always do and want what’s good for

their loved ones.

There was also a time when my father went abroad to work. My parents left me to my

grandparents. I think most of the time, even when my parents are around; my grandparents were

the ones really taking care of me which was why I felt so sad when my grandfather died. My

grandfather was also strict when comes to education but he is also very loving.

There were a lot of conflicts in our family then. I remembered the time when my parents

separated. I lived with my grandmother because she asked mu mother to leave me with her. My

grandmom took the responsibility of my parents and she also took over the responsibility of my

grandfather in the house. She can sew and she can also do carpentry. She can cook and she also

knows how to fix things that are broken, those kinds of stuff that most girls would have to

depend on boys to do. She’s hardworking and strong. I think it also is an advantage that I was

there not only to have someone to help her but so she can have me to be with her. She also is a

very strict woman; she’s overprotective especially when I already had my menstruation. I think it

was really on purpose that we stayed together. When my grandfather died, I was there to be with

her, even though there were times that she would left me alone at the house because she also has

meetings, and when my parents separated, a situation that made me so confused and depressed,

my grandmother was there for me. I understood how she felt. She had the most significant

impact in my life. She’s like the person who taught me things that I would need in life so I can

survive. Seeing her and what she does made me see that life will always keep moving forward.

As I grew up, I had been more aware of family situations. The separation of my parents

also made me closer to my mother. At first, it was so difficult because we would always fight.

And since I grew up with my father’s side of the family, I have some attitudes learned from them

and my mother will always tell me that I am more like my father, strict. However, as I grew up

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Regina Q. Munoz

we have established a good relationship. I tell her almost all of my problems in school, in the

house, and with my father. She’s the person that I can really talk to. She’s the person who taught

me that I can be what I want to be and that I have the will to choose to have a good life or not.

She also taught me that pain and problems with get the most of you if you let it but you still have

a choice to be happy.

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